Clinton News-Record, 1957-10-17, Page 6PA= SIX
N�ws of Bayfield
1955 Ontario Champion Rural Colrredpu4deftt
Mra. Flank Livingston,. Teronto,.
Was the guest of her cousins, J.
B, Buchan and Miss Luey R,
•Woods front Friday to Monday,
'Mr. and Mrs, James Day, and
family, Grosse Point, were at
their cottage over the week end.
Miss Helen,, McLeod, London, is
home for a week's vacation..
Misses Ruth and Heather Ferg-
uson, London, were at . #their cot-
tage over Thanksgiving.
The Reverand and Mrs. J. T.
Rdbinson, Stratford; Miss Daisy
Robinson, Montreal, and Walter
Robinson, Toronto, visited the
latter's mother, Mrs. W. H, Rob-
inson over the Thanksgiving, •
J. A. Orr, Stratford, spent
Thaniksgvinng at his cottage on
Bayfield Terrace,
Mr. and Mrs. John MacKenzie
and small daughter Margo, Tor-
onto, spent the Thanksgiving
week end with his 'parents Mr,
and: Mrs, J. MacKenzie,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Little and
Margaret, Brantford, were the
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Charles
Toms- on • Saturday and Sunday.
Dr. and. Mrs. A, L. Chapman,
Detroit, had Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
liam Itionias, Detroit, as guests
at their cottage over the week end,
Mr. and Mrs, Wiarren P. Cook
and family, London, were at their
cottage over the holiday week
end. -
Mr. and Mrs. J,-`° Fisher and
two sons, and the latter's sister*
Mrs. Geiger and two children Kit-
chener, occupied their cottage
over Thanksgiving.
Mrs, A. B. Gardiner, Clinton,
and brother Charles Brooks; Mit-
chell, spent the week end at her
cottage in Bailey Park.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Rolfe, Lon-
don, spent the holiday week end
at their cottage. Their guests in-
cluded, 1Vl;iss M. Fisher, Fred El-
liott, Pearce Baker and Mrs, 0,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayman and
two children, Joan and Laurie,
London, spent Thanksgiving at the
parental cottage.
Dr, W. L. Archer was here from
Thursday to Tuesday.. Mrs. Ar-
cher and family who have been
visiting her 'parents! Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. Haymtan since returning
from England, accompanied her
husband to make their home in
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson
and Francis, Science Hill, visited
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. J.
Sturgeon on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bauer and
family, Mr, and Mrs. E, Feiburger
and family, Mr. and Mrs, Kuntz,
Kitchener, spent Thanksgiving at
the E. J. Bauer cottagge.
Mr, and Mrs. M. Fisher and
Susan, Waterloo, were at their
cottage over the holiday weekend,
. Mr.. and Mrs. Don Kingsbury
and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. William
E. Parker were in Lucknow for
Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
R. Reid. They attended the bapt-
ism of Pamela Marie, baby daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert'Park-
er., London, which took place in
the Presbyterian Church.
Ronald Poth, Toronto, spent the
long weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. LeRoy Poth. Other
guests were Misses Ruth Sillence
and Janet Rogers. ]oronto, fonn,1"
e year Was
Truly Thankful
.Mon+a-.. Morning
erly of Wareham, England. rrhe
young ladies came to Canada do
the same ship on. which Mrs. Poth
returned recently from an Burop-
can tour,
Mrs, L, M. Burk, Mrs. HoWard
Burt and three children returned
to London on, Tuesday afternoon
after haying spent Thanksgiving at
their home on Sarnia Street. Mr.
and Mrs, Ronald Burt Who were
dile with thein for the weekend,
left for London Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. d, Pongraez,
Detroit, are at their cottage ,4n
the Jowett area from Monday u iz,
til Thursday,
Mr.' and'Mrs. D. .Sinclair, Mr,
and Mrs. A., J. C. Payne and Miss,,
Alice Payne, Sarnia, were 'guests
at The Albion Hotel on Sunday!
and Monday while on a sketchin'9,1
visit to Bayfield.
Visitors at H. N. Brandon's home
aver the weekend were; Mr, and
Mrs. Gordon Heard, Miss Shirley
Brandon, .London; Mr, and* 1ltfrs.
W. Pitblado, Toronto; l3obby Bran-
don, Grand Bend; Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Brandon and two children,
Mrs. John Pease and Ervine
Pease, London, were at their cot-
tage on Sunday. .
Miss Margaret Howard, Huron
College, washome for the Thanks-
giving weekend,
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Smith and
Janet occupied their cottage on
Sarnia Street, over the holiday
Mr. and Mrs. Harry , Baker,
Gwen and friend, Mr, and Mrs.
Douglas Long, London, were at
their cottage for the long weekend.
Occupying Jowett cottages over
the weekend were: Mr. and Mrs.
John MacKenzie and family, Wind-
sor; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fromer
and family, Kitchener; Mr. and
Mrs. J. 0, Hughes, Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Hughes,.Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hopson
were in Burlington for Thanks-
Harry Lawson, Kingston, visited..
his mother, Mrs. H. A. Lawson on
Thanksgiving Day.
Mr. and Mrs. William Parker,
London, were with her. parents,
Mr, and Mrs. J. Fraser over the
Mr. and Mrs. Harold King, Sar-
nia, Mr. and Mrs, Len. B. Smith,
London, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Rowse
and two children, Dorchester, vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Larson
on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. -William E. Parker
were in London with their son,
Robert and family on Thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Corrie,
Martha and David, visited friends
in Royal Oak, Mich., " from Satur-
day to Monday.
Miss Jacqueline Cluff, Teachers'
College, London, was home aver
the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight,
Mr. and Mrs. Art, Lattimer and
two boys, Toronto, were at the
Gemeinhardt family residence on
Louisa Street for the Thanksgiv-
Leslie Elliott and Melvin Davis-
on visited in.Detroit from Satur-
day until Monday.
Dr. and Mrs. R. Nicholls, Lon-
don, were with the latter's mother,
Mrs. Fred McEwen, over the
Thanksgiving weekend, Mrs. Me -
Ewan returned to London with
them for a visit.
Miss Ruth E. Hayman entertain-
ed 16 relatives and friends at a
Thanksgiving dinner at The Little
Inn on Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pounder were
at their cottage for Thanksgiving
and had with them Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Pounder and three daugh-
ters, Stratford and Mr. and Mrs,
Jack Pounder and two children.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pounder, John and
Cathy also visited Mrs. Pounder's
mother, Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer.
They left on Tuesday for London•
where they have purchased a
home. Mr. Pounder, who is a geo-
logist with the Imperial Oil Com-
pany, has recently been transfer-
red to London.
Master Braden Doerr, Mitchell,
is visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. E.
Miss Mary Marks, accompanied
by Victor Pickard, Toronto, spent
Sunday and Monday with her mo-
ther, Mrs. Charles Marks.
Miss Helen Blair was home aver
the weekend.
Misses Alice Drouin and Adele
Fernette, Detroit, returned to the
village oris Sunday for a few days
to enjoy the autumn colours.
Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter, Miss
Mary Filen Hunter and friend,
Sally Beth Hunter, Charles: Rogers
and fiance, Mrs. Charles F. Rogers,
Sr,, Toronto, were at their cottage
over the Thanksgiving weekend.
Mrs. F. P, Arkell was in 'Bur-
lington last week owing to the ill-
ness of her daughter-in-law, Thom-
as Arkell motored to the village'
with his mother on Sunday 'even-
ing, and left his son Kenny to
visit the little lad's grandparents.
Clinton Memorial Shop
Thomas Steep, Clinton' Representative
Phones —
Bus., HU 2-6606 - - - Res., HU 213869
We are shipping cattle every Monday for United
Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will
pick them up at your farm.
Please PHONE COLLECT notlater than Saturday nights.
Seaforth , Farmers Co-operative
H. S. Hunt, Shipper
PHONES—Day 9; Evenings 481w
Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association
An Example of a Grand Champion
Daughter of .a . Waterloo Unit Bull
AND WHITE SHOW, bred and !owned by Orval' Cham-
bers, Wilfrid, Ont. ISlie /won over the 1956 AU -Canadian
aged cow. She is ;a )daughter ,of Dhncroft Tradition. .
WHITE /SHOW—Woodruff Lena •Glenaffon, a ;daughter
of )Glenafton Milestone,. bred and owned by F. W.
Townsend, Belwood, Ont.
WHITE SHOW --Brittany Elmcroft Pansy, a daughter
' of IRlmeroft Tradition, bred by ,A. B. +Gaya, owned' by
Mrs. Jean Maya, Waterloo, pont.
WHITE'' SHOW ---Glen- Elda• lVtOntvie Ormsby, a dau.-
,ghter of ,Ehneroft,Monogram Duke, bred by Earl Moore,
Orton, Ont., owned by ,Karl iSedgewick, Grand Valley,
' SHOW—Orlea May Lochinvar Tradition, a daughter of
Elmcroft ?Tradition, bred land- owned by Orville Shew-
felt, .Kincardine? ?Ont. o
SHOW. --Lilian Banostine Milestone, .a daughtCrr of Glen -
often Milestone f bid 'by Eli i8. !Martin, +Eh ira, Ont.,
owned by Ed 1411, Blyth, Ont.
• Our congratulations to these people who bred, eared for, and
presented, these ianimaais. Also 'to those people who presented
Other ;prize winning ailirnaM This"'proves that daughters of our
' bulls will .win their share of honour 'when presented eor*ectly..
The ;production on the daughters -df Mir bulls is high., The Hires)
of these +Grand Champions aredstili in rservice with the exception
bf ;Elmcroft Monogram Duke whose place Ws. being taken by his
saw, Lonnelm ,Duke Retabier,
Better Cattle for Better Living
For service Or more information phone collect to:
CLINTON TSU 2-344. ,
Between: 7.30 and 10,00 a.m. on Week Days
7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays & Holidays
We Have All Breeds Dairy and Beef
Cities Service
Phone int 269663
Budget Plan Available
M No Extra Cost
"The Home of Good
Gteoh Fuels"
William (Pete).- Heard had a
narrow escape early Thanksgiving
morning, About, seven a.m. he was
bending aver attaching a chain
from the tractor to his three -ton
truck .at Marks gravel pit, off the
sideroad from Bayfield Concession
ROW north, Stanley Township, 'The
tfaetor moved ahead, catching his
)lead between it and the truck,
Almost miraculously the tractor
Moved back again, releasing him,
. He was alone but managed to
get into the truck and drive home,
boys saw his condition and
went out to the highway where
they stopped Charles Ball's truck
and asked him to get Cliff Utter
to drive their father to Clinton
Public Hospital.
f'ete's right ear was almost torn
Off and it required 20 stitches in.
and around it and five stitches to
close a cut on the left side of his
face.. He is going about swathed
in bandages, but Very thankful to
have escaped fatal injury.
Mrs. G. McArthur, 'Windsor,
Nova Scotia, is visiting her grand-
daughter, Mrs. R. Moore and fam-
r and Mrs. B. T. Stephenson,
Misses 1VIargaret and Barbara
Stephenson, Toronto, were at their
cottage from Friday to Monday.
Miss Ada Bingley, .Detroit, was
also with them for a couple of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLeod,
Byron, spent Thanksgiving Day
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
H. D. MacLeod. Their daughter
Cathy, who had been visiting her
grandparents, returned home with
Mr. and Mrs. William Mack re-
turned home to Orillia on Monday
after having spent, a week with
her sister, Mrs. J, M. Atkinson,
Colina Street.
The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison spent
Thanksgiving with his brother, the
Rev. A. H, Harrison and Mrs. Har-
rison, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook,
Evanston, I11,, came to their cot-
tage "Hightop" over the weekend
and are spending this week'here.
Guests at The Little Inn for
Thanksgiving were: Mr. and Mrs.
William, Mulholland, Guelph; Cap-
tain and Mrs. John Higgs, Birm-
ingham; Misses J, and O. Goven-
lock, Weston; Mr. -and Mrs. W. C.
Heine, London; Mrs. Winnifred
Heine, Norton, N.B.; Miss Marg-
aret Park, Miss Barbara Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer, Sr., Lan-
St. Paul's United Church, Pres-
ton, was the setting for the wed-
ding of Audrey Joyce Solonik,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Solonik, Preston, to Gerald Sam-
uel Sturgeon, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Sturgeon,' Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cook and
family, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. L.
A, Stephens and farriily, of "Loch
Hame"; Mr. and Mrs. William Bell
and fainily, Dearborn, Mich.; Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Peters, Doug and
Mary and Mr. and Mrs. George
Peters and Bev., Stratford, spent
Thanksgiving weekend at the Pop-
lars and closed their cottages for
the winter months.
(Intended for last week)
Mr. and Mrs. DesJardine, Billy,
Eric, Ken and Robert Plater, De-
troit, were at their cottage on
Colina Street over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hutchings
and Tony, Mrs. Robert Blair and
Brenda enjoyed a trip to Orange-
ville, Midland and home via Col-
lingwood and Eugenia Falls over
the weekend.
2 Families Camp
Outdoors in North
Ontario Regions
Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Francis and
three children, .Jimmy, Lloyd and
Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Irvine
and Mary Elizabeth returned on
Tuesday evening from an exciting
and ennoyalble camping trip of
1,220 miles to Sault Ste. Marie
and Iback.
They left here on Saturday
morning in Ervine's school bus,
and arrived at Jim„ McCallum's
carp near Britt at 4.30. The men
had stayed there while hunting.
McCallum was not 'home, so they
went back a bit into the bush and
Made their camp, The children
sleipt in sleeping bags in the bus
while the adults pitched tents and
used similar equipment.
.Aibout 11 o'clock they saw 'a
taxi drive up to McCallum's, Er-
vine and Francis immediately
started up to notify him of their
presence, The car had sighted the
lights in the 'bush and backed
away again, The taxi driver was
a woman and very nervous—and
next thing the police arrived. As
was to be expected, any strangers
were suspected because of the
search for bank bandits currently
going, on. -
It took McCallum a while to
recognize "Spin" and "Reg." but
he filially did, and the police were
assured, In the meantime Mrs.
Francis and Mrs. Ervine, sensing
what had happened, were on their
way up to the cabin to vouch for
their husbands.
They had :gone through various
police road blocks in the area. At
Sault Ste. Marie they camped in
the backyard of Mrs. Francis' girl-
friend. The next night they pitch-
ed their tents at Corbeil, another
spat where the men had been
hunted, and on Tuesday night were
home by 8.30, very tired, but very
happy. They'd had a grand trip.
The children had enjoyed it, espec-
ially the boys, and the women
were glad they had seen something
of aur own Northern Ontario about
which' their husbands tell them
every hunting season.
Asked if there was anything in
particular which struck her about
the North country, Mrs. Francis
said that the region. around North
Bay was not so pretty as other
parts. While it is a good hunting
section it seemed to have been
burned off at one time and it was
just growing up again. •
".10111111111111 00011111W II 111 IIIA 111111111 I III 111111111111
10 110111111011
12.11.2, CLINTON -.3,0 t.
IIU 2-6633
i ii 4,01 ll,101, 01011,lp0b,111,1111,01@111111 111111III III
III 11111fq
Former Bayfield
Boy Wins Plaque
For Life -Saving
'Guane Johns, nine-year-old son
of Mrs, John Erwebanks and grand-
son of Mr, and Mrs, J. M. Atkin -
5011, was recently presented with
plaque by the Mayor of Yuma,
Arizona, iii recognition of the
courageous part he played in sw-
ing Stevie Clung, three-year-old son,
of Mr. and Mrs,. John Cline,, from
Guane was sitting 'beside the
Flamingo Hotel .swimming Pett;
reading a comic hook. Three child-
ren were playing in the pool. About
9.45 am, Guane looked up and
saw Stevie floating face downward,
In his own words, "1 just jumped
in and brought him out." By:
standers helped •Guane' lift the. un-'
conscious child out of the pool.. A
guest at the hotel and ,the hotel
manager, applied artificial respira-
At 10.10 Stevie began to breathe
T 3 AA ', 0011013E13 17. 195
again and the doctor pronounced,
.bins out of .danger, The Clines-
were. residing in Orange Trailer
Court next to the. Flamingo. Hotel.
at yin -4a,. The hetal manager stat-
ed that he hp.d.warrled ;,mall child,
ren including.Btevie to stay away
from the. peal..
k,.. o..
Shim -mil powder packed in:,
consuinersiza containers for re-
tail sale in Canada during 1955 a --
mounted' to 10,209,000 pounds..
E �:E
Whoa kidneys fail to
remove, excess acids
had wastes, book.
glebe, tired feeling,
disturbed rest often
follow. Dodds
Kidney, Pills stirau4
Este. . kidney8 to
Herta l dutyYou
feel better—sleep
better, work better.
Get Dedd's at guy
drug store. You eau..
depend on Qodd'sr.
Qncoid Bewiti -
Home of the Fabulous
Luncheon'fiom 12 a.m.
to 12° pan.
From $065 up
A1e#ta �d
Recommended by Henri, Edmond:
4o,to:96b Open Every. Sunday
Supplement Fading Pastore
W r TII''
"Cow's Best Friend'
BULKY -LAS is nourishing feed,
bulked out with best pulp and
bran, fortified with minerals of-
ten lacking.',in grain and rough-
age, loaded with conditioning
and appetizing"•. molasses .— pal-
atable, laxative and nutritious.
BULKY -LAS is extremely use-
ful for lightening, loosening
solids, heavy rations , ,. , helping
out when pastures run low .. .
relieving constipation.
Good pasture produces your•
cheapest milk. But for long}
term results, even the best
pasture reguires some sup-
ptemental. feeding- ... and
poorer postures, of course,
require more. Purina Cow
Chow Concentrate supplies
that extra •supplement.
Clinton Farm Supply
and Machine Shop
Charles Nelson -- -- -- Jack Nediger,
PHONE HU 2-9613
Go gay, go modern --=with Douse and Garden's Colors.. for '58.
available now in
House and Garden's brilliant new range of colors for 1958 is,
available NOW in Sturgeons New COLORANGE Paint.
You can match every sparkling new shade, every delicate
tone, perfectly, quickly, easily with Sturgeons revolutionary
color tube system. Here's the modern, accurate way to mix
and match color for interior or exterior home painting. You
simply add 'the required tube colors to --a white or deep tint
base. It's as easy as that!
See the New .Boase and Garden's Colors for 1858
in Sturgeons COLORANGE Paint at
J. W. Counter Euliders' Supplies
Phone SIU 2.9612, Albert Si., .Clinton, Ont: