Clinton News-Record, 1957-08-29, Page 2FACE TWO CUMN NXWS-RECON T=RSDAY, AUGUST 20, i 7 c► 11kV _ .-�,.,.�-�,.� Major 1'ten o£ the Huron Couta- �.,., ...._. C11 Record M ty a era lwl c� rlculture this Alcohol ,�.�tduri�'+ation p, year, and the ser e as iiouv in THE Cu�INTON' NEW & TffH . CLINTON' XZWS-1 ]40 = From Our Early le effect, Russell Balton, president;;Arr>a]gamated 192 1. H:'arvey J'ohrlst�n,. vie -president,• �0 1.�.R' � i.��iba s� A ;y 4p Year's Ago �'5 TEA : ;Ars.CO Bert Irwin, wheat -harvesting -harve ting early � nitoba'S new !;guar izaxxoy is. 4> 'uJbllsl ons r0 jar u,d P��++ Wrr ,, crxn t ing watcbed with disxn y bV , •► ay at ,;N* �Fzr X_ Clinton �T virs coarc c !sled in Huron. County. many. But in ane particular tho At the Heart a>k .»urgtt Go�inty, limon New �-',`ra M� cury elirzatbs tp 02, highest M.aniiaba Government t Dull wet], 1 1 Pap.ut{�xion,-� ,$6 a , ',Chursd4y, August 25 and int f'ox: the year, The following be imitated I-V Ontario, fr' ,� ws cv JehuradWo .August 2.3 an 30, 1.913 Septomborb 1, (932 two days, the luglx was 88 degrees, Althauglx the population of k� tr .�I TAPIRS, ASSN A, XC auric :0olquii4uu►, PublWher Benjamin Dale, visiting xn Ger Five cases. of suspect polio are Manitoba is only .850,OOp, two* C y L R p many when the war began, "has J, Z novey and T. X Cook reported an the Bl the Au'burn area, thirds that of Metrapaliban Toxon- ;been in resideavice' at the inter- won the cabinet of silver donated. y to, an4 annual grant of $65,000 from SUBSGRIprno N RATS: Payable in advance --Canada and Great BKtaiu; .$5.00. a year; meat ca '� !sten. % s William C . nter a the silver p7o�+ares Jean Moore, dau�g'hter taxes .is Made Far 4he work of the United States and Foreign: $4,00; Single Copies Seven Cents at Ruh 1�y au rrd of Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Moore, Ciro, Provincial. Alcoholism Research g aP ire chai+ge of Ib'e xnusia department 'tea service supplied by the Bawl~ ton, became the bride 0f Russell: Foundation, In addition another Authorized as second .class mail,. Post Office Departn nf, Ottawa of the sohool in •the camp, and ing ,Cloth for the dpultles siarripet- . Joseph Warr R i , $50,000 annually goes to the Manu A_ , CAS Station. Cl n ». tris pearl 700 students studying ;flan played at~f w�ithin, the clwb on, in the chapel an the Stxatian lobo Committee on Alcohol F,du- under him. Ibis• roainuarate is Ern- this month. A total of 322 games o' ' t 16, 4ation: Moreover, the Manitoba a n August THURSDAY, AU.CPtlST 29, 1957 n i est MacaMlilan, ,h._ Toxoi?to organ- were ,played, A, Knight and Wil- Temperance dalliance is handed (Since then Mr. Mat*M v n !;lain Grant, Jr„ ran a close second. Hit records, on sale at Ellwood $30,000 each year for the purpose '""�"•" became Sir ;,' pest 1VXiWM11lan, and 14PP's Sport Shop include j� how Sof a:I�c0bo1 education in the Sehools. • The First Flower Shaw in m'aivy has retired tfrosn the asztaon at. can I s'ay I L0yo You?" and Feud. The Ontario Temperance Feder �y� P years, i?un oFf ,under tine gLudanice ,,, anon �f r Year, has , consistently WHAT GOES ON HERE? conductor of the Toronto Sym p4— of A. S. Ixukley, bead of the flower in and Fightin with Tex 'Benekeurged our 9 Y 0 orchestra.,) shelow convoittee, saw- among win and t(ie Miller orchestra, money for educational a set aside R � ' fax educational and reins. >7AR>a 4N x> heels of news that the this day of crowded hitgbnvays, busy streets, stn., Mrs. H..G4vier, Au'lnira�, rushed n is, Mrs Oliver, Miss F. ouixnng dial purposes. Surely, :from, its CaPR has. ,stopped passenger servioe over their it should be the aim of the government to do to a Creek near her :home to res- loam,, A, W, Graves, Mrs, Marquis, huge liquor income the province i n e iron i a ]ire completely, everything possible to slap adding to congestion cue Elsie Lockhart, 11 year old A„ S, Inkley, Mrs. A. T, Cooper, Sitting Bull, ebief and !medicine could wa11 affo -4 to earmark at lines a the T to W ivgii iri ix y, g g daughter of Thomas Lockhart, also roan of the Sioux Indians, fled to least two or three times' the. we now hear. that the «I'R is planning to stop in the cities, Instead they Salle' from us here Miss M. R. Aaxlc, J. !lapels, P. >I. amount set aside by Manitoba. To lY Mvl=zs, Hattie Livermore,. W. S. about 5,000 members of A,ulbvurn only to drown' herself Canada with th.e early morning train from Gaderich to S,trat- in Huron, and Perth; counties, the means of as well.his tribe following the massacre 'date there is very little govern. ford,, and the late night train back. getting into the cities without cars, and merely R. Holmes, H. Livermore,LiverusnoreMrs. M. menu sponsored alcohol education g Word has been received that of Gen. •Cusfor and bis re iment. This is an. astoundingpiece of business. ad'd' to the congestion, NeaiiA 9l , Seeley, Mrs. c g. g in Ontario schools. Pi Lieutenant Acrthur "S, McLean, Rorl{e, Mrs. McTag Five years later a treaty of sur- I3'imox COUNTY Heard, I•I, E.. Although we have always known, that to We will be taken to task for speaking of brother of Keith MdLean, edutw girt, Ross' 1Vllcl✓wan, Miss M, Dav- render allowed return of the Sioux TEMPlGItANp , FE>E?EItA'1'ION Set a job :done inefficiently the beset way to do the railroads and' the government -in" one and' of the Huron Expositor, Seatforth, L5, George VanHor�n, T. Tiplady; to the United States, 355th it is to let the government take over, we feel the same breath. But to us the t in this has died in France of wounds A by-l'anv in Clinton which for- that this is a supreme example of the fact. regard are quite synonymous. Cert znly' if therli&ved in the trenches, bade the fire trucks leaving town, If any, passenger service were out off -and QNR loses money we, the taxpayers of Huron Miss Alta Find Cook was chosen, prevented firemen gohig to Bay- vire fail to see that such a move is wise, neces. an:d Perth will be helping to subsidise it and from among $2 applicants for the field to 4help at a fire which com�- xy keep ' manning. This in spite of the fact that me t :;lead of the Engigh depart. pletdo destroyed the home of Mrs. CHOOSE YOUR OWN TERMS sa or sensible --thea surely it, w'aui:'d� be wiser ke it , �• meat at Itiivcrdal�e High SSI. �imdar.h Ross. to take off the morning train west, and the we will not have ,passenger , servivice from the The Clinton Motor Car Warks" Reeve .George Elliott ex,�lained afternoon train east. CN�t. is having a large door put in an in answer to Col, Combe's letter, ON ANY Should the early and late trains be out off, If the railways find they are losing xi'ioney, King Street so that autos many wliy Sbipiey Street was to be re - then it will beconve invpossi;bie for anyone wish- let them at least try providing good service, enter :From the Main. Street to surfaced instead of Mary Street, %ng to spend a d'ay in Toronto, to do anything Let them,, try modernising their waitiixg rooms, got into the shop, The County rebate is applivcaMe other than spend two rights an the city, thus their cars, yes, even their conductors, and see (Over a column and a -half of to Shipley, but not to Mary Street, losing two working days at home, as well as whether or not they couldn't compete easily of to E 'Lha devoted 1 issue W811iaan H. Ratteneside one of FARM LOAN the additional cost of hotel rates besides, with buses and transport truck's, of the Era 9s' devoted w debei g a son. ielfd's pioneer residents, and r� iii,g the methods wixi�ch were 'being a son of the late Joixzv Rattem,- At ,present, a businessman can leave Clinton Then if the railroads ,find they still cannot used. Germany to extract fats from ,bury, .passed away on Sunday, at seven in the morning, arrive in Toronto at- compete, let them be turned; over to a private their war dead, to produce 'in- August 28. He was born on the over ���� �� 10.30, complete his business' calls, ,aind return company, and pndbaibly they would begin to show dustriavl oil.) London Road, Tuckersmith Town- hom'e by' midnight, all on the same clay. In prollt: right away. When Bart Lavis was returning 'ship :in; 1849, fromrolet Oshawa. with a new Chew- Gadeda. Township Xc'en's �. TRANS CANADA CREDIT rolet, he pi<aked' up a gentiematy planned' a big fiielti day celebration A SENSIBLE ' TTITUDE „ y, in New Hauftog, bound for Clin at the vlubb grounds at Porter's �^+,° ton. Whhlehere, the stranger pur- Hill, ,e7•,,a W4 fi.:,r.,.. *.,.., 4- 7, r....,,,,.. sa,.. ',:,..u..tr, r_. _ .. RECLNTLY Magistrate D. E. Holmes fidad ,before. him, a caseinvolving the use by members of the, Ontario Provincial Police of umnarked cars. The magistrate saw fit to crv'ticise this praetice, and the resulting publicity reached the ears of Ontario Attoxavey General Kelso Roberts, Mr, Roberts vVas extremely bothered by the situation and remarked,,, `•`I'1a thank that mag- istrate to keep such views to himself and deal with theinthrough, the proper channels." Now, though it's. unusual for the Attorney General to be wrong, we think that in this case he is quite definitely so. Mr. Holmes is an in- telligent man, and has - a .habit of translating the law into sensible tengs. He is a xnan who tempers justice with mercy,, and stew a number of things, a good deal differently from the strict letter of the law, Magistrate Hohnes deserves the • support which he is being given through the pages of the weekly press. We would like to add our word, too. We agree entirely with Mr. Holmes that unmarked ,police cars are not the proper way of policing. After all, our policemen are hired to prevent crime and wrong -doing., They are not hired to catch criminals and violators prim- arily, :but to stop things from happening.,, Now, if they are out in a "plain clothes" oar, they won't prevent anybody frown doing wrong. They will merely permit it, and then catch the wrongdoer and, fine 'him or , punish him, This is a good system if the need for ;ropey is so d'e'sperate that fines are required to pay the constable's salary. OGheirvvviise it's a silly. -procedure. More than that, however. Feature a wo- man,, (or a man, for that matter), driving alone at night, and , being apprehended by a "plain- clothes?' ear. Now she's not going to take the time. to consider whether the occupants of that car are wearing uniform and therefore, are arms of the law, Her first thought will be that they are modern highwaymen, or worse; and' she'll get out of there as fast as she can. This would be true. of anyone driving at night. Personally, we woulA not hesitate to break the speed 'limit getting away from the scene, We = would not wait to learn if there were uni&rms about. The whole. procedure of unmarkedcars is silly. THE WIN IS ALL THOTIGFH SPORTS are supposed tg be "for; fun", we find there is noth avrfnore serious in. the world, to -,day than the outcome of comped- ' tions on the sports fields. This is true in -Clinton, as it is throughout the world, no doubt. Possibly only in England, wid' other "old- countries" are games played for the sport of the. thing. Certainly, in, Canada, and in the United States, they are played for the "wi ', and Without winning. the game seems of little use. Soccer in Clinton received a severe below on Monday night, When. one of the players was in- jured on the vplaying field. A leg bone was brok- en and ankle disloc'ate'd., vken one of the opposing prayers either intentionally or by not trying to avoid the accident reached for the ball, and came doom on; the Clinton prayer. In the same game another of the, Clinton. team was hit on the mouth; and had his •lower teeth broken: Apparently 'the visiting team has gained a reputation for rough playing, and have sent five or sic of their opponents an other teams in the' Huron Football League to hospital for care earlier in the season. A league meeting failed, to accomplish anything, and this team has re- mtained in the league, Perhaps in professional games it is permis- sible to pray for the win, regardless of who gets hurt. In that case it is a jdb; and em- ployers pay for expenses in case of hurts. In the amateur league, however, it is much too serious a thing, to play for keeps. In, this p'articul'ar case it putts a young man out of work, who needs to. work. His famW has appreciated the money he has brought into the homxe, and would find it tough going with- out that income. it is not fair, and certainly is not good sportsmanship, for a team to play so roughly that it diepritves an opponent of his livelihood, regardless of who Wins the game. ,WHY NUT? WHAT HAS HAPPENED' to Decoration in recognition of the loss felt in each, faanily Day 1A. Clinton? e by the absence of the one resting there. F'or yearg a lovely rneanbria l' service was That w,ae 'ivn the days beffore the small (hold in the Clinton Cemetery, to which all chapel was ,built, It was before the new persbrw having relatives, buried) there Woulid section of the, cemetery was ready for use. come; bringing the children, • and enjoy to- It was when, persons interested in the decora- gether reminiscing about their loved ones, For tion of ,g,raves, and in the memorial semv'ice, two flays, members of the lodges in toviin sn'ade were on the Cemetery Board. ttips to the cemetery 'bearing flowers, for What has happened to it In 'recen't years,? graveside ceremonies (beside the resting places Other towng continues to hold such services. of departed brethren and, sisters. Why not Clinton? We have a bluely cemetery, By the time the memorial service was held and are better, equipped, for such a service than. every grave was decorated with gay flowers esvor bore. H. ( �J • .. l its, sfirst president, will oversee rare t C 11. G. i>llan4U all meWa work within the churrch ONTARIO ���� �A��sD in the Canferensce. 1957 Viee-"Pres; etif ,Mr. Manning, who is a retired , a matter frwn the Stratford Normxal Bayfaeltl ,.....„.............. Sept.. 25, 25' %dh'ool (rtow . Stratford Teachers Bl n� Coon y� ............................ Sept, x�, �� ,O lil:E',li S. Co i�, e) has t�nec� att>.ve ifs the lbert S.t yeartpk of the c'huech< for some Brussels Sept. 26, 27 Gordofi Manning, A as, onie' of the activo ZXeter .......................... Sept, 18, 19 sen named first merri(b0ir�. >Cincartline r6et, 014n;tolk trio , formed Tempervanel;, the pluro'n County Sept, xcJ, 2'4 vdce'-presidaht of the newly form been doing a-le�ratiion and, has Listowel ........•........... Sept, 23, 24 CeTence Men's Councilin tlxrs regard. ",,deal bit wtMt London (WtSt'erff ]?,air) Sept. 9.14 London Can United Church, Flection. of Tt was the Uuroav k, L'uckh6w •.........._.......... Sept, 24, 25 of the at the fifth CoaiittciX of the the Unit ems, Mens Mitchell .................... Sept, 241 25 o&fa:cez`s took 0lace . ... n, which retcerit]+y sent a _ de'1�„t-dh StaPorrth ......................... Sept, 1.9, 20 �iut,ual %e5siofx of the LonOon "� to itttertvieiiv the 14on. ]>avitT ,, .trai>lorrt •...........:.:.....•.. Se t. 16-18 e cries tvtited Chtiah Lay A`a- .ter of JusEice) +uvlth red.„ p f r to .(anadian National ociation at ,A,1t'ria Co�690 of "tet. too (M u>~5 s orgsam3zatloav, !lead- garit to W110 Ung the C'anacta Ihztion) .... Aug. 23 -Sept, 7 ,tfgsinrrias. Lot1d.Ofl, Ternperan� Act, �o�al Winter NOV,Dr, dames txtze,st, - _.._. �..� . • N 1.5.23 a Skirts ""` L or Need extra cash for aur farm? Then solve our Clinton Mlotor Car Co. Mail, Landon: Skirts- will be worn Y y 4 Ladies• tennis boots were selling about two inches shorter; sults, financial problem with a loan from Trans Canada at $1.10 at Fred Jackson's store, about two years longer- ICredit, ;flight now Trans Canada Credit is offering and sport oxifands for the ladies special terms on all farm loans above $1,500. There Were ed at $1,49, were ovine trains arriving10 YEARS AGI; Payments can be spread over as long as two -acid and leaving •daily in Clinton. Three Clinton News -Record a -half years, and can be made in any one of these .from the east; two from. the west, Thursday, August 21, 1947 three ways: two from, thewn : south and two from the ,north,Al, W. Smith has joined the I QUARTERLY 2 HALF -YEARLY staff of the Clinton News Record Tale Canadian Red Cross operat- as foreman of the printing. shag ANNUALLY es eight Red Cross Lodges ad- succeeding A. Laurie Colquhoun. The Huron REGULAR LOANS jacent to DVA Hospitals in nine Cooperative Med- provinces, ical Services has been one of the (By W. (Bili) B. T..Smiley) Every year, around .our place, there's a regular three-ring circus over our holidays, We only take a lousy week, but it requires more argument, planning .and general dhaos than most people would need' if they were taking 'a sis-months' cruise to the moon in a sky liner. About Jnunel we receive a folder telling u81 at which: particularly attractive :place 'in• the country ra swank hotel has = vbeen foolish enough to accept th'e wee dy edit- or' convention. This, year it's in Bang. We look at the pictures wistfully, but shake our .heads wisely at each other, and agree we canit afford it this; year, what with +Hugh's. operation:, Kim's op- eration, a.nd vibot winter's coal: bill still Ading •around in my hip pock- et like the Ghost of Christmas Past. Around the middle of July, the Old Girl, out of a clear blue sky, says: "Bill, I have scarcely a thing to wear t'a the coxwention, if you have any idea tof ..going." If I hove' any idea of going. Ihaven't given it a thought. "Thought we decided not to go", r venture tim- idly. "Oh we1111, she stays, "I can sit 'around heaps 'add rot, just as well, as you can." A few weeks ,later, long after the deadline, for (getting in reser- viations, train ,passes and every- thing, she asles: "Have you -got the tickets, yet?" I .say; „I thbught we weren't going, because we, cowldht't afford[ it," Aridly she o'b- senvesv: "We can afford for you to buy a parole of cigarettes every day, T notice', and come, trailing hone with .beer on Saturdays. We've been nxarried for more than en years, and a>" you can't afford: to take a little trip once in a blue moon, So I secretly go ahead anti get, eiverything arranged. Just when I'a'n. about .to pop -the big surprise,', and, shave paid the registration f04, reserved sleeping accomrnodationtg on the train, and have made a down payment on a frig hotel, she remarks: Ian certainly glad Were � not (going to the conventiofL this year, For wit - thing we ,ain't &t - ford it. Fbr anbt�her, what would we Ddb' With the kills,? Tlxat'st. the week Kim starts sebool, and I wouldt't miss+ that for any silly ooriveiitions.'t ' Upshot ,of the U41016 nonsense, Of coursc, 19' that after I've been Wd'ulsed Of crind.W negligence, told I nover think of ann'yebody but t54119e A bullied; into footing the bill for view dlbthe% and,excoriated in ti M for envy poverty and rrkv ex- trWAganoe, we catch: tho last pos- 511b16 tx Aln, f t a weltor of recram lnatianst , toar% - 10�t ,glove', and Wei eilwayst arrive at the oon- vontio i tT a day rxater than an�rofie I else, and have to catch up. Catch- ing up with a party is about as exhausting and fruitiess as trying to catch one of those four minute milers after you've given him a one minute head start. 'HoWever, we thoroughly. enjoy ourselves. Pushed- deep into the bacl�grourid are d'em'anding child- ren, the coal bill, the storm wind- ails, the ashes an: the cellar, the MUSIC lessons, the editorial page, andall thoughts of "taking it easy this, year at the convention; and not 'spending so much money.', - Imtead -the innate millionaire in each of us irises to the top ,with the !buoyancy of a ,balibon in a barrel of ;beer. You should see the casual air with w1ach I toss the bby a quarter for shining my shoes, elven 'though there's only a Piece of eardbDard between sxiy fit and the ground. You, should see the Duchess, sweeping into that pre -dinner cocktail {party. herr, hair, up in curlers for the last hour, would make 'a model weep with envy, Her dress, freshly pressed .on the bbttomx of an. upturned' dresser drawer, with the steam iron she lugged across the continent, would take your ibroath away. You'd never know she of that, Palm Beach tail out at the clothes line. You should_ hear me 'sitting a- round at th'e 1u41 sessions, exchan- ging lies and )xomp,asities with the other editors. Yas, I've certainly got the Town Council soared of my editorials. The Mayor always asks me• of It's 01-C. ,before he spends any money. Yas, made ten thous, ­ and, last year. 1"xp ,ct to make twelve 'this, year. Y'as, the ,labour problem as certainvll r a. problem. Men 'in our shop actually expect hbudayss. Yas!,we'll probably go to 17urope next *anmeri,' Batik home, of course, I'm soared of- the Mvayor, I anode $2,440 last year andexpect to make $2,200 this year, the boys, in the back shop are loyal though staring, and I'll be lucky to get to the: Ex next summer, never mond Eurape4 However, when. • your s8 ,ting there vdth a bunch of other iiars, smok- ing .'a public relations' di'van's• cigar and amokitg an advertising age: n"e& gedeye, you mend to forget you haven't got your grocery bill paid. Loans of $1,000 and less are available on Trans Canada Credit's monthly payment terms. Don't let the lack of ready money prevent you from buying seed, stock, or any other farm requirement. Get the cash you need at Trans Canada Credit. THE ALS, -CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED T47-16 148 The Square, Goderich Ontario Phone 797. Business and Professional —Directory -- f DENTISTRY INSURANCE DR. N. W. HAYNES Insure the "Co-op” Way Dentist AUTOMOBILE and HOME Across From Royal Bank ;INSURANCE District Representative Phone SII. 2-9571 P. A. "PETE" ROY 29-tfb P.O. Sox 310, Clinton, Ontario INVESTMENTS Phone Collect: HU 2-9357 35-tft Qct The Facts vey l♦ ulipt, God&rich; ,T, .E, Pepper'► J. E. (EDDIE) DALE Call Vic DINNIN District Representative Phone 168 -- Zurich The Confederation Life Assurance Investors Mutual Company Managed and Distributed by Investors Syndicate of phone Clinton HU 2-9405 Canada, Ltd. 14-tfb Munroe, Sew&A.. QPTOMETRY fume Bank�of Mon�trall B (ding 0. B,• CILANCY Optometrist, — Opticlan Clinton PHONES: Office HU 2-9644, (successor to the late A. L. mss'' HU 2-97$1 Cole, optometrist) Insurance Real Estate Vor appointment phone $8, Agent: Mutual Lite Assurance Co. Qodekicb Be Sure Sa 1"uured J. E. LONGSTAttrt+' IL W. COLQVHOUNI " Hours. GENERAL INSURANCE Somforth: Daily except -Monday & Representative Sun Life Assurance Oe. of CaWW& Wednesdayt 9,m: to 5.30 P.M. Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m: Office: Royal_ Bann Building Thursday evening by appointment PHONES Office WJ 2 -9747 --lies. 2-7556 only. OUnton . Above Iiawkbis Hard ware—Mondays only -9 a.m. to J, E. HOWARD, i3eyftefA 5,30 P.M. Phone Saytield 634. Phone ltunter 2-'`10:10. Clinton Cat-� Flue - (life - Acbtdwt PHONI9 791: SEAFORTH Wind Laurance If you need Insurance, r tiavo PUlSLIC ACCOUNTANT &I policy P.OXM.D G. McOANri THE Me$ILLOP. MIIxt1AL Pfibft Aaboaniantx IrMV, INSURANCE COUPANY Office and residence ilbad Office. Seafbtth officers 1950; President, Rat terillury Street East Alexander, Walton; vice-president, Phone Hld' 2-9877 * * • * 'lCrowble with. theso. converttian: CIL;[NTON, ONTA910 5Q-tfb Robert ArchibalS U, eatorth, sec- rotary -treasurer and manager M M Seaforth. trips as well-meaning friends, Just about the flips vs}e've derided it RA L $TATE A Reid, 1plteators: ,3ohn 14. MdZwing; would The tm�uth, smarter to pay the taxes instead, ;people start saying; Robert Archibald; Chris. Leon - .hardt, 866 hole i 1 . J. Trewartha, "Y'ou'ro l young . „ �y y� ung rhes, you. IXONAR0 4. WnIVI t Beal Estate and 8usineM Rf6ker Clinton; Wm, S. Alexander, Wal- ar{ ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har- ?snow or boy lufe while you can".I heave can' . 'Iliie Old Lally High stroeit — candtoyl vey l♦ ulipt, God&rich; ,T, .E, Pepper'► oto lYaotebdnes made .of Dolton wool � ' •Photlo EM 2-8892 Brumfield; Alister Broadfoot, Sea- forth, When It comes, to self-denial, go we look ,at eaich other, shrug fatalis- Ev si y� �i , Agents! Wm, Leiper Jr., %ancles; V. ti>oa11y", and tape Jeff for the con- erg one, dads bora; ;L , PrUeter, Brodhagefi,' Selwyn ]alter rirussels; Erle Ve, '061ft ,letting Otho- bailifft fall rri ,rr� . t R Classifieds Munroe, Sew&A.. Where they at W, fume 10