Clinton News-Record, 1957-08-08, Page 5' `11,, RSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1957 t, ,l1 r On N111w$- EcORD. WANT FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES «; No charge for announcements of Births, Marriages .and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, etc„ Card of Thanks, in Memoriarn, engagements,3c a word, tninirnt m 750. Box No, to this office 1,5c additional.. .Repeat in- sertions 2e a word, minimum .50c. CASH DISCOUNT: 14 if ,Paid by Saturday fol- lewing last insertion. .Billing charge of 1.00 .added • each time bill is sent, Letesl Time for Insertions ee12 noon Wednesday ' P#€4 or 2-0844 Accommodation For Rent • :ROOM TO LET, 'middle-aged wa- :xnan preferred, Phone IW 2-7073, i FOR rent, Rag- lan Street, ,furniahed, heated .Phone IIID 2.9483. 32-3-1b -TWO ROOM, DOWNSTA ,ala- :ortrtnent, furnished .and heated, -Phone HU 2-3329, .332,3-p HOUSE ON NO. 4.. highway, 5 •minutes walk to the Radar School, 'for further. particulars phone EW -2.9427. 32^p 'TWO SELF-CONTAINED, heat- 'ed, apartments. Furnished. Avail- able August 15 and September 1, EU 2-9390. • 32p —R00111 APARTiMENT, heated 'and furnished, with frig, Immed- iate possession. Fast Street, Clin- ton, PhoneBU 2-9536 32-p FOUR ROOM AP TMENT, large living roam, kitchen, 2 bed- rooms .and bathroom. Central io- •cation, .Phone HU 2-9641. 32b ',COMFORTABLE AfBiLE TH'REfg-BOOM. "furnished, heated downstairs apart- ment, .suitable for couple. Frig and laundry. facilities. .Apply in Person • after six or• weekend' Mrs. Marion "Seeaey, :Huron•' Street. 32-3-5-p Articles *For Sale :T [NTZMAN UPRIGHT PIANO, ;good condition, Phone HU 2-9486. 'TWO HAND MOWERS, Good vcondition. Pleone.11U 2,=6634, 32.p 'CHOICE WAX BEANS. At their 'best now. Phone HU 2-9652. 32bn f Clinton. : SHERLOC,K-MANNING PIANO, :nn eleellent condition. 'Phone HU :2-9755, or Seaforth 830r22. 321> 3 ONLY—USED CAR RADIOS -- Specially priced at $15 to $40. SIU 2-7021. 31-2-b RUBBER STAMPS, SIGNATUR- es, maps, marking devices of all kinds. Call at 1Vews-Record Of- fice, Albert Street, Clinton 14-tfb 'FOR OIL TANK TRUCKS, or us- .ed s-,ed construction machinery, contact •Giffen Truck Equipinent Limited, • 5461 Yonge St, Willowdale, Ont. 32, 34, 37, 39; 41, 43ep EIGH QUALITY KITCHEN •crhrome sets. Reasonably priced and very easy terms at T. A 'Dutton's Store, Brucefield, Dial HU 2-3232. 32 -tib 15 FOOT NIPISSING Cedar Strip "boat. 66 inch beam. 25 h.p. John - :son motor, remote control, steer- ing, four cushions, lights, tarp, 'trailer. W. T. McAsh, Varna, :Phone HU 2-9161. 32h 'SEVERAL NEW PATTERNS' in 'English Bone China Dinnerware, eincluding lovely "Cornflower". See and others in our window and -get our low prices for fine china. Counter's Jewellery. 32p 'BIOME FREEZERS - RCA 20 cu. eft. Chest type freezers. Five year 'guarantee, one year free services, "Regular $569, our price $399, cash or terms. T. A. Dutton, RCA Vic - "tor Dealer, Brueefield. H 32 392. "FRIGIDAIRE 91/z c. ft. 45 lib. ;freezer practically new. 39" mod - 'earn bed. Inner spring mattress, :new. Lloyd convertible carriage. - Dinette table 2 chairs. 2 vanity dressers one large mirror attached Other mise. articles. Apply 8 Win- TApeg Rd. RCAF Station Clinton Automobiles For Sale 1947 MONARCH SEDAN, with 1949 Mercury motor. _Phone Bay- tfield 58r11. • 32-p 1955 CHEV. BEL -Alit, fully equip- ped, with radio. Low mileage, real good condition, one owner ear. Would trade for older model car. Phone HU 2-9645. $2bx Business Opportunities OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-6692. 13 •tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE' CHARCOAL GRAY, TWO -PANT Suit, size 17, good as', new. $10. ' Phone IIU 2.7468. 32b CUSTOM WORK MASONRY ApplyWORK, All 'Types,, A, William Harris, Phoney 111 AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening, :,Saws retoethed, jointed and•fi1ed ;for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 ents. Automatic butcher ' itnife and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 10 dents. • W. E. ' "Bill" rervis, Fulton Street, Clin- ton, Phone RU 2-9664. i1l-tfb SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL Septic tanks, Cess :Pools, +etc., • pumped and cleaned with Sanitary equipment. All 'work guaranteed. "Estimates given without Obliged - bore Louis' Blake, EY. '2, Brussels. ;Phone Brussels 42t6. +.76 to }32p Fruit For Sale 1Vi1AL1. PLU1Vt$, Red and Yellow, on the tree at half price, pick your own. Also cheap cooking PO", North Ater. Fraser Stirl- ing, Bayfield. Phone I•iU 24577, 32h FURNITURE .FOR SALE IIHREE-PIEOE LAWN CHAIR set, painted, 'Will sell reasonable: Harold East, phone 13U 2-7578. TWO PIEOE UI'1D Suite, and one •occasional ehair, green; bookcase 'china cabinet; Duncan Fyfe coffee table; drum table; •end table; dining room chairs. Phone HU 2-9348, 32+4 HELP WANTED ' asaErrAxm. REQUIRED for School No. 9 ([Red Tavern), by elTuokersmith Township School Area Board. Duties to commence on September 1, 1957, AMPldcantts +to state salary expected, W. P. Roberts, Secretary -treasurer, RR. 3, Seaforth. 32-3-b HELP WANTED—FEMALE, WA:I'ISItESS, FUUL TIME. Apply in person. Bantiliflfs, Bakery Ltd: 3+1-2-b GENERAL HELP WANTED. $25 a week', and meals. 48-hour week. +Commencing Sunday at midday. Commercial Inn Hotel. 31 -2 -ib Livestock For Sale 12 FIGS, SEVEN WEEKS OLD. Apply to Ross Hogfgarth, Phone HU 2-9878. 32b Livestock Wanted ATTENTION' FARMERS: Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co, of Canada Ltd. 26 p-tfb Misceilaineous WOULD THE PARTY WHO took the wrong bank book from the Royal Bank on July 4, No. 877, please return it to the Royal Bank.' 32b WATCH -REPAIR IS A 30)3 FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed stablished Jewellery Store. 32p LET US REPAIR AND MAKE you}r rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely . secured—don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. ` 32p MAPS OF THE TOWN OF CLIN=• ton, showing streets, lot numbers, and town limits. 50c each. Avail- able at Clinton News -Record of- fice. • 24-tfb Poultry For Sale 100 FIVE MONTHS SUSSEX X Red Pullets, Starting to lay. Gor- don Rathwell, HU. 2-9864 32-p 300 NEW HAMP. PULLETS, just starting to lay, 200 Leghorn pul- lets, 33 months old. Also 2 Here- eord x Ayrshire calves. Apply to Elgin Nott, RR 4, Clinton, phone 847r5, Seaforth. 32p Property For Sale DESIRABLE LOT FOR SALE on Raglan Street, near two scheols, D.S. Cantelon, phone IID 2-9483. 20-tfb LOT FOR SALE, Princess St. E., near both schools, approx. 130 ft. frontage, 100 ft. deep. Mc levaree Stationery Store. 28tfb AUCTION SALE of Household Effects From the home of Mrs. Eliza- heti' Weston, Eeneric Street, Bay- field, on Saturday, August 10 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: +Chesterfield; 2 platform reek - ere; 6 dining room Chairs.; 3 leath- er rockers; extension table; 6 kit - cher chairs; kitchen table; sev- eral small tables; upholstered arra chair; Morris chair; bar room ehah ; kitchen stool; 2 roll top couches; 2 hanging lamps; pine chest; 3 walnut cbhests of drawers; whatenrot; Bell organ and stool; roll-top desk; gramophone and re- cords; 4 ,beds and springs; iron bed and springs; dressing Lal wash stands; dressers; drop -bee, sewing machine; cherry glass -top cupboard; sideboard; Findley eh- armel ranrge (nearly new); Cole- man gas stove; hall rack; Mantel clock; lamps; dishes, including sortie axutigttes; cooking utensils and numerous other articles. Terms—Cash MISS ELIZABETH WE:STort, Proprietress Edward W. Elliott,. Auctioneer 31-2-b TENDERS .SEALED TENDERS will bee received by the undersigned', for the transportation of the two top grades (9-10 pupils) of SS Hallett, to RCAF Station• Pub- lic School, C ntgny beginning Se+pteiriber 3, 1957. T.enclers to be in the hands of ',the secretary -treasurer by Aug; ust 10, 1957. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars, apply to; 31.2-b T, B, ALLEN, Secretary -Treasurer, SS No. 5, Ifullett, LONDESBORO, ONT. 'enders Wanted TENDERS are invited by the TUCKERSMITH SCHOOL AREA BOARD for the Supply of a total of 21 Tons, Na. 1 Quality, • Hard Furnace Cdal, to be .delivered in 7 -ton lots to each of Schools No's. 1, 4 and 9, before August 24, 1957. Tender's will chose August 20, 1957. W. P. ROBERTS, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 3,' Seaforth. 32-3-+b NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of HERBERT Mc- GREGOR, late of the Village of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, Esquire, Deceased. h d r ll s 0 All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same wit the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 2n day of September, A.D. 1957, afte which date the assets will be dist- ributed amongst the parties entitle ed thereto, having regard only to the claims of whish notice sha have' been given. ' DATED at Clinton, Ontario, thi 7th day of August, A.D. 1957. • E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solictor for the said Estate 32,33,35b • The primary industries—agricul- ture, ndustries—agriculture, forestry, fisheries, trapping, mining. and electric power --crow employ only about 20 per cent of all working. Canadians. Orders Taken How• for Fresh Vegetables FRESH CORN BEANS CABBAGE CUCUMBERS Etc. PERCH BROWN Phone HU 2-7560• BIRTHS CALDWELL — In Clinton Publt'e Hospital, on lWonday, August 5, 1957, eto Mr. and Mrs, Ralph. Caldwell, RR 3, Blyth, a son. M•ONA;L[.--•,In Clinton, Public Hos- pital, on Monday, Atiugest 5, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MoNall, Clinton, a daughter. WOODS—In Scarborough General • Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, ,August 5, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods (nee Grace Riley) a daughter (Deborah Lynn), • CANTELON -- In Clinton Public 'Hospital, on Thursday, July 25, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs, George Cantelon, RR 5, Clinton, a dau- ghter (Faye Ruth). ADOPTION COOK --Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cook, announce theei arrival of their chosen son (Stephen Glen), born on April 11, 1957. MARRIAGES BEG'HELY•McTVER — Tn the Church of the English Martyrs, Bayfield, on Saturday xnorning, ;August 3, 1957, by the Rev. I. Poisson, Josephine, daughter of Nim, and 'Mrs. Peter Mxdver, Seefl?orth,. to Michael Bechely, Toronto, son of Mrs. Bechely, Sea+fortb and the late Dr. Fran- cis Joseph Bechely, MoNIMIL=MeC ARTHY --. In Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Wel- land, on Saturday, Jiily 27, 1957, by the Rev'. Harold Bagnall, Frances G. McCarthy, daughter of Mrs. Susan McCarthy, Wel- land, and the late Mr, McCarthy, to Wealington T. 1VIcNal1, son of . Mrs. Mary McNeil, Welland and the late Mr. 1V.lcNall, MA rATM-,BET ,L -- In Grace United Church, Porter's Hill, on Saturday, August 3, by the Rev. C. E. Peacock, Bayfield, Irene Delores, daughter of Fred Bell, Goderich Township, and the late Mrs. Mae Bell, to Robert Bruce eVfarkhaan, London, son of Mrs. Nellie Markham, and the Iate Jack Markham, London. ROY-TURNBULL --- In St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, on Saturday, August 3, 1957, by the Rev. Charles S. Inder, Nancy Graham Taylor Turnbull, to Wilfred Bruce Ray. • DEATHS (IiIARLESWORTH -- At Grand Forks, N. Dakota, on Thursday, August 1, 1957, Robert • J. Charlesworth, •.dear husband • of Zada MacRae, brother of Harry ,Charlesworth, C 1 in t on, and brother-in-law of Mr. and Mrs, George Roberton, and Mrs. Geo- rge MacLennan, Clinton. MIDDLErTON — In Goderich, on Monday, July 26, 1957, Miss Mina Middleton, Trafalgar St., Goderich, daughter of John Mid- dleton and Harriett Brittain, Goderich Township. Funeral from the Lodge- funeral home, Goderich, to the Bayfield Ceme eery by the Rev. Dr, Kenneth E. Taylor, on Wednesday afternoon, July 31. IN MEMORIAM DOWSON—In loving memory of our dear son and brother, John, who passed away August 12, 1953: "Oh, what would we give to clasp your hand, Your dear kind face to see; Your loving smile, your welcome voice, That meant so much to us.. Each time we look at his picture So young, so loving and true, No wonder our hearts are brok- en." --Sadly missed and ever remem- bered by Mother, Dad, Bill, Mar- ion and Earle. 32h TOu DEXTRA COPIES of "The Home Paper With the News" BAYFIELD Weston's Store Corrio''3 Food Minket VARNA. • McAsh's Store JRUCEFIELD Paterson's General Store Lloyd Craig's HOLMESV LLE D. E, Glidden's Store LONDESBORO 3, W. McOooi's Store Tyndall & Saundercock's AUBURN • G. R. Taylor SUMMERHILL Vodden's Store CLINTON' iSfcEwan's Stationery ltlartliff's Bakery Ltd', W, C. N'ewcombeee Drugs Clinton Bowling Alley lt'iIti ;e. Y's Jtestatll ant Single Copies; 70 each SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 per year $4.00 in U.S.A. 'Clinton Hes-Record Published in the Heart of Huron County 32.33-35-$6eb HENSILL • correspondent meas, lK, Huialo> N rhouo Henson. 5 Mr. and Mrs.. W. 0, Goodwin and Many are 'vacationing at S'ehade View. Mr, and les. Fred. Beer are on a week's vacation at Manit- oulin Island'. • George Thompson has punehased the ,property of the late Mervyn $gown on lviain Stt:eet here, WillianI Veneer has disposed o his fano and has purchased the• residence of IVirs Jack Forrest. Iiaye Peterson who has been on the sick list for the past nutn- ;ber of weeks hoe made a complete recover% Mrts. Milton • 'Chesney, Toronto was 'a recent visitor winth her bror- therein -law and sister Mr. and 1VIrs, Sam Dougall, Mrs, Catherine Hedden, Herb Hedden; Mr, and Mrs. Alex Short - house, Gwen, Virginia and Earl, attended the Hedden reunion at Dorchester on Sunday. Miss Joan Kerslake was pre- stinted with a Guide Ring from. the Girl Guide Association at the Weiner roast held at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0., Goodwin at Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Larson Srchade View last Wednesday. and Karen, London, were with hie •Mr,. and Mrs, Russell. Redden parents, Mr, and Mme, R. J, Lar - and family; Vernon, Bob, Orville son, aver the weekend. and Lloyd Hedden, all _of St. Oath- . - Mr. and Mrs. • L. V,Smith Lone• arines; Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hed- ,don, who • spent the weekend with den and family, Dresden, were . her sister, Mrs. -R. J, Larson, went on to Toronto to visit Sergeant and lVlrs, William Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reid, St. Clair Beach, the latter's moth- er, Mrs. F. Weir, Windsor; visited the farmer's (mother, Mrs. A, W. Reid, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Atwood and Timmy were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. 4.. Feather- stone. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ban- nister, Sarnia, also called on Wed nesday,,to visit Harold King. •.,.:::.. - THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly ,R Wide Screen NOVV',Thursday, Friday and Saturday "'DAKOTA INCIDENT" A beautiful young woman bent on vengeanee, a 'fleeing bang robber, and the undustly accused bar* cashier, felio+w•passengers aboard an ill -Mated srtage coach bound for Laramie.. Linda Darnell-- Dale Robertson John, Lurid MONDAY, TUESDAY anal WEDNESDAY "THERIVER'S EDGE (Aduflt Entertainment) Love, crime end punis'hnlent, artfully welded luta a suspenseful story. Breathtakingly !beautiful MVlexiean; ba;dkgrqunds, fiin#.ed in Cinemascnpe and De Luxe Color. Ray Milland -- Anthony Quinn -- Debra Paget • COMING NEXT: "THE SOLID GOLD CADILLAC" Judy Holliday 'Paul Douglas -- Arthur O'Connell BAYFIELD holiday visitors with Mrs. Cather- ine Hedden and family. Mrs. James Bonthron and her guest Mists Helen Carter, St. Pet- ersburg, Pa. left on Monday to vacation for the month of Awgus,t with the former's sister Mrs. Nor- man Peppler, Hanover. Rev, f C. D. Daniel occupied his own pulpit on Sunday last at the Uniited Church. panned:. Presby- terian Church congregation•n will worship with them; during the month of August, with services at 11 a.m. and Sunday School at 10 a.m, Anderson Reunion Pine Grove Paek, Port Huron, Mloh„.proved an ideal setting for the Anderson Reunion attended by 45 members of the clan;. Attend- ing ttending from Kippen and district were Mr, and Mrs. E'mmersorn Anderson and %archly; Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and family; Mrs. Eliza- beth Anderson, Mrs. William Win- der, Mrs. Robert U'pshall and Jer- ry. A social time was enjoyed axed a delicious picnic dinner was ser- ved, Quick Canadian Quiz 1 Who painted the famous picture The Fathers of Confederation, 'which shows the Quebec Con- ference of 1864? 2. Who have the greater sales in the Canadian market; exporters of the 'United Kingdom or ex- porters of .the United States? 3. In the current year.. what prop- option of federal gove'irnment spending will go into national defence? 4. What three animals, now almost extinct, once lived on the praar- • les in the hundreds of millions? 5. What law makes it illegal for any province or municipality in Canada to levy a hidden tax? ANSWERS-: 5. Under the B. N. A. Act only the federal govern- ment may collect money by such indirect, or hidden, levies as sales and excise taxes. 3. Less than one-third. 1. Robert Harris, nat- ive of P. El I. and one of the charter members of the Royal •Canadian Academy. 4. The buf- falo, the Rocky Mountain antelope and the prairie dog. 2. In 1956 U. K. exporters sold in Canada $485 million worth ter goods, U. S. exporters sold here $4,176 million worth orf goods. Matenial prepared by the editors of Quick Canadian Facts, the pocket manual of facts about Can- ada. Rid Your Attic Of "Don't Wants” Run An Adlet Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. Cooke FLORIST • Phone HU 2.701 , Clinton ASHTON' S TAXI Operated by CLIFF ASHTON D A Y or NIGH "T HU® 29036 PARK THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing: Glenn Ford and Jeanne 'Crain in "The FASTEST GUN ALIVE" MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY August 12-13-14 SPENCER TRACY • KATHRYN HEPBURN and JOAN BLONDELL Present William Merchant's pope u+lar story of an efficient network exeloutive and her romantic brush. with a forthright industrial , engineer. , "The DESK . SET" In Cinemascope and Color THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY August 15-16-17 f `AiEAVEN KNOWS 1lIR. ALLISON" -- In Cinemascope and Color — On a desert island, in the South Pacific, a marine is cast away with a nun. High -rated entertainment. Deborah, Kerr & Robert Mitchum Coming: Judy Holiday & Richard Conte in "FULL OF LIFE" SERVICE Clinton Community • • Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY at 8 p.nt. TERMS CASH J. COREY; Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Galbraith RADIO and TV Phone HU 2-3841 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE JOWETT'S GROVE —BAYFIELD Ths popular summer recreaton ' location contains more than 10 acres of park and picnic facilities, over 2,000 feet of undeveloped lake and river frontage and a popular dance pavilion. Property is offered at reason- able price with terms available. - Complete Information is Available Only From HAROLD W. SHORE ILEAL ESTATE BROKER Phone 766 Goderich 32-3-b Canadian Oil Cornpanies has available has available Modern 2 -bay Service Station In Clinton Fully Equipped. Financial Assistance to the Right Person. Excellent Opportunity to Own Your Own Business. Above Average Earnings Apply To: MR. JACK HILL, OXFORD STREET EAST, CANADIAN OIL COMPANIES, LONDON, Ont, Phone 1-6338