Clinton News-Record, 1957-07-04, Page 7''IIFIl:1R$ AY; XIX 4, 1057
My FIight Jnto Freedom
Spiller,r Grade SY
(By M chael.
NOTE: The first five paragraphs are introduction .provided by
teaeiter, Mrs. J, i), Thorndike,
Tired, bewildered, dressed in
eelathinsg unfamiliar to me, and
eel -Oohing a small bag of prized
'�yons 1 sat one •.cold, bleak
• afternoon on .a 'hard
ben+eh in Montreal station. Around
me voices Spoke in, .both French
',ant' English of which 1 understood
•only a little, • I was in .Canada! -
Cruiltilyitri a re nembered ellyly
' peeking' f t the two Canadian
'•'steelents •who were 'enrolled in the
Budapest sehsool • et:ere '1 studied.
sgnee I was detained because of
any conduct, ' and the English
'teacher made me' write one huiid'.
• red tannes, "In' Canada people are
free:" Soot I 'was to know the
meaning` of , those ' words, -
'The hands on the bag Clock may-
ovied slowly.' 1 was eweeting patient-
-ply for my next move. Being wearyI closed nny eyes' and •allowed 'my
thoughts to wander back to that
auteenn moeneng• when my beiov-
ed-doctor father, looking tired and
• care -.worn,. abruptly • announced
"that he had to go' away for 'sev-
eral weeks on 'urgent. business, I
started to .say, "But that about
", but he interrupted, "Dr.
:Heftier will look after my prac-
ti,ce." While he 'spoke he was
• ' busily lettering ',a neat sign to
'hang on the office 'door:. He loon-
ed up gravely and his next words
were steed:Mg, • "Nikola, you are
ln..cinarge of the borne while 1 are
away, if,' "and he circled :a date.
. ois' the calaender," I am 'not home
two weeks from to -night, .you
. v.rnust go' after 'dark to the convent
•on the side of the meuntaun. Ite.
' ineanber, this is very important."
Again.- I vea 'about• to 'dnterrups;
but he cozntinued, ' "No, ; ydu do not
.know the sisters, but they will be
,expecting, you." With- a brief
farewell he was .gone. I'had want-
- ed to ask if there • was• any newsy
:from my elder • br'oticer, ..joseph;
who had been at the. 'O,lymp ,c
'-Gaines in ,Australia.
Strange things .were beginning.
to happen in my homeland, and
.any .father did • not -return `a't the
date marked On the calender.
Fearfully • I sett out to climb the
narrow winding road ,up the
mountain, I too; •did not return
to my .former home, 'for econ 'there
w,asr no home to which I rrii:ght go.
• My- reverie .was interrupted by
a voice calling my :'name, '" Nikola
.Ansearf, • Nikola Anscarf," I smil-
ed -at the strange pronunciattion,
end arose to meet a .friendly
gentleman in a blue and red •uni-
dorm, A new life was beginning
for me.
I felt sure that 1 was blushing
when I; said., "I am Nikola Ans-
carf, Sir:" Thenhe said in a
pleasant voice, F el1.0 w rne,
please. Then. T notieed that I
was the .only child, but that I
was in a small line and that we
were bolding each other's hand,.
X was a little embarrassed,. for I
was much older than, the other
children in the line. We then
started down one side of the sta-
tion, Here -I saw a train that
Baine of my recent friends probe
ably would have been taking with
their parents, if they had not been
hurt or even kii'lled, in the recent
uprising in my homeland. All of
a sudden my thoughts were stop-
ped with a jolt: L,odkang around
1 saw that we were stopped in
front of a Red Cross stand for
Hungarian refugees, A lady in a
white uniform and wearing a hat
that had a red cross on it gave
us some sandwiches and milk, for
which 1 was very thankful, The
Red Cross was a sign that had
become very. familiar with I left
Hungary.. We were led to benches
where we sat down "to` eat our.
I thought to myself, "Now I am
in a land of free people." That
brought to mind a similar thought
about the time I had to write out
one hundred lines for teasing two
Canadian, children in school. That
was about two years before when
Russian troops invaded my
country to try to make Hungary
one of the Russian satellites. After
that many of the teachers • were
Russian, and Russian books_.were
used in the schools. Then a per-
son was not . allowed to say, o"In
Canada people are free."
I wondered about my father
and hoped that he was free. I
knew that he must know where I
was because it was .he who told
me to go to the convent on the
side of the hill where the sisters
led several other children and my-
self to safety.
Our flight to freedom had. not
been an easy ene .for after we
left the convent, led by one of the
sisters, we met some soldiers in
the Hungarian Army with a Rus-
sian officer 4n command. He ord-
ered the troops to shoot us, but
FRIDAY, JULY 5th --- Starting at 9 p.m.
TV Stars from. Maple Leaf Gardens.
'MAIN -BOUT Two Out of Three Falls -
One Hour Time Limit
Whipper -"Billy" Gene "The Terrible"
. Farnavr Boy vs Fred Aitkins
(Will Also Sing) -- One Fadi'-30-antnute time limit
Baron. Gatoni vs Johnny' Barron
One Falls -•3O- Mine to Time Limit •
Referee—Al "Bunny" Dunlop
'See this Exciting Exhibition of Skill and Science!
All Floor Seats $1.50 — Regular Seats $1
Children under 12, 50e
Advance Seats at:
they did not obey, Instead they
turned their backs on us and let
Os- go by. The Russians .officer
was so enraged with this that he
drove off in a jeep threatening
that he would put the entire party
in front of a firing squad.
As we proceeded on up the road
we could hear the men speaking
about something; When they ran
after us I thought they had chang-
ed their minds and were going to
follow the officer's orders to cap-
ture us, but all they wanted was
to join us. We all marched up
the road for about three kilo-
meters, and then followed a ravine
to the river. On the far bank of
this river we saw Austrian sold-
iers who, were border guards. On
the side near us were a small band
of Russian soldiers. One of them
saw us and took a shot at us. Then
the Hungarian troops started to
fire back. Luckily we escaped
across the river, We were soon
followed by the Hungarian troops.
I then noticed that two of thern
had been killed and one wounded.
The wounded man was helped
ashore by the Austrian soldiers.
We then left for the closest town
that had room: for Hungarian re-
fugees. While walking along the
road a , truck came up from be-
hind, with an Austrian driver who
offered us a ride. We gladly got
in for we were tired from our long
journey. When we got to the
town I first became acquainted
with the sight of the Red. Cross.
Frem that town we got a train
ride to a city which had an air-
port. When I noticed that the
soldiers who had accompanied, us
were not present I asked the
sister where they had gone. She
told me that they had gone 'back
home to fight.
We then boarded big a b g four -
engine plane bound for Canada.
On our arrival at Montreal air-
portwe were taken to the train
depot. Some of us were going to
the west and some to other parts
of Canada to live with. Canadian
families. T was told that I would
be going to a home in Ontario.
After I had finished my sand-
wich and boarded a train for my
destination in "Ontario, I opened
the window to bid farewell to the
sister and those children I had
recently met. I then sat back to
enjoy the beautiful scenery,
It was not long until the train
stopped and I looked' out to see
my brother Joseph. As I stepped
out to greet him one of the first
things I noticed was his black eye.
He told me that ithappened to
him when his team beat the Rus-
sians in water polo at the Olympic
Games. To gether we walked out
of the station and my brother cal-
led a taxi to take us to my new
home. On arrival there I saw my
father standing at the door ready
to welcome me. Now m�' joy was
complete! He explained that since
he had attended Budapest Uni-
versity he had been chosen to
speak on the short-wave radio
broadcast to tell the people to
fight for freedom.. I then had
something to eat, and went to bed
as I was very tired. Just before
going to sleep I thought, "To-
morrow starts a new life for me!"
With that in mind I dozed into a
peaceful, slumber.
- upgrallas.
Plastic Dishes Servilee of Four, Cutlery .included, assorted colours
Plastic Picnic Cloth 54" x 54", Gingham. Colours
Salt and Pepper Shakers Spillprooi, Closing Tot
Plastic Cutlery Sets i rieees, Gay Colours
39c & 59c
one burner, Complete with brig Cin
Coleman Camp Stove of Gas Under prtessiiree $10.45
Picnic Baskets All Met l $2.10 & $2.40
'NONE Nle � 'O33
Gaderk,ch Township
Mr, and Mrsred Middleton,
Miss' Barbara lVfiddietonn and Mr.
and Mrs, Stewart lViddietox at-.
tended ,the wedding of Miss Vir-
ginia Shearer, .daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James •Shearer to ivtr. llruce
Bechtel, New Dundee,. lield in
Bright cast Saturday,
St. ,Tames' WA
The 1olnarie Association of :St.
Jsaane's Church, Middleton, met
Wednesday afternoon, June 26 at
the home of Mrs, Stewart 1Vi[iddie-
ton, with. 22 members and three
visitors present, Mrs. Arnold
ler read! the Scripture lesson from
Proverbs 3. •
The nninutes were. read by Ws.
Gordon Rathwei'i, the treasurer's
report given by Mrs Donald
Melon, Mrs, 1Virs, Dutot gave the Dor-
goy report. and read a card of
thanks from Mrs. Allison -for the
hale. The card report was. given
'by Mrs. John Grigg.
The presiident, Mrs. Fred Mid-
dleton, weleoined the.,,new rector,
,. F'
the Rev. J. B, Harrison. It was
decided to hold -the regular ,baling
sale in Bayfield on Saturday, July
27. •
Mrs. Middleton read a letter
from: theRev. Ziinmer'rnan of the
Mohawk Insti;tute,..about the need
and work done there.
The Rev. Harrison! gave a short
tale also on the Mohawk Institute;
stressing the fact that the 'need
there is very great on all 'articles
of clothing.
A large box of miscellaneous
ol:othess contributed by the WA
members was packed at this meet -
Mrs. Donald 1Vtidtdleton con-
tributed two very pleasing solos
Mrs, O. Cole gave a line reading
entitled "The Homemaker" and
Mrs. Gordons Stbeepe conducted an
inteeesting names contest.
(By our Iiensall Correspondent).
The first one of a series of three
trap shots. with shooters from
Clh itoii, Goderich and Kipper Fish and Gagne Club.
Fish and Gane
(lub Mr'b' News
(By Don Epps)
Bas's fishing is here. Judy,
marked the opening day for thous-
ands of fishermen, this meant the
beginning of the real sport of fish-
ing, Tough .pt'eceede4 by trout,
pickerel; land pike the bass stands
foremost in the hearts of , ;nowt
;Fishermen as a .game fish,
The limit per day is the first
six caught.
Travel Permits
Bush travel per'mi'ts are again
being issued this year by -the
Department of Lands and Forests
without charge. They are obtain-
able from; rangers, tourist camp
operators and sellers, of fishing
and hunting licences, Travellers
Must have permits, for entering'
forested areas off maim highways,
or for any canoe trips,
,Inforlmatian" as to destination,
routes' and duration of trip must
be given.
Part of Job?
Game wardens are often con-
fronted with• zany situations but
here is the best one I have heard
yet. Answering hies phone the
other day a game warden admit-
ted who he was to a young house-
wife. She in returnbreathed a
sigh of relief at ,finally finding
the right man, then asked him
if he had any suggestions for her
child's birthday party.
clubs, was held by Kippers Gun
Club on Juno ?6. Ashley Gilbert's
team was the winner by the small -
margin of five targets. Each shoot
is a 25 -bird event at 16 yards.
Next shoot will be held the last
Wednesday in July at the Clinton
Airmen's Charge Reduced; Magistrate
Promises Stiff Fines for Offenders
A charge of auto theft against
a 19 year old airman from sta-
tion Clinton, was reduced in mag-
istrate's court here on Tuesday,
when Magistrate D. E. Holmes.
contended the charge was too
serious for the offence. D. W.
Harvey plead guilty .to the new
charge of taking a car without
the owner's consent, and was
fined $50 and costs, or three
Apparently the offence had
occured at a dance in Hayfield,
when Harvey started a car with-
out to key,' and. drove off. He
stated afterweands. that he intend-
ntended ;driving back to 'camp. The
car belonged to 3. Glazier,
Holmes contended that the ch-
arge should have been laid as
revis'ed, because there was no
evidence that the man involved
had intended to dispose of the
car, "Otherwise, why should par-
liament put that section in the
law?" said Mr. Holiness. Crown
Attorney Hays stated that he
couldn't "change my attitude to-
ward the law to coincide with
your worship's fancy in the mat-
ter." HoIn1es proceeded ;to change
the information on the charge,
and said that Hays could lay an
appeal if he wished. Hays re-
plied that he would not do that
but that he' did not "agree with
your worship's procedure."
Stiffer Penalties
Magistrate Homes . pe•esdicted,
"I'm going to be a great dead
stiffer in penalties to those driv-
rivers not ,obeying the ordinary traf-
fic rimes. I don't see why a car
which is proceeding carefnily al-
ong the highway, should be sub-
jected to damage by one whose
driver is not obeying laws. I'm
a little annoyed by people who,
don't obey signs and ordinary rule
He fined I. C. Carnegie $50 and
costs, or three . weeks, as the re -
suit of a careless driving charge,
following aiu accident south of
Station Clinton on Highway 4,
when theCarnegie Car rammed
the back of another car, causing
$800 damage.
Jali Senteaice
I8 -year-old Edgar Deer was
sentenced to 30 days in jail when
Ove plead guilty to driving a car
while disqualified, contrary bo the
criminal code. He had taken his
father's car serveral times, -With-
out ,permission (which eottld riot
in fact be .given while he was
disqualified), and finally his fatly
er had called the police. Daeer
was apprehended at the drive-in
theatre, where he had .gone with
his girl friend,
Truck Driver Suspended
R, 7." Mitchell, Ayr, was fined
$50 and costs, wittyhis lidenco
suspended three months, on a eh-
arse ,of careless driving, On
Highway $, near Dublial, driving
a .three -tarn truck he had atttemp.
ted to pass a tractor drawing a
Irrianure spreader and forced bask
into they right Sane, had collided
with the machinery, naming $1,000
damage. 'Tine truck skidded 167
Ahuui i Iintddred
LAC William Charles- Nicholson,
Roo' Station Clinton, plead Etat
guilty to. a charge of impaired
driving, but was convicted, and
fined $75 and costs or two weeks'.
His licence was suspended for
three months.
Evidence of Corporal. Durnin,
Corporal Cummings, and Corpor-
al Stewart, gall of the Service
Police at Station Clinton, plus
that of Constable Parkinson, OPP,
Goderieh detachment, indicated
James Donnelly, Goder ich, bas-
ed the defence on the lack of
proof that Nicholson had been
driving while impaired.
Cities Service
Phone HU 2.9653
Budget Plan Available
At No Extra Cost
"The Home of Good
Clean Fuels"
VA Miles East of Goderieh
--- On Highway 8 —
Slily 4 and 5
John Lund _- Dorothy Malone
Comedy Cartoon
duly 6 and 8
Preston rester -= Roddy McDowell
Cartoon • Comedy
July 9 add 10
Joseph Cotten( ..w Orarm Welles •
Comedy Cartoon
Bow O + + 1CtJII ok NS 8.00 P.M,
First Show At Dusk
Two Shows Eaa'k Night
Don't Forget in -A -Oar Bingo
Every Wednesday Night
Children Under 12 the Cars J EE
Playground ee•— lLlefretihthentS
Poultry Producers Threatened By
Processor Control of Sales and Feed
(J, Curl, HemingyaY)
A zone ,directors meeting of t1v..
Poultry Producers was held in
To rontp, Friday, June 21, far the
purpose of .doing something. to im-
prove the condition of the fn'dustry,
It was generally agreed that
large companies have taken the
profit out off the individual pro-
duction of bi1oiJers. This is the nat-
-ural result since by cutting the
profit the large company can have
the' farmers produce for him under
contract, As soon as the private
producers disappear the company
will control production, as well as
feed and px,ocessing profits. As
long as producers have, ne control
over the feed they buy or •the
marketing pf the product they
will be at the mercy of the feed
mill and the processor which is
usually the same organization.
• It seems, that egg production is
-doomed to the same fate unless
something. is. done. First of all
a m'eithnd of financing will have to
be devised, A levy could he coi.'
leeted by the egg -grading stations
but since 6Q percent -o our $11011;
eggs are -sold *eat by producers
to consumer it would be unfair to
collect by this. means;
Tile second big problem is the
threat of big cox+poratteges taking
control of egg production as they
have in the broiler ma, If large
corpora<tions get control of egg
Production through contract they
will corvtinnie to produce eggs at
cost or less and make all their
profit on feed and processing
where competion is not serious.
In the dairy industry farmers
halve Q5 perecent of the total in-
vested while companies with only
five percent invested control the
sale of the product. If the poultry
producer is to survive he must
organize hi some manner to derive
a profit from each step of the"
industry, not just production: This
can be done by the Co-op method.
and uatless a better method is der
-veloped promptly, we should be
malting use .of ut.
Kodak color -slide camera
in a complete flash outfit
Everything needed for day -and -
night snapshooting. New Brownie
Starflash Camera that takes Ek-
tachrome color slides as well as
black -and -white and Kodacolor
snapshots. Built-in flasholder:
Plusbatteries, flashbulbs, Veri-
chrome Pan Film, and full 'in-
structions. Outstanding value!
Takes 6 flash shots—all
on a. single loading!
Greatest thing in flash photog
raphyl Load it once, and you're
set for a whole series of flash
pictures, As you make each pic-
ture, pivot the reflector and a
new bulb comes into position—
set to shoat! B-Cequipped, takes
low-cost M2 bulbs. In models to
fit almost any flash camera.
W. C. Newcombe,
Chemist and Druggist
PHONE HU. 2-951 1 —
Phm. B.
Canadian Legion,
Branch 140, Clinton
Announces they are again sponsoring the
Subscription Campaign for the purchase
of Additional Sick Room Equipment.
This equipment consists of Hospital Beds,
Wheel Chairs, Invalid Walkers, and will be
loaned to any resident of Huron County FREE
Your Magazine Order (New or Renewal)
will help further this community project, and
every resident is •urged to co-operate.
Residents when called upon are requested
to ask to see the representative's letter of in-
troduction signed by Clinton Legion Branch
No. 140 Officers. This is to eliminate mis-
representations by unauthorized persons.
The salesmen this year represent for the
first time a Canadian Company and will be
selling a number of well-known Cans,dia.n pub,,
Secretary •
Vice -President
For Equipment:
PHONE 1. W. COUNTER 11U 249612