Clinton News-Record, 1957-04-11, Page 8NOTICE I have recently sold my Trucking Business to Herb Pocock. I take this opportun- ity to thank OH my cost- errors for their business and urge them to patron- ize my successor. Gordon Nivins 15-p Announcing — Having purchased the TRUCKING BUSINESS of Gordon Nivins, I re- spectfully• solicit your patronage. I will give you the' best service possible., Herb Pocock. R. R. 2, Clinton, Phone HU 2-9112: 15-p roromminnem.4.4P.mdmme Jack SCRUTON YOUR Cities Service ems= Distributor Phone HU 2-9653 0 Budget Man Available At No, Extra Cost 0 "The Home of Good Clean Fuels" barden and Lawn Seeds We have a complete line of Bulk Garden Seeds and Packages. If there is anything we haven't got, we can get it in three days. LAWN SEED—either in packages or we can make any mixture for you that you desire. Fertilizers We carry VIGORO, SHEEP FERTILIZ- ER, SHUR-GAIN and MILORGANffn Hay and Pasture Mixture We can make up a 20 lb. per acre mixture at from $8.50 to $9.00 per acre. CLINTON SEED STORE PHONE HUnter 24041 N is the time for all good drivers t TRADE-IN THEIR TIRES Prices' w towEe. ere / netree We give HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE AND 4ELL HIGHEST QUALITY UP TO 'I s V per tire' TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OW RECAPPABLE' TIRES BFGoodrichi any Watkins Sunoco 4404› Service Phone CuictoN HU 2-6661 iiiNNININIONVIO11010110.11.111011101.0111.1.10001011 .11111•1111M1111110111W linalate,retworanlomMmoialt••• Farmers! Be Prepared For Spring Seed and Fertilizer prices are at their lowest now. Order your SEED OATS while supplies are good and prices reasonable. GARRY, RODNEY, SIMCOE, AJAX and BEAVER SEED ' OATS IN STOCK. Barley Contracts are now available' with Fertilizer Supplied [ We al.o have a' limited amount of No. 1 COMMERCIAL BRANT BARLEY For Sale Cook Broi.;Milling Co. Ltd. PHONE 24 H ENSALL 7.10-13.14-15-16-43 EMENT We. Have Available At All 'Times , Cement by the Bag or Truckload. — 'Call For Quotations — FARMERS We are' shipping cattle every Saturday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Friday nights. Seaforth -Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Manager Phone—Day 9, Evenings 481w 394.143 Hillsidp &and CHICK STARTER — GROWING MASH' . (Crumbled and Medicated) . LAYING MASH Always Fresh — Mixed In Our Mill H. F. VVETTLAUFER FEEDS and SEEDS MARY STREET CLINTON — PHONE lit' 2=9792: Be Ready For Th Easter Parade in a Clean Reconditioned USED CAR HERE ARE A FEW samPLo;: 1955 'CHEVROLET BELAIRE • CLUB SEDAN.-- razotor, Only 1,795.00 1955 DODGE REGENT SEDAN Priced Low Very Clean. drily $1,690.00 1952 'CHEVROLET 2-DOOR .SEDANL-- Only $ 895.00 1950 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN Like new Radio, Automatic y Trall:0111 $ 69100 Chrysler .-- Vlymouth — Fargo Sales and Service Baron: St: Clinton P4GJ =OUT CL1NTON NEWS-RIO RP .THURSDAY;, News ,of B field 1‘.0$8 Vi/O—OP$. 1.965 Ontario .011anapioil Aural Correspondent PHONE; BA3RIBLD 45 r 3 Miss Barbara Bassett, London, 'Was• home over the weekend, Mrs. Fred IVIcEwen has returned to her home after having spent the winter in LenOon, Mr, and Mrs. S. Bryant, Byron, „wine on Tuesday to spend a few days at their cottage, Mr• and Mrs, A. W. Brisson, Grosse Point, Mich., have been Spending a few days at their cot- tage. Miss 'Ruth E.. Hayman, London, returned to "The Little Inn' on Tuesday to prepare for the Sum- mer season. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gemeinhardt, Carl and Lois, returned to'* their respective homes in Toronto and Saginaw on Tuesday afterhoon. Mr„ and Mrs, Robert Reid, Luck- now, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. William E. Parker, on Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker and William. Parker, London, were also'+ with their parents. The local Association to the Guides and Brownies will meet at the home of Mrs, Jack Cluff on Tuesday evening, April 1.3. The executive extends a special invi- Aation to all the mothers to attend this meeting. Mrs. J. Sturgeon and Rhea, Douglas Gemeinhardt and daugh- ter Anne, went to Toronto on Fri- day owing to the critical illness of their.mpther. Mrs. Sturgeon and daughter remained with her sis- ter, Mrs. Gilbert Knight, return- ing home on Sunday. Trinity Guild Trinity Church. Guild met at: the home of Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer on Tuesday evening. Mrs, Percy Wes- ton presided. Seven answered the roll call by Mrs. R. Fitzsimons who also gave the secretary's report and correspondence. Mrs. Fred WeSton reported cu finances. The members decided to meet at the rectory on Thursday to con- sider anything needed to be done before the new rector arrives, The Altar Guild calendar was passed to the members who volunteered for flowers, it was decided to hold a euchre and bridge in the parish hall on. May 3, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E. A. Feath- erstone, Mrs. William E'. Parker offered the closing prayer after which' the hostess served tea, Peter Westerhout has purchased the home of Mrs. Grierson and is having some improvements made to it. Howard Tait is a patient in the 'Clinton' Public Hospital. Hi s many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mountain, Mrs, Robert Youngblutt attended the funeral of Dr. Leonard Whit- ely in Gorrie. Mr: and 'Mrs. -Fred • ArrnstrOng and Eleanor of Hamilton, spent a .few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong recently. Miss June Lear., and Stanley :Crawford, Toronto; Doris Lear, Hamilton, were with Mr, and Mrs. NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH DUMPING GROUND will be open on Wednesday & Saturday ' Afternoons from 1 to 6 p.m. until further notice. E. P CHESNEY, Clerk E. R. No. 4; Seaforth, Out. 15-&-b TENDER For Construction of IVIcGREGOR DRAIN Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS for construction of the McGregor Municipal Drain will be received by the under- signed up to 7:30 p.m., April 18, 1957. • This work consists of 5,680 lineal feet of tile drain, 11 catch basinS, 1 field stone protection. Plans and specifications may, be seen at the clerk's office. Marked cheque for 10% of bid must accompany each tender. Lowest ,or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. E. P CHESNEY, Clerk It, It. No. 4, Seaforth, Ont. 15-6-b TENDER For• Construction of BIG dMUNICIPAL DRAIN Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS for construction of the 131gAtimicipal Drain, ToWn- ship of Tuckersmith, will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to 7:30 pan., April 18, 1957. This work consists of 24,200 lineal feet of open drain (12,000 cu. yds. excavation). Plans mai specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. Marked cheqUe for 10% of the tender must accompany each tender. LOWest Or any tender not nee- essarily accepted, E, P CHESNEY Clerk R. it, igo, Sentorth, Ont. 15.6-11 Boy Soloists Top in Competition Work ,AMovg the young men who proved top solo- ists at the Hullett Township sixth annual music festival, were these. Front row, 'left to right:' Billy Merrill, USS 12.. tied for third place (ten years and under) with JohnHoogeoboom (second from right) of USS 5; then Taaf Bakker, SS S, first place eight years and under, and at far right, Gordon Tait, first place, ten years and ,ender. Second row, Harvey Carter, SS 5, second place, 1,4 years and under; Clarence Dale, S'S 1, first place in the same class, with 88 marks, highest in the festival; Frank 'Tares, SS 8, sec- ond place, ten years and under; Melvin Knox, SS 6, fourth place in 12 years and under, and , top place with Nancy Rake*ick in the duet 'class. Third row, Frank Murah, tied for third in 14 and under class, with Paul -Goldsworthy, both of SS 5.(News-Record Photo) • EBENEZER Mr. and Mrs. Robin Thompson entertained the members of the S$ No, 4 Goclerich Township Farm Forum last Tuesday evening, This "500" card party was the final meeting of the season. ATTENTION FARMERS! SPECIAL LOW PRICES on BELL IMPERIAL THRESHING MACHINES Until May 15, 1951 IT WILL PAY YOU TO ' CONTACT US NOW FOR PARTICULARS Repairs and Parts Now is the time to look over • your older machine and have' any repairs done, so that you will not be held up later. We give careful attention to re- pairs and orders for parts. News of Londesboro Correspondent — MRS. Ii. DURNIN Phone Blyth 37 r 19,, Nelson Lear foy the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake, Paul, Karen and -Jane, were Sun- day visitors with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Durnin. Recent guests with Mrs. W. iv- on and Mrs. Mary Crawford, were Mrs. Minnie Jones, Auburn; Mrs. Scrimgeour, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Israel and Mrs. Schmidt, Kitchener. WA To Meet The Woman's Association will hold their meeting on Thursday, April 18, at 2. 30 o'cock. Program committee is Mrs. Earl Gaunt and Mrs. Harold Sprung, ' Hostesses Mrs..N. Lear, Mrs. E. Wood, Mrs. D. McNeil, Mrs. Gordon Radford. Sunshine Banquet The Sunshine Sisters of the Women's Institute held their ban- quet in the church basement ,on Tuesday evening, April 2. At 7.30 about 52 members sat down to a sumptuous turkey dinner, ser- ved by members of the Woman's Association, The tables were 'dec.: ()rated with the Institute colors and flowers. , At the close of the dinner \the secretary called the roll and as each members name was called her Sunshine Sister pinned a fancy handkerchief on her dress. As it was the president, Mrs. Lyon's birthday, she was presen- ted with a lovely cake and all sang Happy Birthday. She was also presented with ' two lovely pictures in appreciation of her work through the year. Mrs, Ar- thur Clark, retiring secretary- treasurer, was presented with a lovely cake plate. Mrs. Clara Vincent sang a solo Mrs. T. Allan played an actor- (Ilan solo. Shirley Hamilton then showed pictures' taken on her trip to the west and United States last summer, which were enjoyed by all, WI Regular The Londesboro Women's Insti- tute who had their regular mon- thly meeting on ThOrsday even- ing April 4, had as their guests the 4-H Homemakers. Club, known as the Londesboro Laughing Las- sies, Mrs. Stanley Lyon, presided. The report of the nominating committe was as follows: President, Mrs. Stanley Lyon; first vice-president, Mrs. Edwin W. G. Thompson and,Spos Limited Hensall, Ont.--?hone 32 Wood; second vice-president, Mrs. Arthur Colson; -seeretary-treasui- er; Mrs. Adolph Fangrad; assistant secretary.;- treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe; press reporter,-'Mrs, Arthur Clark. . District director, Mrs. Bert Shobbrook; pianist, Mrs, Thomas Allen; assistant, Mrs. J, Arm- strong; flower and card conven- ers, Mrs. E. Hesk, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, Mrs, J. Clark, Mrs. L. Reid, Mrs. Bert Allen; auditors, Mrs. W. Reid, Mrs, A. Colson. 'Conveners of standing commit- tees: agriculture and Canadian in- dustries, Mrs. C. Crawford; citiz- enship and edUcation, Mrs. Leon- ard Caldwell; 'community activities and.public relations, Mrs, Leonard Shohbrook; home econorniCs .and health, Mrs. Percy Carter; histor- ical research and current 'events, Mrs. W, Manning; resolutions, Mrs. E. Throop. Mrs. Manning_ gave an interes- ting paper',on the motto "He Who keeps busy+ improving his own lot has. no time for idle tales about others." After the roll call, Mrs. Arthur Colson gave a paper on, "Make new friends but keep the old; the new ones are silver; the.. old ones are gold." Shirley, Addison, Loreen Addis- on, Marie Josling, Nancy Caldwell, Loreen Roe and Mar- jorie .Hunking, the Homemaker's Cattb under the leadership of Mrs. Dave Anderson and Mrs. J. Shad- dick, displayed their sleeping gar- ments they had made and their records. They were presented with 4-H crests and pins and also a gift froin the Institute. After two instrumentals by Mar- guerite Lyon and a solo by Karen Alien, the meeting closed and lun- ch vyas served. 14-5-b ROBERT DELL INDUSTRIES LIMITED Seaforth„ Ontario Phone 268 *j_5b