Clinton News-Record, 1957-03-14, Page 6- ..., . .... .1.1-1 I I—- �� ... . ... ...... .. __1-11 . .......... . __1_11....-1.--1.-.- __.__._ �. I I 1. I � ... I - *
- - I 4P "PRVRAPAt 9AW9. 14, 1001V
13 �_ , - .. .... , I I I . I I . I . -1 11 � I I . I- � ............ 4 . I - _. - - " - "I 4,M. -M. I . � � I � 11 I .. . I . I - I I—, . . 1.11, 11 . I I . I . I - "..1i I 1, , - , -, � - . V 4 .. , I
' ... -1-1.1 "I'�'ll,��,,�;�l;-.-.�-�;"."-
'00 .�11� 4§_;4"11;, V �:� �,1'':: - __ I 1. - _ - - --- I �9 -.1-1; 11 ... -1-1.1 ;
-, j - � - ,, j- , r ,,, ' 1, . , 1. I I - � I—, . .., -, 11 � I � ., , - . . . ��*PP.11 - 0�1�__�_.X i ��� I - I
�. �
I . . - �rinity Guild, At - :1 I
'M W I . I
. ,
: I -1 - , - - , - , .06, '19, '45, "I Distriet Auctivoni� S les ,
"., T
� � � �— I ba f, i
AIX a . SITUARY . 11 :
I f. ,$a f"e Albion Foatures, , - I - Y" R ,A , 0- . , I
; . t P �, :;, i:!-,- :1A r:, 5; �. �.' i � " o i i. E � � �, � � � ' Clearing clearing , �
I _WS 01 � '. " _1d I
: me � y i ..,
I . �
i , I ,� :V X ,, X Quilting Party WA, meeting_ , X-Thowas;Orr I
. � ,;$$ LUOK , I .. � AV CTION $AIM
� � 0 , _ WPOD$ . � � 5 C Trti I . AUCTION $A" I
r , _
I - Ole r000tblg meotlng.,o 11ty The Febroa R. Thomas -Orr, Stratford,. pass. of v_m
J-0.04. 19744W10 obamV404 UW41 Corr"p9potot � ry meetint of the . A� ,$ ,k, ofl, , �
, . ..t.04 I ay GAWK AnO ot FAM., Varlin
I 'PHONI�z PA,XVIELD ,45 r 3 . C�h.qpq , , $tl;�O)k, Xjj�p§. .
. h. Qujjd't.o.oj� the f0rnl of a , ' At'h'S'ho`me' "a St' P'4v_ Dairy XCAPipaw4t, lat Lot 80'. 004, 101, G Iq
, tratq .and Food, at Lot j.%
, a treet, On- MOnday morning, 0-e6siQu O�Xollotb � I), � TZ"94vtle"141104 Ir Ifullett TQW1 111i, , �
: I I . . I . - �. A940Q1At1QZX,WAs- held at ed away Townsl
- - - ---. - - __ — quilting at the Albloo j��'iol oil W,�'mon` 14 S ,O 'Wee
I __ - ____ - - - - - - ___ __ - - - - . Mrs, LQQ 900>n- �je �W- _
. , I .
I N �,.�� 2441.'�; - 7 �., -6 111. I- --1 � 1 --�,4; �---i-F------?- T-4 4ev,pning, The president, the Church with ., as -in his 87th year. A man M00* Aqrth 44 04a
. . � toaA .on
- 1A ; I I . esday . . _ ,. the,' 1% mileo ea f Clinton, oil NoI__ i
.sto ,
: Ser ... N 'S , for :his 04so 140, on li I ,
.goont ,and -Mrs. ,T. MaYman,, Xr. and X= . Grant Turner and Xm, Perey, Weston, led in the nell presiding. The devQUO1141 was of wWe Interests, his, love 01ghway, 04
- . , ,
( were,the guests of Xr. and Lord!s , , t, g ,,q -In t - b � ,
. Lo �, were witli her p.,r9jjtSr Qy.. , Amily praye�, .4n,a z , ged paid TueSd,%y, X4re,11
. he pbg#e. � f Mrs, A I I , , 1.9 W
, _ 9 . gibert, Stir . onle city Was a large factor in
. ., ednesomy, X%roll,27,
-, � ,
. . _ p#on a grs,, R,,jenkins the development 4t 41;.Q P'M'
. - I London over the in usine
. , upisq
, ,A boo,
_ .ro tji
T1 � , erbi . ss ses- 4AWA.grQup. The, hymn '10, JT0sv.A of - the ., city'A . ,44 12.4(rAQo4 o"p, the foo9wing.-:7
. I ,vr Ole weelmild. weekend. � � P190. Ibave, Promlsi�dl* -Was sun9k 0ter beautiful park jsyptern 50- Head 4of Registered Cattle; Hereford X Jersey :
Xr ,Is Mr., Orr maintained a summer , - cow, .
, ited her 14rs, Len T4 .no Mrs, R., T1tZ6IM9*ZAVe thV$00- .
, , s, A F e$ 'I yr$.- Old, 'freshened 3 TAonths; -1
, ., M. Bassett v . IbQt, wh, recentl,y ��'iure JQJ?
,which thl� Sell . , _A 15: 1-15
da.ughtor, 4 ,pry's report a _ - . , ... home in B4;�,fleldforoy6r 25years, and Grade Cattle,
. Qso 13'artiaVi Bassett in underwent iurgery, was able to re% ,ucl Mrs, . W, . , A;Pgu$ X Herdora Cow 4 Yrs Old
. Loadon for the weekend, leave Clinton public jq0siptal on ton ihe financial statement,. A Was read, by Afts, W. Ti-MaAAb. alid was. 4'�wm!�er of the Plonver Including: 1:101stein cow, 7 yrs. recently fresheneq, � at
be,, beautiful prayer book was. Lo - *tgtion and- ,prayer Were 4, caU at toot; I-rol ,4th �, 1 , ,
.r 4V , _ � , Xl (US at village. 01
M,.-.844 Mrs, T. M, Leckxe� and, I Skt , , The, med-i Park Asspal4flou of th stein cow, $ toot; liweTord cow, 4 y M11 re. -
I u a t recuperate 4 -" vs, 0 ,
., .t . * -old, r. beged 2,mQAths; Pure- cently freshened with 4al . f at foot;
. O High- play. It i to be placed in t�e given by Mrs, ROlert Surling. No one: knew mom of tho Canada y , . I
Donn , were it their ept-lborrie bo the Blue Water , 1. �s . . Ninetep - sent 1b) . -stein 4cow,4yrs. old, fresb� Hols,tei I n X � Hereford cow, 4 yrg, -
ao London ' ,n memben were pre Company than boi- and be- was Ael-
1 tage r -the weeketid. I , tanley To Parish ball,in, memory, of MO. N. � I I
.- � . We` , way, S , , wnsb1p, � I , gpd dect d to ,give $10. I ened 3 month5,, Purebred. Holstein o14, recently fresh
I W, woodi� tpr. use 'in the, $upday . . de , I I 0 the cepted, as an authority on district , ened, With
.. . I . calf
, c I �- yrs, old , shened 5 weeks�, �
. ,,. fre
� I
� ". . , I I 1. �. " I I . � � I � �. �. United Cliurch Camp at Goderich, jll tory, through, the Huron �'Vraet, at toot; i-lerer
. � : I -school. . . Is Holst�i� C', , 3 yrs. old, freshened ...ord cow, j yr$. ol�d,,
L . � *11 ,. 11 duetime ofs�le; Holstein X Here-,
. vahurch cleaning Xor the Slun_ The ,. .
. W�A Wl buy lQuAtAill-3 for the , Borh in Downle Towqshlp., Perth 1,dveel 4 Holstein cows, 3 yrs. ,ford cow,, 4 ,yrs. old, dUe. time of
� , "
I , 4i � . I.. Sunday School rooi'ns, Some Plans County, in 1870, Mr, Orr live � 's' . I .
; I mer .montbs. Was , I.Scussed and .. ,�bred -16 , due May 4, erefoid I
I - I made fdr the bo.kiv Stratford all .,of his life. He entor� - , - 24;
.d in I Ateln and s.41e; R
I fl- e r " 11� 111 I 11 .. - � V were ig We to , a 15 April �Q and -Tuly ,
. ws,On Little Pi.gll at R -Ode -I Isns, Completed for, c4tering fgr a , , , X Guernsey cow, 4 -
. � p I yrs, old, to freshen soon; Hereford,
, I I wedding. . 'be held In Clirita;loij M s r 4 Holstein Cows, 4 lyrs. old, bred, cow, 4 yrs, c .
, , TV# , ,.. arch 23. ed business witli hi fathe In. the )ld, to freshen, o
. . , I , I
, o '111 M - Following the rheeting, the bas, The ladies enjoyed a lively lialf- -Orr ,mill, then * Hereford and due April Z Apr415, 3 Ilereforc , . oon;
- I ii the site of , ,I heifers to freshen soon;
" '. H_ me From Market st�je , the
� de ' Holstein 6.Reroford, yearling h6tfe,
I . I .1. gh . - recreation conducted by �present shell .stand. March 19 and Apfil �, rp.
I . � � tess, Mrs. A. M. . B_As,giett, served. hour, of . J Jn,Lai�esi cow, 3 Yr$, Old, bred H
. 1� (By our Rayfiel, 0 lunch. . Mrs. Wilfred Chuter. .. FarX Then be went into the in- ,,, erefordi due Pip; Yorks'hire sow, With. litter,
,�*,rr,o opd , I Nt;i 2r purebred .
s o1cpfigr "itt) . 4 , �,Iereford cows, ,5 weeks old; 2 Yorl.ohire som.
: to r ne and then going back . I - - - - - - - - - _. � ------ a� 5 yrs, old with calves at with litt I
. market- = . __ --:�: :. __ sprance business, His first Pub-, , ers 6
, , a � �. Z �,:_�; , q , weeks.old, York-shiri
This littlo pig went I Z_i5.--.' -5, .. -, . - - a� �P� ��; I P .,�_.i.;..; foot; yearling heifer
.. " �,Ad roder 3101-ner, da luxt for his purch4se, So piggy por- I �- -_7 �_. 110 office was�wjtlk, the Meehanics, .Purebred due ,April 96- Landrace :K-
I . ij . 'the. calb ,of a h ' . . - ' /I " Institute, and' r6sdIted in getting (these calves are suitable for 4-H s1:6
. pljel.�-up truck. -Xer sat up in t e front seat .bq- , . y hire boar, 11 m0tbs old.
I f Clubs), .
. It happened this way; tween the driver and his eprnpan- the first free library opened in the Cal , 3 Holstein ,heifers, 2 ImPlemelits; 1952 V.A,C, Ca
I—. . ,ed Neroord, due Sept. . se, --
, , I , qb . 0tor, with J�agle'llltcb; Case 2-
i0l , N ew f Wndght
.1, , $ 0, . 1. 111. i Va � oro ,I Ill get tr,
I " , city, He Was instrumenta - yrs. old, bi
4 . I W6 young, men dropped in at - Whether he enjoyed having a . � Correspondent _' NRf�� U. DU" ting a grant of $15,000 from - and ,Oct.; Ayrshire*caw, 7 yrs, Old, row cultivator with 4 -row attaqb�
, _ W � , An- I nlerefor4 - ment and bean puller; C � s
. . . due in April, bred I - , ; HOI
11 the community .p . ode
sal� In Clinton last x an!a ary Around him, is ..- . AeM_ .1
. ' '. ftone Blyth $7 r 19 drew Carnegle-the first,Carnegle S. ei . nford'cow, 4 yrs, old, A. 6 ft. combine with motor; i9o.,
, � ,
. , Week, .. One lonely porker was p,ut not ltilowni but the pig dldol� . . I I., I I - - - - - - I :: - j- I.: .-:.- 1 �- I grant made in Canada. due in May, bred-Heretord.; Dur, Ford tractor; Fergusop tractor
' - - - - - ..
-_ _ - "�_ . .- . .______ I
I up for isale, The owner of the, make, any fuss, at Any rate. Per- � ._�_._, - I I � �. - ' , He ha,d been Connected with the jigni X Gudrnsey cow,. 5 yrs. old, Pilow; Ford Ferguson 6 ft. tandem -
I . .
. I I tru, , %i ,be I
ck;,alrea.dy loaded was prom - baps, , Ajoyed, t landsca . rd; TIpl.
, , he e Pe Ablin Axinstrong, Aft., ond�rMs. w.ere, high, Helen Johnston; S01 Stratford Board of Par% Manage- dile in August, bred�Herefq
, . I disc; Ford heavy duty power mow, -
� ' ted to W, by his companion.. He with clear-yislon through the wind- ,James Armstrong r,�14jtqd I S-tra,t- $hat o ; law, Mri� N rilen� sirioe 1904 when it Was form. stein - er; McKee -hay harvester, complete,.
, , A n n. , � John ott; _ heifer, 2 yrs. old (open),- 20 1 1
�.� , It
I a sum, ,at random, and/t� shield,,, But wben. the truck drove ford Ion, hand,, Mrs, John.. Scotti'john ed, Hewas always anadvodate of yearling D�irhafh x Hereford stoers wi-h pipes and forage box (3
named, , , , .on Sunday. ,e ,, I . . yrs. _
. hl4i- surprise,, Vie 1'25, 1b. pig was into !he ba�nyard, the eyes of the Mrs.' Howard Tait.�pent a, few Bromley. There will be another g9Qd roads, a and heifers, 800-700 Ibs,; -9 TiolAtein. -e 5 -ft. one-way (lift
, ,
.1 I . Ticil conservation of I I . I old); .. Kauss I
. .
. . I I heifer calves; ,Holstein bull calf typ ),.
. I ,knocked down to him. I ot er , e , Ferguson spring tino cvl� -
: , men doing the chores did buldge days in Loadonthis week with Mr. .party later in March, In the Or, forest and stream was .an, h of (from -purebred herd), iivator; Ltf 11 -disc -fertilizer drill;
- , I .
Ile was In a Q=.dry.1 " _ with surprise, before th rd! - his hobbies. ge founded -be
. � oy gave way and Mrs. ,T,,' Ha ity, I ange hall and everyone is welcome, . t Dairy Equipment: 12 millk cans IZ
- , i ft. cut., M.iH. No. 11 -
. � ,
, - it wasret" worthwbire bringing to mirth , � , . . " Mr. and ,�Trs, George Neel and The Londesboro WdrT,Lenlri Inst14 Stratb*d HiStOricaJ S'QCIetY in (nearly newY;- I strainer; I cool- � , bindei, 7 � ,
. I . . � . I tr4i�tor spreader (On. rubber); M,H,_ .
.. \1 I - - � . . I ... -_ Marilyn, Mrkton, visited Sunday tpte held their meeting in the hall 1922. � ing trough, I I
. 1. �-_ . , . 1. -N. � I ., I &bar side delivery ralce; 3-§ectjon.� ,,.
I � 1i �' with Mrs. Laura Lyon and family. oil Thursday, March 7, Mrs. Ed. Surviving besides his wife th6 riks: 3 sow, carrying second lit� harro,A,s; 3-*w-tton; !ever drag -
1. - . . . drag
,. � Birds CA�ming - Back Fok Spring.XIIIIaI . Mr.. and Mrs, Douglqs Radford, wInWood, vlce;presldent,.�presided, form�er Nellie-, Webster, are two ter due time of sale; sow, carrying, harrows; 3-drurn steel. roller; joh
. ..
.1 . Niagara Falls, visited with Mr. iRoll, call - was answered by giv,ing sons, Thomas W. Orr and Johil A,. thirdlitter, due. time of solo; sow , , n,
. . I I Deere roller -bearing ,wagon; rvb.,
0, . ' I Ith 10, pigs, 4 weeks old� 2. Tarn- ber tire wag ; Cgrdinal Junlor-
10 � , and Mrs. GoMon Radford, 'over uses for Scotch tape.- ' Orr, both of Stratford; three wX on
,. I - i
�' L_ ""ut 81vieb-irds i'laVIIng It .Safe- dirsoWO, bred 4 weeXs; 2 York 16 ft. grain elef,rator; Wood's grain
, , , , __ of qz�r 'the Weekend, , i* Don4tlonq are being given - to daughters, " Mrs. F. M. may) wo�
. - . . � . I 1� John, A,pppttong, T4,r. and' Mrs. Qjq I ,,public Hqspital and the squipeso, Stratford, - Mrs. A. B., sows, bred 4 w,eeks; YorX. hog. grinder, with 3,h.p�,motor,- silding,
� . .. , , -, Agg , , ffGrW, Veed and Alls"Hapeous: rack; 2,000 1b. scales; henfrew-7.
1� . I (By our Bayfielil eorrei�ondent . I
� � ) weekerid:w1th her .brother and sis- hall board, ,A shield is being giv. (1sabel) Stapldton, Vancouver, Generalpurpose horse, 10 yrg, old,
I ' .' , In conversation. with.Mrs, J. E, in-, that ord�r, wereinot to be seen. . Ir power cream separp
. _ , , tto,r; -bog scales j..
I . I I ,
I I I . ter-in4aw, Mr.. and Xp. William en to the music festival, A . . 1. �
. . I pril -.9 ,B -C., and Mrs. J R, Iblafgaret). set a breeptilng, harness; approx. and crate; Tanning mill; -tru(),k .tar-,
1 , RoWard, who keeps a record' Of. The first kildeer ploveio was noted, Laman, in Brampton., in, United. Church. Mrs.. Clarence Whillock Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 40 ton. mixed ,, hoy;approx. 600 bus, - S�et,of 10-18-trii�tor'cilgins; : ,
[ "torr by Robert Blair on Mar6h Is. , I I . I � � I I P, . . paulin, 1, , .
birds and thd'r mi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Townsend� CmWfb�4 andik Mrs. Lloyd Pipes Thrre are eight grandchildren. rr"ed grain; 2 electric brooders; walki
� . ,. gra habits, H.,H. Ormond saw a re4-wIna � I . � I I - I 2 electric fencers; 200 -gal, 119 Olow; 28' ft. extension,
MT. and, Mm. Harr5r Durnin, spent were � i0pointed - to the Clinton . gas ladder; M.H. Cutting
1.e the writer learned. that ,she. saw a4l�blrd, at Ipperwash last. we&, . �
. , t , I � . . I box; ibag,-
. - , bl I I . I . - Friday �vening, with IV.- and Mrs. ,Hospital Auxiliary, tank and pump; stock �raller; 6 .holder;' 130 ft
. . .
I the first red -shouldered hawk -con several flights The nomir�- steel pig troughs and nu ;-, of'% " Inch oablw
I _
.. .� , Of rranR.'P6tter,. dt i TB Seats Sale �. � . mprous with
I and robins ,�jjd ducks, g,61ng near Clintob, ating ,' Mrs. Ernest � Pulley; garden sout
.., January 24.' The cromis, , up,the'l�ke. 14st . 6ther -artidleg�., . , . fle.r,
: rot �abdiit tin . day's 'earlle�r' 0 . . I Kqnneth, MacInto4h has return- Xnox and Mrs. Leslie Reid, ) chain*.; eveners; forks, shovel,Saiia_
week q1so � No -reserve as farm is sold-. vu-mero ,,
7 �,. . ,. three, .iOid gO,ese were
� I a Manitobajafter Mm. W. Tyndall, Mrs. Q,; Rad- incre, 0, .- .11 us other oticles..
I . #An usual this year. " � -Sh$'. bbtdd ea'to his, home'ii ' a,s6d T � Terms: Cash, I -
I. � .1 SPI -ed by, anothei birq0 h r Fee , rain
, .,w . I d and Q ,: Quantity of -
'. .
� the first robi ' J ' ' but . C e - spending the winter with hils cous� ford and Mrs, J. Aiimtwag are to ' 41ft- GRANDON 'NEAL, Ffd)� and loose --hay; approx, 600,
1 . n on, February:18, � h " f only, � ' days off', ,. . . I I rietOr baled
I thought it plikh't have ,been hei,�e , ,Wit , sor lig mven I ins, YAr"s., Vb`wns*416rf1d and IM& F� make ar.r4ng q� .. the ,Sun- $11.6 --Ju Huron - , Edward �w. Elliott, Auctioneer.
11 ' . � � . bus. of oats; approx. -100,bus, of"
.. � , oWqlally, jb� snowdrop% - � - q� ' � -1 . . .
I -
I - all winter. *Oil - . are rear� Little, - 0 ', ')4- ,,", '' , sfifne Sisters, iY4 uet, . ,.ch rnern- I 11uron Coubtk Tuberculosis As- . 10-11b barley. I .
March 3 they were ing their. heads' In the gar �
. , 1 _di6a and� . �
� I I . -
her#-. Ift I numbeks. . ', 1,,F/O David Fairs6rvice .1 ft for �bir will Present her. Sunshine Sis- - - . Farm: At 3 tp.m. the farm of 100,;
. the. cArdihal,, , e ,sopiation raised a,,tptal of I W. . I
.. 1, _ ' jbq $uAday !ter with, a fancy hankle. Also each ' I ..- , $.�A . AUCTTION S*CE - -acrer-,(nior_e,or--1qss,)., 4*.�,Qod Clay-
fro its-IM6 ' 'al� of ACIAristmas , ' I I . . loam will be offered for -gale. oil
. r . uary 20, and. o4 Fpbruar thpy! In. � like . - .1 . mig. SejT 'Increase over � I . - ' 't - . S.r .
saw ,Marc ' '�. �Oiit .5-14ce March caM4 Vier spend , ing the past two weeks'Member will: pay' her membership Is a subst tial OF FARM XACHI1qERY ,
�- - , . . - I I � h ; - begari to sing L. on Clareshohn ,A . rta, Pal' �
� .Robert Blajr a ci�ow on Feb-, ,
� , � y.4, a lamb, rhayhap, those ith his parent ' . . , this farm is situated,, an,
, , _ . I " I , � 1� on 00m,
i ' ' But ratory birds. which sliggid hgve 'Wa . , I frame -house with asbestos shingle.
. ; s, Mr., and Mrs. R. te,d -at the ban the �revi 4 . �
had �aio ippear�d in numbers. .quet .1 �jous ye� r. '
. � I . o ,con -On ,the 1966 c ign ' ' .March 2-5 1957 . siding, and'dn attadhed,garage.- In.,
fol!,�M.tnz . the _ � , lrairserv0. His sister Anile,wh The topic on, 'H�m,e F omics
the strange paxt this'ye�r, is. .that, been.. , , " crows and , A report ampa . ,, , !.,: I I It
li .1 �s(� 1.b� was ;�jglihig � it her hoW6, here ac- and Health was ,given,. by ,Mrs, was given an"'associatlon directors ,� . . !,�t �p I L-.. ,.,at I P.M' the housd is also `.a, 3-pfe6�', bath
� . the kild,6er I � ' . "' , '- " ' ' � ,� . qsiivg abit olf common� -, 61�ahled- Aijrn'to'Detroit. 4 . Jl,ar�y Tebbutt. I . . ia�,O Is home,
� .1 7P over, ,__ .., , op_jps are . The ,jr
ok1n . pr6grarn con� meeting. in, ,Clinton '�y Mrs. J, B. �eu& Snyder half and pressure system. -On this farm
- -
And bluebi�d whieh' sense jj?� notjollowing the leaders 9L. - I 11 , - I - . , '64 . � . ' barn 441x&Y, with.11tter ...
, L - � I i . The card Va . � ,b .1 nAW, of $altford Allage is a bank
I . '
,- I Z,' after the 'crow's an&- kobits this year, " . � � " .rfy mi*c� was held iked o� a piano I , - - I I .,
: � , � � ' , 4p14' - y Mrs. T. Russell, Seatorth, executive� seere Model 33 Oliver,12 M.combine, carrier, pressure system, and ter-
. . in the Orange hall on'Friday, Mar. AWn. ' _Mrs. Harry w&
. . . I I . . . I ". i � . . ' ' - Reading%. b3A, . tary. I . � . I and beau attachmeilt; �owlsi; an imP1ement,Aed.5Vx3T-
� � eh 8, was well' attended. Vtnri�rs -Lear andVrs. Harry Durnin. . withpick up . - " .
I . . . I . \ , I . I ..., .1 I .. . . . I I . .Vater of the - annual meeting 'Ferguson tractor, two years old', 2 partable gra ' ii'es; and a pig ,
.1 - . ,
I - opprPOP - ----- � I . . I , , . . - - . I na . ,
. r� . . - - --- --- - - ____ - - =_ =-- -_ - - .n go - -OlIver SS'Standard
� .. . ; . , � . . . �: , , , I I , ) , -A �� � - - _ -, -_ --- ---- I was set f4 ApiR 29 at the tow I . Od as new, I 11 �
I I 1- - - - I 1 2
11 '0"�.s . � - � I . . . I . . �� _ ,, . I . I
. , - . . IQ . . . ,_ .1 I,- � hall, Clinton-. tractor- With ive Power Take -off-, T- ' land .Conditions a Sale:
I , . .- - �� � *2,-,' , o a' Mrs. X. B. McRaq�i Chintoni full line of power machi . nery. - On , ,., st k, , Juiplements.'antj�,
I I 1. - I- . -� - 1. - I W,n -of.the county's TJ3 ed -u- New building 22'xl4',, with fee .
.-- - . "ll'
. I � , . PRI .,�, AT .up _. — . . - ! W4 � e - I. "; i.i'k - f , + 'To ,, , h I P chairman s . . n farih-10% down'
- - . _�,�____ . I 1.
" ... . I . - weric. - shant
,. -
... I .. . � n em'. . , .6w ah . _y can 6asily be moved,. , (in date sale and .balance in. 30
. I ' . - � -- � -- �- ;�_, - , _ I ... ." : � cation committee, reported on. a 2,000 bushels a Ajax
.. . - . - - - - - - .1 . . . . � .1 . ,health education workshop she re,- dy n arranod.�
�' - � . 'ELAINI'S � H A IRD . . � q__Q__ �� a . -I- - - ___P - - - _._ � ;;; - P&fitly., for seed, . I . . with the proprietor. Th0.f,4rm.wIW ...
. . ,��,,;�.' "No . . 'i . . __ - _. --.1 .. .. . ittep&4. at Beck .Memorial -so, fWl'line'of farm'equIP be offered Cot -sale subject'tb a.j.
. . .
� I I
� .11 I .. . AJ
. % I . 11 .� I . . .� Mrs. LoqkhartVas the reetplent bai�ting and inT ,,reading sanAtorium�. London. �
; - .� �. L BAYFIEL I . . . ' . , ' . . , mept. No reservej as farm has reser�ve, t1d. ,, , , ,
. I , I . of, man3F:14bve15r Irdts. 7be ev6n- on ,,Best jCMqwn* H .j4t -in - She , � � ,
* -1
� ,) '. , .:: , . I - ,,.!Q' � � . ymns, W- tp I . informed 'fhe meeting she . I WILLLUL.M. � WEEK$ -Propriebw
. . I . ", . .
&" 00 Ing was spent in, cards and .46cial 'by � .1 il ef W, p- �J,ans to glve'greaiter emphasis on $nydbr, RR 4, qoderich , - : I . . I
I . . . 11 , .,r; It ; t I - I.. � r Edward W. Elliott, Alactionser"
. . qp,d 4", Cold Wave for ,., I chat. " * ;f " " ,aut4po'� ese educati6n, through concentration on % � - % P"Prieter
. . . - .1 14 . ,q) - I I I � I 1 0 1 7 . � , � ��= , . - . I I I h1r, - -
- ' .
. . I . � . � �_%�6._ 4 1. I .-� �� . . I I ,,*.r... And Ws, Bert Rowden eu-� . �� . &�.... I " e rer y God- 78 educat(�7al. mrng_ �i ,. �',':".b, ',',, .. ' . ..,', Hiarold Saelmn,-. Auetione6r � . � . I . . � 11-2.1
I I . I . .
� I or I - . � -_ I - .1 . "t.. P. Che4it4 Clerk; . .
� TWo for '906 I - , . tiWtair*d at a'family Ar�ner , on to . - - -eelf. . 44, i t�, "I - ... _. .
t- % V, � . I � hdi� 'navid - I
, , . %Z%r__ - __ - ___
:�`i I .
o .1.1 '�t 'y everung, I .
. I I � , � ", e -dt'da . . Qty,11' "There lt�'a:,'Green III 11 fa r I., I I I . �
. . . I I - . . - .11 maii-h , 2, Jn I . ., '' � .. I .... �5� 11-12-�p
o -.,- C. �_ 4 r ,- , 11 - 1h I I I - . I I - - .- .. - .
I PHON9,11AYFIEW 5 I , , .1 11 I I - -
� I 4. � - 1; I _h6nQ'q' r & t e'laffer's moth -&r., Mrs. ,,Way." I � . � Clearing I
0 1 - .z -.� i � , . U -b . . I - I I .- . '. . � .
I I I James Lockhart Who ,WAst i*e- -Mrs. Stewart Middleton, edilea- - IME ' AUCtION SALE"
� I � I ,,, . I . . . . . . . . . . -.1 - brating a birthday. Those present tionki secretary for the Deanery . 1. . .. � .9 . .. FARX_j$1OCK ,AND - Of Varm. Stock and lmptemeatv�.,
I . . . - , . � were Mr. anct Ux.s. Lockhart, . Cwrespondent, - . IMP14EMENTS at LOP . . �
� . . I . of, Huron, ardidunced a showing 6f � is, con. 11, Hull�att Town,_
. oaddef.poe4�oosoof�*�0.00�odio?�.0as?.04!-.Fr!l� ------- --- , Clihtc ,. MRS. C. MCBRIDE, 2!/ L ..
. I ." 1. L . ... .-.--. - on; Mr, . and Mrs. 1AWSOn the Ades on - thb Study Book . Ve be sojd'.�&*'lot 14I Cm- 2, Stan,, ship, 2 mu" e"t.of Londes",,,
. I I I . . ! � Lo" " - RO,41 04k, ,'Zast .fi r4on� I - 14 Township, 11/4, � miles west of .
I � takhart .and (4MILly, , BurnWI to be held in I I Hen"H 69748 Tue.Qay, Karel! to ,.
L .. I "AbAhli& 0 - � .. �. rom 'L , . I 0 1 . 13mfvfle1d,'ojt.. '
1. , I s 'L Mieb � Mr., .and Mrs. Glen Lock- St. rMomas rth, on -__ - - - I . � -
- - - ____ � _ � ..
I .
" i
�� 't IM16 , ft . -1h&rt and family, Exeter; Mr. and Tuesday, Alpril.16, to -�rhich. all � - _' I Mon X ,8 . I at I p.m
A", twe"" I . . IF I (jobf, . arehl
I . � . . I I , 11 be L MIS I
11 " 1.� L ' * - � . Sunday. vvi sl6n 'A d Cattle: 2 Holstein cows, ong ,
�, I � , Mrs. -. 4rhe Ebckhaft - and ,.family, VjA-s in Huron Manery will be in- e at I.p.m. I p'Shr and' other due ta April; 4.,
L . I filhe"th, P aze�yoiir 9.044t. a silo, to avoid rtbrW -1911; Mr.vand 16s, I John vited. . � , -Consisting of:
- NOWAS49c,"'.", ` I , I The nice weiath r .should . bring fr,
. I � .; , , I.'$ _ . .. . I . . i, 4. -more children out. � Cattle- 25 Mlstein -cow& 'and, Durhain -X Hereford, COWS, due -to-,
, " , , .00.,
. . I
. , , IQ arij 6; —N -W, is � � . : WnW. 6g, and Mr. .and "
I � . It 0 " h6i4age of.celhiit-, IL . I �� ,1�yth . Mrs. The president announded a ' L freshen in 4 to,Sr weeks; 2 Durham,
I . i " �. , i
� I ", , . ,., L . v . . The Wonian's- Missionary $oc- heifers.,. fresh and clo.qi apringers
� I � -
L , . � � 6 Wlse, "er 'L
, � FAward ich TO'�WMP olaht sale to -be held in May, also -1, registered .
I . -..,Contac1F`M& At Once , ioi'10�11 inf4r tion , :i jie L, - ' .. Alb I er fety� of, 06shen Church will meet Mostly all Vaccinated, X Herefordbeifers, -due, to freshen ,
L : -
L. I � , me spril Ivan,, ,In 10�be,. -ta ,plans for a bake sale,in 3uly. A-15ril rnd May; Hereford bull,,.
,� . I I I I , .. 9 .. . 1.
� ,� ; . .. . , . I 'L . 't '4 -b . M 4
1 1 ��s not prgse4t. . at Nks.."Roy &Brldft' on .T. mr Hereford ull, 2 years o1d; several
. .1. . I � � iZ , IN.. * , , . During the afternoon a dffilt &L , . . L I . . young . calves. . ilsing ,2 yrs. old; 5 Durham X,
1 id` The meet- r4ght. , Ntsaftery: Na ey Harn L 'L �
I . 11 I I I - V Wji�es waAr a1:most"Wmpj16t6 y . ss .0. Herefoi-d steers, risiffg i -yr. old,,
I X 0ME 'IN WA�- A , �, . �s� N .
I (� k - .' .t- �L R ... .1 "'. . . I 1. . I I " - . A farw-e4 get-together wag 30 tractor in good Condit ,n
. " m . .l I I ifig 616se 'L.wi% r, , after ` - , . ion.; . I - Heomford,helfer, rising I yr. old,
. " I . � LO ,, tj , , , ' ' 8 .11 - -.I- ., Mirs. Arnold *Miller was hostess � which'a' , praye ,. held in the church basement on ternatl,onal BV. 'tractor; Otaeo, Hay and Grain: Approx. 10 ton
� , B ILD'IE, .. 1� . - . , lovely.
. I
. - ", , $1 I . for the *�omenlsl A=fliary ,meet- - lunch was served` ,b&nd,ay evenink. for Mr. and Mrs- manure spreader on iubber; In- Of mixed cut hay; 5 1 ton nlixeO!
. -
, � Phone NO 244.32 "_ tlinion -.4 t. O. -Box 40, f4sooC St. Ing oif Si. Japies' - Church;, Middle- � William, Taylor, Joyce,- Dount and terhational 16 plate tractor ,�HLSC' grain. * � . I
1. . , I
- - - - ..= ----------- � sehinety: Cockshutt side rake,
, . . I. 1 4 ... . 6 to:.LO.b ton, - on. _'W,pdn.esdAy 'afternoon, - i Lyfih.-, Tefijifiles, of er�kinoie v�er6 8 section.. of Cockshutt drags, man- X ,
� , #a.0Wt#V#We@v.r4 I - I &4rch . 6. ,There were, 21 lathes ' -. ., I . i I Play '1�fie'hlgli Prize went to ure,loader for small trac:G'. . binder, cream separator (Ww); - -
I ----------- Aej`04-44daa.0 - � . � IL" . and two visitors. present. ' . . . ' I 'CONSTANCE . In . to Feed: 500 bales of hay- also churn; IGOR. of hay fork roop� '
4 pppp���4� ---- L Arnold %eys'and the low prize .
- . - L - "e president Mrs. Fred Middle- - . . - ' . quantity of baled cut straw'. ' - . Terms--C"h .
� . *Urr - - - _'R_EA ,� ton'led In responsive. prayers from - I d, porrespon D6=a Peck. .1 . . , - Termg Cash OTTO VANGRAV, Proprietoi.,- -
. JLI!.,.& 'Y THIS A I dent .,Mr. and Mrs. Taylor received
� 0PP0 I UNIT .. I
i . I I � .. . . I . . I . the "Living Message," followed by MRS. F. �Xii,ur an au -torn 'c toaster a d wrought D'Arey JWhwell & Sons, Prop. ', Khrold tTw4son, Auetlonee3c
MANAdER WANTED—Part-Time Only "the members' pmy6r'l and Lord's * - Phone Sftfortk.84lr3Z _ iron, . ,41 Vi Harold Jackson, A-aeldQueeir ID.'P. oqhesney, .Clerlg
. - I. . ---. I I - magazine racjr.. Elach of' the I .1 11-b-',
$10,000.00 to $20 000 00, -annual. 14coine i3c"sAble -b'y* spending only prayer. ---- --- .1 1. . � - 11-b
I , I - - - - I
, ' / 1. -girls were- presented with a small
. a few hours nion,El� in jdst4:are time. Well establjShM Canad- Mrs. . Ray Wise gave the Scrip'. � ' L I . � . I
-L !art ComPanywill appoint local man 6r�'*bnian. to suvervise ,this . ' Mr.. and Mi% Frank IUley',jv1sIt- cup and saucer. Mrs. Anson Me- 10' I 1. � ,
, ture reading from Dan' . .
!�, sensatimial business. No experience necessary as we tr4in,,`:VQ, Ie'l 9: '3;.j-'4- ed Mr. and Mrs: Fred Stephenson Xlhlby read the a4dress. \_1 . . I ,I,
� . I , . . u Mrs. Gordon Rathwell 'read - the 4 � I L - . L,
in all phases of the business and no high, piegsurie man is wante .. . in Brussels on Sunda* . , . . . . I I . . . . L . I
.., d . . . . I
, . as no selling on your part is requirjRI Q.4all-fications ard as minutes "and Mrs. Donald Middle- I'd I I . . I
; follows; 1. Good Character and Refer ' ' ' ton the treasurer's report. . I . C6ngratulations. to Mr. and Mrs. EMEPPIIIIIINIIIIIIVPIUBMMimlo�9111111111111111111911IHIIIIIII[Mlloo- I I " f
ences , � - � I �
2. Spare 5 to 10 Hours -Mbifthly . ' � . . Mrs. John. Grigg re -ported for qerry Cook (nee Joyce Buchanan) — 1� I I � I
I . 3. A Mininluin of $1,600.160 Cash.Required the card fund. . I on the birtb.6f a diughter ih God- 11 '. IV L wk&ff , #L : .
hich is Fully Secured. ' . , . . 1 erich Hospital, on March *6 F, M! Y, 5 1 d I 11111111 - . il, �
. W Mrs, G. Rathwell xead a time y * �
I �If you can meet these qualifications and desire' an int6view with article re the Day of Prayer &r-. Wdlliahi Kerri MelMlop Town- - 7W_P1_Wj0 1 1 . ,. 11 . ... I �
Company Executive in your area, answer this ad immediately.. i ship -'and Mr, ALnd Mrs. Kenneth i . .. t I I :1111 ;
. vice and a Poignant story -of Hun- __ - __ - ., .
� -u a definitely gary, -entitled "Mower -in. the . . . ,
Please do not answer this adveitismerit unless yo necessary , - .1 Bottles, Pauf an(f Gary, spent Su -n- I I � , , . �,
interested in a business on a high Plane, have three . Ruins." I day With Mr. and' Mrs. Robert THE VE I ' I I " � . I I = I
. . WEA YOU . � I �')
Mrs. John Grigg gave a most in- - . . ..., . . __ 1. - - I I
cash available, and are a person who can mpLke and give a , . Grinioldby, i C? .
d Willi . �
I .- - Mr. . and M6. Borden Brown, ' , -, , -, -'- - -, `
I . - � .-,...-------- -----*-'.,..,.O.,..,.,...--.--�.""��,�"..."�.,....*......-��'-.-.�-.'-..'--.-.'---.'," e
. 10 OIZOEFZ OIL c" . ��..-�*.--�.--.'.,,..*.--..'..-'�-,-*..-..*.-..-*.-.'�-.'.--..*,,.-.'..-.'.,-,'--.-..,,'.-...-.-.,.--....-...",....,""..',..,.,.-�".."...,."..,...-N".�'.."..'�.'..'..*...'�.�.-.'..-.-,.'..--.'.-.-"..,....,*.......-.- Se Our Display �
� Joyce and Elaine, visited Mr. and . . IV
. Thil; man .0n,give you Wts. George Cam�bell, Hanover, . FROM US IS WELL se"d S ' . Z -
. I NAPSHOTS � .'.
. . 6. e 0 � . depen,dable. " Sunday and Mr�, and Mrs. Jos- . . t. . . r P` .!--.--.o . .. of . :
. . Pt. O . - I eph. 8arowno Hanover. � . I .
� . I .4 With YoUr LETTERS-. '
0-1-. . - - . '
- _____ � I . delivery of-' -, Sympathy ,of the `cor�munity . - C '
0 0 * 0000 -------- ___ - - . . � . . ST. PATRI X'S .
. -_ 0� I I I .
I . I ,.I - . .1 �!� � . I goes out- to Mr. aftd Mrs. David : '.*:�:.*:�:��'.�:.,:":.,i:i:.-'*�:j:�::%. .,. ... ..........."A I
- . .....-�..,.�.............?.?....,.......,�...-..-.
" ` -
_"~","____.__________ ---- ,% . � . . , -.� -.1--......'."...'?,l*....*.**"�', � ; , ITII � � -
. .
.,...,� , ..
. ... .
. ---- . IV .. I � ... - -1.-.-�--'?-`--`-.-` 1.K;;;;,; :........"'.."'."."'. ,X... A V ,
TRE lAviiagaton, in the loss of Mrs. L11v_ . '.., . ,I' 11
,..,.�.. ..'........?_ .�
#0, . I. . ... ... � I . 1� I
� , . I ' I D CARDS
. I I" I . . _� I � � " I
... I I . . � . .. , . .. "'. - I . � . .. � . .1 I � ,I, CSN1tj Sj1AN . ingstoWs dother, Mrs. -Ralph, God- See us f6ri�e I
I 0. If N wh6 was; killed III a car acei- �., I . � 11 i
. 1, 4 A . -0 CE_ rey, txgtra prints I ,
W � � � I . . dent on I-1-ighway 8, Iasi Friday . . . I � youl)l need - . I � . I . 1,
_.-1 ...1._--1-_1T-_ . �, I MONITOR . . .
., ' .1 . / Sic .- 10c -- 154
. I. � I I 1. . I . I I . I .1 I .— I.. I � an . night, , , . / . . � I , 11.
... I
me I TMA0*9 . ` . I w* 9 � 111 r IT PLEA065 , . IrdermtI001 11 . , I wrds 116sts TPU . I'll . I . ..- . . I , v N r � I I . -.1
, I . , . . .. .; 0 i. .. �, - ;� _. � . ..
S"als, VMy . ,... - . 11 .
. 10WWf R ... . "O I
I I 0 w. AX91111W . A very sue 10 � I I - I
. I I I I I . , I c6asful sdelal evening
I . . , -' . . a nn -
I '. Use I
. . et llme 11 �
U ng !.
.. , . dnesday, Marth 6," The WMS A* ' Ho ' el I .
WWR I HE. , .1 11 I OMNI* -� . . .1 Was held ifi! Constance Church on -
I � " I I ,. : , 1� P�, . 11 Nbusewives, busint"Men, ' ' We ... � Springtime is . . I �
. . I '.1 V I - I � . I I teocherso,ond studerits all over . 'ladie$' ent6r,tained the yoVU. Mrs. - X . � . . '. . . .
- - PLEA01E, *001 - the, world read arid tnicry this* X6hffWfHUlIey, Mrs, W. L Whyte 'UP' ON. YOUR HQUIREMENTS NOW �, ,
. I . .. . . . I 1.� ; STOCK 1. .
I � I .1 I and Mrs, Rds 11 . . I � �
. 'ai ni*ewipa'ptirl P�6.� - .1 'XdGrc %,
I . i I . I , , "I I lektomation s �gdi Were in It - - .
.. - charge. . A Program of music atid . 6 MOTH CRYSTAX$_4 HEULOV I Notriff SPRAY- e !;
" . .E I- . ` rld4
. , 0 1 . � 6 I /0". lished doily- in -Botiori, W�, . Reg, 59c lb. ... �,g lbs, 096 92 oz . ........ � ................... Z.69 :
. fj, t., I . sQ1%9ia44 6 PaPer-on "What your . T I I
. . � � 1, � , foM6Uj tj�f '' itiCtiVe . jjeWt ' " I � I I I 0
1 - I _ r I I I
.. ., I i � I wrvti worth'? was given by rs, BaldNi�ln � $ I L 1, 4 , tru 2-66 X61'a H,i,�Lg__ - .. -
I I !! 4_1 I . X1 26., tAUYEX ........... � ......... X-09 - 1.69 ,
&� I- � " I I I stories oi)d,pviitfk"4:editoriO4, - of ,Omem& 1by ex - - ____ — I I . ., . . � � I lb, . carton .......... 1-1.111 . 'a i
0 11 � I . � ,*Kiol fictures for tht, whold, Lulich of sandwiches �Pa)hd tarts - RIVROER GLOVES, 606 to 1.46 �
1 I I I . I I I 11-1 . W .. I I � !� - 1111.1- Ideday., - ! - . � brought. the evening to a'close, fsmiiammimlmlll�iiili!lliilllllllllllliiiiiii�iloi�t- "SH UUTTON MOTH
I , ' - 0 1 . PAOOVEn SIVAwAY .. 890 - 149 It"D SVR,&YERS ............ 606
1 ' � I 14 ,.,; I
. ..
I �
-SEE THt k6A, LIN9 OF 1 , ......-I. . � .... I I., ... 11".- ''I . "W.- 0_1__ --- . I � I— 11.1.1 .. I——
- . , . I 11 � DARGAIN OUNDLE OF !i SPONG forib"s Sixes , :,
. I - - - - I %-�-*
� I I WHIRLPOOL APPLIANICES' r ftw dwistion Weho Monitor . " I .� -1 �,f 1� , . � . . � . . .�. I I . . . Spetidl , 296 � k . I
@@. I . . - . 1060 N6rwdv U., Boubti it, M04, , . "�` � " , , I . ... . I..
11 . .. � 11 I . � I . �_ ;
- __ a . ,
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: I "I 5
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k _ . ,�.
, ...w ii- i .- I i I 1-1 . I 11 . ' * 'for the flir* 11 , . .1 � �
I .
-- � i, , . . � " , . I , sim vour rww%P6P*r 'Clinton elm - 0-n _ 11 � ---------- : . ,
, "... . - jV_ . I I I
� , thackod. Enclowd find rhy chttk Q � M orial Sh' "
. � I I �- mon*91 or4dr. I t I I . . - I , I I . , . � , I 1 .
I., . .
� I . I
1i W �jdf $16,C) to rhontht $8 0 1 1. . & a a
I I I i T % VA_ DW ajhd S 'ON i . . 1A1 � �, -
� - �
, . I ftntht $4 0 1 4 1�� M, k 1!
I . , . 1. CLlHV6N'— EXtTEK -L- StAFORTH I 11, �,.,Nbwcd b.e, Phm. BN 1 i,
I �LlLo,ljj?. IL - . . .; I � . ��,.. I
. ,
r" 4 . I ,
� 1, raMe, � . U . .1 1, I
,. L I . I , 11, ;� �a_,41 � �, "It
I . - , ,-eq ..... L . . . 'State
11. 064S.
10 to 15-b-
\ Thd4as Ste,40.0 Clititatt Ador sdritcit(vo, ", ,
. ., I I . I
i ....__ Ph6hd,e, I— , . .� . . .
#usq NO 24606 *0 . - Rilt,# HU 2-3660
. .
. �
'. I
L -1-1.,-.''L I _',..
I ,
. � . . I I