Clinton News-Record, 1957-02-28, Page 10W. R. ")3ert Lobb was return-
ed r another year as d ter y p
Of the kjuron County flog Produc-
ers at the inaugural meeting of
the directors and delegates `and
alternate delegates .of the Associa-
tion on Friday afternoon immed-
iately following the annual Meet -
Other ,officers named are: Ros1S
Love, first vice-president; Albert
Bacon, :second vice-president; Al-
fred H. ''Warner, secretary -areas-
urer, The four directors at large
are; W. R. Lobb, Simon �!'ahon. a ..,
'Orville Taylor" and Elgin Porter..
Delegates and alternate dele-
gates for the townshi e, with the
delegate the first named, are as
follows; . Ashfield, R, ,Finnigan,
William I-I>anter; Colborne, A.
Jennings, Eoss:• Fisher;. Goderieh,
A. H. Warner, William Longmire;
,Stanley, William Coleman, Jack
Taylor; Hay, Ross :Love, Jaek
Grainger; Stephen, Ed. Hendricks,
Sbapeltore UJ'siborne, Harry
Hein, Theron Creary; Grey, Geo-
rge Hutchinson, Mei Dennis; Hul-
lett, LioydeStewart, Lloyd Medd;
,McKillop, Gilbert Smith, J. Keyes;
Tuckersmith, J. Woods, Alex Mc-
Gregor; East...Wawanosh, 0, 1V16*C
Gowan, S. Hailahan; West Wawa-
nosh, William Good, William
Kenehan; Morris, A. Bacon, R. H.
Coultis; Turnberry, Les Fortune,
Harry Mulvey; Howiek, E. Hard-
ing, Gordon Angst.
Albert Bacon, first vice: presi-
dent and chairman of the meeting
called for 'the financial report
which hien re
h was given by Alfred H.
Warner, secretary -treasurer.. This
report indicated a very active year
and showed a • true ibalanbe of
The chairman appointed a re-
solution committee consisting • of
W, R. Lobb, Ed, Hendrick and
Oliver Harding. A'enel zinating
conunittee of Eisner- Graham,. Ree
bert.McGregor, gebent Macmillan,,
Gordon . Elliott was formed,
President's Report
"PW. R, Lobb in his address thank-
ed all his executive for their sup.
part, He expressed the belief that
the -association had bettered its
position in the market, He review,
ed the Membership drive conclud-
ed during the ,past year and ex-
pressed satisfaction that out of
3,200 producers contacted, over
2,$00 had become members-, He
urged all non-members to join.
With regard to the assembly
yards campaign he reported • it
had been dropped when it was
decided that these yards would not
be advantageous to Huron at this
time on the local level.
'"Mr, Lobb reviewed the`, open•
market campaign that had been
conducted stating that reports
were incomplete from, the. 16
townships but returns to date
showed over 70 percent in favour
of sending their Bogsout to the
open market. He voiced the opin-
ion that when that ,many people
wanted a change there must be
something wrong with the present
marketing scheme. •
The president stated that with
more farms vacant plus the steady
rise in Ontario's population the
farmers' ob'lig'ations were becom-
ing greater all the time. In con-
cluding his 'report Mr. Lobb said
that 152,146 `hogs had been ship-
ped from Huron and urged every-
one .to get behind the open mar-
keting scheme.
Eldred Aiken, Alienford, . chair-
man of the Ontario Hog Produc
12 BASS -The only 12 Boss Accordion on the. Can-.
adios~ market with 3 trebles switches, giving 3 dif-
ferent tone colours. It features. the • 7.5Q
Fiat -top '� p.. el,, grand concert size, birchconstruc-
tion hardwood neck,
correctly fretted
No. 119 Standard size, sturdily built,
'fretted. Maple pegs,
nylon strings
' • ISLANDER -4,141e 4)kie$-Arthur Godfrey
made famous $4.95
• MOUTH O• RGANS ........ „ ,,................... 41.00
Chromatics - .. $5:50A up
New Presto "Neat -tear
• Stainless Steel
with the :inner ."heat -core" super conductor
Iutro4uctory offer
2 qt. size, covered
• Far A Lim• ited throe 'Only
`in.m, 01.1 rorl.,.
10" ,,.......,
• 11A t1t,
2 qt. .,.....
$ 8.45. '6 qt. ..,.....,.. $15.15
... $10.75
Boik s.
,,,,, $ 8:95
.....' $12.9
. Covered Sauce,,
1 qt.
2 qt,
3 qt.
"PRESTO" G" first ,with a lifet'rtYie guoraetee
• ,
"Your ERIGl1 1RE Dae"
era Marketing Board Was on hand
to intreduce the sheet epealier.
reported that ,more 'hogs were go-
ing otic :on the •open, market each
week and said that .a high of • 23 -
percent a .a,11 the, hogs marketed.
had beep, reached, last week. He
pointed out that there has been a
correspondingrise lo hog prices
which he c1djxneci brought about
mere cozripetitive .bidding,
Injured in
Two Cay; Crash
Beeelutiene Approved
Resolutions passed by the meet-
ing included one expressing regret
that the members o
the ea
Packers' Counca through their
"under-the-table" payments have
attempted to tie up the farmers
Means of transportation so that it
has become increasingly.: difficult
for farmers to place their hogs oe
the "open market,"
7.'1 ie •resolution. also expressed,
appreciation 10 the "Doniestir.
Packers" for their stetemen`..:ep-
r'r;ing the "ope;i market" selling
of hogs; endorsed the program of
tic Ontario Ilot; Producers Mar-
isc !ng Board: urged the hog or-
gar'r .tion to continue its prineipie
of ".open marketing" whereby higs
are soldyexperience • ; salesmen.
wider competitive bidding to the
highest bidder.
Gerry Montgomery, agricultural
tore presentative for Huron County,
was chairman for the election; He
expressed his thanks for the op-
portunity and privilege to work -
with -the Hog Producers organize -
tion. He praised president W. R.
Lel b whom he said had done- more
for the association than anyone,
else. He warned that too few peo-
ple do the hard work for too many
and urged every farmer to be-
come more concerned with things
of vital interest to farmers and
to work hard for the benefit of
A ahead -on collision last Wednes-
day night, 13ebr.uary 29, sent one.
Man to hospital, and •caused slight
lacerations to Glehford Bturgeon,
17' year old truck driver, from
Bayfield, The Sturgeon' ear, tray,
ening east, apparently pulled out
to pass, another car, and met the
other veheile head-on.
Hubert Dietrich,..3t, i 3, Wel
an was taken to South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter, suffering chest in-
juries and .possible fretures.
Prdue ,Has
Honour ,F
r R iR
M ssa a
Colts Rally Falls Short As
Zurich 1akQFirst Game 4.3
lead belt up in the riot
two periods proved to be tog. big
an .obstacle ,for the Clinton Colts:
as, they bowed to Zurich Flyers:
4-3 in the. first game .of the Inter.
mediate "C group thaals,, last ev
The Colts tried desperately in
rho final 20; minutes. to ,pull tion
even terms but time ran out on'
them. Hanly and Mciwan had
pulled the Colta to within one goal
by the 12,85` xnark end ,although
they •'continual'ly stormed around
the Zurich net Rich Mcp"alis ,came
upwi h several1 big
to Fr
tecc his team's'lead.
Don en-
munebadb e u1
m e
mal as
Ygp� �tJ
in theCInnton .net as he was .eft
unprotected for the last period. He
made spectacular saves on Hesse
and stopped Don O'Brien cold on
two occasions when the Zurich
speedster broke into the clear from
his own blueline to go in on the
Clinton net all alone."
The ' game was very cleanly
played with only 11 penalties, six
to the Colts, n)uug• Liar: ,.
given a 10 minute misconduct and^
a game misconduct in the third
period when he used'abusive fang -
nage to referees Russ Even and
„Mush„ HiBginS', ,
The Flyers• took the lead in the
first minute of the game on a goal
by Don O'Brien and they were
never headed. Don O'Brien gave
Zurich a 2.0 edge at 8.15 With as-
sists going to his linemates Hesse
and Doug 0 Brien. Clinton clear-
ly outplayed their opponents
through the first 20 minutes and
their efforts were rewarded when
Bartliff gralbbed Gerry Holmes'
pass -out from 'the corner and
Whipped- an ankle high shot 'be-
hind Maralls,.
Attending the annual convention
'f the 'Ontario. Municipal' Electric
Of �On
Assoeiatkln in Toronto this week,
William E. Perdue, chairman of
the local PVC, received a signal
honour in the form' of a beautiful
lithographed certificate,
The wording on:.. the award,
which was presented by W. Ross
Strike, first vice-chairman of On-
tario Hydro, was as'follows: "Caf
ficers and members of the gntarie
.Municipal Electric Association are
pleased to honour 'Win, .EPer-
due in grateful, recognition of his
contributions to the progress of
the Municipal HydroSystemns of
the Province by his Tievoted ser-
vice as 'Hydro ;... missionier for
the it o iCii ton for a
Mumiici al ,E n .
p Y
period of 22 years and, his loyalty
to the ideals, of our province -wide
.publicly owned Hydro Electric
• Also attending 'the codvention
were Commissioners Charles
Brown and Harold E. Hartley.
Six New Members Initiated.
Into Clinton- Legion .Branch
Clinton Branch of .the Canadian
Legion initiated six new members
at Monday ;night's meeting. They
were: Ron McCann, Glen Carter,
Lloyd McCormack, Jim Howard,
Lloyd Balbcoek and A. I,,' Ken
nedy. . A former metnbere-Clark
Bali was reinstated. .Officiating at
the initiation were . president
Doug Andrews, vice-president Art
Leyburne, sergeant -at -arms Geor-
ge Campbell and past .president
Hector Kingswell, . '
• Notice was • given that at the
next meeting of the branch a mot-
ion would be introdubced to accept
the branch's by-laws as amended
by the by-laws committee. ,.
The .branch. will send a letter to
the =minister . of Health and W,el-
fare ,•of Qntario, Hon. M. Phihli�ps,
reesting his deparrtment to have
the proposed school for retarded
children built itt Huron. This was
prompted by a letter from Exeter
Legion. John Deeve's, reeve of
Goderich. Township, strongly en-
dorsed this move. He has already
been to. Toronto in connection with
this project. He said that of the
700 ereployees at such an institut,
ion, over 500 employees would be
hired from this area if they are
The branch authorized t he
spending of $25 for prizes 'in the
public speaking contest being
For March.
Sox :Savers.
For Men and Boys
Reg. 79c
Now . .
,# * * 1 * * * *
* March, April, May,
June •
* Open Friday „Till
9.00 p,m.
* 'k * * * * *
Shoe Hospi
may be put of dote tool
Does the insurance program
you planned years ago meet
today's needs? See me fora
complete tip -to -date insu.raliee
to coMpletely` Coyer all your
needa, 1=
H. E Hartley
t1Ai/At A f.Ip'E ASStRA,'N'C)E
Phone nil 2.6603 Clinton
sponsored by the "bt'ahch, to be'
held in the hall' direepril'. 3. Doug
Thorndike, who is in charge, ' of
this; in+fornned' the meeting that
contestants would beentered this
year from CDOE.
' Two Legion events were announ-
ced: 'a games' night, 'on Mar0h 13
anti, a Se- Patrick's hard -time dan-
ce on.' March 2& A team of six
bowlers will go to „Kitchener on
April 6 to compete in the Legion',
District Bowling Tournament. /
'Bud" Schoenhals,': J. W. Cohn -
ter and Cama. Proctor will again be
the Legion; representat,iv'es on the
%Clinton ., Community Sevimn' ing'
Pool Committee ,.x N c action, was
taken on: a re Best* br ,funds to-
ward the' Dominion `5Legign's.,obli-
gation of.P0,000.foe an Olympic
training plan; Rev.' .p. J, `Lane
made a. suggestion that ' this
branch go on record :as suggesting
that the Dominion government
absorb `all expense of training ath-
letes for future Olympic games.
Secretary Bob Campbell was in:,
structed to attend an organization.
al meeting of Clinton unit of the
Huron County Film' .Board Aster;
day afternoon. The branch will
join such a unit. Letters were.
read by the secretary "from recip-
ients' of Christmas baskets, and
from two out-of-town persons us-
ing .the • Legion -owned hospital
L, G. Winter reported that his
committee was working on .the
suggested cenotaph at post office
square. Additional members are
being added to the committee from
the surrounding townships.
!Considerable discussion took
place on eligibility of ;persons now
in' service (RCAF) to join the
Legion.' For a suspended mem-
ber to rejoin the branch, they
now must pay a $5 reinstatement
.fee plus the current year's dues.
The attendance draw prize win-
ner Fred Runiball, was not pres-
ent, so next month's draw Will be
worth $15.
4 0
Clinton Chamber
Favours Monday
Dominion. Day
Directors of the Clinton. and
District Chamtber of Commerce
last week endorsed a resolution to
the Canadian Chamber • requesting
a change it the custom of holding
Dominion Day on July 1, to the
first Monday of the Choi th of July,
regardless of what day it fells up-
At this, the inaugural meeting
of the Chamber, R. B. "Bob"
Cantpbeli was named president of
the Chamber for a .second year,
Herbert llridle is first vice-presid-'
Wilbur lvlartln accepted the job
of Chairman of the ratan reerch-
dnts committee; and the following
were named to his conintittee:
Brubathee Nozinao Fry, Willard
Aiken, John Sutter, George ole
and JohnGordon AnstettHexM, Claan,yton
So far, no member has taken oil
the jab of industrial committee
Chairman•. Treasurer O. L. Ertg
elstad and secretary W. D. 7innin
were re -appointed,
Mrs. Elliott won the
Jackpot prize at Clinton Legion's
(bingo, on 51 nin bers called, last
Thursday evening, lifre doe Silo
coelt Won the $2 ' siieelal bingo,
Tonight's jackpot is worth $54 on
54'inir ibors.
Clinton continued to ,cs:rry the
play in the second period but Mc-
Falls .vas unbeatable, Jack Car.
tar was thumbed. for interference
and he had hardly got settled on
the penalty, .bench when Hesse
caught the rightorner of the net
with a 25 foot shot Hesse fallow'
ed with Another goal :25 seconds
later and the Flyers had all' the •
lead" they needed,
The two teams play the second
game -of the series in Zurich on
Friday night with the ;third in
Clinton on Monday,
]✓iZllis, ie
McKiley, Rawlings, Hyer
forwards, Hesse,
Don O'Brien,
Bttynh m, McIntyre,Gmgac,
Clinton -goal, Denornnne; defen-
Ce,, Carteree-Bartlif'f;!. Bienien, Ant
stett; forwards,. Hartley, Manly,
Caron, McE cran,: M, Colquhaun,
Edgar, Holmes,
First .;Period
1 -Zurich, Don O'Brien (Doug
O'Brien, Hesse) 055.
2 -Zurich, Don -O'Brien .(Hesse,
Doug O'Brien) 8,35
3 --Clinton, Bartliff (Holmes)
Pe15nalties: Ellis (interference)
3.40; Afistett (interference) 19.58,
;Second: Period
4 -Zurich, Hesse (McKinley) 4.55
5; -Zurich, Hesse (Doug O'Brien,
Ranvlings) 525.
Penalties: Carter (interference)
4('i.50nterfe; Elrenlis . (hce) 1.0ooking).55. 7.00; Gignac
Third Period
6 --Clinton, Hanly (Caron)• • 2.25
7 -.Clinton, McEwan (M. Colqu-
•noun) 12.35.
Penalties: •Bartliff (tripping)
10.45; McKinley (hooking) 10.55;
Bartliff (misconduct) 16.10; Bayn-
ham (roughing) -16.15; M. Colgd-
houn (roughing) 16.15; Bartliff
(game misconduct) 16.15. • '
Wingham Lagers
Clinch Crown
With Victory Here
Clinton . and Wingham High
School boys basketball teams split
a doubleheader last Wednesday
afternoon, ''in the final games of
the reviler schedule n the Huron
Secondary Schools Basketball As-
Winghem juniors Won 49-44, to
grab the., championship of the
league, and earn the right to ad
vane into WOSSA playoffs. Clin-
ton seniors Won thei' game in a
walkaway 37-13 victory.
The junior game was close all
the way, being tied 25-25 at half
time, and the local boys fought
it out till the last moments of the
game A, Clinton win would have
forged .a .playoff. . Hetherington
with 18 points, Naisrnith with 15,
and Hemingway with 12 were the.
big guns in the Winghain attack;
Ken .Cummings .with 17 and Frank
MacDonneIl with 16 led' for Clin-
In the senior game, Clinton took
the lead from the beginning, and
the -issue was never in. doubt,
Doug O'Brien with. 14 points, and
Ron McKay with '8 points were
the leading scorers for the whi-
ners, .ardin and Walsh each net-
ted six points for Winghann.
Wineskin ,--Hetherington 18;
Naismith 15; -'Hemingway . 12;
rStrieder 44; Lane 4; Brawn, Mc-
Kay, Moffatt, Kennedy, Shinn.
Clinton = Cummings 17; Mac -
Donnell 16; Schdenh:als 5; ;.organ
4; Alexander 1; Campbell 1; Wal-
sh( Beatty, Pearson, McKeoun,
JJ• •Seniors
Wingham - Jardin 6; Walsh 6;
Hoover 1; Pocock, Coulter, Jam-
ieson, Engels, St. Marie.
Clinton O'Brien 14; McKay
'8; Groves 5; Hoytema 3; Clifford
3; Roorda 2; Staniey'l; Denoinme•
1; Williams, Tyreman, McKinley.
Clinton ° Community
at 1.30 p.m.
J. C REY .• Sales Manager
E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer
Friday, March .1---
4.30 - 5.30 p.m. -Kinsmen Peewee
'Saturday, March 2-
9.30:. 10.30
9.30=10.30 p.m. -Free Skating--,
for Public School Children a.m: Ada stral Park
1,30- 5.30 p.m. -Figure Skating
'8.15-10.00 p.m. :Public Skating
Monday, March 4-
1.30 - 2.30 p.m. - Tuckersmitli
4.30 -5.30 p.m. -Kinsmen Ali -Star
' Peewee Practice:
6:30-8.30 ,;p.m.. -RCAF BroombalI
8.30 p.m. -Zurich at Colts; 3rd
game of group finals. .
Tuesday, March 5-
4.15 - 5,15 pan. - Free Skating
PS. children (grades 5-6-7-
8) sponsored by Aiken Bros.
and Clinton News -Record,
Wednesday, 'March 6--
--100- 3.30 p.m. Public , Skriting
8.1540.00 p.m. -Public Skating
Thursday, March 7-
4.15 - 5.15 Skating =-
P.S, children (grades 5-6-7-
8), sponsored by Martin's
Dept. -Store and Newcombe's
Drug Store.
7.00-8.00 p.m. -RCAF Broombail
C1'.B Operator.
Speaks To`io».s
(cont"l`nued from page. one)
conning to Clinton five years ago.
Gerry said he .yraa glad to ,have=
been associated in the fe)iowshig,
of Lions service .work in Clinton,
He told the Lions of his, new job,
with theCNR in Toronto. Gere
has served on •the prograne Ohne
mittee of the club •sipce he came•
here,. end was .always one of the,
top ticket sellers in the clubs filnd.•
raising ,projects. He started the -
Clinton Lions 4-H poultry Cl.u'bx
two years, ago,
Tickets for the Lions annus];
summer carnival draw were dis••
tributed at this meeting, -This -
draw includes seven prizes' total-
ling nearly arly 8900,
Tickets' for the. Lions Civic
Night on March 12 .are availai, e s
the Royal Bank, Ball--Macaul
office,' Clinton NewsRecord anis
Murphy Bros, Garage, Roy Hal,
liday, • of the Canadian Lumber.,
man's Association, who recently
toured Russia, will be the guest
speaker on Civic Night, .
President Joe Murphy reminded=
the Lions of a. Lions skating pa><ty,
at the arena on March 20, ands
the Clinton Figure Skating Club:
pop concert and progress review at '•
the arena this Saturday after.,.
40 a word, minimum 75e
Thursday, Feb. 28 -Bingo, Leg-
ion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street,.
Clinton, commencing at 8,30 pen.;
15 regular games- for $5.01); three.
special share -the -wealth games;
$54 jackpot on 54 numbers, include.
ed in all share -the -wealth games;
one special game for $25,00. Ad.
mission: 15 regular games for 50c;
special games 15c, 2 for 25c; ,5 for•
Goderieli Pavilion -Dancing ev-
ery Saturday Night, Paul Cross
and his Orchestra. CrtR+tr..
Friday, March 1 -Three -act playy••
"The Old Lady Shows Her Med.
als", St. Paul's Parish Hall, 8 p,m,,.
Aid of Restoration Fund.
Tuesday,: March 5 --..-' Pancake -
Supper, Trinity Church Parish,
Hall,Bayfield, 5.30 to 7.30 p,tn,
Auspices Woman's Auxiliary.
Clinton LOL No. 710
Box Social
Above Library
-Frida_ i March 8
8.15 p.m.
1LADIES^: Please bring a boat,
of lunch. It wilt be auctioned,
off to the highest bidder, No
other admission price.
Like e 'Bi CarComfort.
These two have everything:. except a high price tag:
'51 BUCK "8" SEDAN
Take your pick of Chevrolet, Pontiac, Mercury,
Monarch or Ford from our lot. See these select-
ed, better -than -average cars:
Immaculate throughoutl $1050
Radio, Seat Covers- • $89tReally spotless:" •
A one -owner car in very clean condition. $1 /)50
Carries •written guarantee. $ r�
'52 FARGO 21/2 TON
Good ,Platform �utd 1R�iacks. '
Paint, Tires mid Motor goon.
'55 CHEVROLET Chassis and Cab
"16» ,Series. Motor, Tires and rata $8S0
,,. Put either of these to work.
They'll pay for themselves.
Your 'Friendly CHEV.OLDS. `Dilater
NUntcr 2-9321
are good.
Open ens ;s for your Convenienee