The Wingham Times, 1888-11-30, Page 1").
ifitT-Eifteetearareaee. ..ezetzenetereeentrenarai.
vc XV1.1,—NO
WIN GII .2,:v401s47 1FRIDAY
c —
out at Yattee; -.aetr. A. Taylor, Totten:Ay of Belgrave,
cougrage;: MD gone awl done ii-emberked ore the
lflZt)UUQULU hoe. on Veduesday of this
-Mr. ll&o,ctIonold ha opened out a ii0l11:
ar. He b full Hues of. roller
and feed etorelwo ours south of the
Market Square
dour and all the usual supplies,
LOOAT,1 N1201.175".
--Mr. Clerke luta rotnoveri his tailor
:shop two cloore tiout,1}.
-The next tut:ding of, the PresbyterY of
Maitland ie to ha held at Laekaow or: the
hili of Decenibea`i
a -Tits original 14,3itilt. Jubileo blingere are
likely to appear in NI ingliamaheut the end
of December.
J. Cotal, arcbtr, le Li1 uP with
infkranniation of the luoge loci Mr.Sliewere
is in attend:tele:I t fila tiohoel.
flitrurraele, will prefab.
.the l'resbyterien cio1 on. Setifeday
at 14.1, Cetranatilou entries: On
-Mr Fifiltietiot. l'coolletoelt, will preach
In the Baptist citurch on , Sunday next.,
. 4The Roost herring mid t
f' -The Lite•Boea Ceew iu
tion church this (Friday), ov
-For a good firme it eltAmerican watch
at reaseuable prietk, 'doll at E.2. Gerater.e.
-Stops are being take to Yotteal the
Scott Ar',:t Lanibton audiViotoria,
Veustoue has the fluent fted
NOV. 30, 1888.
WHOLE N0,1 880
large:ilia:took of stone sot nil ke4
epec -usl; received. 1'. Grereter bas just
rings and plain via rItias ever kepi; iu received the latest toad moat artistio de -
Win ant at price* that traunat be beaten. Signe iu ear:rot:re.
--Canadians are ars,
Rio achievements of 0.
Torouto, who defea.te
Mr, Jolla herr hie some mammoth
thiug 2 lbs,
aucl oue-querter
Spanish °Wm:IS-ono Wei
and four weigifing cove
-If business moat o
trade with biro he reasonably be
oapeated to extend tht th, an luvitatio11.1
rho Olive of an adv rtieeineut„ Peopl
• - ola.bee tbu raiteetttpo. Ayaug csia,x, are more.. likely to o where they aro
• -
...yezetifieioit fled a fee:Rifting student.
. , .
pects the public to
tee celel.tated 15:,1SS l,p8ctut•818 -ft yea want your avatehea ant/ slacks
'hither .gold or steel iramos, fortnet y.
aeia by IL Perif, witiolt am eelling 8b e
1.0V7 iletarta a. 11. Veustono, agent,
. .
repaired in first O&M yle end waraoted,
give 11.1f,Geeeter a colt. feetieleortoo gaat-
anteerior moon refuelled..
-We ilZINO received o, copy of a nicoly
_Lest week e.,,,e,peeteeekee. notice of executed Map of the ixAnblion sent out by
, aeoesonotey ttled-Ag in tee peeeheterifte John Lovell, of hiputr, al. This old and
"Olagrolt by Rev, cf.Wilkio. Tho leetetrer reliable publisher is lor paming n 'Dominion
au rfeecteafiogly acconnt of the gaeetteer. and this 1111t, is 0114 of eighttlzat.
'work dome awl ethiletaluiee enneuutorod in is to aecompany it. '
'faiutral India. -Oar energetio. 01"nton correspondent
- ne.t Meeting of the Liberal As.. has sent tee sein13 gtetistios showing the
aociatiou will bei1ie1 ou litteeday evening achievements of the
next, the tith of .1)eleueber, A. lecture vill They have .already 'ay
"lee delh:ered r Watlo, 13 ter, tend being eseentiolly
'of Brussels. 1.81k13 liar:feed aud es3at4 think it anu0ce8sary
-weer:led; ' f
' -.. iztessreethe ithett :::. C....-dbert, of Toronto,
;have opened o4tl a tailer, shin; ie tee peem.
atene recently tie mimed by it.le:Gee. Ifewaetv,
In 'Tatrilyn's 1„Aelf. Thoy are r 1..(4,18.raa to
any wodetestafeshiert tie. beet- woett:gartehip.
do wok ittf\ite tailoring lino in the
• .
: . -:-There left t1..o.Cf. T. U. Sli,tion hero on
...eueseity ettr oente....tetiot Laeash:mthe
,, ,„
Followingnerneanie :Item (it:ale or vicinity :
.41.`; Veleta:oaf Ye. sily, Jot,e,
ia, Gerrenoti, a... rileotainneey,*Geo, Foster'
...tad wife, Jirlin V. Iie, Oahe Melfurney, to
roe joined !to, Lot.O. alby 11.....ury Welch, ofMr. B. B. iarnieson, ot con, 3, Morris,
left here with his feudiy for Lyndon, near
Fert,Hope.e , i. • .
' t 1-farnilton, on libursday of this week) Mr.
We unelereemil that: h. if, the Intention
ol the town comeiil; to telt, eavantage of Jamieson wan , r eight years a resin:it of
'.:the late te the mailicipal ant, Culross. an1te in l'anrris- A olelbr-
and pass a by -18v7 outpoaeiine, tha holding heeded, entive and reliable businese man,
for filo ihis removal will be regretted.
of the nominatinnifer ta.eteeillore
different evitale allto atie totve ball at the I -TtIaving b4ii naked several timet late:
aceino boar ou gm bveolog of nomination 14( if 1 Was goy g to leave Wingham, I have
. come to the (la tolasion that some interest -
'day. s
' ea and rteprini iplcd, petty, to do me berm,*
Almon high itoliool.
:eared. the TIM2155,
free advertising, we
repeat them.
--If yen want £11. good reliable tine
keener, either in gold or silver, or in.
ladies' or r),011Lfi' IV2ItAISS V808tOlie'S ie the
18'e to go, whore you can got them at
took bottom prices. The latest etylesin
'ladies' gold tantite and.br000hee, earrings,
&ca. Prices away:down,
-Prof. Prowl( and monaboes of his
colored troupe gram e, performance in the
'towt: hall on litiesOay evening, but the
attendance:Iva, 'Meagre and little 113d1303-
totrenderat peogrannos, eaponeee not
' realized. I.
iu justly prowl of
reman O'Connor, of
Teomer on tho
'Peter:eat: by tel boat 1 :laths, Saturday.
-E. F. Gereter has the largest and beste
orient of Ameeice watches 'aud
jewe evy in tawn. :. ..
-Mrs. Orr, biro, Be hauae, Mee. Smith
and M.r. St Smith took u a:Alec:part in- the
Life. IlealreOreee's couiert on Wadoeaday
eveningyoquitting till/twelves meet credit-
ably, , .
— 11112.1q.31. IgfandOo"e bean jar is still a
coutral;ettroeliou with buyer:, He wielme
it understood that 980118013 are net tion-
'6.ue4f to one gimes, but every additional
purdhe,se of two, ilv0 or ten dollars will
- ?fettle then: to ale mate, gueee. .
--elfrone the fact tiitlt the Thies is now a
theroaghly locel paper, new ad-
oath:ere . are takin4 advautage of its
color:me. Ibis wide circulation. Makes it a
desireble medium foOtadoertieitig.
--alt.. F. Gereter makea specialty of
_railroad watches and consequently keep::
thebeet time keepers in ',took that can be
• Ur. W..',-;,..;rehofsteie, of' Oestige.ville; has bzeu eireu
liathe on a yielt to hie r ateaw here this. that I ah.1'
that t 'ere lO
friendly tall on thel rum r, but fax
'Trues, .Ieroyli, 'ttltoohusir,ese men of lth property
. • 'Orangeville are le:Vijay, tat:umber of inoan- tf make Wing am my hornfor tho future.
:ding reporta. to the effeot
the .M10 arts, and ktr. E. 2, Gerster may
wish to distinetty state
o truth whatever in the be aeeounted fiei'13 priflccpl ia the seine.
in g bought from Dr. Young • On leaving the Tis' quarters on Friday
- here 1 novv reside I intend
evening the. ruby lig it etreaming from his
window suggested ri Christmas transfor-
mation, sooner:IA thl gorgeous descriptions
of the Arabian Niglits, Again, I thoughb
of the "dim religiouslight" thrown down
from Cathedral wiudiow ou the pavement
below. Saturday !itiglit the children
gazed, and still the *Oudot grew, but it. is
to be hoped that our,'. energetic townetnan
will attract custom aS well es the admiring
gaze of P838er8by..—'4,ho above paragraphh is
from the pen of . the vivacious librarian .ei
the Mechanics' Institute.
-Beyond oomparthe best place ill
Wiegliam to witues a most :tare:lave dis-
play of useful artie es amt. nevelties in
glans and china wor is the ohina wares.
totem) of Mr. W. T. Yates. Any one in-
tbreutoa le thi$ • 11 to of , wares could .
pleasteetly vend a la if hour in examining
his epooial uovegies, for he ce.rtainly ilea
the lateet, the most I Melee, aud we believe
cheapness hi an artie e cl faith with bail..
11t14D Illeil or: pueli Inn eatorprisc. The
feet that Y.11.2341£1z311.3 such groat qua:1ktic:3
is t2Vi1e1le3 al:It:110841 eheively. Scone of
i1; present flue epeeNtitiee aro water sete
in leather, blue and ftepare; hively fruit
bowls in ivory, Truett :8 Id azubee; charminog
dower holdere aVan
nd es in beautiful
denies:and colote ; 111udsetne cream jugs
iti tepee, blue, reeft ad amber ; the IllO1:;
llOS,7 end unigee flee!' its hi 1311ga bowls
pretty and cheap vinegar and mate() bottleee
netetnileent cluteeekid jet teaeots, wine
glaseert, decanters, OM 1 as fl110 lino of bar
goods, to ects, china fenep ellen, ea,b.trete,
.elaes. iaro, croekery, &e. Int:Atli:1g put:.
ohne 're ought to evil otd bee theee goods.
Ti ' y toe: uortaiolY Vitil'tnig in quality
1 prieco if yod want to buy.
. The Life Poet Cre v, workitig under the
-On Wednesday of this week Miae
Be' Thlwt:011 was nitited in marriage at
the.:rouidenoe'of lieep" rents to Dirtfolin
Lead, ts,ilor, of New *aviset, the eel:lint:51y
beiug performed by ! MeQUarrie
'There were preeeattiut a fow of tit/it:rid
intimate friends -the familios of 11tosere.
W. Deafiten, Lengehle ; John Dawson,
Whiteehurch ; W. Henderson and T. Jen-
kins ofathe LIMeirtdp road. The leatle woo
.o.ttimil it- heanriftil etrawberry eel:amid
silk, brought Iron:Aberdeen, Scotland, and
trimmed iu pearlbeads. A number of
handsome and ueettil preeents'were made
to the bride. After receiving the congra.tu-
letions of their friends and partaking of
dinner the newly Married couple left by
C, P. It. for ICIONV Market. their future
home, Bon voyago an tho ocean of life.
The crow earetists of llresere,IetZac T. Mille,
elocutioniet ; ihar1es Ieisli, tenor, and W.
D. Masson, baso. The meetings wore held
in the klethealliit church, except on Sunday
and Monday e4ouiuge,when the gatheriuge
were in the eesbytoriau 'church. The
prograinmee leave been varied by inter.
mingliug shoet'aoldresees with solos, duets,
trios, quartettife and recitations, Tho souge
sung WM -wetly of a sacred character.
Mr.Irieli as a Ieum' singer has eh excellent
and well deeeryea reputation, Mr. Mills is
a man of. comjiderable versatility and un-,
Wended eitseinf,ance.. Although nob gifted
with great oratorical ability or profound)
scholarship, has considerable persuasive
power and•hie addresses have, no doubt,
been woll reedited and have boeu the reclaim
of doiog lunch'. good.. Hie talents are
strougly in the. direetion of dramatic
representationg and :uanyof his uumerous
choeen -sake:Z.4.w- have been exceedingly
wed roudered. Tile bass Hinging of Mr.
lltaseon was excellently done and well
appreasieted. - The Iarge and eutbusiastio
audiences, that greeted. those men every
evening duriug their stay may be taken as
evidence that their efforts were appreciated.
The Life Beat. Crew make no eltarge for
their services, tile collections teteufbeing
the only. remuneratiou thay.roceive at the
placee .visiteal. closnig coucert on
Wodueeday evening was largely attended
and the proemial:no an enjoyable own
Whilst hero these. workers were actively
co-operated with 'rby the nnuistera. of the •
different churches :and other eathusiaetic
workers in the c nee of temperance. We
are nob aware tir the ranks of the Revd-
Templars of TIM perfume have been ma-•
terially etrengthee fl, bait no doubt a great
stimulus has been leen to the temperance
1'8081.L13.-mr., eyerley Robsou,of Den-
field, and Mr. Robb Osten, livery:none ,ef
London, spent a ,at,i,y er two with the
Messrs. Duirnage atjthe flrunswiek Write()
thiaweek.-Messre.T. Doubledee
and Kerr lett here ihis week. for Helene,
Moutenta-Mire Nettie Mamed, of the
Pluevtile road,. hat: theen visiting Mrs. A.
Puss thhe week. Misees Dielzineen;'
Skee and Mr. B. Dickinson attended
the Goderich baseh11 teate's • bell hist
week.e-Me, or lhareseele, was
111 teem on T3 11366130,---.11(, liebert Monty.
kb, deployed io Irectere, has
gone to tattled the Zeitiriage of his le7othee.
-Mr, Join:. MeTeeish, •uopliew te LIt..G.
.Mo Tavish,of Hurentownsiiip,paid a flying
visit to relatives in town 011 Saturdays last.
Wm. ...Ceueyeeti. of Vetteliegteu
Territory U. 'R. wae vieithig hie brother
MeGeorge Tennyson here this week, -Mira.
iluletead has been ;pending the past week
iu Listowel visiting at J. .Seett's and
other Wm. Watson and two
younger members of her -tunny left for
Meozejaw, N- W. T., thisaveek where Mr.
Watson and the eldcr. raernbees of the
family have been for some tiene.--Mr a • P
Newman, of Listowel, spent some days in
town this week.-Itt S Webber,. of the
batik. ires recalled to -Hamilton last week.
Mr 11 Dalrymple has. returned Mid Mr
Spedaine, of Milton, is being initiated lute
the principles of banking hero it boitig
lotted necessary to hex() an eetra hand
here.-trdr. T. Bell and evil() and Miss A.
Boyd attended the filneral of the late Jae.
L'Ayd at Mitchell this week, Mr Boyd
died at tl:o resilience of his eon eJoh). near
Belmont d was in his 85th year, Mr J
13 tTerente, Dentist, is still uuable tie attend
of the Erin Bp is visiting his relatives in
profeseional S 1'leuty,
-If De Quineere theais be truP) that
"murder may be elasse,1 under tho 'head of
the exact, scienops," atesurefily window ,
decorations may•(4.1in to he a branch of
j. A. Mramittnit, M. 1):
in.ten4 ot
-The Post = Moe Department are about
th-i"n4g1844‘:° -77 111°r° '13.41ra" at i9811112,, anew tylo of ((postal eard, much
like the doubleteard of the present pattern.
-BYttiffi ni.f4f44"ht we give our The back folds; aro split diagonally and
* reldere w()61 t11°, °2 sui011 (A open like a pelited star. The four tor -
letters on Canaela'raDieteylug Interests by
nere are foldod, and joinod at the ceritre
Mr, W. IL Lynelie" of ,Thi,1).V1.10, Quebec.
with a piece oq gummed' paper, when the
liki:sepies torn a ' Careful. ettrly of the
-. renal. is ready: for moilinge Tho,. card
tiaiiir meteede end practicee in Great .
weighs less the.p half an 01111001 :laid will
Britain and turetie, obtained doling a
contain no more matter than the present
four months' vieitent this wellitnown dairy oited. the only! advantage being greater
'. authority in those! countriee.
. -Word wan recently received of the /for Sale or to Let,
deathent Minnettpolie, filinneeotee of Mrs A firstmlass brick eosideuco,tI:light
T Howe, vio Miss Lizzie Painter, who once 1.07ormAoctilZiit:oioso?ft,..raililirkg 111101irisdo tfisantn4, Pil.41,22
resfited ill ilibt0)41.4. Th*8 lit'Atie W43 II in Vito:1 condition, Apply to
Da. Towrent.
eousin to Mttz D Id Gordon, of this place.
ittAlderare condueted millinery bueinesses -The lovers oo the grand avid roarin'
at',,Illlt,ruer-wille ilea Croele:ton,- Mionesoti , gAme have home Making good use of their
louthad for some '.tinie imaa aitiug with thno, a, numbo4, of games having been
throltt trouble 103 which she eventually played en tha ri Ver. t)rt Monday, Messrs.
enecuinbad. - Meliay, tent, 04134 and Inglis beat tztessro,
* -About 1.59 people witneseed ties seeond Mackenzie, Dine ey, Neelande and Ander-
hour-gems Ion -please te110 h."Weell M.032482," 4 tO 0. 0:a Tuesday a,
Sebastian and paolooe in tire rink ou
7.Ndonday evoningi The 421Z4,20 Wall keenly
contested theoughout autl caw:Lent time
mado, the coeteetaute ;tee -clog well to-
gether till withiu hbout 1.2 inizeitee of the
close wiaeu Mr. „iliabeetieet .madio a, igputt
ana seen mile a lap etifltie upponent.
This he kept till fair: cloefe 1,Ilion iimo WAS
eon by a score tai
germ: wee playedbetween the °rite and
Toriee that reett14(1116 follows : ,
' Tennis. t tones.
Li, ,IlattiliOlagl J. Itwlio,
a. co,...d, `',1 W, Foott,
3.. Diusley, G. Aich'ey,
S. Kent, elelpj 17. J. hleelaude,skip 11.
-An aneenduidtt to thelleonee act ame
into force on the let of Noveniber, previa..
:foaled the dielance cove:fed. 81133 tf2, nuloo. - ing that a. hotel exaeediug two storoyo shrill
--At &baled Meetiag 011 Tae.elay eveniog, have atte,ohod to i an outeitle staieway or
b/r. E. V. Geretor, an honor:tee ie.onber, laAaer from the lemdinge or More, and
was elected but:in:no matetee'r. Tito baud extending at least o the first stovey. In
bee reeeutte bit,1 e..veal will 0.,,f yi addea, oath liedroote that eleall be a firo eseape
now hatitte, Otiteal iostruitteute. They whicia will be sold out within the moan-
in a of the Act if it .outtiet of a rooe loug
enough t) reaeit fteila the room in which if
ib bept, to the itimAug belew, tend to he
118110 also tieenred quareTee liattealyn
block, We ao ,tytift th nffaalon
of twit blood. pease.i...ta attar,:rtalIO
tho programme': had, to be reserved on
tietiouut of the latenetie of the hamr. As the
conunitte were dieflrediuted in not litzaleg
au instruznent place(1, the inueleal part heel
to bo dispensed With. The society bogies
its career most miePieiously, those preeteet
mauifeetiug dieposition of genuine eta
tieusiasm, betokeuiug euceees, both 311
bosiness arrangements and providing
marrying out e. progratume. Wo hope te
• am a largely Mei:caeca attendaifee next
night. The object of the aesocititioe
worthy 'of the sympathy, co-operation
ftesistauce of every resident of the teem.
The greater the atteutience the greater tie,
enthusiasm, the more varied. the prograi..
zees man be made; the (more prefiteble tht •
meetings ou the Whole. Owing to thth„fect
that the hall was previously eng.'igna
next Tneedayevezzing,the eitecutive deemed
it neeesseryie peetpone the next..reir,4iee-
mooting till the following Mouday evening.
the 10th of Decernber.. debate will form
part of the programine that everling. •
Wino:Sara. ertery Society.
Notliwithstauding several counter at-
traotions ou Tuesday evening, there was a
very encouraging and enthusiastic attend -
:um at the second meeting ia -the Cale-
doniau Hail on Tnesday evening: The
young people espeeially rallied splendidly
and ' the proceedines, even the formal
business, were conducted. a:n animated
and businesslike we,y. The president in sleep." Appropriate an I well received 8J-
Militia:ad Lodge O. O. F.. 'held theft
annual social on Thursday evening last,
which was gtendild by about 160.! pfeesette . •
consisting of mem bens end family repreeere-
tatives, A goodly provision for the eupply
of the bodily neeeisities was provided by •
the ladies. •e-'
Bro. TtebertsonAntirrean, in his open. • .- -
ing remarks stated. -that , the Order Melia. •..
Whose auspices they hannet- teeether
evening was - progressive in. its °bite:act-v.
Although it elainiede no great antictuity,-
:still it was nearly:10 years sheep- it had ite
origie on this continent, the; first lodge •
having been, instituted ou the 26th day of
April, 12/0, in ,,the. city of Paltimoro,
Maryland, nor did its social atepeets tlieu
partake of the sanee nature a?. it does at
the present day. We find in. the ear1y-.
vermeils of Oddiellowahip that the • ledge • --
mot in die ei thttreorus of an Whaea
mine host and his seemed. far:
indirmensable offiriet of - the adtutitef,..."-.
mud after the.buoineve had been. tr.:Oat:feted
-with the balauee'of the mollies that ho,d, •
been collected during ,the evening, they • •
finished up .with avhat is still teerised etz, •
jolly good time." .At the present „day,
lei:teed of "3611130 hoetei 3110 have eur.e.en eel. •
gatheringeenah as oar preetzet soeial. and:
instead of the lee..it7eVe have the foe
nuder oar laws neeine can be admitted 13,1
18 411.4111,br. a.,01,# 3161518 Order unless he ie
believer -in tho 'if:thee:we -Pi Seprozzat.e.
Being. But.we exclude - no die of genii . *
moral character, no mattee what crena
believes in ofechuveh he is connected with.
The principles of the Order are beneficiary -
and.. fraterual, No matter where pee
travel on this 'mat continent, in every
State of the fieieliiiering ,nud. hi •
every province cif this Dominion, you .will
find a lodge of 04.1-Yellowe, They have.
inereaaed from j'it the year 1816 until.
they now number,. necordieg to the 10 ze-
report of 1,327,600:00 inetubers, eutl
paid out for -the relief of its members dur-
Mg that year the enormous eine, .tief .
6'2,400,000, let us come to Ontario,
province ill Whieh. we are all intereetett
we find that the memberehip has reecbod'
16.000 and that • we 'paid during the year
11137 the fellowitio, sums, which are also. -
alike Creditable to ns:Pairl :for the relief .'
of :Oak brothers, 531,0511 ,
612.086.86 ; education of orrilnute .4*': -
burying the: dead, 1,163.36. ;
relief where the weekly amount elid not .
cover ell the expenses of sick:lees we paid
,32,400.07; total relief paid ..during the
year, 02.231.3S. These. duties.. which we.
perform from week to week,lits.8.1.1d,were
eredie to us -and will -compere. favorably "...
with any siznilar society of the preSenle
A. pleasing sang was sung by Mr. J. A...
Cline and hie family and woll rentleri:d
solo e by Mr Y Billingsley and Miee
Billingsley, a recitatiou by 111r G Russet
and several of the thrilling amid Scotch:,
songs by ilfe J McAlpine. 11610808 Jennie2
mid iNlegitte WhO both possa,5 ex-
ceptionally fine oleo-pawl:try talent, gave ita
splendid fashiou reepeetively, "Callow
alma not ring to night, ' odd "itock ma
the eludr, seeretery.treaeueer 9W1e3 MEd drefe.31 we're edven by 11:v. rlitorie,3J
the constitution drafted by tee cerionittee,
and"it was diseussed clatiee by eleziee.
Atatiggestine for the eppeintment eritio
wee longthily diseueeed feel the pi:nee:al
rejected eventually. ! It was agreed belt 18
reoteberelzip fee of 25 edits be charged ;
A and Mr le 0 ( aarxe. n) social Witi 813
A•1112111.2:liika :31.14,!.2.1A 21,1 VAC illfur14'11,12
lielgraVO. •
The Literary Soeiet y, W8,8 8a
that me:al:ere be furnielrea with tiettete ter Inleno.fnitillY nonfftntod two Year:1/2
181111215:318'» 1 the• In8mbors ba allowed te barl to. tie given up femt lack of hail
bring friends with them to. the mertings,bat areeetnino,latioe lieen oeee mote,
tied notatitonthere be charged 0...ate orneri,,,, ..rho held in
missiou fee. The Caletlonian lia4 6311t1 .
procured for holdiug the meeting:a tho toe new 1.. ore -eters Ran unu are
rate of 51.25 per night- tho discueeimi attetaleil by tin. young pPople, who get
of the bylaws oceupied censidoronle time. ' un first ease progratentes every
the evenifee'e pro/reunite laud telt,: partially nese reonlo of this
Oispeasea with. Mr. W. E. Grev.2.4 tolAt „ ,
nviginawno,a1 gmatly exerevaat
over an =811v:a lime potaamitaa CASE%
--DV. Towle, a clover yotmg geadiette
of T.cinity tiehool Niedielne,Torooto,,
very teeeellent paper on tt 1.1..riele..' showing
intelligeotly and interestinely how, by a
preeeee of evoletion, ft ntiteber of words
were applied quite 'iliiieretilly now from
what they once; wive. Thee ft. .1.. Ngtretc ,. i
read 3: 11(131,010135 etleetitet from Die:tel.'s 1414 'melted borc?.. •azni opened, tut otha,
Veltaviek Penare, Mee Aenow'ti readme in the Ooze forinorly oecupieti ily Or.
(11(11' (to a t'1 11 VP,„wePtiou of the tien'lloy's 'AieKeirein, 'who is taitinif a t,0 'ebti
Meo.11ing, iS neenr,o mud, torimeterL ana, icl oeurte ee etude to Sew "'ite 1- .1
. ., . e -- . la
*18 310O4 of the fit, IA 1 POill plas or ',Cato- done 11,1th 010..2. tett ateLeett oe met.
• 102 .1. 4 '11-, 1104 10f Co get.:11‘,1Nnll 13.411131td thi4 we -if italet
ation toed 1 " ti '1 1* s 'In'' -
peranco, °1- 111. en cIngtigetneut here on trietioalti, gave 0, witty, Va.z.i. 1 z.mtl Al.,;i8olt ft lillsilli:'.:.S, trill tO lororete..-e-ltr. Fe
quarter.; tem tiwIkv: 1‘.!. , 13.,.., ".o".. et; ergeue three .quarters of jan nada in thieltoefe. Otitunedev hot, an.l. lif•4ve maintained o, tun. fellinitr(tes'ePeeeit,ilwaleetthigenfloi .1-10. • MeKinion 11,49 ramow,ii. hie et.e.!.. V;
I 'vu c.,2 110111e Mill . tra,I,11,A,„; sow; whcre w, icaff.,
iLua eempeteat, tn..4 felteoetenipliailee. iettli the previ.doeti (2i, the forint, !Argo att3na 'leo with
Itenour liable to a
has the veraatilityk °tight
111. 'WU el,V0 ai and be uCittOr Able to .tt.,,,.14,01,
fruslz ilaeur ale of e for ettelt oftainse, or iutpriaotativut I TV-Allne'415' 11 fflAnt&I i titrn ;Wit' a4.31(1 .3118' ((10. nom ./1a12%.
twarty pa'111,3 thiven oainxt!-), I (.1e8iug eenaert WM given iu the town hall, a publie st.,334;kr. r..Ln „Liao; tho wanta of .oU4toio.ers..