Clinton News-Record, 1957-02-21, Page 9IMS-RIX011T) 19`P' MR. AND MRS. RONALD JOSEPH SPARLING, Sarnia, were married in Grace. United Church, London, on Saturday, February 9, by the Rev M. G. Cook, The bride is Gwenyth Ruth, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs, Arthur Griffiths, London (formerly of Clinton) and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank W. Andrews, Clinton, The groOrn•is the-son of Mr, and lVfrs,.Earl Sparling, Sarnia. f. uron Countyfarm Forums A. DUTTON E q.1 N 0 C VICTOR 1- PWPFISCIINIV6i5 f BRUCEFIELD HU-2.3232 DUTTON PERCE STRiiVaS DUTTON'S To GPM, YOU. THE VERY THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL . coo 'WATT :MUT :BULBS for 89c W. C. Newcombe, Phut B. Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-951 1 - CLINTON TIM TS. Sickroom Needs Week Check Your Medicine Cabinet' and Sick Room Needs 'Now ),tedielne Cabinet & Sick Room V Bliabar;ye. Needs Cheek List 3 .atomizer V Thermometers ometers V Ointment for V AbsoVbent -.V Lyaol, 3 Adhesive Cotton. V Medicine V MNoasgne ebsiraops V Milk of 'Burns Dropper Powder V Pain Icillera V Bed Pans (to,tSe etc.) .Tab-. 3 ges V BC riet Acid Rub V Petroleum V • Cough Syrup Jelly 3 Elastic V Room CAMERA and FLASH v Bandagee15;li.p V Thermometer er 4io ve s \/-,EeVer -V Rubber , complete ..... „ $15.95 Thermometer Sheeting ' V Gauze • V Sterile Gauge FLASH BULBS Bandages W Syringe t. V Hot Water V Throat. Swabs 12e - 14c -;.-16c - 18c 'Bottles V Tissues V ;Hypo Needles V Tongue . 3 Liniment .- Depressors HOLIDAY BROWNIE CAMERA- and FLASH Complete ,.„,.„ $171.45 HAWKEYE •BROWNIE easy'as A 41- C WITH A MODERN MADE-BY-KODAK CAMERA VALUES 1956 C1-1EVROLET BELAIRE, Powerglide, fully equipped $900 below list 1955 .PONTIAC. DELUXE, SEDAN .„,.: ... $1;995 1955 PONTIAC. DELUXE SEDAN $1,950 • 1955 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN power§lide $1,995 1955 "CHEVROLET SEDAN, fully equipped $1,895 1954 CHEVROLET COACH, powerglide,, fully equipped, $1,495 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN with radio$1,350 1952 CHEVROLET Powerglide Convertible, fully equipped , $1,395 1952 CHEVROLET. DELUXE SEDAN $1,095 1951 CHEVROLET DELUXE COACH $ 895 2-1950 CHEVROLET COACHES $ 795 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN $- 795 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN • $ 795 2-1948 PONTIACS '$ 450 -11). IWO TRUCKSc 1951. MERCURY 1 TON $ 495 1950 GMC 'I TON PANEL $ 495 And Several Stake Bodies Cars and Trucks can be Driven Away at the Prices Listed in this Advertisement. Brussels otors . HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST USED CAR DEALER Brussels, Ontario Phone 73X 1956 FORD•SEDAN - PUBBERMAID STOVE TOP PROTECTOR 'MAT Provides.,0 safe, extra work" surface. Resists high even heat. Stays firm and slip'proof. Protects enamel fops from Scrattheit. 47 dr// ./1 PERDUE LIDO i 4 110111e .4" r=te it t 1.29 If you Talent Cootest . play-.a1 instrument sing, dance or eatertaiu alw way, Register at place below, night of dnoce, by 'I 0.ni, 411111110 J *11~ KM INFORMAtION 0Ri IlGEfl'IS Former clinton Girl Wed's Scout and Cub News list.;-Clinten. Scents • (By' P. L, °Barrie MIAOW) This evening (Thursday) we hope to see the parents and , friends of the Scouts, Otths„ Guides and Brownies present at our pro- gram, Lord Baden Powell was born in Bngland, in the. year /8$7,• NIS full name was Robert Steph, enson Baden-Powell., Although he; himself, has passed on, his rnemory IS -Still alive in the hearts and minds a all who are connected with the Boy Scout Movement. The St-iti'Patkr went on a hike pa past the 1.4.th concession of Goderich ToWnship, Members pres- ent were P,L. B. lYfacLaren, Tony deCoo, Paul Ahem and Don Col- tinhouri,, Lewis Ling of the 'Eagle Patrol. successfully passed his First Class and his Arnbulanceirres Badges. The Scouts will be putting on a light bulb drive in the near future,. '$ Night WI Records Win By William Hyde, 93 . Correspodent), Age does :not diminish interest in cards, as proven by '93 Years Yettng Hyde, Hensa11, ht the sP00141 Men'a Night held by the Rensall Women's 7nstitdte last . Wednesday. 1V1r. Hyde walked off With the :firat ptiZe in the gentle,* OftreS 411ehre competition. Mrs, .11, Foster Won the ladies. first PriZe and at crokinole, Win- ners Were Margaret F.Igie and Mary Bitta. PaYrie, During the meeting Mrs, Carl : Payne, reported on the highlightS of the' 60th anniversary of the foktnding or the WI, and roll, was answered with "What I like Out this •oomniunity." Miss 111, Bilis Submitted the = aneial repdrt-,ancl a singsong' "W led !by lifliss'7Greta Lanurde at the piano. IldsteSseS were Mrs. Walk- - er Carlisle and Urs. Wes Richard. Arranging the program were Mrs, W. BroWn; IVIrs. A. Orr, Mrs, Chapinan and Mrs. A. Alexand- ,- er. ,presidentMrs. A, Shirray was chairman for the evening attend- e6 by over 60 members and guests. Craton .1arial Sho T. PRYDE and SON • -cLINTo,N\ - EXETER -• SEAFO-RIFH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative Ph-Ones HU,2-6606 - - Res., HI 12-3869 RUBBERMAID TWIN SINK DISH DRAINER' Dries your'dishes for you! Dish drainer is sPecially tonskciecl to fit into one bowl of twiri sink. Cushions your. dishes .% . and protects your sink sur- faces, too., .79 .Turner's WA Has Quilting And rokinole. Party Ttoraes wortgas• Association met at the home of Mrs William Rogerson last Wednesday and Mrs. Townsend presided, Mrs. J. Toner was in charge of th6,devo,. tonal topic. Mrs. Rogerson read the. Scripture and Mrs, Me- Greor led in prayer. Mrs. Alice I.4awaon gave • the tOP.le, After a short bliSineSs period the afternoon Was spent 'clAilting a crib ',quilt. Lunch Was served lay 'the hostess and- the Aftich- ponunittee, Mrs, A„ Lawson and Mrs, B. Townsend, - On Friday eyening, February 8; the WA sponsored ,a crolcinole Party in the church hasernent, There .was a, good attendance. Prizewinners -were as` follows: lady's first,' Mrs. Ernie .Crich; lades - second, John -ByiSma; solatiott Barbara Layton; men's first, Ernie .Crich; second; Ross Crich and consolation, Bob- Law- son, A delicious lunch brought the evening to an enjoyOle Seed Fair At. London To flave. Interest For All The Middlesex Seed Fair, in London, February, 25 to March 1, has a wide. interest for exhibitors and the general public from all of Western Ontario. The grain, seeds, farm products, food show, baking and fruit will have large entries. There will be 1,00 educational and commercial displays and out- standing addresses, demonstrations and entertainment. General. ad- mission will include all .features with no extra charge this year for auditoriuM programmes. The theme, "Agriculture Builds for tomorrow" will be depicted in the latest in displaya by all lead- ing machined, farm and home supply distributors, The education- al displays -will be new and dif- ferent. The fair is sponsored by the Middlesex Soil and Crop Improve- Ment Association and, an extensive inter-county committee James D.Murray,RR. Murray, 3, Lam- beth, president of the Middlesex association extends an invitation to all. rural and urban people to attend the fair, CLINTON• MAN SENTENCED TO FOUR MONTI-IS IN JAIL Alvin Fowler, Clinton, was sen- tenced to four months in the mag- istrate's cotrt meeting in Goder- ich last Thursday,. This ,was -the' result of a charge of being .drunk and disorderly -when he was pick- ed up /unconscious in the Mid- TWne Lunch ,and Taxi stand' on Saturday, February 9. According tti'Police Chief H. R. Thompson, a near empty -bottle of 'rubbing al- cohol was discovered on the ar- rested man's person. -He was remanded to jail by Magistrate D. E. Holmes with the recommendation that he be seen by the jail physician and clinic treatment given if possible. SS 4 FORUM (By Mrs, I, Merrill) The SS Aar, 4 Goierich Town- ship Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrar-Ira-IVIerrill with 13 member% in attendance,The radio toRid and discussion* was "What can we learn from abroad?" Some of the members think the co-operatiie method of Marketing and processing hogs in addition to our co-op "feethplants and stores would be useful to hog producers, as is done in Denmark. Others. thought the' farmers should have a guaranteed price, based on cost of• production for one-year; periods, and if price ob- tained is lower, the government pay the difference; a,-strong gov- ernment policy'of_pushing the sale of 'approved type, pigs, with one cent bonus on sows, and that there should 'be a higher differen- tial between selects and culls, per- baps $5 for A's, and $2'for BI's. This subject' is • a vital' one a- mong the farmers at this -time. A few games .of "500" and Lost Heir were played during recrea- tion. Lunch• was served: Next week the meeting will be held at the home' of Ik/fr,..,..and ivfts: Ray *Bird. FRIENDLY FEW , (By our ,Cott tanee correspondent) The Friendly. Few Farm. Forum met at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. William Dale. Progressive euchre- was played prizes went to Mrs, Frank Riley and James Dale; low, Mrs.. Wilbur Jewitt and Ross McGregor. Mr. and Mrs., Verne Dale invited the forum to their home next Monday. PARR, LINE FORVIVI, (By our ,Jdfensall. Correspondent) The Parr-Line Farm Fonum niet at the home of Mr. - and Mrs. Charles, Robinson with a good at: tendance The topic for discussion was "What can we -learn from abroad?" ithe femur/ thinks that the new marketing Vstem is a step in the right direction but grading of hogs must he kept up. They agrged with the Denmark farmers method: Get one' good bacon breed of hog. In Canada there are too many dif- ferent breeds of hogs. After the discussion, progressive eucliFe was played: Wiuners were ladies,, Mrs, jack Soldan and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott; gentlemen, Stewart Blackwell and Gordon Love. the next meeting will be held at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Adkins., LIVE WIRES • The Live Wire Farm,Forum met at the home of and Mrs. Jo- seph flunking with 21 adults and five children present. The subject "What can we learn froin abroatIV 'brought out varied opinions.* The fortm felt that farmers could, produce "better quality pigs by the use of better sites, also by controlled feeding, SOme felt that' the purebred stock coidd yet be improved as many crossbred saws were producing larger litters. Oth- ers 'wondered what feeding system was carried out. James McDougall,conducted the basin* period.4 was decided to inVite Mr„. and Mrs. Freeman Tun- hey of the Teeswater, Co-Opei'ative to attend. The next meeting is at. Mr. and Mr.'s. Henry kunking's. Phone MU 24653 0 Budget Plan Available At No Extra-Cost "The Home, of Good - Clean Fuels" wn Pric All Rubbermaid Products Have Been -Reduced elM/07 11111310MAID KATE RA ll Streamlines your storage spacel No more old-fashioned dish stacks .. you,can reach any plate at once. Rubber feet protect shelf Surfaces, 1.50 The . February nieeting of the $nnunerhill Ladies' Chill)- was held at the home of Ws, 'gar/ Blake, with Mrs. Percy Ctibbings presid,, lag, The meeting ,C,Pened by sing' Mg "The Little Brown .Church," followed by the Creed „and,Lord's • Prayer in utd$011. Roll eafl was answered by 21:.) xnen*era and two visiterS, Mrs. Graydon' Neal -and Mrs. Bvelyri Merrill were appointed to attend the Clinton. Hospital Atodl, lary meeting in March, A penny sale will bo-,teld in the hall on and Edith Lovett, erhill Ladies Club Bold Meeting March 1. The program ,consisted of a .con, test by rxiith Wright; Ida Wright gave a readin-g; Margaret Ball had , • a contest won by Olive Penfound, The -raffle Also was won by Q)ive ,Penfonnel, The-next 'meeting- will 'be held at the home* of Mrs, :Oar,. price Ball. The program -commit,, tee for next month will be Jgy Ball, Mildred Plaliet Yvan -CM MingS and Lucy Bilis; and the lunch. committee will be Mildred Blake, Y0, 1044 Barbara Lovett Try these our woliz-saulug Rubbermaid SATURDAY EXtURSIONt to TORONTO by OR RUBBERMAID SINK DIVIDR MAT Gives cushion, act protection 'atop and sid es of your twin, t sink divider, Notetts vela oLues and Our 4 siok. Fits ,ony .98 /, s;to tml tank. 1 rl those krbbnrntaid horns ate Civeigatre o vortOty of taw to match your kitthen, LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. APRIL 13) Tickets good goitig and returning same Saturday only. ,, EXCURSION" liViltINS r nom Allenford $4.75 Hanover . .. ,..$4.30 Southampton ..$5.00 Brampton .85 1-farriston 3.75 Sarnia 6.55 Brussels 4,30 Ingersoll . 3.70 Stratford 3.45 Chesley 4.75 iincardine 5.85 Strathroy 5.20 Clinton 4.75 Kitchener 2.45 Walkerton ' 4.60 Elora 2.45 Listosvel 3.60 Watford .. ...... .. 5.75 Wingliant 4.75 Wyoming 620 • Fergus ' .2.45 mittheir 4.00 Georgetown 1.20 Owen Sound ..., 4.15 Goderich ..... ... 5.05 Paisley 5.20 Guelph 1.00 Palmerston 3,40 Corresponding rates fronk ItiternaeditttA Paint