The Wingham Times, 1888-11-16, Page 1VOL. XVII. ---NO 46
—Capt. Staples a Cadet Wilton are
flow in coralaanaat he S. A. barracks.
—Q. really first•ol s entertainment is in.
store for all whom end the Prosli'terian
t,''' . Church ou Theiede; evening.
—The Tares is i .tied .a day ea@lier this
week oil account o Thanksgiving day fall-
ing on Thursday.
--The eaooud ea
vvas on ou X031 ay evening by ➢taster
F, hurley. jt
—Misr; WAxrnri, to chop wood. Apply to
so. Tamarix, at alms Zetland saw mill, or
Box 125, Wingham P. 0.
—Too planing ill of Messrs, Watt &
Little . opened• th week after the new
boiler being placed
-E. F. Gerster has the largest and best
assortment of American watches and
jewellery in town.
Wm. MoLenna. , formerly of Brussels,
bought two Tote in adler's survey and is
putting up a house is fall.
For sale for al ost nothing, a very
good parlor cook co stove, medirim size.
jjj Apply .td ' Dn. Towaicn.
—Messes. 13add ti& Sod Bake recently
Put furnaces in th + liinslby house, the
Methodist church + Whitechureh; and ' a
hiokel plated ono i IItr. R. Orr's new
=-cost of electri, lighting in Canadian
bitiesand towns : r. sit, 29 cents per night
per light ; Aylm: ', 25 cents; Paris, 26
cents; Chatham 30 cents; Ingersoll, 25
`'' tents ; Toronto, cents. •
Dir: J. H.Van tone is in Hamilton this
;meek procuring 'hristnias goods. • His
already choice li a of goods will be
materially added t• by the addition of the
best and latest t be procured in, the
4—By an, amen • went of the municipal
act, the councils of towns, villages and
townships will re nite to moot on the 15t11
.ee ;ieDabernber; and ake up a statement, of
khe'reoeipts and e:.•nditures• for the x
Airing year ; whio statement must 'eith'er
'bepublished or oiulated in the munici-
e for the 65 cotiiPetition
--Thomas: Cowls
Oriilia, by Chief
',charged with gettin
'Vanstone onfalse p
' 'before the Mayor a
Friday evening, but
'the acct sed goiug t
to settle eita
was brought from
ettypiece, last week,
} goods from Mr. J. H.
tenses. He appeared
d Magistrate Scott on
e case was dismissed,
work and ;promising
—The Qtobe ltas in
't1akerate, original a
number. ft will be
:and contain a vast a
reading matter. Ord
'agents let it. The GI
.of Canadian nevnepap
and cirotilation.
,; CThe officers for
'Web 0 F, are as foil
V C R, J McLean ; R
Gordon ; T, it M
'win; S W, J Gillespi
B, •W Dore; J B,
•sioians: Drs Towle
rIIr,3.E.11. Di
He has fitted up
'bloeit and is now op
of jewellery. 'He se
tern; with Mr. H.
class jeweler, in th-
a first.olass media
business Finan. W
o+` Nearly the
peoperty, the sur
been diepdsed of
'up en meet Of the
Dt, Chisholm has
Messrs. W.Double
'Creight, 3:11,9.min
are building this
location, and ther
thio end of the to
preparation a meat
d costly Christmas
rofusely illustrated;;
ount of ettraotfve
s can be left with:
e is still the king
s as to enterprise
curt Maitland Ne,;
we; C R, R Elliott;,
, J Risdon•; F S, D
binsou ; 0, 5 Brad-
;JW,JWInglis; S
Rutherford; Phy.
Tamlyn anal Mac -
—Mr, James Mill
tiddler estate.
—The London Ev
after a few month
--Mr. J. MOCrei
is drecting a reside
—Self denial me
the Salvation Arm
three time daily.
—Mr. John MoL
John Armour his
street, adjoining bi
—The woolen psi
Week, as additions
shape of a neck dry
fain alterations ius
slay has an opening
ntin another column.
new shop in Green's
ding out a large stook
yea his apprenticeship
ark, who was 'a first-
town, is reputed to be
to and is a gentlemanly
hope he may succeed.
hole of the five acre
try of Mrs. Sadler, has
ud residences are going
this all or next season,
contracted for fifteen.
ee,W. McLollau, J. Mo -
Hogg and F.Wright
II. This is a splendid
is et veritable boom h
—The Toronto oekly Arena controls in
'Canada the ete ng of "Christ before
Pilate,'* I8 in, It 2 in., a faseieeile of the
fametts painting y the Hampden artist,
' fudkaeay, whit hag won 'him world.
wide fettle. The etehin.g is a delicate
piece of art work d would, add value to
stay oolleotiot5. T • r Winglw,rn Taaatts,. Not
sand this picture a et till oe of '60 for
41.75. Thins and t e picture of last year.
"The Fathers of C nfederatien," given or
4 2140 is realty. + magniL:ctr.6 offer.
r is building on the
iv Pewit has collapsed
ht had bought a lot and
ee in Sadler's survey.
tinge are being held at
barracks this week,
-Norval L., so
shoemaker, had
under his cheek on
a board whilst pia
Mr W B Hotton
of Morris, two. lots
week) There is a
of propert
Por Sal
A. good and cone
beautifully located
u plirohaspd from Mr,
esedeirce on Edf'ard
has boon closed for a
ere being made in the
ouse, es well as oar..
of Mr. G. Morrison,
ugly gash inflicted
uesday, by falling on
ng at school.
ld td Mr SAMolewen,
n Frances street, this
lively demand and; a
changes at present,
or to Let.
odious brick house
on Diagonal street.
Apply to
Dn TowLEn.
t but the place to sell
t square, not the pub.
r calling attention to
y, and we hope the
he attention of those
emedy lies.
—There is no dou
grain is on the marl
lie street. The lett
this matter is tim
matter niay receive
in whose hands the
—Mr. John Hooe
a fine oar load of la
Wingham to Buff
reliable buyer and
and sheep. He ha
Meetreee last wee
-The latest add
establishments of
Restaurant being
•blook byMr. Robt.
added, a nice fresh
articles found in •a
Cotii#ortable•;:tnd 011
fttad,tapin the rear
freshments. Mr.
resident of Wingha
business tact and
business experielsc
yearsin t'he pop a
cess in Stratford,
makelais business
, of Wroxeter, 'shipped
bs on Tuesday from
lo. Mr. Hooey is a
gals heavily in cattle
been. in. Buffalo and
tions to the refreshment {,
Wingham is the City
eued-out in the Green
ill. Mr. Hill has just.
took of all thevaried,
rat=olass restaurant.
I:I rooms have -beeps
or the supply of're-
in is a well known
a shrewd man,. With
ergy, who, beside his
itt iVinghatn,was three
d -confectionerybusi-
ed no doubt • he will•
Brussels, left Wingl
P. R. for Cypress Ri
two ear loads of effec
McGrleamou, former
ing Matinees is Wing
in northern Michiga
town ' ttlais week.,
getting along well au
abode. He says th
presidential election
land suffered in Mi
of his tariff vie
being averse to t
duty on lumber.—T
says a successor w
trusted board to Mr.
now a resident of
Wilsou, V. S., has be
Drayton • and Elmi
Jessie 8onthron has
ampton en a short f
has berth indifferent
FIer mother was on
ham.—Mr. A, Waite
ing at Hensall for th
turned to Wingham.
intends devoting his
the work, of the
different parts of th•
of Goderich, spent
last week.—Mr. J. T
N, W. Telegraph Co
week.—Mr. D, I1,
father-in-law to M
jeweller, is eperding
haat, and in the able
is attending to his
Chapman, printer an
spent some days wit
Chapman, in Wiugha
Camber, of the S. A.,
her home in S. John,
Fisher is confined to
asthma. -Mr Thos Sti
ville, has removed hi
and intends starting a
early date. kbs is at
hie brother.iu•1aw, Mx
,i. Dales ie home fro
hi I•iamilton.—lklret.
returned from visitip
Aikens and family, of
m this week by C.
r, Manitoba, taking
s with him.- Mr. D.
in the pump mak.
am, but now residing
spent a few days in
r. McCrimmon is
likes his American
excitement at the
as intense. Cleve-
higan on the score
, the lumbermen
lowering of the
Pert Elgin Times
appointed on the
C. Clarke, who is
ingham.—Mr. Jas.
n among friends at
a this week. -Miss'
ono home to South..
rlough as her health
r some weeks past.
short visit to Wing-
who has been work -
past season -has re -
We understand he
time and talents to
Salvation Army in
field,—Dr. Holmes,
few days in town
Townsend, of the G.
was in town this
orman. of Mitchell,
. J. H. Vanstone,
omo days in Wing-
() of Mr. Vanstone
sines,—Mr, H. P.
stationer, of Ripley,
bis brother 'W. F.
week. -:Capt.'
eft foe" at furlough at',
N. 13.—Postmaster
his reddened with
herland, of Hagors-
family to Windham
barber shop at an
resent staying with
Geo Mcli;ay.»•Miss
a lengthened visit.
E. Groves has
friends at Norvetlf
f.—.The ne
R, is nearin
to Toronto t
grain warehouse at the C, P.
edge, of Mitchell, removes
engage in practice there,
—Just received. E. F. Gerater has just
received the latest and most artistic de.
signs iu silverware.
— a car loads' of salt were
shippeit from the works here last month.
—Mr, J. , Seagram, of Waterloo,
imported fro England foitr racehorses.
—The regal r meeting of the Caledonian
Society le to a held on Monday evening
—At a mee
sellers' Assooi
St. Marys, was
ng of the Canadian Book -
tion Mr. H, Fred Sharp, of
(re,elected president.
—E. F. Gerster makes a specialty of
railroad watches and oonseqquently keeps
the best time keepers iu stock that can be
—It is sae new grooery and fanny
goods stores a to be opened out in town
—Messrs. A. Sebastian and E. Boomer
are to have an our go-as-you.please rase
on the evening f Monday;, the 26th inst.,
for 225 a side.
—If you want your watches and clocks
repaired in first olassstele and warranted,
give E.F.Gerater a call:' Satisfaction guar-
anteed or money refunded.
—Bad eyes. Mr. A. S. Murray, of Lon-
don, will visit E. F. Gerster regularly,com-
mencing in about 10 days. Due notice
will be given of Ms visit. Any person with
bad eves should call and consult .with Mr.
i7Ierray, as he is the best. ;optician in.
—Fire was die overed at thebarracks on
Friday morning axing: been started at the
porch door. It i odd. three boys were
noticed at the po h and decamped at high
speed. They ma yet got into trouble.
:Messrs. Dore + Cook have nearly com-
pleted about two • ozen fine mutters. They
are of the latest d sign and splendid finish,
Over half of them are already sold. They
offer splendid bar sins. See their change
eg ad. in neat iss
Mr, 'Thos..A
into his residenc
John A. MaEw
Mr.F.Billingsley ha
Robertson's dwellin
inorly Malndoo's ha
teething has 'removed
purchased from Mr.
, on Shuter street.
removed to ilir.Davl
over What, was for-
est shop•
• b. Maim S• er Needed.
The condition of't e premises in; the rear
of Dawson's and Gr en's block, in fact
the way to Victor, street, isdeplorably
bad from, a emit y point of view and
dangerous to the blio health, The bad
drainage has ind • ed a state of things
exceedingly favor le to the breaking out
of an epidemic. : his may be nearer than
most apprehend; nd something ought to
be done at once. '' a understand the Board
of Health has . •eeu investigating the
matter. We heli: e the time has come
when a large sews pipe ought to be- laid
on the main street or at least a portion of
its length, There f no means of draining
available in the p+:mises complained of.
The accumulations of years is beginning
to tell seriously. i e publio health is a
matter of supreme importance and we
await the reoomme • atious of the Board
of Health in this m er,
Any of the following rl politan weeklies can be
obtained with the Wingh '• Tates at the figures horn
given. Balance of '55 fie
TIMES and Olobe, ,, $1 76
Trains, Mail, and Farm an reside, 1 76
TIME, Globo and Rural 0 ' dian, 2 00
Tants and London Advo ,.., ....... 1 76
Trams and Montreat who
Tniss and Toronto brews,..
Tom and daily world.,..
Tntt;s and weekly News Wit ornium, "Christ
before Pilate,' 1 76
Also, "Fathers of 0 ' , oration? 2 00
.............. 75
subsequent meetings
chance to do this wi
the intentidn to di
topics now agitat
There are portend
horizon of Canada
an exosptiopally fine
be afforded, as it is
cuss a number of the
ng the public mind,
solouds bathe political
and it behooves every
young man of a ition, intelligence and
spirit to closely fol ow the trona of public
sentiment. There 's no better way to de
this than by comae - out and hearing these
topic's discussed. ' .ung mea, come out to
the meetings of the iberet Association.
A Literary
The inaugural
of a literary resole
tended on Mon
enthusiasm prey
pied the chair,
secretary, and
excellent style
Messrs E. C: Cl
stone, W. Coop
J. Buchanan, W
Wilson, A Tiplin
A G McGregor an
then decided to
officers were elec
Munro, President
president ; E Bow
Messrs Rev J A
and R Tiede wer
management it
the names o thr
meeting. The
were entrusted
stitution to be su
at next meeting t
of Tuesday :;the
society has been fo
auspicious ciroumst
ociety Formed.
eeting for thefprmation
in town was well sl-
ay evening and great
fled. D. C. Munro occu-
r. W. E. Groves acting as
he matter was urged in.
Rev. Mr. Moorhouse and
rke, W. Fleuty, R. Van -
r, it, Tisdale, E. Bowles,
Homuth, J Coutts J 5
, S Graney, J W Inglis,
W Robertson. It was
ganize a society and
ed as follows ;—D C
W E &roves, vice-
, secretary -treasurer.
oorhoese, J 8 Wilson
chosen a committee oe
eing intended to have
e ladies added at next
anagement committee
th the drafting of a con-
mitted for consideration;
be held on the evening
27th November, The
med under the most
ccs and now amost
hearty invitation is a ',tended to young and
old,' male and fen:
identify themselves
for intellectual, sooia
improvement, Besi
bates, discussions,-.
done, many new feat
duced so as to make
profitable toall. Lad'
most oerdially invi
Comfortable quarter
an instrument is like
hall at an early date.
ladies and gentlemen
support and we can u
of the best ;moieties i
keeping with the inte
W inghana's many citi
le, to attend and
ith an active agencyl
andiwe may say moral
ea the ordinary de•
eadinga and recite,.
res will beintro•
it interesting and
s are espeoially and
d to be= present:
will be procured ,and
y to be placed in the"
Let young ,and old,
give this ,a `'hearty
oubtediy have one
the 'evert, one in
igence and ability of
Single ]Fare Tickets fr
vale and Wh
Through the inter
effective presentation
authorities by Mr. St
Company has conced
regarded as a boon to.
business men. We ref
of single fare tickets fro
sition, steady aria
of the case to the
what may well be.
Wiughara and its
to the obtaining
Belgrave, Blue -
at on Satueaye.
tter of convenience
e believe, saving
themselves of the
leo something to be
en. ontbs ago
ps to have a
here. We still
lity and value
esent concession
authorities is a
long step in that direct on. So splendid
aro the facelities and ad ritieges of Wing -
ham as a business place hat such excel.
lent opportunities are pereutly thrust
e 76 upon ue without solicited n by our basi-
,conductea.Board of Tr de might secure
many undreemt of vantages to our
town. But still the di position is to fold
exiles and let things co e as they will, as if
we wore the subjects o an unbending fate.
'There is no bettee puro iasiug centre in the
county than Winghara. Now that another
eoncession hes boon ado calculated to
extend our inerortetil butriness, we hope
our dealers may seize me make all possible
efforts to accommod 0 those who may be
disposed to evail th twelves of the cheap
rates. To the latte we eau surely say :
Come along and you y meet the highest
value tor your prod cts s.tid the best re -
the people are indeb ea again, as in dozens
of other easee,wher his influenee, business
oonntedation and a antage for them and,
of touree, coalmen ate returns for the
eme kaowiedge of this ...For a good first ease American watch
oubjeets. At this and itt,reiteonable prices, cierster
Buying Grain n the Streets.
To the Editor of the Tias
entertained of y ur diameter as a
scholar and gentl man encourages me•
to Solicit your k nd assistance in an,
affair of very eat importance. I
have frequently so my grain in your
towt,i. This year d it very incon-
venient to stand on he street till the
buyers examine my ain. I arn aware.
that your town pr cured a market
grouud for the be interests of the
fernier, and why d the buyers stop
the farmers on th street ? I have a
wholesorae dread of your constable,
but they tell me e has too many other
things to attend o. I have often told.
0. and G. that i would be better for
there to go to th market where they.
could have eleitn oting and have
seine respect. for t eir boots that
received a good shine on Sunday. I
think not a few farme s estimate your
market as a very r concern at
present. I would re ornmend that if
.the present state 'of things continue
and there is no mo use for the mar-
ket groends,„ that ey be sold and the
proceeds go into the town treasury.,
As a farmer I k w that we have no.
right to incumb r the street while
business men of t e town cannot even,
put out a sign over he street. I have
always tried to be a ood citizen from.
my youth up and espect the law.
'Now, Mr. Editor, I w I close by giving:
you the advice to n t spare your ink
on those law violet s. What I mean.
is to get the buyer to keep the street
The Liberal ociation.
Don't forget the 1n0 g of the Winghtua
Liberal Association Monday evening
subject of Manhood tannage. His reputa-
tion for accuracy an application, exhaute
tive seed logical tr tmeut and excellent
judgment will co bine te render the
address both inter stieg; en& profitable.
The subject will b further dismissed by
Dr. AlecdOnald an other members, All
merithere or not. especial invitation is
extenclorl youn men to be present, Xo
ettratose or me eship fee is ohargea.
Au (excellent op unity is afforded for
tion. This le ono of the live topics. of the
day, one forcing i golf upon Our tonsidera-
tion. Every ma espeoially youeg men
—ought to have
and many kindre
To the Editor of the To as.'
DEAR SIR, -I nd myself, as well aa -
some of my nei bore, slandered in,
the TIMES by you Langside corres-
pondent Ife appe s to think it a.
disgrace for n farmer to erect his own
buildings, but times a '6 hard and we
have to do the. best d ean. Possibly
thinks r dia not tr at my neighbors
my building, havi nothing for them
to eab and sendin them home hungry.
Well, challeng your correspondent
to give clear proo that IBM deserving
of a the nand% he has caused to be
puhlished about e both in the TIMES,
and Lueknow San 'net. If he can do..
so then I will bear disgrace as best
I can. But if ha f ils to do so, the
best I can do for hiss is to hand him,
over to the readers o the Times to be
his judge, who will, hope, give him,
a fair trial and sent: s ce him according
to their own judg si ent. Yours, &c.
Tee water.
The Rev. R. El nderson was visiting, -
friends in town. t is week.—'fhe com—
munion services at esttninster church,
en the 11 th inst., w e largely attend-
ed, -Mrs. Fairbair returned homs
with her. sister in Ro hester.-Mr. M.
Hadwin and family re preparing to
move to Toronto, here they have
secured a Ane res ence. They will
be greatly missed b a very large circle.
of acquaintances. Bev. T. Cosford,
of London, spent st week with his
thellev. . Spading, pastor
services are being co iducted tht
Methodist church. TI e meetings are
largedy attended and much E.,sood is
beind accomplished. Saturday, 10th
instant, was a busy day in town.-
Thompson,Fessant 0o. manufactured
a very large numb of apple barrels
this season. The were obliged to
refuse orders for t usands of barrels,
as it was impossib to procure work-
men. A large nn eber of the barrels
were used in tho neighhorhold of
in the railway time t de aoes not give
entire satisfaistien, Rev. McKinnon,
pastor of the I3a tist church, wilt
Mra. Smith mid. fa Hy left od Monday
for Regina, N. W CoA's new
brick dwelling he when complitted
will be quite tin or» mmt to the tOWn.
a visit to his paren this weeL.--,
Thanksgiving service will to 114,1
tne Methodist chile( on TliqrsIsy,
Rev. R. Malcolm, Westiniuste.!