Clinton News-Record, 1956-10-04, Page 610.45 a.m.—The Session will meet 11.00 a.m.---Morning Worship "The Holy Conimunion" 11.20,a.m,—Primery Scheel 12,15 p,m,—ClitIrch School , HOLMESVILLE 9.45 aenee-Morning Worship Sunday School "Come to the Rouse of Prayer" Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH MinistereeREV. J. E. OSTROM .11.00 aen.—Moreing, Worship 12,15 p.m.—Sunday School t 7.00 litt p. ALLwkliat —vening Worship SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 — All Times Eastern Standard Attend dour Church ANGLICAN CHURCH OF -CANADA" St. Paul's — Clinton REV. ,C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 9th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion i0.30 a.m.—Sunday -Schooe• HARVEST THANKSGIVING ' SERVICES 11.00 a.in.—reacher. The Rector 4.30 p.m.—Preacher, The Rev. 3. P. Prest, Rector of Lucan. (Gifts of fruit, vegetables, and flowers will be welcome. Please bring to the church fairly early on Saturday). ...... ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV: D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEIV, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday,, October 7 ' THANKSGIVING SUNDAY , 10.0e, arn.-eChurch School 11,00 arn.—Public Worship— "What do you make of Thanksgiving Day", will be out theme for meditation. Sunday, October 14—The Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper will be observed and new memebrs received, Sunday'''. October' 21—Anniversary ;Services 11.00 a.m. 'and, 7.30 p.m. pupa 'Guest: Rev. Sam- uel Kerr, 'B. A.,, Exeter; at both ServiCeS. Monday, •Oetober 22 — 8.30 p.m. Grand Choral Concert by St. - John's Church Choir, Strat- for& Winners three. tithes at the Kiwanis Festiva), Toronto. Everylsody Welbiene atiall Services Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order- of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11,00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m,—Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m.—Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME Changes- Plea After Hearing Another Case • "I was going to plead guilty, but I changed my mind," said one of the men who appeared in court here before Magistrate D. E. Hol- mes on Tuesday. He changed his mind after sitting and listening to the hearing of a charge of care- less, driving against another man. I The magistrate accepted the change of plea and postponed the' hearing until Tuesday morning, 'October 16, at 9.30 a.m. Bert Boyes was fined $20 and costs When the magistrate decided that he had not used' due consid- eration for others on the highway. MreSoyes .had been drieinea three- quarter ton truck across Highway 4,,in front of the Fine gas Station, When aeesmall German car driven, by -Herbert Appleford, RCAF Stet- Clinton, struck the right rear of the truck, The truck was thrown up Against a hydro pole, and 'the left side also was dam- aged. The magistrate said he .did not feel that the small car was trav- elling at an excessive rate of speed, and that the driver of the truck should' have been able to see it, and should have yielded the right or way. BofMAgain Wins First For , Best Advertising First place in Canadian bank ' advertising has again been won by the Bank of,Montreal in the "Bank Ad-views" continuing study of fin- ancial advertising in North Am- erica during the past 12 months.' The B of M has won top,rating for Canada in all but one of the last '11 years, and in two years- 1946 and 1954—it ranked first for the continent, receiving the 'Soc- rates 'High Award for North Am- erica. The "Bank Ad-views" award to the B of M for 1956 is in line with a recent survey of Canadian trans- portation advertising . covering ' a wide variety of 'national advertis- ers in which the B of M's message led all other advertisements with a public readership of 62 percent. High Readership Consistent This survey was the fifthln - a series of, studies undertaken\by the Canadian . Advertising Re- search Foundation over the past eight years, with the B of lel pre- viously rated third, fourth, second and first respectively. • THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS! BABY NYLON 4 Lek DRESSES I i'107 ROMPERS' BABY BLANKETS .98 CORDUROY OVERALLS-2-6 ...1.49 'SKIPALONG SHOES Sizes 8-1 1 1/2 pr.. ....MB Sizes 12-3—pr. 3,50 ibiA Clothing & Footwear "The Family- Store" HU 2-9641 ALBERT ST. — CLINTON Open Both Friday & 'Saturday Nights till 10 pee.. .98 dpmmonsimmo..16 CL,NTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Magazine Campaign—Oct. 4 to 18 New and Renewal Subscriptions to Canada's leading magazines. You will receive a personal call from one of the C. D.C. I Students Project to Obtain Funds, for Benefit of C.D.C.I . NEIL McGREGOR, President, Students' Council • TREAT YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS ON THANKSGIVING WEEKEND TO, Our T emoting Cakes:RPiesrSweet Goods . BARTLIFF BROS. BAILERS 'and "CONFECTIONERS 'HUnter 2-972 --- CLINTON - PAGE SIB Women's Auxiliary of RCAF Stat- ion Clinton, was held in the Rit- chie Building on Monday evening with Mrs. S. A. Brightwell in the chair. Mrs. P. J. Hatherall read the minutes andethe treasurer's report, was given by Mrs. H. C. Easton, On display was a lovely quilt made by the ladies of the Comity Home fer which the aro:Mary is' selling raffle tickets,_ the, proceeds to go toward tife ladies' Christmas par- ty. Mrs. E. Lee is in charge Of ticket sales. S IR. N. Irwin has kindly consented to have the quilt displayed in his store "in town. The raffle for the quilt will be held at the next meeting. ,Mrs. C. A. Powell informedethe meeting of a rummage sale sponsor- ed by the Guides and Brownies which is to be held in the Town Hall on Saturday, October 27. aVVs. F. J1 Hamlyne editor of the le ewsletter asked that all air- force personnel living off the stat- ion and also all honorary members living in Clinton who wish to re- ceive a copy of the newsletter give her their mailing address so that she could attend to this. It was decided to hold a White Elephant Safe at the next meeting. After adjournment, 'court whist was enjoyed b4the ladies and re- freshments were provided .by Mrs. L. Hoyer and her committee. Raising Funds For 'Home Party The monthly meeting of the RCAF Auxiliari Ontario t. WA Planning For Fall Bazaar Mrs. Levis, president was in charge of the . Woman's Association meeting in the church parlour of Ontario Street United Church on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Townsend was in charge of the devotional period based on the subject, "Thanksgiving for mercy and goodness 'of God." / Everyone was asked to bring an article to the next meeting for the bazaar, and these will be presen- 'ted in answer to the roll call. , A nominating committee con- sisting of Mrs. Merrill, Mrs. Fear and Mrs. N. Carter was named. Mrs. L. McKnight and Miss Mar- garet Merrill favoured with solos. Mrs. George Potter was named convener for the shut-ins boxes, and will appoint her own helpers, Several banquets were discussed during the business meeting, and after the closing exercises, lunch was served by the ladies , of 'High- way 4 North and Concession 2 Ht heft. so,...4#9,•;••••1#44.0.#4..), (At Mid-Towne Restaurant) Harvey's Taxi PHONE HU. 2-9054 NIGHT HU. 2-3880 Harv67 Ashton CLINTON • K. C. COOKE FLORIST T HU 14012 ' Mrs. Gordon, ',Craig, Walkerton spent a week in Clinton visiting at the home of her father Bd. Grealis and renewing, old eequein- tances in town. Mr.. and. Mrs. 'W. )3.. 'McKinnon, recently returned frtionVeecenver, were Sunday' erneets of .Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Caninghame, at Cecle er Nest, Hayfield. Recent ovisitors with Mr. and Mrs. B. Grealis were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gabriel. and Miss Doreen Howard, Sarnia; Mr, and Mrs. Al- vin Thorpe, Essex; Miss Lillian .Beaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Moore,. Cayuga; Mr, and WS, John Swift and. daughters, Barbara Ann - and Dianne; Mrs. .Clarence Gee,. Wil visited their uncle and cousin, G. B, Nall and Miss Evelyn Hail, last Thursday, Surprise Party For Tebbjjtt Silver Wedding IMPORTED DUTCH BULBS ONTARIO o ' Bell EmplOyees Welcothe,, Visitor1 To .New Office _Another award from the US for the B of M is the "merit award" from the Financial World, of New York, "for distinguished achieve-1 ment in annual-- reporting for six consecutive 'years and in •recognit- ion •of the excellence of its 1955 annual report to shareholders." Thise citation stetteiVia.t the B of .M's financial statement was typography and format 'of the judged as among the most modern 5,000 annual reports examined from the standpoint of content, .during 1956. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON , Sunday- School ,. 9.45 a.m. reaking of Bread 11. , 00 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 p.m:‘— Prayer and ' • t Bible Study, 'A Hearty Welcome Awaits 'ou" BAYFIELD BAPTIST 1 CHURCH I, BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 31.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service You are cordially. invited to these services. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. Le SWEIGARD, Pastor Friday, October 5- 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Arnbassauors Sunday, October '7- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Tuesday, October 97-- 8.00 pane-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You 7faniteb- eburcb REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M, R. RENNI'E. Choir Director ONTARIO STREET UNITED ,CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOk---ItEV. A. GLEN EAGLE] B.A.. LLD. 9,45 p.m.—Sunday School 11.,00 a.m. Sacrament of Lord's Supper (World, wide commitnion Sunday.) -' Zoning Serylee withdrawn ,in favour of St. Paul's anniversary. " TVANZR,P8 CIAJRCII 2.00 pat.—Sacrament of Lord'S Supper. • On display at the open house were the new pastel coloured tele- phone sets, and ft really' new set through which one may call and receive calls without lifting the Te- ceiver, A series of three buttons. does the job* simply. ,Officials attending. open house here Included Wes .B.unner, Bob Gray, George Suter and Lou Feist, London; Frank Graham, Stratford and 13ev, McCann, Toronto. Taking part in the welcoming proceeuee, describing the equip- ment, etc., were Mrs. A.. A. .Knox, Mrs. D, 3. Anderson, Mrs. W, E, ,Bell, leliss. E. H. Bishop, Mrs, M. M,,Cantelon, 'Mrs. B. J, Chowen, Mrs.. A. J. Diehl, Miss .1, D, Craig, Mrs. M. L. Jordan, Mrs. P. H. Man- aghae, Mrs. G. B. Paterson, Miss 3, E, Perdue, Mrs. K, J, Ryder, Mrs, D, J. Sutcliffe, Miss L. B. Taylor, Mrs. S. Malkinson, Miss H. E. Forrester, Miss Y. • J, Harris, Miss M. Fortune, Miss L. Gale, and the following mern.A. Raines, R, Mills, W. Thompson, K. Gore, P. learide, B.'Stutt, D. .Wyate G. .Delgleish, D. McCutcheon,' W. Hughes, 'itebekahs Decide On Fall Schedule The regular meeting of Huronic Rebekah Lodge was held on Mon- day, October 1. Plans were made for several fall 'activities. Members are advised there will be a bake sale in the Council Chamber, Saturday, Oct- ober 13, at 3 p.m. Committee in charge of arrangements is Mrs. Douglas Andrews, Mrs. Carman McPherson, Mrs. C. Ashton, Mrs. Willip.m Fotheringham, 'Mrs. Ben- son Sutter, Mrs. R. E. Rowdp,,n, Mrs. George Beattie. c, On Monday, October 15, Sister Jessie Little, DDP, and staff -of Morning Star Lodge, Brussels will be present to instal the new of- ficers for the ensuing year. Sister Doris Batkin and her committee will be in charge Of refreshments at this meeting. Members are asked to particu- larly note that there will be a turkey dinner in the Lodge Room, November 5. This is a member- ship get-together. Further an- n uncements will be made later. An invitation has been extended to Leamington Lodge to be pres- ent November 19, to confer the degree. Mrs. E. McPherson reported for the Past Grands' Club that a draw ft-Tr a handmade quilt would be held the same evening. Congratulations were extended to MrS. Maude effulholland, on the occasion of their 54th wedding an- niversary. Most. Public School Field Di'Y Events Were Completed Yesterday Afternoon- Donald, Craig Cox, David Olen' minds. e They were married in Colborne Township, September 30, 1931, by the Rev.W. J. Patton. Since their marriage they have resided on the farm'in Goderich Township, Mait- land Concession. The farm has been in the Tebbutt name for 91 yearse The dining room was prettily dee- orated with white streamers and hells. The table was centred with the three tiered anniversary cake surrounded by silver and white tall tapers and dainty autumn flowers'. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Lew Telebutteeeaforth; Wall- gate Tebbutt, Mrs. Arthur Fish- er, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fish- er, all of Colborne Township; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Holmes, Mr. and Mrs, James Young, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Tebbutt, Gciderich Town- ship; Mr. and-Mrs. George Addis- on; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Batley, Millet Township. The couple were presented with a lovely best of •silverware, Mr. and Mrs. Tebbutt have three sons and one daughter. John re- sides on the -16th. Concession of Goderich Township. Gerald, at- tends '0,A1C Guelph. Gordon and Marilyn are at. home. -They also have two grandchildren, Patty and Wayne Tebbutt. ' A canvas marquee with all the lure of a circus tent, complete with weite music and' friendly recept- ionists greeted nearly 1,000.eyleitors to the exchange building of the Bell Telephone Company of Cana- da, which was l uilt on Aattenhury Street last year, ,This was the first time rthar., the people :of e clinton and district had a chance to visit the bUildin Which -Processes alt telephone calls. dialled in the area, W. W. Hay- Goderich, manager of the area was most appreciative of the interest shown by subscribers, and noted how the numbers of Bell subscribers had grown in the last' few years. Sirce 1945 when there were 1,265 phones served from the, Clinton• switchboards, the number has grown to 2,149 telephones now be- ing served by the new dial exchan- ge, ' There has been an increase in the number of calls, too. In 1945 there- were 358 long distance and 3,275 local calls made daily; This year the daily numbers have risen to 750 long distance calls and 7,150 local. e (continued from page one) Marjorie Woods, Margaret Gild- don, Dianne Cuthnore, jenior Girls Ethel Collins has dominated the. Junior Girls' division,. She has com- piled 15 points with five firsts, Alice Treffers who has been Ettes best competition has reached a-total of nine. The bean bag toss is yet to he decided.. Entries- placed as follows; 25 yard dash, Ethel Collins (4.3 see.), Alice Treffers, Bonnie Boyes; 50 yard dash, Ethel Collins (8 sec.), Alice Treffers, Jetske t Vander Heide; 75 yard dash, Ethel Col- lins (12 sec.), Alice Treffers, Don- na Munroe; standing broad jump, Beverley Beek (5' 4"), Jetske Vander Heide, Alice Treffers; run.: ning broad jump,, Ethel Collins (9' 61/2 "), Beverley Beck, Dianne Caron; high jump, Ethel Collins, Bonnie Boyes,, Sheryl Rozell; slow bicycle, Joan Irwin (48 sec.), Don- na Munroe, Helen Livermore (tie), Lyn Andrews. The team of Linda Murphy, Susan Smith, Dianne Garon and Helen Livermore won the 100 yard relay in the time of 21 seconds. Second ' place went to Susan Roorda, Betty Jo Deeves,' Alice Treffers, Patricia Reynolds; third, Jetske Vander Heide, Judy Gra- ham, Dianne Stoll, Linda Nichol- son, it. Senior Boys Mike Spiller is the uncrowned king of the Senior Boys division, Mike has amassed a total of 23 points in the eight events that have been decided with seven firsts and a second. Bill Wild is currently in second place with nine 'points. The high jump and run- ning road jump are to be complet- ed today. Final standings of events: 75 yard dash, lifike Spiller (10 sec.), Bill Wild, Gary Freeman; 100 yard dash, Mike Spiller (13,1), Bill Wild, Douglas' Roorda; 150 yard dash, Mike Spiller (20.4 sec.), Bill Wild, Douglas Roorda; 200' yard dash, Mike Spiller (28.4 -see.), Douglas Roorda, Bill Wild; stand- ing broad jump, Mike Spiller (7' 6"), Alan Cochrane, Dwight Wil- liams; running hop, step and jump; Mike Spiller (30'), Roger Cum- mings, Budd Boy,es; pole vault, Budd Boyes (7' '8"), Mike Spiller, Roger 'Cummings. Mike Spiller, Budd Boyes, Paul Draper, Dwight Williarris won the 200 yard relay in.31 seconds. There was' a tie for second between the teams consisting of Alan Cochrane, ill Wild, Bobby Marshall, Ralph- Glew and Frank Ladd, John Mac- W.-W. GOOD WILL CLUB TO HEAR MRS. F. FINGLAND The Good Will Club of Wesley- Willis United Church will meet in 'the chuech ,parlour on October 9, at 8.00 p.m.' Guest speaker will be Mrs. Frank Fingland. Mrs. W. Pinning and Mrs. Milton Steepe will be in charge. Mothers Study Group-Opens Fall Season The _Mothers' 'Study Group of the Wesley-Willie United" Church held their first fall meeting in the chevell parlor on Tuesday even-. ing,.! Mrs, Howard Currie who was in charge opened with a poem "Another Summer Gone," folloWed by a thanksgiving bymn. MrS. P. Livermore led in prayer. Mrs. Wise-.read thealninutes of the June meeting, mra. N, Tre- wartha conducted the business. Mrs. Mock was appointed treasur, er, eince.IVIre. H. Lochhead is leav- ing Clinton, . - Mrs.. B. Hanley explained the new quilt and handed out blocks to be embrOidered, Each member is asked to demate. 50 cents instead Of having a booth at. the Country Fair. , z: The • October meeting • will be held ie the church parlour With Mrs, B. Murch in cl•iarge,,,end Mrs, Steep and Mrs. Kiegswell as hostesses, Mrs, Wils'on read - an' artic16, "What do I exceilne" Mrs. B. Holland favoured with a lovely piano solo, "It is no secret what .God can do". Mrs, G. Wise read an article on "Grace before Mrs, Currie read a story, "Trav- eling North" about a family with three small children who traveled in a trailer (drawn by a jeep) to Alaska, ' Mrs, W, Murch 'Conducted two contests, following which, a tasty lunch was served by Mrs. R. Can- telon, Mrs. P. Livermore and Mrs H. Currie. 0 Silverplate Deal Termed Unethical By Manufacturer. An organization known as the Associated Houseware Distributors, Toronto, has been conducting a selling campaign in conjunction with fall fairs across Canada, in what has been termed by a inter- nationally known silverplate firm as an unethical manner. Visitors at the fairs are given a free -chance at winning a set of silverplate claimed to be of $99.95 value. All entrants, except the, winner, receive word of a special prize which turns out to be a cred- it of $60 on a set of flatware of equal value. However, the organization has identified themselves as direct re- presentatives of the well-known and 'established firm, and have in- ferred that their silverplate pat- tern is of internationally adver- tised quality. This connection is denied by the firm. One of the local jewellers has reported that he, has. received numerous requests from people in this, areee about the quality of the silverplate effered, and he is un- able to. reassure„them, because it is riot a regular listed pattern or make. e, 0 • Arthur Davies To Join CNIB Training Staff Arthur Davies, whom many in Clinton will remember as having been at RCAF Station Clinton in 1947-48, has begun studying in London as a field' secretary for the Canadian National Institute, for the Blind. 43-year-old Mr Davies has served with the In- telligence Branch of the RCAF for ten years. However, his sight -began to fail two years age, and he is now al- most totally blind, He and his wife and twee children have a home at Trenton. , While in Clinton Davies and his wife lived' on Victoria Street and, both sang in Wesley-Willis United Church choir. Mrs. Davies was a teacher in the,. Sunday School there. He is receivng his, preliminary training at Tweedsmuir Hall by spending, a month witlnEd Wheel- er the London district field secre- tary. In November he will begin an intensive five-month vocational training course at Bakerswood, To-. ronto. When he is .eventually appoin- ted as a field Secretary himself, he will be in charge of do-ordination work, vocational placement and sdcial serviee work there. ,„ Rid. Your Attie Of "Don't' Wants" Run An Adlet Have -An Annual Check-Up A routine precaution to ensure\•your Contin- ued good health. t Fat free Iltarature write Benson Suffer, Secretary Phoilie HU. 2-6635 Intermediate Boys The closest race of all divisions, is taking place in the intermediate bays Class. The results of the run- ning bread jump will determine the champion. Douglas Macaulay and Peter Thompson are tied with 13 points, closely followed by Bruce Cooper with 12, Results are: 50 yard dash, Doug- las IVIacaulaz .(7.20 sec.), Bruce Cooper, Peter Thompson; 75 yard dash, Douglas Macaulay (11 sec.), Bruce Cooper, Jimmy 100 yard dash, Douglas Macaulay (14.4 sec.), Bruce Cooper, Peter Thompson; 150 yard dash, Peter -Thompson (23 sec.), Douglas Mae- aulay, Fred Lamb; standing broad jump, Peter Thompson (5' 8"), Jimmy Hoy; John Cooper; running` hop, step and jump, Bruce Cooper (25' 1-0"), Bobby Livermore, Ray- mond Garon; high jump, Peter Thompson, Raymond Garon, Laurie Colquhoun; pole vault, Bobby Liv- ermore, Raymond Garon, Bayne Boyes. The 200 yard relay was won by Bruce' Cooper, Raymond Garon, Bayne Boyes, Bobby Livermore (33 sec.); second, Douglas. Mac. aulay, Peter Thompson, Borden McRae, Laurie Colquhoun; third,' Jimmy Hoy, John Cooper, Fred Lamb, ErniaeuniEmormBer4tyo:. Andy dePutter and Harry Cum- mings are tied with 15 points in the race for the junior boys crown. Deckling events will be the high jump and softball throw. Results are: 50 yard dash; Andy dePutter "(8.1 sec.), Harry Cum- mings, Keith Ashton; 75 yard dash, Andy dePutter (11.2 sec.), Harry Cummings, LalTy -1-1py; 100 yard dash, Andy -dePuttei (15.4 sec.), Harry Cummings, Keith' Ashton; standing broad jump, Andy de- Putter (5' 9"), Harry Cummings, Larry Hoy; running broad jump, Larry Hoy (10' 4"), Donald Wil- liams, Harry Cummings; sloW bicycle, Harry Cummings (47.2 sec.), John Cox, Berry Glazier; 200, yard relay, Keith Ashton, Douglas Fremlin, Harry Cummings, Andy dePutter (35.2 sec.); second, Barry Glazier, Bruce Emmerton, Bobby Batkin, Mark Schoenhals; third, Clifford Livermore, Terry Rut- ledge, John Cox, David McRae. The official results, will be an- nounced in next week's issue along with any new records that may have been broken. CLINTON NM-RECORD .Tlit.TRSDAY, OCTOBER. 4,. giwin Merrill is holidaying' this. Week in Eastern. Ontario, Ted Hall, Cayuga, .called en his grandfather, O. Z. Hall on Sunday. Mrs. Emilie Setter is at -present with her son and (Iwo-ter-4114m Pr. and Mrs. S. H, Sutter, Strat- ford., .Mr. and Mrs, Donald McKay and Bonnie; .London, spent the weekend at the home of Mr, and Mei Stewart Moodie, ., Mr, and Mrs. W. H, Johnston, 'Toronto, visited with the lady"..s parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Tlai'Vey Cartp0,'Pvor,v,tbe weekend:'` BUDGIES GOLD FISH In 'our New "PET C6RNER",„:we have a number of Beautiful Young Birds in all cblours'and a nice sele- tion of Common Gold Fish, Comets, Fantails and Sleek. Moor Telescope,. HARTZ MOUNTAIN •BUDGIE' AND CANARY SEED, CONDITION FOOD, ETC., and NATURAL FISH FOOD • FOR FALL PLANTING Tulips-:-.Daffodil'--Hyacinths—Narcisstuis—Crocus • ONTARIO STREET WMS WILL MEET ,OCTOBER 9 The Ontario Street Woman's Missionary* Society will meet on Tuesday, October 9, , at 2.30 p.m., in the church parlour. Roll call will be "Thanks." Missionary Monthly renewals are due on that date. 0 WESLEY-WILLIS WMS TO HAVE SPECIAL SPEAKER The Wesley-Willis Woman's Mis- sionary Society will hold their autumn thankoffering on Thurs- day evening, October 11, at 8 p.m. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Yates. Dr. Paul and Mrs. Yates have' spent several years in Nig- eria since they left Clinton. All the ladies of Clinton will be made welcome. A surprise dinner was held at =eels." the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joh Tebbutt, on Saturday evening; in honour Of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs„, Irvine Tebbutt on he' occasion of their silver wed- ding anniversary.