The Wingham Times, 1888-09-28, Page 4Mr. A. McKay by burglars on attempt made to was entered ;sl,cy night and an t iTen the safe. Two bolls were dri eel and a (pointy of powder insertetl, but tate fuse did iiot reach the pow i, r, it is supposed they were alarmed b, someway atthis stage, as no further d tuage Wag done. Rest'Wm anosh. A largo number rt mi this locality visited the West n Pair this week, Ir. E. Livings u ie cutting a large amount def bum .er or siipaleut to the Old Country. > entertainment 'u oder the auspices of the "Westfield T. 0. G. T. e. }is lit ld on Thurs. day evening at tisttield and was largely a/tellad. Ale Marnoch Cloy. ,car Leafs played a match with the Del. grave baseball ea.n on Wednesday evening of last week and cable orf 'notorious scoria ill to 12. Tee .we,,ter. On- Thursday - forenoon, William Mason, freight ca lduc.tur ou the C. P. It., met \vitt). a rril.le rccidtint, frond the effects of w ieh he died on Friday. When about tw* miles \Vest Toronto Junetitln he le , nod out the door to look back his . cad came hi contact a4itpfa fibre post 1 tl he was knocked off the train. fie was taken into Tor- onto by the lio0 " train and at the Hospital it via, i third.that. his jaw was broken, on of his kis, fractured and a terrible oruise on the back of his heal. His 'irtraias Were interred here oil Saturday. His funeral was eon- tit.eted by the Oc d Fellows. He leaves u wife and failli .Y' 1,11:C21Ft131.o—At 1Ydti ;h' ct cm rhe wrrd inst; the wife of Mr. 6. 1 t rri field ; a sen. r "3reL'wt s- In 'Smithery r on the 24th inst, the wife of 01r. A. lrehwtn, te, her- a daughter. 8'. oo�t.4c-In Culros on the 20th lost, the wife of Mr. Geo, Falconer a son, S:urarL^-In i,Iarris, 'n tiro. lith inst„ the wife of Mr, Nelson Currie ; a so Puitvts-Iu ISrst Wawa tush, on the 16th instant, the wife of Dai. Janus P rvia ; a soli. rg .1-4 r '`i3, 6401017-touxtr-•At the residrno 01 :he bride's patents, Ctth•css ti vitship, ou the 26th Inst, ht• the Rev. A. Y. Hartl• y, rdt•. James Elliott, of Turn - ',berry, to 111se Jct tiie Loutit. McIvea-31oLS0s3f2 -At the rerideroo of the bride's father, by the Rev. 4..IL L0:ton, B. D„ on the 10th inst., Mr. Y,'illdisut McIver, of Loudon, to hiss Jeimic, eldest dau,i 'tor of ,.r. Donald McTonzte, of Oulrors. liaut'r•-nicMiia.atr--., t the residence of the bride's mother, on the 181 inst., by the 1tev.W,Torrance, Me. A, R. Itaupp, f Dattel., Mich., to Miss Ch1'is- 11410 TdcldAlan, of "rev. 41, 1'onrus0-InAneast rtowns \ip,co Wentavorth,on t`o Pith inst, Robert 1 ottauie, aged til years and 6 menthe. Deceased ,.as the eldest brother tolressrs. Thos a»d Geo,L"ortwi• of Tornberry. - 0' srov-Pet Lan}., oo tie 10th fust„ wiliiani Funs- ^ t -'n sgn•i- lady to Mr, les.. L}ruee, of Brussals, as anoSh, at the residence of • r/ 'tt qts. Farrier. rrier. on ie 23rd inst., Mrs: Nathaniel Wciheaod, or Epsom, sntario, aq,d 30 years and 4 uwntiis. IicfiA'-In Culross, on a 18th inst., Annie McKig- gan, relict of the late J mos Mell:ay, aged 20 years and 8 months. Mason -At Toronto lroo' ital, on the 20811 inst., Wm. Mason. Conductor, C. . liy., aced .8 years. Jo:taws-At Iiarrkton,. ,n the 14th inst, Lucy Lily, eldest daughter of T1 os. Johnson, aged 23 years. �stLas-In Gtlenallan, eft the 17th Inst, George Allan, aged 80 years. Dsee std was the founder of the village of Glcnallan. M1Ptrd 111-4n Culross, or the 21st inst, Noll McPhee aged 02 years. WIN GUAM, MARKETS. wxveiiu , Sept 27, 1895 Fleur per cwt., • e1 2 7a to 2 75 :r', or per b i1., - • 6 50 to 6 50 Vail Wheat per bushel, now • 1 00 to 1 02 Spring 00 to 00 bray - 33 to 32 Itax1.,,., - 60 to - 55 I,e:,a, - - - 60 to 02 l'ot.aos, - 80 to 60 apples per htia, 40 to 50 7tbittor per lb., 15 to 10 r . V pet flown, 15 to 13 ,..uu per cord, 1 25 to 1 50 Itay par ton, - 10 03 to IJ 00 TARE NOTICE, That Thomas left my employment on flu itth day of Joao last, and that he is not now etupt.iyed by me, tioi :toil responsible for any work .4300e hy hint. i s Wm notice that neither the said McCullough • n . Dean 044 licensed to practise Dentistry an J. S. JEERROME. r..o ze an @9 17_,,,V.INGLOTG'3,F wore ort 0 U° 3d 61.tulc. r�yLot r bale ANON f,1'. w :0T, on which fLb storey hot ., well, cistern ly to J. . r IORT011, blarrister, iONE`1 TO LEND. roan { i 1II'OPITI{)N Or. THE T0WNSIHIP 00 1_ int , aay nos about 3,1;00 to loan on 1lort- et',. Ira, atuts.ap,ply to, : c.1...illi:.v, Or WM. McI'IIIN SON, V. T::tvAmta, Win;xbr_tn. 1103711, Glenfarrow• 1`'V8 ,'ia nt, May 110, 1'3r.8. The assortment in every Department is uiol'0 extensive and attractive than we ever have shown, and we respectfully scj icit a call front you, which will afford us great ilewsure our goods and giving prices; before geodd are picked over. DRESS GO S I ESS GOODS ! Have been very carefully selected out of all the novelties, in both plain and fancy designs, in Silks, flushes, %Velvets, 1 +; ilunersa, Crape,;, Fettles, French Twills, Sedans, Ottoman, Jersey Cloths, 1lleltonrs, fourietta,s, Tweed Mu tu1•es, and great variety in Plaids stub Stripes, a�ttli Trimmings to match. .Also, a very large range of l4lantlings and Shawls. GLOvE et- A N 013 Eli T. we wi'di to show every .person through this Department:. Lathes' and Children's Wool, Cnbh blob and Kid Gloves. Plain. and Fancy Hiss:� its endless variety, TA LIEI' 't D ° :UtP BPI/ We wish to draw your attention to our fine stoei—full range—of host desirable styles to Black, Colored and Fancy Worsted Ooatiri 's in Naps, Meltons, Leasers, Scotch Suitings, and Canadian Tweeds. Also, Vaideinore Shirts, Collars and Ties, Gloves and lfosieiy. SCO therm,. B ' 0 T s AND Jd :a�. 0 E S Largo assortment, best rnake,s and good •value• ji, t O 0 E IE , j, pure and fresh. Hoping to have the pleasure of showing you through before goods are picked over, I Remain, Most liespectfu$$ljj'�1l��yyjjff�.,�, lj / �jjf {{j rian Beaver Mock. N VT ' AQLOH M . E. a CLARKE, vo�,vMa.+'axartmR*yam Wac'axRrmnw<vert,nsm.+Y.N.wcwupPY.w.'tic/n,+ba�ivv`,W„b.,N' In opening aVnew Tailor Shop in Winbam, respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. It will be his endeavor to Live satisfi'tction to all entrusting hira with their orders. ti=.>a' Ladies requiring tailor-made JACKETS AND UTI TF S Can secure a good fitting garment by patronizing the new. Tailor Shop, E. Cf CL ARE:E. inghani, Sept. t?uth, 1888. .,.•,..,,..w26,.........,r....,e.. r..r...,.a,... WITerr at*.....;..,04.;ea,.r,+.x144.,,.w+ ...•.10.... -...*_4444,..- _ ...,....m., o 0 ff"land R. 0 .' • . To make room for now fall and winter good we aro offering purchasers splendid inducements in TOP BUGGIES, New and Second -- Hand Hand PHAETONS and DOCS CARTS.. FULL PROVISION AT THE �'^ ULAR OO T p''w 9 IN THE WAY' OF S hhoIars SuppJie Suplies for Public and Kish Schools:. Bla,e kboarci Crayons & Slate Per exisa Wholesale,, JUST ARRIVED, A CAPITAL ASSORTMENT OF BERLIN AND S,A XONY WOOLS, FINGEI.IING YARNS, &C. ELANT,S' BOOTS OF EVERY SIZE AND QUALITY. .s. 4.411. s .,'M 31.1 CHRONOMETERS! JUST - SEE .. Tor SUPPLY - This is the Golden Opportunity. + RA. TANN . J"ATCHES, Rigs home made and• unexceptional in material and finish. To th l'oD of Togliarl olllralnit at lolly, Tiaving opened out e, large stock of-- ITTEttches, Clocks, BEAUTIFUL. DESIGNS AND PERFECT TI IE•I EEPEBS.. 000p A COLS .4ad . FUL fD GQLD OLS741 WATGEN Jewellery, Silverware rO F . IONS AND .ICE A I am prepared to meet the wants of the people in every respect, Ir0T ONLY in the lowness of prices but in the quality of goods as well. I atn prepared to do all kinds ofwork'that is in my line of businest and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED • �<.kttcs3.s add', t 1 Io iV C1w,L;"x'. ennui, t;1 "1 wert'7 t'7 P tsty ofO,tt t1;titlnnd,a*roti Fn ..tf S1 3 1131 A ItAI.3�.i...a i'✓•w a�.1. ,;!.:4_,;k.) : t,'tt0 Lie a. ccso Ui • 1) y+p�•'�` 'liL"f? • �; xs,.A tf.9r.. t `v �d iaJ.r.W r f w;,:.r►:iLs�9 i r t !t^y ,t t til' r'tY�i21'4A1't"'" 7"' ;llv{t d,5 \vui o f> 3, Y etett it e -rs 11,100 * t t t°S1. s ,x,1e 7i onow1 'p a L 1 -r ��•^yy +y ,,•-+y, -+✓.l.~i�6 3.80-its,IUZiJ 4.1'.i to 3 > # -d }''i \-•:%C,!!t,a y: r1, •�'tYut yiSy r4' +yky', (io >si+•.'r ::11 7 :•.ii;0 4 1•, n G'b2t2t 5t, ,; ..d�i�'cge +YFS.nik.ait � K.1.•.'r�s�Nt.:wwi+.,.o,n. -y H. VANSTONE SUCCESSOR TO H. PART?;,, Lst r Z) A ii1:AliTIFUL LINE OF LATEST STYLES IN— ay,9, ue., 'l 1 SPLENDID 'VARIETY AND EXCELLENT VALVE IAV--- S cfT'.INT S' SHIRT S, COLA .CARS tJ.Fr+e SILK.`CAPS, &e,, w'J, t 010t '►..in , t , Specialty ..W. WrIBSII*Wit MASON. J3r.oVI#, BE BEATEN 1 MST T ,l l STOVES,. 'SLPPLIES! C. T have on band, s,•Iarge :quantity of the best brands of tin nsanu£acthrod in the world;. bought for cash at the lowest prices, in the best English Markets, tri d ss trey fttoiti. tier+ for puroliwsing tbese cannot be surpassed by any Arm in the -trade iii Oauttday i am determined to soil my goods at the lowest possible margin and not bo`undereold by any, MY STAFF OF WOR AMEN ARE A I All work warranted first-o]ass, as it is entiroly done under my owii immediate - supervision. illavetrougliing specially attended to and prop,orl`y plug, up and completed. t3toves in all varieties, cheaper than over. I EME ZB1+i.iv'i'II . PLACE ---Opposite Exchange Rotel, cornier I'eseplsine and Victoria, streets, 33arkloy and McOrhnnion's old stand. Call and ripe and you will carry hobble the conviction. that what I sexy is correct, My Motto is SMALL PROFITS and QUICK `ETUU A. NIMBLE E1XrIDIC11 IU IILITT31 TlIo.N A SLOW MILLING. STITITCEL,Pinry - tY t'r