Clinton News-Record, 1956-07-26, Page 3Bishop Town bend Officiated •••••••••• 00 . ltirtss Anne .Jersak, former resi- dent of Clinton, will be gradttated from the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead located at South Lan- sing, New York, during a two-day graduation program on July 28 and 2$. Young Lad Hurt • In 'Car Accident Imams AkNE-JERgAK, for special work as a missionary of Jehovah's Witnesses: She is among 108 students; from six countries including Belgium, Brit- ish West Indies, Gold Coast, Le- banon, Canada and „the United. States. .• Miss Jersak is known; in Clinton for her home missionary work. 'She became one of Jehovah's wit- neSses - in- 1950 and in 1953 was appointed to serve as a homemis- sionary with the Clinton codgrega-. ton of Jehovah's witnesses where she was serving when called to the school last February. Invitation to attend the schObl was extended to Miss Jersak on the basis of her outstanding record for a number of YearS in the Christian ministry. Her training at- Gilead Bible School included studies in Bible, doctrine and -prophecy, missionary service, Bib- Heal law, public 'speaking, Bible research, archaeology, geography, Bible manuscripts and congrega- tion. organization. All costs have been paid by the WatChtOwer Bible and Tract Society; govern- ing body of .Jehovah's witnesses. In anticipation of foreign mis- sionary work Miss Jersak took basic language studies and review- ed 'the customs and beliefs of the peoples of other lands. I • Since it was. founded in 1943 this international Bible School has. given specialized training to more than. 2,700 ministers who have come from 59 'Countries.. MiniSt- ers trained by Gilead Bible School are now serving in 100..latidg as missionaries or special represent- atives of the Watchtower Society. Farmers And Workers Depend On Each Other, , The inter-dependence of the ur- ban worker and" the farmer was emphasized this week by Harold'. Martin, Chairman of the Ontario -Cream Producers' Marketing Board. - Mr. Martin, who is chairman of an organization representing 50,000 cream producers in On, tatio said that the workers in ,Canadian industry spend more than a ,quarter of 'their income on food, most of Which comes from Canadian 'fanners. About half of what the Canadian workers spend on food, he said, goes to the farm- er. In turn, he added, a good part of this money is used to purchase the things produced by Canadian industry, 'Farmers cannot expect to proS'- per when industrial workers are idle, nor can indUstrial workers if farm priceS are too 1pw, NA'. Mar- tin said. The Canadian farmer and the Canadian Worker together make a great team, he said. It is in the interests of a stable Canadian economy that both these groups should prosper. Canadians are spending annual= ly about $1.2 billion on new hous. ing, about $1.1 billion on, national defence, and more than $2 billion on. state welfare and social secur- ity. DRUG STORES INVEST IN SHORT TERM ONTARIO LOAN DEBENTURES Issued for $100 and Upwards PER ANNUM 'C 5 YEARS 33/4k1 Per Annum `. 3 and 4 years Interest is Payable IECY Coupon or By Cheque Enquirie8VV,eicomed THE , ONTARIO LOA} & DEBENTDRE CO. DUNDAS ST. AT MARKET LANE ...t$ MARKET sQUARE: LoxiDox, O. In the of the thOOPitig, district A 1,01W ESTAEXASIIED ikintIGS CORPORATION LIMITED. Your TIP TOP Store Main Corner—Clinion PHONE HU 2-9732 NICAVS-,p,,,wom l'inaISDAY, JULY 28, 1958 PAGE THREE T — . (Photo by IVIacLarergs) • Ron Flewitt Funeral service ,for Ronald Flewitt, 15-year-old got' of Mr. and. Mrs. Samuel Flewitt, Goderich Township, was held in the Bail and Mutat ,funeral 'home, High Street, Clinton; last Friday after- /120Th July. 20,' by Pastor K.' L. Sweigard. Pallbearers were Bab Taylor, Tom Ratht'vell, Albert Craig, Ken.. meth Merner," Kenneth and MI,0 ray Taylor. >Flower-bearers were school chunts,. Gary. Mote, Robert Semple, Paul Brand, David Welsh; Frank and. Graham Pos;till, Wayne Stirling and Barry Taylor.,' Interment was' in Baira's Cem- etery, Stanley Township. "Old"at 40,50,60? Men! Get New Peoguick Get rid of the crazy Idea you21.yipTiti, old at 40, 50 or 60, Just try a littl up" with Ostrez Tonic Tablets today. ory syealmess, lose of energy, lack of pep and tired-out, rundown feeling due to lack of nen which you may call "getting old". lievitalizes, energizes, invigorates and stimulates. Help! both sexes feel yearsyoUnger."cet.acguainted' 'size costs little. Be wise, get pep, new health, guickthriftyway.TryOstreztoday.Alldruggists. Clinton Witiisses At' Convention In London Park The - Clinton, congregation of Jehovahs' witnesses travelled -to London to attend a four: day re- ligious convention held on' July 19-22 in the grandstand at Queen's Park, Approximately 6,000 were present with 115' Ontario con- gregations• .partic,ipating. F 27'0111 Clinton' p0 delegates attended. Mr. H. McNally, presiding min- ister of the group, ht discussing this' announcement 'pointed to the challenge to Christian' thinking and Christian works in, the .rising` tide of materialism. "The object of the program," 'he said, ""is. to 'encourage people to appreciate the Bible as a practical guide to living. We maintain that if a religion is worth believing it, is worth putting, into , practice, Public morale requires a depth re- ligaoh iather than a superficial ap- preciation of God andhis purposes, God's kirredorrn underiChrist is the only real hope for humanitind and people/must be helped to apprec- iate i.t,as, a reality." Journalism Course, Boosted By Two $100 Scholarships Four .8100. entrance ;scholarships for Prac,tical Journalism and .prin. ing Management .cdurses at The RAW% Institute of TeelM0.1037, Toronto ' have been announced'. Fdward ..1.1, Schrader, director of the two 'courses said. they were, being offered -Li; encourage' high school graduates to .consider these two professions .as: eareem There is a .shortage of trained personnel in both spheres. Mr, Schrader said there were • four excellent job opportunities, With excellent salaries, for each' student who graduated from these two courses,. last May, The only method' for solving the shortage, he pointed out, is. to attract more students ;into these careers, Practical Journalism students. study techniques used in writing and editing for daily and weekly'' newspapers., publicity offices, and "radio and TV news rooms. The Printing Management graduates' go into such positions as estimat, ors, assistants -to superintendents, estimators, \production controllers' and purchasing 'agents. • • Bbitns Meets At Home .Of Mrs. G.. Snlith •The WMS and WA meeting - of Burns UniteeChurch was held at The home of Mrs. George Smith on Friday, with' 35 in „attendance, The meeting opened with hymn 448 and group leader ' deorge Carter in charge.: Script& was read by Mrs. Bert Hoggart: Mrs. Harvey 'Taylor gave- a reading on Indians and Mr" •. McFarlane, thrOp sang a solo accompanied by Mi 5 Mae Srnith. Mrs. .Jamieson avea, paper entitled !'our prayers . can change the' world." • Miss Marilyn Fa3ier... gav,,e a piano solo. . Mrs.. Lowery read a poeni--"To a Friend", and. Gladys Leiper gave, the study. boolt. "Not Strangers. but fellow citizens," fol. lowed by a duet by Mae Smith: and Mrs. 1V1cFarlane. Mrs. White, president, was in charge.. of the business . • -L,ittle. Polio •In-, City Of London In contrast with Chicago, where' 245 cases of ,polio have been re, ported already 'this year, the city of London has' had. only one case of .the disease this year. The three year old Woocisteck Child IS improying from a mild form of polio. ' She had noel been given Salk, vaccine. Couple, Wed in Brucefield MR. AND MRS. MURRAY ALBERT HENDERSON OAR- ETT,• were married in Brucefield United Church, on Saturday, July 21, by the Rev. S, Davison, Brucefield! The, bride is-Marg. aret. Emily, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Collins, RR 2, Sea- forth, and her husband is the son of Mr., and Mrs. -Alvaniey Gar-' rett, RR 2, Seaforth. They plan to live in Clinton (Photon by MacLaren's) Airmen Injured When Cars Collide Near RCAF Station ' Robert Stott, 18, suffered lacer- ations' to the back .of the head, and concussion in a two-car' ion at RCAF Station' Clinton .ear- lyr Sunday morning. His compan- ion, Jack McCall, was ,also taken to hospital at the Station but 'WPA later released, Richard LaBelle, la, and Wayne Warner, 19, have both peen char- ged by OPP constables at .0.0der. ieb., with joyriding in connection with the 'ear which was, in collis- ion with the Stott vehicle, This second Gar had been taken from where it was parked near the Station 'by Patrick .McKenzie, However, McKenzie, T7, has since Veen charged with possession; of a stolen Gar, since the vehicle is one belonging to a Montreal resident who had reported it stolen, Warner has also been charged with criminal negligence, and with leaving the scene of an acci- dent, All of the boys are mem- . . . F, AfSi AND MRS. WILLIAM 30IINS7`ON, Toronto, Were married in St. Paurs Anglican Church, Clinton, .on Saturday, July 21, b)" Bishop William. A. Townshend, London. Tile' 'bride 4S, June - ;Madelon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. • Harvey McCartney,. Clinton' • and her husband is the seprof johuston and the:late - A. P. Johnston, Toronto.., 1. 9.4,1I '17,1,144,4‘;11171..1;:',.; z-z,„ ......... !,;1414.4444:74. The advertkor's- highest standard— airoulation. iralue •,. Every industry has a standard by which its products can be measured. The jeweler uses the symbol bf a pure diamond. In flatware, the, word' "sterling;' and in dinnerware, the word "bone represent high standards of quality and value. For the advertiser, the symbol of the highest standard of circulation value is the emblem of the Audit Bureau of Circulations* This • hallmark means that newspapers or periodicals 'so identified ,are measured according to the most highly regarded rules and standards in the advertising and publishing industry. The fact that we are privileged to display this A.B.C. C. emblem here means that you can- buy advertising in this newspaper as you would make any other sound business investment—dn,the basis of welknown Standards, known values. *This newspaper is a friend-sir of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, cooperative, nonprofit association of publtsbers, advertisers, and advertising agencies, Our circulation is audited by experienced A.B.C, circulation auditors. Our A.B.C. report shows how meth circulation we hove, where • it goes, how obtained* and other acts that tell advertisers What they get for their money when they use' this olio, CliMott News- Record THE HOME PAPER Willi Tilt NEWS Miss Anne Jersak Graduates From School Of Gilead In New York At thaA. 'time Miss Jersak ' will have completed advanced training Egbert Kolkman, 11-year-old ion of Mr. and Mrs. William Kolk: man, RR 1, Clinton, is in Clinton Hospital with lacerations; and-oth- er possible undetermined injuries, received when he was in collision with a par driven by Lorne Hunk- -ing, RR 1, Auburn, Saturday' af 7 ternoon. Provincial Constable Don Trum- bley, Goderich detachment, inves- tigated the accident on Highway 4, about two miles north of ,Clin- ton. - SIMON IT OR... ROLL IF YOU'VE COT YOURSELF A.PROMI HOME PERMANENT. ACIVAELT WAVES Nil'SOFTNESS AND 14ANA4AIIIITY 110$1" INTO YOUR NAIR A. • --r-r new creamy UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE NOXZEMA SPECIALS 6 Oz. — 98c 10 oz. — $1.25 KKOVAH SALTS with FREE MEASURING GLASS — 59c YARDLEY I5OUBLE EN/,NT'A:PSTICK $2.00 POND'S ANGEL FACE DATE CASE, — $1.00 -,IERGEN'S LOTION with DISPENSER — 65c EVENING IN PARIS COLOGNE — $1.00'- $1.85 STICK COLOGNE — 75c VITALIS with FREE COMB — 69c REDUCING AYDS $3.25 IDA SPECIALS 'July 23 28 AROMATIC CASCARA ` 3 oz. — 39c 6 oz. — 49c IDOL-AGAR "16 oz. 79e 40 oz. — $159 SPOT REMOVER 4 oz. — 33e 10 oz, — 59c IDA TOOTH PASTE 2 for 79c WHITE EMBROCATION 4 oz. — 29e 8 oz. "— 490 HALO 'SHAMPOO 2 for 59c, ODORONO CREAM DEODORANT Reg. $100 — 69C, ODORONO SPRAY Reg. $1.25 — sac "IPANATOOTH PASTE • 2 for 49c WILDROOT CREAM OIL 2 Tubes 65c F. B. PENNEBAKER - 2.611676r DRUGGIST Just 3 More . Pays Of Our Mid-SuMmer Sale , IF YOU ARE HOLIDAY SOUND, CHECK THESE• SPECIALS NOW! SPORT SHIRTS • T-SHIRTS • SLACKS STRAIW HATS • Etc. BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, JEANS, Etc. PICKETT e CAMPBELL OPEN FRIDAY EVEN-INGS