Clinton News-Record, 1956-06-21, Page 12G, H, Jefferson Is Honoured Ily Men Teachers Retiring public, school principal george If. Jefferson, was honour- ed last night at a meeting of the Ontario Punic School Men Teach- ens Pedpration held at Armstrong's Restaurant, teter, Stuart Pot- tle, Willigliarn, read the presenta- tion address, and on behalf of the . Federation OreSented Mr. .Jpoep- son with a living room, chair. The honoured teacher replied by rem-. iniseing on'his teaching experience and giving advice to. the 'younger teachers, Rert _gray, Blyth, president, was in charge of the meeting, for which the Rev. Harold Exe- ter, was guest speaker and told of "The Little Things in Life", The incoming slate or Ogicers for 1900-.07 will be; past president, Bert Gray;e president, Maitland, Edgar, •RCAF Station Clinton; vice-president, ,Duncan"- MacKay, A er h n r n"; secretary-treasurer, Harry Nesbitt, Seaforth; chairman of superannuation, Harry Shackle, ton; education committee, Stuart Beattie, Wingham,; insurance, Ar- thur Idle, Exeter; resolutions, George Farnell, RCAF Station Centralia; counselling and public relations, John Talbot, Seaforth. 0 Fruit Growers To Kent County , On Bus Tour Thirty fruit growers of the County and their wives, made a bus tour to Kent Count', on Tues- day', stopping first at the 964-acre farm of W. G. Thompson and Sons at Blenheim. Here cash crops featured' are soybeans; registered white beans, tobacco,- corn, as well as' spring grains, hay and pasture. 130 Western steers are on Zero feeding plan, and with new pole barns for beef cattle, this is pro- bably the most elaborate set-up in Ontario. A visit to A. J. Heinz and Co. plant at Leamington ,vas followed by a view of Jack:;-Z/Liner's bird sanctuary, and then -4..s guests of Brian Harrison, senior horticultur- aliit at the experimental station 'at Harrow, run by the Canadian Department of Agriculture,. they toured the station, with detailed tour of peach and apple orchard& At the farms of William Mills and 'Don Wright, Harrow, the Growers saw greenhouses, featur- ing tomatoes. Here 3,000- tomato plants, trained to vertical posts, are expected to yield font pounds- of fruit each, thus making 12,000 pounds of tomatoes. ' They were planted in 'February and -harvest- ing is takingeplaceerffewevliere al- so are orchards of peach, plum, apple and cherry trees as well as semi and dwarf apple' trees.• The tour concluded with a visit to the farm of Ross Brunner, Rut- liven, who besides a large acreage of 'standard apples and pears, pea- ches' and plums has an orchard of setni-dwarf apple trees, planted in 1950 - probably one of the oldest such orchards in Ontario. • Zone Winners At District Finals Place Well. Up District "C"' Ptilalic Speaking Finals held by the Canadian Leg- ion in the Legion Hail at Palmer- ston, were attended by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Thorndike and Mr. and Mrs. C. Trott, Clinton, ae well as contestants and their parents from this area, ' There were 13 speakers. Miss Sandra Doig, Seaforth, placed sec- ond in the junior high school div- ision. Miss Catherine Welsh, R.R. 2, Bayfield', placed second in the senior public school. division and Miss Nicole Oates, RCAF Station Clinton, placed fourth' in junior public school competition, Greatest Combination Power and Mileage with CITIES SERVICE Premium GASOLINE and CITIES SERVICE SD MOTOR OIL RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products Ray Hoggartb Carl Caritelon "The place where you never have to blow your horn" Phone MY. 2-9632 clitroon Ontario FAee Our Selection of New and Used Cars More Convenient - More Useful More Delicious Food Every Tinie 407-0/114T/C411Y .•!..VelAIA§44e5v;,;. • Simply set the dial and you get CONTROLLED HEAT for perfect cooking and frying results. Your favorite dishes are ,more delicious because their natural juice* are Sealed in. Watemealed elenaent-, you can lentnerse entire pan in Water right up to control pallid for easy washing. Sutter*Pertiue SQUARE SHAPE COOKS 20% MORE than *egad NH Aluattiems of t)lasS Over oils tbfreptees tntflAtteSS. 1-leavy Duty 86' Fully Automatic 1166Ak puts, Apartment Site ' Apartment Size >L uny Autxmlati6 MANGE.... $34.00 RANGE$128. ;., . „„ $119.116 11111111111110111 Perfect...Every Time! CONTROLLED BEAT ?kil,wat7r FIFIYPP1111 SQUARE SHAPE COOKS 20% MORE . than Round Pad Simply'Set the dial for CONTROLLED MAT for perfect cooking and frying resolts. Your fa,- votite dishes are more de- licious. No guess work or constant watching. Water sealed element. MERRILLi RADIO & ELECTRIC qui Seat euict &take, Nn B ' . ROWNIES Vii DRIVE-IN THEATRE . - :-/ a'' V mow-4 LIMITED ''. THURSDAY and FRIDAY,--June "WAR OF WORLDS" (COLOR) GENE BARRY - ANNE ROBINSON (TWO CARTOONS) .21 & 22 ,-- SATURDAY DAN "THE DAILEY and MONDAY-June 23 GIRL NEXT DOOR" - JUNE HAVER - DENNIS (TWO CARTOONS) & 25 DAY TUESDAY k WEDNESDAY--June . "NAKED JUNGLE" (COLOR) CHARLTON HESTON - ELEANOR ' (TWO CARTOONS) 26 & 27 PARKER THURSDAY "OUT ANTHONY and FRIDAY-June OF THE CLOUDS" (COLOR) STEEL - DAVID (TWO CARTOONS) 28 & 29 KNIGHT Box Office Opens 8.00 - Show Starts at Dusk (Children Under 12 in Cars Free) Formerly Llashmar Drive-In-Next to Community Park I TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE PRE-VACATION SPECIALS. ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME CAN WE OFFER YOU -THESE LOW PRICES! For '55 Chevrolet Owners Turn Signals Installed- Price For One Week Only , . , ........... 1$5.00 Selected from our Large' Used Car Stock we are offer- • ing the following Weekend Specials for your approval. Save yourself $200 on these! '55 METEOR NIAGARA SEDAN- Spotless condition throughout. Radio included. Was $2100-This Weekend '51 PONTIAC SEDAN- Was $1050-This Weekend '49 G.1 LC. 1 TON PANEL DELIVERY- A handy vehicle at a low price. $250 Was $300-This Weekend '48 CIIEVROLET 3/4 TON PICKUP- A real bargain for someone. Was $395-This Weekend $29 REGARDLESS OF THE MAKE OR MODEL YOU WANT, WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS. VISIT OUR LOT ANYTIME, YOU'LL FIND US EASY TO DEAL -WITH! LORNE BRAN MOTORS LTD" CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE HUnter 2.9321 CLINTON $1900 5 PAO 'RUM CLINTON NEWSeR.131CORP TITURSVAYA, O., SPORTS Hydro ,Overpower Junior .FarrnerS By 134 Score. lfydra defeated Junior ram-. ere en Tuesday evening in a scheduled Town- League softball game .3.04. The powerful Iy dro team held off the scoresheet Until the second broke /Wee for three runs and ed. up with two in the third Arid four runs in the .each of the fourth. and fifth •innings. Jureior Farmer's although they threatened to break out in the first two innings failed to score more than Pne reee and left the 'bases loaded in • both frames. HYDRO;-MacDonald, 3b; Wilson, c; Wotburg, 1.1); j. Wil son, p; Craig, ef; Graham, 21); Gibbings, rf; ,Iliernen, If; Lep, pington, if; Denomme, es. JUNIOR. FARMERS:-B. Pep, per; p, se; B; McKinley, lb; I. McCly.rnorrt, 2b; J. Not, 3b; S. Broadfoot, c; F. Gibson, . cf; S. Johns, .11; R. Crich, lf; Hutchins,' es, p. 4c a word, minimum 75e Goderich Pavilion - Dancing Saturday nights Don Downs, Wednesday nights Clarence Pe- tries Nighthavvits. Mid-night dance, Sunday, July 1st, 21tth Friday, June 22-Reception for Mr, and Mrs. Maurice ilallahan (nee Mary Hicknell) newlyweds. Seaforth. Community Centre. Everyone welcome. 25p Saturday, June 23-"Shareethe- Wealth" Bingo, Legion Hall, Hen- sel% 9 p.m. $65 jackpot in 53 calls. $5 added each week until jackpot won; 14 regular games, 10c a game. No admission. Spon- sored by Hensall Legion, 25b Friday, June.. 29 - Kinsmen Bingo, Clinton Lions Arena, $1;000 cash (must go); 12 regular games, $75,00 each; 4 •share-the-wealth games. Free door prize $200. Admission: $1.00; extra cards 25c; 5 for $1.00; special $1,000 bingo, $1.00; 23-b; Wed., Aug. 15-Frolic, at Le- gion Hall. Sponsored by Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion. Draw on several prizes. Bingo, games of- chance. Dance. Carruthers Orchestra. 25b Midget Schedule Dates Set Midget baseball teams will' start their season schedule on Friday night on two fronts, ,New Hamburg will play bore in Olin, ten Against the Lions sponsored team,while St, Marys Juveniles will be the guests in Mitchell. St, Marys Juveniles are play- :Ina with the midgets As they were unable to secure a juvenile grouping. Ali games are scheduled to start at 0.0() p,m, with the bonie team to supply the umpire,' Playoff dates will be arranged at a later date. Juveniles , 27-Clinton at St, Marys' Juveniles 30-New Hamburg at Mitchell Plaque Presented By Honorary Members To Mess Last Saturday night at a special evening held in 'the Sergeants' Mess, RCAF Station- Clinton, a plaque bearing the Town of Clin- ten crest enameled in colour, was presented by the Honoprary Mem- bers to the mess. , Squadron! Leader E. D. Finley as honorary president of the mess was in attendance and Warrant Officer Ray Gibbon, president of the Mess' received the plaque from Kenneth Cooke„ who is president of the honourary members. Ken- neth. Pickett is treasurer and H. E. Hartley, secretary of the hon- ourary members association, Will, Register Peewee Ball Players Friday. AU boys interested in playing peewee baseball and. Of eligible age are asked to be at Clinton Community Park On Friday e.ning 7.00 p.m. There will be no -practice on Fricley even, ing lust registration, ,Several Kinsmen will be on band to take the names of • all the players. It is hoped that -a. town league of at least .four teams may be formed, Entry has 'been. made • into the WOA4. peewee series and an: all Star team ,will be pick-ed to play in the league against Seaforth and Si. Marys, Players who will not be able to be at the park on Friday night are poked to contact D014 Welton at the Royal Barlic of Canada before Friday evening. God'rich 'Township Rog Producers Finish. Canvass Goderich ilownehip is the first, township in Hurtle County to complete the canvass for mem- bership in the Huron County Hog Producers Association. Remarkable results have been achieved , for the Association with an average of over 97% signing for membership, Of the 205 hog producers contacted 193 signed for membership, seven would not sign and five were opposed. A meeting cis set for Monday evening at 9 o'clock ire the ag- ricultural office board rooms Clinton, to complete the survey of the county. • All townships are to have their reports in for this meeting. • a The First Column (Continued from page One) big bedstead (established 1854) and also eeIndertaking. 'An ele- gant hearse for hire. A quantity of fine Shrouds, cheap. Funerals .attended and en furnishings' sup- plied' at reasonable rates. A large stock of Coffins', moulded and plain, always on 'hand (trimmed to suet) either silver-plated furniture or otherwise,. Remember , the Stand, 'opposite the market," * * * G. C. GILROY' WAS PROPRIET- or of a drygoods store, featuring wincies, flannels, cottons, shawls and mantles, black lustres, corsets, etc., and said: "Good Butter taken as cash':,„ . , John A. Nelles ran a book store.. . . A Mr. Cooper was in partnership with another man in, the New Liquor 'Store, on premises' formerly occupied by the Irate J. B. Racey . . S. Palliser & Co. ran a china store and W. H, Hine was in groceries . . A var- iety of e pills and cure-alls were advertised , . . and the. news- content of this old sheet of the News-Era was ' not on Moen topics at all . -* * NOTWITHSTANDING THE large membership of the Chamber of Commerce this year. . . we rather doubt that the enthusiasm with which the year' began. . . can be continued if something of the many projects of the Chamber are not taken up with good will in the near future. . . We need, only men- tion street signs. . house num- bering. . • road signs.. . * * * BRUCE mkrawNsoN HAS A reassuring note in his column published'. in the Financial Post: "Another day when Ottawa writh- ed, and reeled and emitted faint, painful noises.; another day when the teletypes clicked and the headlines rolled' off the presses; another day when the rivers :,ran as they have always, run, trees grew; seeds sprouted, the treas- ure of the ancient rocks' 'waited intact AS from the beginning of time; another day when Canada, from ground level, was gripped by sound and fury, signifying noth- ing, but, from' the 'perspective of three vertical miles (aboard Vis- count plane) lay serene, secure, in all essentials immutable, and far stronger . than the angry men of Ottawa suppose. fitt-,.+4,101-11t+1,11t+tti, AUBURN . .Corxopooeot4ms, rum noss thous DOngennen Or 15 0,4,1k1r-ort-trItirrik-O*4-4,1010,107-Irrtir40,11frl, Mr, and Mrs, Pyle, Gltelpli„. ited Mrs: Clark and Mr. 1.1, Lind, say at the weekend, Mr, And Mrs. J. R. Weir and family, Landon, spent the week- end with Mr; and Mrs, I), A, Mac- Kay!: Dr. Weir who had been visiting in London returned home with them Mrs. George ,Hamilton who has been visiting Seaforth and Bz'ucefield, has returned home, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Mell'veen are visiting their son, Robert and Ws, lvfeliveen, -Quelph, Mission. Bawl; Betty .Dernin presided for the June meeting of :the Light Rear- et's' Mission Band with June Mills acting as secretary', After the call to worship, Matthew 5t. 146, was real alternately 'with the leader who also led in prayer followed by the theme prayer. Jernes Mills and Barry =ion received the offering and all re- peated the members purpose Two mothers were .guests. The super- intendent. told the story, "Stars for a Movie", from the study book. After 'the distribution of World Friends, 'the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. . .e VARNA Vacation Bible School at Varna United Church is being held be- ginning, Monday, July 2. An' in- teresting program is' being planned and children from the Goshen Church also will' be attending, Impaired Driving Fine Of $50 On Bayfield Driver With few cases before the Court Magistrate D. r. Holmes, on' Tees- day fined James McGee, Hayfield, $50 and costs• for impaired driving in connection with an accident which took place on April 27 at the Bannockburn Bridge near Var- na. Roy Bellinger, conservation of- ficer had found the accused lying in the centre of the road, con- scious but asking not to be moved, at about 10.30 o'clock. He had stopped the next vehicle to come by and asked the driver to remain so that no one would run over the injured man, and had himself gone 'to notify police and phone- for an ambulance, Constable Parkinson, OPP, God- etch, arrived at the scene at 11.10 pen. and both he and Bellinger testified that the man smelled strongly of alcohol. Dr, J. A. Addison, who testified to the man's condition after he reach- ed Clinton hospital that evening, was convinced that he was drunk. The patient said that he was' un- able to move his legs, and he was gotten with difficulty into bed at the hospital. Reflexes tested nor- mally, though sluggish, and he was kept in hospital until morning when he 'was recovered enough to be released. McGee had been thrown from his car onto the road, after strik- ing three guy wires, breaking three more, and the car coming to rest against the side of the road. He suffered cuts and abrasions to the face, Counsel, for the defense was James Donnelly, Q.C., Goderich. A charge of failing to stop when entering King Street, on May 20, was heard against E. Evelyn How- ard, Toronto, and on evidence given by Chief Constable H. R.' Thompson, a conviction was made and fine of $7 and costs was ord- ered. The accused is a resident of Toronto. Large Attendance At Turner's WA Visitors' Day On Wednesday afternoon, June 18, Turner's Woman's Associat- ion held their annual. Visitors' Day, $5 Visiting ladies from Ontario Street Clinton and Me, Killop pastoral charge of Cavan, Bethel and Duff made the after,. noon enjoyable, Mrs. Elmer Townsend preside ed. -Mrs. Ed Layton read the Scripture and Mrs, W. Roberte lead in prayer. Mrs, Murray Dalton, Duff's, played a piano solo and Miss 5. Courtice, Clin- ton and Mrs. Earl Mills, Bethel favoured with readings. Mrs. MacFarlane and Mrs. Smith, Cavan, sang a duet, Mrs, Howard JOhns introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. A, Glen oEagle, Clinton. Everyone en-joyed her iespiring message. Loc4.1. Market vyANT01,7 00_1111VaITINIIVX Sti LB. 4"ane Weanling pigs, S7.1Q to P.n.. Small Chunks, --$10,50 Larger chunks, $12.40 to WS. One , registered York boar, $44. A few mimes brought from $1.7.50- to- _$22,50;. a .Jersey heifer $36 and white face calves, MOO,' to $a2,. After the close of the meeting, leech was served in. the church,. basement and each of the groups thanked the hostess wk.- for its hospitality, - to which the press ident gracefully replied. The WA is holding a mother- and Daughter banquet on MM. day evening, June 25, There will be no regular meetings through July And August. .".1'he next meeting will he on September- 12. Mrs, Ed Layton and Mrs, M.. Falconer, will be hostesses, Summertime e TOYS WADING POOL - with inflated rings; ring, 2 rings „and 3 rings- $3.95 - $6.95 - $10.95 WADING POOL - with solid steel frame and Vinylite pool, guaranteed for three years $12.95 SPLIT ICINGS---for safe wading---89e & 1.49 SUNSHADE HATS in small and large sizes 69c 89c - 98c MEN'S SUMMER CAPS - assorted colors and sizes • 59c BEACH BALLS 79c PAIL and SHOVEL--in plastic or metal- eitiL' OREN'S UMBRELLAS 69c McEwan's Gift and Stationery Store June 28-New Hamburg at Clinton St, Marys JuV, at Mitchell 4-Clinton at St, Marys Mid, 29. St. Marys Jule at Clinton Mitchell at New Hamburg. July 4--St, Marys Juveniles. at St. Marye Midgets Clinton at Mitchell 7_ New Hamburg Si. Marys Midgets .9e-Clinten at New Hamburg Mitchell at St. Marys Juv. 11-St. Marys Juv, at New Hamburg 13-St. Marys Mid. at Clinton 16-St. Marys Mid.. at New • Hamburg 18-St. Marys Mid. at Mitchell Marys Ileidgets at St. Marys Juveniles 21-Mitch.ele at St. Marys. Mid. 23-,Mitchell at .Clinton 25-New Hamburg at St. Marys said that they were in favour but