Clinton News-Record, 1956-06-21, Page 8air J$o.ard aI.TJ!.eets niscus$ Plans For Centennial (By our Bnytteld eorrespondent) The directors arid, committee members. of the 13ayfield Agrie111- tura Society met in- the Town Halt, on Monday evening, June 18, There was a discnssion regarding the plaque to be set in the mem- orial ,gates, The .secretary read :a letter from 'F. A. Lashley,. Dart- meat of ,Agriculture, Toronto, ap- proving the #1,44 for the gate's, There was some .1:1APPS.$194 COI? Cerning the building ...of the gates. Work has' commenced on, the base, and George' Weston is' to do the stonework, • Judges for the 3.0th, .arinivers- w fall fair were selected, Sec -- wary, Mrs. A, M. Bassett, . was inktrueted to 'write a letter to the • Poultry Club ,of Clinton, in- • viting the members ,to hold their achievement day in connection with the .fair. The date of the next meeting was left to the call of the presi- dent, Carl Houston; Goderich. spent Sunday and Monday with them, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Atkinson, St. Clair Shores, Mich., were at -their home in the village, over the weekend. With them were Mr. and Mrs. John Ewebank, Mrs. Ewebanit, Sr.,. and Guarte Johns, Detroit, Mrs. Keith Leonard, Mrs. E. A. Featherstone, Mrs. R. J, Larson. Bayfield; Mrs. George Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Parker, Varna, attended the funeral of George Smith, in London, on on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs, James P. Fergu- son, London, are at their cottage, for a few days, On Tuesday, the former's mother, Mrs. James Fer- guson, Parkwood Hospital, Lond- on, spent the day with them and enjoyed visiting the new school. ,Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Proctor, Deer Lodge, over the weekend include their` daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dwyer and son Rickey, Mr.' and Mrs. Edward Coughlin Miss Minta Smith, Miss Grace Campbell; Det- roit. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles. F. Rogers who have spent`the winter in Tor- onto with their daughter, Mrs. R, G. Hunter "and family, came to their cottage, "Char Min", on Sat- urday. They are' most happy to be in Bayfield again. ()Wing to Mr. Roger's ill-health they could not come last year. , Miss' Jessie L. Metcalf, Detroit, came home on Sunday for the summer, vacation. She was ac- companied by her brother, William L. Metcalf, Montreal. Mrs. Met- calf joined them' here, on Wednes- day after having visited her sis- ter, Mrs., Rehm, Grosse -Pointe Farms, for a few days..' Mr. and Mrs. Howard King, and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson-, Bramp ton, called on the former's aunt, Mrs. George King on Sunday. Mr. King is a son - of the late. John So HE KNEW HIS ONIONS • • that there's South End Drop in and no place like Cities Service get acquanited. . and of course, he knew CITIES SERVICE "Wee/1011in frDoryRutled • e GAS•SERVICE•TIRES • King who had a bakeshop in Pay , field years ago; then he operated one in Clinton; and later moved out west, ,-1)ir, Thompson was a bank clerk in Hayfield some years ago Injures r#1), Shortly after o'clock on Thursday evening, Miss Elizabeth Weston bad a dizzy Spell kit her home, • „She doesn't recall whether she fell downstairs or not,. but she went up to bed. It is thought that she must have been..in a, daz- ed. coxidition and possibly fell in her room. • Her brother, George t°1104 her lying across the bed about seven o'clock .9111 Friday . morning, She said that she had been calling him men of the night but he -didn't hear as their, bed Mina are in different parts of the house, She Was removed by ambulance to Alexandra Marine and-General Hospital, Goderich, where it was ascertained that she had received a bad fracture. to her left hip. 'Ont Monday she was removed to Victoria Hospital, LondOn. to undergo, an operation. Remembers 'UAW Mr. and `Mrs. William "L. Met- calf had been attending a reunion of the Eingeering Class of 1926 at Ann Arbor, Mich., from June 14- 16. They thoroughly enjoyed re- newing old acquaintance*, It was also the 50th anniversary of the founding of the...Gamma Chapter Tau Beta Pi on the campus on Thursday, One of the first per- sons William met was Herbert Winters, who said, "You're Met- calf, And you're Bayfield. I'm Herb Winters." Then he recalled the days When George Copeland drove- stage here, when he came to Jowett's Grove for the summer with his parents and at seeing "Gem" AtkinSon jump and Tom Bailey dive from the top of the old iron bridge into the river. They had a. great chat about Bayfield. The late Miss Ellen Richards was a relative and he recalled cot- tigers' in, Jowett's Grove in those days. He lives in Medina, Ohio. A year or -so age, he drove up this way to show his boys the spot of which he' had such fond memories. Their remarks ran, something like this; "What, Dadl This place, with sill those trees. Is this' the spot you've been talking so much about." -In 1940 the Communist party, Fascist party and fourteen other organizations were outlawed' in Canada under defence regulations. "BUSINESS DIRECTORY" INSURANCE • Insure the "Co-Op" Way W. V. ROY District Representative Hoz 310 Clinton, Ontario Phone Colleep • Office HU 2-9642—Res, HLP2-9357 H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office HU' 2-9644, Res., HU 2-9787 Insurance — Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. Be Sure • • Be Insured K W. Couimounr GENERAL INSURANCE Representative Bun life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building PHONES Office HU 2-9747—Res. 2-7556 3. E. HOWARD, Hayfield Phone Hayfield 53r2 Car - Fire - Life - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy THE McKILLOP MUTUAL • FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office: Seaforth Officers 1956: President, W. S. Alexander, Walton; vice-president, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; sec- retary-treasurer and manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors: John H. Me wing; Robert Archibald; Chris. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Wm, S. Alexander, Wal- ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har- vey Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Alister Broadfoot, Sea- forth, Agents: Wm. Leiper Jr., Londes- boro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. INVESTMENTS Get The Paets Call VIC DINNIN Phone 168 — Zurich • Investors Muttial Managed and Distributed by Investors Syndicate of Canada, Ltd. OPTOMETRY G. B. CLANCY Optometrist Optician (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderieh • E. LONGST.AFF Hours: Settforthi Daily except Monday & Wednesday-9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9 a,m. to 12.30 Am. Thursday evening by appointment only. Clinton: Above Hawkins Sr Jacob Hardware — Mondays only — 9 eat, to' 5.30 p.n.:. PHONE '791' SEAFORTH "Pes4P444AIPVP#4NP nrdnevnpo4.nipjyl PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AYLMER TOMATO SOUP -- 2 10-oz. tins 23c FRESHIES or KOOL AID 5 for 29c New Xing Size Ilieeze ROSE SWEET MIXED PICKLES-16 oz. jar, 23c MAXWELL HOUSE . COFFEE-1 lb. $1.15 ....*.61••••*1 GOLDEN DEW MOTHER PARKER'S MARGARINE lb. 25c TEA BAGS—size 60 .. 79c Robin Hood Cake Mixes HONEYSPICE, MARBLE, GOLDEN,. GINGERBREAD EASYBISK, each 23c pkg. Each Package Contains Additional Coupon Worth 5e ANGEL FOOD and ,BROWNIE MIXES each contain coupons worth 20c Phone HU. 2-3813 Free Delivery n..Bruba,cher, Proprietor BLUE. • or ' WHITE $1.41 GOLD SEAL 'FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON tin 48c Have A Complete Stock Of Fly Killers FLORBAIT kills flies by shovelfuls. BARN SPRAY hi Concentrate or Prepai:ed form—ready for use; spray yodi barn; kills all insects. COW SPRAY keeps cows contented in both barn and pasture—meaning an increased milk fkiw. -Also have a complete stock of BUG KILLERS, for flowers and vegetables—either' in powder form or to mix with water. Fred 0. Ford -GRAIN and SEED Phone HU 2-9724 CLINTON AVVyyvVe. *PAW 14,4101.40.... FREE VACATIONS... Keep your car running smoothly throughout your vacation. Let our specialists give your car our Vacation Tune-Up Special: Drive in to-day. 41 Fuel'System Tune-Up Check Electrical System * Check Battery, Horn, and Focus Lights. AUTO WELLS 'ELECTRIC "Bill" Wells, Proprietor "'the Original Tuna-Up Shop" ORIGINAL AUTOME w* Use col 00%01 PectoryAblo, A BIG 'DAY FOR, THE WHOLE FAMILY! Huron Liberal Picnic Jam/0es Grove, Bayfield WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th Hon. Farquhar Oliver, M.P.P. Ontario Leader of the Opposition will be. present as well as 'other district M.P.'s and M.P.P.'s RACES AND CONTESTS FOR. YOUNG AND OLD BEGIN AT 4.30 P.M. PACK A LUNCH AND EVERYBODY EATS AT 5.30 Ice Cream and Soft Drinks Provided For All And In The Evening FREE DANCING in the Pavilion VVVRYBODY VVVIACO•VIV! 25- I COAL Place your Order NOW for SummerVill-up, while prices are at their lowest. MUSTARD LUMBER & COAL Co. BRUMFIELD Phone IW. 2-9922 Hensall. and Seaforth Subscribers please phone collect 24-5-b % , WE CARRY LARGE STOCKS OF . 'BINDER TWINE and • BALER TWINE FLY SPRAYS — DISINFECTANTS Turkey' and Hog Concentrates Available Come In and Talk It Over •" GRAIN H. F. WETTLAUFER AND SEEDS NOW is the time to seed out that wet field, or ,wet spot, with a mixture of Grasses. Or if you expect to be short of pasture, Sudan Grass and other emergency mixtures will see yoethrough the summer. For higher protein, silage, a mixture of Sudan Grass, Millet, Soybeans and Sorghum 4 is proving very popular. , If your lawn is growing fast; before you buy a power mower, see the new 18", 4-cycle i `TORO ROTARY MOWER, now' at a special price. Also for sale—f used CHOREMASTER GARDEN TRACTOR. R. N. ALEXANDER — Londeshoro maismonosemoinolummonimilainsimikammansillemi 1 till JUNE SPECIALS 1954 FORD 2-DOOR COACH $1,4951 Radio 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $650 One owner. Only ...... ........... ....... 1948 CHRYSLER SEDAN $395 MECHANIC'S SPECIAL 1952 PREFECT Very clean, new tires, needs some motor work. $95.00 RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant P.Oyal nark Minding /Ilene III/ 2-967/ ReAblefieti RattelibilrY St. 111I 2-0544 CLINTON, ONTARIO 4-tfb •,4NP4m REAL ESTATE LEONARD G. WINTEllt It Witte and Burliness Broke* High Street ,4-4, (linter* Pinkie MI $4-660 Clinton Huron St urp y Bros. Chrysler — Plymouth — Fargo Sales and Serviee 11 Isnmioropp. TM-MS:PAY, d NE g$, 1900 111 News of ayfield RV Noss zrox R, woops ontArwo 04amplon Cowan* borrespondent VNQIIN f3AME.:14) 45 r 3 Dr, H., Southani, ErederietOn,• 1rT B„ is a guest at The Albion sHoteL • Mr, And. Mrs, .Hugh Thane, Lon- don,- spent The weekezUrt at The Little and Mrs„ 'Fred Davison, Pe, trait,. visited' the forrrier's brothers on Sunday, Miss Jean Groves, Vaneouver, B. -called on. friends in the village on ThinAday - aVfisSes A Drouin and A. Fern- ette left on 1Vionday tospend a few days in Detroit, 1W., and Mrs!. Dalton Smith and .Xenet, London, Vent the weekend The Regular Meeting of the gTANLEY TOWNSRIP FARMERS' UNION will be held jn the Orange Hall, Varna an MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 25 at 8.30 p.m. Mr. Colin Lawson will* speak on the. National Form Union of England and Wales; also on the Milk Marketing Board: at their cottage. Mr, .4,/la Mrs, Stewart .Atkinson,, Detroit, visited D. A, Atkinson, over the weeke'n'd, Mrs. .lElack, Dearborn, has been 'the guest of Mr, .arid Mrs, Ti„. .4404.4 for a few days, Mr. end Mrs. 339Par APSt and London, were at their cot -- tap over the weeXend. M..% and Mrs, F. Hendrick, Minighan), 'Mich., were at their cot- tege over the weekend. Mrs, E. cooper' and family,. )31-rminghanl,. Mich,, are at their Cottage for the summer, James Dewar, Kingston, visited his mother, Mrs. D, Dewar, for a, few hours last 'Thursday. Misses M. and Pf, Broke, Dear,- born, 'Midi., were at the Village over the weekend.. Mr. and Mrs. L. McKim:en, Lon-. don; entertained friends! at "The Cedars"- over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. T, Leckie and. -Donna, London, oceepied their cottage over the weekend, Mr. and - Mrs. E'. CuldliefsOn, London, were at their home in the village • over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. - Ernest Vodden, Woodham, visited her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Makins on Sunday. Prof. and Mrs. R. K. E, Pem- berton', London, occupied their cottage over the weekend. Mrs. Ralph Nicholls, London; spent Friday. and Saturday with her 'mother, Mrs.- F. W. MoEwen. Mrs...C. Y. Shider, Detroit, was here to visit her sister Miss E. Weston, on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkham, London, were with, her parents, Mr, and Mrs. E, Heard on Sunday. +011M111,0111111,1111.111M1.1•01141111111111.111yRISIN, end,. Mrs. W. M, PurVes has returned to :her home in Birraingilan4 after 'spending a 'few clays at her cottage, Mr, and, Mrs, B., T. 'Stephenson , and Barbara, Toronto, were at their home in, the village for the weekend, Mr.and Mrs, Beoth, and fam- ily, London, Mr, and. Mrs, piarles Pounder, .Slincoe, are occupying cottages in Deer Lodge, ayriso, M. Hodons and Miss Macdonald, Toronto, were at the former's cottage, "Stonehaven," from Friday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Glibert Knight and .grandson, Toronto, visited with -'her mother, Mrs. F Oen-, einhardt, over the weekend. Mr. and. Mrs, David Luck, Char- les, David and Edward, and guest Keith -Cassey., Vast Lansing, are occupying the Kanter cottage, Members of Knox Church .W1VIS attended the birthday party cele-. bration of Oartnel Presbyterian WMS at Hensall on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, James Hayman and daughter, Lisa., London, .were with his, parents', Mr, arid Mrs. A. W. Hayman over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Sturgeon, Margaret and Billie, Port Dover, visited 'the former's mother, Mrs. William Sturgeon, over the week- end. Miss Helen Blair, Who recently completed her course at Teachers' College, London, is clerking at P. Weston's grocery store for the ,summer. Mr, and Mrs. George Fellows and family returned to their home at Riverside on Saturday, after having been at their- cottage for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLeod, London, spent Sunday with, their daughter, Cathy, at the home of his' parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. D. MacLeod Miss L. Morley, Detroit, accom- panied by her sister, Mrs. G. Mo- ore, 'Traverse City, Mich., came last--weele to occupy her -cdttage, "Bircheliffe". Thirteen members of grade S spent the day getting acquainted at Clinton Collegiate Institute Charlie Wain visited- Goderich Col- legiate Institute. , Lloyd Makins was able to re- turn home on Wednesday after having been at Clinton Public Hospital for a week, following his recent aeoident. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson, Science Pill; entertained' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon ,at a family dinner on their wedding annivers- ary on Sunday. Mrs. J. Barron Janice and Carol, Mrs. John Pease, E'rvine- Pease, London; Mrs. Charles Upshall, 'Grantoir, were at the Pease cot- tage. for the Weekend. Mr. and Mrs, R. Kew and Linda, St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs, David McMillen Thamesford, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Fran- cis, over the weekend. • 'Mr. and Mrs. M. Outland, De- troit, R. D. Thompson, London, and - MiSses Christine *and Bonnie MaCalliun Stratford, .-were at Mc- Ewen's Cabins over the weekend. Jack Brown, who spent last week with 'his sister„, Mrs. 'J. H. Parker returned to London on Satinday with Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne Epps who were also with her sister for the day. Warner, Payne, Sudbury, was with his wife and family over -the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Pltblado, TorOnto, were also with their father, H,' N. Brandon, •on Sunday and Monday. Mr, and Mrs. A. Long, Stratford; Mr: and Mrs. Douglas Long, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Robinson, and Mr. and Mrs, Don Robinson, London, were the guests of Mr.. and Mrs. Harry Baker, "Wheel-In" on Sun- day. Mrs.' Harold Weston, Ray and Susanne, Ferndale, -Mic, are at George Weston's cottage until Thursday, Harold - Weston who brought them to the village on Saturday returned home the next day. Mrs. Ft,/ G. Htinter and Sally Beth are at their home here for the summer, Dianne Kelly is a !guest of Sally 'Beth, Dr. Hunter returned: to Toronto on, ,Monday, afit&-„heing here for a couple of days. ""••,..,.‘ Mr. and Mrs. rCharles Parker and Bonnie,'''.Scarbora, were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker over the',..weekend, and Mr. and Mrs, Keith, Pruss and Janke Orange, Lodges At r.rrty Church Trinity Church was filled to ea- parity on Sunday evening when members of LOL No. 24 .and fri- ends' from vamp, And Clinton led' gas paraded to Divine Worship in Trinity Church. The Bannockburn Band was in attendance,. Emerson Heard acted as. marsh- all, The Rector Rev, W. S, Out:- erbridge received the flags from - the bearers R. J. Larson and Lloyd Miller and placed them on the Ab'o'ut 45 members Of 'the Orange Order including the W.M. Wilfred- Castle attended, During the offertory 21, mernr hers of 4he 'Sunday. Schoel Choir sang sweetly, 'Fairest Lord Jesus', Mrs. George Adana - Was, at the- orgam • The sermon, preached by the Rev, W. S. Outerbridge, was based on the SCripture passage, Micah 6;#3.. In summing up, he said, Christianity is. not Gust a matter of doing good, feeling PO or 1)!'' ing good, It is riot even a matter of upholding the .ririuciples of pito- teaanti$M,--at a distance; It esseMially, a- question .of walking, humbly with ciod, of getting to knoW Him and to know about Him, and for that parpeSe God institet. ed the .Christian Church through which- Be comes to us and we reach Him- It is a pity sin that it is so divided; but if you really desire to serve God and.: hope for heaven then _ literally. for )1eaven's sake, worship Him regularly in church," Gerald S. Sturgeon,. PreStM was with his parents,. Mr. and Mrs, gd.' Sturgeon for the week-