Clinton News-Record, 1956-06-21, Page 6Watching. the Brownies' Presentation sea Interested side-benchers at the impressive ceremony Mon- day, afternoon in which five of the Clinton Brownies received their "Gold Hand", were Neddy Fowler and his mother, Mrs, Drew Fowler, They watched .Neddy's big sister join the Brownies. .Boimie MacPherson, with her *mother, Mrs, Don MacPherson and her sister Kathy, was interested in seeing her sister Karen receive her Golden Bar, Presentations were made by Mrs. Jack Woods and Mrs, J. E, MacDonald, (News-Record Photo) PERSONALS seas- ,41: ENGAGEMENTS. ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs, William Dv. O'Neil, Arndale, (near Balifax)- announce the engage-, meat of their only -daughter,, Margaret Elizabeth' (niece of Misses Win and Defile 'O'Neil)) to Carl Purnell Hutchinson, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Leslie L, Hutchinson, Bridgetown, NS. The wedding will be in :St, Andrew's 'United Church, Hal- ifax, Friday, June 29.. 25-p Good Will Club Attended By 27 attend dour Church -SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1.956 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN- CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B,A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, , Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, June 24 10.00 a.m.-Church School. 11.00 a.m.-Church Service. We Welcome All Worshippers at St. Andrew's lianiteb eburtb REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS, M.R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director 11.00 asm.-Morning Worship, "The Strong Witness of a Good Life." 11':20 a.m.-Primary School. 12.15 p.m.-Church School, 7.00 pm.-Dvening Praise "Mr. Don Deas. Sunday School' picnic Wednesday afternoon. HOLMESVILLE 9.45 a.m.-Flower Sunday, Mr. Kenneth Ashton. Come to the House of Prayer PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O,C. Victoria, Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Paster Friday, ,Tune 22- 4,15 p.m.-Children's Hour 8,00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors Sunday, June 24- 10,00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Goepel Service. Tuesday, June 26- 8.00 p.m.-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You 0000cse>ozoo:c.c.4k);;.c.00d.c Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH J*, E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.-IVIornIng Service 12.15 pat. Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Evening Service ALL WFA,C01VLE ROBIN HOOD SPECIALS Honeyspice Cake Mix Marble Cake Mix Golden Cake Mix Gingerbread Mix Easybrisk YOUR CHOICE 23c pkg. BISCUIT SPECIALS McCormick's Variety Assorthient Oatmeal Date Sandwich Marshmallow Sandwich YOUR CHOICE 3 FOR $1.00 lev y it y. Herb's Food Market FREE DELIVERY-- 2 Lines to Contrat.,4h. HO: 24445 • Meet In Church The June meeting of the Wes-. WW, was held June 14 hi' the 'elnindia. parleeir with 17 lachee, present, Mrs, C. Nelaon, the president, opened the meeting with a poem,' "Flowers- by the Way" and -4 hymn. 'Thre.e interesting letters were read from Cage Crocker Mission News. A 'contribution of l5 to a. fUlld to 5SSISt young girls'. who WWI to attend summer school at Alma College during Augnst was decided on. The summer meetings of jstly and August will be diddern Untied, The ladies of the WMS are in- lifted to • an open .Mission 130.110. meeting, June 25 at 4.15 p,m. and the Mothers' Club is entertain- ing' the WMS at their next meet- ing. Mrs, Norman Holland had charge of the study period, Psalm 21 was read in unison and a hymn was sung. Mrs., H. C, Wilson' read the Scripture, Mark 16: 3.15, fel- lowed by prayer by Miss H. Diehl. The chapter "Not Strangers but FelloW Citizens" was ably review- -ed by Mrs. Holland who' urged all to show greater friendliness towards the New Canadians. 0"""""" I • .1 11111111111111111111111111101IIIIIIIIIIIIIII \1M TO-DAY! AT 411 Scran,x 11;;DXg, ................................ 101111111010101111111IIIIII Push Button Magic Cycle Automatic Defrost LARGE CRISPER DAIRY CHEST Two lee Cube Trays Height 53%2; Width 241/4 ; Depth 28% GEORGE D. ATKINSON, Member of the faculty of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto, will conduct current examinations for the Con- servatory here in Clinton on June 26. CLINTONIANS PICNIC PLANNED FOR JUNE 27 The Clintonian Club will hold their annual picnic on Wednesday, June 27 in Clan Gregor Square, Bayfield. Please bring lunch, plates, cups and silverware, A penny sale will be held' for which cad -member is to bring an article. 0 WESLEY-WILLIS SUMMER SCHOOL The daily vacation Bible Sc- hool at the Wekey-Willis Church will' be conducted this year July 9 to July 13. Children in ages from four to twelve are cordially invited to attend the classes which', begin._ each morning at nine o'clock. CLINTON BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS HUnter 24117 Irbe little 3inti "A Stage Coach Inn Front Early 1800's" BAYFIELD, ONTARIO ANNOUNCES BUFFET SUPPERS Commence for the Season Sunday, June 24 5.30 to 7.30 p.m. RESERVATIONS: PHONE BAYFIELD 8 fresh tasty TO PEP UP THOSE SUMMER MEALS AND SNACKS. From Out Store or have our Salesman in your Neighbourhood call de ru Saturday Special* * rroot Oktrt Store Only- SUEY LOAF .Reg. 30e for .. . . ........ ..... „ ......... BARTLIFF BROS. • SXK CLINTON IsT&W$43,07043 THURSDA. JUNE X21, 1956 Nearly 1,000 At Zurich Crusade (By our Hensall Correspondent) Nine hundred attended the first meeting of South Huron Crusade for Christ held at Hay Township Cornunity Centre, Zurich, Sunday evening, and heard Cedric Sears, Wheaton, in„ noted evangelist and youth leader, deliver a challenging message from 2nd Peter 3: 9-12. Tom Pryde, MLA for Huron; and Elston Cardiff, MP' for Huron, and Rev. E. H. Roppel, Mildenay, spoke. Even Hedley, Brantford, vice-president of Youth for Christ International, and organizer of the Crusade, introduced the speaker, A choir of 150 voices under dir- ection of Rev. -Wes• Aathm, Buf- falo, with Gordon Smith, Buffalo, tenor soloist, sang. The meetings continue nightly until July 1. Mr. Sears, the evangelist who' speaks nightly will be interviewed by Pat Murray, on Panorama, June 26, on CFPL-TV, London. Happy Workers Hold Meeting. The June Meeting of the gape py 'Woricere Club was held at the home of Mrs. William Glop, jer cast Thursday,. June 14. The Meeting .opened by sing- ing "Heine On. the Range" fele leveed, by "The Lerd's Prayer". 'The secretary's and treasurer's repprts were read., Roll Call was answered by an exchange of flowers and slips with 11 rnernhers present.. Business was then discussed,. It was decided to purchase blanket for the draw to be con- ducted at the annual bazaar sponsored by the club. Quilt 141000 were handed in, A weiner roast was planned for tonight, Thursday, June 21 at the home of Mrs. William Holland. Mrs, Wilfred Glazier wori the draw, The meeting adjourned and lunch. was served by Mrs. William Glazier assisted by We. Charles Brandon and Mrs, Clife ford glazier, Next meeting_ will be in Aug- ust at the -Acme of Mrs. Charles Brandon. Roll call will be a 25 ..Gent gift exchange. Lunch coin- rnittee will be Mrs. Wilfred Glaz- ier and Mrs, Jack Smith, Look! Worthwhile Savings COUNTRY KIST KERNEL CORN 2 14 oz, tins 25c NATURE'S BEST CHOICE PEAS, 2 15 oz. tins „ 23c DELMAR MARGARINE 29c lb. - 3 lbs. 85c HEREFORD CORN BEEF, 12 oz. tins 43c HEART'S CONTENT PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lb. bag $1.19 SCHNEIDER'S CRISPY FLAKE. SHORTENING 1 lb. tin 25c BREAKFAST CLUB RASPBERRY JAM„ 24 oz. jar ., -$39c KADANA TEA BAGS, 100's cello 89c See our Complete Lines Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Head and Leaf Lettuce, Radishes, Green Onions, Celery, Watermelon, Cantaloupes, Berries, Plums, Bananas, Pineapples, Etc. Elwin Merrill spent the week- end with friends in Port Huron. Miss Mildred Farquhar spent the weekend with friends in. Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. McMurray spent the weekend with friends at Sauble Beach. Neil Deas, London, spent the weekend with his grandparents at the Wesley-Willis manse. Mrs. Rhodes, wife of the Rev. A. H. Rhodes, Watford, visited Miss Minnie Proctor, on Saturday, Miss Gladys Addison, Sarnia, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs, Margaret Addison. Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson spent a couple of days early in the week with her sister, Mrs, T. K. Howse, Aylmer, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott and, Donnie, attended farm and home week at OAC, Guelph, last Thursday. Mrs. Alvin Wilhelm, Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Hugill for a, couple of days_ last week. Dr, and Mrs. F. Harburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Trewartha, Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Merrill, Mrs. John Merrill and Mr. and Mrs. George Colclough visited with friends in, Brigden on Sunday. Mrs. Alice Armstrong, Pilot Mound, Man, aunt of Mrs. D. A. Kay flew from her home to be present at Mrs. Kay's bedside. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston, Kitchener, 'Sipent Saturday last at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs', James Johnston, Whitehead Street. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hall, Cayuga, spent Sunday with G. E. Hall and Miss' Evelyn and with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alexander, Godenich Township. Ronald Hugill has left for Stratford to play baseball with Junior "A" intercounty ball team and has a job at the C.N.R. shops fot the summer. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dunbar, Lambeth were Sunday guests at the home of the latter's brother- in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Colclough.' Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Miller and family, Windsor, spent the weekend with their parents, May- or W. J. Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Connell. Hugh R, Hawkins, Jack Sent- ton, Russell Holmes, Caryl W. Draper and John A. Sutter en- joyed a fishing trip in the Call-', ander area last week. Mr. and Mrs. daekk Pothering- ham spent the weekend with -Mrs. Annie Verner. Mrs. \ren- net accompanied them home to Hamilton on Tuesday for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cochrane spent the weekend in Chatham with their son-in-law arid dau- ghter, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Aiken- head, They also had a little trip down the St. Clair River. Mrs. Carman McPherson, Mrs. Mabel Nickerson, Mrs. Henson Sutter, George Falconer and Barrett Taylor are in Toronto this week attending - the annual sessions of the. LO.O.F. Grand Lodge. Mr. Francis Denomme of Os- goode Hall, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Denomme Clinton, has left for North Bay where he is beginning sixteen months of Clerkship under Ar- ticles, with R. C, Donnelly, Bar- rister and Solicitor. Sergeant Len Theedom, who, hat been visiting at the home of his Pauline Edwards Feted J3y Friends A shower Was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Lobb, Or- ange Street, on Monday evening aor Miss Pauline Edwards, Who is to be married soon, About 30 friends attended, Miss Fran, Cook staged a spite contest, won by Mrs. Mansell Cook; a soap contest was on by IV/Ise Doris Tyndall; and a hum- orous reading Wee given by Mrs, Donald Paineen 'The bride was escorted to a decorated chair and the gifts brought to here Among those preterit were her fiailee'e Mother grandmother, and great grande reethee, the latter of vehtnis is Visiting' /rents Scotland. Itefteehe ments were serVed, by the host- ess, assisted by WS, M, Cook and MISS 1ran, Cook, parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Colquhoun, Huron Street, left Sunday evening to return to RCAF Station at St, Sylvestre, Quebec. Mrs. Theedom and their children remained for a longer visit at her parent's home. Miss Connie Scruton, who was a student of the business course at Clinton District collegiate In- stitute this past year has accepted a position with Kelvinator in. London. Her sister, Patricia, will take up a position with Simpsons- Sears in the interior decorating department next Wednesday, June 27. Miss Karen Moody, London, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art Moody, Clinton, attended the graduation dinner of the Goder- ich Business College held at the Bedford Hotel, on Saturday ev- ening. Karen attended the school last year and has now joined the office staff of the London. Life Insurance Co. Mrs. Margaret Smith, Clinton, also a student of the college, and who joined the office staff of RCAF Station Chr- ton, and Mis Helen McKay, Lon- don, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. McKay, Clinton, also attended, Mr. and Mrs Gordon Cuning- hame are at their summer home in Bayfield, where they plan to stay until August 1. In the near them there to spend surhmer vac- them their to spend summer vac- ations together. There will 'be Mrs, Thomas E. Hull and two little daughters from Vancouver, B.C.; Me. and Mrs. John E. Cun- inghame and three children from Syracuse, New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Saunders and two little sons from Winnipeg, Man. At present Mr. and Mrs. Saunders are visiting the for- mer's mother and brother at Yar- mouth, N.S. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School 6.45 arm Breaking of Bread .„ 11„00 a.m. Gospel Service. 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study. "A Hearty Welcome Awaits You" BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Services. 7.30. p.m.-Gospel Service You are cordially invited to these services. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11,00 aim-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m.-Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St, Paul's Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 4th SUNDAY AFTER. TRINITY 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 ant -1VIerning prayer- LAYMAN'S SERVICE- let Leseon read by Mn Hawkins; 2nd Lesson read by Mn W. V. Roy State Prayers IVIr, Herb HricIld, ALL MEN WELCOME, Tuesday, June 26-Chancel Guild picnic at Mrs, Joseph Hart's cottage. Cars will leave the church at 3 o'clock. ".God's Garden" was the thence of the -Children's and Flower Sere vice held in Wesley-Willis United. Church on ,Sunday.. The Church was beautiful with spring flows and. ferns, the front of the church being made to depict a rockerY. Trellises and an arbour were used to add to the beauty of the scene, and overshadowing the entire church was a beautiful floral cross which had been put on the orgah screen. The services were in charge of the minister, Rev, F4401 C. Wil- son, with the -even10.g service be- ing partially, a repetition 'of the morning. John W, Nediger, super- intendent of the Sunday School, assisted Mr. Wileon at 'the mprn- lug service; and Mrs, Norman alai- lend, superinten'den't of the prim- ary .depeetinent, at the evening service. Guest violinist for the day was William James, Csoderich, who de- lighted the congregations with his numbers before the service and at the offertory, Mre, M, R,, Rennie presided at the organ. The junior chair, under the direction of Ben- son Sutter, led in the service of praise, Their special numbers in- cluded: "Jesus Loves the Little Children", "All the Happy Child- ren", and "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer" with . Budd' Boyee as soloist. In the morning the seldriee opera Examiner Twenty-seven members and friends attended the regular meet- ing of the Geed Will Club of Wesley-Willis United °Ward% which was held in the church parlour on Tuesday evening, June 12. Mrs. Manning presided. A hymn was sung with. Miss M. Tor- ranee as pianist. Tice Scripture lesson from Romans 5.: 1-10', was read 'by Miss I, Walkinshew and Mrs. Wilson led in prayer. The minutes were read and ap- proved and the treasurer's report adopted. A thank-you letter was received from CARE, for donation sent to purchase a parcel far an arphanage in Korea Mrs. Radford played two de- lightful piano solos, "The Flower Song" and "The Swan". Miss W. O'Neil introduced the, guest speak- er, Mrs. C. VanDamme, who...gave a very interesting and entertain- ing - talk on their winter holiday abroad, , Mrs. Manning thanked the speaker, Mrs, Radford arid all who had taken pert in 'making the meeting successful. The Mizpah benediction closed the .meeting, after which lunch was served by Group I, with Mrs. Rees Jenkins and Miss I. Walkinstra.w as con- veners. 0 ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "TIM ritiENtILY CHURCH" PA.SIOE-IREV: A. GLEN EAGLE, BA.4.R.D. 0.45 a.rri.-Nfornirig Worship 11.00 a.m.-IVIorhing Worship 7.00 pans-Uniter Service in Wesley-Willis Church Vacation: School. in Ontario Street Church July 3 to 13. Turner's ti urea 0.45 •SERVICE 10,45 ama.-stoday schhoi. "God.'s Garden" Depicted In Song And 'Flowers At Wesley-Millis ed with a ladies!' quartette singing "X -Come to the Garden Alone", and in the evening a ladies' duet sang the same number. The guar, tette comprised' Mrs, Benson Sut- ter, Mrs. Douglas Andrews, Mrs' Wesley Holland and Mrs. Norman Shepherd,, with Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. Holland taking the duet at This was followed by the junior chair coming into the church in processional style, Flora. .passages of Scripture were read at each service by Miss Darien.' Stanley. • The guest speaker at the Morn- ing service was Miss Sybil -Cour- tice. She very vividly brought to 'children! of all nationalities wer. the .attention of the children ail found M. God's Garden', She tole; how children all over the world tic exactly the same things, ever though their language is different than that spoken here. By the use of a little bell she pointed ou that both the strike sound and the hum sound following, are al ways in' tune, and so it must it with the children,. They must al ways' 'try and keep their lives i tune with those around them, an with God so that God's Garde could be made a joyous place ii which to live. The speaker at the eveniu service was Kenneth Ashton, wh very graphically explained the lif of a summer c'aravaner, and toil of the wonderful experience o holding a vacation school on a Indian Reserve. He pointed on that these children, too, wer found in God's Garden, and state that it was only as'' all childre learned of God's love as exernpl' led through Jesus could the Gat den become as beautiful as it wa intended. The committee in charge of th preparation and planning of th service comprised Benson Sutter Mrs. W, M. Nediger and Itowar Lochhead. p CLINTON WI WILL MEET NEXT THURSDAY, JUNE 28 The Clinton Women's Institut will meet' in the 'agricultural offic board room on Thursday, June 2 Roll cat will be answered by na ing something new to plant in t garden. The topic is Agricult and Canadian Industries, given b Mrs Forrest. A report of the dis riet annual will be given. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha. and' lefr C. Sturdy are in charge of t program. Hostesses are Mrs'. Elliott, Miss. E. Jamieson, Mrs, Sloman, Mrs. E. Blake, Mrs. Sturdy, Mrs. D. Freeman and Mr W. Forbes. , Harvey's Taxi (At Mid-Towne Restaurant PHONE • HU. 2-9054 NIGHT HU. 2-3880 Harvey Ashton