Clinton News-Record, 1956-06-21, Page 5TIMSPAY, 1956
6le4OCAk 714.4.?vta.fipszk
A new business for Clinton.
was started recently when'
"Dottie's Custard Cup" open-
,ed. Pictured above is the.
shiny new stand; operated by
Reg. and Dorothy Ball (Until
just recently Owners of Super-
ior Food Store). The stand
is located immediately south of
RCAF Station Clinton, Be-
sides the specialtyt, Custard
Cup, there are sundaes, milk
shakes, floats, hot dogs, (soft
drinks, potato chips, cigar-
ettes .and other tasty treats.
A spacious driveway permits
easy access to the stand and
soon there will be picnic tables
for those who prefer to eat in
-the shade of the nearby trees.
To mark the opening of
"Dottie's Custard Cup" free
cones will be given away to
young and old between, 7.30
and 8.30 tomorrow evening,
.Friday, June 22. Drive out— \
-try some—you'll be back for
A -Kg“. • .0 ..11.
• - Locetlida 41155. The woman headed for a.
gala evening is the woman;
who always keeps her clothes
flower-fresh — with regular
dry cleaning . . the woman
who -is always fastidious
about things like powder-
begrimed • necldlues, under-
arm stains, tell-tale spots . .
Prompt service, quality work.
Call us.
For, Your Convenience I
Use Our
Down Town Office
on King Sheet
(formerly Simpsons-Sears)
HU. 2-7064
C6446$41.' LAU N ®RYA.
Joint Meeting Of All Anglican
Ladies ffeld in St. boles (hutch
(By •Oraco
A pointmeeting of all the
ladies' organizations of -Trinity
Church, Bayfield, St, John's, Var.*
na and St. James, Middleton, met
in St. James Church on Thursday
-afternoon-last week with 40 ladies
The meeting opened by singing
the WA hymn "The Lave of -Christ
C.onstraineth", followed by the
members' PraYer. and the Lord's
Prayer. Mr's, Milton Steepe gave
an inspiring commentary on the.
Scripture reading, which was. the.
23rd Psalm, stressing God's care
for own,
'Mrs, Fred Middleton, president'
of St, James' WA, extended a
gracious -welcome to all who at-
tended this "traditional meeting."
According( to custom, the high-
light of the meeting is the report
of the Diocesan annual in London,.
which was presented most capably
by St, James' delegate, Mrs, John
Middleton and Mrs. Brown Hig-
gins, Bayfield. The 69th annual
was :attended by 750 WA mem-
bers and the thankoffering
lion was $6,155, These ladies; gave
detailed reports of the three days'
sessions, which were much enjoy-
ed by those not privileged et.O at-
Mrs. Warren Outerbridge favor-
ed with, two beautiful solos, "I
Would Be True" and "Ave Maria".
Mrs, Middleton thanked the
speakers and the guest soloist -and
also presented an appeal from
Mrs. Harry Thompson, glinteni
house-mother of Huron. Church
Camp, for Plastic plates and
The meeting concluded the
singing of the hymn, "Thy hand,
Q c00, has guided", followed by
the -benediction,.
A social hour followed at the
home of Mrs. Fred 'Middleton., Her
sPaciettS rooms were beautifully
decorated with, seasonal. bouquets
and Mrs. °uteri/ridge and Mrs.
John Middleton Potared tea from
the beautifully appoblte4 dining-
room table. A. delicious, lunch Was
served by the Middleton, WA,
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdrier, presi-
dent of 'Bayfield WA, moved a
vote of thanks. to. SL James WA
end .voiced the thoughts of all
present by declaring it was a good
thing for the ladies of the parishes
to meet together so happily.
otuorats, SI3PPLIES SA811
BIY. 2.914
PHONE: HU. 2-6691
Crushing --,Hauling -- Bulldozing -- Grading
Gravel -- Sand -- Stone
• —.
for the opening of
Dottie's Custard Cup
to supply the building materials.
Hensall Kinsmen.
banquet At
London Centre
(By our Henson. correspondent.)
Members of the Hensall Kins-
men Club entertained their wives
to a banquet and social evening
at Knotty Pine -jam, London on
June 14. The trip by charterer bus
was attended by 14 couples; Fol
lowing supper an evening of danc-
ing was enjoyed.
' Door prize was won by Mrs.
George Sawyer, spot dance by Mr.
and Mrs, Angus McLean. The re-
tiring president, Bill Mickle, and
Mrs. Mickle were presented with a
gift, presented by Dr.. D. 3. Mc-
Kelvie, past president.
Dr. Carey B. Joynt
Honoured For
Outstanding Work
Dr. Carey B, Joynt, formerly of
Hensall and a graduate of Exeter
High. School and Western Uni-
versity, .now a faculty member of
Lehigh University, Bethlehem,
Penn., was: honored recently with
the Alfred' Nobel Robinson Award.
This annual award: is given for
outstanding. performance in the
service of the university. Carey is
now associate professor of inter-
national affairs at Lehigh.
The genial chairman On the oe,
talon of the official opening of.
the new school was ,Aunes A, 0441-
.ren, He had been both pupil and
eacher in the old .school„
He..commenced his studies. when
Miss J', P, Duncan, was teacher,
d recalls that the, room was bo
riVided that be and John Pea•raon
sat on a bench at the back;
Jam Cameron*,w p, .deterroined to
be a teacher, and education was
not handed to .him• on the so-call-
ed "silver platter" as it is today,
He went through Bayfield`
be School to the Senior Fifth'.
grade, But to earn money, when
old enough, he worked - each Fall
in Iona Whidclon"s apple •evapora-
A. Cameron :Remembered
In "Lest We '-Fore it Set'ies
(z, .conespogilegt), for and then .caught up on his
Studies the rest of the year,
The late 13,W,, D. C, .Jennings,
Rector of Trinity 'Ohun tutored
him in Latin, which helped" him
greatly when he went on. to Clin-
ton .Collegiate Institute,
The pupils who ride to C. D.
I, on the school bus are living a
life of ease and don't know it. Jim
.Cameron and the late Dr, Alex
McLeod of 'Wroxeter walked from
Hayfield to Clinton for the five
days study each •weelrand walked
home again. (Jim is the On of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Caner,
01)•a-r14 lace many Students be.
fore 'the institution of the District
Collegiate, they .roomed and cook-
ed their own meals. Cameron
roomed with the late Mrs. Alex
granger, formerly of • Bayfield,
He was: obliged to . stop attend-
ing collegiate for a year and work,
Theo he went back. Alex McLeod
and Jack Whidclon, though seniors
while he was a junior, were fals. of
his, Eventually they .all got bicy-
cles to travel back and forth,
OUR GASOLINE, from Bayfield Public School won,
And in those days three 'boys
THE FARMERS SAY, the senior athletic championship
MAKES EASIER.. cup and left their names engraved
THE WORKING DAY on it—Alex McLeod„ Jack 'Whid-
don and James A, Cameron. They
lioNw all played along with the Mustards
and Mac Ailtenhead in -the fainous
I, Rough Cup Team. They
heat London., Galt and every school
which tried to get it.
' James. A. Cameron attended
Model School in Clinton and ob-
tained his certificate in 1903,
-He taught for four years, Three
years was the limit, but the In-
spector, J. Elgin Tom, extended
his model school certificate far an-
other year,
His• first school. was S.S,•No. 4 S
(now east) Stanley, School `start-
ed in the middle of August in
those days. He 'spent two • years
there at a salary of $300. He
chuckled' as he .recalled that he
was obliged to teach one Saturday
because he had taken time off to
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1FITJ 2-6633
play feethall with the Bayfield
"Lalte.sicles" inWinghar.n, The.
Trustees of act
days frowned
on his sports The pupils.
in this gelteOl Were all good s.tucl-
ents but one outstanding one was •
Rhea Stirling, He taught . her
Latin and she obtained. her second
class teacher's certificate in
year in ' Cioderieh Collegiate In-
Next year James -Cameron
gilt in Hillsgreeo No,
at the munificent Salary of $500.
Then he went back to Clinton Col-
legiate Institute to study for his,
part 1 of Senior or First Class
eeraticate. But be left at Easter
to fill in an emergency in Bayfield
Public School caused by the death
of the Principal, Thomas Brown-
lee, From: Easter until June that
year, his duties commenced at-
eight o'clock with the,Entranee
class and after 'four h tutored
the late Dr. c4, S. ,Atidazsoo in,
Latin after that schedule he pur-
sued his own studies and 'Vans the
only student in Clinton Collegiate
Nftio passed Part 1 that year, 1907,
From September to December
he supplied as Principal in the
Zurich School' for Alex McLeod
who wished to. enter the Medi:Cal
School at the University of Tor-
onto, (School years 'were from
January to-January in those days)
For the next six months, he tau-
ght in S.S. No. 4N, (now west)
'Stanley, He also studied Greek
and wrote his Junior Matriculat-
ion, In September he attended
Burial Plots- On.
Per -p t Ie. Oa.'Caere
'The directors of the Bayfield
Cemetery Company met at the
cemetery em the afternoon -of 41Une
16, J. M. Stewart presided, Pen
Patbwoli, soxton, was .present
and plans for improving the •older•
part were discussed.
by-law was passed to the et-
fect that no graves will be opened
In the future unleSs the plot .is.
put on perpetual upkeep _ first.
Owners who have not put their
plots on perpetual upkeep should.
contact V, A, Westlake concerning
Don C. Colquhoun
Phone HU. 2-3297 -- R.R. 5, Clinton
It has been a pleasure to be the General
Contractor for "
Dottie's Custard Cup
I wish Reg. and Dorothy every success
in their new venture.
CO., utp.
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- Help Us Celebrate ... .
_ . the opening of
1 thill e i 'Cuttard
. .
g :.---: = g
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0, E ••-•
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No. 4 Highway, immediately south of RCAF Station Clinton
-To Mark the Opening we Will Give' .
on Friday, June 22 — 7.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m,
. . . . .
(Reg. and Dorothy Ball)
S019'1 DRINKS, — II0le DOGS
Cigarettes ' Potato Chips ,
- ....4..--
AI 1111111111111114 till 1111111 11 111111 Ill 111111111111111111111111111'1111111111111 1111114111111 11111111111111111111-11111111111 1111i1111111i11411111 1111 13 II 1
11111 ins pipiligio 111 7
Small Refreshment Stand Opens Near RCAF Station
. • - • •:.•
the Faculty of Vducation obtain-
ing his First Class Professional
Teacher's Certificate,
For years, Mr, Cameron was
a member of the Public school
staff of Toronto, 29 of which: he
was. Principal, He served as Pres-
14ent of the Toronto Athletic As-
Seeiation for a. year,
After attending Summer:Schools
at ..queexto University for four
years, he :received Ids Bachelor' oil
Arts degree ix1 1.9n He was PreS-
Went of the Queen's Summer
School Associatim
He retired in 1950 after having
been Principal of Eariscount Sch-
eel for 19 _years.
In 1916, •mnried .Mis.S. Ida Ev,
ans who died in uvg. They had
two children, both of Whom fol-
lowed in their father's footsteps.
IsObel who was an honour grad-
uate of University of Toronto and
specialized in Household Egon-
OrkliCS, taught for a number • of
years in Toronto (now Mrs. A, H.
McPherson, Saginaw:, Mich,)
Evans attended Toronto Univer-
sity and joined the Canadian Arm-
ed Forces and served Overseas. He
is now teaching in Runneymede
School, Toronto,
Ih 1947, James A, Cameron mar,
Tied Mrs, Agnes Forrester,
He had acquired 23- acres of-
land on the Sable Line which his.
grandfather Donald Cameron had
purchased from the Baron de
In 1931 he commenced reforest-
ation and continued. adding a few
trees each year,. • He .built a cot-
tage on the property in 1934, In
195Q, be added to this and made
it a permanent 'house..
As soon as: they were settled,
James Cameron had the idea that
he would sit by the side of the
road and, watch the world go by..
-"But it hasn't worked out that
way, His :hobbies' trees, flowers.
and bridge, take up a good deal
of time. Then there is Shurch,
and community work as a mem-
ber Of the Lion's Club. And a
year ago last winter he taught a
few more days when he supplied
in the Senior room here, All in
all he hasn't much leisure
(To 'be Continued) •