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The Wingham Times, 1888-05-18, Page 8
• Ve'gra.ve. George Earl,ley and wife went to So. -forth on .friday where his wife will remain. -Be intends going to the Ante;zca,n kion.---1Vzn,'.1,'hanlps(MtShop looker, formerly of this place, is -expec- ted down from Thessalon shortly, --- Miss L. Owens left for Ansonia. this week to visit her brothers in Algoma. MacQuaig, shipped all his square timber this week at Bel rave station., • Mr. 'John Owens raised his burn this week and Rebt. Gallaher is build• in; a stone wall under it, Soper. Mt•ConalMit --In Culross, on the 14th inst., tho wife o: Nr Donald 11e1,0rmicl ; a son, hE15.ItS.%IE1Q. 7:i0:nwttat.- Drurr0x---A1 Brantford, on the 10th inst„ Air. Il, Rothwell, Principal of the Listowel Pablio School, to Miss Mary Britton, of Brantford. 0i,6nho333Git•tar--1n Stanley, on the 2nd inst., 51r. William of Kinloss, to klias Isabella, eldest daughter of Mrs. Thomas Grant, of Stanley. li0oa li.trc�nti—In Mullett, on the 10th Inst„ by Rev. D. 57. Ramsay, Mr. Hobert Hogg, of MoKipop, to Nicholas, only 4aughter of 51r, Wm. Hannah, of niullett. '1I Attire;---Dottasgctt—At the residence of the bride's mother, McKillop, an the 10th inst. by Rev. A. D, •leDenald, tlr, Henry Martin, of Chicago, to Clar- issa, ll., third daughter of the late Samuel DOrrenee. McDolsatm--0+Ss7av—At Lead City, Dakota, on the 4th ult., by the Rev. 1h. Verden, Miss Annie F. Cassidy, youngest daughter of Mr. J. S. Cassidy, M. D., Goderreh, to Mr. John J. McDonald, of Lead City. '{1'4tt'1r:.GY—litO2PSON— At Brussels, on the 18th inst., at the residence of the brides father, by the Rev. John Ross, B. A., Mr, Harry J. Whitely, to Janet, eldest daughter of P. Thompson, J. I ., of Brussels. biolinacm—wnrrf2o At Brussels, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. Mr. Swan, Mr. GeorgeMurdock, of McKil- leoi to Miss Dinah Ellen, second daughter of Mr. Caleb Whiting, of Brussels. 1i'.tta mt--Ils,nsur—In Toronto, on the 16111 inst., Mr. J, Jackson Walker, of the Toronto Pobco foree,aud son of Mr. ill, Walker, of W'awanosb, to Mies Louie Bettsey, of Toronto. MED. LAt,D8ntaoUOn—in Toelcetsmith, on the Srd hist„ Robert Landsborough, aged 71. years and 9 days. iitnn—In Seaforth, on Monday, May 7th, Bridget F rbes Ilendersott, relict of the late John Kidd, aged 54 yours. Sarco --Near Port Elgin, on Sunday, April 39711, Janes A, Bryce, aged 40 years. J1,13,nit,t In Grey, on the 7th inst„ Mark Cardiff, aged ,3years,2montbsand6days. C 21 wa1vn—At .Myth, ou the 6th inst., Eliza, wife of John Cocicerilue, aged 66 years. a.0:1c03—At Goderich, on the 5th inst., Birdie, second 0.1,ti ;hter of Thomas Itutson, aged 26 years, 1NINGRAM MARKETS. Wi5GUAM, MAY 17, •1858. por cwt., .'sant• per bbl., )-:',seat i)or bushel, ct )5, - :S.:tt•+ per lb., '' . .:r ti0zcn, 1.4 j+ -r cord,. rr bag, il•, , pt:' ton, - ?! !lets, - u�. tL..,r... , y5 .225 t0 4 50 to 76 to 76 to 33 to 70 to se to 50 to 18 to 11 to 1 25 to 50 to 7 00 to 0 60 to 2 25 4 50 73 76 88 75 62 60 18 11 1 50 75 7 50 7 76 'OF I REVISION AND PPEA L. even that the Courtof Revision the Assessment Roll of the 41, will be held in the Couactt, own, 011 '. 29T11 Or MAY, INST,, icing at 7.30 p, m. please govern themselves ac - J. B. FERGUSON, Town Clerk. 11ishereb,) )"s{ Apt•cal d 1,1 the said TLIE Comm 1,V; i; i.:.:,sted wil May 11th, 1378, NOTE LOST. s 1 made by Mr. D. D. McKinnon, in favor J 1., 0. ,v J. Chapman, and eased agent the l f3 ease look for the LARGE BROWN ANCHOR over our shop door, i, . t:. I.4S7, was recently Lost. All parties are gan.,:ia+,•-1 • r ret negotiating for the saute, ltii„ �i, a)a)loth, 1828. Mammoth Clearing Sale /o/o/a/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/e/oJo/o/o/o f o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/i/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/oto/o/ AT HES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SILVER WARE &c. /e/o/0/0/0/0/0/o/o/e/o/o/0/0/o/0/J/O/o/0/0/0/o/o/O/e/0/0/0/J/0/o/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 / Having decided to leave Wiugham, I will during the NEST 30 DAX s offer my entire stock AT ACTUAL COST. Buy now and save money. HALSEY PARK. Via II e IiIhI11111II11111111II1II 111111 11111111111 11111H 11111111111111 CI Desire to direct attention this week to their Trade Mark, " The Anchor," of which a new cut is here presented. In future all our advertisements, bill heads, etc., will bear this, our . trade mark. When you are out shopping or driving into town for the purpose of trading,, pp�� � P p g>, TONE 4TO, LEND. y ;li 1i ATi01P OF TIIE TQWNSIIIP OF 5 x ' .ry Inies about 83,000 to loan on Mort - „r -4hlB apply to, or WM. MCPIIATISON, Wit^haul. Its 2vr;, Olenfarrow. ty 11th, 1588. FOR SALE. 31':111.1'.I of thirty-four acres is offered . , t, .m part of Lot N0.4, lst Concessit n cif btorris,•niostly all cleared ryvell • t,,•.,t, •.1.111 >cnall frame house, good orchard, pi. ty ':1 good water ; about_ twenty. the Winghau, Post Office. -rr the purchase money down.; the a - , uredon mortgage, i l `. f )JOIIN IIGT3o13, on the premises. lith, 1680. • ".'t' )A1ItY511J:1. t e . - aeellent cream separator suitable > take the cream at once from the 73 '11.: 1'1111 milk warm for your calves, lute make the hest butter in the p:'1'?,iculars to t`I,I91I1; 8 SONS, D YtaY I'enS1s111tcg, 1dOTOWOOt, 0zr, .1••: mai,—Are you disturbed at night t :? +tat by a sick child suffering and. r i f 41 dting Teeth? If so send at .ttle. of "Mrs, Whmlow's Soothing i i. Teething. Its value is MeaLnl- e 1..110W1 so the poor little sufferer '•.i .-u;i upon it, inotiter.;; theri is no It mires (Dysentery and Marriire!, r.:,. J.. : ,.trh and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, cu . leers Iuflaianlation, and lives i the whole system. ” Mrs. Win- . s rap" for children teething is ;, mid is the prescription of one of 43. •. _ , :',male physicians and nurses i11 1 ,: i is for sale by all druggists i!t ibI. Price twenty-five Cents a. o d ask tot "M119. W12ai,ow's 101 take 110 other kind, ,,„. 111 34. i1IG SUPPLY and step right in.. We will be delighted to see you and guarantee that no house in the trade can"give better value in any line of our Large, NeFashianale and ScasQnahIe Stoek, Always Safe to Deal at The Anchor. HIGHEST PRICE PAID .FOR EGGS, BUTTER, Mots AND SIDE MEAT, DRIED APPLES, ETC. CORDON McINTYRE. //////// THE BROWN ANCHOR//////// 0 `X I -L E O 1 0. W. Henderson's Old Stand, IS THE PLACE FOR FOR :130 -YS WEAR. ao e r i 5 UFnH -�;� q O'1111.1t FUN O You can etagoad All' ool Tweedfor34c. erYdf 'f't l) � L , *OVELTUES .'1115 LINE. Stock .must be cleared otit immediately, therefore you are sure of y'�, getting bargains. VA!'43]i OY DAMTAi AS. '' Lr EJ]Y.. LILL ST ARTLI Tq` VALUE IN GEN INB f , I STYLISH SPRING NOVEL: 1 S, MISS E. • MURPHY Goods Seleo ed with, care and Bought for Cash. MILLINERY 1,NL . Feathers, Gorgeous Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Fringes, Embroideries, Insertions, Fancy Frilliugs, &c. - SIDB S AND B &TI S, Mantles, Cashmeres, Dross Illuslins, Crape Cloths, Gloves, Corsets, Bustles,. Ladies' and 011ildrens' Underwear, and Babies' Christening Robes. LATEST NOVELTIES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Eggs taken in Exchange for- Goods as Cash. Gets' Furnishings and Tailoring EtabIishfflent1 P:AfNES HCl© SUIT THE TUBES, A stock of goods that in Extent, Quality and 'Variety is unsurpassed in_ Wingham, t ra 'uego, and Domestic :f Goin, SUITINGS, TROWSEItINGS AND OVERCOATINGS, GREAT BARGAINS I'ORC.ASH. We planted the Seeds right and our grow- ing business is the T-Iarvest, LESLIE, —THE— `z" .I-..fOR_ A low price for honest Merchandise, well, made, is the secret of - success, Goods bought from us will be cot free of charge. vcsgesslremeeitommorisions BIG D:RITVES IN ORDERED CLOTIIING, , READY-MADE CLOTHING, DRESS GOODS, and .G-ENERAL DRY GOODS • A FULL RANGE OF BOOTS, - SHOES - AND - GROCERIES. GOODS BOUGHT AT BANKRUPT PRICES, and will be solo at Lowest Possible Figures. EAVETROUGHING, STOVES TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPLIES, &c I have on hand a large quantity of the best brands of tin manufactured in the world, bought for cash at the lowest prices, in the best Englif4h Markets, a1 t1 Its my ftwili- . ties for purchasing these Inuinot be surpassed by- any firm in the trade, in Oanada, - I am determined to sell my goods at the lowebt possible margin and not be undersold by any, MY STAFF OF WORKMEN ARE A 1Y All work warranted first-class, as it is entirely done under my owns immediate supervision, Eavetrou Bing specially attended to and properly put, up and completed. Stoves in all varieties, cheaper than ever. REMEMBER THE PLA(OE—Opposite Exchange Hotel, corner d'osephine and Victoria streets, Barkley and 1\lcCritumon's old stand. Cull and enc and you will carry home the `conviction that what I say is correct. My Motto is SMALL PROFITS and QUICK RETURNS2 A Nhtl3Li1 SX: I'E\*Ct IS Ii.%.'.1.!TI:R TIIAN A S%t)W SHILLING. r SUTHERLAND-. 4