Clinton News-Record, 1956-04-12, Page 7'T 'RSD . APRIL 12, 1955 ACCOMMODATION for RENT 'THREE ROOM, IxEATEP, furnish- ed apartment, Available in April,. Phone Clinton 1625W; l:1U 2-9005. DUPLEX APARTMENT um -va- nished. Phone Clinton 94W. After ,April, 15, HU 2-6675. ,. 15 b 1'O RENT, FURNISHED, heated, 3 -room apartment, share bath, private entrance. No children. Phone Seaforth 42. 15-b FURNISHED, STEAM HEATED. Well located apartment available for quiet couple, Phone Clinton 176, , 13tfb 8 ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Available around April 15. Phone 'Clinton 319 after six o'clock. After April 15, phone HU 2-9504. 15-p FIVE ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, on Bing Street, bath. Available immediately. Phone Clin- ton 762J; (HWI..2.-3835) . 15-b APARTMENT TO RENT. THREE rooms, furnished. Private bath, on ground • floor, Central location ..'hone Clinton 199W(HU 2-661 P • SELF-CONTAINED, FOUR -Room Unfurnished. 'apartment in brick house on King Street. Available immediately. • Phone Clinton 491R. J -IU 2-9477. 14-15-b FOUR ROOMS AND SUNPQROH,. -downstairs. Furnished, heated, modern 'conveniences. Immediate -possession. Phone Seaforth 370W. 13-4-b FIVE ROOM, UNFURNISHED •.apartment, hardwood floors, heavy duty wiring, newly decorated. Available May 1. C. M. Shearing, 'hone Clinton 270; (HU 2-9003). 15-b TWO FURRNISHED apartments, Central location: $35; unfurnished $25 per month. Phone Clinton 228 'or HU 2-9682, in mornings and Hensall 105 in afternoon,. 15-6p SIX ROOM BRICK HOUSE in Hayfield, for rent or sale. All con- veniennes. Furnished. 3. E. How- ard, phone Bayfield 53 r 2. - 13tfb SUMMER COTTAGE, THREE' miles: north of Bayfield, on lake front. May 1 to October. Hydro) frig, stove. Sleeping space for six. Reasonable, Box 151, Clinton News -Record. 15-b , HEATED, THREE-ROOM apart- enent in Goderich. Suitable for 'couple. rivate entrance. Two- piece ba h. Built-in cupboards. Hot and cold water. Phone Gode- rich 565. 14-5-6-p TWO ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished, heated, newly decorated, reasonable rent. No extras. Use of washer and frig. Couple only. Available immediately, Phone Clin- ton 73J. After April 15 HU 2-9540 Also comfortable room for rent. SELF CONTAINED "ONE BED - room heated apartment, laundry `facilities. Immediate possession. Apply Jim Bisset, 103 St. George's Crescent, phone Goderich 1017. 14tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE CHILD'S LARGE SIZE tricycle in good shape. Phone Clinton 1583. Anter April 15 HU 2-7060. 15-b 20 RODS OF FENCE WIRE. Pone Clinton 2767. After April 1 phone HU 2-9588. . 15-p CCM . RACER -STYLE BICYCLE, and boy's grey suit, size 14, both in good shape. Mrs. Roy Mann, Rhone Clinton 478W 15-b DEEP FREEZE: HOME FREEZE 13 eu. ft. Phone Clinton 589R2 after 6 p.m. After April 15 phone HU 2-9219. 15-p NOME FREEZER AND FRIG combination, used six months, 163 cu, ft. Reasonable. Phone Clin- ton 42631. 14b GAS STOVE, FOUR BURNER, table top model. Excellent condi- tion. Phone Clinton 426W3. After April 15 HU 2-3351. 15-b CABIN TRAILER VAN. Complete with two beds, cupboards, frig. nat- ural wood finish. Phone Clinton 90832. After' April 15 HU 2-3390. 15-b BRAND NEW FIRESTONE 9%, en. ft. refrigerator on sale at $199. T. A. Dutton, firestone Store, :Brucefield. Phone Clinton 902W1 (HU 2-3232), 10-tfb TV FIT FORA "KING" — We Rent — Move -= Install. Complete 'Service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Towel' Installation. phone Goderich 1344M. atf :EMPIRE. GARDEN TRACTOR, 6 al -.P., with attachments. Good con- dition. Half cost price. LeRoy Toth, Bayfield, phone 64r4 after 5.30 pan, 14-5-6-b ARTICLES WANTED GIRL'S BICYCLE, Drew Fowler, Huron Street. Phone Clinton 485R. After April 15, HU 2.9348,. 15-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1989 catvnoLET SEDAN', IN good shape, good tires, heater, Ain piy�, EiOx 153, Clinton News -Ree. SACRIFICE. 1938 OLDSMOBILE in good cenditlon. Owner MON/bigaway. Phone W. V. Roy, (Minton 557, After April 15, 1lU 2.9642, 115-bSOARD AHD ROOM 1100U, AND BOAkti for gentle. •: entire Phone Clititnri 241M(lt,U 2- 9543). • 15.15 BABY CHICKS STARTED PULLETS FOR SALE, All kinds of pullets 21/2 to 3 months, all birds raised on the floor and delivered, Phone Char- les Scott, at Auburn, or Tavistock. 60M, 10-1-2-3-4-5b IF YOU WANT CHICKS NOW— or OW or want to add to those you have —then your April -May chic)cs should be Hillside. They mature fast, they have the best back- groud whether you want eggs, or meat birds. They have pullets, cockerels, broilers, mixed. Some started, They can give immediate ,delivery, Wide choice breeds, crosses, an specials like Pilch etc. Let me quote prices and take your order. -William .A.. H. Jen- kins, North Street, Clinton, 15-b KITCIHENER BIG -4 CHICKS. Perhaps.*you bought earlier .chicks ---maybe you want more, having sized up the :good future mark- ets—then they should be Big -4. From' a Canadian Approved Hat- chery of long and wide experience in chick breeding. They have mixed cheeks- cockerels --boilers,• and pullets, . dayold and started. Ten me the market you want to catch, let me quote on the right chicks, Big -4 of course. Agent-- Chas. Scott, Auburn, Phone Blyth 43R23. 15-b CUSTOM WORK ELECTRIC MOTORS, Rewound and repaired, Home and Auto rad- ios and appliances repaired. Art Levett, Isaac Street, at Dunlop. Phone Clinton 139W. (HU 2-6640). 41-tfb LAWNS ROILED, WITH HEAVYseller.. Allberrt Bond. Phone Clinton 428, After April 15 Dial HU 2.-9536 15-p DITCHING, GRADING, LEVEL- ing, 100 H.P. Grader. Gordon Heard, Phone 3-4753W London or 54r3 Bayfield. • ' 15-6-7-p SANITARY SEWAGE 'DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS POOLS, etc., pumped and cleaned with Sanitary modern" equipment. All work guaranteed. Estimates given without obligation. Louis Blake, RR 2; Brussels, Phone 42 r 6 Brus- sels. 11to18p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 449; (HU 2-6692). 13-tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE TWO PIECE BOY'S WOOL Sailor suit, with long pants. Either 2 or 3 year old size. Priced right for quick sale. Phone Clinton 610r13; (HU 2-7509). 15-b EMPLOYMENT WANTED DUTCH WOMAN WOULD LIKE housecleaning 'work in er near Clinton. By the hour. Phone Clinton 80132. After April 15, HU 2-3259. • 15-p FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low . down payments. 33-tfb MANY GOOD FARMS, LARGE and small, in Huron County. Real estate is our business. Buying or selling. Contact John Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich, Phone Goderich 1108. 8-tfb FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale COCKSHUTT FERTILIZER HOE drill, 11 run, Perfect condition. Tractor hitch. Stewart Baird; Brucefield. Phone Clinton 908W1. After April 15, HU 2-7551. 15-p UNIVERSAL MILKER, two single units, like new; Montcalm' Barley, froxn first generation registered seed. John Armstrong and Sons, RR 1, Zurich, phone Hensel' 697r14 15-6-x COCKSHUTT "30" TRACTOR. Three bottom International plow, Coeksshutt manure spreader, and other farm implements. Ira Rap- son, Goderich, phone 1439W, At the farm Monday and Tuesday. 15-6-p VIKING SEPARATOR SALES and Service. Authorized dealer for the district of Clinton, Seaforth Hen- sall and Zurich. Allowance made for used separators. Repairs .for Otaco and Fleury -Bissell imple- ments. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone Clinton 634R21, (I -IU 2-9131) MASSEY•HARRIS TRACTOR. No. 20 Rowcrop; Fleury -Bissell two bibottom plow on . rubber; Massey - Harris. rubber tire wagon; Cock- shutt 10 -inch grain grinder, Will sell Or trade for cattle. Contact Fred Arkell or phone Bayfield 47r5, evenings. , 1.041i. -14-b Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet x'e'inishing and re - Pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinotn 761M, (HU 2-7029). 1.5-6-7-petbf FURNITURE FOR SALE FURNITURE, 18 MONTHS OL]). Chesterfield and chair; 5 -piece din- ette; Sunshine heavy duty range, Owners going Overseas, Phone Clinton 574W. After April 15 11U =9555, 13-4-5-6b STEEL 13UNtt BEDS, WVII mattresses ($15.00) ; one mahog- any top desk withsix drawers($20.00), Phone Clinton 607:W; (tiU 2.9413) after 6.00 pan. lap ABY CAT R7:IAGl10; CI#,i11 With new mattress S1; Stroller. taker like new $10; bathirrette 4.00, walker $2,00; rocker $2, Arps lily 13 Toronto Blvd. RCAF" Stat - Lon tliriion, p15.bne Gl.fitton '77211; (FII? 27570), 15-b a� ? '%i1maiw . -err ,es : FARM LAND FOR RENT PASTURE FOR RENT, CAN aceomx nodate 12 head of cattle. Also a number of fence posts for `sale. Mrs,,,IT, Booth; Phone Clin- ton 60331/ After April 15 dial HU 2-9949. . 15-b HELP WANTED.-rFEMALE WAITRESS WANTED, APPLY- Ruby and Bills Snack Bar, Phone Clinton 6$7M, .(HU 2-9361), 15b FOR LAUNDRY WORK, Five- clay week, 55c per hour to start, If able to maintain production, 75c per hour. Phone 312W (HU 2-7064) or apply in Parson, preferably, to A. Garon, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 14-tfb HELP WANTED—MALE YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN bakery.' Apply in person to Bart- jiff Bros, , 15-b Excellent Opportunity ccrecontinued expansion has atdn opeings for several young men with the following qualifications: complete high school education; age 21-28; • ability to meet the public. We offer $200 a month to start with regular merit increases. We have excellent employee benefits including group life and hospitalization insurance, pension retirement and stock ownership plans. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 35 A West Street, Goderich Ontario 14-5-b HELP WANTED ALERT DEALERS CAN AV,ER- age $5 an hour selling useful pro- ducts. Women also qualify fpr this position. Openings in your surroundings. Familex, Station C Montreal. 15 -le WANTED: Reliable man as deal- er in Huron County. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. /Big profits. Products furnished.on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dep. D-169-163, Montreal, P.Q. . 15-b HAY FOR SALE CHOICE BALED HAY. IRVINE Tebibutt, Phone Clinton 518J1. Af- ter April 15, HU 2-7474. 15-b QUANTITY OF MIXED HAY, al- so some cull and split beans. Gor- do •nGilbert, RR 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 79732; (HU2-9934), 15p LOTS FOR SALE DESIRABLE LOT on Townsend Street. Vicinity of two schools. Phone Clinton 304; (ICU 2-9566). 14-5-6-:b LAND FOR RENT GOOD PASTURE, lots of water; also land to be ploughed on shares. Phone Clinton 601R2. 14-5-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 30 PIGS. SIX, EIGHT AND, nine weeks old. C. ' Vanderhaar,"` RR 1, Londesboro. 15-p SIX PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Ross Hoggart. Phone Clinton 802J12. After April 15 HU 2-9878. 15 -bb TWO WORK HORSES, ABOUT 11 years old. On Bayfield Line. Phone Clinton 468R.1. Jacob ZVvele, RR 2, Bayfield. 15-p 8 PIGS FOR SALE, BIGHT weeks old. Willis Switzer, Phone Clinton 468W3. After April 15, HU 2-7467. ' 15-b TWO REGISTERED HEREFORD Bulls of serviceable age. Choipe quality. Apply Elgin n Nott, RR 4, Clinton, phone Seaforth 847 r 5. 15p TWO TOP QUALITY Shorthorn Bulls serviceable age dehorned. , Pieced reasonable. Roy F. Pepper, Seaforth, Phone. Clinton 628W12. After April 15 Dial HU 2.7473. r 15-16-p SEVERAL PUREBRED CANAD- lan Yorkshire hogs. Desirable type, a Serviceable age. Can be register- ed, 3. Arnold Jamieson, Phone 1 Clinton 616W4. After., April 15, j HU 2-9828. 15-b 1 ONE HOLSTEIN, AND EIGHT • registered and grade Ayrshire cows, all milking. Same fresh and ethers to freshen next fall. Must 1 sell all, or s'oine of these cows this , week. Harry Plumsteel, Phone ; Clinton 631J1, After April 15 c HU 2-8286. 15-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gllbert Rms. Mink ; Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 148331. or 148334 Jptfb PERSONAL l 1 H'WiETT'S REMEDIES -- Eczema remedies, Asthina remedies, and r the rest of the famous line are r available at Pennebaker's the IDA l Store, sole aengt. 3-711-1:5-b ' WATERLOO CATTLE !.reeding Association. "Where Better. Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information plume Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00, Rare or: week days and 7.30 and 9,80 a.m. on Sundays, Af- ter April 15, Call IWU 2.3441. fenfb POULTRY FOR SALE 200 R1'h X RoCH PULL.'', ihr ee months old, Phone Zurich 84r3. 15-p CLINTON NEWS -RECORD (it4ASSII?'I,ED RATES CASH RATE (U paad by the • Wednesday following puiml ea - :tion.) Two cents Per ward, minimum P. cents li/y ,cents o, word for each following i#mser- tion, " minimiini 86 cents. HOX TIMR.ER-.-16o ,extra., BIRTHS, MARRIAGES and DEATOS--no •charge, • ENGAGEMENTS, NTS, CARDS QI+,. THANKS & IN MEMORIA1l1S -.-Two cents per word, mininmxun 6o cents. CHARGED.. ---16 ,cents extra, ' DEAI?14NE.-12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, BIRTHS ECKERT—•In; Clinton ;Public Hos- pital, on Monday, April 9, 1956, to Flight Sergeant and Mrs. Walter Eckert, Clinton, a daugh- ter, 0,40.0113%-411 Chilton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, April 8, 1956, to LAC and Mrs. Thomas Gag- • ger, Clinton, a son, 1VIeDONALD—In; Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, April. 9, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald, Brucefield', a son, REX'41 -•-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, April 9, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. • Karel Reiter, Joseph Street, Clinton, a son. SMS'lmll-2n Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Monday, April 9, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Grant Smith, Hen- sall, a daughter. DEATHS BRANDON --In Kitchener -Water- loo Hospital, on Wednesday, April 4, 1956, Thomas Matthew Brandon, 84 Regina Street, Wat- erloo, beloved husband of Mae Barrett, in his 64th year; Fun- eral from the Good funeral home, Waterloo, on SetuMay af- ternoon, April 7, by Rev. Mr. Dilliatane, Kitchener, to Mount Hope Cemetery, . ELDER In London, on Friday, April 6, 1956, William Benjamin Elder, London (formerly of Hemi sail:) beloved husband of Mrs. .Elder, in his 63rd year. Funeral from. the Bonthrorl funeral home, Hensel', by Rev. C. D. Daniel, to Hensall Union Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, April 9. HARRISON — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Easter Sunday, April 1, 1956, Bernie Harding, ;beloved wife of Sergeant W. N. Harrison, RCAF' Station Clinton. Funeral i`rom the Nesbitt funer- al home, Peterborough, to Little Lake Cemetery, on Thursday af- ternoon, April 5. JOHNS—In Newmarket Hospital, On Wednesday, March 28, 1956, Addison. F, Johns, Newmarket (formerly of Clinton), beloved husband of Elizabeth Pearen, in his 76th year. Funeral from the Chapel of Roadhouse and Rose, Newmarket, to Newmarket Cem- etery, on Friday afternoon, March 30. METCALF — In. Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, April 7, 1956, Mary Magdalen Chowan, widow of the late Frank Metcalf, in her 100th year. Funeral from .the Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth, to Mitchell Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, April 9. MILLER --In Toronto Hospital, Weston, on Sunday morning, April 1, 1956, Mary Violet Miller, beloved daughter of Mrs. Rhoda A. Miller, Clinton and the late William Henry Miller. Funeral from. Flynn's. funeral residence, Mount Dennis, on Tuesday after- noon, April 3, to Sanctuary Park Cemetery, Weston. SANGSTER —. Suddenly at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles, London, on Tuesday' morning, April 3, 1956, Letitia Robinson, widow of the late James Sangster, in her 60th year, Funeral from the Bonth- ran funeral home, Hensall, by Rev. Donald MacDonald, to Hen - sail Union Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, April 6. CARDS' OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends, neighbors and relatives for their many gifts, cards and visits, while I was sick.—MRS. FRED PEPPER. 15:p Mrs. James W. Gray, Brucefield, wishes to thank friends and neigh- bors, also Woman's Association of Brucefield United Church, for cards, flowers and kind wishes during her recent illness. 15-b I would like to thank all my friends, neighbours, and many others who remembered me with flowers, cards, treats: and gifts. Thanks alto to Dr. Oakes and all the nurses while in hospital—GUY CUNNINGIIAM. 15-p I would like to express my sin - ere thanks and appreciation to ail my friends who so kindly sent me flowers, cards and gifts during my stay in the hospital ,and for their, kindness to me since my re- turn home. Special thanks to Dr. Addison and Dr. Newland and to ny- sepcial nurses Mrs. A. }faddy and Mrs, M. C. Crawford, also to he nursing staff of Clinton Public Iospital, —MRS DAVID (Martha) vV tLSON, 15-b SEED FOR SALE ZUANTITY OF TIMOTHY SEED. aIse number of pigs ready to wean. im Turner, RR, 2, Clinton. Phone Hinton 546W. 15-b QUANTITY OF TIMOTHY eed for sale, Phohe Arnold Dale, inton 811W1; (HU 2-0125) . 15-b ":DN BUSHELS OF TIMOTHY eed, alto red heifer, Holstein x- ereford erase, springing, Apply 'rank Potter, Phone Clinton 08W3; (HU 2-7449). 14-5h HOICE BgAVER OATS FOR ale, Suitable for seed. $1.00 a Bushel cleaned at barn. Please rder early, Milton. Politer, RR O. 1, Varna. Phone Hensall 87r31., 12-3-5-b STOVES FOR SALE ONE WHITE ENAMEL, WOOD or coal range; one Quebec heater, medium. size, Mrs, N, Berry, > r'ucefieid, phone Clinton 618W3 (11;13 2-1512) or Seaford) 659r2215b, WOOD WANTED WANTED A11OUT000 Or standing hemlock. Also ' any aw vomit of maple and basswood. Phone or write Les Morley, Alnsa Craig, 619r22, 15.6.7-p estate, A 'J•CTIO V' SALE: ()leaving Auction Sale of Farm', Faxen, Weir, Maohiner ^ 14ouso- hold Fffeets at Lot 27, Concession z, Stamey Township, 11,4 Wiles. west and 1 mile south of RCMP Station Clinton, en • Friday, April, 13 at 12.3.o noon, Horses; Black Pereheron team (1400 lbs.), • Cattle: Durham cow; due time of sale; Parham cow, due in June;; 6 Durham cows, fresh, with calves at foot; Durham bull, 2 yrs, old; 2 steers, ready for market; heifer, ready for market; 4 Hereford and Durham steers, •rsiing 2 yrs. old; 5 Durham heifers (850 lbs;); 5 Dur- ham .steers and heifers', 1 yr, old. Hogs; 2 York sows, bred 2. rtion- tins; 20 York chunks (90 lbs,), Machinery; Oliver 77 Standard tractor, fully equipped (like new); Oliver 2 furrow plow; McCormick Deering 3 furrow plow; John Deere tractor disc; 24 -inch Dion thresh- ing machine (like new), shredder and drive belt; McCormick 15 -disc fertilizer drill (like new); manure spreader, on rubber; McCormick Deering side rake (like new); 8 ft. mowed; spring tooth cultivator; S- arum. steel roller; 5 -section diam- ond harrows; Massey Harris 7 ft, binder, in good condition; Massey Harris bay loader; sulky rake; 6 ft, mower; 7 ft. Cockshutt tractor mower with power lift; rubber tir- ed farm wagon, flat hay rack; scuffler; set farm sleighs and rack; set of scales; Renfrew cream sep- arator with motor; fanning Will, with motor; Gehl hammer mill (new) ; grain 'thrower and pipes (new) ; extension straw blower pipes; root pulper; grain grinder with 3 h.p. motor; power emery; rip saw; circular saw; aluminum wheel 'barrow (new) ; quantity of syrup equipment, sap pails ee pan; colony house 12x12 (new); brood- er; quantity of used steel roofing; new steel posts; cedar posts; steel water trough; 1500 ft, of 1 -inch hemlock lumber; quantity 1- and 2 - inch elm; :carpenter's tools and other tools. Grain: • Mixed grain, suitable for seed; 300 bales mixed hay; some loose hay; timothy seed, Wood: , Body hard wood; limb wpod; pile of cedar rails. Iousehold Effects: Two stoves; Jewell range; day bed; 5 chairs; arm chair; cupboard; complete dinner set; -pillows; 2 bedroom suites; inner spring mattresses; toilet set; dining room table; milk cans. - Farm: At the same place, the farm will be offered for sale at 3 p.m. -150 acres; frame house with all modern convenieces; new two -car garage; L bank barns with hydro and water, good stabling; 130 acres suitable for crop and pasture, 20 acres hardwood bush. Inienediate• possession. Ten percent down, balance in 30 days; sold sub- ject to reserve bid. Terms: Chattels—Cash. ESTATE OF THE LATE WILLIAM SINCLAIR Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk • 14-5-b FOR SALE 1y, STOREY, 6 ROOM DWELL- zng, modern convenience, good location, small barn on proper tys fruit trees. Early possession. Price, $6,500. o_ 11/2 storey, '7 -room dwelling, flush toilet, running water. Situated in village of Londesboro. Immed- iate possession. --o----- 1 STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, three bedrooms, modern conven- iences, oil heating, :Full base- ment, low taxes. Situated on Highway 4, south of Clinton. Early possession. ----o— STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, two bedrooms, modern conven- ience. Sunnorch. Early posses- sion. Price, 1,000. —0- 1 STOREY, 7 ROOM DWELLING, 3 bedrooms, 8 -piece bath, fur- nace. Well located, two blocks from post office. Early posses,. cion. Price, $5.500. -----o- 1 STOREY, 2 BEDROOM Central Mortgage dwelling. Down pay- ment, $1,800. Monthly payments, $28. Early possession. —o Apply to II. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real Estate Investments Bank of Montreal Building PHONES Office HU 2-9644 Res. HU 2-9787 CLINTON, ONTARIO Rid Your Attic O "Don't Wants" Run An Adlet You may get a month's supply of gasoline & oil FEE•E If You Buy At Wells Auto Electric Clinton Community Farmers AtTCCION SAVES EVERY PRIDA cnttioincing !tit 1.30 p,m4 TERMS CASH Jr OOR.ri � saes Marra„ e't E, W. Ei,x',to Anet onetrr �y�,,� K. YY r COLQ11110VN, Clerk PAGE FPS ROY THEATRE OLINTON. NOW; THURS,r :FRI,. ,8 :SAT, "YOU'RE NEVER TOO YOUNG” Vistayision It's Jerry Lewis at his maddest and merriest as. an 11 -year-old turned loose in a girls school. A new high in slapstick. Dean. Martin -- Jerry Lewis Diana Lynn -- Nina Peeli MON , TOES, & WED. "din .Richard and The Crusaders" Based on Sir Walter Scott's classic novel "The Talisman" and a nice blend of romance, action and deeds of derring--do. -- Rex Harrison -- Virginia Mayo -- Gee, Sanders Coming: DOUBLE. BILL *'RODEO" Jane Nigh and Johne Archer "SPX CHASERS" The Bowery Boys RECEPTION for MR, AND MRS. HOWARD .ALLAN, BRUCEFIELD Wed., April -18 SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Mu HANK NORRISsic' ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome 15-b RCA VICTOR RADIOS AND TELEVISION Yoru' Old Radio Accepted As Trade -In. T. A. DUTTON RCA VICTOR DEAL -ea L3RUCEFIELD Telephone Clinton HU 2-3232 F HF n'TELEPHONE Goderich • NOW; THURS,, FRI; & SAT, Double Feature Programa Mari 13lancihur4 .-- Frank Laveioy and Rickard Penning Burled treasure, a, suspeeited mord* erer and a hurried trip to JBerlin„. Germany, combined in a melo- dramatic _thrill picture The Crooked Web Randolph :Scott -- Angela Lansbt ray k Warner Andexson A raw town in Colorado wit'h..a main street nobody dared cross but the straight-shooting marshal' of Medicine Bench "A Lawless Street" • Ina Technicolor MON., TOES, & WED, Jose Farrar -- Trevor Howard and introducing •"YANA„ A new and outstanding attraction —a smash hit in London—current. ly topping the list in America the desperate adventure of the canoe commanoes heroes 10, survivors 2. Cockleshell Heroes Cinemnascope and Technicolor Corning; 'IT'S A DOG'S LIFE' In 'scope and color with Jeff Richards: LAWN TOLLING SERVICE for CLINTON and DISTRICT REASONABLE RATES RAY POTTER Phone 601J1 HU. 2-9997 15-6-7-8-b a 2-9036 ASHTON'S TAXI E NEW, MODERN WHIT: ROSE SERVICE STATION Located on Victoria Street, Clinton Will be open April 1, 1956 APPLY TO: SAM MCDONALJD Phone Clinton HU 2-9589 12tfb VIP,..ry. i 4,i SPRING BUYS l N WORK CLOTHING WORK 'PANTS 10 oz. Sanforized Denim, full cut, all sizes, as low cis WORK SHIRTS COOL! COMFORTABLE COTTONS, Chambrays, Coverts, Twills, plains or checks. From X2.35 up WORK SOX $2.95 pr. All Wool Sox — nylon reinforced PENMAN'S ALL NYLON 3, 4 & 5 Ib. weight, -- 75c up Prom .. .............. 89c pr. • PENMAN'S BALBRIGGAN Light Weight Underwear COMBS, $2.25 SHIRTS' and DRAWERS $1:35 Headquarters . . .For tO STR4p r REG'D NAPE MARK OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TELEPHONE NUMBER 15 NU 2-9732 PiCKETT 'Pa CAMPBELL Main Corner