Clinton News-Record, 1956-02-23, Page 5=T AX, rrAmmay.A.1956 ACCOMMODATION for RENT .SOUR ROOM MODERN APART- ment, Available now. Phone Clinton 376W, 8-tfb 'FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR tent, suitable for couple. Phone COinton 62. 8-b 'THREE ROOM FURNISHED . apartment, close to downtown, share bath. Phone Clinton 751W2. 8-9-b ,MALL HEATED APARTMENT for rent in Seaforth. Apply Dr. E. A, McMaster, Seaforth, Phone . 7-8-9-b 'THREEROOM FURNISHED apartment, suitable for couple. •:-Separate bath. Also a garage. Available March 1. Phone Clinton '641. 8-b APARTMENT TO RENT. THREE rooms, private bathroom, Furnish- -ed. Available February 16. Phone Clinton 199W. 7-8-p FORMER HUSTY'S S T O' R E, apartment still vacant, Also •apartments, basement space. See 'O. L. Switzer, Clinton. 7-p BRAND NEW, FOUR ROOM, furnished apartment. Private en- 'trance, private bath. Apply Box 81, Clinton News -Record. 8-b 'THREE ROOM FURNISHED •apartment, share bath, central lo - astern, Apply Herman's Men's Wear, phone Clinton 517. 8tfb 'FURNISHED APARTNLENT IN :the town of Seaforth. Available March 1. Apply to Harald Jack- son, Seaforth, Phone Seaforth 474. 8-9-b ' THREE LARGE, UNFURNISHED second floor rooms with hall and • balcony off living room. Share bath. Private entrance. Phone Clinton 78W. 8-9-b 'CENTRALLY LOCATED s e 1 f- • contained unfurnished, heated', four -room apartment, three piece bath and private entrance. Avail- able March 1. Phone Clinton •-444W. 8-p UNFURNISHED DOWNSTAIRS apartment, one block from main street. One bedroom, bath, din- ingroom, kitchenette and sitting - room. Nice lawn and room for small garden. Phone Clinton 193W. 8-b ARTICLES FOR SALE CARLOAD OF CEMENT expected to arrive February 24. Mustard Lumber & Coal, Brucefield, phone Clinton 902W2. S b MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE OR Trade, 1953 Harley Davidson 74. Buddy seat, saddle bags, wind- shield. Phone Clinton 702J4. Gar- th th P ostill, RR 3, Clinton. 6-7-8-9-p TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent — Move — Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna, Ali work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb ::.4EINTZMAN GRAND PIANO, medium size, suitable for home, church or music hail. Priced low for quick sale. Also new and used pianos on hand. Trade-ins accep- ted. Garnet E. Farrier, White - 'church. Phone Wingham 711J1. 7-8-b FEBRUARY APPLIANCE `iarg- • Gins. Your choice of refrigerators, brand new 1956 Admiral, 7.8 cu. ft. refrigerator, white, blue, yellow or pink, or 9.7 cu. ft. Firestone re- frigerator. All one price $199.00 No trade-ins required. Also Gen- eral Electric floor polishers at '$39.95. T. A. Dutton, Firestone store, Brucefield. Phone Clinton `.902W1. 84b NEARLY NEW • 36" GAP BED Lathe (less motor) lifetime lub- 'ricated ball bearing, headstock spindle takes No 1 and 2 Morse 'Taper accessories. Complete with • 3 rests, 3 face plates, adapters, chisels, etc. Takes %" x 24 thread drill chuck at either end, aean also be used for sanding, buf- fing and grinding, 4 speeds. This lathe can be seen. at Reg. Smith's :workshop, corner of East and :High Streets, any evening after 6 e.m. Phone 131W. Priced right for cash sale. 7-8-b ARTICLES WANTED WE WOULD LIKE TO BUY 'Limoges, and Haviland Limoges, sets and pieces. Also other old 'china, silver, glass and brass in good condition for cash. Century "House, Hayfield. 5-6-7-8-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1947 CHEVROLET HALF -TON truck in A-1 shape. Also 2 reg-. istered Ayrshire cows, springing. Apply to Elgin Nott, RR 4, Clin- ton, Phone Seaforth 847r5. 8-p BOARD AND ROOM WANT.E'D I3OAI2.DER OR room. er. Male preferred, Phone. Clirn- ton 261M. '8-b ROOMER WANTED. t ITCH E,N privileges if desired, Phone Clin- ton 1398, after 7.30 p.m. 8-b BABY CHICKS DAY-OLD, M I X ED CHICKS, cockerels, pullets --order now for APRIL—some started chicks hi brooders, AMES-IN-CROSS hy- brids. J, E. STACKHOUSE, Wil- ton Grove, Ontario, 8-9-10-1-b BIG -4 CHICKS - A SPECIAL discount front pricelist, if ordered this month. Any time—they are bargains. When you consider ,qual- ity, Hatchery has wide choice, Canadian Approved, chicks—day- old and started—standard breeds', crosses and "specials" like Ames, Pilch, etc. If you want to cash in on the good markets for Grade A Large—Get your chicks now, Agent, Chas. Scott, Auburn, phone 43R23 Blyth. 8-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. 13tfb EARN WHILE. YOU LEARN. Men or women willing to work part or full time make good living selling home necessities. Write for de- tails and free catalogue. FAM - ILEX, Dept. 3, Box F. Station C Montreal. 8-b CUSTOM WORK ELEC.:1'RM MOTORS, Rewound and repaired. Home and Auto rad- ios and' appliances repaired. Art Levett, Isaac Street, at Dunlop. Phone Clinton 138W. 41-'tfb FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. • L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments. 334113 100 ACRE FARM, BRICK HOUSE. Bank barn with strawshed attach- ed, driving shed, hydro throughout. Five miles south of Clinton. Apply to Harry Taylor, RR 1, Brucefield, Ontario. 7-8-p MANY GOOD FARMS, LARGE and small, in Huron County. Real estate is our business. Buying or selling. Contact Jahn Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich, Phone Goderich 1108. 8-tfb FARM FOR SALE, 200 ACRES, Lot 29 and 30 on concession 8, Hullett. 125 acres workable 114. miles from school, 21, miles south west of Londesboro. Equipped with hydro. Apply to Dick Vodden, Ontario St,, Clinton. 7-8p Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M 4p-tfb HELP WANTED—FEMALE WAITRESS WAN'i'inD, FULL and part time. Bartliff Bros. Res- taurant. 8-b FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Modern equipment, good working condi- tions. Phone Clinton 312W or ap- ply in person, preferably, to A. Garon, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 44-tfb RCAF OFFERS YOUNG WOMEN VALUABLE TRAINING as CLERK TYPIST MEDICAL ASSISTANTS SUPPLY TECHNICIAN RADAR And Many Other Trades. u: a * 30 DAY LEAVE A YEAR WITH PAY MEDICAL and DENTAL CARE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE RECREATION FACILITIE'S ': :k * Write or Apply RCAF RECRUITING UNIT 147 King St, London Phone 4-7314 PLEASE SEND 1VIE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Name) (Address) Age Education 8-b NOTICE E. Lone staff Optometrist will be absent from SEAFOITH and CLINTON offices Monday, 'Tuesday and Wednesday, February 27, 28, 29, while dtrendirtg an Optometrical Congress in Toronto where The 'latest in visual science will be discussed and demonstrated. FARM 'EQUIPMENT ForS010 MASSEY..} ARRIIS TRACTOR No, 20 Rowcrop; land packer; Fleury-. Bissell double disc; Fleury -Bis, sel two bottom plow on rubber; Massey -Harris three section spring tooth; Massey -Harris rubber tire wagon; Cgekshhutt 10 -inch grain grinder and 50 feet of 7 -inch rub- ber belting. Will sell, or trade for cattle. Contact Fred Arkell or phone Bayfield 47R5, evenings. 8-9-p FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE ABOUT FOUR OR FIVE TON, cut wheat straw. Phone Clinton 341W. 8-p HELP WANTED—MALE MAN TO REPRESENT SINGER Sewing Machine Company, Goder- ich. Salary and Commission. Will have training on service and sales. Paid while training. Good chance for industrious man. Good pro- motions. Hospitalization and Ben- efit Plan. Car necessary. Apply W G. Henderson, Singer Sewing Machine Company, G o d e r i c h, Phone Goderich 1135. 4 to 7-b Part -Time Salesman required by Simpsons -Sears to sell electrical appliances, farm equipment, building materials, and plumbing and heating projects, In Clinton and Vicinity on a commission basis. Past selling experience in this field helpful, but not essential. Reply in own hand writing stating age, qualifications and telephone number to BOX 71 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD All replies held in strictest con- fidence. 7-8-9-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN COW, DUE TO fresh- en first of April. Phone Clinton 300J3. 8-9-p 12 PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD, Apply Ross Hoggart, Phone Clin- ton 802R33. 8-p TWO REGISTERED HOLSTEIN cows, five years old, due within a month. Parc, Johnston, Varna. 8-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 1483J1, or 1483J4 9ptfb LOST AND FOUND FOUND—IN FRONT OF NEWS - Record office, one brass swivel type screw plug. 8-b FOUND—BETWEEN BILL Coun- ter's and Reliance Service Station ("The Old Mill") one ratchet and socket, size 13/16. Owner may have same by identifying and pay- ing for this adv. Clinton News - Record. 8-b MISCELLANEOUS ' MORE FARMERS ARE SWITCH- ing to Surge Milkers for faster, safer, cow milking. Contact Lov- ell McGuire, Wingham, Surge Service Dealer, phone Wingham 593. 5-6-7-8-p BAYFIELD REST HOME, "the home within a home". Home for convalescents, elderly people. Home cooked meals, registered nurse in attendance. Only a few vacancies left. Phone Bayfield 37. 6-7-8-b WATERLOO CA're E Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for' all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and 7,30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. 6-tfb EGMONT MINERALS for Cattle have proven to supply all minerals cattle need to maintain good heal- th. At $7 per 100 pounds it sup- plies these essential minerals very economically. Always available at the farm, or a phone call will bring it to your door. 3. W. Van- Egmond, phone Clinton 805r13. 46tfb PET STOCK FOR SALE YOUNG MALE BUDGIES; Hartz Mountain Canaries (German Roll- ers) $8.98. Female Budgies $6. Eric Milner --Flowers, phone Sea - forth 393. 8-9.10-1-b PROPERTY FOR SALE WARTIME CENTRAL Mortgage house, 141 Victoria Street (high- way .0 Two bedrooms, Garage. Phone Clinton. 525J. 8-p 5 FAMILY APARTMENT HOUSE, fully furnished, good locatilin, ex- cellent income. Owner will sacri- fine for immediate sale. Good pay for itself home for working man or retired couple. Phone Clinton 733.. S -p TENDERS WANTED FOR. SALK, f;Y SEAt;Pile tender, the leenmiller United Church shed, 3Q' 75'. Good timber frame, single board, pine and hemlock siding, with heavy corrugated Steel roof, good as new. 20 per- cent to be paid when tender ac- cepted, balance in 30 days. Also a coal or wood furnace in good working condition. elighest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted, Tenders accepted to March 15, 1956, by DIfred ,Moore, secret- ary of Trustee Hoard, P.R 4, Cody erich. fi-9-b C Ieel N 11'EWS-RF,GU OI SSIEIW RATES CAST RATE (if paid by the Wednesday following p plica- tion) — Two cents per wend, adnernune 50 cents. 1V2 cents a wore for each foliowing bump, tient u mo- tion, minimum 35 cente. Box NUMBER ---•150 extra. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES ane DEATHS ---no eharge. ENGAGEMENTS, CARDS OF THANKS & IN MEMORIAMS .,Two cents per word, minimum 50 cents. CHARGED -15 cente extra. DEADLINIt-42 o'clock noon, Wednesday, Cards of Thanks 2 Cents per word, Minimum 500 I wish to thank eveyone for their many acts of kindness, cards, treats and visits, while a. patient in St. Joseph's Hospital—JO Th LINDSAY, Bayfield. 8-b The family of the late Mrs. T. Manahan would like to express their sincere appreciation for the floral tributes, cards of sympathy; and many acts of kindness of friends and neighbours, shown during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to pallbearers, flawenbearers, Rev; J. E. Ostrom, Dr. 'Thompson and nurses. 8-+b AUCTION SALE PAGE FIVE. DEATHS ATCHISON At Lethbridge, Alta., on Wednesday, February 15, 1955, George W, Atchison, form- erly of Holmesville. JOHNSTON --- In Brantford, on Tuesday, February 21, 1956, Margaret Davidson, widow of the late William Johnston, Bly th, in her 73rd year; Funeral from the Ball and Mutch fun- eral home, High Street, Clinton, this afternoon, Thursday, Feb- rtlary 23, commencing at two o'clock. Interment in Brussels Cemetery. MANAQHAN -- In Clinton, on Thursday, February 16, 1956, Fanny Jos'1ine, widow of the late Thomas James 1VIanaghan, in her 100th year, Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, on Satur- day afternoon, February 18, to Clinton Cemetery. SPOONER,--In a Saskatoon hos- pital, on Wednesday, February 15, 1956, Charles Robert Spoon- er, beloved husband of Maybelle Spooner and on of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Spooner ,(form- erly of Clinton) in his 59th year. Funeral from Knox United Church, Saskatoon, Sask., by Rev. G. Duncan Wilkie, to Woodlawn Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, February 17. To Be held at the farm of Larne Tyndall, GoderichTownship, 1 Health Unit To mile west and half a mile north of Clinton on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 58 at 1 o'clock CATTLE -- 26 Holstein cows, some fresh, some due sale time and others due from March to May; also six Durham cows due in March. This is a choice herd of milk ccws with lots of size and condit- ion, HOGS — Two purebred sows third litter; 19 York sows carry- ing first litter, due from 1st to end of March. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 8-b SALES HELP WANTED WANTED: MAN FOR S'1'LADY travel among consumers in Huron County. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only re- liable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. 13-169-131, Mon- treal, P.Q. 8-;b $12,500.00 in a year $1,000.00 in a month We have an opening in the Clinton area for a mature man to join our top producers, mostly in their 50's, who are drawing $8,000 to $20,000 in a year . . . $1,000 to $2,000 a month. WE NEED a man who is: 1. 40 to 60 years old. 2. With selling experience. 3. Able to travel a week at a time . and owns a car. WE OFFER a fine business: 1. No investment needed, 2. Earnings paid in advance. 3. Long-range security. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE EX- CEPTIONAL EARNINGS MADE' BY SOME OF OUR CANADIAN MEN: E. W. Coskey, $2,301.51 in a mon- th; N. W. Somerville, $1,201.15 in a month; J. D. McKay, $557.83 in a week; G. Bourdeau, $527.66 in a day. Our company is over 21 years old, internationally known, and is a leader in the field. Some of our men, like C. H. Libbey, J. H. Pea- cock, W. D. Michael and others earned aver $20,000 in a year. If you want to make good in a new business, then you are invited to write me personally, telling about yourself and your experience. All replies- confidential. PRESIDENT, Dept D-4, P'. O. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. 8-b The News -Record Sells Counter Check Books TENDERS for the building of a VAULT at Clinton Cemetery are being called. Plans and specifications will Abe available at the Town Clerk's office after Feb. 20. (Signed) GEORGE BEATTIE, Chairman, Clinton Cemetery Board 7-8-b A llIIIIflIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIfIIIIOIIIAIIIIImNIIllflllllllll NOTICE TOWN OF CLINTON To all Motorists: Due to the serious parking problem on Clinton's main street, motorists are requested to limit parking at any one time to two hours. Motorists are also requested to refrain from all double-park. Ing or parkh'ig on the wrong Side of the stteeet. Warning If the motoring public fall to Co-operate In thishClin- tan T wn Connell Will be forced to take more drastic action. W, J. Miller H. R. 'Thompson Mayor Chief of Ponied I11111111f111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111✓I110l11Illl111111111111lll(IIIIIIIIIIIIINI1110111 Be Chairmaned By Grey Reeve The reeve of Grey Township, Clifford Rowland, wasappointed chairman of the Huron County Health Unit Board succeeding Mel Crich, former reeve of Clinton. Other members of the board for this year are Reeve Dan Beuer- man, McKillop; Reeve William Jewitt, Hullett; Deputy Reeve Art Gibson, Howick, all new members of the board, and W, A. Galbraith, Wingham, provincial represent- ative. This year sees a staff of seven full-time nurses and one part-time nurse, headed by the nursing sup- ervisor, Miss Norah Cunningham; a public health veterinarian, Dr. T. R. Malady, Dublin; two sani- tary inspectors, W. L. Empey (chief) Blyth, and Robert M. Hale, Clinton; and an office staff of three clerks. Polio Vaccinations Last year there were 7,046 polio- myelitis inoculations given to the first three public school grades; 2,264 tuberculin tests were given in secondary schools; 2,545 inocula- tions were administered. There were 1,503 smallpox vaccinations' given to school and pre-school children. During 1955 close to 6,000 homes. were visited in Huron County by public health nurses; 58 chest clin- ics were held with a total attend- ance of 1,003; 97 regular immuni- zation clinics were held; and 85 prenatal classes with a total at- tendance of 890. The 49 child health conferences had a total attendance of 245. The unit also offered some nurs- ing counselling service to one of the county collegiates. This has been expanded on a trial basis to the grade ten group in each of the five secondary schools. The nursing staff for 1956 in- cludes Miss Dorothy Sewell, whose area includes Townships of Gode- rich, Colborne, Ashfield and West Wawanosh; Miss Mary Love, Wingham, Blyth, Morris Township, and the north half of Grey; Miss Gwen Barr, Seaforth, Brussels and Townships of Tuckersmith, Mc- Killop and the south part of Grey; Miss Barbara Sauer, Clinton, and Townships of Hullett, Stanley and part of Hay, and ' Zurich; Mrs, Stelle McRae, Clinton, part-time nurse--Hensall area, and to assist at clinics. 0 Huron County Crop Report (By G. W. Montgomery, Agricultural Representative for Huron County) Intermittent snowfall coupled with the occasional thaw contin- ues to augment the water supply. With little or no frost and an ex- cellent covering of snow, hay, pasture and wheat fields are win- tering well. Approximately 300 farmers at- tended the Annual County Hog Producers' Meeting this. week. The majority of those attending the meeting gave their approval of the program that the Ontario Hog Producers Co-operative is carrying out on behalf of the Hog Produc- ers, woosinewormeniwomarmeemerwevers FOR SALE 11/2 storey, 7 -room dwelling, flush toilet, running water. Situated in village of Londesboro. Inuried- iata possession. — o 1 STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, three bedrooms, modern conven- iences, oil heating, full base- ment, low taxes... Situated on Highway 4, south of Clinton. Early possession. 1 STOREY, G ROOM DWELLING+, two bedrooms, modern canven- lenge. Stineorcli. Early posses- t rice, iSTOREY. 4,o (100. IiI . 5 ROOMED 10WEt LING, with two bedrooms, nil heating. Two lots. Price;$3,500. dash, r�' ly Montlt payment, $85possession. Apply to H. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Pool Estate Investments Eittolt of Montreal Building illto#ietit Wilde tSnit; Rea. 210 • bltANII)N, ONTARIO RoXY THEATRE V L I N T 0 N NOW: Thurs., Fri. and Sot. "ULYSSES" Teclinkolor Homeric adventure on a wine -dark sea -- thrilling spectacle and stir- ring romance in one of the ,great- est films of all time. Kirk Douglas -- Silvana, Mangano Anthony Quinn MON., TUES. and WED. "Abbott & Costello Meet the Mummy" m�.my The able Abbott and his scatter- brained sidekick run riot among the pyramids. A mummy never had it so good, Even the sphinx laughed. — Marie Windsor — Michael ,Asara .--- Peggy Ring COMING: "The Stranger Wore a Gun" Randolph Scott — CIaire Trevor COMING EVENTS 4c a word, minimum 75e Modern and Old Tyme dancing for all at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night, Music by Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. 2 tel Thursday, Feb. 23—Bingo, Leg- ion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street, Clinton, commencing at 8.30 p.m.; 15 regular games for $5.00; three special share -the -wealth games; 58.00 jackpot on 58 numbers, in- cluded in all the share -the -wealth games; one special game for $25.00. Admission; 15 regular games for 50c; special games 15c, 2 for 25c, 5 for 50c. An evening of fun for all bingo players, 7-8-b Friday, Feb. 24-8.15 p.m. Var- iety Concert, St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield. Lunch. Spon- sor: Parsonage Board. Admission 50c, 25c Friday, Feb. 21— Euchre and Dance in Varna Town Hall. Music by Hank Norris and' his Ranch Boys. Sponsored by Varna LOL No. 1035. 8-b Friday, Feb. 24 — Dance, Leg- ion Hall, Kirk Street, Clinton, 9.30 to 1. Come out and enjoy an evening of new and old time mus- ic Huron. Ramblers Orchestra. Am- ple parking. Beautiful floor. Re- freshment booth. Admission, 50c per person. First ten unescorted ladies FREE. 7-8-9-b Feb. 24 and 25 — "Winter Wonderland 1956" ice carnival. Clinton Lions Arena. Sponsor: 'Clinton Figure Skating Club. 6 -7 -b -8x Monday, Feb. 27 — Band Prac- tice, 8 p.m., Clinton Concert Band. Council Chamber. 8-b Tuesday, Feb. 28-8 p.m., Card Party, IOOF Hall. Everyone wel- come. 7-8-b. Friday, Mar. 2 --Benefit Euchre and Dance for J. Lindsay and Bill Orr. Cards to start 8.30. Bayfield Town Hall, Hank Norris and his Orchestra. 8-9-p Saturday, Mar. 3—Home Bake Sale in Council Chamber, 2 to 4 p.m. Auspices: Ontario Street Girls' Club. 8-b Friday, Mar. 30—Twilight Mus- icale, Wesley Willis United Chur- ch, Auspices: Good Will Club. 8-b Saturday, April 14 —Rummage Sale, Town Hall, Clinton. Good Will Club of Wesley -Willis United Church. 8-b Goderich Pavilion dancing. Sat- urday nights, Paul Cross and his orchestra. Wednesday night s, Clarence Petrie's' Night Hawks. 6-tfb (DCI Hi-Lites The students had an afternoon's outing last Friday. Nearly every- one in the school took part in a skating party at the Lions Arena, here in Clinton, sponsored by the Students' Council. The teachers and fifth formers enjoyed a fast game of broom ball with the teachers upsetting their opponents one to nothing, AT TELEPHONE TMEPIiRf 50 Goderich Now: THURS,, FRI. and SAT, ,Fred Maelyfurray --,- Dorothy Malone and Walter Brennan Telling the story of a peace -loving shopkeeper who downs a bank "robber with one lucky shot and then has to cope with a vengeful, gang. "At Gunpoint" In Cinemgscope & Technicolor MON,, TUES. and WED. (Adult Entertainment) Victor Mature -- Sylvia Sidney Virginia Leith & J. Carrel Naish In an Arizona copper -Mining town the lives of a dozen people are excitingly affected by an Amish farmer and a young father during a 24-hour period. "Violent Saturday" Cinemascope & Technicolor RCA VICTOR. RADIOS AND TELEVISION Your Old Radio Accepted As Trade -In. T. A. DUTTON RCA VICTOR DEALER BRUCEFIELD Telephone Clinton 634R4 a IF You are using the mortgage plan of buying your home, YOU should know about our 'special MORTGAGE INSURANCE. CONSULT— HAL HARTLEY Representative CANADA LIFE Clinton -- Phone 454W Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTTAuctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W --- Clinton HALF PRICE SALE CONTINUES THIS WEEK Buy Now and Save ! SPORT COATS SWEATERS ZIP -IN -TOPCOATS - JACKETS SPORT SHIRTS at HALF the ORIGINAL PRICE SHOP NOW AT PICKETT Awa CAMPBELL Phone 25 LIMITED (Main Corner) Clinton