The Wingham Times, 1888-05-04, Page 1f Vot. XVI -NO 18 • WINGHAM, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1888. - • ..N.fitialle WHOLE NO. Ko e 'OOAL?1W3. W -xt- ieTlie dottacil. ineetion Monday eveniog -Tlie Dominion 1 ittliament is expected eseereasy c nets, filerts,conars and Ties. • th adjou....e about th 18th of May, M etefseoo, -A Datiltsion washingniachlne, new, wijth. wringer for Oslo et $ Ltracey's. - Price tild, can to -bud for 30 A bargain for some ono, Who gets.it ? -The two lector to have boon /even by Clarke, the boot Lek orator, have been cencelled. • -It is said that b 58 -per cent. nf ti .total vote was polled she recent Scott eleotion, -Wren minima° i new piano or organ for a good efriving here°. Apply to 1. Davis, Winginut - Rev. I.DaViH,I to Mr, El. Davis, of pointed a canon of - A., London, brother, s town, has been ttp. Ur dim:steel of Huron. -Now is the time to tlecortite yourtil!oepll at S. Grucey's and se0 Ms niee lot of ou paiiiteteseele chromes. and cintain poles. Akio 4 largettstgell of mouldings for picture Hauling. Bring along your pictured and got:them framed. -Rev. The .Tain , of WitIkertoh, was elfosen Moderator. the Synod of Hanle ton aud London, met at London this week. • /Nee..., 'Flee • eeThe Wingluun iiitnet Meeting of the Methediet church, whiolt Rev. li. d. McDoweil is chaiten u, mem oLb Brussels cm Tuesclity earl We uesday, the 29nd and 231d of May. -Last weelc, Mr. . Connell was called upon to perform the -ail duty .of attending' hie mother's funeral. She died peacefully 'and hopefully, in ( snack, being m her 700 year. -St. Marys grant d a bonns of 93ti.000 for the removal of ti e Maxwell Manufac- turing Company's vo ks from Paris. The by few carried by 4 4 majority, only 34 Votesbeing polled agt ust it. --Chanters total a •esement is $623,745. It has $75,600 exern t from taxation. It's papulation ie given et 3,003. The popu- lation hue inerense by 118 and the as- bessitient by 928,335 u the last year. -All who are int ested ht the getting tip of the tentempla d tradesprocession ro tho 21th of May,•e requested to meet in the town 11011. on tiestday evening, the Pth inet th uppoin a matiagement cowl tnittpe end perfect t raugemeets. -111.r..Sna. Cement 0 and a party a poi' oniets, who along wi It their -stock and efi feots.left the C ecl Traitit J4tatio11 here on April 10th. 'rived at Shoal Lake, Man., during the it of the 10th, heving ha a moat satisfa, torsittrip throughout. .. -The Licenee do tnisitiotiere under the ,Croolcs Act will be le same as`they were under the Scott att In the West Riding they are Mee:tree:1' .e Stevens, Clinton; b. Godeeielf; 0.4c1 W.' Drummoed, Blyth. , continue to dis- charge the daties ot his Orme. -Says the . Listo el Standard: Mr. W.'. jitcheil hotel Are er, milli:Hulk, who has been eonfineel o his room for. some nitealts, died Frig sr. week. He leaves a wifeaind, ttvo semi o mourn his loss, who have the sympatl aim comtaunity in their sad bereavetri • nt. The deceased was a sett of Mr. A. Mi bell; of Viegluten. lizw-Le.werejaue,.. lir. S. G. McGill, bar- rister, .ten., of this • lade, hee taken with him into partnersh Vanetone, Esq., of Kincardine, a you and rising lawyer of the Bruce bar, an. te Police Magistrate for that county ui the Scott Act. We welcome Mr, 'Van one to our town aud wish the new Arm very success, -Arrangements re being nisele for a grand Celebration Winghtun on the 24th of May,, under th auspices of the Fire Brigade. The in rest being• manifested augurs well for it • emcees, marnmeth tracles'processioa i &sten the programme. Thin vee have lac.r e and foot ball matehe es, thriving, jumpi foot and horse races, thi eVening entertainment will be idien. Cheap rail ety fares will be a): etained, Mr. Fre Wright is the active seeretery and h never does thing° by hulV03. . . .--,Those who sp nt Friday evening with Bengough iu the wn hall, enjoyed a rich intellectual treat. Ilis; keep perception of ..the ludicrous, ,, e... deep ,knowledge a .hunian na;turei ,, i'e firm grasp a nubile queetiens,.agshi 1 tunlaggressive moral* his untevelt.61.1s.' dents ,for pictorial rem. smite bleu jefi a earls of criticizinOlitnen . fis and measures, s ability as a dielpetarian,* his facility, of e pression and mental con- centraetion, a combined .tel make his varied orogen me highly entettaining and profitable. F ur or five . eminent OW- ino 11011141101114were re produced'i ' 'suggestive and splendid style o the grit),lamusement of the audience. We regret to hoar that tbe Lacrosse Clu are losers from a finaucial point of view. -It is ti some decided notien was taken to roan Rate the baud. It is greet: ly to be regre ea that this maw has been so long nog! ,eted, There has been no practice for total's, we believe. Why should not W tgliare in this respect bo on a footing with other towns? It is impoe: siblo for a ban to exist *without the hearty ,remport of the itizensand committee. It is ‘leeirable that °me definite understanding be reached be veen the band nnd the gout': cll. Surely p ities ought to have nothing to do in this o sitmlar matters. We aro told by memb rs of the hand that now int strutnents ar necessary before the re- organization an be effected. Wo hope members of tl bawl may meet the council with some re enable proposition and an sunlerstaricliti be reached,. -tressrs.finmeld & Son are some Mee, emollient refrigerators on band. -What are SAM to bo t 'ct largest meat blocks ever cern in this locality may 0.411011 In the stall of Mr. George Shaw, -Four ladies obt tied the degree of 111, I). at the receut chief g exercises at Queen's College, Kingston. -Dr. Macdonalda ill loin a position tq resume his medical: ractice iix Wiugliarn about the 18th of 11. Please make a nom ot the feet that the only 011111110.1tobbor Paint lin ittanufneturse by the Rub- inc Paint 'Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, and the only place yon ean buy it Wingham is at Jas. A. Cline 3 Co.'s hardware store. --ItiesSrs. Dore & nook 4 Wool -ikon AilovrIght4 road cut ts. They hove Ins tor Mr. W, Blaek. Aileen shops must come to the lung a rushing business,n Id the °Wortley to Itir,R, North Bruce, two due Ithisbed a real dandy one visiting their extensive nniclusion that they are twithstanding dull times. -Mr. M. G. Dippel, of the Waterloo public School, and Mr. D. Bean, of the Elmira school, have bought from Mr. R. M. Munro the Waterloo Chronicle. Tho Chronicle is one of the bet local business °films In Ontario, as Waterloo Is ti Dartford Of Canada as an insurance centre. Mr ippol is a live, pushing glover 30110,31 brother to 41 Dinpel of the bank here. 511 Bean isscholarly, Awe d, and popular, and 11 is reasonable to expect they ( III make u.sueecss of their MOW venture., atr Munro 11 s bought the Port Elgin Times -If a live Board o Trade, comprising the shrewd itud energ tie businees men of, the town, were in exi mice, the question of early closing woeld 1 bye been effectively settled in quick oaf r. Xust imagine an organization of the 1 a.ding business men meeting and agreeiug n u eourse agreeable to all, instead of inter 'awing, httgglillg and criticizing. A Board. f Trade is simply a convemeet, efficieut a d iinauential busi- nese men's organizatio . ,-tWe believe it wou physical, mental ancl to have the early closi ceetttia measure of necessary in order to, inz.eorpore sano, Dahl for relaxation is hero be conducive to oral development g measure adopted. ut door exorcise is naintain Mons sana aly the best time darkeess sets in. Purchasers ought to b able to supply all their wants by hash) the sh.ops oPeu ten or twelve hours. Th oppressive beet is most keenly felt in el ps after the lamps aro lit, The mejait of business menare 'only too anxious to 1 e the ettrly closing inaogurated and Or etly enforced. The only difficulty her i iu the, case of the resteeirs,nt num. T1 summer is their liervest, 13ut. they, c rry certain. lines of grocerios, such as ban ed. gods, tobaccos, fruit. 'This difffeulty light be obviated by their entering bite( at agreement not tie sell these after the li r fixed for °toeing, Lot them agree toisell.i thing stotconstun-' ed on the plaid:lbws. This we believe, would meet thewish s of the regular petty ought noto b fustrered to serve grocers. The.wi 1 an wishes of the ma-' the ends of a small ,th tority. Early C101^ ing is the thost tittiein 1 and satisfactory .policy, at least feltumm -ilia tumor mouths. 1 • .pzusoxix,s.---Ifrx D. B was iu Own last seek a Call en Tire ',rine. EI resideet of Wingham \ One log shantee east 0 and lie saw it attaiu its position. lienougCt the Ontario. Like pally n away, we behove bei coining back again: - and Mrs. John ;M. Far are at preeeut visiting ,Brussels Bridget :M. Bre was rewing ole•acqua tveek. Mrs. W.. T. Camp sent for some time vi Mrs. T. Cowherd at A Brie.)--D1r. James Loolci specter a the Northern AVMS ill 'WW1]. US couple o M.r.'Lockle was for rutin aud trusted inspeetoe at 'Waterloo. A man of go wide reading and liters manners and liberal opi eral favorite wherever through his exations'N, the fluest Mechanics' In OuttOio.-Missaiizzie al wholefb here oii the 18th In Moose Jaw on the 2 meeting them theree journey well and had a -etbriss MaxWell, of Mor wers, of Harristen, id made a plettstum tells us he w0,see ten there was but Josephine street present honorable usiness centres of ore who have gone ulges the hope of erie Vitiate Mr. ow, of Winghturt, iends in town. - non, of Winglmen, :tallow) here this an has been ab - title her mother igarf, near Fort of Waterloo, in - ire Insurauee Co. days last week, years the effeeieut he. Uercentile of uetural abilities, taste, agreeable ions, he is a gen- ie goes. Largely aerie° has 0110 of itute• libraries in 1 David Watson f 'April, arrived ncl, their father 'hey stood tho ry pleasant trip. , was visitiug at Mr, Alexandee Ross', sen "s, last week. -Mr. W. Litligow alad his clu •e booked for botauiziug exileditien in 0 1 country this week. -It is gratifying tr that Mrs. Mules, of Clittton, who A some time soriouely iudieposed at ster'e last winter, hits pttetty fully Toms, of Goclerich, w Tuesday, sitting on as Rev, S. A. Anderson, 13. A., a wiatocinwoh, wcotioro on at the meeting of Synod in Loud Mega/writ' attctifled the meuti this week.-111rs! W. T, Yates o vas f r. ecover J udge s in Wiatoho.m on deitration 0ase.- 11. D. Donderson, of nday on their way to it Mai NV00114,--11.43V. 11. g of Synod at London • visiting her friends at Goderieh.-510. C. P. Orem tr, who has been visit- ing her parents! at the l3ttlt18 tick Douse for some months, left fa(iTorotito on 8 educsday, where the family are to raid& hi the fut e. Mr. Groover ret presents Mr. Iptvland, whol sale hardware mer- chant, WS. Gt00Vat 1155 many wady well-wishers In Win hani„-milis Fannie cosset for 0ronto on.,8%etinesday.-41 London Township, and Mr. Gra Sunday arid 11101thly at Winglitu f e 1 1 t • ti 1, of Turnberry, left ssrs. 13. Reunion, of t, of Parkhill, spent Geo. Gleeson, telt. Ile haslextewt sive 1113111contra.. ts the Go rnment, employing sixty or severity horses, Ile It. o formerly a grain buyer at 1311110Y, Nati is 1110.01.10d o a daughter of Mr. John Geddes, 01 003). 3, Morri Ile 18 3. great uti. mime of t131 West.-eapt. Forthof the salvation Army of this town, had 101 at ck of apoplexy, on Sunday evsning last, at the me ing was in progress, -Misses Annie and Ida Bell, th latter from Detroit, are visiting at Mr. John Bell's MI Mrs VituAllan's at preseny.-Mr. and Mrs. Jam s Johnston of Pat. morston, were in town this wed. -Sir. elirts:Meeaul, of St. Catkarines, was visiting ils 'father at Lower NV1itg1iatn, last week.-Nlessrs, George Drummond 411(1 11aweett 11058011 of Tetew ter, were in town on Itriday-Nr. George MeClymot , ditishet at Mr. T. .13eIrs factory, has reinoveo to 1 neardine !leaked. 111101N, Kerr was saver* injured y fiJli.Ih 54 1.110 salt Stibseribe for TUE Trues, • the grounds. -ma cricket elti tut malting Improvements on -1P011, T110 BADISS-A 11160 10t of bab,v carriages just received at S. Gracey's. Who'll be the first to buy y10 '( Call end see them TrallAY 111011T- octal yaluohi Gloves,Iioslery, L too end Embroider -It is said that ti Polluting the Minos He, This ought to the authorities. -The next ni Circle will be he Monday 0 /ening -The boy ot an near Turner's 111111,03 empanelled a inr,Y 0 formation was (Mei obtained 415 20 the pe misnoo, decaying carcass 0111 horse is ore near the road, on the pml- ye the tInutiediute attention of ting of the W. L. Nt S. d at Dr. McDonald's ou ext at 8 o'clock, •nfant was found In the river Monday last. Coroner Towler Tuesday morning, but 110 in - d. clue has since been ietrator of the inhuman aot, CANADIAN PACIFIC :".1:IelI1tT 0;210ICE.', For tickets, maps, guides or any other information regarding this road, call an O. E. Williams, Ticket Agent, 0. I?. ft,, Wiugho.m. • Town seisment. Mr. S. Youhill 1 is kindly fUrnished is with some statisti s' gletteed from the as. seesor's roll of 18 that may be of interest. In 1888 the total r si estate assessment was $41'2,075, an lucre e el $5,243 over last year. The persenal pro erty amounts to 974,135 an increase. of $ 0,335. Tho income' as: sessed is $13,050, s increase OVOr '87 of 99,800. The toba 1 of personal and income is $87,785, an inc ase of $29,135.over '87. Tim total of real, personal and income is $499,800, an incre se of. 535,123 over '87. Tho population ti 's year is ,079, an in. orease of 140 over ast yearj There .was recorded last year ' 4 births and 20 deaths. The record of child 'en of, school age is as below: In 1888 ti re were 522 between 5 and 10 years and 96 in '87; in '88 there were 290 betsveen 7 nd ti ad 313 in '87; in '88 there were 217 •etWeen16 and 21 ancl bitt'200 in '87. The number of clings de- creased from 111 t 99, about the per cents,ge poisoned in se last year, we pre- sume. IdIAITLAND LO 1 GE, I. Q. 0. F. Anniversary Scrli n by Dr. Ward. Based on Matt., 2 28, e' All see are brethren," Rev. D. d preached vat • earnest and. n4tmu]atbu sermon to Meit- land Lodge, No. 119, I 0) 0. F., on Sun- 4.44fternoon last. Chr stianity. he said, Iiviug, power suiti g itself to all tho demands of it chengm r world. Society was subordintite to the iiehest power cm earth, capable of subd ng everything to its glorious and ever extendiug sway. Couuterfeits, in christ nity, as in other things, are but proof f its reality. Its power was evidenced y the influence a the church, christia experience, the spread of missionary zeal and humau philantroph, charity aucl benevolence. The existence pf the 0. 0. F. organiza- tion, aud its underlyin principles, was to him even a proof of chi tianity. Referring to' the orgauization in few of its surface characteristics, he beli ed it to be: 1. It aocepted the Bibb as its text book: It wee as the gift ofeGod, s cpurt of appeal, .source oonifort ,•d consolation, it power for the evetneeliz tion and salvation of the world. 2 .Tins ot mnizatien tends to soften and aubclizehuma nature. It checks gloomy fOrebodings, dt ws out human sympathy, refines ,brigh us and brings out nature's loveliness, and velopsfeeliugs of gratitude. 3. It is um i centive to thrift, behig beeed on the pri iples of regular contributions. 4. It is an expression of mutual confideuce."Col 'donee is the law of cohesion in society. 0 It is a merci- ful operatiou in society, having for its fundamental kinciple th carrying out of the Apostles' idea of "p and undefiled religion." 6. It tee,che. the brotherhood of mon and the Father ood of God. It condemns selfishness an self-rightemee ness aud inculcates be evolence, good will; fraternity, the tette being its corner stone. It hes always hea tily responded to the cries a sufferers fro accidents, epi- detnics, fires, tee. Its pr teiples lived out have 1111 elevating, refinh g, softeuing, up. liftieg tendency, rnanife mg the spirit of the Master. He urged h s hearers to c011 - sides "One as your ma ter" and to give themselves by aelf.con ecration to His service, thus working aloug the same line as the church and o her agencies for the elleviation of the stiff ring and the up- lifting and npbuildiug all umauity. HoWic The school in S. S. pletely cleaned out, ow alence of measleS. Mr. James Ritchie, 17, is one of the shrew successful horse deft) west. Ile has recently some heavy sales. To ley and Mr. A.. Runste stitilt, he hes just sold imported stallion, "LT Princess mare,, Lady 0 Douglas for the hands $23800, These wero 13. Winklee,. Gretna., • are really choice •Stock, 13. 1.WO veer o'd off Prim use, eotting a good tigui 1 is com• ig to the prey, f Lot 4 Con. est and most rs in the been inakieg e. 11. Ash. tier, of Neu. Lis three old ionist," tile .11 and Lady me fignre of Light for Mr, anitolnt ar He also sold -A. Mum ss for his own given i„ theretori 1 et T1111Tssies Miss Annie U11 derson, daughter of 'Air. T. Hendersm was visiting at Mr. A.. Beirlie, near tssels, last week. - Mr. Jackson Wil 1, made au eloquent address on the 81 ;riot of "Mind," in Johnston's school et Saturday even - lug. Mr, Wilson vill some day be a leading light in thi profession he now adorns,- Mn Reid a Stone Sehool, emend liee, passed y your correspon. dent's note book o hie way to Robt. Stuart's, Bluevale, They Etre chinas and went to the L ormal together. - The snow having telted and flooded the ditches, these have carried their dirty burden to the most creek, wego back again to sit id y by and listen to the music of the ,orchestra which swarm the banks. The farmer has his work pfl sum orize,d and armed with the plow hand es and lines sallies forth to conquer th ground and thus prepare the way f the sower. 11 18 a very pleasant th' ig for the ."boy" as he digs hisplough •tit of the place it stopped last year, la bitches his horses on with a merry ea .and jauntily set on one side of hi head, looks for a clear space to star . The place seems easy to find and s on the team 113 in motion but the lormng son4 dies away, the, team ie cio fresh. They go this way, then t at 1way, no. line is straight. .This pl ae4s not the "boy." What is to be don 7 jA. jawing is what the horses get, bt th4t. does not effect them. They mem, t4 get worse and after the boy is in sckd round a stone a. couple of doze t t Ines and geta wipped up with t le lottgh handles while he tries to t rn 1is nose into the coulter he learns t nom h to mind his own blisiness and et the horses alone. By noon the seem d day, the novelty has worn off, the etin draws steadily, the plough jigs a the boy holds his tongue end th field has many a black streak. goes .ploughing. How weary me II; ig ourselves dowit 00 the straw bed 01 1 dream of whoa, hew, •gee; moreine miles but too soon and Urns the .merrY days ily by. Next week harrowing .wi I be the order of the day. Newla. dge. The Fordwich eo respondent of the Gerrie mudsiil eon: .ted the fow wits which nature grudg • ugly gave him and succeeded Lb: writhe a0. article which for la,cleoVii.elani i d sense cap only be compOd to its': uthor. Ile is ev- idently 14:Using st r•gazing by look- ing through the bet • 1 of a beer glass. Ho does eot appear to oe piare of his man. and gives only passing, remark. He states:that the ewbridge corres- pondent pay be seei walking the roads with an old fiddle ti d in a paper beg. This is RD utter faidI mod as he never welkod the roads as tilted by the.poor bolligIuted scribbler f .Fordwich aud we Would inform Ida that because lie (Ford wich gcribe) ISIt lutUSku 11 he need not think that eVer ne else is. He fiuds faint with the mposition of the Newbridge items . a Ming sucli as would shame a 441 year old Itoy Well the scribe of Fo elwich is nearing Vie borders of the s ties and really his spelling is as rem rksible 58 ho is hiniseif be will fi d some remark- able spelliug if he lou is over him last weal of trash to Cror to r Nate. He says the Newbridge c, respondent was hewn from the qua ry of nature. Wel1. witch the ecrlue f Ford wich was been out the sculptor ost the pattern and as the result ono f the houdiest specimens cf hainanit was let, loose upon the faceof the ear 111156 was ever seen. He may be seen 1 ny time around Fordwieh with to leer ci 1 his mug try- iug to get his nose int other peoples liminess. How he m tugos to pro- cure a living is more 0 131 W11 Call say unless the organ for wl 'ell he writes pays him end as he 061 not prepa e contribution to a p,ip .r himself he must merle have a se- Ttary mid he has solected tele holdint ati in:portent position hi the town of ortlwieb, thns making the mistakes at ear more fla- grant to the pullic. N e would advise Wm before trying to oo Tot others to see Unit ho is correct•hi rhea and not lay himself opeii to con It. binder or tor Inechinery nge for e horse, Mee, WGIA NDUSTEIR3. W. J. CHAP N'S TANNEEN, AN EXTENSIVE MA VEST GLOVE no tr. The other day a -Taxes repre..e.nte. tive had a stroll lirough Mr. W. J. Chapman's tanner aud over 111-i tidy and beautifully la d out ground' his neat, 'lew re idence overlooPing the Maitland, on ,1 ictoriastreet. l.1:11t; surrouodiegs,we b dieve,to he anneigA the trimmest an tidiest in towe, Mr. •Chapmaa is o doubt all JAZ:et lover o±,. the pisc oriel art, as le. btt year had bui:t fine trout Tenni. Owing to mime a pareet defect in tht • pond0 he hae not et had his se,orily forwarded. A businessund the managen.e_st of a man of Mr.011 .pman's experience., shrewdness, execu ve ability., &tile of character and int rrity, might Lett:r- ally be expected t proper. .1;„-atior Mr. Chapman*, ersbip for wivett years, the Tennery 111.3 t111 a ino:t successful i dustry. on. Viesoria 'stree. .-11Leing the rive: Maitland, near th Salt Eloeir, tale; front stracture is 0 by 80 feel, the rear one 42 by 8, with an teigiite house 50 by 12 feet His specialty ie. the tanning, of s eepslrina met tivc, making of hervest 1 its. He paruleise.: the majority of thr sheepskins within a radius of fifty tni is from Wing:elm. On the average • lie handles from -0t) to 250 skins week] . Abo'ut ten dezne. pairs of Leas are m, cle daily clurieg thy season. They a cat out at Ult... tannery and made y his amplopei; at hoine. Ito tures out aboitt 1,0%.0 dozen pairs durinthe season, em- ploying sevenor ight baudg. Tlk. market ig nntiuly t le Cities and taveate of Ontario, but -1 ' moods have !t,...te: sent to British 1 lumbia. l. Jintited number of calfsl ins are also terdeed. Ail yreeseyi al i,u u s t ay, managed: ! the ceetletapleSties.. and -good -jr pcssessra by t1 . Chapman, to continue a s re° of profit te itet owner and satisf ctory to those bayine its products. • TA1T's =TERM ENAMELLED EAR '11ENWARE, t3T11`1. TERRA COTT.A. A PLACQIJE About a year Leo the Winginua Pottery was sold b .Mr. J. Bradwie Mr, J 0.11108 Tait, wile is. begineing Auspiciously fur t e present seasoe, The pottery is sit seed at the .i'eat of Josephine etreet, ear the M.Litlatel river. The Way ol Mixed here appeue, to be admirably adi pted for the mum. facture of al kind - of elay and Int enamelled %Varet l n looking th lei I. the other day we fo nd on hand ver72 large and attreetl a stock of c,v.ln: pots and hum r p0 s, milk erodis. um; pans. jugs, jars, 1)wer pots, watt pitchers, &e. .OE r sttenticts especially directed t a•fule astioina • of rustio nod tern f11.1. and placques. Thl letter are •artietie , in design mid Might to ho very »eieetine • ., with ladies pilled ing the art. 1‘,Ir. Tait us a new itteA.J10, of cloy wa`shing er these eesele - !Myer adopted in 1118 S0Cli0Ii. kb .product . of this p • ttery supp.4 large area of cot itry, none 110)1,11r the!) eaforth nn.1 • may. Mr. Tait $ an industrious, young man, who, possesses slit iCiOilt eourn:v business snap to 110.kO a. sm.,: this line of liusine s. We wet., informed when we stated in oo., issue that 1r. T: it had go; (.? partnership with M 0. Ilarbti... List vel. cincicier lib 0 1ii.P12t will 1:' on the 2,4th of Ma A, lergely latent Rail wilt: lug was held here tst Tuestlit• which expressed it tlf or of the extensim to (4oder;. and agreed that d iegittes appointed front all niunicipal:!.,:..; 'Wrested to lifters ow the C. authorities upon ot constrnoting sneh 100, and 1 terview proves s isfaetory, 1111111011 Govereint it should 1,, to grpt 11 subsid , 'aceorda- tisage, r„ I