The Wingham Times, 1888-04-20, Page 1VOL. 16
le •
AF,RIL 20, 1888.
Vor lot printing call on Tan TWA.
-.Seiteonable advice Keep out df
ffraiights, keep the feet dry and stick to
• Your flannels,
-Mr; W. A. McClymont, who has been
Bilifering from au attack of quineY, ia able.
to be around
,a4The Hen. George W. Itds, Minister
Education, will fortnally (men the. Sea-,
forth Collegiate IuHtit1t ob Fridwy, the
20th hist;
Black, of the Dexter livery par.
chased u handsome .teairi of .ponies from
Mr. Johnston, of Paimerstnn, for Which lie
T..Miteliell, formerly of Wing -
hem; liaarernoYed.theplant of the Drayton
Vidette to Erin •to replace the Advocate,
recently destroyed by fire.
—Xid Moves to suit eery person, ft all shade*
tstyles, and alnico from 25 cents upwards, at M, '
Moodoces. Also a very largo and well assortel stock
bt 'Silk, ii'alIette and Lisle Gloves. See them;
-The history of a country naturally
divides itself into peiods with, particelar
appellations. The . present has heed
• characterized as the "crankorian" period.
-The 14,w of compensation as stated'by
a woinan ; "When we are girls they don't
. go away tU after midnight, and when we
ere wives they.dou'b come home till after
•• -At a meeting of the Oatmeal Millers'
Association it was decided that next season
• All millers should make a difference in price
between .v, bite and black oats, when re-
quired for oatmeal.
ifOwing to the dangerouscondition of the
.4idewalk on Victoria street, between. Mr.
Lenamex's blacksmith shop and Dr.• Tani-
lyn's corner, a ntimber of porous are wine
plairiing of bruised limbs.
-On Sunday marniug.last as N1:14. Orr,
• Kinotber of Mr, Robb Orr) was crossing the
street at Dr. Tamlyn's corner, she slipped
And fell, •-neiking a Imola 'below the
oye.lie had to die assisted to her home.
' the first onarter- of 3.888 there were
• ,528 failures in Canada, with assets of $2,-
794,342 and liabilities of $5.702,857. Cum -
pared with 369 failures with $2,120,868 of
assets and $5,588 890 of habiliEies iu 1887
far the Bartle period. ' •
-Seaforth San An editor works 365
ideam a year to publish 50 papers --that's
•.1abor. Occasionally a subscriber pays in
•one'dollar-that's captal. Novi and'thdri
• some slimy dead beat takes the paper two
years or more and does not pay fdr it-
• that's anarchy. • , •
-Dr. Chisholm; of Wingliam, attended,
the last meetieg•of the Huron Medical -As-• .
sociation ab Clinton last week. Interesting
cases Were presented or examination and
a profitable session was spent. The next
• meeting is to be held at Seaforth on the.
iseeond Tuesday in July.
-Mr. Henry Clarke, the veteran pump
Tooker, largely Qoutrols sales in Wingham
and surrounding °ciliary, notby mavo.
listic means, but by the genuineness of the
• articles made, He certainly must have a
'wide ffcope whish heholds solid, air he turns
:out over 300 pumps yearly. •
-The. annual meeting of the Ontario
Branch ,of the Royal Caledonian Curling
Club was held at Toronto lost week. The
Thamesville curlers were the Tankard
winnere for the year. A:handsome gol
medal was also given them as an additional
souvenir of the Tatiltard victory. The
silver medal was won brGelt as the second
club in tbe competition.
-At the last meeting of the Brussels
Coutibil, a grant .of, $100 per annum was
made to the village band, ori condition that
they give a • tveekly open air calico&
1Vingbarnites are recreation loving and
musically eppreciative, but the prospects
for enjoyment in this respeet are not
promising for the coming season. • We
• should like to see the band more cordially
supported than it is.
-A. former .Wingliamile, now residing
in Kent county, in remitting leer eubscrip.
• thin, tilts speaks apprediativelyTIIETrielai
BOMBS to DS every week as a letter from somo
• loved ftiend." What roore appropriate,
iteceptable or les S ex me remembrance
could those Who have friends living at v.
distanee, send than Allan a copy of the
local paper from the place that was 611.00
their foram)! honie? " Time is money " and
you can ease time and stationery and please
• your friends greatly by sending thous Tire
. -
Toms at 6 dollar a year.
Subscribe far Tina Trans,
Wingliani WAS ipeorpOratcd 1018711 and
ieoludes 080 acresof land.
-.Property 011ie value of I/75,00Q ie ex.
empt from taxation in Clitnoti,
Mr, deo. Sliaw•bas .nioved 1ti butcher
shop into the etyma .formerly occupied' b
McCormack dr Co., 14.the Beyal block.
-Itev. Mr. Ayers,. of Garip,preadried
lii the tlethodiat Church lest Soeday,
haviug exchanged with Bev. Kt. McDowell:
-The new quo,drnple press Of .the New
York lit.rld prints the largest number of
papers per hour yet attained, namely 70,-
-14.11.moineee le feeding in fashionable gultIngs,
Pantings and Wog Overnoatings, and WW not bp
undersold, ...See the stock of Hats, Shirts, Collars
bald Ties that Ito is showing.
tatpy. D. C. McDowell is attending a
meetiugof the Board for the examination
of intending divinity students at Listowel:
this •week.
-We have received the first issue of the
Southampton Beacon. We hope it may get
all the support it expects and deserves frOre
that northern burg.
-A. French physician says children are
made left handed hy mothers carrying them
on the left AIM: The infant, having its
arm 'free,'gra,sps at ebjects with it and soon
thus develops its powers. .
-Mr. plume Campbell, of Morris, is
running the Royal hotel during the absence
ot its proprietor, Mr. John Macdonald, who
is visiting in the vipinity of Bayfield. •
-An illicitstill, run by P. Gallaher, was
seized in Stanley towuship last Monday by
Collector Cavan, of Stratford, and officer
Browu, of Goderich. Gallaher was .fiued
I/100 and one month'S imprisonment.
• -The wife of Mr. George Barrett, 'living
outside the corporation, has been indis-
posed for some days, in consequence of a
tight received owing to the thoughtless
• action of A few youths in attaching some
superfluous tinware to a stray cur, tise,t iA
its fright entered Mr, Barrett's resideaeo.
-At a directors' meeting of the Bank
of Hamilton, Mr. jas. Tutubull, valeta -at March and Apal.4,tencling .pessen
manager of the Lpudon and Canadian gers should call on Mr. Williams fcir
Loan and Agency Association, Toronto, information, maps', &c. • Trains go via
was appointed cashier of the hank, sue-
rth Bay. Call early,' Berths ee-
eeeding Mr. E. A. Colqulioun,who :resign -ea cured without extra charge.
on acpount of ill health.
Each week during March And April
-A store is offered to sell or rent, Bee
....Beinember the Cricket Club meeting
to -night in Meyers & Dickinfion's office,
—we have seen sow) beautiful lettuce thus early
in. he season, grOWn by Nr; Samuel Youhill.
going to preen We legit that majorities were
given aiminst the Scott Aetas foiloWs Wingham 80 ;
Clinton 031 Goderich 01 ; ' 13russels 07; Myth 41;
Exact. 30 ; Scaforth 53; Turnberfy 30 in'fiti•or of the
, -Everybody ought to see the peanut
roaster at Jas. Meltelvie's, then you would
buy your peanuts there too,
—Postai cards and postage stamps maybe obtained,
from games W. Chisholm, at Chisholm's Corner Drug
Store, Winghant.
-A cleverly written letter appears in
another polo= frcim the pen of Mr. W.H.
Yeinbill, late of the Trues.
—Mr. James Moffatt has deckled to allow MO im-
ported stallion, '0' Lord Hadfield," by McGregor, to
Stand at the 'Brunswick house stables. this season.
He Will bo therolor inspection nextThereen.
--A great treat is in store for the people of Wing -
ns Mr.,). W. Bennugh, the famed cartonist of
Grip, is to appear in the *own hall next PrIday even-
ing, under the auspices of the Lacrosse Club.
-Owners of stallions wanting neat route
bills should certainly call at Tag Toms
office. Superior work done on short notice,
Assistance given iu preparing copy if de-
-Mr. John Wilson, V. S., has boUght the
Week on Josephine street, belonging to Mr:
McConnell, oil Teestvate9 Ibis tbb prem-
ises occupied by Mr. Wilson and Mr. H. Li
Knapp, barber. •
For tickets, maps, guides or any other
'information regarding t his read,
on C. E. Williams, Ticket Agent, .0.
P. R., Wingham.
-The next meeting of the Wingham
Literary and Science Circle will be held at
the resideuce of Dr. Ward, John deed, an
Monday evening, April 23rd, at 7:30. All
• members are requested to be present.
0. P. R. EXCURSIONS.C. E. Wil-
liams, ticket agent for this road, Ilea
reueived instructions that there
weekly excursions over the. 0. P,:R. to
Manitoba and the Northwest during
• BOAnn 05 EDIMATIOn.—Those preeent at
special excursions will be run by the Grand
Trunk railway to paints in the Western
States, Padific Coast, ete. Moveables and
baggage forwarded to destination. For
through 'tickets at lowest rates ancl all in-
formation necessary to make travelling
easiand pleasant, apply to agent at G. T.
B., Wingham station.
-The Canadian Sportsman's Annual for
1888 .is just issued, containing nearly 200
pages, being a complete . record of every
legitimate sporting event. The book is
published at the Canadian.Sportman Office,
Toronto. Price, 95 cents, paper covers,
cloth covers, 50 cents, and will bo mailed
free anywhere on receipt of price.
Messrs. Gilchrist,•Green& Co.shipped
goods to XeN‘r Nostroinigtor do Saturday
and Victoria, British Columbia., this week:
The first boat of the season takes their
gocids'ict Port Arthur. Montreal is, con-
stantly receiving shipments, and St. John,
N. B. dealers aro urgiug the filling of orders,
So the powers of men and machinery are
-Mr. Dan, Showers, in the employ of
Mr. Henry Clarke, pump maker, had a
miracalous escape last Friday. Whilst week-
ing with a pump boring machine 1i14 erne
•?Alight in the shaft and he was instantly
wound up and the clothes torn off his body
in tattersi) Mr. Clarke, who war near by,
with grail preseuceof mind threw off some
belting in the nick of time and saved his
'life. Mr, Shovers is about, but tillable to
-The Presbyterian Church Mission Band
" At Homo " ou Tuesday evening was very
successful and well attended, no repre.
sentation of young men was especially
creditable (1) no musical part of the
programme was most entertaining, songs
having bon given'by Mr. S. G. McGill,
Mr, It. Smellie and Mr. J. A. Cline anct his
three clever datightere, Nellie, May and
TheYeertaiuly poseese fine musical
talents and their respeetivo accomplish..
monts at so early a stage, ie surprising and
gratifying. Miss Palm gavea couple of
good readiugs Which wore well appriefiated,
7ffr, W. Lithgow gave some imitative songs
in good style, & more than infeessery Stip -
ply of splendid edibles was provided by the
the last regular meeting. were: Messrs.
Youhill, Gorrloa,Pettypiece, Smyth, Abra-
ham, Iuglis and:Moore. Accounts were
ordered to be paid thus: J. Coad, brooms,
000.; R. Porter, wood, $40.71 ; Dow, Over-
tising,11 ; j.A:Cline supnliee, 317.27;
J. Duffield & Son, Supplies, $8,5Q; A.. Boss,
wood, $18.00. A clause in the Prifibipal's
report referrinvg to a fence east of the
sebool, also the carryiug out o4 'arrange-
ments for tree planting ou Arbor day, were
referred to the Managing Committee. The
draw bolts ou the dors were ordered to
be xemovea to the inside. Meeting ad:
Pzuscews.-Mr. Alex. Lucas, of Calgary,
N. W. T., was in town Iasi week. He is
engaged in cattle ranching. He says sowing
'was begun there about the 3rd of March,
but there have beau snow storms since.-
-Mrs. 11. IvIcQuarrie spent a few days
with friends in Lucknow, last week. -Brus-
sels Post: Miss Hill, of Wingham, is visit-
ing in eown.....Lucknow. correspondent of
the Kincardine Room Harry Meyer, ex -
mayor of Winglutra, showed bis pleasant
facie among 114 for it day, this week. Mr.
Harry is popular at home and abroad. -
Mr. John Porter. blacksmith son of Mr.
Alex. Porter, of Turuberry, Who has been
working at Flushing, Michigan, fore the
past two years, returned on Monday, and
is working in Mr. E Dreaver's shop.. -Miss
Jessjo Foster, of St. Louis„Missoari, the
guest of Mrs. H.Clarke, has been in clipposed
since her arrival, but is recoveriug.-Sea-
forth Expositor : Miss Maggie Nicol,
daughter of Mr. E. Nichol, formerly of
Wingham, but now of Boissovain, Mani-
toba, was. married last week to Mr. W. W.
Irelaud, lumber merchant, of Carberry,
Miss Nicol has many friends •in this
country who will extend to her the most
hearty congratulations, -Mr. S. Grew
went to Woodstock on business on Wed-
nesday, -We learn that Misr; Minnie
Adams, of Lower tie inghain, had to under.
go the painful operationof baviuga leg
amputated in London this week, owing to
the advanced stage of a tumor, -Miss Sarah
Hutton., of Lower Wingham, organist in
the Presbyterian church here, left oe Wed-
nesday for an extended trip to Toronto and
other patte. She is'a 'clever young lady,
whose social qualities and earnestness and
festivity iu church work, havemade ber
favorite ana hor departure is subject of re.
gret. James Pitspatrick, of Palmer-
ston, is visiting friends in town this week.
-Mr. john Porter, et Mint, Mieh., is re.
newing old acque.i Malmo intown this week..
-Dr. Young went to Toronto on Monday
to remain a few days. nspectur Malleeh,
of Clinton, 'Tent several clays in the various
.departtnents of the publiesehool this week.
Barr, 01 tbe f3a1ifeti01.44ettnl'i
en Monday .for Paltuersten, Lieut. Taylor,
•of that place, coming to Wingbana.-e-The
Misses Wright, of Teeswater, were :the
guests of Mrs, Robert Aiken A few days
this week. -.r. It, rainier, who bas 11°1(1
• his barber shop to the Sebastian 13roe., re-
moves to Guelph this week t' engage in
the livery business with his brother. -Dr.
A, F.1Slo1entie went to Toronto ou Tues-
• day to spend a few days.-Atr,' Jos, Sebes.
tian, of Toronto, has coThe to 'Wingham. Itficfthe barbering business of Mr. Palmer,
is now to be carried on by Sebastian Bros.
-Fred. J. Cairipb110, of the Canada Paper"'
On, was in town on Tueeday.-Miss Kate
Calder, of Grey, is visiting at 111r. George
son of Dr. Blacdonald,-a
student w Trinity School of Medicine,
Toronto, returned. en Tuesday. Re is
making a splendid record hi his medieal.
studieeA-Mrs, C. McConnell and family
left on Tuesday to join ber husband in
Detrolt.-ttr, John Clegg, representative
of lljaCeskell & Co., Montreal, in paints
and •olls, left Wingham again sin Tuesday.
He -had beep fipending some time with his
brpther, Mr, Wm. Clegg. -Mrs. M, MoD.
Fleming returned from Listowel on Tues-
day, where she had been spending some
time, they not having removed. yet. Mr.
Fleming appear; well pleased with his new
location and the business •prcispects.-Mr.
Ed.'13owles spent a fety lays at Orange-
ville last week, The question of supreme
import there just then was the Scott Act.
-Mr, A.. J. -Anderson returned 'from To-
ronto on Wedneaday.-irMise Lizzie Watson
and her brother David ici;lhis week by the C. P. R.
• for Mbosejaw, Assiniboia. Thev expect to meet their
brother, Angus, at Burnside and their father at their
journey's end. They are followed by the sincere
good 'wishes of many friensis in IVingham)
Address to the Mayor.
At a meeting of the Fire Company on
W,ednesday evening the following address
was presented to the Mayor in recognition
of his having preseuted members of the
Brigade with photographs of the ruins of
the late fire ;
To W. BTUs, Esq., 2fayor of the Thum of
winghant :
Dean Sin, -On behalf of the members
of the Red Cross Hose Fire Company, I
have much pleasure in thanking you for the
.beautiful gift which you have so kindly
presented to 'each member of said Com -
pony. . It gives us much pleasure to know
that our services are appreciated and our
efficiefloy as a Company reooguized. The
present is much prized by each member of
the Company and we one aed, allfeel very
grateful -to you for yqur kind recognition
of our services As a Fire. Company, we
have -always endeavored to. do our dutyin-
the petit, and we assure you, Mr. Mayor.
we shall continue to do so in the future.
Signed oa behalf of the Bed Cross Hose
go. GRO. PnTrItrinan, Captain.
Ocicifepows' Itecognition.
Previo4s to bid departure for Toronto
Mr. floury Graham was entertained to an
oyster supper by the menibers of Blaitlituil
Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., of Wingbam. An ad-
dress was read and presentation made as
under :
To. Brother Ileum Graham, P. G. Maitland
Lodgo, I. 0. 0. P.
•Dsan linornsit,-The members of Mait-
land Lodge, as well as the members of other
Lodges who are resident iu Winghaan, have'
learned wi eh deep regret that you are about
co remove from our sown to the Queen City
of the wetst. During the past years you
have been a regular attendaut at the
ineetiugs of Maitland Lodge, and have
endeared yourself to the great .body of
Oddfellowe Wingham, by your cheerful
and brotherly conduct ou all occasions.
You have proved yourself genuine Oda -
fellow, by your readiness to lend a helping
hand to a brother in distress and to live
the right hand of fellowship to every wearer
of the triple link. In leaving Wingham,
we beg to assure you that you carry with
you tile OSkoen) and best wishes of the
members of Maitland Lodge, who will ever
pray that success and happiness may
stwaye be present to Yourself mud Mrs.
Graham. As a slight token of our esteem
and of cur manyobligations, we ask you
to accept this P. G. jewel, and as you jour.
hey through life, we trust it may remind
you of the mauy pleasant days as Odd -
fellows we have spent together.... Signed
on behalf of the Oclafellaws of Witigham.
Wrottin Rookurreox, I'. G.,
• Secretary,:
Mi:..Graham replied in language suitable
to the oceasion. Interesting speeches wore
made by those peesent, of whom there
were about 20. Mr. McRelvie catered in
his tumid line style.
Presbytery of 1V/a.ttland.
At the meeting of this.. Court, in Wing.
ham, ou Tuesday, there were present; Bev,
Messrs. Law (Moderator), Murray, mato,
son, Leask, Cameron, Davidson. Hose,
McNabb, Stephenson, Ballentyne, McRae,
and MeQintrrie. Bev. Dr.tire, of Goderich,
was invited to sit RR a corresponding mem.
bee, on motion of Rev. ttr. MoQiiarrie, Tim
call from Goderielt to Itev. 4.A.. Anderson,
IS, A. of Whitechureh, was taken up, Rev'.
Dr, Um prosecuting the call. In doing so
lio pointed to the extent of the Goderiely
field, Mr, Anderson's special adaptation for
the work and the necessities of the congre-
gation. The call waft signed by nu mem..
hers and 289 adherente, Ilesses,Buoltuan
anchAilteultead also, in support of the
trauelation, pointed 'but the condition and
reeuirements of the charge, the unanimity
of the cell and the entliuniasm Of titte
people on behalf of Mr. Sinlerson, fa
reply to the reasons given for the tranela-
tiou. Mr, a.D.110ederson. of Whitechurch,
eleerly imitated out that XSXr. Audersonef
present bola was sullicientlytarge, that tw
badproved himself tab° admirably adapted
for the work at Whitechureh, being a roan
of nue ability, a noble worker and itrl
earnest and devoted, servant of °Inlet •
highly respected and, esteemed. A. petition
was presented having the signature of
very member' residing in the charge, ex.
pressing a desire that Mr.Auderson should
remain. M.essre, MoWilliacris, Campbell, .
Leggett, elehiell, Robertson and Bone
made clear, earnest and forcible
speoglies, highly eulogizing Mr, An•
derson and strongly protestiu against
his removal. Bev. Dr. Ilre courteous-
ly replied, and said that according
Presbyterian polity ministers belonged to the wholo
Church, not individual congregations, and it was
tecause MA Anderson was a good and useful num
they wanted him. As an evidence that his center)-.
tion was scriptural, he said, we were commanded
to "covet earnestly tho best gifts," Rev. Mr. Ander-
son said that otter mature consideration and earnest
prayer for direction, he had decided to accept the
call tendered. On motion of Messrs. Murray and
Ross, the Presbytery unanimously ogee& to the
A pall from Knox Church, BrusSels, to Rev. A. L.
Howie, signed by 118 members and 37 adherents,
Pvelklising 8800 salary, was sustained, Messrs. T.
Strachan and W. 13. Dickson prosecuting It. The
induction is to take place on Monday, the 7th cf
May,•Rev. Air. McKay to preach, Rev. Mr. McRae to
address the people, Rev. 31r,. Stevenson the minister,
and Rev. Mr. Law to preside. The induetion Mr.
McLennan into the ;finless congregation Wft5 loit
or& tnt next meeting. There was a full represenht.
Bop of elders and listeners especially interested; ft
Mr. Anderson's case.
A fine speoitneu of Canadian.
draught horse is "Waterloo Chief"
owned by Mr. john Davidson, Con. 1,
Kinloss. He has a good development .
of bone, muscle, proportionate parts, •
size and action, He was awarded 1st
prize in his class at Wingham and also
at Teeswater. •`'
- Luelenow.
The leading performers at the St.
Peter's church concert were: Mr. and
Mrs,. Ballantyne, Kincardine i Miss L.
Derry, Miss Jean Murray, • Miss Mag-
gie Murray, D. E. • Cameron, E. W.
Richards and the Glee .010.
1 The subject- of " .Home Rule" is to • '
be. debated by the Literary Society .
this week. • . . .
,AS'entinel says the lecture by •
Nigerian lileLeoil -I ab - Ivak. did -'1int.--•
emu e upto expectations. . ..
South Kinloss congregation are to
have Rev. P. A. McLennan, B. A., of
Drinbegou, Gleugarry -county, Muted
as their pastor in 'May.
The 10.80 train . Friday night ran
into a team and rig at. the "Grange.
orossiug" about three miles from here,
smashing the waggon and killing boti, -
horses, the whole outfit being worth
about $100. •The train backed up
and search was made, but tho driver -
could not be finind. The owner is
John Mei:eod of Hurog, al -d the - sup-
position is that the team got away
from him by some means and he lest
his way, as he turned up the net
morning about six -miles from the seene,.
of the acuident. He .cart give no ac-
oonut of how it happened.
W th teohurglx.
.,,,,' • .
/The people in this locality have
beard with unfeigned regret that Rev,
Jas. A. Anderson bits decided to sever
his connection with i he Presbyterian
congregation here) A man of _fine -
ability, ripe schoirrship, J•nefgf -aeti:,-,-
v i tv, geniality min greasgevobion in bis
sacred calling, he has endeared himself
to all with whom be came in contact...
Mr. Robert Slime -lien lias sold his.
trotter to T. Collopy for about $200.
leAt a wood he itt John Magee's last
week,. A. Rintotil and T. Irwin,: jr.,
sawed it beech log 17 inches in diem-
etf;r, in 25 Ininutes.‘ They aro tiw
champion- wood attars of East Wa-
wanosh. , They on do the game again.
Tho werolimed by W. n'. li'innen.—
A public debate was held in. this village
lust week, the subject being whether
the '4 Oreimery or cheese factory is
moat profitable in mixed farming,
there being three speakers an each
side. These ebeese industry was rt4s.
resented by S, ',Farr, .11. Currie, W.
1-1 li0111 Olt, and the creentety by Ws.
grove, F. flenry, G. Vilsort.\ iquelt , •
valuable information was given.... T4i..1/4
- deeision was in favor. of the ermine -1.y.
.A lune audience tails present,
"Prato* B." the fine seven year old
dark bay, 143 hand ltigit stallion sire:I
by 11tambrino, is still Ihe t property i.f"
11Ir, John Gillespie and will be kv.Ittli
on. his rot* thts ras