Clinton News-Record, 1953-10-22, Page 6.'AGE six News of Bayfield Representative; KISS LVCY R. WOODS •••••• •-.-.. Mr. and .Mrs. $, Bryant re- turned to Byron .on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. W, Cotton are spending a few days in London. Mrs. R. J. Watson and Edwards spent the weekend with relatives in Kitchener. Miss Jessie Metcalf and. Miss Agnes Savage, Detroit, were here over the weekend. Mrs. Sam Widcombe, Wind- sor, visited Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Parker on- Sunday, Dr. and Mrs. A, C. Chapman, Detroit, are spending a few days et their cottage. Mr, and Mrs, B, Aust and family, London, occupied their cottage over the weekend. Mrs. W. J. Hall, Toledo, Ohio, came on Saturday to spend a week at. her cottage, in the village. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Toms, Phone B.A YPIELD 45r3 s -r-•-•• `•+rte•- Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toms over the weekend. Gordon Heard, Orillia, and Mrs. Gordon Heard and Bob Brandon, London, were home over the week end. Trooper Oliver Hopson, Calgary, is spending a leave with Ms wife and family before being posted to Germany, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Brandon and little Lynn left on Sunday to spend a few days with Mrs, Bran- don's parents in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Rule- paugh, and family of Berkley, Mich. visited Mr. and Mrs, T. G. Postan, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Charles F. Rog- ers left on Wednesday for Ham- ilton after having spent the past Six months • in the village. Mr. and Mrs, James P. Per - NOTICE Take notice that the COURT OF REVISION on the As'sessnnent Rall four the Township of C oc4erich, .dor . the year .1951, will be held in Holmesville on November 2nd at 7.00 p.m. All appeals to be forwarded to the clerk, R. E. Thoi�ri' p'Son. (Signed) R. E. THHOfir1PSON, Clerk. To*nsh p of Goderich 41-2-b Tender Sealed Tenders are wanted for Snow Pi Wing 'ownshi.p Road's in Winter of X.953 and 1954. Contractor to state size of trucks and plows to be used, also to supply own help and equipment. Wings and plows to be hydraulically operated. • Tenders to state rate per hour and marked "Tender". Lowest or anytender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must be in by October 31, 1953. Roy Tyndall, R. E. Thompson, Road Superintendent Clerk, Township of Goderich 41-2-b BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME Ornarnental. Iron Railing — Manufactured in Seaforth — ilk Add that Finishing Touch of "Beauty to Your Home Entrance, Garden. Patio or wherever Custom Made Railings may En- hance the Appearance of Your Home. FIRE ESCAPES We have complete facilities for maunfacturinj apartment outlets and fire escapes. Let us have your detailed drawings or sketches. Seaforth Machine Shop Seaforth -- Ontario — •ASH FOR OUR FREE DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR — guson returned to London on Wednesday after having spent a couple of days in the village, The Reverend E. Carew -Jones is attending the clergy conference for the Diocese of Huron being held in St. Thomas this week, Mr, and Mrs. George Thomson, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Tigert, Dear- born, Mich., were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. H, L Ormond on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Pollock, accompanied by the latter's aunt Miss Macdonald, Ripley, visited friends and relatives in the vill- age on Monday, Walter' Robinson, Strathroy, spent the weekend with his moth- er, Mrs. William H. Robinson, who left this week to spend the winter with her daughter in Niagara I"alls. Mr, and Mrs, Charles .Sell, Don and Joyce, Mrs. E, Beaton and Janice, and Alan Galbraith Motored to Midland on Sunday to visit George Bell while the S.S. "Prindoc" was in harbour, Mr. and Mrs. David. Nelson and son, David Thomas, Lon- don, spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Nelson, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Kingsbury. Mrs. Nelson returned to the city with them, to spend some holi- days in Dundas and London. Miss Grace Pepper has received notice from the Public School In- spector that pupils attending the London Teachers' College have been assigned to do practise teach- ing in the senior room of Bayfield Public School November 23 to 27 and the weeks of March 1 and May 3. Misses A. M. and E. J. Stirl- ing accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Stirling to Pickford, Mich., on Monday where trl]aey will spend this week and attend the Golden Wedding Annivers- ary celebration of their brother George. which is being held in the Presbyterian Church, Pick- ford. Also present will be their brother, Jack Stirling and tw'o 'sisters, Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Crawford, all of Michigan. As iron ig mein, Jack and , George ,Stirling left. Goderich Township o pioneer in northern Michig- an. Their father, the late 'Will- iam Stirling, gave each of there a fine`'teemof horses which they took with the;n0Fifty years ago," George Stirling married Miss; pliza Smith, Pickford, and they; fan'ne'd near . thet , col imunity. They have five children, a son, Merman, and :four 'daughters, Mai garet, Ada, Marie and Frieda We join with their friends here in congratulations and best wishes. Trinity Guild The Guild of Trinity Church met at the home of Mrs. Willard Sturgeon on Tuesday evening of last week. The president, Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer, conduct- ed the opening exercises. Mrs William E. Parker read the min- utes. During the business sess- ion, plans for the Christmas ha- zaar were discussed. Following the benediction, pronounced by the Rector, Mrs. Sturgeon served delicious refreshments. Willing Workers The Willing Workers of St. An- drew's United Church met at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Brandon on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. John Lindsay, president, called the meeting to order with prayer and gave a reading entitled "Three Gates of Gold." It was decided to have blankets made from old woollens and .any members wish- ing to have any made are to leave their woollens with the president no later than October 28. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Mrs. Russel Grainger and Mrs. Arnold Makins, Mrs. ,John Lindsay and Mrs. Reg. Francis were hostesses. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Scotchmer. J. S. Scruton Oil's - Greases - Gasoline Petroleum Products Phone Clinton 377 Phone Goderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR { YOUNG CALVES AND BABY PIGS NE k I OVER A POOR START OR A GOOD ONE. PURINA has the starting and growing programme to fil, your needs: • PURINA PIG STARTENA • PURINA PIG GR.OWET A • PURINA CALF STARTENA • PURINA STEER FA.TENA. • PURINA D &4:11? for Growing Heifers PURINA FEEDING CONTRACTS can be applied immediately to fit your needs for feeding hogs. CLINTON 1 ARMVI SUPPL\ has a feeding programe to suit your farm. CLINTON F RM SUPLY Purina Chows • PHONE 1127 Sanitation Products CLINTONsVs\v„\\:%\7\ k.„,• NEWS-RECQRD Views of Brucef eld MMcQurs. Elsie Forrest, London, spent the weekend with Mrs. een, Mrs. William Hill Is visiting in Stratford at the home of Mrs. Jayndill, Misses Elizabeth Scott spent the weekend with Mrs. A. Ham and Miss M. Swan. Mr. and Mrs, H. Taylor and family have returned to their home in the village. F'/C, and. Mrs. Leon Rushcall were visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Rosa Scott. Miss Mary Gordon, Goderich, was with Mr, and Mrs. T, 13, Baird, during last weekend. , Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swan and family and Miss Edith Bowey visited in Ilderton on Sunday, Miss Becky Griffiths, Strat- ford. visited on the weekend with her cousin, Miss Gaye Ell- iott, Miss June Murdoch, New York N.Y., is visiting with her Par- ents, Mr, end Mrs, J. R. Mur- doch. Mrs, Menery, Bayfield, spent a few days last week with her nElliiecoestt, Misses Kay and Marie , lVir, and Mrs. Jack Hill from Western Canada have been re- cent guests of Mr. and. Mrs. J. K. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. W, IT, Dinnin visited on Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Mary Neil, at Kirkton, 1VIr. and Mrs, Albert Vander - burgh, Sarnia, visited last week- end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Leppington. Donald McKenzie, St. Thomas visited on the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mc- Kenzie, in their new home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. 3, W. Stack- house .spent a week with their son-in-law and daughter,; Mr, and Mrs. T. S. Neale, Glencoe, and .their son, and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Stack- house, Wilton Grove. Howard Vine and Frank Ald- rich, Victoria, B.C., are visiting at the home of Murray and Miss lvrary Gibson, This evening, October 22, they are presenting a. Musical •program in Brucefield United Church, and will show pictures taken acress Canada. Anniversary Anniversary services will be held in the United Church next Sunday when the Rev. R. B. Cummings, Brigden, will be guest speaker. Mission Band Tea )Mission and members and their leaders Mrs. E. Alien and Mrs. S. Baird held a very suc- cessful tea and bake sale in the school room of the church on Saturday afternoon. WMS Entertain Mothers and their children, members of the Baby Band were entertained after the regular meeting of the Woman's Miss- ionary Society last week. At the regular meeting Mrs. R. Allan presided and Mrs, Norman Walker had Charge of the wor- ship Service. The theme, "The Church—A Unique Fellowship," opened with the call to worsnip. r, nymn was sung with prayer and scripture reading by the leader. During the business period, in charge of the president, plans were made for the thanik-offering service to be held on the evening of November 10, when Seaforth and Hensall Auxiliaries will be guests. Plans also were made for attending the sectional meet- ing in Moncrief, The study program. "New Ways for New Days", from the book "Where'er the Sun" was in the charge of Miss E. Bowey and Mrs. W. Moffatt. They were assisted by Mrs. William Scott. After the meeting the children were entertained with stories by Mrs. W. J. Maines and Mrs, H. Dalrymple. Rickey Mustard sang a solo and Bobby and Hans Leppington sang a duet in Dutch. Several of the children were graduated to the Mission Band and given certificates. A social helf hour followed. —•8'•- -•.4• - OLMESV1LLE . •-•er+-r+4-a-* * * • WMS and WA ff The regular meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of Holmesville United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Trewartha, on Tuesday, October 13, with Mrs. Edward Grigg as leader. Taking as the theme of the meeting "The Church—A Uni- que Fellowship", the meeting was opened with the hymn, "The Morning Light is Breaking", fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs, Grigg. Mrs. Elmer Potter read the scripture lessons and the respon- ses to these were made by Mrs. Grigg; followed by the reading in unison of the words to the hymn, "Jesus, Thou Divine Companion". Mrs. Fred Mulholland, president, took the business period. Mrs. Harry Williams and Mrs. W. Yeo were appointed to pack the bale for shipment and Mrs. Jack Yeo was appointed a delegate to the sectional meeting to be held at Blake United Church on October 22. Mrs. William Norman read an article on Christian stewardship, and Mrs. Reg. Miller hada temp- erance article. The hyxrrn, "In Christ There Is No East br West" was sung, and Mrs. Reg. Miller read the chapter hi the study book, and an article on "Reaching Out". Mrs. Jack Yen read "Or- dination in Africa" and the meet- ing closed with the hymn "Jesus Shall Reign." The Woman's Association meet- ing followed, ,and opened with the singing of the theme song and re- peating the Creed. The WA presi- dent, Mrs. Harry Cudmore, read the scripture lesson taken frog. Psalm 24 and gave a few com- ments on it. " The roll call was answered by an article for the "Touch and Take" booth for the bazaar to be held this month. Plans were completed for the ba- zaar, and the meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Cdxnore. A de- licious lunch was served ,by the hostesses, Mrs. Kenneth Trewar- tha and Mrs. Proctor Palmer. HARRY LITTLE "Your Weatherstrip Man" Chamberlain Metal Weatherstrips South Street — Phone 938-14 GODERICII THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 195 I.t NOTICE VOTERS' LIST, 1953 Municipality of Goderich Township NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that. I have posted up at my office on the 9th day of October, 1953; the list of all Persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections, and that such list remains there. ,foe. inspection. And I hereby call np*n alt voters to take immediate proceedings to have any eirrows ar' omissions; corrected accord-- ing to law, the last day for appeal beim," the 31st day of October, 1953. Dated this 14th day of October;. 1953. (Signeti'); R. E. THOM P'SON, Clerk, Township of Goderich 40.1-b 41. 1144 464 41. MONSTER BtNGO h 4 Community Arena, Hensall <: MONDAY, OCTOBER 26th Doors Open 8 p.m. Bingo Starts 9 p.m. OVER $2,000.00 IN PRIZES 14 Regular Games for $60.00 each. 2 Special Games for $100.00 each 2 Special Games for $500.00 All prizes must go. Sponsored by Hensall Branch Canadian Legion and Legion Auxiliary. Everybody Welcome --- Booth in Arena Admission $1.00; Extra cards and specials, 250 or 5 for $1.00 41-b 1950 FORD Excellent condition Extra clean. 1949 PLYMOUTH 'ReOvcent1 Yed. 1940 FORD ate• Gone over from. bumper -to -bumper. 1953 ` Mercury V2 Ton Brand New.. Automatic transmission. 1952 FORD 1/2 Ton Express 1947 FORD, 3 Ton 176" wheel base .OW4 4.41.4144.41.4 NEW CARS 2-195a AERO-WILLYS AERO LARK, SEDANS 3 All Vehicles to clear at special prices . . Come in. now . . take your choice . . F This offer for a limited time only . . . Remember, all these cars and trucks are backed by our 30 day, 50-50 guarantee. You Can't Lose . -- Buy Now and AV .Al rson Bros. Aero-Willys Sales and Service Erotnir. Ernd Aliannnet,t — Wheel Balarlicing Phone 492 Clinton Township of Tuckersmi h, Tenders Tender's are invited for the repair of the Tyndall Municipal Drain in the Township of Tnpkersmith. 10,5$0 lineal feet of open drain and 120 lineal feet of 24 inch pipe. Contractor to supply all labour and material required and do the work according to the engineer's plans and specifications, which may be seen at the clerk's office, Marked cheque in the amount- of ten per cent of the ;Tender must accompany ea.el tender• and tenders .will close , on November 3, 1953, at 4;00 pan, Lowest or any tender not f necessarily accepted. E. P. Chesney-, Clerk, TOWNSHIP OF TEICK'1RSMITH 41-2-b 1�•--- NOTICE VOTERS' LIST, 1953 Municipality of Goderich Township NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that. I have posted up at my office on the 9th day of October, 1953; the list of all Persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections, and that such list remains there. ,foe. inspection. And I hereby call np*n alt voters to take immediate proceedings to have any eirrows ar' omissions; corrected accord-- ing to law, the last day for appeal beim," the 31st day of October, 1953. Dated this 14th day of October;. 1953. (Signeti'); R. E. THOM P'SON, Clerk, Township of Goderich 40.1-b 41. 1144 464 41. MONSTER BtNGO h 4 Community Arena, Hensall <: MONDAY, OCTOBER 26th Doors Open 8 p.m. Bingo Starts 9 p.m. OVER $2,000.00 IN PRIZES 14 Regular Games for $60.00 each. 2 Special Games for $100.00 each 2 Special Games for $500.00 All prizes must go. Sponsored by Hensall Branch Canadian Legion and Legion Auxiliary. Everybody Welcome --- Booth in Arena Admission $1.00; Extra cards and specials, 250 or 5 for $1.00 41-b 1950 FORD Excellent condition Extra clean. 1949 PLYMOUTH 'ReOvcent1 Yed. 1940 FORD ate• Gone over from. bumper -to -bumper. 1953 ` Mercury V2 Ton Brand New.. Automatic transmission. 1952 FORD 1/2 Ton Express 1947 FORD, 3 Ton 176" wheel base .OW4 4.41.4144.41.4 NEW CARS 2-195a AERO-WILLYS AERO LARK, SEDANS 3 All Vehicles to clear at special prices . . Come in. now . . take your choice . . F This offer for a limited time only . . . Remember, all these cars and trucks are backed by our 30 day, 50-50 guarantee. You Can't Lose . -- Buy Now and AV .Al rson Bros. Aero-Willys Sales and Service Erotnir. Ernd Aliannnet,t — Wheel Balarlicing Phone 492 Clinton