The Wingham Times, 1885-12-11, Page 5Y. Town Council. 'The regular meeting of the town oounoil was held ou Monday evening, all the mem- bers being present except COUns, Gannett,. Black, T, MoGlyniout, Smith, Kerr and Willson, A communication from the G. T. R., ra closing up aud Kale of part of Albert street was read, and on motion the mayor was ordered to accept the terms of tho company. Hon. John Carling in a letter acknow. lodged the vote of thanks passed by the council on Nov. 2nd. 0. E. Williams, secretary of the Wing - ham Toboggan club, asked permission to build a toboggan slide on Carling street. The request was granted, The board of health presented its sec- ond annual report, which was received and filed, and ,the thanks of the council was ordered to be conveyed to the board for its very excellent and full report. John Ellison requested a refund of taxes on property on William street, 000upied as a parsonage by Rev. Mr. Rock. On mo- tion 44.60 was refunded. Geo. r#nderson asked a refund of $1 dog tax for whitih he was illegally charged Granted. The fourth instalment of grant to the town band, amounting to $25 was ordered paid. The finance committee reported, recom- mending the payment of the following ac- counts : W. F. Brockenshire, wood for in- digent, $1.75; MeLean & son, gravel, 413.- 25 ; John Ansley, work at water works, $10; <Tso. Mason, stationery, $1.45; Roswell & Hutchinson, stationery, $1.83 ; O. E. Wil- liams, telegraphing, $4.44; Advance, print- ing, $7.50; Barkley & McCrimmon, sup- plies, $8.42 ; Whitney & Duffield, coal stove for wheel. house, $10 ; American Ex- press Co., 85 0. ; H. Park, repairing fire alarm, 41.50; Jacob Diugham, work 621 o. ; ,i oseph Bullard, drawing gravel, $4.12 ; Scott & Bell, lumber, $0.50 ; Joseph Hur- tibese, putting in eleotric box 41. The re- port was adopted. There was somewhat of a kick against - paying an account from Barkley & Mo- Crimmou, amounting to $7.78, for nails, lamps, fixtures, etc., for the band room. The deputy -reeve moved that the account be paid, the fixtures etc., to become the property of the town. Tlie motion was carried ou a division : Yeas—Clegg, W. McClymont, Bowers, McIndoo, Brook- eushire-5; nays—Dawson, Lemmex, Eld- er --3. By -Law No. 100, appointing deputy rr - turuing officers and places for holding ;the inuuicipal and school trustee elections, was read three times and passed, after which the council adjourned. THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE AND THE THOUGHTFUL NOUSE HOLDER, SIIOULD PROVIDE FOB ()HANGING WEATHER, BY SELECTING TTHEII.i GOODS NOW, ANI) INSPECTING IMMENSE STOOK DISPLAYED BY --- WHITNEY ett kte DUFFIELD Give all classes a chance to invest their means to the best advantage in COAL, PARLOR, BOX AND 000K -STOVES • NOLPN,.nh,H,Gt- FURNACES, AND RANGES, TINWARE, VY4 V (1J. y Lamps, Lamp Goods, Cutlery and Woodenware And in fact everything for a house from garret to cellar in our line. Am- erican and Canadian Goal Oil, wholesale and retail. Eavetroughing a specialty. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Also sole agents for the Celebrated Rochester, Electric Lamp. Don't make any mistake but call and inspect our stock and get our prices. Marl hod. ovxe—MolduLLRx.—At St. Thomas, Dak., on Oct. 29th, by Rcv. Mr. McMarnara, Jas. A. Young, of Pembina county, Dakota, formerly of Wingham, to Miss Rachel Lovina, daughter of Geo. McMullen, Lower Whngham. 14,soa—Mccc71nnE.—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 8th hist., by the Rev. H. McQua rrie, ' Samuel F. Wilson, of Listowel, to Miss Minnie Mc- i, Ctnire, of Morris. .,'.7 haIFF—INows.—At the Manse, Whiteohurch, on Monday, the 7th inst., by Rev. J. A. Anderson, B. A , James Sheriff, of Dakota, son of John Sher- iff, West Wawanosh, to Elizabeth, daughter of John Inglis, West Wawanosh. 'saoTad aA .eaanutuaa the best goods in the market in isan&ol aof le .tipncinj `SITaa 0 frs N■ 0 r,• Cow Chains, Chopping Axes, c 0 tri i 0 1Cf) , •••••• eq. A, Fine and New Stook of Ladies' and Gents' Shouliler Braces, Laurance* Spectacles and Eye Glasses, A T Cross. Stylographic Pens. Also a line lot of sponges, Perfumes, Toilet Soaps and Everything in the line of drugs and Druggists Sundries you want at THE PHARMACY, Ur. T OMER'S DM Mt WZN-G-IIAM STEAMSHIP NOTICE.—Tickets issued at reduced tares to. Europea by the Beaver, State and Inman Lines of Steamships. To all points in Florida and Texas—very low—via "The Mallory• Line," the only through line frum New York. WHITNEY & -DTTFI+ IFIL., { l 1athes, Clocks, Jewellery STONE BLOCK, WINGHAM. n a A CLEARING SALE 1 The ilvorwaro &{` i . uY. '..I .i Ilia ,.I iil.WJ,_... lL .Y. i .. Y.u,i .l4N . J. Y LYY ta. ,n Wail. ( IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY LARGE CT.-1RIST- I.' MAS PUROHAbES I HAVE DECIDED TO OFFER 1 ABOVE GOODS AT AN ENORMOUS REDUCTION J l I 4 HARRY HISCOCKS, DURING THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. CALL FOR BEST CHOICE. HALSEY PARK. Palace Bookstore. HEALTH IS WEALTH. .XMAS 1885. Geo, MASON Is now showing the largest assortment of 9 ivas Carer. Toys, Fancy Goods, MiseP:lllaneous Books, SATCHELS; PLUSH GOODS, &G., Everoffered in Wingham. SEE THE.,5 E& 10e WINDOWS. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. G]JO_ MASO]\T 7 MASON BLOCK. 72,000 COPIES Per Weep Sworn ciranlation Daily and Weekly Free Press. BEST FAMILY PAPER IN CANADA. Established 41 Years. Largest Eight -page Metropolitan Week- ly Published in the Dominion. KING OF WEEKLIES! xne FREE PRESS LONDON ONT. •- The Agricultural Department is a noted feature of the "Free Press," being always up to the times and conducted by persons practically skilled in farm work. By Telegraph Telephone, Mail and Correspondence up to the hour of publication. SPEOIAL MARKET DEPARTMENT. AOILIOULTURAL DEPARTMENT. CAPITAL STORY ALWAYS RUNNING. INGENIoi>9 PUZZLE COLUMN. HUMOROUS READING. TREATMENT_; Dr. E. C. \Vest's Ncrvc and Brain Treatment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convul- sions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration, caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wal.etuluess, Mental Depression, Softening of tho Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Prornature Old Ago, Barrenness Loss of Power in Dither sex involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the Brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence. Each box contains t one month's treatment. 91 a box, or six boxes for $5, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with 85, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by C. E. Williams, Wingham. JUST THE THING FOR THE hAMILY. Every member of the household eagerly looks for it each week. LARCE E1. PAPER! In clubs of four and upwards, 75c. each. •—BALANCE OF 1835 FREE.— More money can be made by agents in canvassing P P I I ES 1 Tho publishers of the Mon treat 'Witness" aro celebrat- ing their FORTIETH ANNI- VERSARY by an offer which is of unusual value to their subscribers, and which is well calculated to lead an enormous number to have their names added to the already splendid subscription list. The "Witness," of itself, is too well known to need recommendation here. Its fearless and intelligent editorials, its free- ' -don from impurity, its enterprise in the matter of - news (the superiority of which was admitted on all skies during the Riel Rebellion), its invaluable Question and Answer Department (in which the highest professional authorities give Information on almost every conceivable subject), its stories of in- tense interest, its Ladies' Department and Children's Corner,—go to make up a paper which cannot be equalled. For a year's subscription ($3.00 for the daily "Witness," and 51.00 for the weekly "Witness") the paper will bo sunt until the 1st of January, 1987. And every subscriber (including present subscribers who renew before their subscriptions run out), will also receive, FREE, one of our splendid Anniversary Pictures These "Beauties of the Olcographlc Art," as they are well described, consist of three most charming subjects, beautifully executed in tasteful colors ; and are produced for the "WITNEss" publishers by a well known Art Publishing House in London, Englund. They aro entitled "Little Barefeet," "Nobody Asked Your and "Their Foster Mother." Specimen copies will be ou view in our Agencies. Everybody who sees them wants them. Wo will send sample copies of our papers containing destriptton of pictures ; and blank forms for subscriptions Containing full particu- lars of this and other offers, to any address, on ap- plication. Everyone who sends one, two or three now sub - seri tions, ub•serii>tions, alongrvith his own, will receive any TWO for the "Free Press" thnn nt a of rho >ictures. Everyone sending four or more new ny other e,nployment, , subscriptions with his own, will receive THE THREE$12 000 in Premiums given away to Agents •pictures. No other offer can oven compare with The most liberal inducer, cuts ever offered in Can- ' this. The Anniversary pictures will not bo given or S: GRACE Y, LEADING UNDERTAKER... ada to parties getl ing up clubs for the Weekly Free Press. Send for a copy Of our Premium List, and see the inducements we are offering. Sample copy free on application. Free Press Printing Cd. LONDON, - - - - 'CANADA. . 'English Wonder of the World. It iS demonstrated by history that the Ancients in many of the most notably architecture, far exoelled the present age, but it is reserved for thio present decade to pioduce the eighth wonder of the world, i. e., West's World's Wonder or family Liniment, which is infallible for Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts. Bruises, Sores and all diseased requiring external applica- tions. Pried 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold ,by 0.•,E, Williains. sold to any but subscribers. The demand will bo neeossarily so heavy that we must strictly follow the rule "FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED." Therefore send your subscriptions to Juni DovoAWL & SON, MONTREAL, INTO -VT I N. B.—For patieutars its to prizes to bo given for stories abdut the ANNIVER"ARY PICTURES, flee tho "Witness," VT 1\1- G- .A_1V1_ FALL Immense The NORTHERN MESSENGER, the Pioneer's Paper and Children's Favourite enters a DOW era. Beginning with Jana** it will bo published Port - nightly, and the Sunday School Edition will be in tb'o parts, so as to bo practically a weekly Snnday School Paper. It will more than over deserve its description, "TME CuteArEsx ILLUSTRATED P.rPER PulLleIEn." SubscriptiOrr 30a A YEAR; large re- ductions to clubs. .1011N D0U0ALL & SON, MON- TREAL. IMPORTATIONS.. Bargains at the Corner Store. 0 Our Stock of Fall and Winter Goods is complete, and at Greatly - Reduced Prices. In Dress Goods will be found Wool Serges, Ottoman,. and Jersey Cords, Cashmeres, Velveteens, Cloth Suitings, Wool Plaids., Special Bargains in Ulster Cloths, Blue, Brown, Black and Grey. A . large stock of Canadian and Scotch Underclothing. Boys' Combination< Suits. 'A fine selection of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. In Ready Made Clothing a large assortment, Stylish and quality unsurpassed. .1.. large consignment of Overcoats just to hand in Men's Boys' and Youths'" Knitted Wool Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Caps, &c. Boots anis Shoes front the best makers. A large stock of Pure and Fresh Grocer- • ies, Crockery and Glassware, a great variety in New Designs. Our stock was never better assorted than at the present time. From now until the lst of January we will give Special Bargains in every depart -.depart- ment. Don't forget to call and examine our stock before purchasing - elsewhere. We mean business and will not be undersold. We have a large stock and want to sell the goods, W. ELLIOTT, Corner Store. Wingham.. Those who desire the news of the day in brief, eon. Seely written and neatly printed, with Stories, 111- ustrations and Fancily Raiding, for GOe a year, should send that sons to the WWtl{L`1' MESSENGER, MoN- TRRAL., 14 In. • 1 EL'S BOOM: It is understood that the sentence Riel has notlnng to do with the fast ; —increasing business of the firm of Messrs. Scott & Bell,. Wholesale & Retail furniture Manufacturers. OF WING'HA.M• T1•IIS FIRM HAS BERN ENGAGED FOR UPWARDS OF 15 YEARS ; . IN THE MANUFACTURE OF Office, Church, Lodge &. Household Furniture. Wo are now able to fill all orders, wholesale and retail. We cannot; be undersold, as we are the largest manufacturers- -in Huron, Try us fort -- BEDROOM -- BEDROOM d'c.. PARLOR SUITES IN MA— HOGANY WALNUT & MARBLE TOTS. Furniture orders for carloads always have our prompt attention: Caw labs taken at our saw mill 1u exchange for Furniture, SCOTT 4. BELL,. r]V INGHAM.. 1