Clinton News-Record, 1953-07-16, Page 6*.AG T, snc
Hews of Bayfield
E, A. Featherston, London, was
home ever the weekend.
Dr. R. G, Hunter, Toronto, spent
the weekend with his family.
-Mrs. Percy Hill, Birmingham,
Mich.; is' visiting Mrs. W. M.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Flagg, London,
occGupiedtheir cottage over the
Miss Grace Millard, ; Los Ang-
eles, Calif., is the guest of Miss
M. Miller.
,,Mrs, ,John Gemeinhardt, Dong-
las; yVyR# ling, is visiting her sister,
Mrsqueries IViarks.
Mr.andMrs.. G,eorre Glid'don,
Guelph„ Eire. visiting the former's
aunt, MrS. M, Fr ncis,
Mr. and firs. liarry Baker and
Gwen, London, are at their cot-
tage this week.
Plioae BAYPTELD 45r3
Mr, and Mrs, J, Orr and. John,
Stratford, were at, the family cot-
tage, over the weekend.
Miss Carrie Dixon, Brantford,
was' the guest of Mrg, I , M. Lang -
Ford "over the weekend,.
William L, Cameron, petroit,
spent the weekend with his sisters,
Misses E. and M. Cameron.
Jimmy ,Higgins left .this Week to
spend a fortnight with his aunt at
her cottage in Haliburton,
Eddie Koenig and Bayne Perrin,
Kitchener, were the guests of Ron-
ald Poth Aver the weeMild, -
Mr., arid Mrs. C. Jones` held a.
familyre*Uf on on SundaY at, their
cottae in the JoWe t,'si}rvey
Rev. and Mrs. P. Jenner left on
Sunday to• spend a week at. the
United Church Caine' at Goderich.
Dr. and Mrs. Chapman returned
Clinton Monument Shop
Open Every Friday and by Appointment
Lo'aoI Representative: J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103
tg Detroit on TtleseleY after'having
been 4 their cottage for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Art Sullivan and
David,. Port Huron, Mich„ spent
the weekend with Donnie Mc-
Miss Maxine Smith, London,
spent the weekend with her
grandmother, Mrs. Charles W.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Partington
and see, pont4d, Toronto, are
spending. a tew days with 1NZrd.
George FrY.
Mit and Mrs, G. D. Churchward
and Miss Lena Shortt, London,
were 4 "Rearsney” cottage over
the weekend.'
Mrs, Frank Anderson and on
Francis, !Mitchell; ,spent ;3 few days
with !ler parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Ed Sturgeon.
Mr, and Mrs, A. F. Furter, Lon-
don, visited the formers, brother,
H. A. Stinson, from Wednesday
until Sunday..
P.C. and MrsS Lloyd Westlake,
Mora, were with the: ,lattei's pat-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms,
over the weekend.
Misses Joan Myers and Susan
Maters; Byr'ofi; a'#,["e spending a
week with Joan's grandparents,
Mr', and Mit. S. Bryant.
Ml's. Gertrude Woodman return-
ed to St. Marys en+.Friday+ after
having spat a" holiday With her
sister, Mrs. Reg Francis.
Mr. and Mrs. Claytpi1 Weston,
Chicago, ;cense on Friday , ay to Spend
a .week with the fprmer's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rankin and
family, • Gtisha, Indiana, are
spending a vacatio With' the for-
mer's aunt, Miss C. P. Rankin.
and Mrs. Jeek Parker, Ann
Arbor, Mich' , spent Saturday and
Sunday with the fernier's grand-
mother, Mrs: Charles W. Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. 'Pfaff and
family, Windsor, and Pr, and Mrs.
F.,V. Currie and family, St. Marys
are occupying Jowett cottages for
two weeks.
Mr.anti Mrs. Norval Gemein-
hardt, June, Lois and Carl, Sagin-
a*, Mich„ came last week sto visit
the former's mother, Mrs. F. C.
Mrs.; Johii• Shaver, Aylmer, vis-
ited her sister, Miss Ann 'rate,
from Thursday until Sunday.
Thomas' Tate, Aylmer, spent Sun-
day with his sisters.
Harold Wright, Ottawa, and Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley O,hlmen, Chi -
ago, Ill., were the guests of lr.
and Mrs, H. Bricker et Jowett
cottage No. 17.- last week.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Foyston,
cottage No. 5 in the Jowett area,
entertained the office staff and
families of V.L.A., London, on Sat-
urday afternoon. About 40 were
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Francis, Jim-
my and Lloyd, rettirned home last
week after having spent a few
days at Whitney, Ont., at Mrs.
Francis' brother, Lawrence Mc-
Millan's camp.
The Willing Workers of St. And -
Get the Most for Your Money ...
Buy ROAD KING Super Deluxe
Compare these prices
Our Price Reg. Price
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710 x 15 24.70 32.95
600 x 16 19.40 26.50
Our Price Reg. Price
750 x 20 (10 ply) $85.78 ...,.... $110.80
825 x 20 (10 ply) 104.98 ..,..,.. 130.30
900 x 20 (10 ply) 128.92 166'.35
Western Tire
and Auto Supply
Rattenbury St. E. Clinton
the letters start. Then irom
all over the free world come such
comments as these from readers
MONITOR, an international daily
"The • Monitor is must read-
ing for straight -thinking
people. . • ."
"1 returned to school after a
lapse of 18 years. I will get
my degree from the college,
but. my education comes
from the Monitor. , .."
"The Monitor gives me ideas
for my work. , . "
"I truly enjoy its com4
Pw1y--•• •
You, too, will find the Monitor
informative, with complete world
news. Yon will discover tt con-
structive viewpoint in every news
Use the coupon below for it'spe-
cial Introductory, subscription --
3 months for only O.
The Christian Science Monitor
One,Norway Sl., Boston 15, Mao., U. 1. A.
Please send we an introductory ettbegrip.
tion to The Christian Seknca Monitor -
76 issues. 1 enetae 13.
(sone) ' tango)
Bayfield Lions
Annual Frolic
Wednesday, July 22
Opened. by a SOFTBALL GAME at 6.30 perm.
Kitchener Ilying Dutchmen" -- vs.
Centralia RCAF
Followed by
Good Gate Prize Ticket Sales for Good Prize
rew's United Church held a very
successful home-made baking sale
in the church basement on Wed-
nesday, July 8, which netted the
organization -$42.90-
Sympathy is extended to Mrs,
James Sturgeon who' received
word recently of the .death of her
father, Fred Bean, who passed
awaj'' in hospital in ,Brighton, Sus-
sex, England, in June.
Gerald Sturgegli, accompanied
by Ronald' Wilson, Preston, Pent
the weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mics. gel Sturgeon; Mr. and
Mrs., Dennis Bisbackz, .Clinton, also
Were with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs, D. J, Hughes,
vafston,. X11., and 1V1rs, W. R•
owett, derich, visited M. and
r e of last vbe k, M.
O at
and Mrs. J, O. Hughes, end Rich-
ard Ellis, Detroit, were with them
over the weekend,
,Guests.. at The Little Innin-
elude, , re, Oliver Perry,, Mr. and
Mrs, Wheel True, Wl _dsor Mr.
,,55 0' se-
d S. G. me t r
...i' Ja n,
end P I'
herough; Miss GladYe' Sharp,- Pe=
twit; Mrs. B. Noble, Mrs', William
iVIcCr, ekren Mrs, J, W. P. Jones
and MisS 1V#. E. Archer, London.
• Jackie Fraser, London, is spend-
ing' a week's vacation with his par-
ents, Mt, and Mrs. J, Fraser. Miss
Mildred Fraser who has taken a
position in London also was home'
oyet the weekend, and We, Fres=
er's parents and brother, •Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Cooper and\ Donaid,
Clinton; visited them. on Sunday.
Dr,• Wesley Heard arrived ftom
Mdriterey, Calif., on Wednesday of
last Week to visit his sister, Mrs.
Gordon Galbraith and family,
"Sylvan AcISi
Godericherich Town -
Ship. He was joined on Thursday
by his son Bob, an aircraftsman
stationed at the Naval Base at
Norfolk, Virginia, who spent three
days here.Aftera trip to Detroit,
Dr. W. Heard returned on Tuesday
evening fora longer visit with his
Mrs, Henry Lord (Lulu Davis-
on) celebrated her 53rd birthday
on July 12, at the home of her
mother, Mrs. J. Davison. Present
for this occasion were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Davison, 'Detroit; Mt.
and Mrs. T. J. Mallett and family,
London; Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Pol-
lock, Ripley; Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Pollock, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Batkins and family, Clin-
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClin-
chey and family, Goshen' Line; Mr.
and Mrs. Williain Ker, Walker-
ton, and Gerry Robson, London.
We join in wishing Mrs. Lord, who
is here on a visit from Montreal,
many happy returns of the twelf-
th. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison
also spent the weekend with their
Mrs. W. J. Stinson, a patient in
Clinton Public Hospital for the
past two years, enjoyed a treat on
Thursday last when her dallghters
had her brought over by ambul-
ance for lunch at the home of H.
A. Stinson. It was a pleasant sur-
prise for her as she knew nothing
of their plans until her daughter,
Mrs. J. Stumpf, arrived at the
hospital to accompany her. It was
the first time Mrs. Stinson had
seen her son's new home. She re-
mained on -the stretcher and they
rolled her from room to room and
out on the lawn in the afternoon.
Relatives who knew of her visit
and next-door neighbors called to
greet her. After this informal
happy family gathering, she re-
turned to the hospital late in the
afternoon. The driver of the am-
bulance added his touch to the day
when he stopped to give Mrs.
Stinsona view of the river from
the new bridge.
Miss Del Finlay,. Clinton, was at
her home in the village for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams
spent a few days in Toronto re-
Miss Eileen Glidden .has been in
London, a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Lawson.:
Mrs. J. W. Smith, Goderich, was
a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs.
,Frank McCullough.
Mrs. G. E. McCullough has re-
turned to her home in Toronto,
and then on July 8, left on a
motor trip to.Indian Head, Sesk..
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cudn-tore
haVe pturchased the borne of the
late Mrs. 8,• Walter, and expect to
itthe middle o sul
move intofT. y
Operation .Suuccessfud
Friends of Miss Kay Holmes,
Goderich, former" teacher at Hol-
meeielle, will be pleased to lean}
that she is recuperating nicely,
following an eye operation in a
London hospitah
ellssion :Grant Picnic
The Wilhelmine Mission Band
held their" annual picnic on the
school grourids. Games and con-
tests were enjoyed, and lunch Wee
served to, the children, by the
leaders, Mrs. Frank McCullough
and Mrs. Jack" Yeo, assisted by
Miss kandra Williams.
Hobrtesville WMS
The meeting of the Woman's.
Missionary Society of Hglinesville
United Church, was held in the
church with Mfrs. Frank McCul-
lough as leader. The theme of the
meeting was "In Action for the
Church" and the call to worship
was read by Mrs. McCullough, fol-
lowed by the singing of "0 Can-
ada": The 72nd Psaltn was read
in unison, and the prayer Was
taken by the leader, with the re-
sponses, sung by the members,
taken from the hymn "From
Ocean Unto Ocean."
The programme was completely
Canadian, with Mts. Ninian Heard
reading "Day of Opportunity";
Mrs. Edward Grigg read "School
Iiays"; Mrs. Lloyd Bond read
"Around the Myiskaka Lakes" and
Mrs. Bill Norman had an article
from Newfoundland, "A Caravan
and a Field Trip".
Mrs. Eldon Yeo, had a " short
temperance talk and Mrs. Jack
Yeo took the chapter in the study
The meeting closed with the
hymn, "0 Master, let Me Walk
with Thee", and then was turned
over to Mrs. Harry Cudmore for
the WA meeting, which opened
with the theme song and creed.
Mrs. Cudmore took as the scrip-
ture, John 14: 15, and gave a
short talk on the meaning of the
verse. It was decided do join the
Huron Presbytery WA.
Mrs. Bert Trewartha and, Mrs.
Lloyd Bond were appointed a
committee to see about commun-
ion racks for the church pews.
Committees in charge of arrange-
ments for a wedding reception the
WA is catering for are Mrs. Wil-
liam Norman, Mrs. Eldon Yeo,
Mrs. Harry Cudmore, Mrs. Lloyd
Bond, Mrs. Frank McCullough,
Mrs. Jack Yeo and Mrs, Edward
The meeting closed with prayer
by Mrs. Cudmore. Hostesses for
the day were Mrs. Jack Yeo, Mrs.
E. J. Trewartha and Mrs. Harry
Come Out and. Hear .. .
Hon. Lester B.
- Canada's Minister for External
President, 7th General Assembly
of the United Nations,
who will speak in
BRUSSELS 2.00 p.m.
EXETER 7.30 p.m.
ZURICH 9.00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 22
in the interests of
Andrew Y. McLean
Liberal Candidate in Huron
issued by Huron Libere l Association
1 1 I
"'J 3I,1RSD,FiY, 'HAN' 36, 1.on
Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon MacFar,,
lane and son Bobby, St, Theniee,
visited at, the 'home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Lobb on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Armstrong
were at their cottage .over the
weekend. Mrs. Armstrong and.
children remained for the week's
Miss Mary R. Stewart, Kenora,
is at her cottage at ,Paradise
Vista for the surniner menthe. Her
brother, Brown Stewart ana farn-
ily,. Were her weekend guests;
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jervis have
returned from„a bus trip t4. !Finn;-
peg and Detroit. While vacation-
ing. they were guests of. Mr. and
Mrs. D. Chabot (nee Helen Lobb);
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Halstead (the
former is dean of the United
Church College, Winnipeg) ; also
other relatives; in Myrtle; Roland
and Winnipeg; iri'c1udmg Walter
Holland's family and his mother,
Mrs. T. Holland; Mrs. Holland i$:
better known to a host of nephews
'and nieces in Goderich 'Township
as "Aunt Celia", noted for her
cheeriness, although an, invalid for
many Years. In Detroit, Mr an
!Nits. Jervis were guests of Stan'-
ley Whiteman and his family. On
their return a telegraih awaited
them, notifying them of the death
of their uncle, Albert Halstead,
Winnipeg, formerly of Goderich
Township. Mr, Halstead was In
his 98th year,
Last year travellers 1n Ce
spent $276 'million while C
ians travellin out of the eegntzl
spent $3$6 m Ilion,
Lumber - Lime - Cense t' r i.
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Enjoy all the comforts of a modern
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Eliminate old "pump and carry” fresh running WATER Oxdt
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Visit us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO
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For Sale gateman
1Nlitf 1i; 147 CLINTON', ONT.
SuOItUW? k WDlNIbt ' . 'iia'u i V k 1iiNl�llT�tat*
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NOUC its hereby, Elven toawne erf,flnb10144 ort`Iefts
of tjiei Muirieipalitte. Of 'Huron that pie S a ;, z oilea§ weed
the Ort. are OestreYed bet re the $t1I , , ,,Y' of t,
194, -be aecerdanee wjth the W(ed'„Contrrel Act, a g
spieetpr u' iter :a TttIki3,t y given in.: tiidi s 3, 7, A0 444
12 , of the Act, with . cause thee Awning weeds/ or' Wee
seed tti be destroyed, and the costs thereof will be
placed on the collector's roll for eblleetiei Iii the keine
manner at tastes under the Assessment Act.
W. R. Dougall, Weed.. Inspector,
Municipality of Huron
Clinton Monument Shop
Open Every Friday and by Appointment
Lo'aoI Representative: J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103
tg Detroit on TtleseleY after'having
been 4 their cottage for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Art Sullivan and
David,. Port Huron, Mich„ spent
the weekend with Donnie Mc-
Miss Maxine Smith, London,
spent the weekend with her
grandmother, Mrs. Charles W.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Partington
and see, pont4d, Toronto, are
spending. a tew days with 1NZrd.
George FrY.
Mit and Mrs, G. D. Churchward
and Miss Lena Shortt, London,
were 4 "Rearsney” cottage over
the weekend.'
Mrs, Frank Anderson and on
Francis, !Mitchell; ,spent ;3 few days
with !ler parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Ed Sturgeon.
Mr, and Mrs, A. F. Furter, Lon-
don, visited the formers, brother,
H. A. Stinson, from Wednesday
until Sunday..
P.C. and MrsS Lloyd Westlake,
Mora, were with the: ,lattei's pat-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms,
over the weekend.
Misses Joan Myers and Susan
Maters; Byr'ofi; a'#,["e spending a
week with Joan's grandparents,
Mr', and Mit. S. Bryant.
Ml's. Gertrude Woodman return-
ed to St. Marys en+.Friday+ after
having spat a" holiday With her
sister, Mrs. Reg Francis.
Mr. and Mrs. Claytpi1 Weston,
Chicago, ;cense on Friday , ay to Spend
a .week with the fprmer's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rankin and
family, • Gtisha, Indiana, are
spending a vacatio With' the for-
mer's aunt, Miss C. P. Rankin.
and Mrs. Jeek Parker, Ann
Arbor, Mich' , spent Saturday and
Sunday with the fernier's grand-
mother, Mrs: Charles W. Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. 'Pfaff and
family, Windsor, and Pr, and Mrs.
F.,V. Currie and family, St. Marys
are occupying Jowett cottages for
two weeks.
Mr.anti Mrs. Norval Gemein-
hardt, June, Lois and Carl, Sagin-
a*, Mich„ came last week sto visit
the former's mother, Mrs. F. C.
Mrs.; Johii• Shaver, Aylmer, vis-
ited her sister, Miss Ann 'rate,
from Thursday until Sunday.
Thomas' Tate, Aylmer, spent Sun-
day with his sisters.
Harold Wright, Ottawa, and Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley O,hlmen, Chi -
ago, Ill., were the guests of lr.
and Mrs, H. Bricker et Jowett
cottage No. 17.- last week.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Foyston,
cottage No. 5 in the Jowett area,
entertained the office staff and
families of V.L.A., London, on Sat-
urday afternoon. About 40 were
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Francis, Jim-
my and Lloyd, rettirned home last
week after having spent a few
days at Whitney, Ont., at Mrs.
Francis' brother, Lawrence Mc-
Millan's camp.
The Willing Workers of St. And -
Get the Most for Your Money ...
Buy ROAD KING Super Deluxe
Compare these prices
Our Price Reg. Price
670 x 15 $21.80 $28.95
710 x 15 24.70 32.95
600 x 16 19.40 26.50
Our Price Reg. Price
750 x 20 (10 ply) $85.78 ...,.... $110.80
825 x 20 (10 ply) 104.98 ..,..,.. 130.30
900 x 20 (10 ply) 128.92 166'.35
Western Tire
and Auto Supply
Rattenbury St. E. Clinton
the letters start. Then irom
all over the free world come such
comments as these from readers
MONITOR, an international daily
"The • Monitor is must read-
ing for straight -thinking
people. . • ."
"1 returned to school after a
lapse of 18 years. I will get
my degree from the college,
but. my education comes
from the Monitor. , .."
"The Monitor gives me ideas
for my work. , . "
"I truly enjoy its com4
Pw1y--•• •
You, too, will find the Monitor
informative, with complete world
news. Yon will discover tt con-
structive viewpoint in every news
Use the coupon below for it'spe-
cial Introductory, subscription --
3 months for only O.
The Christian Science Monitor
One,Norway Sl., Boston 15, Mao., U. 1. A.
Please send we an introductory ettbegrip.
tion to The Christian Seknca Monitor -
76 issues. 1 enetae 13.
(sone) ' tango)
Bayfield Lions
Annual Frolic
Wednesday, July 22
Opened. by a SOFTBALL GAME at 6.30 perm.
Kitchener Ilying Dutchmen" -- vs.
Centralia RCAF
Followed by
Good Gate Prize Ticket Sales for Good Prize
rew's United Church held a very
successful home-made baking sale
in the church basement on Wed-
nesday, July 8, which netted the
organization -$42.90-
Sympathy is extended to Mrs,
James Sturgeon who' received
word recently of the .death of her
father, Fred Bean, who passed
awaj'' in hospital in ,Brighton, Sus-
sex, England, in June.
Gerald Sturgegli, accompanied
by Ronald' Wilson, Preston, Pent
the weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mics. gel Sturgeon; Mr. and
Mrs., Dennis Bisbackz, .Clinton, also
Were with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs, D. J, Hughes,
vafston,. X11., and 1V1rs, W. R•
owett, derich, visited M. and
r e of last vbe k, M.
O at
and Mrs. J, O. Hughes, end Rich-
ard Ellis, Detroit, were with them
over the weekend,
,Guests.. at The Little Innin-
elude, , re, Oliver Perry,, Mr. and
Mrs, Wheel True, Wl _dsor Mr.
,,55 0' se-
d S. G. me t r
...i' Ja n,
end P I'
herough; Miss GladYe' Sharp,- Pe=
twit; Mrs. B. Noble, Mrs', William
iVIcCr, ekren Mrs, J, W. P. Jones
and MisS 1V#. E. Archer, London.
• Jackie Fraser, London, is spend-
ing' a week's vacation with his par-
ents, Mt, and Mrs. J, Fraser. Miss
Mildred Fraser who has taken a
position in London also was home'
oyet the weekend, and We, Fres=
er's parents and brother, •Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Cooper and\ Donaid,
Clinton; visited them. on Sunday.
Dr,• Wesley Heard arrived ftom
Mdriterey, Calif., on Wednesday of
last Week to visit his sister, Mrs.
Gordon Galbraith and family,
"Sylvan AcISi
Godericherich Town -
Ship. He was joined on Thursday
by his son Bob, an aircraftsman
stationed at the Naval Base at
Norfolk, Virginia, who spent three
days here.Aftera trip to Detroit,
Dr. W. Heard returned on Tuesday
evening fora longer visit with his
Mrs, Henry Lord (Lulu Davis-
on) celebrated her 53rd birthday
on July 12, at the home of her
mother, Mrs. J. Davison. Present
for this occasion were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Davison, 'Detroit; Mt.
and Mrs. T. J. Mallett and family,
London; Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Pol-
lock, Ripley; Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Pollock, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Batkins and family, Clin-
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClin-
chey and family, Goshen' Line; Mr.
and Mrs. Williain Ker, Walker-
ton, and Gerry Robson, London.
We join in wishing Mrs. Lord, who
is here on a visit from Montreal,
many happy returns of the twelf-
th. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison
also spent the weekend with their
Mrs. W. J. Stinson, a patient in
Clinton Public Hospital for the
past two years, enjoyed a treat on
Thursday last when her dallghters
had her brought over by ambul-
ance for lunch at the home of H.
A. Stinson. It was a pleasant sur-
prise for her as she knew nothing
of their plans until her daughter,
Mrs. J. Stumpf, arrived at the
hospital to accompany her. It was
the first time Mrs. Stinson had
seen her son's new home. She re-
mained on -the stretcher and they
rolled her from room to room and
out on the lawn in the afternoon.
Relatives who knew of her visit
and next-door neighbors called to
greet her. After this informal
happy family gathering, she re-
turned to the hospital late in the
afternoon. The driver of the am-
bulance added his touch to the day
when he stopped to give Mrs.
Stinsona view of the river from
the new bridge.
Miss Del Finlay,. Clinton, was at
her home in the village for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams
spent a few days in Toronto re-
Miss Eileen Glidden .has been in
London, a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Lawson.:
Mrs. J. W. Smith, Goderich, was
a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs.
,Frank McCullough.
Mrs. G. E. McCullough has re-
turned to her home in Toronto,
and then on July 8, left on a
motor trip to.Indian Head, Sesk..
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cudn-tore
haVe pturchased the borne of the
late Mrs. 8,• Walter, and expect to
itthe middle o sul
move intofT. y
Operation .Suuccessfud
Friends of Miss Kay Holmes,
Goderich, former" teacher at Hol-
meeielle, will be pleased to lean}
that she is recuperating nicely,
following an eye operation in a
London hospitah
ellssion :Grant Picnic
The Wilhelmine Mission Band
held their" annual picnic on the
school grourids. Games and con-
tests were enjoyed, and lunch Wee
served to, the children, by the
leaders, Mrs. Frank McCullough
and Mrs. Jack" Yeo, assisted by
Miss kandra Williams.
Hobrtesville WMS
The meeting of the Woman's.
Missionary Society of Hglinesville
United Church, was held in the
church with Mfrs. Frank McCul-
lough as leader. The theme of the
meeting was "In Action for the
Church" and the call to worship
was read by Mrs. McCullough, fol-
lowed by the singing of "0 Can-
ada": The 72nd Psaltn was read
in unison, and the prayer Was
taken by the leader, with the re-
sponses, sung by the members,
taken from the hymn "From
Ocean Unto Ocean."
The programme was completely
Canadian, with Mts. Ninian Heard
reading "Day of Opportunity";
Mrs. Edward Grigg read "School
Iiays"; Mrs. Lloyd Bond read
"Around the Myiskaka Lakes" and
Mrs. Bill Norman had an article
from Newfoundland, "A Caravan
and a Field Trip".
Mrs. Eldon Yeo, had a " short
temperance talk and Mrs. Jack
Yeo took the chapter in the study
The meeting closed with the
hymn, "0 Master, let Me Walk
with Thee", and then was turned
over to Mrs. Harry Cudmore for
the WA meeting, which opened
with the theme song and creed.
Mrs. Cudmore took as the scrip-
ture, John 14: 15, and gave a
short talk on the meaning of the
verse. It was decided do join the
Huron Presbytery WA.
Mrs. Bert Trewartha and, Mrs.
Lloyd Bond were appointed a
committee to see about commun-
ion racks for the church pews.
Committees in charge of arrange-
ments for a wedding reception the
WA is catering for are Mrs. Wil-
liam Norman, Mrs. Eldon Yeo,
Mrs. Harry Cudmore, Mrs. Lloyd
Bond, Mrs. Frank McCullough,
Mrs. Jack Yeo and Mrs, Edward
The meeting closed with prayer
by Mrs. Cudmore. Hostesses for
the day were Mrs. Jack Yeo, Mrs.
E. J. Trewartha and Mrs. Harry
Come Out and. Hear .. .
Hon. Lester B.
- Canada's Minister for External
President, 7th General Assembly
of the United Nations,
who will speak in
BRUSSELS 2.00 p.m.
EXETER 7.30 p.m.
ZURICH 9.00 p.m.
Wednesday, July 22
in the interests of
Andrew Y. McLean
Liberal Candidate in Huron
issued by Huron Libere l Association
1 1 I
"'J 3I,1RSD,FiY, 'HAN' 36, 1.on
Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon MacFar,,
lane and son Bobby, St, Theniee,
visited at, the 'home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Lobb on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Armstrong
were at their cottage .over the
weekend. Mrs. Armstrong and.
children remained for the week's
Miss Mary R. Stewart, Kenora,
is at her cottage at ,Paradise
Vista for the surniner menthe. Her
brother, Brown Stewart ana farn-
ily,. Were her weekend guests;
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jervis have
returned from„a bus trip t4. !Finn;-
peg and Detroit. While vacation-
ing. they were guests of. Mr. and
Mrs. D. Chabot (nee Helen Lobb);
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Halstead (the
former is dean of the United
Church College, Winnipeg) ; also
other relatives; in Myrtle; Roland
and Winnipeg; iri'c1udmg Walter
Holland's family and his mother,
Mrs. T. Holland; Mrs. Holland i$:
better known to a host of nephews
'and nieces in Goderich 'Township
as "Aunt Celia", noted for her
cheeriness, although an, invalid for
many Years. In Detroit, Mr an
!Nits. Jervis were guests of Stan'-
ley Whiteman and his family. On
their return a telegraih awaited
them, notifying them of the death
of their uncle, Albert Halstead,
Winnipeg, formerly of Goderich
Township. Mr, Halstead was In
his 98th year,
Last year travellers 1n Ce
spent $276 'million while C
ians travellin out of the eegntzl
spent $3$6 m Ilion,
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