Clinton News-Record, 1953-04-09, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL J, 1953 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD WANTADSrj,os 'Cassified Rates 'CASH RATE — (If paid by 'Wednesday following date of in- tertion)--Two gents a word first 'insertion (minimum 50 cents); >aubsequent insertions 11/ cents a word (minimum 35 cents); 15 cents extra for box number or i?or ?direction to NEWS -RECORD Office, 'IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE --12 noon, Wednes- Eustace couldn't find a job Although he vainly tried 'til the day.he advertised In our classified. ACCOMMODATION for RENT 'TWO ROOM APARTMENT, fur- nished. Central. Phone 73J. 14-p :ROOM AND BOARD FOR MO ;Young gentlemen sharing. Phone 163R. 14-b 'THREE ROOM APARTMENT with three-piece, bath. Phone Clir:- 'ton 199W. 14-p TDOWNSTA.IRS SLEEPING room, 'suitable for two. All conveniences. :Phone Clinton 419W. 14-b FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. 'Kitchen facilities. Private ent- rance. No children. Phone Clip- : •ton 223. 14-b :FARM HOUSE WITH HYDRO, one mile and a half from Clinton. 'Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton 904r4. 13-tfb 'THREE - ROOM APARTMENT. Furnished and heated. Shared 'bath. Private entrance. Phone Seaforth 42. 14-p APARTMENT, THREE ROOMS, on Highway 8. Furnished. All con- veniences. Share bath. Phone God- ,erich 931r16. 12-3-4-5 •b HEATED APARTMENT WITi4 refrigerator and stove, within ton minute drive of Clinton. Available April 1. Phone Seaforth 841r2. 10-tfb • COTTAGES: THREE and FOUR •bedrooms. Conveniences. Low rate to July 1. LeRoy Poth, The Jowett Cottages, Bayfield. Phone •Bayfield 64r4. 14-b Accommodation Wanted 'TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS in Clinton, wanted by lady. Phone Clinton 243J. 13-14 p 'OFFICE FOR PART TIME USE `Tuesday evenings and Wedneq- days. Two rooms, waiting room and main office required. Near 'business section. J. E. Longstaff, Box 159, Seaforth. Phone Clin- ton 791. 14 •b ARTICLES FOR SALE GENERAL ELECTRIC Upright vacuum. Also General Electric hand vacuum. Phone Clinton 729. 14-b ARTICLES WANTED WOULD LIKE TO RENT A wedding gown, size 14. Box "Q", Clinton News -Record. 14-b MEDIUM-SIZED OFFICE SAFE, must be in good condition. 3, E. Howard, phone Bayfield 53r2. 14=15-b WILL PAY CASH FOR 1939 OR 1940 % ton truck. Must be in fair condition. George Carter, Clinton. 14-15 •b so AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1950 VANGUARD SEDAN, neer paint job, air-conditioning, good tires. Apply at 64 Kingston St., Goderich. 13.4 •p 1950 MAROON PONTIAC Sedan, •air conditioning. A-1 condition. At a price that will interest you. Phone Zurich 168. 14-b 1952 AUSTIN SEDAN, perfect condition. 6,000 miles. Cash, or can be financed. Apply to Box "M" Clinton News -Record, 14-b BABY CHICKS BIG FLOCKS — Small Flocks — get Bray. Hatchery has started pullets or dayolds, for prompt shipment, Wide choice of breeds or cross. You'll want these fin - summer -fall markets. Agent is Mrs. Mex Paterson, Brucefield. 14•b KITCHENER BIG -4 CHICK 5. Special -- 2 week old pullets $32.90; 3 weeks $35.90. Canadian approved. Prompt shipment in a variety of breeds, crosses; day - olds, started. The very chicks to cutch up with good markets. Wise poultrykeepers order Big -4. Par- ticulars from Chas. Scott, Auburn, Rhone Blyth 43r23. 14-b BUILDINGS FOR SALE BAND: BARN 60' x 40' on stone, good Condition. Apply John Hind- marsh, RR 2, Goderich, phone •Goderich 11903. 12-3-4-h BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS ESS OPPORTUNITIES -- :bu1riess trades listed; restaurants, gas stations, tourist camps, groc- ery stores, one Main St build- ing. L. 0. Winter, Real Estate, Plnorte 448, 14,1tb IIirf4:CTE ROSE SERVICE Station irs Clinton to 1etted at oinee. Good t;•ailonage. Apply Bax 829, Clin- tin Sam . McDOPald. 14-h CUSTOM WORK GARDENS PLOWED and cultiv- ated. Phone Steve Welbanks, % C. J. Livermore's egg grading station. 14.h FARM IMPLEMENTS for SALE MASSEY-HARRIS 15 -Disc Grain drill with grass seeder complete, Phone Christie O'Brien, Clinton 615r25. 14-b FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE EARLY WARBA, Irish Cobblers; Sebago potatoes. Clinton Oats. John G i b s o n, phone Clinton 907r23. 14-p FURNITURE FOR SALE 22 CHESTERFIELD and Daven- port styles at "Bargain Prices'' at the Mildmay Furniture Co. Take a cushion from your old suite so that the salesman ern determine a trade-in allowance. J. F. Schuett & Sons, Mildmay. Free delivery. 13-1-b FURNITURE REFINISHING FOR PIANO, FURNITURE AND radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing, see W. G. Pickett, Box 351, Clinton. 13-4-5-p HELP WANTED—FEMALE PART-TIME GIRL for Simpson - Sears Order Office. 14-b GIRL TO WORK IN LUNCH room. Good working conditions. Good pay. Apply to Hotel Clinton. 13-4-b GIRL TO ASSIST with general housework for one-two months. Live in. Box "P" Clinton News - Record. 14-b OFFICE WORK IN CLINTON typing preferred. State age and experience if any. Part time; hours can be arranged. Apply to Box "D", Clinton News -Record. 14 .b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone Stones collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. 9-tfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN VEAL CALF, one week old. Robert W. Cole. Phone Clinton 906r24. 14•b HORSE, ABOUT TEN YEARS old, 1,600 pounds, grey in colour• Also disc for pony tractor. Phone Clinton 805r31. 14-p TWELVE SMALL CHUNKS, nine weeks old. Holstein heifer calf. Also rubber tire wagon with rack. Set of spring tooth harrows. Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton 904r4. 13-4-b DURHAM HEIFER, two-year-old, due to freshen April 23, bred to Holstein bull. Also two-year-old Durham heifer, fresh four weeks Apply to E. L. Bender, Varna, phone Hensall 699r12. 13-4 •b LOGS WANTED WE ARE PAYING HIGHEST prices for hard maple and bass- wood logs or standing timber. We pay cash. Phone collect, Jas. T. Craig and Son, Auburn. Phone Blyth 32r24. 13-4.p LOST AND FOUND LOST — GREY CHESTERFIELD cushion. Good Friday. Between RCAF Station Clinton and Gode- rich. Contact Clinton News - Record office, Reward. 14-b MISCELLANEOUS AFRICAN VIOLETS FOR SALE. Phone Clinton 547J. 14-b FEED TURNIPS FOR SALE. Good quality. Harry Dougall. Phone Hensall 689r11. 13,b WINNIFRED O'NEIL, CLINTON representative for Avon Products. Special gifts for Mother's Day. 14-15-b CLEARING SALE of quality gladiolus bulbs at bargain prices. Large, medium and small bulbs. 30 varieties. J. E. Pollock, Varna. 12-ttb VULCANIZING, TRACTOR, truck and car tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Lenfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb LATHAM RASPBERRY CANES, good healthy stock, $4 per hund- red. Also Senator Dunlop Straw- berry plants $2 per hundred. Albert Leibo]d, RR 2, Clinton. 14-p SURGE MILKERS ARE SAFE'% and faster for your cows, For a demonstration call Lovell Mc- Guire, Surge Dealer, Wingham. Phone 593W. We specialize in milking cows. 13-4-5-6-7-p STORM WINDOWS; other win- dows; two doors; cream separator, DeLaval; cistern pump; 10 ft. pip- ing; eongoleum rug, 9'x12'. Ap- ply Joseph Riley; RR 1, Clinton. Phone Seaforth 841r3. 14-15-p MORTGAGE WANTED MORTGAGE DESIRED on desir- able residential property. Reply to Box "T",, Clinton News -Record, 14-p PASTURE FOR RENT GRASS FOR RENT, Good pasty tire, lots of water. Phone at 6.10 in the evening, Clinton 801ri. Louis Carbert. 1344) 'HAVE PASTURE FOR 25 Steere, from 400 to 600 pounds. Arnold D6.16, phone Clinton 801ra 13°-14-b CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank friends and neighbours for their many kindnesses and for floral tributes received in my recent bereave- ment—MRS, VERA WALPER. Sincere thanks to those who visited me and to those who sent flowers, fruit, cards and gifts dur- ing my recent stay in the hospital. Thanks to the SS 4 Farm Forum for their remembrance, and spec- ial thanks to the doctors and nur- ses at the hospital,—MRS IRA H. MERRILL. 14-b My sincere thanks to all who sent flowers, cards, and treate, and other kindnesses received dur- ing my recent stay in hospital. —MRS.,ROBERT SCOTT. 14-b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Sust call G. W. Cox et Clinton 695J. 43-tfb PET STOCK BUDGIES, ALL COLOURS. Can- aries, goldfish, all feeds and sup- plies. Also, new supply of cages, just arrived. Call Barb's Pet Sup- plies, phone Clinton 631r14. Mem- ber of C.B.A. 13-4-5-6-7-ptf PIANOS FOR SALE NEW APARTMENT -SIZE quality pianos made by Willis. You are invited to see and try these at Mrs. Frank Speaight's. Liberal allowance on your old piano and free service on any piano purchas- ed. Phone Clinton 405. 12-3-4-5-b PROPERTY FOR SALE FIVE ROOM BRICK COTTAGE with two-piece bath. Corner of Fulton and Dunlop Streets. Ap- ply to Mrs. Dick Noble, Ontario Street. 14-15-p NEW BUNGALOW, four rooms and three piece bath, solid base- ment, on James Street, south of Railway track, Apply at site of house, or to E. Galachiuk. 13-4-p TWO HOUSES IN CLINTON', ready for occupancy. One has two bedrooms; one has four bedrooms. Full basements, oil furnaces. Ap- ply to M. McAdam, phone Clin- ton 694J. 14-p DESIRABLE BUILDING LO r, on Fulton Street. Would make attractive site for home. Good- sized building on lot. For terms and observation, phone Clinton 119W. 14-b SEVEN ROOM INSUL-BRICK house, Mary Street. Modern con- veniences, garage attached. Extra lot, with cement block garage. Ap- ply to S. Schoenhals, phone Clin- ton 588J. 13-4-b PROPERTY WANTED WOULD LIKE TO BUY A FARM in Clinton district. Apply Box "S", Clinton News -Record. 14-b SAW FILING ALL TYPES OF SAWS sharpen- ed. Leave at Nelson's Machine Shop or David Elliott's residence, 12-3-4-p SALESMEN WANTED EARN EXTRA MONEY pleasant- ly and easily, in your spare or full time, selling guaranteed and reliable 'Household Products of highest quality, at attractive prices. Company established fif- teen years. You can build your own profitable business. No money to invest. Exclusive ter- ritory. Either men or women ac- ceptable as agents. Apply to Box "3", Clinton News -Record. SEED FOR SALE, TIMOTHY SEED. FLYNN Bros., Clinton. Phone Clinton 801r14. 13-4-p timothy seed. William R. Glazier, RR 4, Clinton, phone Clinton 616r31. 14-b QUANTITY OF ALFALFA SEED for sale. William Harris, phone Clinton 908r3. 14-b TIMOTHY SEED; POTATOES; end posts and cedar kindling. Elmer Trick, phone Clinton 907r5. 14-tfb RED CLOVER SEED, Why pay more than $18? Elgin Porter, Bayfield, phone Bayfield 55r21. 14-5-6-p QUANTITY OF RED CLOVE seed, Grade No. 1. Also good clean timothy seed. J, Arnold Jamieson, phone Clinton 61,6r33. 14-b CLOVER SEED FOR SALE. We have some real good red elm e2 seed, fully matured and well cleaned. Prices very reasonable. Phone Clinton 33. F. W. Andrews, 12-tfb STOVES FOR SALE SMALL ENAMELLED COOK stove, Also nearly new hot plate. Phone Clinton 648W. 14-b WOOD AND COAL STOVE, mod- ern design, practically new. Best offer takes. Sgt, J. M. Gattinger, 60 Winnipeg Road, Adastral Pare, RCAF Station Clinton. Phone Clinton 5043. 14-p TEACHERS WANTED GODERICH TOWNSHIP School Area requires school teachers. Please stale qualifications, exper- ience and salary expected, Frark Yeo, secretary -treasurer, RR 1, Clinton, 1.3-4-b PROTESTANT TEACHER re- quired for USS 10, tIullett and Goderich Townships. Apply stat- ing qualifications, salary expected, and name of last inspector. Duties to commence September, 1953. Etu•olinent 14. R, J,, Shelf, sec- retary-treasurer, Londesboro, Oii- tarie.14-b ... _ • . 4. TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE NEW PORTAELE REMVMINGTON terpewriters at Groves Electric, Phone 6881, 14fb, PAGE F'I BIRTHS ARKELL—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, April 2, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arkell, R.R. 2, Bayfield, a daughter. ARMSTRONG—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, April 3; 1953, to Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Armstrong, R.R. 4, Bayfield, a daughter. BAILLIE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, April 7, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Baillie, Clinton, a son, BARRETT — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, March 30, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs. George Barrett, Clinton, a daughter, (Helen). (Stillborn). LAVIS—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, April 8, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, John Lav - is, Clinton, a son. • RILEY—In Clinton Public Hospit- al, on Friday, April 3, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Riley, R.R. 4, Clinton, a son. SPIVAK—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, April 6, 19es, to Mr. and Mrs. John Spivak, Auburn, a son. SYMONS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, April 7, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Symons (nee Florence Aiken), a daugh- ter, (Barbara Elizabeth). WESTLAKE—In Vancouver, B.C., on March 23, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. William Westlake, Burn- aby, B.C., a son (Ronald Wil- liam). 0 MARRIAGES ALDERDICE-CALDWELL =• In the home of the bride's parents, on Saturday, April 4, 1953, by Rev. N. McLeod, Mona Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caldwell, Kippen, to Vernon Lloyd Alderdice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Aderdice, Redwing. 0 DEATHS MUTCH—In LaCombe, Alta., on Tuesday, March 31, 1953, Stan- ley Mutch, brother of Miss Elma Mutch, Auburn, in his 53rd year. Funeral and interment at LaCombe, Alta., on Satur- day, April 4. 0 Coral is animal life. Town of Clinton TENDER FOR TRUCK Chassis and cab, heavy duty, three ton, short wheel base - 137", or equivalent, dual wheels, two -speed axle, ten -ply tires - 825, equipped with complete combination box 9' and hoist. Tenders to be in Clerk's Of- fice, Town of Clinton, not later than April llth at 1 p.m, L. D. Holland, Clerk CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 36-ptfb `InNYJMMNJJ.IMN 1 SCK GouRreous SERVECe Get There Safely! CALL 1 1 ASHTON'S TAX[ Transpo.ation Interments Entombments Cremations anywhere anytime Personal attention. taftio jtutti'.r'a! le 1 -BOXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (April 9-11) DREAM Boat with Clifton Webb and Gan- ger Rogers MON., TUES., WED., April 13.15 "MUTINY" In Technicolor An enthralling drama of the high seas during the War of 1812. If you like adventure you will find it here. Mark Stevens, Angela Lansbury and Patric Knowles THURS., FRI., SAT., April 16-1.8 "LYDIA BAILED''" The Technicolor screen version of Kenneth Roberts' historical novel. The setting -Haiti in 1802 when Napoleon was trying to seize the government. Adventure—Romance —Suspense and Action] Dale Robertson, Anne Francis and Charles Korvin Coming: (April 20-22) "MILLION DOLLAR MERMAID" with Esther Williams PARK THEATRE • GODERIjW:.•.-Phone 1150 Now: In Technicolor, Mitzi Gay- nor and Scott Brady in "BLOOD- HOUNDS OF BROADWAY" MON., TUES., WED., "ALES MISERABLES" The latest screen version of the Victor Hugo classic, in which Jus- tice is not alone blind but pond- erously heavy-footed as well. Michael Rennie, Peva Paget and Robert Newton THURS., FEL, SAT, Gilbert Roland, Millard Mitchell and John Beal Based on the best seller by Don- ald Powell Wilson, this relates the experiences of a psychologist on a prison staff. "MY SIN CONVICTS" --Excellent°Drama l— Coming: Stewart Granger and De- borah Kerr in "TILE PRISONER OF ZENDA", In Technicolor, CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH .--- Phone 47 Now: "FORT VENGEANCE", lex Colour, with James Craig and Etta Moreno MON., TUES., WED, James Cagney, Mickey Rooney and Peter Lorre The story of a kid whose first act of petty larceny leads him into an involved morass of crime and eventual repentance. "QUICKSAND" THURS., FRI., SAT. Sterling Hayden, Eve Miller and Bart MacLane A Technicolor story of the old time guerilla leader, Quantrill, and his attempt to sabotage a pioneer railroad. "KANSAS PACIFIC" Coming: Mark Stevens and Dor- othy Malone in "TORPEDO AL- LEY." lst Clinton Cub Pack The 1st Clinton Cub Pack held their traditional Easter Monday hike. Twenty-four Cubs turned oat loaded down with haversacks, paperbags and enough cooking gear to last a week. Sharp at 9 a.m. the caravan got under way headed for Wise's flats on the Bayfield River. After a walk of nearly three miles the camping spot was reach- ed and the boys started getting ready to cook their meals. Under the supervision of the Scouts and Cub leaders fireplaces were or- ganized and the boys were shown the best way to light their fires. Cooking that would have raised a howl of protest had it been serv- ed up • at home was consumed with gusto. Weiners covered with wood ashes, potatoes baked to a crisp, hamburgers and onions raw and uncooked were consumed with evident relish. After all the boys had eaten, a game of Scalping was organized. One of the Scouts who thought that he was immune to being scalped when standing on a rock in the middle of the river found that he was all wet. After every- one was Scalped, the boys set out to find out the most unusual ob- ject near the camp, Old bird nests, squirrel nest, fungi, moss, spring flowers, etc., were soon discovered. Scout Art Groves was the most successful hunter. After a short softball practice the boys loaded up with all their gear and started the trek home- ward, Despite the Junior Com- mando Route organized by the scouts leading the hike, all the Be prepared for hospitality Aemen:ed bow„ o, eow•eoio under ware..mb eoca.6ele Ltd, ESBECO LIMITED 658 Erie Street Phone 78 STRATFORD, ONT, —To lose your wealth is much To lose your health is more To lose your soul is such a loss That nothing can restore. The Lord Said-- I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, (God) but by me. —John 14 ; 6 Receive Christ into your heart today. Charles Fuller -- 123 Los Angeles, Calif. — Tune in ABC Network Sundays, 4 p.m. (EST) 8-10-12-14-16-18-204, , Cubs safely reached Clinton. Even ,the aged and tired Cub Leaders managed to finish the course, The hike was enjoyed by all and it is hoped that there will be another one in the near future. The Stamp Collecting group in the Cubs and Scouts would like to thank Miss Ida McGowan, of the Clinton Post Office who sup- plied first day covers•of the new Wild Life stamps to all members of the club. The Cubs very much appreciate the expense a n d trouble Miss McGowan went to on their behalf. /n Memoriam In memory of our beloved anoth- er, Vivian M. Hale, who passed away on April 6, 1952. "The dearest mother the world could hold, A cheery smile, a heart of gold, To those who knew her, all will know' How much we lost one year ago." —Ever missed by her family. 14-b t Gulbraith's MODEL 21K4W 54995 $10.00 Down $5.00 Weekly FREE ONE YEAR WARRANTY* on tubes and parts. ',Warranty does not include labour, wood or plastic cabinets. All-time high in TV! Striking wal- nut finish console with super 21 inch tube for razor-sharp pictures. In mahogany finish and limed oak at, slight extra cost! GALB IN RADIO and TELEVISION "Clinton's Only Record Bar" TEL. 482 — FOR GUARANTEED RADIO REPAIRS WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL Factory Authorized Service MOTOROLA TV, CAR RADIOS TV ANTENNAS INSTALLED nnou ceme Our Store Will Be Closed Wednesday, Thursday. and Friday, April 15, 16 and 17 Watch for our BRAND OPENING of our. New Store at .the Main Corner (formerly Shearing's) Saturday,_April 18 PICKETT p.$° CAMPBELL ARI OOW SfflUTS ? ON1 25 (Main Corner) STIiTSON HATS CLINTONN'