The Wingham Times, 1885-10-16, Page 1.::
XIV. ---NO. 42. WINGFIAM, 0NT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1885 WHOLE NO. 718.
hittgbant unto
S. W. GA3,13 it AI7.'FI, 1i, ueritrETOR.
Trus it'fso11A1t 'rimrs, published every Friday morn.inrt, is a lire level newspaper, and has a large
circulation In Wingbn n and Surround•
1,11 country, honkingitavalu-
•Mato advertising
THE BELGRAVE FAIR. sheep, IL,. Snell i:, Mous. Fat aheep
Tho: Most, SucgeSsinl Exhibitkat ever ewe of wether, Glias, ProctorNods
held in the Village.
Large Breed, --Aged boar, J. C.
IThe annual fall fair of the East T'uok; 2nd holt Cute" Brood ow,
Wawauoslt Agricultural Sox:iety WAS having, littered in 1885, John Ccttltis;
held in the villilge of 1selgreve Q;i 2nd. Finlay Anderson, Boar littered
Thursday last, the 8th inst. Asarule in 1885,, J G. 'fuck; 2nd Finlay
this show has always been a success, Anderson Sow littered ill x885, J.
-- bttt this \ ear it eclipsed itself in every 0• Tuck; �2ua Finlay Anderson,
.Miro-11.4).41% i Ems: respect. In every department the Small ];reed, --Aged bor.r. J. C.
Qt,21 per yotr-•>rd,0 per ,YnIt, if paid in udvaticc. competition was very keen, there being ' ;;1`
7.uck• 2na Jelin a}1' r, Brood sow
Neuf. 1 1 yr, i 8 ma.' ( 3 ant 1 1 mo,
—Tine Cohlutlt i:`110 00105 t.0 t2u 00 $8 00
8,5 On ' '0 001 12 00 1d 00
quarter " 1 30 Idi 1 t L' 00 , 7 00 4 00
one Inch 1 a 0a i 3 UU : 2 00 1 00
bevel. noir :es d cots per ltnu for first insertion, L
vents p41, line for each subsequlut ime,ton. Births,
marriages and domes insacte,t free.
1orreipuudence of a newsy nature and comnnmi.
cations upon live topics tespectfuily solicited.
is HAMILTON. Cominissiouets for taking officio,
its for Manitoba. Private funds to lead .n straight
pans at lowest ates. Minces —front's Block, trying;
lt.:m, Glicknn and Gerrie.
U. 1r.. e.-mr.1Y.n. S. 1.. DICKINSON.
Wuttl'u1a :soy. 18 1880 1.1y
Wingham Oat
eaice, cc: r Centre and . atrick streets, Winghaii
Y. R. C. P. S. K. N. C. r..
).ARn; CHANCE. -80 acre farm; some timber ; the
Ilk, making of a niee home ; delightful s.tuction, 9tr
woes south of Vassar, blienigan, sandy loam ; spring
brook ; school and state foa.t near ; M. C. Ry. switch
on corner. Also 320 wares Southern M•,nitoba. 100
acres highly improved farm, lot 30, con. 5, and 100
arcs lot 0i con. b, Culross. Free deeds. Salo or
exchange on easy thins. Gio. b10K1seo11,
P. S.—Private funds en real oatate at 7 per cent ;
no expenses. Wiughunl, Oct. 0,'85.3411.
i 1 NTISTnY,
lJ . G. L. DILL, L' . D. S.,
Hano; Graduate, and Member of Royal Dental Cellege,
Toronto. a.
Attends his o01oe over Gordon & Mefndoo's store
every Wed nes lay. Best of reference and satisfaction
given. The vyrioas anesthetics used in extracting
t.;4th. Prides moderate.
3?C1(, SALE.
Two lots on Josephine street; adjoining the Bruns-
wick House, with a frontage of 24 feet; also four back
lots—two in rear of Brunswick and t,vo in rear of A.
W. Webster's; also a private dwelling on Scott street,
containing nine.rooms, with every convenience. The
property will be sold cheap as, the owner is leaving
the country. For further particulars apply to •
Mas.0icM1 M.
Wingham Aug. 18,1885. Scott Street.
Ler Sufferers.from Rheumatism, either of the
Acute, Chronic, Inflammatory, or Gonorrhoea type,
Rheumatoid Arthrisis, etc., can find a positive curd
in the Royal Rheumatic Remedy. Sure, safe and re-
liable. No fraud or cure.all, but a new and import.
ant cure for all Rheumatic diseases. Beware of vile
drugs containing Memoury and other poisons. Cer.
tain .curd guaranteed. Only $1 a bottle, sent by mall
prepaid. Address J. Hooper & Cn., Sole Proprietors,
t3 & 55 O'Connor Street, Ottawa, Can. tf
on the market. Private or companies' funds to
Lean on farm socurity at0, ss and 7 per cent. .
Apply to
Oppostte the Market Square, \Vinghatn.
E xolian® Rotel
This house has lately boon re -modelled
to considerable extent, and is thoroughly
comfortable in every respect. Always
sets a 00X) TABLP.1. Giles s well
pleased and come again. 4Itates reason.
able. Geed stabling in connection and No.
1 hostler,
T /•-ti
a largo number of entrieo end the ex-
hibits of ties first quality. Especially
wits, this the case in dairy produce.
.Plie judges presented a report to the
dlreo�ors to the efti'ct. that " teeing to
the general excellence of the butter
the ledges found it most difficult to .
deuide where all merited reward." The
gate receipts were large, judging from
which there must have been fully 1,500
people on the grounds. The following
is a list of the successful comm. etitors:
Heavy draught, --Brood maiee,
Wm. \\'ellwood; 2nd 'A110s. Agnew ;
3rcl Robt. Martin & Sons. Horse
foal, Thomas Agnew ; 2nd Thomas
H. Taylor, jr. Mare foal, Wn1. Well -
wood. Two-year-old filly, E. Oliver ;
2nd Arch. Anderson. Year old filly.
Donald McLaughlin ; 2nd Wm. We 1 -
wood. Span heavy draught horses,
Nicholas Cumminlrs.
General purpose.—Brood glare, D.
McLaughlin: 2nd R. Mellen; 8d T. H.
Taylor, jr. Horse foal, Arch. Ander-
son; 2nd Charles Agin. Mare foal,
Robert B. Millen; 2nd Robe 'Reilly
Two-year-old filly, john Menzies; 2nd
Thos. Joint. Two-year•old gelding,
R. T. Errett; 2nd John Taylor.
Year old filly, R. T. Errett; 2nd •
Petit, Coultis & Sons Year old geld-
ing, \Vm. Roach; 2nd Robert Rielly.
Span general purpose horses; Hugh
Ross; 2nd Patrick Brown.
Carriage horses.—Brood mare, Jas.
Spears; 2nd Wm. Geddes. Spring
foal Wm. Geddes. 2nd Geo. King.
'Two-year-old filly, Geo. King; 2nd derson; 2d Geo. Monet. Ttvo•.busli•'Tamlyn. Braiding, C, .ibleClellancl; have met with so ready appreciation
having littered ill 1S85. J. C Tuck;
James Henry & Son. Boar littered.
in 1885, Arch. Robertson; 2nd John
rl'ayler. Sow littered in 1885, 0. W.
Lawrence; 2nd James Hent3r e4. 'Son.
Best pen of pigs, . James 1Ih711,.,&
W. 1'I. McCracken. Six blood beets, , $Ifiep3r YEol=owr,
Jas, IIRIVIson; 2d W', IT, McCracken, 4"
Six niaugold wut'tzc1,W . 11. 1►TcOrack ' , Pvtpin harvest as. In full blast, The
en; ;?cl J, Stubbs,. Six Swede turnips ,4luip 31 tern out -well this year, as
Walter Scott; 2d Aron, Robertson. much as 40U bushels being taken from
Six fickl carrots, W. H, 1VBobe ken; one sore of land. This. was planted
2c[ ,J. Stul;[,�. Six early liorli. carrots, with the variety called the "White
Jas. f,hurrie; A, Proctor,
six °niche Elephant with the result stated,
from seed, b'raneis Baines; 2d W. 1•I. . The voting people here held a nice
;tletiraekcn, Cue peck onions tiny little picnic recently and spexitsa. real
other seed, R, Wightman ; 24 'Jas enjoyable afternoon swiilgiug,croquei,-
Flea;ry eon, Six ears Indian corn, . ing and playing base ball.
W. H. McCracken 2d John Barbour: A concert 'was held in tlie. Coi%gt'e»
\Vater melon, W, H. McCracken; 2d
T. Anderson; Music melon, \V, Ii getional church here on Thursda•y
T. Anderso Pumpkin, o W, H.
evening of last week, which, if not a
Md R Joen,hnston. Squash, W. H. Me- financial. success, was at least the
Crttcken• 2d G. Moffat. Citron, W.
greatest success of the season as far as
Oracracken; 2d Francis Barns, Plato -real enjoymont goes, Gorrie, Wrox
tomatoes L. Tindail 2d Jas T3ailate eter and 1\W xighatn wore reprtltsented
POULTRY'CuctnllUer, G. Moffat; 2d 0, W. Law- and the musical standing of these'
Pair geese, C. Lawrence; 2nd Jas. ranee, Peck of beans, G. Moffat; 2d towns was considerably elevated in
Harrison, Pair turkeys, Jas. Barri- J•, Coultis. Six Swede turnips, T. the estimation of the Sleepy Hollow
son. 2nd Jolin ' Robertson. Pte; r Anderson.people, The cclltribtttors'to the pro -
ducks, Jas. Sherrie; 2nd C. W. Law- DAIRY PRODUCE.
gramme were Miss Rogers, Gerrie;
ranee, Plymouth rocks, Jas. Harris Keg salt butter, not less than 50 Miss Brown and Messrs. Gibson, of
son; 2nd Jas. Wigbtn'an, sr. Pair lbs, J. Barbour; 2d C. Proctor&Sons; wroseter; Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of
and Mrs,
bralimas, W. H. McCracken. Pair 3c1 R. Johnston. Crock of butter not Whitley, Win ham. inliam in thevocawna art,
iss Frazer,
Leghorcts, W. H. McCracken; 2ncl less than 20 lbs., C. Proctor & Sons;
Jas. Harrison. Pair spanish, Jas. 1 2d A. Yroctdr•. Basket of butter in of Shallespeare, in the instrumental.
Harrison; 2nd do. Pair Hambuegs, rolls or print not less than 15 lbs, C. Mr. Gracey and Misses Cargill also
Jas. Harrison. Pair of any other Proctor & Sons; - 2d 0. McClelland. added to the interest with well render
variety of fowls, Jas. Harrison; 2nd Five lbs. honey in comb, 1st and 2d J. ed readings and recitations. Best collection of fowls shown Salter. Five lbs. maple sugar, A.
out the entire evening the agplanas
by one exhibitor, Jas. Harrison.
Proctor. Quart maple syrup, A. athed urs p s were incessant, and as.
Proctor; 2d \Vi htman. et loaf the hours passed by it seethed to get
IMPLEMIENTS' better and hotter all the time. The
Churn, H. oath. pomp, H. C'ar1-. Moine-blade bread, J. Harrison; 2d J. concert was continued until almost 11
2nd do. Self -binder, \\'tn. Levy, 2dtR. Ste Oa; culceg. , oI J. ychepse,�vlilte, o'clock and was brought to a close by
Watson Manufacturing Co., Ayr, made first week in Sept, John Ross. thee, entire audience 1olr.lne in, the
Lumber wagon. Slitter &Slues. Dem home made cheese,YF. Anderson;2c1 National Anthem. .
ocrat spring map!), John Brunsdcn.
Buggy', John Brunsdon; 2nd 111001y_ J. \1'ightman, sr.
mont Bros. Double carriage, John
Brunsdon. Cutter, Slater & Sims. ,
Plow, Robinson & Boise's 2ud do. men tlochet work, Mrs Tamlyn; 24f The trustees of this School Section,
Gang plow, Robinson &Boal. Iron E. W. Lawrence. Bead work, 0. Mc- No. 8, East Watiwanosh, have reFen-
harrows, V. Va11Nor1nau; 2nd J. G. (holland; 2d Mrs. Tamlyn. Fancy gaged for the ensuing year the present -°
Stewart. St horse shoes, J. G. knitting, Miss McClelland; 2d Mrs. teacher, Albert H. Plummer, - at a
Stewart; 2e Slater & b' imsoes '1'amlyli. Patch work on quilt, Mrs. salary of $425. This, we believe, -s-
Tamlyn. Gent's linen shirt, lst the highest salary ever paid by this
GRAIN. and 2d Mrs. Tamlyn. Gent's ft,ncy section and Mr.• Plumteer niay feel
Two bushels fall wheat, Thos.. An' � flannel shirt, C. McClelland; 2d Mrs. gratified that his care and dillgenoe
Tatting, Mrs Dr. Tamlyn, Speci
"Onward and upward" is our motto.
James Wilrturan, sr. 'Year old els spring
Scott. Twoebushels barley, R. �Mc . Atkinson. Pair woolen stockings,.reso1v t to change their second for a
Murray; 2d Thos. H. Taylor, ,j.r. Trio Miss McC'elland; 2ci W. H. 111cCrack- third classteacher, they having en •
bushels white oats, G. Moffat;. 2ii< Jas.. en. Pair socks, Miss McClelland; 2d . gaged T. Beacroft at a salary of 8350,
Henry & Son:' Two bushels' black W H 11cCraelfen. Pair woolens y
oats, Jas FIenryi& Son; 2d Jas. Har- -gloves Mrs ,l'arllle 2d W. H. Mo.' 10th, after playing a friendly game.
On the evening of Saturday,. the
rison. Two bushels pea&,'`•T. Wi'kin Orackee., • fair woolen mitts, Mrs.
the boys met to oreanize a foot ball '
filly, Richard Stonehouse & Sons; 2nd
Loren Tindall. Bum horse, Dr.
111oKenzie; 2nd T. P. Nugent. Hack
horse, Joseph Brennan; 2nd David
Geddes. Span of carriage, Robert
Tennant; 2nd Thos. Bridges. Best
brood mare, any class, Vim. Well -
wood. Best team of horses, Hugh
Tnorough-bred.—Best cow, Thos.
Ross; 2nd James Pottcr. Two-year-
old heifer James Potter; •2nd Thos.
Wilkinson. Year old heifer, James
Putter; 2nd dti. Heifer calf, Thos.
Ross, 2nd James Potter.
Native or grade cattle,—Best cow,
Thos. Wilkinson; 2nd Chas. Wheeler,
jr. Two-year•old heifer, A. Proctor;
2nd Chas. Proctor & Sons. Year
o'd heifer, Thomas 'Ross, 'and do.
Heiter calf, Hugh Ross; 2ud John
Coultis. Pair three•yesr-old steers,
Thos. Ross; 2nd Henry Deacon.
Pair Two-year-old steers, John Pelton;
2nd 'Mhos Ross. Pair Ona -year-old
steers, Thos. Wilkinson; 2nd Robt
McGowan. Pair steer calves, Robt.
l\;cGowan; 2nd Thos. Rose. Beeve,
Thos. Wi'kinson; 2nd Robt. Mc-
Cowan. Yoke working oxen, Thos.
Miller, 2nd \Vm. Isbister,.
Leicester and their grades.—Aged
ram, H Snell & Sons; 2d Archibald
Robertson Shearling ram, Joseph
Stubbs. Ram lamb, H. Snell & Sons;
2d John Robertson, Pair aged ewes,
Snell tiz Sons; 2t1 Arch Robertson.
wheat, Jas. Sherr
iP; 2d R. 2d Jas; Owens.' reacher flowers, `T.: The neighboring section, No. 1:1. have
son; 2d Jas Henry & Son Half bush- Pollocl-•2d W H.M C
call uilt, Miss McClelland; 2d A.
y o Knitted quilt, Mrs. ,Barkley.
FRUIT AND FOLWEEs. Patehiea quilt, R. B. Millen; 2d Miss
Mc -
Half doz Golden Russet apples, J. McClelland. Counterpane, Miss Mc -
Stubbs 2d L. Tindall. Do Baldwin
ilelland; 2d T. H. Taylor. Rag mat,
Thos Anderson. .Do Farinense, T. A. Proctor; 2d 0. \Vheeler, jr. Berlin
Wilkinson; 2d John Robertson, Do wool work, 11diss McOlellal:d; 2d Mrs.
R. I. Greening, Robt. Riley; 2na J. I-antlyn. Cotton stockings, Miss Pol.
Coultis. Do Maiden's Blush,Jas. lock. Card work, lst and' 2d A.
Bailey; 2d David Geddee. Do North. Proctor. Leather work, Mrs. Monism;
ern Spy,ysJohn Conitts 2d Jas. Henry 2d W. H. McCracken. Pencil draw-
& Son. Do Colverts, Chas. Taylor; mg, flowers, diii ssMcClelland. 2c1 Miss eBest
2d Robt. Riley. Do Tolman Sweets, specimen of enmanship, \f r. iticUlel-
Robert Scott; 2d Walter Scott. land 2d \\r. H. McCracken. Em.
Three varieties of winter apples, 4 of broide y on silk, A. W. cWebster; 2d
each kind oot named above, Walter Miss \IcC:elltlnfi: Embroidery on
Scott; 2d Jos. Stubbs. Three vane linen, llii.s 11IeC;elland; 2c1 Itirs. Tam -
ties fall apples, tour of each kind, J. '
'lyre Lace work 1st and 2d Mrs.
Stubbs; 2d ,las. Bailey. Half dozen
'Newlyn. 11 Twine lace Miss illcClel-
fall pears, 11. Riley; 2d J. Stubbs. Do land; 2d L rl'ill. �Ptag carpet, A.
wiut,:`r pears, E. F. Blank; 2d Walter Proctor; 2d Mrs. Tamlyn.
Scott. Best variety or gr'apes, not-,_
Iess thslli two bunches of each kind, . Whiteehuroh.
, racsen. Log
el timothy, T. Wilkinson; 2nd Adam q
Ilallida . Pro -
Jas, Bailey; 2d Richard b\ ightri,an.
Plate of crab apples, Robert Johnston;
2d Francis Rains. Coll^ction of fruiif, iu the Methodist ehu,•ch hero on Sen.
J. Bailey; 2d J. Henry & Son. Bon- day and Monday, Cot. lath and 1r9tI1.
quer of Sowers, Ohas, Procter & Sons; On Sunday Ref. D. C. 14ldDoweil, of
2c1 J. Bailey. Flower in pot, John \Vinglime, president of the Guelph
Scandrett; 2ud Robb. McMurray. Conference, will deliver discourses at
MANUYAoTURES. 10 a. 111. And 2 p, nt , and in the even-
iur Rev, J. A. Anderson will conduct
PPair slrearliu ' ewes, Snell & Sons; 2d Ton yards horse Tirade cloth, Mrs, the services at 7 o'oloelc, On Mon -
air Blas Cummings. Pair ewe lambs, Jas. Pollosll. Ten yards flannel, Mrs • day evening a social wi be held 111
Snell & Sons; 2d Arch. R :isbertson. J, Pollock; 2d Robt. Johnston. Ten the basement of tile church, when tea
Cotswold and their grades.—Aged osiyards union flannel, Jas,. Owens; 2dwillbe served from G to 8 o'clock,
rata James Potter. ain lamb, isi Mrs. Pollock. Pair blankets, i'11rs, after which Bev. D. 0, .McDowell
and,2d James Potter. Petr aged elves, • Pollock; 2d J, Owelas. Set single will deliver a lecture on "\Vhat a
Joseph Stubbs: od Charles Hingston , harness, Thos. Nixon. Pair coarse Calladlll,n saw, i11 Europe,' mimic
Anniversary services will bo held
oke ' i boots, Joshua Peaten. Pair fine boots,
Pair sllearling�ewes, C. lifngston._ upper leather do, gill be furnished by the '4Vi::ghitl• •
Do yon. want to borrow money? To buy Pair ewe lambs,. Janes Putter; Chas. men's,
clo. Olde 1 , illethodist choir. An levitation 1s
Side harness leather, do. `1ht'ec bot- extended to all to be present,
ailarelund. for Yourself or Your Solis, To Ilia; stun. 2c 1
build it Muse or Bare. To Fence,Clear Downs and their graders --Aged ties home macho w1ne, S. Owens; 1
club. The club- is to be called "The
Rangers," and the following officers
have been elected :—A. H. Plummer,
president; R. .Agnew, sec.-treas. ; J.
Bone, J. Porterfieldel and R. Brett,
managing committee, Sixteen mem-
bers joined at this the first meeting
and already several others Have sig•
nified their intention of doing so,
Regular meetings are to be held for
practice, and no doubt in a few weeks •
the boys will be glad to meet some of
the neighboring clubs to test their
infantile strength.
1'scurlmn BnirnsfARE.—As stated some
weeks ago, Airs. Louts N. Stillwell, wife of -•.
the man who was shot by a cowardly as.
sassin in his father's woods in Bayliam,
on New Year's Day, has given birth to a,
child since her release from the St.
Thomas jail, where she was confined •
pending her trial for complicity in the,, ,
murder. 'The child boars tt peculiar
birthmark, a couple of apertures in its
head indicating -the points of ingress and
egress of the bullet which killed its father.
Last Friday afetal accident occurred
in the village of Lucknow. David
Reed, a carpenter engaged on the new
Methodist church, while working on
the tower on a sluing scaffold, had
finished Lis ,job and was in the act of
turning round to descend, when the
knot slipped and the scaffold
Reed was caught by the foot and was
suspended in the air head downwards.
He began calling loudly fc r help, but
before any assistance eonlcl. be rend-
ered lie fell to the ground. His body
was shockingly mangled. Ile died •
two hours after the accident occurred,
never eegaining consciousness.
ohn Taylor, of Morris, lute sold his
17iletatilraltt, or otherwise improve Land Ram,' Hugh J W. 11 McCracken'
' WONnsiteun Discovl ay, --By anti j farm, lot 24, concession 5, known its
` bel 1ioss ; 2nd, john Pilton. ;
Tb pay off a iVTort;;a;;e crotiliorDebtso b Sllearl[no ram, li. Shen & OOHS. xeoOTs ,AND VEGETABLES. and important discotcry a po:titive 1 the Meteod place, to Thomas Ennis,
for guy other Purpose, o you do 1 �.
aoraiancd are able to Loam at the lotves Ram lamb, (.leas, Hingator.; 2nd john half bus. Rose potatoes, Robt. cure has been found for all 1.l tit . of hltely from osotla, cl, for 84,000
rates of Ynterest and more roasoriabl Pelton. Pen. ctgect ewes, li, Snell & . Corrie; 2d John Cole, Half bus. po- rheumatism. hundreds of sufferers cash.
'.Perms than auy ono else i11 this soctiou a Sons; 2nd Hilo Ross, Pair shear. tatoes, any biller variety, Dttlican An. are being cured. Send $1 for the \V m. Potter, who is now attending
the country, lin ewes Hugh Ross; 2 td John derson; yd \Vightmen. Two heads Royal Idhenmatlo Remedy to J. Boo' the \ludt 1 School at Clinton, has Dern
MBYLR & DICI` ISMS ON, Pelton. Pair' ewe lantbs,lnugh Ross; cabbage, Thos. Wilki:tson; 2fl W. 11, eta & Co., 55 U'Cclluor St., Ottawa, eegaged to tf'acle the school at fun.
t Iiatrlstorti, \V1 ri ,,,t , J ingstbtl. I31yst pen of 111oCrtckeu, Two heads eaniiiloivet•, Oiit.
'i4elicit611 tar th ol3Ntik of liainiltotl. ..- G unto. shine next „year nt a salary of385.