The Wingham Times, 1885-10-02, Page 4qtailingtantEi FRIDAY, OCT, 2xn, 1885, PREPARING FOR ACTION The Reformers of the East Riding of Huron met at t russols last week atm. the purpose of organizing for the coming campaign. There was a large attendance of representative men from all parts of the Riding, and the man- ner in which the business of the con- vention was carried through would in- dicate that the next general election will be made most interesting for somebody, The first and most nn - portant matter to be attended to is the revision of the voters' lists, upon the correctness of which the success of the Rehm party in the next and future elections depends. The revis- ing officers will be appointed within the next three weeks, when they wi 1 at once enter upon the performs nce of their duties, and prepare, mire and complete the voters' lists, These of- ficers will be appointed by the Domin- ion Government and the lists will thus be brought under the direct con- trol of the Government. It is there- fore necessary that Reformers, indi- vidually and codectively, should take a personal interest in the matter and see that the lists retain, as nearly' as possible, their purity. All the Reformers waut, and all they can afford to accpet, is justice and fair play. The.lists must be watched and not left entirely in the hands of parti- sans of the 'Government. If every qualified Conservative is to be oa the list, every qualified Reformer must be there, too, and no person who is not qualified must be allowed to re- main. The revising officers will, of course, be friends of the Government, from whom they will also receive their pay. and they will see to it that Conservative interests are not neg;ect- ed in the preparation of the lists. On the other hand, the Reformers have no Dominion treasury at their back, and . it will devolse upon them as individ- uals to act spontaneously and see that the interests of the Reform party are not neglected. THE CEMETERY. p�3acible that the disease can be con: fined to the limits of the city, and the probabilities are that it will spread to outside plates. The situation is is very pave one, and instant steps should be taken to stay its progress as muoh,,as possible. While there may be no immediate cause for alarm in this remote locality, yet the strictest precautions should be taken. to provide agatnst it taking any foot- hold. The local boards of health in this and surrounding municipalities should meet and settle on soine plan of action, and the people should be in- structed as to what precautionary measures to observe and khat to do in case the disease presents itself. The committee to whom was re- ferred the matter e devising means v;herebv our cemetery might be beau- tified and .kept in proper order will likely present a report to the council next Monday evening. \Ve have no • means of knowing what course of ' action they are likely to suggest, but it it is to be hoped it will be a prac- tical one, that can be successfully carried out, and one alike creditable to theicsel /Es and to the town. As THE TIMES has already pointed out, the manner in w:uch oui cemetery is kept is a disgrace t'; a Christain com- munity, and reflects severely upon the respect we c'ierish upon the memory of our dei,d. It is scarcely lik' ly that any feasio e plan to curry on toe nu provements can be su4gested witl,un entailing some direct expense upon the town, but it reed not necessarity be very heavy. Anyway the couneii will be kis fled ir, making a liberni allotment for this purpose, and it is hoped they will if it is necessary. Propriety end decency demand that our cemetery sh.)uid be placed in order and kept so, and the math r of a few dol 'rs end cents should not sret,d il• the way of removing from this town the stigma of an ill kept cemetery. SMALL PDX. The sit • of Montreal is being visited by a small pox epidemic which is • carrying off its sco .es of victims daily, and the disease ap,ears to he sprend- ing aho it the city and suburbs wit appalling rapidity. It 1,. pstinin,ed that there is not less than three thous- and case,' of small pox in tl e city i'f the most virulent type. It issolace .y THE NEW READERS. In another column will be found a communication from '`Bookseller" re- g&u'clLg the new Ontario readers, which are receiving a thorough airing througn the Provincial press. "Book seller" agrees that a comparisonbetween the old and new readers shows the latter to be better value by a large per cent than the former, but at the saute he takes the opp'rtunity to have a Hing at the Education Department for creating what he is pleased to term a "monopoly." The fact that the new readers are, as he says, better value by 25 per cent. than the old would in- dicate that if there is a monopoly the usual course pursued by monopolies is not being carried out. In fact it rather indicates that the term is in- applicable in this case. We do not deny that the retrial dealers have a grievence, and a substantial one, too. But in the natter of their share of the profits that lies entirely between them and the publishers. The remedy "Bookseller" suggests would be a gond one—for the retail dealers, and for their sake we would be happy to see it carried out. But it would make no difference to the general public. It would simply add to the dealers' profits by de.luetiug from that of the pub- lishers. Although innumerable at- tempts bave been made to prove that a monopoly has been';,created by the Ontario Government whereby the general public suffer, it has not been successfully shown that such is the case. If any. other book equal to the new readers can be purchased for 18i cents per 100 pages, we should like to see it. CABINET CHANGES. The New Meader& To the Editor of Tug Tisza. Sir,—Referring to your editorial in last week's issue on the' `New Ontario Readers,'" the Tory press are continu- ally harping about the prices which I do not consider high, when a compati- son is ma c, between the new and the old series, The new are better value by 20% than the old, but that does not put oue cent into the pockets of the small dealer, who, if he lives close, can run his business on 10% on his sales leaving a very handsome(?) mar- gin of $10 after soiling $100 worth of books. The press say no hing in our behalf in this matter; we are the ones who have to p •y for the olunders of the late \linister of Education in authorizing two sets of readers. The loss to the pub'ishers is made up by the dealers in not vetting their rights, viz: a legitimate living profit, on what he sells. I claim the government should never have created a monopoly in the publication of the books, It should be open to competition the same as lettii.g a contract. The Min- ister of Education cannot explain to the satisfaction of the parents of On- tario (except they be dyed -in the -wool - politicians) their actions in reiereuce to this vexed question, and the only remedy that I can see is to reduce the the prices about 20% and give the dealer 10% more profit, then every• body wou•d be happy (except the mou- opolists) and Mowat & Co would get blessings innumerable. Yours, etc., BOOKSELLER. Wingham, Sept. 29, 1885. Another shift has bden made in the Dominion Cabinet on a^.count of th. resignation o Sir aaarles Tupper as minister of railways and the addition of Judge Thompson, of Nova Scotia. The changes as g.t.etted are as tui ;owe: To 110 minister of rail ways, Hni.. John Henry Pope, mutister of agri :ethane vice Sir Chitties Trimer rt signed To be minister of agriculture. Hou John Cite;ng, postmaster-ge.terai, vie. Hon John 1 -[eery Pape. To be postmaster -general, Hon •11r.x Cain poet . tine' .bee "i ,justice rice Hun. John Carling. To he minister of justice, Hon, Jnhl ti D Tho.upsor, °:.e of the judges 0 Ile supreme court of Nava Scotie. The cabinet under the new arrange „pet sew I P emiepo.ed as follow.: Premier, president of the council and !'Unci sneer otwnlent of 1l'di 'u atl'uir. Right Hon Sir John A Maed 'nal I. Yl:nister ref finance. Sir L Tilley Minister of rellways. John H Pope 1\llnldtrc• f agi•icultu:e, John Car ling. Minister of justice, John S. 7'homp eon. :quieter of customs, Mackenzie Bowel . Minister of public works, Sir Hoc tor Langnv)ne. MMist•ir of marine and fisheries, A. W 111cLolan Minister of militia, Sir A. P. f. artm. Postmaster general, Sir Alex. Camp - hell. Minister of inland revenue, John' Cnstigan. Minister of the interior, T toms White. Secretary of state, J. A. Chaplrn. Without portfolio, Senat.,r Frank Smith, The Dominion organ and Piano 4;o Has the largest and most complete factory in th Dominion-1tOx155. Eighest Eonore ever Awarded to any Maker in the Work Medal and Diploma at Centennial, 1878. 'dal and Diploma at Sydney, Australia 1877. .goo 1t Awatrdds at Industrlial Exhibition, Toronto, 1579-'80-'81. WE ARE NOW MANIIFACT7RING SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO: Ban IN TIIS, MARKET. Correspondence Solicited. Send for Illustrated C. alogue, mailed free. Address DOMINION O"OAN Ar) PIANO COMPANY A FEW HINTS FOR THE t OF ellsow '�iS DOSE.— 2' move the bow. ASjj W eia gently, 2 to 4 Pills; �es thoroughly, 4 to 6 Pills. Experience it ill decide the Oil proper dose i,. each case. For Constipation, or Costiveness, no :omedy la so effective as AYER's PILL6. They insure regular daily action, and re. store the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, AYER "PILLS are invaluable, and azure cure. Heart -barn, Loos of Appetite, Foul olnach, Flatulency, Dizziness, Plead. ache, Numbness, Haagen, aro all relieved and cured by AYER'S PILLS. 4 An Liver Complain', Bilious Disorders, and Jaundice, AYER'S PILLS 8honld be given in doses large enough to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansing medicine in the Spring, then PILLS are unequalled, Worms. caused by a morbid condition of ..he bowels, are expelled by these PILLS. Eruptions, Skin Diseases, and Piles, the result of Indigestiocror Constipation, are cured by the use of AYER'S PILLS. For Colds, take Avsr's PILLS to open the pores. ramovo inflammatory secretions, and allay the fever. tiFor Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused by sudden colds, Indiy-ibtiblo food, etc., AYEI:'Y PILI.s are the true remedy. Itheumutlsm, Gout, Neuraigia. and Sciatica, of ten result from digestiv., zee tote remit, or colds, and disappear .on ren„ving the cause 1 y the use of AYER'S PILLS. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, <'.ai other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, aro cured by AYER'S PILLS, Suppression, and Painful Menstrwr+ :ion, have a sate and ready remedy in AYER'S PILLS. itt.lt directions, in various :.erigvagee, aes company each package. PREYS RED AY Dr„ l.C.Ayc� 4Co.,Litwell,Maas, THE ANCHOR JIOTISE WINGH.AM. 7cIDH), Beg to announce that their Fal] Stock is complete in every depart- ment, and they extend a cordial invitation to all to come and . carefully inspect their immense stock, and see the liberal ---barge-ins they are able and willing to give.— IN ive. . IN SILKS F110 ' 50o. up to $2 per YARD. Silk plushes in different shades, the best value in Wingbam. Velvet, in the popular shades, from 45c per yard, up to ---$5.00 a yard. In the -- Dress Goods Department Great care has been taken to secure not simply the most seasonable and fashionable goods, but such goods as we can place in the hinds of customers with the fullest confidence tnat tbey will give satibfaetion. OUR MANTLE GOODS Should be seen by every lady intending to purchase such goods this season. TES & HOSIER IN ENDLESS VARIETY. JERSEYS, a full line and they are sure to please. -i—Q'UILTEI) SKIRTS IN GREAT VAR IETY- Sbawls scasooaepretty andcheaP In Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Ties, Corsets and Buttons OUR STOCK IS LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE. nu_ C l urn' ii Departiont As usual, is unsurpassed in style, quality and excellence. Please look carefully through this deportment before giving your fall orders. jE,oOJ1JaI_'-s r. OUR .STOCK IS COMPI ETE 1N EVERY LITE, AND t. US- TOMEI;S CAN DEPEND ON SA"11SFt10'110N. JULT ItECE1VED, A CHOICE LOT OF FINE ;1t a bargain, and we nre going to give our customers the benefit of the re- duction. See theta. In BOOTS AND SHOES, As usual we are offering a large and complete stock of superior makes at •ery close figures, CROCK�R Y See this ne w, yet very attractive and certainly very useful department of our business, Beautiful ea ihina and Pot tone ALSO TOILET AND 1IPDEOOM SE1`S, VEGETABLE DISHES, JUGS, CLIPS AND SAUCERS, PLATES &O. GORDON & MeINDOO WINGH AM,