The Wingham Times, 1885-09-25, Page 8LOCAL. i'.'-tE`ll, S ,,,i,; 'Arre;iibeing alosed for two weeks ser. sad taken good care of the )torso and 114 The Rid defenQo and Ito Montreal, W141► t g,t L+t [1 vioes Were held las; klunday in tat. Paul's oonsidel ed it well worth $180 whey it Wee after paying all a*Vettaee'to date, had ....... •• - •,...: church, Rev. Mr. ¥cOoah otdciating. The taken frolil him, He ie just out a bores on p balance on hal}d'ua $1,000. 'BIDAY, SEPT. 2011, 1885, rel, gentleman was greatly beneftted, by the trade. The buggy hail not been XCQov J. 0. I'attereott, M: P: for North his holiday! sµ4 caters •upon hie work with erect,•Easeit, i$ at Ottawa to present to the rw smut tilt, viits. ha CIp et•tenle qac reap vigor. Boo Romeo BEan,•--William Sanders,the Ese eynlnent t1 petition from the ayn en al Ramat pill. Silliest walla NN, DRAM rS the ll•kn sen athlete government agalyet at ILondon, has been j''rbtkctt 04natlinn constituents, asking ,all / Cenral lists1. ALG1vAii, 0 we o 'shoo the standing hop step and jump oxamiuiu the new temperance beverage foie the coni lantflliou of Were Ben - ie reogr a pteoeli a Fon SALL-A, A flrtt•rate tieoond•haud sad. gamete.ii°ld here, The hi hest record for 5 6 10ofallooholby. 'BreWing 'co. 41/Plume, ume,eequal to 4 51400 Appeal of the Dominion liquor F R v this jump is 29 feet 21 triches. but SullivanI,ce au e N ill come before gthe • die -cheap --apply to. Dr. Towler,. cleared 81 feet 10 inobefl. This is coned•' Eby wefghfr; it Also contained solids. 410.100' 1'xivy (j0unoil early in •November, inutrews Win'hamite9:took in the Nieg. Bred an extraordfuar juror. ,• '$'Ted of chlgrind 3 grains in the imperial b &]ion- p n y The Deputy Minister of jnatwe wi i .sera Fells excursion yesterday morning. Y R , the ti ooifle ualit of the ilei 1 was b t behalf of tile. Domin- TEs Wia ham band boys go to l limon t d of p d 11 to t the Caledonian tailed Red Ribbon Beer, made by the Car. tent]1ja rpsday-•-the first of the season, contained y, gpartextract of malt- the amount was 18.100. ° t!h$N11 on 1 Tnca, CIIRRi&, of Morrie, has sold. his K 1008 1.10;the solids sonata's chiefly this 'slain to. take. in the band ion dovernnlont, 6 farm for $4,500 and purposes removing to oompetition to be held there today, µbe Ha had examfnol six samples of lager WoimaarUL DIscovany.-By a new Algoma. contest is under the auspices of the Doherty beer within the last six months and theyf+itive ta,00n' a new heating apparatus at the sehool Oran Co, baud, and the prises are a 16280 µ11d important disco.. cry R Vo 8 averaged of alcohol 0 0.100 by volume and ogre has beau. found for all kinds`o ie about completed and steam will likely .organ, $70 and ;4Q. in coal), The boys are. 4 9.100 by weight; no one. of the samples• rhaultiatistn, Hundreds of sutfterere bo got up to -day. in goad trim and we predict that they'll• of lager contained quite as muob aloohol are being cured. Send $1 for the TUE Presbyterians will vote on Sunday tie -rn the matter of retaining or expelling the •organ from their church services. at organ home. as the red. ribbon beer.. Another bottle Royal Rheumatic Remedy to J, Boc•P Eva week Gillespie & McConnell are contained 5 08.100 by volume, and 4 53400 RR els Co., 55 O'Connor St., Ottawa, shipping a car loos) of eggs to New York by weight; and alhird bottle 4 72.100 al- Ont. Tnn Clinton News -Record has changed and Boston, and they expect seen to be oohol by volume -and 8 80-100 by weight, its form to a six -column quarto and is now shipping two oars eaoh week. Tb': y have 8 6.10 of solids, 20•,}00.0 of ash, 8$ grains •ane of the neatest papers in the county, in stook betweeu ave and six oar loads and I of chlorine to the gitiilon, and speoi5o grav ' Too executive committee of the East are continually buying up all the hen fruit 1 ity 1007 5.10. The first bottle he glassed Huron Teachers' Association will hold they can lay their hands ou. ac i• car a meeting in this town on the 22nd and load they ship contains 10,500 doz n eggs. :,23rd of next month, THE FALL 41Row.-The annual fall show No trace has lot been found of the goods of the united Turnberry Agricultural and •stolen last week from Inglis & Co.'s woolen Wingham Horticultural societies, will be mill, and the chances are that the guilty held in this town on Tuesaay, Wednesday ;parties will escape punishmeut. and Thursday of next week Entries have Tar, TIaiEe has removed and is once been coming in thick' and fart, and the in- dfoations are that it will be the most tine-, more nicely settled in its convenient and ,comfortable quarters in the stone block, cessful one yet held in point of exhibits where our friends will find us in future. The weather promises to be just • uited for the occasion, in which case the societies Tum cheapest and best place in Wingham will have. an oportuuiiy of making goes), for funeral furnishings is at S. Gracey's. the loss caused last 'Year through bad Ml the necessaries kept in stook. S. weather. Let everyone attend theifair. Gracey, Practical Undertaker and Furth. * ' Imv1Nu.-When Miss Catloy, dare Dealer, Wingham. CrELsxo.-A meetin; of the lingua , ° of the teachers at the school, went to .angling club will be Held at the Dinb ley ' the skating rink last Friday, after schuol, she hung her hand . sa: tchel in the ladies' house this evening ab 8 o'clock to elect ` officers and arrange about securing a riuk to play on the coming winter. TEE first annual sale of carriages and waiting room and then went out to skate. When she returned shortly afterwards the satchel was gone, together with her watch and a pocket book containing fifty cents in wagons by Nickel & Dore was held at their change. No trace of it could be found, and factory on Yietol•ia street last Saturday th conclusion was arrived at that some afternoon, The bidding was not very sneak -thief had been arouifd. A few days ;brisk or•high, but quite a number of rigs'Person 1. later Miss Gatley found the satchel hang- . :were disposed of. ' ing in her anta-room at the school. The p+'mis. JohnTuckey, of London -township, ALL Fon 25 CENTS.-Partie9 wishing to watch was in it, but up to date the pocket is visiting her„ sister, Mrs. R. P. Simmons. take TEE TmrEs on trial oan have it sent to book and change have not put in en tip' , 0' Miss Mary Hessiod-lef1 on Friday last e. as spirituous and malt liquor, and the third as intoxicating in the ordinary sense, and a tittle weaker than ordinary lager., This being the case "Red Ribbon" amounts to the same thing as ordinary beer. itnd is, a distinction without a difference. The Batting Average. The Wingbam oricket'olub has complet- ed its season's work,and the whole has been• sufimarized to show the batting average made by individual members. Tlie aver - ago is as follows: No. of No. of Most Nano inn'gs runsin runs in played inn'ga match it. Meyer.. 3 k3. • 13 •. Rev. R. McCosb.. 9 1.4 ; '18 • H. E,Bray 13 14, 19 ' is 10 : 10 .9 15* 15 5 12 12 8 ' 13 13 5 -.10 10 C. if. Williams.... 11 11 14 6 Dr. Young....... 8` tl " E. L. Dickinson.. 11 .':.': '7 F. hfcCutcheon .. 8 J. Cornyn 5 4 W. J. McCutcheon 7 5 'Not put. J. A..Tracey...,.. S. Hall L. Mcliibbon Goo. Duffield 9 6' 6 Aver- age. s 6.5 5.e 44.0 3.8 8.7 3.6 8.2 3 2,1 2 , 2 4 1.5 5 ,.9 any address, or delivered at their doors in pears • c' for a few weeks' visit with friends in Clin town, until Jan. 1885, for the small stem of A RitLic While Thos. Bell. of Scott & 25 cents. Send along the money and tr i Bell was in the Northwest, Dixie Watson, r Geo.'Brundige, of Niagara Falls, brother the best local paper in town. I an old Winghamite, presented him with a of'Mrs,J. A. Barkley, has returned borne .A. meeting of the Turnberry Agricultur- $1 bill which is a =rosily in its way and .after a ;}week's holidays. 'j al and the Wingham Horticultural sooie- has a history.. Mr. Watson sent the bill vis) Cnrlpbell, who hays been bgage ties wall be held in ties lYteohanics' Ina in a1 teg to, p,.:xnen vjliie the,., lbel to °a d firs) :Eater at the,r station het for tute to -morrow afternoon for. tirepurpaseQf was at its height. It was .carriednli• t110 -soul tiitl' t laa'ves to=day for Ohiea o appointing committees to inalte ''final ar- r Saskatchewan on the steamer Northcote i pare e a better situation aangements for the fall show: i hick, when opposite Batoche,.was fire w p)? Mrs- Gdlotnent, of Chicago, has arrived in TEE Goderich Signal thinks it wouldupon by, the rebels. The mil bags we e`• town and wIlpemain a few days teaching have been better had the Wingham dale. used as breastworks on the steamer, and anew system of cutting garments of eery •donian Society not had horse races in eon.- .'were riddled by bullets. The mall did not, description. She is staying at the resi- nection with their games. 9.s there was ,get his letter and it was •returned to Mr. a.ence af' obt. Orr. no race of that description, or even a horse Watson. with a large bullet hole in the ' ...ft':fP os. ... EADING has decided not to go to 'on the grounds, the advise of our cotem. is centre. '• The bill also bears the mark of,,r` British Columbia this winter but instead quite inopportune. the rebel bullet, and is naturally prized by will go to °t. Catherines to try the effect TREEE is ou exhibition in Cline & Co.'s owner. Mr. Bell also got the Misses pf the mineral baths thereupon his health. hardware store a silver cup which Mayor jA,melia and Eliza McLean, who were heli° littr• andAirs. Reading leave for there to- Neelands brought from Toronto the other In captivity by the Indians, to sign their = . . • g mo;rtlw. day and which he is going to present to the )lames iu his autograph album. These in-° : • v. E. ‘Villianis`is expected home this Wingham quoit club for competition. The .teresting curosities are on exhibition in -week frorii,. Winnipeg and Brandon, where • .sup is worth 85 and is a really handsome Hai , Hiscocka' store. he has been visiting -for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Williams, who has. beenvisiting friends there for some time riest'wilk ac- company 1XXtp: . George Cox, foreman. of the Goderich Signal, was a'oaller at Tuella=E= office last Saturdti.y. Mr: Cox is one of the oldest Printers in the' county, and has been con - node with the Signal ever since it first at ed, over 87 years 4. Mrs. E. Nichol and family leat'e to -mor- row morning for Turtle Mountain, Mani- toba, to join Mr: Nichol, who has a large farm and sucoessful mercantile business at that point. TRE TIMES wishes them long life and p t'osperity in their western home. o one. The terms of the competition have root yet boon settled on. t! arozz,Ilsils . -tVe are in re. rr ceipt of the annual report of the inspector„ .e' WILL. READING has purchased the stock of division courts for this province for the of books and stationery from his father, year 1884. R'rom'at we glean the following Jos. Reading, and will conduct the busi statistiais relative to the amaiunt of bus)- nese in Ectal! hi the store in Tamlyn's nese done irl;the 8th ,division: court in this 'block. Will. as an energetic and pushing town r'umberof suits entered 219; young man and is a worthy successor ofamount, o£ claims $8,894.01; number of his father. TRm Thiers wishes him the transcripts of judgments- received from success he merits in his undertaking. other eozsrts 30; amount of claims received by such transcripts $1;803.61; number of '1>-BY2fTimnn- tact spring Chas. Her; judgment Aconatubses issued 2 ; 1nta1 Berson, of the lst con., Morris,meeoureit amount of suitors' money paid into coils off two acres of land and seeded it with $4,121.04; total amount of suitorao' money White Champion oats purchased from paid out of court $4;003.08; number of suits Wm, Rehill, of Seaforth. He threshed the entered where the' iQIiffms exceeded 8100, 16; a oats on Monday and the two measured '• mount paid to ashler for division acres yielded 160 bushels of weighed grain, court jury fund 486Tbe 8th division or 80 bushels to the acre, This is an • e:t;- court bolnprises tho'tow fof Wingham, the ceptionally good yield and we doubt if it townships of Turnberry and East Wawa - van be beaten in the province. - bosh, the towtiehip of _Morrie `oxdc j`it.. eMt S. Gn.tcsr hae'it,.largo stock of sideboards of the sid )road between lots 10 andll,aud ` bed room sets, parlor suites, sofas, lounges, the v mattressd9, &c., that can be bought at very low' prices for cash. Special reductions e of Blyth.• iitfn':-Oa the i12nd of last 4 month a stranger driving a played -out parties buying in quantities of over $G0. horse and good bugty came to this town Parlor suites away down, almost at cost. and put up at the Exchange hotel. After It will pay you to come 10 miles to buy at remaining a short titne he made tt trade S. Gracey's'Furniture Rooms, Remember with Mr. Patterson, proprietor of the hotel', the place, directly opposite T; A. Mills' exchanging his animal for ono of Mr. Pat. store' next decor south of Brunewirk ter oti's, Things wont on smoothly until • t eve days ago *bee Chief Pettypiece re- . -Treasurer Dickson is in attend- coved a postal card from Isaac E. Webber, nee at the council chamber each day be- of Bloomingdale, Waterloo county, (*envoy-. tween 10 and 12 o clock a.m. and 3 and o nig the description of a horse that had 1 p p ., y !'clock p.m. to reoeivo taxes. Five por been stolen from him, and offering n re. finished a couple of rounds when the tscnt. will bo allowed off all taxes paid ward of $25 for its discovery, Mr. Potty. police interfered. before October 1st; throe per cent. if paid plebe began looking about and came to the George Rudd, One of tete most between the tat and Slat d October, and conclusion that the animal Mr. Patterson - siee"t e ul Dflvtitshire cattle breeders front the lst of November until the 14th of secured from the stranger was the identi- ! oil"-tlhe continent, die I audderily in December taxes will be at par. After that cal one. Mr. Webber was notified and 1 the Central hotel, WOO, on I1101.1date five par cent. will bo added to all came up on 7.uesday, identified the animal day.. He was well known through - taxes remaining unraidr and tock it AV. ,Mr. rattereen had fed . out Canada and the rnitea t%tatgt, It is estimated that the .failure of spring wheat this year ; vi11 be a loss to this county of abont:$700,000. l'Ast weeli 213 Seatorthites took in WS Toronto exhibition and the rai - way company reaiiied $720 from the sale. of tickets. The Ayr authorities have notified tl e officers' of the Salvation army that if they do Slot desist from, beating the druid.. they will be taken before the magistrtttelr: J Geo.. ulljames and Harry Gli- lnorre, the professional pugilists, were arrested in Tor• nto the other day while having a prize fight in a ! •a, n1ation rite rinir. The had • BORN. Bay isaetiy.-In Wingham on the 23rd inst, the wife of krauk Billingsley .fp daughter. WNtTaMAN.-In East Wawanoah, on ,the • ISth inst., the wife of Edwin Whiteman of a son. ... DIED. ANDEnSON.-In Turnberry on the 22nd inst., James Anderson, aged 04 years. WINGHAA1 MARKETS. Wingham Sept. 25, 1885 Flonr p,.rcwt. $2 25 to 2 50 Flour per bbl 4 50 to 5 00 Fall Wheat per. bus.... 75 to 80 Shrine 75 to 80 Oats " ' °i . 28 to 31; Barley' " "+`.. ... 45 to 55 60 30 13 11 9 00 1 50 Peas " " , ... 55 Potatoes new 25 Butter per 1b,.. 12 Eggs per doz11 Hay per ton new 800 Wood ;:...... •1 OC COTe_ to to to to to t7 jVozu is tirre time to • LOST. Between the Dimity bowie and the depot en the 1st Be tcmber a old braoelet. Tho ln+ler will be suitably rewarded by leaving it et Tui Tina oMeu. l"CR. SALE. TWO lots on Josephinestree;, edfolubec the Bruns- wick Home, with a frontage 0124 feet; µImo four back lots -two In rear of Brunswick and TAR In rear of A. W. Webster's; also a private dwelling on Scott street, containing nine roouw, w.th overt' VenVenienco. The property will be sold cheeps.* the owner le lowing the country. For further particular' apply to Mss.GRAnan. Wingham Aug.28,1885. $eott Street, • RRHEUIYMA,TISM car Sufferers from Rheumatism, either of the Acute, Chronic, inflammatory, or Gonorrhoea type, Rheumatoid Arthrislle, etc., can find a positive sure in the Royal Rheumatic Remedy, $uro,rafe and re- liable. No fraud or cure.all, but a new and Import- ant cure for all Rheumatic diseases, Beware of vile drugs containing Mercury and other poisons. Cer. tain our guaranteed Only Al a bottle, sent by male E3 & 55 O'Connor Street, pt, Ottawa, Can. a Proprietors, Shsriff's Sala of Lath1 COUNTY OF HURON,2 TO WIT : By virtue of several Writs of Sion •Eaolds Issued out of Her Majesty's Ui;;h Court et:Juatiee, (Zuecu'e Bench and Chancery Divisions, and to me directed and dotivored against the Lands:and'rouententsof Charlij4„..• Tait Scott ut•the snits of Tho Molson's Bank and William B. Button and Peter Fisher, I have zed and taken in Execution all tho right, ti,si tle, interest and equety of redemption of the u ovo•named defendant, Charie; Tait Scott, in and to the following lands mid tenements situate, lying and being in the Town of Wingham, County of Huron, and Province .of On. tario, viz.: 1st. Lots r';leven, Fifty -Two, and Throe Ditndred and Forty,Five, running numbers, Govermn ant Sur- vey. 2nd. Lot Twenty -Throe, Foley's 1st Survey, T,rI- ward Street West. 3rd. An undivided half interest in the West halt of Lot Thirty -Once, Minnie Street East, Griffen'* Survey 4th. Lots Thirty -Four, Thirty -Six, Thirty.Sev us and TbirtyEight, Scott survey. bth. Lots TwentyNtne and Thirty -Five, on ,South side of Scott Street. Oth. Lot Four on West side of Josephine Strout, save and except Ton feet in width sold off the North- erly side of said Lot. 7th. Lot Five West side of Josephine Street. 8511. That portion of Block 15 commencing one hundred and two feet in a Westerly direction along the South side of Victoria Street from the North - Westerly angle of Lot Thirty one, Foley's Survey, better known as the Exchange hotel pre .erty,thence in a Westerly, direction, along the South side of Vie. toria Street, Twenty fest by One Hundred and Nine- teen feet, in a Southerly direction, and parallel with Josephine Street all said properties being 111 Scott's Survey, and aro Subdivisions of a portion of Block 11 Government Survey. Which Lands and Tenements I shall offer for sale, at my office, in the Court house, in the Town of Goderich on Tuesday, the First da,' of December, 1855, at iiha hour of Twelvr, ••o! the clock, Noon, ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff, Huron. Sheriff's Ofice, Goderich, Aug. 2:nd,1883. Mfl, ALR R1LML Late of Birmingham, England; having taken up his residence in in town, is prepared to re- ceive a L:171.it. 8nurr her ofp r pzls• for Zn.struction in. se974re zout stook as I is rumentaNusic o save money • , .z . 'ett7.YL A-'• can PIANO AND ORGAN For tornis, etc. apply at his resi: Q:l?atrs L d77LZryGut leCT.0 deuce, Leopold street. y'o4p(1,72.7./ d ll orders, as zuf z gill nod book Goal. JAS: A. CLINE & CO. COAD_ C.A=,_ FOR THE COMPLEXION. $100 itEWARD $100 for any preparation that will equal White . Rose Cream to remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Soften the Skin and Beautify the Complexion. Every bottle guaranteed to be as represented or money refuBdcd. Price 75 cents per bottle. THE PHARMACY Sole Agelrt for Wingham, Ont. i h q Ra®Cream NEW. BOOK -TORE. 00000000u000p000000000000000000 Having purchased fe'o'1u J. READING his stock of F' BOOKS, STATIONERY, MALL PAPER, FANC , GOODS, &c. And added thereto new ;clods in all lines bought at very low prices, 1 will offer them at a Small Advance a • cyst fir cast And trust that 'ley paying strict attention to business to • Merit a share of your patronage. Call 1strl sou lief. W. G. G. READING, T AML'YN"S 13 C$► JUST ACROSS . V 1tO1$ 'VZ '$`s• POST 0E110E.