The Wingham Times, 1885-09-04, Page 811 LOCAL ICE S FRIDAY, SEPT. Oil, 1885, lye brand ilds winded. !ss CMuN 15/8 els *alas lisin iti. Inglast wages paid. Esselte st Central SIMI. Tin council will hold its regular mouthlysesson next Monday evening, IT is announced that the Huron and Bruce battalions will not be required to go • into camp this year. Tint imbecile in this town reopened on Monday after the summer's vacation. There has been a full attendance of pupils during the week. Go toad hear Mr. Taylor touight iu 'Wifitesnars hall. His address on "The Duty of the Hour" promises to be au excelleut oue. No charge for admission. ON the ocoasiou of the Caledeuian games here on the 10th, the railway company will carry bawls at half the excursion rate, and liremen's apparatus will be car: ried free. 11- • '11. -77 M, L. C. —The gegular meeting of the Young Liberal *alb twill be held in their come, Willianati' hall, ou Monday Weniug next. The platform of the club will be further diecussed, and quite an it. teresting meeting, is anticipated. A. full meeting is requested, and young men wish. iug te join will be made welcome, Ts Gerrie ilirdette, commenting on the fact that the Wingliam base ball club de. feated the Port Elgiu, team by a scion:4,d 24 to 4, remarks, "They (isn't do that with • Gerrie." Well, now, it's all very well• tor )ou to crow on your own rocart, but just fiend your team over some fine afternoon, and we'll guarantee that Our boys will warp yours all to pieces. sTne Duty of the Hour" is the subject of an andress which will be delivered' by A. M. Taylor, of Brussels, in Williams' hall, this evening, under the auspices of the Young Men's Liberal Club. Mr, Taylor is a young man and a rising orator, and should be accorded a hearty Welcome to: night. No admission tee will be oharged, and a cordial invitation is extended to everybody. LAST Sunday a special freight train came A BAD CUT. Last Saturday Will. D. from London and the engine took a Wiley met with Tither a bad accident at ssdezeu empty passenger coaches, used at the exchauge hotel, whore he boards. After the Sunday school excursion, busk on the rdie 'went into a room Were the return trip. empty rbottles are kept and accidently fell The cheapest and best place in Wingham on a pjle of them, As a result fifteen bot: for lurueral furnishings is at S. Graeey'sties ire smashed to smithereens and Will: ' A11 the necessaries kept in stock. S. Gracey had a gash cut in his , left thumb whieli Practical Undertaker and Furniture severed the artet It required six stitches peeler, Winghana. • to draw the gap together. CADITBELL, the tailor, has received his Lem Tews.-LiThe Saved Army held a fall and winter plates of New York styles, grand jubilee an'ilallelujah pow -wow MI '• and is prepared to turn out first class work the barracks •last Friday evenmg, which' on the shortest possible notice. Read his was but fairly attended.. At its conclus- advertisement in nother column. ion it was aunouneed that of late they had a met with ouch little encouragement that No SzevreasaaFor the next two Sundays no services will be held in St. Paul's church they had decided to lave town for a •time, iu order to allow Rev. Mr. McCosh a much at least, and on Saturkay morniug all the officers took the train for Clinton, where needed vaca,tionl Mr. and Mrs. .acCosh : expect to starttoday awl. will visit various understand they will locate. points of interest. A Bre SIIODEBB.—The garden.party given sak"s will be seen by advertisement in this by the laditai of the Methodist church. at aper, the entire property of the decamp- the 'residence of :VIrs.Agnew,Illuevaie road, 'APds ed C. Tait Scott is advertised for sale by the 00 Monday evening was a eeided success. Netwithstanding. the threatened ram a big • ...sheriff, to satisfy the claims of Wm. B. er owd turned out and spent a most enjoy Hutton, Peter Fisher and the Molson's ale evening. The hand was present and bank. The sale takes place at Goderich on added greatly to the pleasure of those December lst. present, Alter ..paying all expenses 332 Ox Tuesday Harry Palmate took posS w- ill be, added to the church fund. sessionof the store recently occupied by S. Graoey has a large stook of sideboards C. M. Newans, and commenced business on /bed Nom sets, parlor suites, sofas, lounges, his own account: All week ;he has been mattresses, &b., that can be bought at very receiving large shipments of fresh groceries ,low prices for cash. Special reductions to provisions and fruits, and is now in a good parties buying in quantities of over $50. position to attend the wants'of the public. Parlor,suites away down, almost at cord. sead his advertisement in another' column lt H.OnsusDirevissr..-st Saturday night S.,Gracv's Furniture Rooms. Remember a, horse belonging io R. M. Robinson went the place, directly oppostte T. A. Mille' . 'aeo the river at -the 'Victoria street. boat store and next door south of Brunswick 1 henseafor a aria. The animal got stuck fic`nsass ass:. in the mud and ia,ank into the water, and v.,, , k,NFORTi7NATE. Accrostm.-kLast Sunday ' When found the next morning it was desr. j evening Rey Mr. McCotiti Triar'with a very Fortunately the horse was no .a very unfortunate .and painful accident, which valuable:one. . will necessitate his carryirighis right -arm It willIpay you to come 10 miles to buy ,at Warta the excursion train was stopping in a min- g for a time. He had retired aaluck aaal Stiattiativeness. That broken: at the bridge to take water on Saturday for thi, night and was laying on his right' ,A- but had he failed in dad some fellow who sv,as filed with cues side, and, in attemptins to change his po• ?31*186°t,,faiiiii200, ,getting ijbeWoii would have been wither 3700 Bedpan threw one of the bartels".of water sition, he dislocated his right shoulder citit of rioOitok, %a he would have had to used for fire protection purposes 'from the .1,10,84), A. physician was summoned. and abastdon the WO ,feet already drilled and xtop of the structure. The railway author. tigt the refectory bone where h .properly Itiestavebeen trying to find out who the a aVdr a now hole: The work is now going op oelonged; and the patient is. Aping as well anaoothlyandWe shall soon know whether fellow is, and ff discovered will be made to as could be s • : . „ss. expected.- •were to have salt or not. • . • • x. eplat the deed. fflit the past week there have been SeVeral. • s a Rung is a possibility of Black's hay oaangee in location made by our busineag ' ,;'s,' . PERSONAL. preeri, adjoining the railway track on men. Jos. Reading has removed his; book , . - ,i_ Josephine etreet„ being started up again, and stationery stock to the etore foisnerlis. lAiiiri Sophia Rodents is visiting friends as our indefatigable station agent, Mr. occupied by Wm. Mullen as.,a liquor Store in '0;r:tie,. Smallhorn, is using his beet en4eavors and Wm. Holmes has got • settled in the Mrs. 'W T. Bray hat, peen visiting in 'with Mr. Black to accomplish that obje3I store vazatedby Mr, ,Aeading. Frank Bit: Stristhr6W, Should he succeed in his effort it will prove Angsley has moved this harness stockte,leogisrs leDineley, of Clinton, has 'been ls great boon to this community as well ap the bailing vatcated by the defunct Vide%) visiting friends in town. "the railway company. and Harry Hiscocks has purchaired and . Miss AliSie Miles, of Walkerton, is RAILWAY Excrnsion.—The employees of taken posses ion of the groceryshnsineasvisTng at Dr. Macdonald'S.. carried on by C. M. Newans. lies. Mooney, of Buffalo„ N. Y., is Demo the summer a lacrosse mate- home on a visit for a week. ) 4 d Thompson bas retgpned from a tr. ,.• 'Ps- LAWN TENSIB.,--011 '11AlellaaY 140 the Wtn. Molndoo has returned from 1 Brussels club on the grounde of 0, E. Will.' bale an4 ileafty, lePOrt.: Wiligham lawn teauls club defelited the his Hip to ,the old country looking ' oca Markt buns, lhe first set between 'Bev. oluff 1• 1. Davis of the Mitchell Isi4; voeate, was • caller at THE buss' and B. E. 'Wade, of 13riniseItt, and X. L Lliiikirseon and C. E. Mimes, was worthy! Wingliam Sept. ,4„ 1885 office yesterday.2 25 to 2 50' , arlour p, r cwt, Ditkinson and Williams; score let set, Otte „.......' ,‘ ' 4, Chia and Wade taking 2nd set, 0 teti,i Kg,' BraC=Y, of London, formerly IFFIa°171\Phereabtbiper owl,. "0 to 80'' 4 50 100 0 04 the iird being taken by •Dinldneon ated clerk at the Brunswick house NV L15 up spina " uh. 75 40 Williams, 0 to 3. Another game was play- attentling thtora.ms this week. Oats 44 " .., 85 t(r 138 ed between McIntosh and Elliott. of Brae. , ' . . Inns an WI e Y eels, against B. Willson and Bray, re - for a, trip to Toronto and Montreal. esteday suiting in favor of the Brusgels men, tbey They will be absent about 10 days; taking the two first setts, Dickinson .end _ Williams played the winnetg, and defeated An exciting election contest took them by taking the two trilt setts. The place at London, on Wednesday, the wmghe,m team will go to Brussels shortly object being to decide by vote of the and play a return match, eitinens whether the corporation purl A Goon Aeeenteraierir.-kr. Thos. Mi11: chase the k.on. John Carling's &Tin, of the Loudon lunatio asylum, has been assistant immediately northeast of the city, !for man, for some time past second new exhibition grounds at a . cost of promoted to the assistant superintendency $75,000, or Use the ,Queen41 park of the asylum at Kingston, vacant by the lately acquired by the city thrallgh the promotion of Dr. Clarke, who succeeds the amalgamation of London East with late lamented Dr. Metcalf as superintend: London. I'lle result of the ;polling ent. Dr. Millman is a nephew of Tames was a majority of 710 in ;favor of the Millman and a cousin of Yrs. Caeke3 , of this towlil Re was appointed to the Lon: don ass -Zinn by Attorney General Mowat some years ago, almost immediately after a highly creditable academic course, both in Canada and England; and it is gratify: lug to his ,friends to know that the dis: charge of his duties has been so satisfac: tory as to merit this further recognition from the government of his native Prov: ince. ' Is farmers would take a little sensible and seasonable advice, they would, decline to put their ,names to anything without being absellitelyjraisitive as to the nature of the doom:teat they s?Xe asked to sign,, There a /Umber isteliarlusgeing about ths, country yActimizing Smiegent but well: 411 tn ing farsierp. They ere,asited to sign anikreemeet to!become an agent for some. thig,Or other, or to sign their name as a with+ to some • transaction between Strangeis. It looks square enough on the face, but presently when the farmer dis: covers he has a . note for a few hundred dollars to meet, the transaction is shown in its true light. - The less often a farmer puts his name to any paper to oblige a stranger, the fewer are his chances of being vietimized. Go 2 TBE Brr.—There was great rejoicing at the salt well on Saturday last when the men suoceeded in fishing out the broken • bit wbdch hied lodged in the bottom,,600 feet below the surface. For four weeks and two days they WM. fished 'without success, and it began to look as though She job must be ribrendorred.sslilverT attempt to drill past thelait provedfutile and the only alterna; ttveiseetriecPW new -hole. -But in: devisable pi#80-Varence, pluckessildskiflfdl - inatiitzement:ontinitiort,otiMr,..Bell at last • overcame the diftieulty, and the broken implement sass brirught to the top and pat where it wouldtdOne more harm.. Mr. Bell is to be corigrati*'6a. upon his good luck, and he certaipledeserves credit for his the W., G. & B. division of the Grand Truy railway held their eighth aminsl ex: cure tpx and picnic at Galt on Saturday last A special train was run through from Kincardine early ire the morning, and gathered up a big crowd along the line. It was in every *ipect one of the most sue: eerief,n1 affairs ever held by 'the employees n ' of thatiine. • PEopiR who bave cows rutin* at large would de well to berstiiw a little attention 'ea to where their animals go to graze. The railway grain& east of the station seem to have become a .faverite congregating point, and scarcely a day paeseis without one or more ef the creatures having nar: .row escape from ho!pg tuined into beef by trains crminisuddenly' around the curve. Some day a clisaater,will emir there un: less provision is made to ':keep the cattle out. Okrnotto Ssnyucts.-=-Lt the church • of the Seared Heart of aelflllet Wingham, Beet. 20. at high mass. the subject will be: oTransulvdasifiation, or•the imenso love jeritis for tre,'" and at Veapers: "Reasone . 'Why Caltholf,•e have a right (1) to lie 8.1low. to worship (M1 immoral g to the die. was plat ed ,here between the 'Wingham and Listowel t+nas for $26 silver cup put lip • E • by the former. Through Borne alleged uni two weeks' vacatin at Hamilton. fair means the Isistosvel boys won the st`L. A.: Cline and family left for Oak: trophy and took ;Whom, much to the ville Tuesday for a. week's vacation chagrin of the home team. who at ouce sarong friends. issued a challenge tisplay for the cup again and g t it back if possible. The challenge .egiss kinnie McQuarrie left town on "Tuesday morning for Brantflird, where she was accepted, but up to the present time will attend college. the match has notbe n played, nor is there . Miss Hannah G. Youhill, returned to Au any mention ever made of it. Surely our Sable, ltfich.. On Tuesday, to resume her lacrosee bests do not intend allowing Alio school, after spending her summer holidays cup to become the property of tho Listowel team ' without • milking another effort to fori here. her parents egitito itWhat say ou, heys7 Johnston Neelande, of Paieley, was , in : y Tim Carms.—On aeodunt of the recent borhood have experieuoed great drawbacks on etiray home after a trip to Winnipeg. AI • town ihe early part of this week visiting his unole, the mayor. Mr. Neelantat was unfavorable weather farmers in this neigh: in housing their grain, and i, has been .D Stewart, who has been book: somewhat damaged by the successive keeper in Jas. A. Cline & Co.'s for some time past, has accepted a more lucrative soakings it has been exposed to. Taking rositiou as boo :keener in Ogilvie &Cb.'8 it 4 a whole, the spring wheat crop is a totria failure, but fall wheat is turning out mill, Seaforth. During his stay in this well. Some farmeis who have threshed town Will hs won many warm friends, their fall wheat report from 40 to 50 bush. who will be sorry to learn of his departure els to the acre as the yield. Fall t eeding f cool amongst them. fate's .of 'tkeir ennecience, (2) to request liatt been gone on with for some time, and Thos. Bell, of Scott tit Bell, is ex: niirsteirs everyWbore to study the doe. I is about threngli with. In some sections peeted 110111firon) the Northwest to: trines 'o'of 'hi fitOolic relieten and make of Turnberrynixd Morris the grain is up rinv In a private lettor li• tA5tp.4 that t he' saqt,e knowb to the members of thnir four or five ifilehtfa, while in others it it 1.0 h ul the Weatture wirre at 1eg mcooreiiatiers, that no one may fel ;ely hist showing above the ground: So far the dg, Loots Rad llluI Poui..: Aintt thatnatholio ',Ad is earosonabio fall crop leoloi heavy and heal liy, but it is snake", and ho ,1111(1 hart tent, Itt alibi•sor « Ural, .er ri Pri4e ta i'esre that sonic are ra her far advaueea 1111ss 7.1etesn, lioni tho • •• •• Ltt4iaus bs.ii in aptivity . • , • : t •• • kinAly and to lovo tholo• wo ths sea. ou" Barley " " 45 to .56, Peas " " ... 56 to. . Potatoes new 45 tO, 50 Butter per lb 11 to 11 Eggs per dazk, 11 to 11. Hay per torn new 6,00 to 8 00 Wow ..............1OC to t CnA'iTLE rorny,-Cortis 'to the promises: of D. Campbell, lot 18 & 14, Con. 1, Township of Morris, on or about the let of May, one steer and one heifer, [wed respectively 2 and 8 years. Any person proving property and paying expenses ones have the some. DUNPAN CAMPBELL. Fell, SALE. Two lots on Josephine street, "adjoining the Bruns-. wick House, with a frontage of 24 feet; also four bark lot -two In roar of Brunswick and two In rdap of A. Queen's park, the figures ibeing 2105 W. Webster's; also a private dwelling on Scat street, for the park and 1305 for the farm. containing nine rooms, with every convenience. The property will be sold cheapnts the owner is the country. For further pairticulars apply to w Mae. Gamlen. lhoriff s of Ian 2. H. D, LEITCH., M. 73, C. M.' ingham Aug.18, 1888. ffeott Street. TorontO University. Licentiate of College of Pitysioitta and Sergeons of Ontario, 44 COUNTY OF HURON, I wIT By virtue of several Writs of Fiori FO.C1(13 issued out of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench and Chancery Divisions, and to mu directed and delivered,against the Lands and Tenements of Charles: Tait Scott at the 'Suits of The Molson's Bank and William 11, Hutton and Peter Fisher, I have seized and taken in Execution all the right, title, interest and equety Of redemption of the abovemmued defendant, Cherie' Tait Scott, humid to the following lands and .,te'neinents situate, lying and being in the Town of Wingliam, ?Jaunty of Huron, mut Province 01 On. ' tario viz*: let. Lots alae,,, Fifty -Two; and Three Hundred ancl Forty -Five, running numbers, Government Sur- vey. 2tid. Lot TiVenty•Threo,, Foley's 1st Survey, Ed- ward Street West. Ord, An undivided halt interest in the West half of Lot Thirty -One, Minnie Street East, Griffen's SurVey. 4th. Lots Thirty•Four, Thirty.Six, Thirty-Setn and Thirty -Eight, Scott survey. 6th. Lots Twenty -Nine and Thirty -Five, on South eide of Scott Street. • 6th. Lot Four on West side of Josephine Street, save and except Ten feet in width sold off the North- erly side of said Lot. 7th. Lot VIVO Wtfit side of Josephine Street. Sth. That portion of Block B commencing one hundred and two feet in a Westerly direction along the South side of Victoria Street from the North. Westerly angle of Lot Thirty one, Foley's Survey, hotter known as the Exchange Hotel proporty,thence ;in a Westerly direction, along the South side of Via- .toria Street, Twenty feet by Ono Hundred and Nine - :teen feet, in a Southerly direction, and parallel with .jo,sephine Street, all said properties being in •Scott's SfirveY,c4d.the Subdivisions of a portion:of Block 11 Government Survey. Which Lands and Tenements I shell offer for sale, at my office, in the Court House, in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the First day of December, 1838, syr the hour of Twelve of the clock, N'oon. *ROBERT GIB13ONS, Sheriff, Huron. Sheriff's Office, Goderich, Aug. 2.1nd, 1885. • . • "stops the hair ss from falling out:, increases its growth, and will not soil the skin... • As a hair dres. sing, it has -tte superb*. Gnat: anteedharmieeie. •H aPrrkenprs: ase dahi .o. London, Ont. Sold by all DEntogiste will Patent Medicine r ' Dealers. Bluevale, arzN RflLWAML Late of ,Birmingl.am, Englancl„ [having taken up his residence in. in town, is. prepc red to xer.- teeive tt • LinliteeZT2,--tzmbe' cfp-a- plis for 77.477,2'67'11.4.4t7.,072. iffistruffintai Music, • PIANO AND ORGAN. For terms, ete., auply at teal.; deuce, Leopold street. • HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey: hair to its na- tural color, ie- movesDandruff. • WAITE ROSE CUM FOR THE COMPLEXION. $100, REWARD $100 for any preparation that will equal White Rose Cream to remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Soften the Skin and Beautify the Oomplexion. Every bottle guaranteed to be as represented or money refunded. Price 75 cents per bottle. TgE PtiARIVIAtkif Sole Agent for Wingharo, Ont. . — CANADA% GREAT Industrial Faa ! AND Agricultural Euosition 1885 WILL 33E HELD AT THE CITY OF to 1P th, The largest Prizes and the best show of Horses, CatHe, Sheep, Pigs. Ponitry. Agri- Hortioultural and Dairy Prod- ucts. Machinery, Implements and Manu: factures of all ki de in the Dominion of Canada. Prize Lists and entry forma can bet obtained from the Secretaries of all &gricultural Sooieties and Mechanics' In. stitutes, or they will b3 sent anywhere on apolication by post card to the Seeretary at Toronto. ENTAIP,S CLOS] AUG. 22Nn. A. large number of Spepipl A:tractions are being prepared for that time, foe NI partienhirs of which see Spend Progrann Cheap rites and Excursions on ell railways. The nest time to 7tsit the city of Toronto. ,T J WIT it ROW, IT. J. Mai, ' T ft, Toki Sce. r. urenC • 1 • " ' • SCROFULA 'f and all scrofulous diseases, Sores, Erysipelase Eezerna,131otches, Ringworm, Tuners, pan, bunelos, Boils, and Eruptions of Ulf' SIEIPI are the direct result of an impure state of the blood. To cure these diseases the blood must be puri- fied, and restored to a healthy and naturaYeondi- tion. AYER'S SARBApARILLA has for over forty years been recognized by eminent medical att-. tin:lefties as the most powerful blood purifier in, existence. It frees the system from all foul hu-. more, enriches and strengthens the blood, removes, all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves it- self a complete master of all scrofulous diseases. A Recent Cure of scrofulous Soees. "Some months ago I was treppled witttecietos lops sores (ulcers) on my legs. Tho limbs Were bxtilly swollen and Inflamed, find the sores ills., e 'urged large quantities of OffensiVe matter. ' vpry remedy 1 tried failed, until I used AVER'S SARSAPARILLA, Of which I lis now taken three bottles, with the result that the sores Are healed, anil my general health greatlyimproved. 1 feel very grateful' forth° good your ftrilieoliBik ieltiaAsxdoeue me. Yours respectfullyA , 1'48 Sullivan St., New York, June 24,1882. . iir..411 persons interested are invited to esd on Drs. O'Brian also upon the Rev. Z. P. %MU of 78 East 54th Street, New 'York . prv- City, who will take pleasure in testifying to the uonderful efficacy of Ayer's. Sarsaparit. la, not only in the cure of thii lady, but in his own case and many others within knowledge. " The zreli.known writer on the Boston HeraKB., W. BALL, of Rochester, .5,./f..writes, June 7,1882i "!laving suffered seyerely for some years with Eczema, AO having failed to find relief from other remedies, I have made use, during the past tlq.eci 4 months, of Arluit'S SARSAPARILLA, %MO. um_ sheeted Complete cure. I confider it a meows cent remedy for all blood diseases." Ayer's Sarsaparilla stimulates and regulates the action Of the di. • gestive and assimilative organs, renews And strengthens the vital forces, and tt,11l corse RlieuMatiam, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Gent - Catarrh, General 17ebillty, and all dltertoss arising from an Impoverielifil or corrapted tion of the blood, and a weakened vitalikv, It le incomparably the elteanest blood medicine, On acc011a of its concentrated strength, arm great power over disease. PREPARICD IlY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ce., Lowell, Mase. *0114 alt DrUggistig pride SI, six bottleter , .4 •