The Wingham Times, 1885-09-04, Page 3CHOICE RECIPES. If you wish to give an extra touch to your cottage pudding, after it is in .he tin ready to bake, put little lumps of butter on the top and spatter sugar and cinnamon over lo. A necessity in every household is little el feet cr cabinet ttuog out of reaoh of ohtldren where the msaber em keep the bottles containing remecies f lr burns, bruises, sprains, rap. Muoh huffring, : if not life Limit, is saved by knowing where to go at once for Boma simple meatoine. A delicious tilling for it layer cake is made of one cup of stoned raisins and ono lemon peeled, chopped together; mux with this half a cup of cold water and one cap of sugar. Beat this well together; if the cake is well baked, ao that there is a cruet on the top, put the filling in whips the cake le atilt warm. Ba sure to remove the seeda from the lemons. Chocolate jelly will sometimes be relish- ed by one who has a delicate and uncer- tain appetite. Boil three gala of tweet milk and two bars of chocolate together until the chocolate is entirely dissolved, then add sugar and vanilla until the c flavor you like is imparted. After dissolv- ing half a bux of gelatine in cold water; stir this in with the chocolate and milk, let it aimmer gently for a few minutes, then pour into moulds or bowie and aet it in a pool room. A pretty way to arrange a oh000late pudding is to make a cornstarch blano mange; before It is hard at all, take out enough of it to fill a border mould, mix with it enough grated chuoolate; when this is hardened aufficiently, take it out of the mould, pub ib on a small platter; and heap the rest of the blanc mange in the centre; if you wish it to look particularly nice, make the filling for the centre after the border le cool and on the platter; then bhe filling will take the shape 9f it and will be smooth, and it is then a very ornamental dish for dessert. A good ginger cake wherein no ogre are needed is a boon to man with eggs from forty to fifty cents a dozen. Take a good tanle•apoonful of butter, one cup of sour milk, half a cup of sugar, and two-thirds of a cup of =lessee. Then add half a teaepoontul of cinnamon, half a teaspoonful of soda, disolved in a little water, and a scant tablet.poonfal of ginger; stir these all together and sif t flour enough in to make a moderately stiff batter. Bake in a deep cake tan, and cat in thick alicea; half a cup of atoned chopped raisins is an Exoellenb addition. A treat for the chil Iron can be made in place of the conventional pie or pudding. Make a cruet, as if fur role poly pudding or baking powder biscuit (using, however, just as little baking powaor as will answer and a few experiments will convince any conscientious cook how little may euccesa- fully fill the place ot the much she i8 often tempted to use); roll this dough about as thin as if for pie crust, then cut it in small squares, Heap berries or preserves of any kind, after draining the juloe trona It upon them, wet the edges, and fold and preen olouely together, co that there will be no waste of !nice; then put them in a deep tin baking pan wild a little lump of butter on eaob one, a little water also in the pan, and scatter some sugar over each little pudding; when these are done aerve them warm with a not too rich pudding sauce, or they may be eaten cold without sauce. "TUCK BIM UP, BOYS." An Astonishing Custom of the Court try. The celebrated Dr. Bashby, master of Westminster sohool was a savers discip- linarian, His mode of panishment was illustrative of his peculiar °hammier; ib was summary and not discriminating. He had a wooden horse, upon which culprits were placed, and the invariable order for making an offender "mount" (preparatory o treatment by the lash) was, "Tuck him up, boys." One day a atone was thrown through the window. The doctor raised his head, look- ed round, and aatd to two of his largest scholars, "Bring him in, boys. ' The young men mon went forth in pureulb of the offender. They searched in vain, and were about returning, when a small Frenchman passed that way. Tho young men seized nl.on him, and brought htm into the school -room. When they enter- ed, the doctor raised his spectacles, and having surveyed the little man from head to foot aaid with great composure, "Tack him up, boys." He was soon mounted and fastened upon the wooden horse, and the doctor with mechanical exactness, laid the cowhide npon his back, never faltering at all ab the vehement remonstrances of the man. Having completed the chastisement, he ordered the boys to lead Mm to the yard and let him go. This they did. Mor- tified and full of anger, the Frenchman hastened to the hotel near at hand, and made particular inquiries whether the school master was esteemed a gentleman. Upon the assurance that hewas a very great gentleman, ho palled for pen and paper and wrote a challenge to the doctor. He called the servant, a black man from Jamaica, named Cnolar, and sent him with the note, whilst he would wait for an an ower. Cocsar carried it and and handed it to the dootor. Tho doctor read it; again lift- ed his spectacles to his forehead ; survey- ed the blackey, and seemed to have some dregs of pity stirred within him ; but it was only for a moment. Turning to the first class, he signalled to his youthful "Beton," and Bald, " Tuck him zap, boys." This was rare sport for the boys, and soon Cmsar was seated astride the horde of honour and well pinioned. The doctor seemed unudnally active in spread' ing the oil of cowhide upon Ctlesarts brook, 79111.,t,Birer FTtT T- .,.—.x ..,..,-'-,r „r-.rn-T.•. Ib wax thought the doctor intended thus to show his signal displeasure toward these who will aqb as secouds in duels. At any rate Ctrttar never complained that'rhe WAS Blighted. or had received less than his por- tion. He was dirmisaied, not at all plea!• ed with his errand. Meanwhile the French gentleman be. came more and wore impatient : looked out of the window ; finally came to the door and looked up the road, raw Ctesar wending his way home, rubbing his bank, " Vat!" he exclaimed, as the darkey ap- proaohed, " Vat 1 He vippe you too ?" " Yes," ears Che tar, showing his ivorioa, and rubbing his back again. "Alai ahl" aays the Frenchman, "Iarse I see 1 It is de custom of de country. Al. Ions, allots, monsieur 1'' STRANGE BUT TRUE. Although a variety of microscopic forma of plants have been found on bauk notes and coins in circulation, none known to be dangerous to human life have yet been discovered. Mise Adele Field, in a communication made to the Aoademy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, reports that the common earth worm, after its head has been out off, has the power of regenerating the whole of the dismembered portion. She recounts her experiments with such min- uteness of detail as seeds to show that error in her conclusions was impossible. A forcible illustration of the weight of the atmosphere was given by Prof. S. P. Langley, the American astronomer, In a recent lecture in London. He remarked that the air, so limpid that it scarcely ap- pears to be matter at all, is so enormous In masa that it really premien with nearly a ton to eaoh square foot ; so that the weight of all the buildings in the world's metropolis, for instance, is leas than that of the air above them. The whits color of arctic mammals and birds has hitherto been ascribed to protective resemblance, the adaptation to a snow-covered country being attributed to the preservation of Individuals, which by assimilating to their aurrouadings in color, either escaped detection by their foes, or were enabled to secure their prey more advantageously. A writer in Na- ture, however, scoffs ab this explanation, and points cub that white, the worst ab- sorber, is also the worst radiator of all forms of radiant energy, so that warm- blooded creature thus clad are better able to withstand the severity of an arctic cll. mate. Prof. Palmieri, of the Veauvian Obaer- story, finds that the atmospheric elec- trroityis usually positive in clear weather; if negative, a rale of rain may be inferred to be in progress at some little distance. Two maxima and two mimina daily are noticed in the electric indications, this periodicity being disturbed by atmospher- lo movements. With dew, rain or an overcast sky the indications increase in intensity, and are stronger in Spring and Autumn than in Summer and Winter. A rain zone is positive, but is surrounded by a negative zone, which in tern is sur- rounded by a zone of positive electricity. Thunder and lightning, according to this observer, do not occur without rain. The burial of a relative in Timor is a very serious and expensive business. It involves a gift to the deceased from all his bloodrelatives,and, lnreturn, aburial feast. If the deceaeed is a man of rank, this feast is a matter vary often of rain to his family. The festivity must be given, and at the same time the hospitality is expected to be extraordinarily lavish. Constquenbly it often happens that the day ot the funeral is indefinitely post- poned for months, and even for years, until the family has had time to accum- elate auffiofent wealth and substance. In the meantime the corpse is enclosed in matting and housed either in a tree or a hut and left to itself. Then for days there is a savage banqueting and revell- ing, and the interment at leaf, is carried out• Among the more savage races of the Timer Laub islands and Timer the skull of an ancestor is severed after burial and kept aa a relic in a place of honor within the house. flints on Summer Diet. Milk is a very important summer diet, but should be used iu moderation or it is liable to produce 111 effects. We strongly recommend skimmed milk and fresh buttermilk as summer drinks, instead of ice -water. The ice -water dy. spepaia, a common malady during the summer mouths, may be entirely relieved by using small quantities of freshly churn- ed buttermilk, a000mpauiod by what Is known as a moderately dry diet. Breakfast should not be a very heavy meal, and hot food should be used in moderation. Hot tea and coffee liberally partaken of often prevents one from feel- ing comfortable all day. Radishes (ice cold), oatmeal crackers and milk, a dainty Blase of cold lamb, fresh fruit, and cold asparagus present a breakfast that makes hob weather a luxury. ' A. peouliarlty of high pressure steam is that it does not scald the hand applied near the orifice from which it la issuing. This arises from the fiat that on its flub escape it expands so rapidly that its heat becomes latent. In other words, the heat is ao redased by expansion that it is cold to the hand. Recently a new boot has been introduc- ed by a Bristol manufacturer, in which a single spring la placed at the back of the boot, in tho apse') above the heel. The elastic is raid to be safer there from friction, and therefore Iota liable to wear out and give the ankles more freedom to move. A Woman Is Ativays A Woman. Wherever she may be, and whatever' _the may be doing, A woman is allyaye a woman. A man in his vooatton•will more or less beamed an repressing, himself and becoming a machine ; but a woman can never do this, She carries heraympathipa and prejudices, in Ali their virgin . seu$i- tivenear, into whatever oocupattun or par - suit ahe taken up ; and, conesgaently, ahe is eminently unbusinesslike; That this is so will be evident to every observant peraou who has occasion to go into apest- oifice, and other plane where girls are employed—though, as a matter of fact, no observation is u eoeasary, for the foot will soon be brought forcibly to your attention whether you observe it or nob. If you are not merely civil, but unotuoualy polite ; if you admire and flatter her, and treat her with the Castilian courtesy due to a duoheas, you may get properly attended to ; but if you have neither time nor in- clination for the task, or think that Cas- tilian courtesy may be safely dispensed witlt in a poste.fastsyou will very soon find yourself postpontid to some one with more leisure and flattery at his disposal . So longaa therein nothing to divert her attention ahe oan stork tolerably well ; but the moment auythiag more later eating than work comes withiii view,hor eyes and thoughts wander, and she becomes dia. iraite. l ..puns BRNO AYRSHIRES for ,Is, aro sows, sirs and one bell. Write for daorfD Life in the Paris Sewers. is possible, for a short time to the robust, but the majority of relined persons would prefer immediate deatb`to existence in their reeking atmosphere, How much more re- volting to be in ono s[self a living sewer. But this is actually the case with those in whom the inactivity of ! the liver drives the refuse matter of the body to escape through the lungs, breath, the, pores, kidneys and bladder. It is astonishing chat life remains in auch a dwelling. Dr. Pieroe's •' Golden Medical Discovery " restores normal, purity to the system and reneaa the whole being. m A special committee on railroad axles have by a majority reported that iron axles are safer than steel allies, that all cranks should have the webs hooped, that as iron cranks appear to fail after running about 200,000 miles and steel rafter 170,000 miles, itis highly desirable that they should be taken off and never again used in passenger engines, and that crank axles properly con- structed are as strong as straight axles. The Wheel of Fortune Moves incessantly—the most buoyant to- day may be loaded down by adversity to- morrow. One particulhrity of that ramous alleviator of human ((Buttering—Putuam's Painless Cora Extra .tor, is the fact that in spite of hundreds of iniitatious and bubati- tutes it has retained its place in the very frunt rank as a remedy for corns. This must ever be the case an every person who has used it testifies that it is prompt, pain- . lees and certain—three grand essentials which, when combined, as r8 the case with Putnam's Painless Corn Extraotor, iusurea a sure pop corn cure. Sold everywhere. A worth -y old maid —one worth $60,000 yearling Ileo era >ion pmts anti twitwm.n el V ,p a,rrst 11r.0,1,.,. nae tta 514. ht Washer to the et,. ' waebnna tt.ehtn,, tt Vented that a wear, yrptaan or girl I tears old wi that he nee of a wad; board, can with ear wash tO t0 100 !ter. In one bora..4grn, wanted all ever 1,e ads. 6ample sant triol and t.rrltory given Ladies snake good agents; no wan • •lotto,. Bed every lady will buy atter trying it; warrant to wash calicos in A••. Minutes, cotton wads tri 90, beddl,tt 10, or eoealo. Adds sea, FERRIS do CO iPa tentea tad Mrs tadturera,78 Jarvis Street, TORONTO,i..,ada or more. Joy in Every Drup. This may be truly said of Polsou's Nervi - line, the greatest pain remedy of the age. It brings comfort to the weary sufferer when failure nas attended the use of every known remedy, Nerviline is an absolute cure for all kinds of pain, internal, external, or local. Purchase a 10 cent sample bottle and try this great remedy, Nerviline, nerve cure. Den t forget the name at any drug store, ""Canned fruits date back to Pompeii," It will not be hard for the young Ivan who boards to believe that they date back even farther than that. "t Her lane so Lair, as flesh it seemed not, But heavenly portrait of bright angel's hue, Clear as the skit, without a blame or blot, Through goodly mixture of complexions due, And In her cheeks the vermeil red did show." This is the poet's description of a woman whose physical system was in a perfectly sound and healthy stats, with every function acting properly, and is the enviable condi- tion of its fair patrons produced by Dr. Pierce'.' • FavoritePrescription," Any drug gist, • A woman named Rose Gilbert writes deny- ing that she has been murdered. It is cur- ious how women will dispute about the most trivial matters, The extraordinary success which has every year characterized the Toronto Ex- hibition promisee to be repeated this season. Intfact, in point of attractions and in the liberality with which the prize list has been prepared, the great Industrial Fair will this year be ahead of any annual exhibition on this continent, if we except, perhaps, the St. Louis Fair. The entries and applications for apace already made far ex- ceed those of any previous year, and the managers are being put to their wits' end to know how to provide for them all. Cheap ratei and excursions will bo given on all railways, and our readers will not be dis- appointed if they make up their minds to pay Toronto a visit at the time of the Pair, All entries muat be made on or befere the 22nd of August, and intending exhibitors should not fail to make a note of this fact, Prize Lista and any other information can be proourod by dropping a post-oard to Mr, Hill, the Secretary, at Toronto. The Fair will this year bo hold from the Oth to the 19th of September. The key of fate is in our own hands ; we often unlock it and than throw the key away. t Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas, Ont., has full staff and complete courses in Literature, Music, Fine Arts, and Commer- cial Seienoo, Re -opens September 10,1885. For 50 pp. announoomont, addroas Princi- pal Austin, B.D. V. & J. TAYLOR, TORONTO SAFE 11' ORES. ESTABLISHED 1864. MANUFAOTURERS OF FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. d'ELEL VAULTS, VAULT DOOMS, COMRIM ii TI(fl RANK LOCKS. Prison Locks, and all kinds of Fire I.nd Burglar Proof Securities. Patentees and sole mauutaoturere of Fire•proot Sates, with Non•OouduoUug Steel Flings Doors. whlob have been demonstrated by actual teeW to be the best flre•resisting galea now made. A number of Second-hand, Fire -proof Sates now in stook at lee prices—.iso, Five Second-hand, Burglarproof Elate* casaba for Private Banken or Jewellers, FACTORY AND SALESROOM, 117 & 119 FRONT STREET EAST TORONTO. GRAND DOMINION AND FORTIETH Provincial Exhibition IINDaa TOE AII8F10R8 OF 0116 Agriculture and Arts Association of Ontario TO 82 11EirD AT LONDON 0202 0115 7th to 12th Sept., 1885 $30,000 IN PREMIUMS AND MEDALS Owing to the Dominion grant of *10,000 a supple• montary edition of the Prize List tae been issued, making an entirely new list for the first 40 pages. From page 40 first edition will be used. Exhibits to come from the North-West and the Maritime Provinoes. On these exhibits transport will be paid. One fare tor passengers and freight on all principal roads in the Dominion. Entries to be made is all classes of Live Stock and Farm Products by Aug. 22 ; Horticultural Products, Ladies' Work, eta., by Aug. 29. Exhibition to be opened by His Excellency the Odvernor•Oeneral. Prize Lite, both editions, and Blank Forms can be had by applying by post card or otherwise to the Secretary, HENRY WADE, Toronto. OEO. MOORE, President, Waterloo. CANADA PERMANENT LOAN at SAVINGS COMPANY 1NOOa5OYATRA A. D. 188*, SUBSCRIBED OAPLTAL y,000.OlS PAID UP OAPITAh ................ ,RESERVE OOq TOTALASD ,0, SItT1386000 OFFZCEs—Coy'. Bldg.. Toronto litTema* STRAIGHT LOANS, OR CREDIT FONCIER PLAN.' The Company tae*, large amount of 100027 to lon4 Oil Real E.tate aeouritiee M the 1090,4 current rata of lis. Cereals, repayable either In one num or by instMatanM es may be 4 estred by the borrower. Applications may be mase direct to the undersl! by letter or otherwise, or t0 the local representative, 01 the Company tbrougboul Ontario. As the Caws always bas funds on bond no delay need be ezpeok Expenses reduoe4 to minimum. Mortgatles and Municipal Debentures Purekased, ,I. HULBERT,*f&SON dtwattas Attestor GUREY & WMtE'S STANDARD SCALES Are the Beet. At. tested by the Fact thattbero are more of our scales 1n use fa tho Dominion than of all other makes combined. IIey, Stock and Coal Scales, Fanners' Grain and Dairy Scales. Grecers'4 Entcliffe Scales, Scales for Domestic Wee. Housekeepers, Consult Your Best Interests By pnrobaeing a scale, and in buying one be 112111 to get the beet. Our scales are fully warranted 118 every particular. All sizes Railroad, WarehoUIO and Mill Trucks. Alarm Money 1lrawera4 For sale by the Haraware Trade generally. 11. luatrated Catalogue and Price List forwarded upon application. GURNEY & WARE HAMILTON. W,s&anousae—Montreal and Winnipeg. A.IL.BEkL .L' COI.LEGI-E (IN AFFILIATION WITH VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, COBODRo,) BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO, r ea College, few dad it 1854, has hed!n attends; ceover 5,100ddlerrnt,tuderts Ittffersunsurpatsedfaoa,'. ties for-" getters, culture' sun for msirlculaticn it a vie, low, ttc., ,0 s awderatt cot. 'The Collegiate Oours• embraces both " matriculation work" sr 0 etkat d tinnier in Sc et ce rad PI Hum by Tie Aradcmy of MU1114, has a w.rden 23 dip ern Ph 01815 (Nat inn In ,bite yetis, It w 00 neve ad 1,40O1er lie now, Tse Bu..ness Colles la under the direction 0,a praetialaccounttint. Orn. mental Pet mar thlp a Specialty. The School of Arty a affiliation with the Ontario Saco; of Art, and teaches iteO t1l00e, a$• A Special 00arae of ,eoturee for or nferenoe soden,s of the Meihcdiet ch, in which he Rev. Dn. oar man, Jeffers, the Re,. .1 B. Clarkson, M.A., and others 0.1.e part, will be given during the winter men he. jar A reduction in fee. or 10 per cent, (instead ora definite rum se Icreeerly) is granted to students taking Iwo or mors00020tnlen e. Seth ladies and gentlemen admitted. Fall Term begins aeptemter 8th, p•,� FOR " ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT" AND CIRCULARS, ADDRESS REV. W. P. DYERS M.A., President. rtf JOHN3TON'S FLUID BEEF It le the only preparation of the kind which oda tains all the nutritious, together with the etimnlat, ng proporttes of beef, and the only one which ha*. the power to supply nourishment for brains, and boas, nd muscle. t:" dt7lINSf�.IdS�LUIi] .EFF - SAMUEL ROGERS & 00. ---MANUFACTURERS OF -- E N't X. a la —AND OTHER— GOLD MEDALS AND FIRST PRIZES„WHEREVER EXHIBITED. Oueen . City Oil Works, Toronto. ,1O'Rieward 'or the Conviction Of Dealers who r f- M c 0 0 L L ' Sferior Oil of Other fer and Sell Its- 'Yl �J Manufacture for *;, LA or Eureka, Clvinder' Bolt (psale by all leading Cutting & Wool Oils, ox Mir dealers. ( McColl Bros. & Co, Toronto. "1"337D `` g'10'1011•$X3...PAI E " 'WV NtXP C3I-XIRi, ONLY $3.00. ONLY $3.00 Tho cheapest in the' market. Warranted first- clesa, or money re- funded. Send di - root to manufac- turers, or procure from your Hard- ware or House - Furnishing dealer. Clothes Wring - era of all kinds-. "Royal Canadian, 'Imperial,' 'King,' also Mangles. Two Roller, and Three Roller, Write far particulars. Hamilton Industrial Works Co„ Manufacturers, Hamilton, Canada. Meriden. Britannia Company FINEST Electro Plate CAUTION WWIWWW Goods stamped Merl. den Silver PIato Co., Ste not our make. If on want reliable goodie insist on getting those ode by the MERIDE1' BRITAN NIA CO., .,, i %1