The Wingham Times, 1885-08-28, Page 81 arse ms 's" err' ,11181" LOCAL N ETN S FRIDAY, AUG, 28TH 1885, .wewttawta, +rr Tim regular session of the D visiou Miss Kate. Saye, of Hamilton, is visiting Court was held in the towu hall on ,,non: in town, and is the guest of MrsT'homair day, There was a pretty heavy docket, Catalpa as it took until night to get ,through, W. D. Stewart, book-keeper for ass. Aeit Warns a young lad was driviug a team Cline & Co., has gone to his old home at of horses past the Central betel, Wednein Seailrth to visit for a couple of weeks. Reap the prize list of the Caledonian day, one of the Wagon wheels went to -Flea Alice dohne, of London, is visiting games, which will be found in another column. by in e r A , agpa Johns bas returned home, IRTUB. HnnLa,—lis Wawanoeh on the 21st inst,, the wife of James Oblate of a daughter. q Jno, ifowbryaot twi ,e, sonhan22nd ¢ daughter. wile 11OLNse,—In Wingham on the 28rd fust„ the wife of SOQATT,-1n Wawanosh.on the 12th Inst., the wife OL Jno, Leggatt of a daughter. pieoei and a bad runaway was only pre, at her aieter's,.Mrs Saw. Smith, arid Mies,. vents the ' t rfe encs of if Bechard' Twe $ervaat Tris waatIA. ties Cliambarerall seri set Diann Maw girl, Nlgailat wiIsa paid. Maar* ry e: At a meeting of the fire anis+H. W, C. Meyer returned Wednesday al Ceatrel Nstai. ,,'`water committee on Taesday evening it evening, from Ilia trip to Lake Joseph, Mu8; H1 new bridge at Lower Wingham is completed and open for traffic, It is a good subs tial structure, He'Ntiughamcricketers went to Clio. tor: yesterday to play, and succeeded iu cowing off victorious by a score of 94 to 83. -Tau word "advertise" appears twice in the bible—Numbers 24, 4; and Ruth 4, 4, Now those who look for a good suggestion catvee upon this. nu Grits and Tories had another cricket match on Wed"esday, resulting in a victory for the latter by 7 runs, so one of their number informs us. Twnlonnow night the store of Whitney& Duffield will be lit up by the Rochester lamp, a new illuminator which is said to rival the eleotrio light. The cheapest and best place in Wingham for furneral furnishings is at S. Gracey's- All the necessaries kept in stock. S. Grac y Practical Uudertaker and Furniture Dealer, Wingham. Tun fall races will come off on the driving park in this town on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. It is expected that some good goers will participate, as gooclapurses are offered. ;.;''OAST Saturday evening a lamp upset on the platform of the Saved Army barracks and made things lively for a short time. The firemen were called out, but danger was past when they got around. Bmas are out for the Northwestern fair which will be held in this town on Tuesday,y Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 29, 30 and Oct. 1. The prize het in pamphlet form will be out in a few days. THE Young People's Literar3 society of the Presbyterian church held a most suc- cessful garden party at the residence of Mr. McCutcheou last Friday evening: Something over $30 was added to their treasury. JUBILEE.—The Saved Army announce what they are pleased to term a grand jubilee and hallelujah powwow at the barracks this evening, to which the public are invited. A small admission fee will be charged. 4 Tuesday Harry Hiseocks, who has beeu in Robert Orr's store for ever so long, will take possession of C. M. Newans'store and go it on his own hook. Harry is a pop ular and deserving young man, and THE TIMES wishes him all success in his new venturis r Bis week J. J. Anderson has been en: gaged erecting a grand stand at the Horti- cultural park,to be used on the occasion of the Caledonian games on Sept. 10. The stand will have a seating capacity of 2,000, and will command an excellent view of the hers, a.;d it was clearly shown that our gam s. • young men have some capital ideas and ns old post office building on Victoria with a little training they will be in a street is now occupied by Isaac Ireland, position to express them clearly and effec- who is pulling down his old building on tively iu debate. Quite an interest is being :oaephine street. It is Mr. Ireland's awakened among the young men, and num. intention to erect a new frame. house on hers of new members are joining at each the old site and have it ready for occu- meeting. The next regular meeting will saucy before winter seta iu. •be held in Willis ins' hall on Monday even- i(.aattn.arlow.—Tuff name owes an apology fug, Septa 7; at which all young men wish: to the Tory cricketers for stating last week iuo join will be welcomed. that the Grits defeated them by one rune "•: T'lt 48cmie;vLl4sr.— Last Saturday when the fact was that they whipped the night Barkley & McCrimmon's new build: Grits by four ruus. The score stood: ing was brilliantly illuminated by electric Torics, 63; Grits 59, and George Duffield light, a complete apparatus having been can show the score book to prove the fitted for the purpose by C. L. Ireland. vin:' The dynamo or electric geuerator was lo: caa—Cu Saturday last Mrs. Ann E. ectad in Clark's pump works; and power Robinson, mother of It. M. Robinson of was supplied by the engine there. The this towu, died at the residence of her light was steady and brilliant, and a. corn; daughter in Hamilton, at the advanced age plete success. On Weduesday night pre of 82 years and 5 months the remains vious to lig ting up Mr. Ireland discon: were brought to Wiugham on Monday and netted the wires to make some repairs interred in the cemetery the following day, when the eugiue was started up and the machine set going. The circuit not being the funeral being largely attended. completed the thing ran very easy, which Wm. Homes is about to undertake a new allowed the engine to go at a kind of go as departure in connection with his black- you please gift. As a consequence the smithing business. He is fitting up that armature, a cylinder with wire coils, began portion of his building lately occupied as a to revolve at the rate of some 8,000 revolu: dwelling, and will convert it into a wood tions per minute, when it burst with terri: working and paint shoo As soon as the fic force, but fortunately doiug no serious change is completed heawill commence the damage. After some new fixtures come IL alnfacture of buggies and other vehicles. from New York the light will be set going was decided to disband the old fire nom: party and reorgitnize a new one of picked and capable men. It is proposed to en; gage a captain, who will choose his own men, and each will receive a moderate yearly salary from the oouncii'"ii'�"' The old company will resign at the`' end of the present month. S. Graney has a large stook of sideboa rds bed room sets, parlor suites, sofas, lounges, mattresses, &o., that can be bought at very low prices for Dash. Special reductions to parties buying in quantities of over 1150. Parlor suites away down, almost at cost. It will pay you to come 10 miles to buy at S. Gracey's Furniture Rooms. Remember the place, directly opposite T. A. Mills' store and next door south of Brunswick House ' aaFferra—The town band boys have always responded piomptly to requests to play at garden parties and have never asked a cent for their services. Is it not about time that a union party, or some. tliing of that sort be given for their sole beuefit by those who have received the benefit of their services ? The band is in need of funds, and it is but right that something should be done for the boys, GARDEN PAnr .—There will be a garden party on Monday evening next, 31st inst. at the residence of Mrs, Agnew, Bluevale road, under the manaeeinent of the ladies of the Methodist church. It was previously announced that it would be held on Tues: day evening, but a change was thought advisable on account of union prayer meetings being held that night. Coffee.+ ice creams and other refreshments will be provided. Admission 10 cents. Proceeds to be applied to church purposes. MoNSTEn Emulator; .—The great annual excursion over the London, Huron & Bruce to Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Grims- by Camp takes place on Friday next, Sept. 4th. The train starts from Wingham at 6 o'clock a. m. Tickets for the round trip are only e2, and are good for two days, with the privilege of staying four days for 81 extra. This annual excursion is always a success, and this year it promises to be better than ever. This will be the most enjoyable trip of the season and should be taken advautage of. To avoid the crowd, excursion •tickets will be on sale at the station the day previous. Y. M. L. Ca—The 'regular meeting of the Young Men's • Liberal Club was held:. in their rooms, Williams' hall, on Monday, evening, and was well attended. The plat- form of the Club was partially adopted,the balance being left over until next meeting. It licited discussion from several mem- Iso Vidette is the name of a new paper again. which trade its first appearance in Gorrie 1 est week, and which is designed to supply — the field of the defunct Enterprise. It is Peter McDonald has returned from his r tblishetl by Thos. No:g and although ' visit to Buffalo, N. Y. Mall it is it very crediiar ble sheet, and W. W. Inglis returned from merits substantial support. Tart TIMES ex- tri n Mond,y evening. lends its right hand and welcomes the new bits. Joseph liurtibese is comer to its exchange list. Cha ltam, her old home. 13 1' D Tou1i Abteee.—The Doherty Orgau Ifss Jeanie Itisdori is visiting friends in Co. band, of Clinton, are making extensive Detroit, Glencoe and St. Thomas. ttrr uagements for holding a band town t. meet in that town on bept. 25, at which It I°ng lffsher s Mfnaunniot, Small111ra., of Mt. Forest, is via: 0400 in prizes will be competed for. It is iN. Mullen, of the the intention of the Wingham band to take Royal. one of the big prizes. The return fate firs. F. E. G :eon, vvl• o has beau visit n ; m from Winghaon that day will be 7 her parent3, .N•r. and Mrs. I. Ireland, fur 'A lute, hitt the buud'1b414 will go for half• the past mtintlt, returned to her home in primOneonta, N.Y.,y'es.erday, PERSONAL. his eastern visiting at koka, lookiug as if be bad enjoyed himself, Mr, Meyer was one of a party of 17, made up of Provincial Treasurer Ross, Mr. Mal: colwson, of Goderich, and Mr !inlay, of Guelph, with their familie+ii ho went there to spend their summer holidays, and they were all very enthusiastic over that district as a summer resort. FRUIT GROWERS' ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of the Fruit Growers' Association of Untario will be held In the Town Hall, Wingham, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 16th and 17th of September next. The fol- lowing subjects will be discussed:- 1.—What are best varieties of apple for export, and why; that is, what are the points of superiority ? 2.—W hic.h varieties are the most desirable for domestic use, for the table and for .the kitchen ? 3,—What varieties of apple are found to be best adapted to the climate and soil, in the county of Huron? 4,—What method ot cultivation is found to yield the nest results, keep- ing••the orchard under clean cultiva Hon; or planting the orchard with hoed crops, as corn and . potatoes; or sowing with cereals; or seeding down to grass ? 5.—What variety of pears are suc- cessfully grown in Huron. 6.--Arl cherries grown in Huron, and if so, what kind l 7.—Do plum trees suffer from the winters in Huronl Are they afflicted with the b'.ack knot 1 Is the fruit stung by the curculiol 8,—W hat varieties of plum are best adapted to the climate of Huron ? 9.—Which varieties of grape ripen their fruit well and yield good crops in Huronl 10 —Which are the earliest ripen - ening grapes and the most hardy? 11.—Are goosberries grown in this part of the country, and if so, what varieties, and with what 'success? 12.—Do raspberries succeed well in Huron? 13 --What varieties of currents are aro wn here' 14.—What ornamental tares' and shrubs are 'Slaked In the lawns and around the dwellings in this part of he country? 15.—What roses are most esteemed here? 16.—Which are the best garden peas for table used 17.—Which are the most desirable varieties of cabbage to grow in thi.f section for the tablet" 18. --Is celery grown in this part of the country, and if so, how is it kept through the winter l 19.—What squashes are grown here? Can any of them be kept through the winthri 20 —Has the Norway spruce been planted in this section of the coup try for shelter, and with what results? The first' half hour ot each session will be devoted to the answering of such questions as may he handed to the Secretary. At this meeting the President will deliver his annual ad- dress. and the officers for the ensuing year will be elected Members in tending to attend the meeting will please apply to t1e Secretary for a certificate, which will entitle them to a reduction of railway fare if the cer tificate is presented to the ticket agent at the station where the journey is commenced. Mr. J. A. Moron has kindly consented to receive at his office, Wingham, any fruits that farm- ers or fruit growers in this vicinity may sena for exhibition. A full dis. play of the fruit of this county and neighborhood is requested by the As- sudation, As this is the first time thti Provincial Association has met in this part we bespeak a full house for so iinpertallt a meeting. Toronto'., assessment this year foots up to $70,000,000. Small pox le abating somewhat in in Montreal, although it is still very bad. The thermometer ' Registered 1 degrees of fr est at Winnipeg las,' Sun- day alight. Det'. ritzpatrick, one of I;rir1'i, coon• sel, announces his intention of carry- ing the case direct to the privy coml. ,,t►lex, Holmes o a daughter. aaNnoat.--la Morris on the 28rd inst., the wife o T. Brandeis of it son, 'grips e.i . fn Wawanoalt en the 14th inat„ the wife of Mr, Whiteman of a lien, DIED. BoatnaoN.—In Hamilton, on the 28rd inst. Ann E, Robinson, mother of it. M. Robinson, aged 82 years, 5 months and days. • Rev,. J, Fallls, Dutton, certifies "For .many years my wife has been troubled with dyspepsia, and has tried and thing after another recommended with but little or no effect until adv i; ed to give McGregur e speedy cure a trial. Since taking the fr-at bottle I have noticed a decided improvent.and can with confidence recommend it to be one of, if not the BEST medicine ex: tont for dyspepsia. This invaluable medicine for liver complaint indiges- tion, kidney complaint, is purely vegetable. Sold at C. E. Williams, drug store. Trial bottles giyen free. Skiff's o Sale of Lang:. COUNTY OF HURON,} TO WIT : By virtue of several Writs of Fieri Facids issued out of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench and Chancery Divisions, and to me directed and delivered against the Lands and Tenements of Charles Tait Scott at"the suits of The Molson's Bank and William B. Hutton and Peter Fisher, I have seized and taken in Execution all the right, title, interest and equety of redemption of the above-named defendant, Cherie, Tait Scott, in and to the following lands and tenements situate, lying and being in the Town of Wingham, County of Huron, and Province of On- tario, viz,: 1st. Lots eleven, FittyTwo, and Three Hundred and FortyFive, running numbers, Government Sur- vey. 2nd. Lot Twenty -Three, Foley's 1st Survey, Ed- ward Street West. 8rd. An undivided half interest in the West half of Lot Thirty -One, Minnie Street East, Griffen's Survey. 4th. Lots Thirty -Four, Thirty -Six, Thirty -Seven and Thirty.Eight, Scott survey. 5th. Lots Twenty -Nine and Thirty -Five, on South side of Scott Street. eth. Lot Four on West side of Josephine Street, save and except Ten feet in width sold off the North- erly side of said Lot. 7th. Lot Five West side of Josephine' Street., 8th. That portion of Block 13 commencing one hundred and two Poet in a Westerly direction along the South Bide of Victoria Street from the North - Westerly angle ot Lot Thirty one, Foley's Survey,. better known as the Exchange Hotel property,thonce in a Westerly direction, along the South side of Vic- toria Street, Twenty feetby Ono Hundred and Nine- teen feet, in a Southerly direction, and parallel with Josephine Street, all saki properties being in Scott's Survey, and the Subdivisions of a portion of Block B Government Survey. Which Lands and Tenements I shall offer for sale, at my office, in the Court House, in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday, the First day of December, 1885, at the• hour o1 Twelve of the clock, Noon. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff, Huron. Sheriff's Office, Goderich, Aug. 2-nd,1885. {0: ITE ®SE FOR THE COMPLEXION. $100 REWARD $100 for any preparation that will equal White Rose Cream lo remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Soften the Skin and Beautify 1 the Complexion. Every bottle guaranteed to be as represented or money refunded. Price 75 cents per bottle. THE PHARMACY Sole Agent for Wingham, Ont, CANADA'S GREAT Industrial • Fair ! AND Agnicultui 1 EXpo$ition 1885 WILL BE IIELD AT THE CITY OF TORONTO Sept 9t7i to 19th The largest Prizes and the best show of Horses, Cat;le,•Sheep, Pigs. Poultry. Agri- cultural, Horticultural and Dairy Prod. ucts. Machinery, Implements and Manu: factures of all kinds in the Dominion of i Canada. Prize Lists and entry forms can be obtained from the Secretaries of all Agricultural Societies and Mechanics' In- stitutes, or they will be sent anywhere ou application by post ma to the Secretary at Toronto. ENTttIES CLOSE AUG. 22ND. A large number of Special Attractions are being prepared for that time, fog' full particulars of which See Special ?rngramn'es. Cheap rates and Excursions on all railways. The best time to 'isit the city of Toronto. J. J `VITfiROSV, Ii. J. Ilia, President, 14lftuager and Sec., .17 Local Markel Repo: Wilpohikxp. Aug. 28, 1885 Flour p. r cwt. $2 25 to 2 50 Flour per bbl 4 60 to 5 00 Fall Wheat per nus.... 75 to 80 Spring a' .., 75 to 80 Oats f0 rr .,. 85 to 98 Barley " " ... 45 to 55 Peas '� " ... 55 to 00 Potatoes new . , ... 45 to 50 Butter per lb 11 to 11 Eggs per dot..... 11 to 11 Hay per ton new 6 00 to 8 00 Wood 1 OC to 1 00 CATTLE ESTRAY.—Came to the premises of D. Campbell lot 13 & 14, Con. 1, Township of Morrie, on or abut the 1st of May, one steer and one heifer, aged respectively 2 and 8 years. Any person proving property and paying expenses can have the same. DUNUAN CAMPBELL. Felt SALE. Two lots on Josephine street, adjoining the Bruns - wink House, with a frontage of 24 feet; also jour back lots—two in rear of Brunewick and two in rear of A. W. Webster's; also a private dwelling on Scott street, containing nine rooms, with every convenience. The property will be sold cheap as the owner is !saving the country. For further particulars apply to Miss. GRAHAM. Wingham Aug. 18, 1885. Scott Street. H. D. LEITCH, M. D, C. M. Toronto University. Licentiate of College of Physioiaus and Surgeons of Ontario. office - - Bluevale. MR. LT WILLIAMS, Late of Birmingham, England, having taken up his residence, in:... in town, is prepared tg re— ceive Limited number of-pu- piZs for instruction in Istrumcfltai Music, PIANO AND ORGAN. For terms, etc., apply at hie resi; dance, Leopold street. HARKNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its na- tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the hair from falling out, increases its growth, and will not soil the skin. As a hair dres- sing, it has no superior. Guar- anteed harmlese Prepared by Harkness & Co. London, Ont. Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers. SCROFULA and all scrofulous diseases, Sores, Erysipellas, Eczema, Blotches, Ringworm, Tumors, Car. buncles, Boils, and Eruptions of the Skin, are the direct result of an impure state of the blood. To euro these diseases the blood must bo puri. fled, and restored to a healthy and natural condi- tion. Aran's SARSAPARILLA has for over forty years been recognized by eminent medical au- thorities as the most powerful blood purifier in existence. It frees the system from all foul hu- mors, enriches and strengthens the blood, removes all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves it- self a complete master of all scrof tlous diseases. A Recent Cure of Scrofulous Sores. "Sone months ago I was troubled with scrofu- lous sores (ulcers) on my legs. The limbs were badly swollen and inflamed, and the sores dis- charged large quantities of offensive matter. Every remedy I tried failed until l used AvitR's SARSAPARILLA, Of which 1 Itave now taken three bottles, with the result that the sores are healed and my general health greatly improved. I feel very grateful for the good your medicine has done me. -Yours respectfully, Mas. ANN O'BRIAN," 148 Sullivan St„ New'ork, June 24, 1882. fir- All persons interested aro invited to cal on Mrs. O'Brian ; also upon the Rev. Z. P. Wilds of 78 East 54th Street, Now York City, who will take pleasure in testifying to the wonderful efiicacy of Ayer's Sarsaparil- la, not only in the curd of this lady,but in his own ease and many others witin his knowledge. The well-known writer on the Boston Herald, B. W. BALI., of Rochester, .M%L,writes, Juno 7, 1882: "Having suffered severely for somo years with Eczema, and having fol led to lind rel lei from other remedies, 1 have made use, during the past three months, of AVEtt's SARSAPARILLA which has effected a complete cure. 1 consider It a magniti, cent remedykrall blood diseases." Ayer's Sarsaparilla stimulates and regulates the action of the di- gestive and assimilative organs, renews and strengthens the vital forces, and speedily cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Gout, Catarrh, General Nobility, and all diseases arising front an tmpoverlshed or corrupted coudt- tion of the blood, and a weakened vitality. It is incomparably the cheapest blood medicine, on account ot its concentrated streugth,and grime, power over disease, r1t PAMID nY Dr. J. C. Ayer At Co., Lowell, Mass. gold by all Drage:tee price f<j, six bettlea for 14, til. 7 pronto,