The Wingham Times, 1885-08-21, Page 4\47 - 1 1 I I • .. I ftly trding4am FRIDAY, AUG. 21, 1885. A NEW DEPARITTRE. ONIOMMIII•11 THE WINGLIAU TIMES makes its ap. TO $UBSCRI.I.31e118, We have purchased the subscription list accounts of Tim Tams from the late publishers, and will continue serOing the paper to old subscribers as usual. Those who have paid in ad. vane will be supplied until the ex. peartuice this morning under new piration of their term, and those who chase o favorable auspices. Al the sale which are in arrears will be responsible to mitt took place on Saturday, the 8th inst , us for the same. the establishment passed into the 'or( oil & JoIllLoo,111010ricllso,Winglam Have just received a part of a Large Pur t CANADIAN FOREIGN TWEEDS, Fine Suitings, Extra Fine Worsteds. Dies Goods should be seen and our prices obtained by intending purchaserbefore placing that order. REFORM DEMONSTRA.TION. hands ol S. W. Galbraith, a former ...._ publisher of this paper, and who is not A meeting of the chairmen of the unknown to its many readers and electoryal districts of the East Riding patrons. A change in the proprietor- of the county of Huron will be held ship ot THE Trues has become to be at Brussels on Tuesday, September 1st regarded as anything but a new fee- at 1 o'cloele p. in., to consider the ad - tare, especially among thine who are visability of having a grand Reform familiar with its history from the be. demonstration sometime in Septem- ginning. We must acknowledge that ber, and, if decided to have one, to a retrospective view of its history make arrangements to carry it out does not present a very attractive successfully. Those interested are picture. It has had its ups and downs urgently requested to attend. _ .......eee its trials and tribulations and its many Rev. J. Faltis, Datton, certifies changes, the cause of whieh is well WHO FOOTS THE BILL. " For many years my wife has been bnown to those who have watched itsThough taxes are indirect and there troubled with dyspepsia, and has tried course. 'With a full knowledge of all fore not so severely felt, yet the bur: and thing after another recommended with but little or no effect until acl v is the circumstances, we have undertaken den is a fearful one, and what is worse ed to give 111cGregor's speedy cure a the task of rebuilding a business that ander the present government, it is trial. Since taking the fest bottle I have noticed a decided improvent.and can with confidence, recommend it to be one of, if not the Basa medicine ex: tent for dyspepsia, This invaluable BOOTS AND SHOES We are offering a very large stock of superior make at Bottom 'lip:met. GROCERIES Fresh, Choice and Good, Extra value in Tea andt Sugar. See our 20 lbs Sugar for $ and our 25c Tea We are determined that if selecting our goods with the greatest care, buying on the most fiwurable terms, and selling at a very small profit will continue to increase our business No are going to do it right along. C+ORT—.)01* & MC11\1-1300., ANCHOR MOUS has been badly abused and shattered, and we have undertaken it with just as full a determination to succeed. A prospective view of the situation is most flattering, and we think we can safely promise our readers more sta• bility and less mismanagement than heretofore. We purpose making THE Tiares a repi esentative newspaper, fearlese, outspoken and honest, to re- present the sentiment of the people, to advocate any measure having a ten- dency to advance the interest and welt- teing of the cemmunity, and to up- hold the principles of the Reform party. The tone of the paper'will be courteous and respeth*11., yet. firm end decisive, and will give no uncertain sound upon the live as cf t&e day. We liee-ap. ealt Mr Tun To it*:47, a rsza,-73: of the Faliie eteeffeie szeitreeett east we steal." ressaree as rei:t estaaHe rat to ta.e.aa...eatataLe s pieee- e.L.T-Se tezedtitesEa• tea cueselees arei to the. ta. eta. "irtielh tale eae-atat cf TRH daily increasing and there is not only no attempt at retrenchment but the extravagance and waste are daily growing greater: It is higti time that medicine for liver complaint indiges. the people woke from their dream of tion, kidney complaint, is purely false security: With the annual ex• vegetable. Sold at 0. E. Williams' penditure nearly forty million dollars drug store. Trial bottles giyen free. a year, against twenty three millions a year, when the present government The Dominion Organ and Piano Ca took power, seven years ago; with °ter thirty millions added to our debt last year, and about thirteen millions this year. it is surely time to call a halt. The result of this extravagance when properly looked at, is something fear: ful to contemplate. The Ottawa Free Press points out that every working man. who !me a wife and three child: ren—making the average five in Iftemily—pays $38 in Dominion taxes year. If he earns the average exas of a dollar a day, he storks six weeks and two days for the Dominion treasure before he earns a dollar to Med and clothe himself and children. i ft ds otrot matter whether the taxes are &mat or iucbrect—they come out [of his wages all the same! It is this constant drain—this invisible Auction —which makes the poor man's wages not go so far as they used to, Work_ ingmen generally complain that a dol- lar does not go so far I s it used to go, but the reason is obvious. It cannot, go so tar when the Dominion • tax collector claims a larger toll on the sugar, clothing and necessaries. Re. duce the taxes and times will improve, OUR RATE OF TAXATION. We notice that several of our con- temporaries affect great astonishment that the rate of taxation for Winghani for the current year should reach two cents on the donee., and they are not slow in throwing out insinuations cal- culated to injure the credit of our town. A high rate of taxation cer- tainly detracts from the value of a town in the eyes of intending settlers, who are constrained to pause before doing so, and unfavorable reports re- lating to the sante emanating from the press have a deteriorating effect. Our rate of taxation is certainly quite high and it seems to us to have been a mis- take that it is so. It would appear to have been an error, in the first place, when a bylaw was submitted and de bentares issued for the salt weli grant that it should be paid off thus year and next, instead of extending it over a longer period. Again the water works are costing considerable this year, and the improvements are being paid fur as the work progresses. This appears to be an error, too. These improvements are permanent, and in: stead of being paid for as current ex: penses, they should be charged to cepital. Such items as those men: tioned contain the whole secret of the inereased rate, and unless a firm ren is kept upon these matters and sound judgment used in fnture the prevail: ing evil of increased taxation withoul reducing our outstandina debenture debt will be the result, W e Rhusll soon require a new market building, we expect to have the Oanacliati Pacific railway extended to Wingham, and there are other matters that will aall fora comiderahle outlay. Senn means must be adopted to keep down the rate of taxation, else it threatens to become oppressive to our citizens and dArimental to the future growth airl, prosperity of the town. sesame Iszeestitaamtin, joost_cvorgstr factory la th4 MOM Econ enn Awarded' to aA.rb the World Let nd Ey= FIEFAuataI1a, 16T.. 1.judep..warr:plgidiustrirtrIVOrOnt(), tIon, Tolato 1871WW81. WI ARE 21019 MA2nTrAcrtnrara SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS, Burnt TSB btABEIST. Correspondence Solicited. Send for Dinstreted Cat alogue, mailed free. Address DOMINION ORGAN AND PIANO COMPANY,. 0WI42rTLIZIL OYT. OANADA1.11 GREAT At the last meeting of the county Industrial Fair ! • council council a resolution was paseed to petition for the appointment of a police matastrate if the wine and beer amendments to the Scott Act were not adopted. It now appears that Warden Kelly refuses to sign the res. elution to send to the government, for what particular reason we have nct learned. Whatever Mr. Kelly's per- sonal feeling% in the :natter may be he hes no right to assume an auto- cratic attitudes and insult the wishes of tiie body who placed bine in the position he holds. Such a course is very discreditable on his part, mid he should be brought to book for it. It is becoming a matter of doubt as to whether the sentence of death passed upon Louis Riel will be carried out. Judging from newspaper ac- eounts, the feeling of the French in the Province of Quebec is quite adverse to ths, sentence, and strong pressure is being brought upon the advisers of the Governor General with a view to having the sentence commuted. The Government look to Quebec for their main support, and it is feared that the wishes of the French will be con- sulted is the matter in order to obtain that support. Riel bas had a fair and impartial trial and has been found guilty of raising a rebellion, and shed. ding human blood, and whether the Government dare to interfere again to defeat the ends of justice remains to lie seen. E,AN INGHAM AND Agricultural Evosition 1885 Nvi" BB AT TuE CITY " 1 Come, Bring Your Money and Buy Cheap Gooh IF YOU ARE 1N NEED OF Of every description, call and see our stock at the Illinghamrarnittn Factory We cannot be undersold, as we make such large quantities at one time that we are enabled to sell at n Less Price, Try us for BEDROOM & PARLOR SUITES before you purchase. The more you buy at one time the Cheaper you can get it. Orders fax Car Load Lots always have our prompt attention. Saw Logs taken at our saw mill in exe change for Furniture. SCOTT W1NGHAM. ilmn Don,t fail to attend the -wr 77 -1T • i ,L .A.T) 'T.. Mil I., 1_1 S' For 20 days at cost. -0X1)X0- TOR ON TO Sept 9th, to 19t7z, The largest Prizes and the best show of Horses, Cat;le .Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Agri- cultural, Horticultural and Dairy Prod- ucts. Machinery, Implements and Manu: factures of all kinds in the Dominion of Canada. Prize Lists and entry forms can be obtained from the Secretaries of all Agricultural Societies and Mechanics' In- stitutes, or they 'will bo sent anywhere on application by post card to the Secretary at Toronto. ENTRIES CLOSE AUG. 22itb. A large number of Special Attractions aro being prepared for that time, for full particulars of which see Special Programmes. Cheap rates and Excursions on all railways. The best time to visit the city of Toronto. J. J. WIT CIROW, 11. J. HILL, President. Manager awl Sea, Toronto. -EXCTIANGE HOTEL,9t4- WINGHAM, • ONT This house has lately been re -modelled to considerable extent, and is thoroughly comfortable in every respect. Always sets a GOOD TABLE. Guts s well pleased and Comb again. Rates reason. able. Good stabling ineonnection and No. 1 hostler, PATTEUSON. No Reserve and No Humbug. T® A. MIL$.® Wingham, August 12, 1885 —THE PHARMACY— A Fine and New Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Shoulder Braces, Laurances Spectacles and Eye Glasses, A T Cross Stylographic Pena, Pure Paris Green, and Eve? ytiiing in, -67be Line of Orztas And Druggists Sundries you want he —THE PHARMACY,— VT I 1\i" G-= .A. tifdock, Cures Dizzinass, _Loss rf Appetite, Indigestton, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the -dicer and Kidneys, BLoot , Blotches, Boils, liumors, Salt Blumm, Scrofula, .1,1Nysipalas, and all diseases arising from Impure -17100(4 BITlE S; Deranged Stomach, or i; regular act;iin of the Bcwels,