The Wingham Times, 1885-07-03, Page 7I1'AR:'tI AND GAUDEN. , Lleiave no farm gates ajar. :better reties all the mod calves, Il,efugoe is tt good pint;, n$ bean (live cauliflowers plenty of room. Cadets require u, light, noir soil, 'Tile heat pasturage is the cheapest. Adopt in all .real rural improvements I1lituy farmers prefer level culture, Plant plums on a strong loans soil. It's. iaob to late to matte a garden. 11 ow ut.ally trees have you planted t Allow no one to nibus t your cattle. MMlethotl and system pay to farming; Don't keep to many liens tugether't ]paella currants are very wholesome, Tare blood J mhlcleen geese are white. For the piazza --tun Virginia creep e. It'b'llow good deed with good culture; 'Time is money; if well employed. Make permattoat farm irnwrovei sots Home -)rade fertilizers aro eoono xe toed. Meat and cooked food fol. laying hens. Trees will grow while you are sleep. iris. Plant ',trees for fruit, shade and _timber, rte,'• No 'spiri,tualized' blank bottles afield; Floekwasters should keep shepherd bogs. Milk of different temperature should never be mixed, Only tin'pai s are suitable to bo used by dairymen. In planting .trees be careful to pre: serve the ronts moist. As a rule it is best to plant crops early in. this season,' Wyoming Territory has gnaratltilted against Texas • cattle In setting out rasberry plants do not bury thorn too deep, . Thirty-fiye per cent, of the cattle of Illinois are high grade. The Island of,leriey has cne head of cattle to every • two acres. EIolsteins are Sliding much favor among Colrado stockmen. Another outbreak a plea ro- pneumonia in the west reported. Californias have formed a new market for fruit in Australia. Charcoal is good on old old soils as, it help•, absorb the sun,s rays: Full time to see the strawberry bad if you have not already.. You can raise not far from 30,000 green corn stalks to the acre. The best breed is good care, good water, good teed and good barn. Youu, and growing animals aro • .the most 'profitable for tine farmer. ,Catarrh- 1210V7 Trentinent. Perhaprf the nioit ozorarircdinai'y success that has been achieved in mod- • ern medicine has been attained by the Dixon treatment fpr catarrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the pest six nmcutlis, full ninety per scent have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is 'Mina the .less startling when it le remembered that not five per cent. of patients presenting themselves to the regular pi 3ctitioners ars benefitted,. while the patent medicines ;and other advertised cures never record a cure at all. tltarting with the claim now gen.orally believed by the most scientific men that the disease is due to the'pxes- ecice of living parasites in the issue. IIr. Dixon at once adopted this cure too their extermination—this' meow:. p.Liihed, he claims the Catarrh is prac. ticably cured, and the permanency is unquestioned, as cures effected .by him four years ago aed curet still. No one else has ver att:miptod to cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other treat: taunt hats ever cured Catarrh. The application of the remedy, is simslle, and can be done at home, and the prn: sent season of the year is the mt s: favorable for the speedy and german. est cure. The majority of cases be: ing cured at one treatment. Sufferers should ccrrespand with Messrs .A. 11 • DIXON' & SON, 805 King street, west 'Toronto, °atut ta, and enclose stamp for their treatise on catarrh. Montreal Star. Nov. ADVICE TO 1MOTHERS Are you disturbed at night and bro- ken of your rest by it,,; skit child suff- ering and crying with pain of cutting teethl if so send at once and got a bottle of :4'Iri3,`Willslow's Soothing Syr- up for Children Teething. Its effect is itiealeulable. It will relieve the poor little suii'rer itbmedia,tely.. De- pend upon, it mothers, there is no nige take about it. It cures dysentery and'. diarrhoea, regulates the etomacli and: bowels, eines windcolio, softens the giitils, ee.duues inflammation, and give; tone and energy to the whole .system. Mrs. Wi)nslow's Sootlimg $yrtap f •r Obitfiren Teething is pleasant to tl o ttl•sto, triad Is the prescription of one t the oldest and best female physieia and nurses in the United States, ti' a is for sale by 'all druggists throughotit. tae world;, t'riae 25 tents,a bottle HARKNESS Al ' OA1.10, Restores {Trey hair to.. its na- tural Codex, re ?, moves Rzudrayi,' sops the trait' from failing crit, increaseu i.4 gro rrth, and will not soil the skin. Ana hair drea.44* sing, it has nofi superior., Gufir J iJ.ut;edhernilese; Prepared THE TIMES. FR11DA JULY 3, ;:I€,rll ::SM & Co. London, Ont j„ft,llk, Held by all :tri glia y, ) s rF'til + 3,124 Patent hirdieint The Pure Brod Clycdesdale. KING 0] QITALITY, Will Stand for Mares this Season as follows MONDAY, Male 4th --.Leaves his own stable and rrooeede by way of Wingliam to Wm. Isbister's for noon;wfrom thence to Blusyalo for night, TIIESDAX—Prooeedsbv way of boundary to Morriebank for noon ; from thence to Gamble. Hotel. Corrie, for night. WEDNESDAY —Proceeds to Crooket Willis' for noon; from thence to Wm. Harris for night THURSDAY—Proceeds to Mr Tohnston's, 6th con of Turnberry for noon; from h enoe to Yr, Tomb's, 9th non of Turn- berry for night, . FRIDAY—Proeeedsto Thomas Gamble's to the Culross boundary, for noon ; from hence tto August Homutli'd on 10th con- of onof Turnberry for night,_ SATURDAY—Proceeds by way of Zetland to Merrifield's hot: 1, Winlham, for the, afternoon The above route will be continued dur. ing the season, health and weather per. mating. PEDZGRREE Imported idly, 1883, by James Tipling, Wingltaln. Is registered in Vol. 6, Clydes dale Stud Book., Xing of Quality, 2907, is a beautiful bay foaled June 1.1, 1882; bred by Thomas Speirs, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire; 0 sire Sir William (2424; grand sire Liberal, Tom (440) ; grand sire, Young. Conqueror~ (959); g. g. grand sire, Conqueror (196); dam Ma ie (vol. 6) by Prince David (646) ; gr ud dale Sally. by Scorchman (749) ; g. grand sire, .Surprise (546). Sir William when two pare old gained first prize at Dundonald Show, and first at, Irvine, and the Highland Society's Medal for the,best animal of Clydesdale breed in the yard. KING Ota• Q'UALIT'Y took first prize and Diploma at North Western' Pair, Wingliam, 1884, and ftrstpri o at Wingham Spring Slow, 1885. TBRUS—Te insure a foal $12. Insured. money to he paid in January 1886, Insured' mares Inset he returned regularly to the horse or tb y will be charged whother in foal or not. Parties disposing of t1 eir mares before ;collecting time will be boid responsible for insurance_ prices unless the mare can be produced or satiefaocory i proof. All accidents at. the risk of ta.o 1 owners of ...mares., One dollar .pa;yable at ? time of service, which will be taken off t insured mares at collecting time. Mares net , , being in foal tho 01 will be kept for our labor j J4tMtS TIPLING, Prop. 0 ,THE N1✓ YMOND ruff, o''.,SF.it3IIL3Ei maustaus imine bS 4 5J r1 THE FAVORITE U I t2 yj!�'„3�13II�113IIIIri3C•3f�61i+.±L�iIIQ�cl+r3(�GBL� rtryti FOB Pp tattll4 USE: {ilfUHIGH ARM -HIGH FINISH �, L �. cca); , i%21 . hie ea.ra ife „ All the "Raymond” Shuttle Machines Flt aro fated with tho Patent 41 Autoalo Bobbin rider j�1111/011111111010111110010061117101010111111 CHML RAY11190141f . MANUFACTURER GUELPH', ONTARIO. 'CIrCIliz'P.,.:q-rl.11 .144'11 '7 r"." CARD OF THINKS. l; desire to return my sincere thanks to the kind friends 'of tills vicinity. and espooialiy to the lrembers of G4orrie Lodge, No. 57, Canadian Order of Por resters for their kind attention and sympathy during my late husband's prolonged illness, 1 am also very thank. fol for the prompt manner in which the sunt of ,*1,000 was paid within three weeks of his death, With the bost willies for the prosperity of that noble Society, X rcinaiu, Very 3tespectfully, Melt, C.at inane Gorria,d'rinc 10th 1885. t'Oft SA WiFla . Five acres of land. beautifully situ: rttetd en the north bank of the river aitland, in the town of Win ham, 1 fronting the railway track. Terms tea. otlsbllre Title perfect. For further ;,)ttr'ti6ular'a apply to yr Yf � rayll: t P.T" 'i12 leISE}.113, • THE NEW FIRM t OF g�rirf,11 on 4 re Otiertng V'Altirg, in Stoves,, Tinware aa? ,w w Furnishing Goods 1+Q1, TH,t esiweewoeweawaseesseeceseriseasweamorew t"'"an"' waw„"on..._.. .,�. a satw,.r«„e,r ra-sszErem.�rr:r.. rantrm=inortmsa•____-. .r,.e. -a „ .,ACA->.z..Mm.are. • kJ c �q 50o SUBSCRIBE FOR it l To End 0f dean Fiffit . Oento, A Good Loca. er `. �fstfilttildi'aride'°'sr..Y:f'lt'. {ift tuChair l '' �e e, �, .. � i•.u"e+ucs �\t.� '.'�:t�. lii:'�xY.v'l�tisit�t ��0 i1}yJ{t:^ {[�fj�_ip��+}T-^{j��Jl��V;] r4ti?r. �JC^+3��p±I °�tkyn'1,;a'r-amp, ®,• tl1 V' i `LT' V.. �+5/ � ti W`.<q {Cal la 52 '4t i.1y r.P�3 ii1 OSI Li" CuJ Y��i.a.- `1t LD •. x • u M' syerybcdy who sends:as directed gots a Present worth from 20 cents to $51,000. ' 3 T5.peopriotms of TILE POULTRY rn25Plttt. being dwirass of Erving the °treaty well•ktvmn end popular Poultry paper 0 I hit, ooh•t 3000 Ado ,arwl.taaa of owe t00,000 oapin,, mere ',shirty mrmlated and innrilueed into house. what e not already known, here determined to throw oh' all proZt on the aubser,,aon.. knowing well dal when this journal Vueltas d 200,000 a,be*dhors, the adveri4.4ngpatronaps will pay fob tie indneclam.. ae oro., Jr not, will 000 a partial x' die capital far the sole purpose of increasing the cireulatiou. - tq., %? FIFTY (1 ' 0 E W. 1 W' ? W. will enter your name ex our aubseription books and visit yeti rept. and Coto, an 12 * 24 aanl b a v tik7 lady for one year 'Carl YUChTftY si4P,PKiq bound, stitched tr_d cat, y y y *eclat matt ono It =bored Reeelpa good for o., of tae f hewing pre/onto: Tho Litt of Preoonte to be Givc,t {') vein' Si5"Ss�crib0POI t� 10 U.8. tf:oiet 1 onrlrs, 5500 cast, ,.$01004 1 (doh i't•'' ,. �i1101, +"+ 10 U S.Groenb'Its, 5500 each.....,, 51100 1. h.tifel IOW #tnlutvfl'4nnlcycte. 1.','q g7 10 tJ 8'. Glrceeb'Jty, 5100 cacln 1000 1 l mutt tcgtteiri- mono a+00 1 each relate tee0 1 Graad.f Chinet Organ 200 t 1 ThrP•...t !Mammy, l' Silver Muer Sonieo,.5 Sep Baggies, 10 O, S. Oreeuhaaks of 530 eaab,1040 Ail, Cetpl. Atib ,k $2 Pah, 21illada Cat k, 1 Petty Phnrto41 1000 Pocket Nicer Fruit lens rad lick Crouse Peeked Snits, 1810 V, S. ferectrbeek. er 4l wed, 10 gents' 004.1 t..tthe,, Paselish Statement; 10 teethes' Gehl ifs eh s, Xngli,h horement• 20 .,yo. Silver Matehse, •Si A.morieen Aleveraautsg Patten. Waaimed Pinar ,tine,, 3 potent Iiarveatern, 210,1 Elegant Art dome, 5d new Silk Perles ,Suite nl fal,..4 ra, 2 0 dald mise Mugs, wand Rraeat Pius, ea, I. 000M Pius, [tante, ante, Pans sine Cala, end 05,121 other Present*, alma trent 20 siesta to lel, maks a grand eitrtgetba. of 100,000 presents. taw deermitaing a present to oath end pray ale aabeertber who smell se M ,hate. A11'4 t:o Visite pretests will be awarded ht a fair and laopadinl ,Henn.,, Proaenta trill he *wit b ony'� hurt of pts Mated Elates et Canada N. /weep* wilt leo asked kora ay avbseril er is forward presents, The Bt.) C:aa17.Rr 3'53 whish you tend us. ,t tin ratite pneo for s year o.akeeription, and thereto* we shape nothlutetor the 400,ent, Ona PiPilawo wap baht yen, Altura patronage and the Mimosa tato we will Pot for (Kw14t.eti.ing spare, rasa 0311 n9CRI TION PARR. Cit pa, .f rant Mends to yoin you by wNi04 t►la cut and showing it to then. Send 111 .IYC . end we will send you TEE POMMY ICRRPEit *aunt year ,DC and one aterbead receipt far .soh e5 your suueariheny chi one extra toe your trouble. Raan tea leteeamaa Witte 5 4. . a tad we WO tend Toe 5.10. a.baeripp0.. had :Area reimpl..n . Send Twre 5b,00nt0a.s tad 2463CD.OQ') and We writ send . ptpar ae4 tate*. to each of year neb)er45.,., end . 5.eintfe1 solid Aluminum Cola Liebling Cased 01'atel, 10 yew The Watch is weepr 1140. Ceti tee traded ler doable this buena, THISTHISOFFER wpl bold ansa..pi Ani• .t 15th l,1)y w too would.4rko all of enr friends th torwnrd..1 oiiption. *t OFFER i7 Wa Petr area, ns ha ns was o 4T t30y'fo teastred 1.tar then Augn,t 15th. 7145 PCt11.TRY RE3,505 a. the bPt and amici e411.d Pn..hy Le e i kg the wbawy, and esib:o y het q a.raal.th n of 500,000 Ppits, and hit fart comm. Shirt the Maritime* of 500,000 protons hs i1. deet 100,000 rab.ntbeta, it eon. Wile stela. mot, lr 00.101ly tpubtt.,,d, and tett how b make pant pity, lie pw.t avonnt. Lb wntw 6hs1 era 036o.7y 7wsitiv,37 Sia*w wart *.3A+'t p0•y 0,.1x2, 'rho 5120 STEM-SVIIOU given 5yATCNE1FREE. *.Molter fiat a Onet dee Etement,l10 ir. as sirs mane"' or WO GOO *hers t e y .412 bo ldverl.way to era limn 000 pwy5. war nyeawr One add nnie.taeon and rive as sisal' normo wf the Taper o wet os t law *WI wdverttgeed fa Ryon 0004 at ie teak yea will he 01,2,1401 to ens of t0,.. ata, 0001 !mowndnew, 0. 5.551 wai.2,,. 1nd.,.. rsaeipt gaud far 3H. *1,0003. Tats offer M ,a dee end *.a bo a,e1M1 oat to life 3M;ar. Stud neve THE POULTRY' KEEPER ie waif e.1.bBsbsd, 5wtriai• adrea4y 110.0£4 a sk,or,bect, end se bunked by majie o.p4th1, sa that: every tae d enc .ni»eeibera rev he aero ef getting wh.t era pt00aka Indeed, nes saakl trot Weed etherwate, Ma earl send * rri1Mdlb* s. Hee Award„ tree, toad eft imeesta w:11 be 40.7ee ,,tee 543den'trf r 1640101 as awry May 8iecea, Cott OLA PATLt0354 AND SUIrteitradttia .beth to to wok at oafs and hasp ut to ineteede. sur 114 1.y thla ersad and peaH'osa eiCer. 19 �,! eC® d'^f1,"^X4.15a4Pt Betatwh'{iep611LTRrT2P 22,tmty:are:w1ameee:tdyY:b•arot/06prton*. ii line il• . *45..4. o l To o OaO nags*.,' 3 f pew 1. w te, a;,.aIIlh e.,sauwipbbtn Arita, deb ear etlfokllN*, to veer *Soo ,eke its sea knee w to woo hank or eeNetete Aotsey, 'i'hU*o Rita Pla.1Ltty 5e Ott* eII6StkIbera, erste 50 taco,. tto40letely Ts.ce. (A.01tt swam* etaatpe keen.) lt.n ma of * in ma1 et lees Col, b.,rht Ih as ordinary letter et our Gd:, ldr,e a 043,2 ',Sethi 5e tw,tz ley '00,3,1 .ed 54000el' Pala Nae, elk atdto*redto TR! POULTRY ROSPRR. 3555 iitlbitot,Vh fte4y clucers, 121. r ovtio. ,w St9ravA, frreguilr ,e ,a3 /eczema, RING'S EVIL Wast3le male formerly given to Seraft • because of a superstition that it (amid eared by a king's tOttOb. The world I wiser now, and knOWS that . SCROFULA Can only be cured by a titorotsilemirlik tion of the bloed, If this Is neglect,. the disease perpetuates its taint throng Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tr more, Roil% Carbuncles, 1.rysipelik Purulent I,Tleers, Nervous and Inge sieca. Collapse, etc. If allowed to car. Untie, Rheumatism, Scrofulous terril, Kidney end 'dyer Diseasef OUS other dangerous er fatal maladies, a, produced by it. Is the only powerful and always re/fati alood.puroinnmeciteine. it is so era' nal an, altemtiye that it eradicates fret the systein Hereditary Scrofula, au the kindred poisons of contagious disea.c and mercury. .At the same time it I. riehes end vitalizes tbe blood, rester, healthful action, to the vital Cr:gans nr4 reju.Yenating the entire systera, This g,-.0,1 Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the genuine Hondurc Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dock, ,S'tt.: iing$0, the Iodides of Potassium or Iron, and other ingredients of great pc ' tency, carefully and scientifically cou pounded. Its formula is generallyiknow, to ,tbe medical profession, and the ho'• pirkiicians constantly prescribe ATna ttiv,APARILLA IIS ‘,.bsolute Cure ..cases caused by the yitiation.c .E, It is concentrated to the - practicable degree, far beyond ra other preparation for which like effeet: are claimed, and is therefore the cheapes' as well as the best blood pUrifYinS rind eine, in the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED EY [Analytical Chemieta.3 Sold by all Druggists : price $1; slx bottles for $5. S'ock Farm, PEREPIEBON HOBS!,:. All stook select ,d from the get. toi; sires mid da..ns of established revels: tion and regibiered in the French and Is beautifully situated at the heed Grosse Ile in the Detroit river miles belovv the city .and acmes ible , railroad and stealn boat. Vislt rs n, familiar with the the lonition ...y call at city office, 52.0ampau Building* and an escort aecompiny them •!) the firm. Send for Catalogue, Imo NUM, Detroit, Mich. stA • t lam} gi 41111 tUI daw WI E.:no, Hemlock, Cedar, Tamarac, As Asple and . Lumber of all s,orte co. straitly on Liana or manufacture pa N oblate. P does. 8taven,nezain4 and Barrels of every 01°. scriptien always on hand or IllEtie tt) !ler facilities for making flour and barrels' are inferior to none du (L.13,34 'Cheaper than tato alLeapevt. tal at Lowest Prices. Call and seZ\ lib, Saw milis and r-7 sbops acli( Ming the G.17. railway 1'. Fames., Pertmanter. ;V; 7,t Port PRAIlDICE. EVERY •