The Wingham Times, 1885-06-26, Page 7• (/ RIET,4 OIFFIOALTY, .Riel is nly prisoner, said General Heavens 1 said the Government,. give the whole thing Hurrah t sa'd the Oppositien now we shall get the truth otiL Poor ! said the Castors, he'S hot responable for 1)1% actions • What iv.e they going to do with ? said the public, brh,ause we‘er not gong to be humbugged a second time. mate him revising borister foe Eatorthe under the, Franchise Bill, said Sir 'John, Netter such a disgrace to French- man, said Sir Bector, we'll see him hanged first—and you too. Let trim come (Loci explain the Fra chis Bill to me, 1 can.t get it into my head, said Mr. Sproule. Certainly not, said Mr, Royal, the poor man ij3 on the verge of insanity already. To lit biro for future employment I pould itotruct him in the Civil tier- vtee Rramination Act, said' Mr. • Casey. Rubbish ! said Mr, Ohapleau, I'm the civil service man. And where do I conic in l asked Mr, 111.nlook. • Order, order, said the Speaker, the question is ifie.ctigo the disposition of Mr. Louts RUA. Gentlemen must keep ecder; • Sentence him to read Rykert's strap book, said McMullen. No, too horrible a death, replied Sir John. Make him el -tract railway informa- tion from Pope, said Edgar. Intpubsible, can't 'be done, s44 Blake. Use him to silence Landerkin, said Daly. Silence your grandmother, 'said the Speaker, Landerkin can't be silenced by anyone. Try hini on Charlton. No good, oily makes him worse, and sets Casey and Cameron geing. I've 4ot OD idea, said Hessen. You have ? Nonsense remarked the Speaker. have thoup.,ht, said Mills, make him a sens,,ter. Oh Yes 1 Good! Happy thought! Here, Here I said the House, Catarrh—A notv, orreatmcirs. Perhaps the mai t extraordinarit sucCess that has teen achieved in mod-. ern medicinehas boon attained by the Dixon treatment tor, catarrh. Out of. 2,000 piatreilts treated during the pass six months, fu1l ninety per scent have been cured of this stubboru malady. This,is none the less bear ding 'when it' is remembered that not five per cent. of pattents presenting themselves to the regular practitioners are benefitted, while the patent medieines and other advertLed cures never record a.cure at all. Startino• with the claim now gen. • orally,. believed by. the most scientific men that the disease is dtio to the pee - Once Of living parasites in the issue. Mr. Dixoti. at,once adopted this cure to, their extermination—this, accent: plied he anima the Catarrh Li prim. ticably cured.„.cmd the permanency iS Urippstioned, asicures effected,by him four years ago,aae cures still. No one • else has overattempted to cure Catarrh in this manner, and no other ' treat: Mont ham ever cured Oatarrh. The applieatiou of the remedy is simoie, and can be done at borne, and the pre: • sent season of the year. 15 the most favorable for the speedy aud pennon. .ent aura. The majority of carrea be: bag cnred at one treatment. • E,,ufferers should correspond with Messrs A. 11 DIXON 114 SO1t, 305 King street, 'west Toronto, thinada, and enclose '• stamp for Welt treatise on catarrh. Montreal Star. Nov. 17, 1882, .iDflC TO MOTHERS Are yo h disturbed at; night and bro.. k,C,604ctly of your rest by asiert• ehild sue. 'etinne and crying with pain of cutting teetfil if so. send at onto and get 'a • bottle of Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syr- np for Ohildren Teething. Its effeet s. inealeniable. It will relieve the poor little sutfrer immediately. DP. pend upon it lumbers, there is no this. M' ., about it. it bums dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach ana. bowels, cures wimicolie, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system., Mrs. t44 inslow s Sootlimg Syrup tar taste, and is the prescription of one of r the oldest and best ttimale physicians and nurses in the 'United States, and is for 111110 by all droggists thronlhottt. Mae world. Prioe cents abatis HARKNESS RAIN HALM Restores grey hair to it3 tural color, re- moves Dandruff, stops) the hair front falling colt, increaseits growth, ancl not soil. the shin. As a hair dres. slag, it has LW superior. Guar. anteadharntlese, 1.••••••••••• Prepared by Harkness 1 Co. Loadoo, Ont, seta by 11Dorchla and Faint. lletticiac Pouters. .44 The Pere Bred Olydesdale, KING OF Q,ITALITY,, Will Stand. for mares this Season follows MONDAY, May 4th,--Leavea b•ai own. stable and rrocoede by way of Wingli anal to Wm. Ishister's for noonr,frorn thence to Blueyale for eight. TUESDAY—Proceeds bY way of boundary to •MorriskanIt for 'noon ;. from thence to Cambia Hotel, -Gerrie, for night. WEDNEbDAY —Proceeds to Crookelr Willis' for noon; from thenoe ter Wra. Harris for night THUESDAY—Prameds to Mr JobustOn's$ 6th son of Turuberry for noon ; from, h ence to Yr, gobb's, 9th. con of Turn,. berry for night. PRIDAY—Proceedia. to Thomas Oamble's tn the Culross bouudary for noon • from Ltencq :to August Hibmuth's on 10th pon of Turnberry for night. S TURDAY—Proceeds by way of Zetland to Merrifield's hot 1, Wingham, for tl.e- afternoon The above route will be continued. dur- ing the season, health and weather per- mitting IPEDIGEME In:molted July, 1883,•by James Tipling, Wingliam. Is registered ineVol. 6, Clydes, dale Stud Book. Xing of Quality, 2007, is" a beautiful bay foaled ;tune 11, 1882; bred by Thomas Speirs, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire; sire Sir William (2420)4 grand sire Liberal Tom (44(3) ; grand sire, Young Conqueror (959); g, g. grand sire, Conqueror (196); dam Maggie (vol. 6) by ,•Prince David (643) ; grand dam Sally, by Scotchrnan (749) ; g. grand sire, Surprise (346). Sir William when two years olct gained first prize at Dundonald Show, and first at Irvine, and the Highland Society's Medal for the best animal of Clydesdale breed in the yard. KING Or QUALITY, .took first prize and Diploma at North Western Fair, Wingharn, 1884, and first prize et Wingliam Spring Show. 1885, TERMS—To insure a foal 812. Insured money to bo paid in January 1886. Insure&i. mares must he returned regularly to .thit horse or.they will be charged whether in foal or not. Partms, disposing of t1 eir mares before ;collecting time will be lael&• responsible for insurance prices unless the. mare can be produced or satisfactory proof. All accIdeuts at the risk of toe owners of mares. One dollar pitiable at time of service, which will be taken of.' insured.mares at oollecting time. Maros nat being in foal the 81. will bo kept for our labor • JAMES Prop. .02:12aMial THF NEW Y ON tfitILSEMEEMEIO.12125:1131 22211 THE FAVORITE4M• 14: to` ii OCIUMEERISIZIEMEISOSEZEGNAISMEI FOR EMMY UM El - HIGH AGM FINISH ,P • er2 ura e _xt ‘tri All the "Raymond " Shuttles Ifsehisimi RA,• aro fated.faith tho katonti AutomaticBobbie Winder[UHlflhIlIftI!nnhtISIliIUhlIfttIfthhIIiIIlJIIrthIhl, ttt V. CHAS. RAYIVIOINID. MANUFACTURER GUELPH, " ONTARIO. -147:121.-7,75gliagEr— S -r1 'CAM) Or THANKS. r desire to return tny sincere thanks to the kind friends of this vithlity. and especially to the IT embers of Gt.rrie Lodge, No. 57, Canadian Order of For resters for their kind attention and sympathy during my late hnsband's 'prolonged illness. I alao,very thank fat tor tho prompt manner, in .which tbt. sint of 81,000 was paid within three weeks of his death, With the host Wishoo for the prosperity of that nobit. Society, I remain, Very liespeottully, Mits, Aux, Ontwrono Gerrie% i.11•16 loth 1885. Obillren Teething ia pleasant to the 000, APF104.1 !MUM PROM 8 A.M O 7 P. it leaven, Pootrnnst,t. * owl( sd., Ealr VOltfl�fy5ValtY ,rtyarksA and mow:sight W. Mellow, Presides MES., FRIDAY JUNE4 qG . Tar, NEW. FIRM OF Barilo-LT &ITcCrillisoll re Offering GREAT VALUE in Stoycs, Tinware and House Furnishing Good s FOR. THE ..N7 171:!I'. 'I' I—I I I.F12 D.AS ' • ' • • �c :50c • • ' MAKE HOME 0 • SUP SCRIBE FOR Irgia • Ki0 EVIL W'a oaareirimacrly gWen to SerOft $0cautio of It superstition that it could snared by a lane* touch. The Weld tidier now, and knows that •SCROFULA tau only be cured by a thorough purlfit. tion of the blood. 11 this is negierms the disease perpetuates Us taint throug generation After generation. Among it earlier symptomatic developments. .41I Eczema, uuteneoua Eruptions, Ta mors,Boll ,s Carbuncles, Erysipelas Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Weal C01111Pso7 et. If allowed to rot time, Ithetunatiam Scrofulous V.Ik taxa, Kidney and' Liver Disease, Tubercular consumption, and I Ur. • ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, a produced by it. Ayer's Sarsapar/Ik 18 the only powerfulTend'a4vazss ?Wag blociel-Puriinymedicitte Wait nal an alterative that it eradicates froz the system Hereditary Scrofula, an 4` thekindred poisons of contagious discit•••• and mercury. At the same time it r riches and vitalizes the blood, restor" healthful action to the vital Organs 144144 rejuvenathig the entire system. Thisgre.; Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the _genuine Hondo r8 . Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dock. A' a lingia, the Iodides of Potassium 51. Iron, and:other ingredients of great 1.e teney, carefully and Odlentifically cull pounded. Its formula is generally kuoivi trt the medical profession, and theOat physidiane constantly prescribe Avre lPARILLA4111:11,1r \bsolute Cur' e. ieases• caused by the vitiationi. itdsconeentrated to tbe hL • • kracticable• degree; far -beyond ax. other preparlition.fOrwhielt like effeor,' are claimed, and is thereffire the ebb:Iwo- . as well as the best blood'purifYing Mak ciao, in the world. , Ayer's Sarsaparilla 50c To' End. of. Oar. Fiftg Deni A Good Loca3 Paper 4441 tattaresetantilltisianit 1130,00E1 PRESENTS! :riii37:17g14E1i.%= • Everybody saho lends abdirected gets a Frssent worth from 20 cents l� 41,000. • pool,tore of T511 VOCINIZT PIEPER, being desirous of having Coo areotty vroll.lenown tout noOnlot tosttry papal` uhloh Ms moo bona gdo otrodollon vier 1011,000 o.nloo, mar. widely tircultted and Intro:too:A Into bonus where k to not olroady Intown, hors •Itittminnd to throw .or prods on the tubscriptiono, knowing trel flint vim thirt JantetAl otalobes 441 1170,000 ontooribtoo, the advortioing intronogl will poi 10. 10* induootoonnt ire offer, 00 not urilt as 0 scion at ourceplaal • ill* solo par0000 00 Increasing sin atroulatios. FOR FIFTY CENTS 7.,1711.I.t7,7.7;11711,11.7.;,=="arila,b't.17'. r.ond 'on InonoodistAy b monad too•N NH ttoobttod 0..0(,l good 44 one gt tho rationing magenta: Tho Lief ol Procente to he Olven 4o our Etubaoriborni 10 U.S. Orroliblut,'500 each 10 R. Cor,c ilondi SO00 encl. 001 $30 1 petal Pr! Use 8000 N40.k44 ait4 Columbia Maycio °Igo U° 10 1.1.14.. Gerout'kes, 100 Ouch 1 000 1 (.17.knit tirinnro P111110 • See 1000Grand Cabinet Organ tt . . ........ 200 • itm7, Shur Mum Sunto, Tdp 54 10, so C. Soy...Mse e. et 480 mos. Cc; k'n'oente Albania,40 el eta, 2 Tillage Carts, I Tony 44'0.r.00*. t040 Naha Savor rruis Entsue, aunts' rooked risisse, IWO E. 8. araanbaatut . 00 et NA. Colst 'Wareham, langlisti Movemrse; 10 Latisae Cad IS althea, Itngliall )(mania*: 20 Soya' Muer tratehaa, Ansarinsis Ateiontonl; g WSW,' D440o04 Tinge, #uogl 0 PaSant Entrenters, 2000 Siagant Art Corm,0. 0.00 544544 Vartat Wel renaltura, Una (kid ringer Siam Ladies' Dremi Una, Vella' Sierr res.. Latta., Tann non ottar presents, Valued from %mom Se Si, mutes a aranst irryatiosa .0 004,000 pterenta, 00.00 44441004424040 0. POONA Ge emit twin' mar tultaartert eke aunda Oa ems*, AS of tho *bons rreaanta apt esranted to Mt 4.4 linpareat inwasson. tram* wilt Ile MA g,elttet t*e ytldBlatoCnoes. So paoe eittbsaekoa saynearbe tooirA Inereat. SO1rEVI tt,.. wind U*I4 ne eurolar pins lor 0 yawl, anbsettnituat, and %memo *a aharga Nothing for Ons prenott. Otnt. Poona wet laa Se putt rearm votootiagt and Ilitt thererbilloWili itia tma Over ittivirthriskt rparr, yotric SUBSCRIPTtON 7581, 4)5480e ot Yalsr Wanda Myths potbp 'Mena this wilted 60*•Wial *010*00.1, NIA 111.8,60 and We urin tend Son g THS roctray ennui et..irose, saut WWI namiburad rem* 1.0 oath ar yam eselnooribens, and oast iktra YoOetroOblit.'bi poem low foonmono *r. 0.C.11(> and ea MA trod yna 108 anteasitseare 0.44 1411 sedelota. tem Tileasirr fumacamoug ned is41..c.1..C. and we tatitl glad rime end roaripa an ewe or yam asharrialms, and a Unmated Watid Aluminum Gold tiansing Coati Wake es row. 'Wealth is Waste Stu. 0.*. to traded 0. dontda meant, THIS OFFER L"14''111111:1rte1rital*7Il,7.1,:74.11sre,ter),.4414117VttliTt .. .e41*Per71'.$*r to t.N0y,see.iT447UM aaaio aopina, rod hat jest ems. -1 *int Obadialtibteitin .0 000400 pr,sitiapes ft. bat tr,ota selstithe afaaliass taloa, brasehlty Illentratast,: 6g0 r:a 4-.7 ,110,a,4„:4 00.44. ao0wmam*sttgiven wrttbfnlvphr ntiMtWs adrrrennt sire 004.0.4 nnotor % entrWryNMthe tluraiant. yinred*a10ynkIva Pe begod «4* 00000*. . rlattsadsapnteuedat *eyria.Ttsfeiorsklawdie taesuad rea Celear. SanMa, '1..Inn="1:`'''THE POULTRY KEEPER 547 .4:01,01iaridke aord onans. reiOatnpriniod •orMa toanrerA prnced *tterrtnta idTS - IMIrt:1 *111 it72.1164t1 Itollta 2. PATIRitie ASD 11,7MeRfellit$ reemist gro atolls at srusi ma halts ea So Snares*, Z:igity,-5 0 6EN.L..•.tE &meet TES Yonne: inn* atte yore NM se. im.14 mei ler ibereiltitti. ,1119 1"4,, attluttar 4(14087000 iv war* *AIM theantswairliod pike, 4.9 iota* **100410114 „rtta, 4*00ithe *id lattriF Ur tow Bank *V M540041044 .44407 Os Presents to to subscribers, allethateitinbln ebRODItIS(T VTe• rt-rallt yorellerterrif Una.) SOO In *nuns of or lags 100710 wet In re tird111001 latkr as Oht riot: larger sone lernsti te` mist Isy Wegsairtari Utter et Pada *ate, and addtaasid 10 TICK POULTRY KISPIER. se Randolph Of.. Ohlosto. 10. PREPARED BY 1b'. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masi [Analytical Chemists.) Boat bv all Druggists: price 81; Biz; bottles for 05. AKE SYRUP. if 5 tx:Irtu:friaisS: Cebattroperle„teitlhyeler.n.o:t.f. Blood Dise.ases•uFM.very closer*. • Catarrh. Ulcers . and : Skin and $1000 rownrri stouturv.cisemist who will Mel. on of 0o betties of Shaer Mood Syryp, .ono particle .of Nor, Phil.' .of 2massium,.or any mineral s 8141440e..1. SOLD EVERYWHERE. •-..4•• Lim - $1.00 Per Bottlo, crgt fn Sole Agency for Aling•ha.m T Pharmacy, Dr. Towier's drug store. 1412 mina 11 .fwne, Hemlock, Cedar, Tamarac, Ai Mt.ple and Elm Lumber of all sorts co stantly on hand or manufatituze po customers, gal Shingles of all ;vales fri t allottma Prices. aA Awstes, Hdading and .Barrels of every do seriptioir always on hand or made to orde Our facilities for slaking flour and barrels' are inferior to none in Ontart Cheaper than. the Cheapest. • CUSTOM Sawing, *one as usnnl' 1 Cistern Tavist to order. Highs.. . prices paid for all kinds of logo. • Call and seen, Saw mills and wort shops adjoiningtlie G. W. railway statiot , J. 1, A.IDEItSDIr. . L 7.*: VV" Cri7 Trno, 1.4 44 rt. 0'165,S;1.0:l.f4 tr. •f: i440"04*,' t'0•10.41Vit*C. `• . • • ette'...er . • IS ItiC BT. cu,.z44 LNG] ',Ail, 4 Itlitran•CC 404.ge124 Ur tit:, 1111, 0atutto. 11''.