The Wingham Times, 1885-05-29, Page 4Tile Loudon Advertiser says ti at " a reasonably fair test of Prof. p'es. per's willinguesa to. place temperance before Toryism would be this: Would he vote for the abolition of the Senate' after its soaudalous mutilation of tile. Scott Act. We do not believe he would. Voting on the Scott Act took place o. n Thursday of last week i* the county of Frontenac and the city of Kingston, Iu Froutenae the Act, was carried by Ra ' majority of over 400, and was defeated in Xingston by a majority ...of 88. It is alleged, howevet, that this defeat will probab- ly be changed to victory 011 a recount of the Dallots, sufficient of the latte to turn the scale in favor of the. A having been illegally marked by one of the returning officers. It is unfortunate that the attention of the country is so mach drawn oft to the North West at a time when such an important measure as the Fran: Yhise Bill iabeing discussed in Pallia; independent _journal very well .says : "To bring on a political crisis with a military crisis already in existence, merely for the sake of forc- ing ortin g on everybody a uniformity which noboly desires, was surely not the part of a 'statesman, a The evidence is • very strong of the unpopularity of the Bill with the people, who condom -Tit as unnessary and unjust in its leading provisions. TE TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY Iu a recent address in New York city Neal 'Dow, the authur of the Maine liquor law, denied that prolibi: tion had been a failure in that State. ' 4There is, be says, only about $1a►OQQ,: Q00 of intoxicating liquor sntuggled into the State, ail the people save $12,OOo,.00Q a year threugh the pro • hibitory law, The population does not increase, but that is owing to the Th Tile question is frequently, asked 'What ;o yoa.meaa. soil and climate. But go out West and you will And the sons of Maine, Governors, Congressmen, college professors and prominent in business affairs," -Dow claims that. the Re: publican party has gone back on $e prohibitionists, and the probibilionists haveaccordingly deserted the:Repub:.: licans.. illolor p mgiaa • The revised version of the Qld Tes- tament, which. is now out', is the most important event in the history of the English Bible since the publication of King dames' translation in 1611. , The work of revision was commenced. in 1872 and continued unremitingly until the close of 1884, and now after twelve years of labor is given to the . . English speaking world. . The general CHOLERA PRE VENTATVE. character of the revision niay thus be, We pleased to learn that our suggestion as to the advisability of organizing a' Young Men's Liberal Clubin town has been very favorably reteivecl, and ii meeting for organi- zation will be field shortly, notice of which' will be given in aur next iss'ie, Many. who have done good service for the Reform cause for years have ex, pressed,tneir willingness to do all they call to make the Association a succeseiincta benefit to the young men who hei.extte mombers.._We have no doubt vp;Jiea thi, meeting' is held there will be aa:l:arge attendance, and. ':that the .You g ,tan's Liberal Club when orgunized.vill become a• power . for good to thecause of Reform here. One•of the pror.osit',ons of Sir John Miledonald's rrane1tise Bill provides that ever* to asoit must have all his rent acid up before. the lectoral list of his tiiiiriet is made up:, be'o a he can have his name placed on thirb This will enable the revising barrister to strike, off the name of any tenant he chooses on the ground that he is a day or a week in arrears in his rent, and offers an opportunity for the perpetration o2 such fraud, A tenant who has not paa up his rent to the day :s• still liable for it, and there is no reason why he shuiilat he deprived of his vote. Late dispatches state that war preparations between England and Russia are slackening aril that peac e is now regarded as certain, Writing of the efforts of Mr. Gladstone to avert war, Flarper's' Weekly says : "It i% indeed hardly possible that any Eng. lish statesmen can doubt the signifi. canoe of the whole movement in Asia, and as the Afghans ate an uncertain ally, and as .the Russians count on a mutiny in India whenever they make a serious and hostile .demon. avatiun, the sitt,a`ion is of the utmost sobriety for England. To avoid war to satisfy English lish pride, and to ro, strain Russian onoroachment at this juncture would be a stroke of 'more consnmate statesmanship 'than has been seen for many a year, Bttt to avoid war without sacrifice of honor or of any real possessions ,if .it ba.. port s'ibie, has been the aim of Mr. Glad - steno, and every man who "knows bar the ,Anchor WWII, we meas three thugs at Ieast1 as follos 1 That the Amber House is a safe place .to go to with either gash or trade, for we: give the hihe it price for eggs, butter and hams, and offer the best vplue in every department of our imine n e stook. summarized ; First, there is praeti pally no attempt to establish a new. original text; second; the prose is printed in paragraphs, and the poetry, even if only of short snatches of song, is printed in serrate lines. Third, the rhythm is u idisturbed and the literary value is even enhanced' The demand for copies has 'beenvery large. It is stated that •a London correspondent of a New York paper offered $2,500 for a sight of an ad- vance copy without s was authorized by the pap ted to spend 42,500 more telegraphing the main features of . ion. Tho first orders f cion amounted to over a success. .. He paper he represented re the esti ;'reify o,, theR't vi million copies Last weer Sir John Macdonald iii his efforts to aid his followers in the grouse to east discredit upon, the pe- titions presented in opposition to the Frsnciiise Bill, said. Abe names of the �onsei'vatives upon the petition from Wiarton iii North Bruce were either forgeries or obtained by fraud. Tbis accusation has met with a prompt reply. On Tuesday last • Mr. Edar, ,on a question of privilege, read a document he' had recei ved from the Conservatives referred to on the pe– tition. It commences as follows•— "We= the undersigned Conservatives (and ele.tore,) desire, in the most em- ,pbatie manner, to contradict the gross insinuation made in the Rouse, of Commons to the effect that our navies when secured on the ' iarton petition against the proposed Franchise Bill by fraud and misrepresentation .4 After setting forth that they fully un- derstood the . nature of the bill, they conclude by the statement that they. desired to protest against a measure mist, Detroit, Mich. which they consider is intended to stifle public opinion and the tree exer. cise of the franchise. The document is signed by Dr. Frank Campbell, Mr. Low, P. L. surveyor, and 22 other Conservatives. Affidavits were at- tached to the paper, made by fcnr persons who saw bhe signatures at tached. Conixo--:life Great help and cure for Rupture and Deformity. — It should not be forgotton that Charles Olathe, the celebrated surgical ma- eliinist of 118 Sing street West, To ronto, will befound at. the Brunswick House Wednesday and Thursday the 3rd and 4th of June. OhariesOluthe has visited Wingharri fol many year and there a: a hundreds about this sec- tion feeling grateful whenever seeing his aniibuncement, in Tier Tiaras, having been gre•itty henef tted by him. As Mfr, Olathe is brought* up`in the speciality to improve and design Ap- paratuses for cripples, and tritssee'°fnr rapture, for which heals known is the hest and moatreliable man wei have' -what war is and what its consequences in Canada to -stay, Mr. Olathe wisboa i ire an us to mgnfian that ha $aas na 'trav'el. are, will heartily wren h ling ft{fs inid no connection with' view nage, the renowned Prep& any 11s11oo"ation tot iocalled professore poet and tugveliet la dead, aged 83 Go and give him A Fall: i'if you require yet r an :phing in 'hit lit". 2 That we are, so near the shore of Dost prices that the anchor had to be cast. In irc1er to 'w'ithstand .Oh;)lera and such Dille eriedemics a perfect purity of blood,:itiid a pioper action of the stoni'pli,are required., To insure that end, in fife cheapest, most available and coin}i.lete ntanoer,,use McGregor's Speedy Ome for ,dyspepsia and im pure blood ; _There is no purer, safer or, iindre reIlia .b1e remedy in exist nae for- indisgasion, despepsia, costive- ness, etc., ` Aak _ your neighbor or any person who nas used it. Sold by C ti, B. Williams. ^rias bottle given free. lt'Q1 , SALE:. Five acres of land, beti itifnlly situ: ated on the north blink; of the river Maitland, in the tgsvn of Wingham, fronting the i ailwgy`;- track. Ternis reasonable. Titie:ljerfect. For further particulars apply to ,• .,PETER FISUBR. ILA.Y w OSE 5tooiscFarm, cizosin, ISLE R,A,(66 COj 1WZCIX..a.`� SAVAGE & FAIINU3I, proprietors. cmc PEflCHEB�N �NGBSES, All stock seleq'ted from the get of sires and dams of established repute: lien and rogisiered in the French and American stud bobs, r�LN� .0)1t.E Is beatitifally situated at the head of Grosse Ile in the Detroit river, ten miles below the city and accessible by railroad and steamboat. Visitors not familiar with the tho location may 3 We mean that we are here to si ny,,, and to offer. to our friends and the,. public every advantage in trade, that :the sheltered harbour and the um- • yielding anchor affords to the mariner. CORDON c cINDOO IF e 'OU AIDE IN• NEED OF • : Furniture,-_ Of every description, call and see our stook at the, Wingloihriiroraotry. We cannot be undersold, as we make such large quantities at one time that we are enabled to sell at a Loss Price. Try us fer BEDROOM & PARLOR SUITES before you purchase. The more ..you - buy at one time the Cheaper you can get it. Orders fur Car Load •Lots always have our prompt attention... Saw Logs taken at our saw mill in ex: change• for Furniture. SOQTT & Ta i W!NGHA114• - But T, A. MILLS is bound to have bis prices suit the times, and wants •, every one in this town and. vicinity to see the BARGAINS he is offering in IR;N 7,2 S call at city office, 52 Campau Building and an escort willacooinpany them to• the farm. Saz>d for catalogue, post Over 3® pieces to be slaughtered to . free b f mail. Address SAVAGE & FAR reduce the stock.. THE NEW RAYON D o ` • ®(t©diatM®4®19j�0I THE FAVORITE mut; SENINIVIC1llNE- femAmroi maaboaimmumasumuu FAY USE. i 'HIGH ARM' HIGH 01tilSH 1641 i$ntZii . S. ur<i6ia . 'r Ali the"8tiempad" $buttie Msc ifl ;n aroiiitu L with the Valent I AntomaticammuBobbin Ender , Ion CHAS.- RAYMONDi II AoolutActusgri 4 Gtlgoit, - b'itiT,flttio' - r —r ,T T- r -r -r Tr__ _: a iWE. aZ7101:11' 0iM.. t coat tete .tgge tti. GttErit brreii,o• • the Most Fashionable and Latest Materials in all 'shades. He, bought largely we must keep them moving, and offer Bargains the$ are Bargains. Call and see them, We think itt a pleasure to show you through, CART TOAD 3 of PRINTS at a Reduction. Seo our assortment at 10 cents. The best quality. All the shades, end styles in French Sateen Prints. A fine line of Check" and Plaid Ginghacns from 12i. cents up. Flindoo Cloths tit white and colors,. Lawns, AI Laces, Embroideries, Ties, Collarettes,. ete. Sie the Tweed Suits we get up at Z. • AA to see the east of- ` COTOIt 'i.'`tPEED3 we have at $A eiIrak. Comb and seea're one. A full twinge of Scarf Pins, `dies; Hats, Shoed;ke. C.1101,C1 GEQOERI11S. TEAS A SFECIA.LT'g',. T MILLS •