The Wingham Times, 1885-05-01, Page 81
itetay Notes, Neatly Netted.
-" oatt A,ot.
Subscribe for Tan Tins,
n otlae cleaning time hdte arrived..
Boase to rent. Apply at Tun
Talipes office.
If yen need any job work call at
Trate Tins office.
Regular meeting of Town Council'
tui Monday evening next.
r. Black is erecting a new livery
atable lin the Diagonal road,
A. flock of wild geese passed over
the town on Tuesday evening last,
The farmers Should not forget for
patronize those that patronize the
TUE TIMES, only 75 cents from now
to January 1st, 1886. Bend in your
�r, James Tipling, of Turnberry,.
is suffering from a very seyere inflame -
tory attack.
Ir. J. Stepr.eason, blacksmith; liar
purchased the Baillie property on
Josephine st
The health inspector is liable to call
any time. Have your premises in
shape to pass inspection. •
Bring on your sprite poetry. We
have room for it now, since we do not
have se fill up our stove with Wood.
o el,. J. Japp, of : Bervie, con:
"'"'che. Rsted the services in the Methodist
ctrch here, last Sunday morning and
Many of our Citizens are'trying to
discover when our down street Re-
form Tory -Independent 'cotr'tnporary
•pursued a "courteous course". The
task is a hopeless one,
The Lacrosse Chiba are trying to
,arrange fora tournament bore our
May; 25th (the 24th falls on Sanday)
This is the right kiad,of spirit and we
hope.they may be more • than success,-
iPiU -
,, in the Baptist •' church
• n.,S
ounday last were conducte4 in the
"ansa ":Rize by Mr J..He1il+, of McMaster.
Hall 'Toronto and in the even.n,r'"iiy
1,, - ' ¢u,
.',yi'1'1t$ "1'.. Mi
i:_.,,s+'�.--•,wu.4is.\."e+#IR•S,[��1.•,n.�,,E,xc.:,...�r:Y'l'm:T - I ,11�1�1�N.�ii.•t�A#•R�1/•M,', � M,M']�1M t+M1Tan.inPK+i�4Yld.q+ie9:.ARA,+9LLwl�'��k,
.. _ - . ._-,•Y"1'.,F•. „yyy,pcuu n. T —1i W . lP. M-: wR :. _ _ - ,'
.. MPP,bq-�h MR.Tit�aA R„ywi.� � -
May flowers. Pet so1Cl�s,11164,,'1t ,' 'apex$. Gal that the posts o#'; i
Ilorsetaen, before ordering your
route hills for thus year call at Tula et On Monday evening a large
�, � pertinent persona power",�omisou� '
number of te ,;!tends. of Mt : F,
zhiEs dam. curly t7roduo,41. Buchanan assembled et his residence
The Royal Searlet+ Slhapter will be and presantett lam with a conzpliwene
Opened on the 14th of May at 8 •o'clock o tary address, signed b 71 residents
lu, iutheOrariget hall Win b.tim, Mr, Geo. Pirie, o�. : Gladstone, 8 Y
p• t b t 8 of the town, end. a handsome gultil
G. £ ETT rnzEao, W. 0.. 0, - Man,, iS visiting hie lather, watch. 11'lle adtlro s was !earl by Dr,
Thos. Akzo .041, C. S. ,,e"lMr.Jolin Gregory le horne.frera the Mitodonal •, who made a few srpio-•
NarthWest on a AIWA visit, .late ter as, and short s caches
Fon Baas., ---Bicycle for sale, Rudge 1' p
n.ako, 52 inch ball bearings and a1 -. "' L' W R. Dat:iF, of the fttehall. were also wade by 14essrs, W. Elliott)
bull pedals;' silver plate all over. Advocate was in town last Friday. L• h1•. Gordon, Q. Lloyd and others,•
Cost 1X0 1'7111 be sold cheap/ The recipient macre a feeling and eint:
n p Miss Jones, of Blyth, Balled on ft:::
reply; thane; lug thein for thea
,t#,,pply to Wm, George Stephenson,. sole of her friends here tills week
blacksmith, Josephine st., W.iugham'
' kind words, and bauuasotne gi The
lie London tree Press sa s the Miss Rile Marshall, of Lower following is a oopy of the ad rests
soon o£ discontinuing tralyns on Wlughain has retained genie from To Mr. F. Duohanan :
London. Huron & Bruce has been pos-
ponod until" a calculation has bee �Dalcata,' T. , A,
Ds k BM AND BBOT frs2,—AoD um;
Mille has rottirned from- a ter of yonr friends have. met this
matte of the number of passengers a,. bnsiuess trip to Toronto and Mon- evening to express to you by their
travelling between Loudon. and Whig.. ire 14,ia week. presouee, aud otherwise, 00'. kind
ha i4li. . S. Stet'e , inspector of the regerdv au(1 esteeett for you. 1 c is
Mr. Dixie Watson, a . former rest•) hang of Hamilton` is visttutlg their with fee'uigs of regret that we learn
dent of this town, after a lapse of agency here on a tour of inspection, o£ your intsaudect.retnaNal to Tot on; o.
nearly twenty. yettira absence has again • • «
Many of ns have knee u you wet
we hare
donned the soldier's . uniform, and do. is visitingMiss Aher £sister i ir>e�tnJsoltn' vatul isan striae edyour ootixse rou 'were a ow and
our earlier
joined the voluaitoers zit Regina, , W. Oleghorn, and other friends m town, days vp to the present' occasion, . and
T. It will be a batt job for Riel if a feel free lo tent. au now more ea
Dixie get a '`pop" at him. • kte Rev. A. Cameron, 'pastorof yy
t' Ike leading Baptist at ereh. in Winni. leave tae,.wItaoet any Attempt au flat:
flz4 thlzf
tramps, mosciuitoes, larva festivala. ic° this week.• In yo•.t bueimess relatinoe in this
cream reunions; dusty streets; war time we have found you .holiest nu'+1'
with Reasta; a big political ;fight atter Mr. Will Carterwho has been learn- ::btratghtforwexcl. In ;our poet sem of
the North west rebellion is eettled; a - ing telegraphy with Mr. 0: E. Will- Class Leader, Sabbath School''Tsnuher
Reform Government at Ottawa; the tams,, hes left for the Rummer _ and and lender of the Young People
usual:7auinber of collisions and 'drown: intends following Ina evade, cheese 1 ttererySociety alit? Peaye.1lisetln•►
ing accidents;Tan Trues to survive the making.
WtrAT ' WE MAY . EXPECT.. 111102,
pe„ made a short call on relgtiv zs here ez y wae tni oyou
of the illeehodidt ehitrcit, we have al•
sneers and insinuations of the. Videtter., J. .1d. Eolmos, pf Httnovey, ways ioetu+i yell prompt. and taishiu 1,
the Scott Actin Tinier}' to prove gave nsa call c;n 'ednesdav, slid, and ewe trying en advance the Ring:
The following ciroular has been
success. spent en hour or two showing us. how sale of Our cornino4 Lotil and 11iseter.
- to handle a pi inter's ,stick. Rere r the cause of temperance you Have
issued from the Educational Depart:' .a good compositor, and was lately always seen a racy assiduous auc• en:.
meat ;-The exaininaoion . for adrais- . employed iu the "Expos;tor's.} office, thuslastic atlygq(ite, s2.1 ing not elle r
sion to high schools at midsummer''- Seaforth, lanae nor money in thistrent- wore,, as
will be held thisyear on Thursdais shown myon,' connection with, an
Y Ti Peter Scott. of •xurnberry, has :�yu;.k in the Seat Act A,ssooiatibn acid
and Friday, 2nd and 8rd of July- sold his farm to Mr: August: Homuth, :tl,.euzperauce_!Societies el thia town,
she oriel saib'ects forons atri: d in the sada coed a neighbor, and purchased another a .and Royal Tesup1ars. of 'temperance,
class`teacliers will e• in on . Mondayshort distance .north of Teeswater. na the latter „ea a', grand and select
bee We are sure the community he is officer.
6th of July. The professional ex- leaving will be sorry to lose him. as he To prove to yeti, dear sir, that our
amination for firs class will be •held is a good neighbor and a successful regae d for you is :more tlraii simple
'slip Wednesday, 22nd Judy' fanner,
words, and deeper, than !acre setiti-
1 uwsrArLrts of xo•DAY —Froin n Ir, J. W. lolly, son' of, Mr, 3obu. neat we present you with this VoLD
careful., exaulinatiee d the advance Kelly, of Turnberry, who Or some- Vann, feeling. that probably no other
pages of the 1883 edition of the Ame time has been studying fortheministry' 'article would prove a better reminder
near Newspaper . Directs:ale issued at McMaster' Hall, Toronto, left on .to yo11 tu after :years of your assn:
May lst, by Geo,"P. Rowell & Co., of Tuesday f Sheinberg to take 1 t d l b ' W' h of
of the Baptist church of that 'place
during the summer months. Eefore
leaving, like -a sensible man, he sub.
scribed,;for Tee Tisnts,
New York, it appears that there,are
14,147 newspapers and periodicals
pul,lished in the tl7nited States, and
Canada> -;•of these the United` 'States
Name an average of one paps,
'ter. F. Simmons, 'of Woodstock col. Y 1?e
b,?l;titan 'ax present, and. wails, the
£he membeesbip: fee for'tiib cricket nttrii':this year is . tot so marked 'as in
,nisi, for this year is $2. Those aieh scale previous years, it is still consi
,lug to join should interv.ew Mr, Dui. derehIe, Kansas shows` the greatest
:held, secretary•treasurer,,wha will be increase, the number being 78, while
'shieppv to receive their uames and' sub- Illinois follows with�a'gain of 'P7. , It
•seri Lions. • - is curtous to notice' that New York,
the scene of so much political activity
during the last campaign, should' have
only about one-third as . many news-
papers as'the state of - Pennsylvania.
As an index to the oomperative growth
and prosperity of different sections of
the country, especially tho Territories,.
the dumber of papers forms an inter-
eetiikg study, and ;may well occupy
the attention of the curious.
° for ever 3;£67 !sons:' In 1881 the
fatal ofue vspaper was less b
07 Sandal, afternoon next at 8
: o'oloeie the. Volunteers antler confluent
of Capt. Elliott, will proceed to St.
FauUs chuck heeded toy • the baud,
w acne a sermon will be preached by
lett Retro Mr. McCosh,
A meeting will be held at the Ex-
,chance Tempert ice House, Wingham,
,on Wednesday evening nest at 8
o'clock, for Siscussitrg the genie and
feet laws, and for organizing a society - We would respectfully direct the at -
ter the protection ori the same. All tention of the Vidette to the following
interested are invited, press notices. 11 will find that there
At a special. meeting : of the Fire are " respecta'ple'journals and. reeog-
,at?'� w iter nneenetee tt was decided to nized journalists"who ado measure
mere the.waterworl'«fentvard' with the same bushel that we clop
£5 feet, and on. Monday lttr. Ts- "Gre-
gory have pos- received the canteen foe taking - column opinionof s Non theed and journalistic
out the earth at 25 cents: per yard,
and Mr, Cteghorn has the co'itraot for Course pursued by our cotemporary,
building the stone foundation at 75ots, published in journals of male respects-
per etch. bony and decency than was ever pos•
sassed by the managctmc nt of She
The t'resbyterian ' Bung Peoples Vidette :--
Literary Society held their regular The Wingharu Timms, of last week.
fortnightly meeting Tuesday evening edministrred a .well•merited oastigt`.
Mr. Smellie, Vice'Prosideutpreuiding, i. tion to the Vidette, foe' its unprofes-
They proposed buying an organ. for sioital course towards: the l,+irszs;
tar society andalso discussed the hold
whatever may be the misfortunes or
ing of a social gatitier,ng 'at 1`r. John shortoowizlgs of the latter, the Vidette
' terdy's in Quiress. should be the lest paper hi the county
Wizigham Foot Ball Olub has to refer to theta, for its owner hasbeen
been or anized with the'following concerned .in some of the Meanest,
o tiers :-...Was Elliott! Iron. Pres. ; squabbles that can be, and if report
Prank Holloway, President; Wm. A, speaks coy
hart, oily, hope—New 1':ra
! rrectl the Vidette is not in
MoC1utcheon,. Vice President, Ed. ' position to arrow stones; live in'
Gersten, Secretary ; Weir. 11. Nicholls
Trerisurer; Wni. McDonald.Oaptt
arida large and select inemberi tp
We think from what we knoll of the
s members we may expect a good rye•
port from them,
,"The Oddfellowa here celebrated the
Ceti] annivers ry of the Order in
• .,' r,terica on Sunday last by It service
Paul's ohuroh. `9be euessbere herd hittteg:: with the following.-.,.•
marched in proeeasiozi -to the ehau-eb " Sum+ued uta tit a fear wards, the
heeded by the Heald playing "1oarer whole career of the Vidette has been
my Cod to Thee." -Ain e1egrr+nnt and oriel ol` vacillating imbecility, of ooa-
tt prigloo evillest wee preaches by r.rnntibia sunder, of p--owertt ttrostior
es, ay or m erg, a e char . to 1Ous, an , labore rxr tan , a
Ir, Valentine Wells has returned eo
town Again after heivino. visited friends
in $t atford,•Guelph.s d Berlin. He
says .the .irisinuatioiis`. oiroulated by
the Viddt•te• that' he skipped through
fear of ging to the , North-west is
ilalse ;es:e idenced`by the fact of his
ttaturri, and that bis employer kvew. of
his whereabouts and intentions from
the times he left. Poor 'Val has: his
own troubles with those papers,•
e. •
iYou see that iiat,'`referring, •
to the
battered chapeau of Roger nears
the first act. 'Nell, I will'' tell yell
how 1 got it. When in St Louis we
used to make 1''aust's and the Monkey
aur resort --yon remeutber -' I saw. an
old, white haired rnen wixa wore one of
the most remarkable, patched up
'mere' I ever put my eyes on. r
scraped up an acquainbenetewith hini,
and found that lea had been Ludlow
& Smith's hill poster. I' negotiated
for his. plug and got it, he 'sending it
td the theatre, Now this vest is a
marvel, and in its tenture and patch:
woxk will beat any Crazy quilt in New
Orleans. 11 was worn for 25 years by
0ipt. David Powell, of Martha's Vine:
yard, rand he laid great store by it.'
The trousers Y got in a sailor's junk
shop in James r"eet in New, l orlt,
and so it goes, yeti can get more
Character in equipments of this kind
then any oostuwor can furnish you
with, and scores of actors will give
any price for an odcl or peculiar look-
ing hat, ooat or'any 'other article 61
raiment whielt can be introduced in
their parte.- ] xtraet froml interview
in St, Louis ,Post Despatch.
be Winghaln Tiara haat week had :" dcti:Wdins: to the new school lax the
• h 1 d n the first
fences be not more than 12 feet apart.
—Carried by vote of Reeve.
Moved by W. MoPhersuzu, seconded
by R. J. Evsrez, that tl'i5"01erk get
200 copies of the township bylaws
printed, --Carried.
The following sums were ordered
to be paid as charity :—Mrs. Watuze•
ley $7, fpr Beeping MA Piper; E
Arnestroug 5.
Council adjourned to meet on 26th
ay as a Oourt of Revision at Blue
To ma, ,r, A. T.
Letnet my .friend' when she's a wife
Biel all her cares adieu; . `•
There's'comforts in a married life
But there are croseAs too.
Tour proseects and hope are greet,,,
May God thele all fulfill;
Dut yet there is in every state -
Some difficulty Brill
would not write to mar your joys -
Withan. euweloozuesound;
,But vet rcenember bliss ou earth .
Na mortal ever found.
.A friendship founded on esteem •
Life's blistering blast eudures;
}t will not vani•li in a dream,
Ami tdoh 1 hope 'is'yours,
But•yet Cod's bleeeing daily crane,
Don't t'usr to your own heart;
You -retist .iit'had aeisist►Ince have,
To act a prudent prt.
Men bsve&lat•{ngeeiruble haiserst etn-d faults,
do ulmal'.
Forgive his failings i .elm past,
And love hint if you can.
The sacred rite that joies the hands
Oen not eusure content;
F„ elgion is the surest band,
Au.1love the best cement,;.:.;
And if there's cause te. reprimand,
Then do it with redress;
Remember he's yonr dearest, friend,
And love hint none the less.
No anger orresentment keep,- ;
Whatever is'anlss;
Be reconciled Before you sleep,
Our prayer is.'-oltat a 'Lina Provi: s $ w a . s..
dente inay long epare you to, wear it,
and that you ati'de.Syni_ .es.eeiuetl wife,
rney. °Attire toi, :trnd , 1org.pnjoes the.
esteem and confidence in the locality
in which'e'en eared .to liye end work,
that you ttlways .eujovet• here; and
when the Muster shall close yonr
earthly ca' eer may it be ours' to
meet you in that slimmer Land where
there are no seperations, and where
Weeds in::'Oln ist: way commune for
epee!]! Baohauan, who leaves next
week for Toronto, to go into the
wholesnle saddlery. . and hardware
Business, .has been a resident df the
1nQvil for Me past eighteen years, and
liy his 'honorable and .straightforward
ceitcluct .lits made many= friends., H
His departure is much regretted and
1Siughant to§es a good and usefnl
citizen and Toronto gaits one by the
change.• '. 'Tan Toles' unites, with his Oser
frien'Ts hare in eoruiaily wishing trim -
Attlee B. Lneaearea,
Orkney. '
Wingham a • lst 1885'
� y ..
Flour per eat'
$2 25 to -
Flour per bbl 4 50 to •4
Pall Wheat per bus.... . 78 to . 80
Spring s. ... 78 to 80
Oats ' " " ... 30 to 34
Barley " • " ... =ti0 to 65
Peas. " " 56 to 5S':,
Potatoes " '• 40 to 40
Butter per lb„: , 13 to 18
Eggs per doz.., 10 10' 10
ay per ton,,,..........'. 3 00 tb 14,00
Wood t0 to 125
and happiness eas ri"ire hw edge r� Ual RSM s
llozue, -and from p personal knowledge ;
of his character, 've believe that if he Tinrz
edor ed
pursues the same course in T'oro.tto as - to be the
ho. has hone in Witershun, that wish' GEST
w,ill be gtatified. FANO*
7$s��m _ tiio
Pit;J� 4 OtU.YMACH"att1a
9y;'°c>4� Thatwfll KNIT
s,2 RIBBED end•
1.- MIN WuRK
''''£��14 FartocttY;
Onuncil met in liluevale'on 7110 24th 4 iN USE...,,l, t...
A taw of the.rnnuy ertic]rn titer c- t i o awl qtr
April, ;ill the members present. The our i�antrly aanchin.t are nndrr�' i,-c„t 1),* *rn+
minutes of last rneetili were read and niche cgu esus nc ciany;11:34,t*' t:t.�i, 14111:1.114
I'lle.mile. of Jos. Flack vas taken civn ltrlsilar. re /r;,z. •r;r.Tzoir.
Dukes the Pc tri tW E ttk,t ono•unci•oue, one•nne
oB' the list of patlnnasters and that of two. one-raetl•thr„o, Me„ 'prat,. t., i:neticltp,
hCnutiful lit ttupc:tr,,nce, ttwre dt;r,Lie iu¢ pub+
Alex. Nevin put, on in its place. ftcstitanntusd Cnhtin ,
14lr. James H. Casement asked re,- - oviir hinej ta,r�.o ti,o Bet pd:itxsa teauttot
tnuueration frcm the Council for hast. 1•QosrE*R1F i „,,°,:4•0!„,..,1''''N°4
t, 33Lt4�
ing to throw down his fence by order With more etitcchwt to rite t4•t t than an the tin,..
Of Criuncil, unite the eeerie ?niwur'a ci?atn, Cottust, i;'
• Moved by W. MoPttarsoz, seconded or Thnpna,
t lellnd girls, Cntt tail and ffadel, ore dozen pnitx
ttl, R. J . vans, that $I be paid Mr. ot'sx]tw to one clayy; ane s, -.os,, s:,.00 incl au
dun ba easily torula is one d. ty,
dasentare for removal of fence. — Gond for Th peri >t:ve C:atsicseeo and 'rc+etlt
Carried, tgoninls train tb» 73ib
.Moved bra, A. pvans, seconded lay
J. l)imont, that A. Jackson be refund.
surmise.. o i ttyp begin o ed $1 50 taxes for statute labor, ho
a rcotcltltt;r article on the
eidetic an Monday in Jute and extend to the having paid lir to the pathwaster. •
Sts Ostensible manager; to the course
sof which Mitchell end his paper stet a
fearful handling, We trust protest,
however, against the Vidette being
classed a Reform journal, for it is not
one. `1.'be Tnoits closes its column of
tihe Jev, Mr. Meatal, titt text hosing t'11444 for ;ratnriary gain, cr1 feitiseett
Worsdts "sleet brotherly holt- •tit' amyl Bait, end e. diagrams to oeueekile
j oat lam isO ttr:tyy.•` G0464r41k Si'g i ,
;tI otivav irr n neurit in Cities,, taw,nts
taut h
and ineorp+.a►teu village's. In rural
districts the holidays, begin on the
same day acrd extend ' to the third
Monday in August.
The root Ball Club had their :first
preetice Wednesday evening opposite
run TIMES L'ablisliitlg House. Poet
ltaxil is going to take tho lead here thio
year. As with nearly every foot ball
alit b we kn o w of its leading allows are
to,,krS Waterloo Co. trio diorite! of foo:
The Reeve reported that he had
loaned050 township funds at 6l per Is t
cant inaerest,+ Veterinary Su a '•,,An aacottra� of $1 eras preskazted � �� .
from 1% 0ouktes for putting in onivert,
Al "- B OS
Q1l OR6iZTOWN, ON . '
ordered to be paid. tr 1•Ionored Graduates of Ontario Ifetorimrry
Aaeonnts from "A.4venoe" and College, and registered members of "'Baas
inary ltfedioal Assoctntien, are rrctpe ed tin
Trues printing offices for allver•i ing, frost all diseases of Do t' A t ad
mos ra n tri a, ora
$10 each, were orderedt-to be paid, the latest and elects Seiontifie Prinoiplatt.
tt. bylaw for the erection es, wire Calle tttended to Argy and night. Horses
bought and sold on ocmmictsso
fenoesin the toweehip was read three
infirmary in the Mud ltttryly +•aompea
tit;tes and passed. '1". herr' V. Seep mete eSertifielal�'e ensteei
Moved by Ii.'3.14vtlns, seoended by Zesephile f5trcet, agleam,