The Wingham Times, 1885-05-01, Page 6i,. 1114 Wt1I OF TIIE U. N,A.D a?' TROOPS. 000.000* General 1tiidtlleton, the co,xtnnteder TEMPEl .NOE ITEMS. TiT,Q Oln/Rat Oil/Rat,Az fl TE111P$TIANOF„ of the Cemadiau troops now 'la the It is only about fifty years since �•ttrtu a,, a", is the third son of the the first suave and uuited,eflorts coitt- late atttja,rGeneva Oharles Middleton, ntexAecl to the intere-ts of tho Canna of teel.n•rlieli army. 'Iia was. eduottt, of tenrparaucii in this country, The ed at tura Reyes /Vliliiary College, work that has been done in this half be ban•ikturst, and obtained his first 001xagainy is certainly most encouraging., tuis;tuix as ausinn on December 30thstud al.ehough the enemy has not been, 1842. He saw Itis rat active service completely destroyed, yet the results in Now Zealand, where some of the . of the aggressive efforts that have ottiete who had signed a treaty =opt - carrying made is enough to warrant us in tit; English prateotion and sovereignty' carrying on the good cause with still an 18:10, had in 1844 broken out in greater zeal. Fifty years ago the use. ittsurreetion and destroyed an English of intoxi.eating liquor, by farmers in Tfi.g TIMES, FRIDAY MAY . 'VARIETIES. • ALAWYER'S MISTAKE, Nurerahfirg, It will be sent to Salt ,b'eancisco, A Boston paper es the following .An eminent Scottish advocate, who wise piece of aclyice to its bachelors had drank rethel freely, was called on friends:---•iNever marry A girl unless unexpectedly to plead in a case iu you ,have known leer three days and which ize had been retained. lelistatx. at a: pie-tiic.,'" tug the party' for whom he was en. "The grooms are brothers and s0 gaged, ha delivered,. to the amazement are the brides," is the way the Boyle of the agent who hadfee'dliiw, and to Roche of the Guelph Mereury spoaats the lzorlaar of his olietit, an elognaut about a recent' double wedding an speeoli ou the other lido. Just as leo Toronto, was aboltt tasit down, the trembling 'A new baby at your house, 1 bolicitor, laa brief note inforMed hixu understand 1' said a gentleman to the et his mistake, 'This would have dis. governor of a northern state. '•Yes. concerted most men, but had quite r,' •130 :.' fNo a future °aoaohman's the apposite ofl'eot upon him. Re -ad - an wbo. had torznerly- 'been a drug clerk, accidentally broke a quinine. pill he was about to take uad found it to consist of two split peas. Ile said he was not much surprised, A Syracuse woman boiled', scrubbed and ironed, in the paohet of an apron, a $5 bill . of the issue boring, the portrait of President Barfield, and discovered it, upontakingthe apron from the drawer, •in as clean and perfect condition as a. new bill. FASHION NOTES, snetletnezxt on the south coast. It was gathering their crops, and by , his oration with the words. ---'Boob my iai 1ta46 that this general, then an merchants iu their shops and homes, I non t likes to have my huebcnd horde, is the statement of this. case I3attons are features on spring 'eds. • eusiau, Arrived on the scene, and a tells. almost a universal h bit. Fifty vied ladvaew ,zbut. [ putTue.4 meth tnf the which yott will p, roll hear front my thanes, main time afterward took part in the years ago .there were very few tem- learned 'brother opt tits opposite stele. krinted muslins with floral ` designs alta. k upon Wanquiu, After the clos0 penance soeicties, and the pulpit was tui foil is just too Bandy for anytlzina I shall therefore, show your Lordships are to be worn, • g uI east: war in 1848 he was sent to India %almost silent concerning this giant i11 doing; up my front crimps• bow utterly uutenable are the princi• The blouse, or Russian Riff-' 'ole where he served during the • Lent d evil, Now the position ie entire iu It is a =en wretch who will slily piers, and how.,distorted are the facts is;to be worn a good deal this spring. rebeli,on. It was, however, during; dtffnront. temperance Associations drop a hair switch in a ear loaded upon which the plausible statement g- , teat critical period for En;l 1•xd's have been formed; hien of ability and with women and then laugh when has pr000eded ' And going over the .. A wide jabite o£ lace £arming a vest 1a worn indoors w1. a vo vet au •awe Ltx.plre to the east, the Sepoy rebel, anfluonc a nave spoken and written en he sees every j vroman Blab for the back whop ground he so completely refuted d with I t y jacket: nun .-f 1357.1858, that General Mid- the subject until public.tentianent has of her head eaten she notices it,the whole of his former pleading that &t!etou distinguished himself. In the almost entirely charged, 'It is no pan a roan's pockets be empty when exae t tion for the famous relief of longer considered a respectable thin,; la's got something iu it ? Yes, when .L eek: ow he served as orderly ofYieer for a man to habitually indulge :in in. he has a big hole in it. ct, ei„eeral Ziranks, and took part in toxieating drinks, and in all positions tee,ttnam at Soutlxorpore, and in the of trust total abstinence' men are in- S'io are asked when a young lady is many engagements tvhi.h ocsurreo �a�reblygiven 'ithe prfeence, 1'h'e' of age, and we unhesitatingly reply et iia; the advance. Duringthe week burgh now takes a very different not until she is married. , f heel. fighting which preceded . the stand on the temperance question. A gentleman who did not trust to • ea, t -t of the city, General Middleton, Instead of refraining; to refer to the memory, wrote in hie memorandum ..,au lied beoomo an aide de-ct,mp to matter at all, theevil of intemperance book, 'Must be married when I get to teenerat Lugard, distinguisbeca himself is been attacked on all sides by town, ler bravery, where all were bravo, and ministers of the Gospel of various A little ,fell it of five, with his first aur itis gallant conduct at the storming clenominatioxis. The press,. religious boots on, 1eing told that the' baby of Dat,lc's house and the 11/Iontinere, and secular, is giving more and more wanted to friss him, replied: -'Yes lig ire u, s, rewarded ' ith the brevet of attention to the subject, and 'when teats takes me for his papa !' malar- Luck now. was in the posses; there so ranch good temperance�,. ,sitar ix the British on the 15th of literature circulated as to -day. The A 1eiltonie friend ran a foot race church should' rest and lost it, but ran again and won, „;tit,..ro,t glut officers were allowed littktkbnot,however, IIs said;— I'm first tit :est, if 1 vas •� sc, and on the 15th of the next month, satisfied with wh'ac has been done. Fplassi .p—ore:' eiprri, tee General, then Captain, and The temperance question is the great .a ewe: after to Sir Edward Lugard living question of the day, and must 'Who is that across the street' 'Oh, took a leadiarg pert in one skirmish be dealt with. The churchis WI in- that is a very close friend of mine.' Willi the rebels at Agen•ghur, awhere stitutien which aims at overthrowing 'indeed ? ' 'Yes. 'Never lends a fex• the personal bravery he dieplayed, evil, an d cultivating and encouraging cent. . eted for his heroic conduct be risking the purest morality, It has the true Josh . Billings says that the 'best Ina own lite to save those of comrades remedy for viae -the Gospel of Christ, medicine for rheumatism is to just he was reeotnmendedby General Lug: -and ought therefore by example and keep still and thank God that it isn't • a jet .ee Lord Olde for the Victoria action, seek to influeuee public opinion ;the gout.: 9 ,, r„_s. The story of his heroism is as that this traffic in strong drank shall 'Sealy,' said a fellow to a girl who lei loses,—Captaiu Mid3leton was cow: be declared illegal.. Much has been had red hair, "keep away from me, or weededby Gen. Lugard to bake com: ague, and there .is still room . for 'yon, wilt sot me afire.' 'No danger of anand of the military train in an at: improvement.' There , are still rushy .that,' vtas the reply, "you are too green tame upon alargeforce of the rebels, members and adherents in all our to burn,'. 1:1 a desperate charge, . in which the churches, who, if not direct patrons' of Tilled Sikh Cavalry took part, Lieu- the liquor trade, are at least iniff'rent TAKING IT OUT OF HIVs: tenant Hamilton tell from his horse and careless in opposing it. In a Sir James S-' when at the bar, :emit Sepoy rebels rushed at him to. cut painphlet by the late Hon, Wm. E. ' .: ' .line 4u pisses when Captain Middleton Dodge published a year or two . Ago had to cross-examine a witness whose ale ,.ric ti er officer hawed Murphy g ' evideigee it was thought would be very the walla. makes the• following as- eiet te,, to the aid of the wounded of touncling statement.. tis says;—"The damaging.; ;, unless he could lie bothered total amount 'ex ended for drinks in. a little,.and Itis enly vulnerable point fir and killing some of his assailants p wa,s his self esteem.. ne witness pre - move off the rest and defended .him wind he was carried ..off the field. here en hour of that gallant act, a private named Fowles was unhorsed and wounded, and Captain Middleton came tc his aid, and after driving off his assailants, cooly dismounted and pewee; the wounded man eniiis own !Three nrougltt hint into damp. Lord 6:1,, de refused to recommend. Middle - he won the case. SES WH. AT YOU SIGN. Wo look with suprise on the many instances o£ swindling among farmers, 'because they sign their names un• guardedly to an innocent looking paper in the hands of a wily stranger. But the country ,has not the monopoly of careless. signers. A man in a large town redotved to prove this. Ile drew up apetit'ion to the Legislature, aslcir.g to have the pastor of the Presbyterian church hung on the public square. He laid it on his office table, and asked visitors to "sign a petition for the winding up of Oswego street,” Most of those who were ask- ed signed freely without roadiog, among them two deacons of the church and the pastor's son in law. A large listof signerswereobtaxned before the facts leaked out. ' Then the men came back .one by one, and sheepishly asked to be allowed to cross their names oft: 'Glx, yes, scratch your names oft,' said the gentleman, 'if you do not want the pastor hung.' NEWS NOTES. The Afghan loss in the Penjdeh affair is plaoedat 1,000, •_ It asserted that Italy is fitting out a fleet for the Baltic.' Old St Peters Cathedral, London, is to be torn down. • There; are at present 228 patients in the United Suites, xf devoted to the Toronto tleneratRos ilial. national debt, would ply it in four' rented hi himself in the box—portly, P years," If this statement 'be true overdressed person—and _ Sir James A Collingivoodiannery was burnoi there is `yet more to be done in the :.took flim in hand. Monday, entailing a loss of '$40;(#00: "lir Jol1n Tom kips ',bons. ?"' church itself before we dao expects to „ . ,; p St, Patrick's. street bridge over the enter energetically into aggressive „ ,,. Rideau at Ottawa has been Washed movements against the traffic. In the You are a stock -broker 1 ‘1, ham ! away. agitations now going; on in different Sir jetties rega' decl him attentively A rumor is current in Suakiixz that countries, and: in the ` great conflictsfor a few moments and then said Osman Digna has been killed' by his for prohibition, the church should tiker,A d fi 11 d d h followers. tea fur the Victoria Cross': on the the lead. The cause for teiiperance ereited that lig was on the p"rsonal reform is certainly a 'legitimate field etaff :. t the time. .]^Cis companion in for Christian activity. Let all •ni,nist- tele first heroic act, however, received ars of the Gospel, all members of • Christian churches be led ed t vet ci, ss. General Middleton came , o to Greacla as Major of the twenty- totalabstinence, and moreover tint:' regiment, sent out here 'during pledged .to work for the complete over- • A MILLION MILLION 1. the 'front affair. The station of the threw of intetnpee:wee, and we be- mile e-coi a .vas at Efa'uiltox:, but Major lieve the good otiose ivauld soon 'The English billion—a million mil– \n t tl.:ton spent a great deal of his triumph.—E. He Dewart, D. D., in lions .::has set Sir Haney Bessemer. to. spare time in Montreal where he had Shot and Shell, for the Temperance calculating. £Le reckons that a billion 1e any friends. While in Canada he Coact, seconds have not olap•ed since the married Miss Doucet, a member of a wor d *areas theyiwould reckon 81, - well known family of Montreal. After WOULD TAKE ONE CHANCE, 678 years, 17 days, 22 hours, 45 mitt- ee•r+riug .for ten years en the staff of A'New York State farther who 'was utes, 6 seconds; A'chain of a billion Gen, t1 elrawal of the British txnada oog gnrl Ire :in L++'1^+i�1a the other day was asked by the globe, orlyinuld gass 788 side byiies side, each the:, received the appointment of coin- a local ,ound peculator if he lead any hay in eonttitit with its neighbor, Would .t sell' mender of the Royal Military Oolleoe, to n vicery ne we tease am you are, sir !" The shouts of laughter completely diseoneerted the witness,and the coun- sel's point was gained.1 to hang right on to mykitay,, form about the -earth a golden zone 20 where he had studie3, In Novemberhe replied. If England and' Russia feet 5-inohe3 wide. This.same Chain' Lat. jut, in time to prevent.his retirelight, flay will go .kiting.' were it stretched out straigth, would meet ender the new rules fro.n active ,Got any potatoea hake a line a fraction over 18.828,445 st•rviee, he was appointed to the coin- `'Lots or'em, but At vaso of war miles is Extent. Por measuring, height ' roa'ul')f the militia of Canada ort the vet: t•xnont of Gen. Luang. Under an Any oats 7 'Canadian Volunteeirea should be proud t•r nerve, and may , be conadent of viinory. • I taters will. boost right up.' r ,. :l•• re so brave and distinguished our - 'Two hundred biishels, but war means 80 cents a bushel for oats.' 'Row about. pork I' 'Got ten barrels, but pork is going to climb. 'Can't yon stare a few turnips j' xTtirnil s I Well is case of ever tut. nips have got to jump, beitx' I want sotno nails, tend caliker, and tobacker 1'11 let you have five bushels and take my eh caeca sir Russia baekiix' down' —Wail Street &WEL 'Jane,' said ho, 't thihk if Yon Parties indebted fa Trxn 'Txslns ritfce will please call and settle at rte, ccial reductions in furniture at 8 ta• eel's. Having a large stock on 1:: id and wishing to reduce it I will ive special reductions for the next e0 • ' is on all purchases of over $2t • '.tJl and see my stook of bureaus, side - b;. ards, bedroom setts, lounges, nnfar, lietnd your feet away from the fire, we If h;urreaders will Seoept proffered might have some heat in the rearm,' ' n : ,e•e+, they will always keeps a bottle - kid they hada% trees married two Are Satre to li'leasa elteiT6110t Refer the residents cf the potation o£ .'Belle- turnberrY, a Note on Mr. John Bre*: - • t.• ire.:; yard's Yellow Oil on hand for ye,u"s either. to Postnntster, Ani. Exprete Age at, vtlle .deeded by the sudden rias of the star $r the suer of $100. The Note is • fx,. to emergencies, such as berme, A ltrdv meetint! 1, girl who had 're 'or Nunda rank. Remit by postal' river fast week. The water lies now the property of lx1r, 0`rancte No aldee 17 unu 4, lr.lneneset, croup:+sti 1. ' e'ntl i;ft her's,xrvzcc• iri uiretl 'Well `note 'or registered fetter, too sr,arnps entirely submitted, , y ' q ' ututis '' who willnot be responsible fortes e Mains, riir,xnlatrere, and it •'varieties j efeey, where do yeu eve xiow,' taken), tendtnenttcrxpapver, Addrei, A statue of the .late Preofdent of whet, pains and inflammations, it ; Plwtst, xzra"arxi,' rejoined the gii 1, ,l NUNDA PUPLISHING 00., N'txwda, Garfield, to bronze, has been cast, ii collected by any lather patagia, wail elter be foun4i renal*. I deal lave nowhere blew,, I'm r tarrrred.' 1!7,1, seas tearfully alt Leon' foundry, ixx', Wiragham, April 20,188.5 . Sir Henly.choose „for a unit a single Fur hundred men have been dis- charged from the Grand Trunk'shope at Point ,5't. Charles. It is reported that the Arabs along the White Nile. above 'Khartoum, are deserting theMandi: Parkhill is gaining an unsavory reputation on account of rowdyism, faee fights, drunks, x&e. • Voting on the Scott Act in the. county of Frontenao, and the Kingston will be hold on the 21st of May. , Gen. Ricotti, 1Viinistor of war, has issued an order forbiilding officers d the Italian garrison in Africa to write to newspapers. Ata meeting of Kingston citizens it was decided that the eoaneil raise $5.000 to assist the families of volun• , tears under arms. Tho bow of ribbon on the side of ') the neck instead of the front is a fancy of the 'moment. A new tribbon warranted not to curl np at the ends, is shown this season, It comes both be satin and on gros- grain. Scarfs in oriental colours . aiid -de. signs, illuminated with gold thread, from the trimming of many hats and. . 'bonnets. Marigolds, foxglove, pansies, vio- lets and lobelia will be some of • the favorite artificial flowers used on this .spring's millinery. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. . We shall"give away" several thous. and dollars worth of presents before •Aug. 1st, including SolidGoldWatch- es, Jewelry Guns, Revolvers, Violins, Banjos, Guitars, 'Music Boxes, Tool ' Chests, Telescopes, and everything an intelligent boy or girl could desire. If you want the' Model Magazine, for the youth of the 19th century, send 25 cents for "three months trialsub- scription" and list of presents..:. handsome 'socket knife or. something of greater value guarranted to all sending. `. Send for your friends gaud receive the presents. Address, NAT. YOUTH'S MONTHLY, Buffalo, N. Y. FREE TO FARMERS. To secure 100,000 new subsorib. ere, durng the next sixty days, we wlll actually send the best farmer's magazine in the IT. S. "free for one. entire year" to every one sending us at once the names of ten farmers and 12 2 -et. stamps for post •ge, etc. Reg- tiler price $1.90, Address, NATION- AL AGRIOULTURIST, Nunda, N. Y, IHARKNESStj •,, HMS BALM Restores grey hair to ' its en- teral color,, re- moves Dandruff, 'stops the 1:air from failing out; increases its f5r'c growth, and w1I "tot soil the shrug D Lis a hent dres•�';M p. sing, it has no ,;Y supericir. G r- anteed'.iiarraless. rr Prepared by 1-Iarkeess & Co. London, Ont.' Sold by all II7ig I,,. and Pa:os,1XodicInc 1 r/ Dealers. (ween Victoria's only surviving sheet of paper of about one three bun aunt, thct. Daehess of Cambridge, has i Bred and thirty:third of an inch in not been outside of " St Ja P . me's Palace lace fox• twenty year& • thickness. A bfltton of these thin . Dd you want to bsrroxv'honey? To bitty more laud for Yourself of Your Sons. To sheets, pressed out fiat and piled ver The latest grossing on the fee on build a $ouee or Barn, xe'onoe, Olear, tically upon each othor, would attain, record for forty years was made . on Thaletaraitt, or otherwise irnprave Land, latest dab, being he 17th of April. tins To any ofaPurpose, Mortgage or tither the int an altitude of 47,348 miles', Monday ,at Kinston, the revs far any other Purpose, If,you do the un - PICT JRES OP YOURSELF. , dorsigned ere able to Loan et the lowest 'he monthly statement of the char,. rates of interest and more reasonable "--r• tiered beaks of the .Dominion for March 'Perms than any one else in thic'seotion of To introduce our handsome no* style Shows total liabilities of $122 224144 the country. pictures throughout the. J. S..'at mice," and asserts of $212 805,681. i ' ' MEYBII, & LYOKENSON' . we wig) send Poor Dozen finely finish- ]3atristers, Wangham ed 'photonraplla of yo lrsb`lf,' post paid, The Cunard steamship Uuibrxa Belief tore °tor the Bank of 8aruditon. arrived at Queenstown on Saturday upon receipt of $1.00 and sample plio- 1 y •-- _ -- • _ to to copy front, (cabinet size prefer. New, York eying six asplie and aeigh eight Tedi rovid it vo w'1 �f your , p 3 u will promise in out hours. letter fo shoat pictures and act as . agent, in case they are,,.qeetisfactory. • Much sufi'ering has befen caused to NOTE O . Lost somewhere in the township Of