Clinton News-Record, 1952-10-16, Page 4Ontario St. Girls' Club
Hear Mrs. G. Burton,
A Former Member
The Girls' Club of Ontario
Street United Church held its
meeting on Thursday, October 9,
at the home of Miss Emma
steel. The president, Mrs. Mer-
vin Batkin, presided, The meet-
ing opened with a hymn followed
by the Lord's Prayer.
Mrs. Norman Tyndall took
charge of the devotions. Mrs. H.
Plumsteel gave a reading and
scripture was read by Mrs. Tyn-
dall. A poem entitled "Thanks-
giving" was read by Miss Lucille
Grant. This was followed by a
Prayer by Mrs. Harry Plumsteel
and a hymn was sung.
Program consisted of piano
solos by Mrs. Azie Treleaven,
Miss Marlene Jervis and Mrs.
Oliver Welsh. Mrs. Bruce Cann
sang a solo, "Abide with Me,",
She sang the first two verses in
English and the last in Dutch,
her native tongue.
The special speaker of the
evening was Mrs. Garlanil G.
Burton, Centralia. Her husband,
Rev. Burton, was a former min-
ister of Ontario Street United
Church. Mrs. Burton spoke on
their trip to Newfoundland this
past summer. Her talk enlight-
ened all present, and she men-
tioned that she was glad to be
back among her friends.
The Mizpah benediction closed
the meeting. A delicious lunch
was served tb a large attendance.
Sunday, October 19, 1952
United Church
Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister
MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist
M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director
11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
"Where to Draw the Line?"
11.20 a.m.—Primary School
12.15 p.m.—Church School
7,30 p.m.—(Note change of time)
The Circuit Rider's Exposition
' and
"The King's Man," a sound
film in technicolor.
All United Church people are
urged to attend. Visitors
Huron St.
Baptist Church
Minister—REV. 3. E. OSTROM
11.00 a.m:—Morning Service
12.15 p.m.—Sunday School
7.00 pan.—Evening Service
St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. J. LANE, I3.A., Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
11,00 a.m.—Communion. Service
Sacrament of the Lord's
Reception of new members;
Children's Questionnaire.
2.30 pl.m.—Knox Church, Bay-
Sacramental Service.
Everyone welcome at St. And,
row's and. Knox
One Block East of Albert Street, North of Par-Kuit-
Sunday, 9.45 aari.--Sunday School
10.45 a.M.—Communion Service
8,00 pan,—t4espel Service
Tuesday 7.00—Children's flour
Eriday 8.00 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study
"Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall Sustain thee".
Psalm 55 t 22
.1-1•-•144-4.-4-110-4-**4-4-4-4-4-*44-•-•-4•-•-e4,4-4,..-44.4.-0-4. • 4-4 4!.4.-4.-9-•-•-+
PAST011-,-IlEir. A. GLEN EAGLE, EA., R.D.
11,00 a.m.—Special Speaker,
Rev. Robert Watt, Mitchell
7,04 Service in Wesley-Willis;
Circuit Rider's Eghibit,
Filni: "The Iting'g Mae
Circuit Rider's Exhibit,
Film: "The Ittriol Man" .4-4+444-.***-•44÷44.44,4444-00-.
2,00 P.
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imminimirammummiimmo minimmommmommommomilm immommi 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111011111111111111 10101011111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Save 15%—Save 15%—Save 15% Save 15%—Save 15%—Save 15%
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You are invited to inspect our newly redecorated Furniture g
From October 17th to October )25th, by presenting this 7
advertisement at our store we will give you 15% discount on g
any Chesterfield Suite, Davenport Suite, Bedroom Suite. or 0-40
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Put these on Your Saturday Shopping List:
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Country Fair
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Afternoon Tea
jellied Chicken — Cabbage Salad on Lettuce
Tomato Jelly — Pickles
Brown and White Bread — Light and Dark Cake
-mpg rOUR CI,IMPON ATEWarANCQAP 10, looz
Ontario 'Street WMS
Accepts Invitations
The ,Woman's Missionary So-
ciety of Ontario Street United
Church held its October meeting
at the home of Mrs, W. M.
I Aiken and Mrs. Arthur Aiken.
The president, Mrs. A. J. Mc-
Murray, presided and opened the
meeting by reading a call to
worship, followed by a hymn and
Worship service was in charge
of Mrs. M. Wiltse, who took as
her theme, "The Courts of the
Lord." , Psalm 100 was read in
unison and a reading on Christian
worship was given. The Confes-
sion of Sin was read in unison,
followed by a scripture reading.
The business of the meeting
followed. The autumn thank-
offering will be held on Thurs-
this week to receive instructions day, October 30, at eight o'clock.
from the John Inglis Company in Mrs. J. W. Stinson, Seaforth, will the care and operation of the Art- be the guest speaker.
An invitation from. the Bruce-
field society was received and
accepted for Tuesday evening,
October 21. Also, an invitation
from the Holmesville society for
Tuesday, November 11, • was re-
ceived and accepted.
The watchtower, taken by Miss
Eleanor Plumsteel, was very int-
eresting. Mrs. W. M. Aiken read
an article on Christian Steward-
ship and referred to the need for
gratitude and appreciation.
The study book was taken by
Mrs. C. E. Elliott, and was from
the book, "Along African Trails,"
by Gallagher. She referred to
the many tribes and the life of
the people, and told of the work
clone by United Church mission-
aries, and the help of Christian
The meeting closed with the
benediction. by the president.
Mrs. Fred Axon, Toronto, visit-
:03 friends in, town. last week. •
Ree've W.. j, Miller is at present
enjoying a holiday in. Western.
Mrs. Harold Glew left last Fri-
day for her .new apartment in
Miss Eleanor Eroder, Morris,
burg, is visiting her sister?. Mrs.
M. D. IVfeTaggiirt.
Stewart and Frank MacDonald
were home from Windsor for the
Thanksgiving weekend,
Mrs, Harry Tucker, Weston,
spent the holiday weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Art Groves.
Rev. A. Glen Eagle conducted
anniversary services at Donny-
brook United Church last Sunday.
Miss Irene Snider, London, vis-
ited her parents on Albert Street,
over Thanksgiving weekend.
Mrs. MacKenzie, Tiverton, is
spending a few days with her
daughter, Mrs. S. G. Castle.
Miss Jean Vodden, Toronto, was
a holiday visitor with her parents,
M nce De Leon
Was never sick, sir.
He found that milk
Was his elixir. 29,
Mr. and Mm, W, J. Vodden.
Mr. and Mrs, Benson. Sutter vis-
ited with. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Welch, Wallacetown, on Sunday.
Miss Gladys Addison, Sarnia,
was A. Thanksgiving visitor with
her mother, Mrs, Margaret Addis-
Mr. and Mrs. W. Morgan, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R, L. Mc-
Ewen, High Street for a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester and son,
Toronto, were guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Towne, High Street, over the
Mr. and Mrs, Dan Walter vis-
ited the former's parents on Salt-
ford Heights, Goderich,• for the
Mr. and Mrs, Harold C, Johns-
ton and baby Paul, Toronto, spent
Thanksgiving with Mrs. J. E.
Mr. and Mrs, F. B. Pennebaker,
anti Mrs. Grace Higgins, spent the
weekend in Toronto, also Thanks-
giving day.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Carter spent
the weekend with their son-in-law
and daughter, Cpl. and Mrs. Mar-
tell, Egar.
Mrs. Pearl Stringham and
granddaughter, Diane Fortune,
Woodstock, were weekend guests
of Mrs, Nay.
Mr. and Mrs. David Eason,
Clinton, spent Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Easom and
family, Auburn,
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Macaulay,
Sarnia, visited on Thanksgiving
weekend with the latter's mother,
Mrs. W. Shaddock.
Mr. and Mrs. James Walters,
Pontiac, Mich„ spent the weekend
with the former's mother, Mrs,
H4len Dalrymple.
eats, Mr. and Mrs. John Cudmore.
Miss Catherine E. Fingland,
Guelph, spent the holiday week-
end with her parents, Mr. and
NI's. Frank Fingland.
S. E, Castle ,enjoyed a short
visit with his family on Dunlop
Street, and returned to W. Load-
on on Monday last.
George McLay left on Sunday
for Montreal and Arnprior to take
up his position as manager of the
Royal Bank, Arnprior.
Allan B. Sylvester and Miss
Martha Mulholland, R.N., Toron-
to, were .,guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Town over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. SylveS-
ter, Toronto, were guests at the
home of Emma Lavis over th..
Thanksgiving holiday.
Donald Piper, Windsor, spent
the weekend with his 13rOther,in.
law and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs, William Piper,
Mrs, David Steepe Spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. and. Mrs.
Jack Tebbutt, sixteenth eptices,s-
Gadexinh Township,
Mr. and Mrs, John Scott and
baby son, Forest, visited with the
lady's mother, Mrs. Irene Henri,
for Thanksgiving weekend,
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown,
RWriPaeken%11C1 WHitilhil tspheerltlatthtle
e holiday
Mr, and Mrs. L. A, Stephen and
family, Toronto, visited the lady's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook,
over the Thanksgiving weekend.
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Din
Cornish for Thanksgiving, were
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cursiey,
London, and Harold Best, To-
ronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Milk,
Woodbridge, were holiday visitors
with their parents, Reeve W, J.
Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. C. D,
William Shearing, of Royal Mil-
itary College, Kingston, spent the
Thanksgiving holiday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M
Shearing. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur • Welsh
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Weir, Dunnville, and with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore,
Peacock Point.
Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore
were inn. London and West Lorne
for the weekend, going down to
be present at the christening of
their great grandson, James
Brian Livermore,
Rev. D. J. Lane, St, Andrew's
Presbyterian Church , conducted
funeral service in Goderich, on
Tuesday last, for the late Mrs.
Norman MacKay.
Miss Joan Kernick, Watford,
and Robert Taylor, London, spent
the holiday weekend visiting the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Edward
and children, Goderich, spent
Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Ed-
ward's parents, Rev. D. J. Lane
ana Mrs. Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Garrioch
and family, Windsor; Miss Leo
Nott, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs, Bert
Boyes, spent Thanksgiving with
Mayor and Mrs. G. W. Nott.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall, and
seas, Edward, Toronto, and John,
student at University of Western
Ontario, London, visited G. E.
Hall and Miss Evelyn Hall.
FS L. Locke and Beecher
Streets visited Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Gibbs, Hamilton, over the
weekend. While there they at-
tended the Hamilton Tiger Cats
vs Toronto Argos football game.
Several Clintonians attended
Happy Doubles Club
Elects New Officers
The Happy Doubles Club of
Ontario Street United Church
held its regular monthlikmeeting
at the church in the form of a
pot luck supper. Following the
supper a devotional period was
conducted by Rev, and Mrs. A. G.
Eagle, after which a film was
shown, "Making Democracy Work
in the Home,"
Election of officers for 1952-53
took place with following officers
elected; president, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Finch; vice president, Mr. and
Mrs. Art Aiken; secretary, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Wheeler; treasurer,
Mr, and Mrs. William Inkley;
membership and visiting conven-
er, Mr, and Mrs. Don Symons;
social convener, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Merrill; press secretary, Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Aiken.
the Strathroy races on Thanks,
giving Day, Those seen there in-
cluded George Elliott, Charles
Johnston, Rev. D. J. Lane, George
German, G. R. MeEwan, Ken Tay-
lor, John Holmes and his brother.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Carter and
family, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs.
L. C. Evans, St, Thomas, weie
holiday visitors with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Car-
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lockhart
and family, Owen Sonnd, spent
the holiday weekend with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Lockhart and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Agnew,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McEwen,
Mrs. George Phelan were in
Southampton on Tuesday attend-
ing the funeral of their cousin,
Mr. A. Harry Houlden.
Robert (Toby) Taylor has join-
ed the staff of the London Divis-
ion Office of the Supertest Petro-
leum. Corporation. He has just
completed a course in Business
Administration at Westervelt.
School, London.
J. C. Pyoctor went to Toronto
ificial Ice equipment which is to
be installed by that company in
Clinton Lions Arena.
Delford Neff and Mr. and.Mrs.
J. Toth, Kitchener, spent the
Thanksgiving holidays with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Neff.
Mrs. Toth is the former Audrey
Neff, whose marriage took place
in August.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. McGill
and Miss Mary Jean, Windsor;
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. McGill and
Master Cameron, Hamilton; A. H.
Medway, Sarnia, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. James A. McGill, on
Thanksgiving weekend.
'Miss Alice Sloman, Kalamazoo,
Mich., who has just returned from
a six weeks' trip to England and
Scotland where she attended an
International Convention of Hos-
pital Librarians, visited with re-
latives in Clinton over the
Thanksgiving weekend.
Pentecostal Church
Victoria St.
K. L. SWEIGARD. Pastor
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Morning Service
7.30 p.m.—Evening Service
Friday, 8,00 p.m,—Young People's
Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study and
Dutch Reformed
Holland Service-2.30 p.m.
at the
Canadian Legion Hall, Exeter
Mr. C. M. EELMAN, Exeter
Box 336
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Frerrilin, Organist
Mrs. J. G, MacKinnon,
Choir Leader
11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and
Sunday School,
7.00 p.m.—Evening Service
Monday, October 20, 8.00 p.m.—
Bible Study Class in Rectory.
Tuesday, October 21, 2,45 p.m.—
Regular meeting of St. Paul's
WA, in the Memorial Hall.
Mrs. Calder, Diocesan presi-
dent, will be guest speaker.
All members are urged to be
present. Members of the
executive are asked to %meet
in the hall at 2 p,m.
Thursday, October 23, 8.00 p.m.
Chancel Guild at the home
of Mrs. C. Staniforth,
LOBA Plans Trip.
To Woodham Lodge
The Ladies' Orange Benevolent
Association held its first meeting
of the season on. Tuesday, Oc-
tober 14. It was a splendid
4rrangements were made to
attend a special lodge meeting in
Woodham, on Thursday evening,
October 23. A bus has been
chartered, and expenses will be
Paid out of White Gift donations.
Any member wishing to go should
be at Library Park at seven
The Loyal Orange Lodge is
sponsoring a dance in the Town
Hall, Clinton, for which the
ladies have the privilege of run-
ning a check room, They will
also sell hot coffee, Conveners
are Mrs, Douglas Freeman and
Mrs. Henry Sloman,
Members and their husbands
are invited to the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wes. Shobbrook, on
Saturday, October 25, between
two and five in the afternoon,
and from seven to nine in the
evening, It is the occasion or
their 50th wedding anniversary.
The lodge extends heartiest con-
gratulations to them both.
Mrs. Shobbrook has been a
member of the LOBA and has
faithfully attended for over 30
The next meeting of the LOBA
will be on Tuesday, October 28,
Go-Getters Club.
To Have Sale Auction
The Go-Getters Club of St.
Paul's Anglican Church, met .in
the Parish Hall last Thursday ev-
ening at eight
After various reports had been
adopted,. the new business was
dealt wtth. As the meeting was
a business and social one, the
November meeting will be a fund
raising one.
Considerable discussion lead to
a decision to hold an Autumn
Auction Sale in the Council
Chambers of the Town Hall, on
Thursday evening, November 13,
District takers were appointed,
and a committee appointed for ar-
ranging the hall for the auction.
Owing to the pre-Christmas pres-'
sure, it was decided to skip ttie
December meeting and begin the
new year with anotlier business
and social meeting the second
Thursday in January, which will
also be a fund night,
After the close of the business
part of the meeting the evening
was given over to card's and con-
tests. Winners at cards were:
Mrs, C. V. Cooke, Gordon Scrib-
bins, Mrs. R; M. P. Bulteel, Mrs.
Thomas Herman, Victor Roy and
J. M. Elliott. At games, the win-
ner was Clinton Staniforth. The
draw was won by Thomas Her-
man and Mrs. Clinton Staniforth.
A delicious lunch was served by
thc, committee in charge.
Posegemento Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pot-
ter, Clinton, wish -to announce
the engagement of -their deg,
ghter, Elizabeth Helen Marie,
to Thomas Elfred Moore, son
of Mr. and Mrs. =red Moore,
Goderich. The wedding will
take ,plaee the latter part of
October. 42-b