Clinton News-Record, 1952-04-10, Page 10ROBERT ELLIOTT Robert "Bob" Elliott, of Clinton District Collegiate Institute, has been nominated by his school to The Leaders' Club, A student in Grade 12, Robert is an ,outstand- ing athlete and a better-than- average scholar,' Robert, who is .18, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Elliott, Clinton. Bob played for the Clinton Junior boys WOSSA finalists basketball team in 1948-49 and captained the team to its title in 1949-50, He was co-captain of the senior basketball team and the volleyball team, last year. In addition, he was chosen to at- tend the OATC camp at' Lake Couchiching, last summer. He captained the school football squad in 1951-52 as well. His fav- orite sport is football. However, Robert finds time for social activitiewitoo. He is presi- dent of the Student Council, a member of Teentown Council, publicity manager for the school paper and secretary of the Unit- ed Church Sunday School, Robert Elliott, (DCI, Voted As Leaders' Club Member MANTON NEWS-RECORD Mr. and .Mrs... Fred Pepper Mark 45th Anniversary is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Francis Layton. Her husband, who is 66, is a son of the 'fate Mr. and Mrs. Roger !Pepper, Tuckersmith. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton (the former Mary Pepper), Clinton, who are broth- er of the bride and sister of t'he groom, and who were the bridal attendants at the celebrant'd wed- ding. All of Mrs. Pepper's five brothers; two brothers and two sisters of Mr. Pepper attended. John Pepper, brother of Fred, was unable to be present as he is spending the winter in Florida. The family, including Walter, one daughter, Mrs. Austin Math- eson, Seaforth, one grandson, and two granddaughters, were all present for the anniversary cele- bration. Red Cross Campaign Total Over $1,900 A. J. McMurray, chairman of the local ' Red Cross campaign, announced yesterday that 888 district donations added up to $1,733.91 to date. In addition, amount raised at RCAF Station was approximately $175, bringing the total up to more than $1,900. Mr. McMurray stated that the committee appreciated the splen- did cooperation of the citizens, and the success of the drive was Proof that cooperation would ac- complish anything worthwhile. • Donors and amounts raised were as follows: St. Andrew's 'Ward 184 $ 356.50 St. James' Ward .. 156 343:30 St..John's Ward ... 136 256.25 St. George's Ward . 148 259.50 Clinton totals 624 $1,215.55 Rural 153 286,40 Londesboro and District 111 231.96 888 $1,733.91 "MELODY PARTY" SET— Coronet Crystal cocktail shaker and six glasses with songs and recipes on the shaker and glasses set 4.50 "HAPPY DAZE" EIGHT TALL TUMBLERS— decorated in cave man style set 3.75 "ANIMATED JIGGERS" in colored animal and bird decorations set of six 1.19 SERVING TRAY in green, chartreuse and brown .plastic with 8 separate serving compartments and stand ea. 4.95 "BARTENDERS" — set of three pourers and three plastic glasses set 1.75 McEwan's according to MR. ABBOTT'S BUDGET at Merrill Radio and Electric PHONE 313 CLINTON CLEAN UP PAINT UP „Nonwrivt3r: '/i4;;* Oa:171;' When it comps to paint, your eyes can fool you badly. Any paint looks good when you first apply it. But how will it look in five years . .. yes, even one,year? C-I-L PAINTS hove not only beauty you can see, but quality you can trust, You can depend on them for the high hiding qualities, the enduring resistance to wear and weather which make your paint dollars go farther. Whenever you paint, it pays to see your C-I-L. Paint Dealer first. SUTTER—PERDUE 44444-4-4-.44-44-44-44-41, Feted Ere Marriage Friends and neighbours' on the 13th concession of Hullett west, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford on Thursday, March 27. The evening was spent in playing cards. At lunch time, Miss Thelma I Shobbrook, bride-elect of April, I was called forward and an ad- , dress of presentation was read by William Hunking. A set of folding table and chairs were presented by Len Archam- bault and Jim Crawford, on be- half of friends and neighbours on the 12th and 13th. Thelma thanked them in a few well- chosen words. Lunch was served. Trousseau Tea Mrs, Bert Shobbrook, 13th concession, Hullett Township, entertained on Monday, March 31, to a trousseau tea in honour of her daughter, Thelma, prior to her coming marriage. The guests were received at the door by Mrs. Shobbrook, Thelma, and Mrs. Garrow. Those displaying the trousseau and gifts in the afternoon were: Mrs. Gordon Radford, Mrs. Leon- ard Archambault, Mrs. Thomas Allen, and Mrs. 1,,4win Wood. Serving were: Mrs. Jack Clarke and Mrs. William Gibbings. In the evening the trousseau and gifts were displayed by: Muriel Shobbrook, Betty Potter, Mrs. Gordon Radford, Doris Gib- bings, Audrey Harris, and Betty Stewart. Serving were: Mrs. Jack Clark and Fern Potter. The two grandmothers, Mrs. Wesley Vodden and Mrs. John Shobbrook poured tea. Aunts of the bride, Mrs. 'Fred Vodden and Mrs. Percy Gibbings served from the kitchen. Clinton Plumbing MODERNIZE the Plumbing in your Home this Spring E. J. REYNOLDS Phone 577R—Clinton •5-•-•••0-4-4-4 4-44-* •••••••••••-•-4-6 CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Built and Repaired 11111111111111111, e invite Y ou.... TO VISIT OUR DISPLAY at the , Western Sports Fair Now Being Held in the Manufacturers' Building Queen's Park, London 2 More Days To Go — DON'T MISS IT! Sp t7 4.0,04 47,2=4 LINTON T PHONE 42 CLINTON The store, remains open Saturday evening until 10.30 p m. 4.4-4-•+•-•-+4-4-•• 0111Natu ATTENTION, BOYS! Aged 12 to 18 years interested in AIR CADETS Please contact PERCY M. BROWN (phone Clinton 459-R) or any member of Clinton RCAF Association Squadron. • 15-16-b • tA Rifle Club Ladies Enjoy Dinner . Members of Clinton Ladies' Rifle Club enjoyed a chicken and venison dinner complete with all the trimmings on Thursday even- ing, April. 3, in their clubroom at the Epps Sports Shop. Mrs. Sam Castle was guest of honour, and Mrs. Ellwood Epps presided and distributed club crests. After this, pictures were taken and the girls finished the evening with some target shoot- ing. The Boy Scouts of Clinton are winding up their annual quota drive for 1952 funds which are needed to assist the boys of our neighbourhood and county to see the better side of life and a cleaner living for the fiture. The -motto of the Boy Scouts Association is "Be Prepared" and this now is a greater thought in our minds as to what the future may bring in our lives and those that follow in our steps. We are endeavouring now to build a camp site where we will be able to take your boy, Cub or Scout, for a trip in the bush for approximately one week's camp each year. Also, the same area to be used by troops on day hikes or overnight trips, there- fore, in winding up our campaign drive we are offering for sale a membership card to each and every interested citizen who wishes to see their boy and their community better than average. Our sincere thanks to Lorne Brown, A. G. Grigg, McEwan Press, Clinton News - Record, "Short" Campbell, and all who have helped to make this drive a success so that we can show the boys that we are behind them 100 per cent and are doing our part to help. Thank you. — L. G. Winter, general chairman; F. H. Churchill, Scout Master. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pepper celebrated ' their 45th wedding anniversary at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pepper, R.R. 5, Clin- ton, on Thursday, April 3, 1952. A turkey dinner served to 25 relatives was enjoyed, and then the celebrants were presented with gifts from their children, brothers and sisters. Flowers and cards were also received from many well-wishers. The couple were married on April 3, 1907, by the late Rev. Mr. Kerr of Turner's United Church. They farmed on the second of Tuckersmith for three years and then moved to lot 33, concession 2, where their son now resides. This farm was Mrs. Pep- per's birthplace, 67 years ago. She HULLETT GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 se-pub 1-4-44.444444-44-44.+4-4.44-4•444-41-4 Car Did Not Overturn In Recent Accident Mr. and Mrs, A, D. McCartney and Mrs. A, .1, cantelon are still convalescing' at their home in Clinton, following a recent acci, dent, reported previously but accurately. According to Mr, McCartney, their car was driving west on. Highway 8, going up .a grade about six miles from, Clinton, when it was overtaken by a car. While the latter attemPted to pass it cut in, catching the Mc- Cartney car, trailed, and overturn, ed it. The car finally stopped, resting on its four wheels, at the fence facing east. The three occupants were tak- en by ambulance to Clinton Pub- lic Hospital where they were treated and allowed to go home.. Three Boys Rescued (Continued from Page One) Chief Ferrand saw the two' boys between the abutments. The river's current was very swift, and young Kyle started to "turn green" and shouted "Are they coming?" The Chief plunged into the water and swam to the abut- ment, despite the strong current. X-le assisted AC1 Jones in tieing the rope to each boy, and then helped the youngsters up the ladder to safety. VARNA (Continued from Page One) land by Mrs. T. J. Pitt. Refreshments were served in in the basement of the church by a very efficient committee under the leadership of Mrs. Mel Web- ster. Representatives of the guests thanked their hostess for the de- lightful afternoon. THURSDAY; 10, 1.94; 110•4010.4•1 BASUIAZI, MEETING The 1951 edition. of the Clinton:. Colts baseball team held a 4904 evening and preliminary meet- ing in the Legion Hall last Fri, daY evening. Prospects for the coming season were discussed. A meeting will be held Monday-evening in the Council Chamber to organize for' the 1.902 .season. 0 PETER LEE BREWER William Gardiner, Goderich, has been engaged to train and race "Peter Lee Brewer's (2.11: and 1/5 ), L. W. Lavis' fine seven- year-old gelding, this year. Mr. Levis. also owns a three-year-old full brother to the famous "Huron. Express", and "Pat P. Lee". 44-11-++"••••••••••-•-•••-•-•-•-••••-•-•••-•, BOWL FOR FUN Weekly prizes during Apri2 for ladies and gents high.. singles bowled' outside of lea-gue play. Grand prize of General Elec— tric Alarm for highest, single: of the month. OPEN BOWLING': Wed., Fri. and Sat. Clinton Bowling Alley 'PAGrE, TEN 011110111.•••••110. ,4101•111111111111111111.11111.11111111.1111111111111 111111111k PORTER'S HILL •-• Easter Concert Planned The teachers and pupils of the Sunday School are busy prepar- ing an Easter concert to be pre- sented in the Sunday School on Easter Monday evening. `Community Club to Meet The Porter's Hill Community Club will hold its monthly meet- ing on Wednesday afternoon, Ap- ril 16, at the home of Mrs. Gorden Manning. Please note the change in place of this meeting. 1 I +4-0-•-•-• • 9 44* Kinsmen Investigate Several Projects Clinton Kinsmen Club, a club dedicated to community service, held its regular dinner meeting in Hotel Clinton on Tuesday evening. First Draw Completed The first draw to be conducted by The newly-formed club was a gratifying success and spoke well of the efforts of all the members. The prize, a suit of clothes from Kin. Gord Herman's Men's Wear, was won by Miss Betty Stewart, of the Royal Bank of Canada staff. The main item of business to be discussed was "Charter Nite" which is to take place on April 29. This is the night when the Clinton Club will be initiated in- to the nation-wide circle of Kins- men. The executive outlined the work that would have to be completed before "Charter Nite", and the members were asked to volunteer for the various com- mittees that must be formed 'to assure that the out-of-town guests" would have an enjoyable evening. Community Projects The Club is investigating sev- eral community projects which will be started immediately after Charter Night. Kin. Stewart Schoenhals, chairman of this committee, outlined his endeav- ours in this regard. RCAF ASSOCIATION Clinton Squadron of the RCAF Association will hold a meeting in the Canadian Legion Hall at 8.15 p.m. tonight. Wear a Biltmore The World's Most Comfortable Hat t This soft felt hat is per- fect if you prefer an off- the-face brim. Shaped to stay in shape. Snap brim for lighter occas-I ions. Soft, pre-shaped crown to flatter your facial con- tours. Herman's Men's Wear Phone 224W Onto% 0-6-•444-4.44+444-4,4-40-5-404-4,44-•41 TROUBLE-FREE MOTORING The surest, most practical way to have trouble- free motoring is to have regular 5,000-mile inspec- tions. Equip your car with GOODYEAR TIRES AND LIFEGUARD TUBES t Proven protection. Economical too! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LIBERAL. TRADE-IN PLAN We've got the best selection in town of late model guaranteed USED CARS. See us today and assure yourself of trouble-free motoring. 0 400 • Lorne Brown Motors Limited CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE—Soles & Service Your Friendly General Motors Dealer PHONE 36/W CLINTON