Clinton News-Record, 1952-03-27, Page 10Copper Hanging Baskets. Lovely far the living room each 2,75 Plastic Hanging Baskets in yellow or red. each 69c Wall Flower Holder in plastic in green, grey or pink. each 59c In silver each 98c Flower Pots with deep saucer, especially for \ African Violets, in blue, green or grey each 59c Flower Pots in plastic with saucer, in red, blue, green, grey or yellow— Each 19c, 29c & 35c Plastic Wt3tering Can with long spout. Makes watering house plants easy, in red, yellow, black or bronze each 59c McEwan's *AGE TEN Lawn Bowling Greens Available 'to RCAF Facilities of Clinton Lawn Bowling Club will be made avail- Lawn Howlers' Head able to interested Members of personnel at Clinton RCAF Ste- Won during the coming season, It was decided, at the annual meeting of the Club in the Town Council Chamber Monday even- ing, to contact the RCAF with this end in view, President Percy Livermore was in charge. A Club rouridrobin also will be held during the lawn bowling season. John A. Sutter was elected president of the Club, with W, C. Newcombe as vice-president, end J. G. McLay as secretary- treasurer. Committee chairmen were nam- ed as follows: Property and Grounds — J. J. Zapfe; Tournament, F. B. Penne- baker; Jitney, Charles A. John- son; Social and Finance, G. B. Beattie. Annual fees were set at $8 for regular membership, $5 for new membership, and $2 for associate, Vice-president Newcombe and, Past President Livermore were appointed to attend the Zone 4 meeting of the Provincial Lawn JOHN A. SUTTER Bowling Association in Seaforth Who was elected president of last evening. I Clinton Lawn Bowling Club • • • 4 • • • • ••-•-•-•-• Flower Hanging Baskets HAVE YOU LOOKED N. AT YOUR BICYCLE YET THIS YEAR? AV- Does it need Repairs? If So . . We can give good delivery on over- haul and general repair. 'Bring it in NOW. CCM ---We Sell 'Ern — We Repair 'E Spotting goveh .2uotily CLINTON •• ONTARIO PHONE 42 - CLINTON The store remains open Saturday evening until 10.30 p m. TOPCOAT elFedoz460,5" Yes, we have our com- plete SPRING TOPCOAT selection on hand now for your choice. Choose yours NOW. BILTMORE HATS Forsyth and Van Heusen Shirts •>••• 4 • *-4-4-10-0,4-•4-44-+.44-44-•-•44+44-4- HAvg ivgW Stift + TAILottEO BY 110):3I3ERLIN ODDER NOW FOR. tAsZEIt Herman's Men's Wear BILTMORE HATS FORSYTH SHtRTS PHONE 224W' CLINTON "4+44-4-4,4**-4 4.•-•+44-•••4-4441-444-44-4-•-4-10-4-41.-44-4•4 4,444.+44+ Stratford Wins. OHA Senior "k! Championship Reminiscent of 45 years ago, when Stratford hockey- teams brought the senior and junior One Oleo Hockey Association champ- ionships to the Classic City, a feat that has never been equaled since the OHA was first *organized in 1891, Stratford Indians captured the second senior provincial hoc- key title that has ever been brought to the city Tuesday night, when they defeated Owen Sound IVIercurys, 4-1, in overtime, in the seventh and final game. • The Indians' victory was over as gallant a team as ever donned hockey uniforms, and gr and sportsmen as they are, the Visit- ing Mercurys were the first to congratulate their conquerors. The Indians now advance into the first round of the Allan Cup playdowns against Sault Ste. Marie's Greebounds, with the first two games in the "Soo" Fri- day and Saturday and the next three in Stratford starting Mane day. Stratford hOckey teams, both senior 'and junior, have battled their way to the finals on num- erous occasions, only to be de- nied victory in the last and cru- cial game, and it was no wonder the Classic City Arena was the scene of bedlam when the final gong sounded and the Indians were declared the champions. William "Sky" Eassom, mem- ber of the 1907 senior champion- ship team of Stratford and past president of the Ontario Trockey Association, whose wife is as ar- dent a hockey fan as himself, seemed to sum up the feeling of Stratford fans with the words, "I've watched a long time for this." The first and second periods were scoreless, while each tallied in the Watt. Stratford counted thi:te in ten minutes' overtime, the last in an open net. Car Leaves Highway. ,• Crashes School Sign Chief of Police Joseph Ferrand reported that about 4 a.m,, Fri- day, March 21, an automobile driven by John VanEgmond, 20, R.R. 1, Clinton, was proceeding west on Ontario St. when it swerved to the south side of the highway and collided with a hydro pole guide wire, breaking a school sign and ending up a- gainst a tree. Damage was esti- mated et $250 to $300. A charge of careless driving was laid, and was to be heard in Court at Goderich today. The car was removed to Lorne Brown Motors lot where the 1952 license sticker was removed. Po- lice laid charges of theft of the sticker and also of unlawfully removing a sticker from an auto- mobile, against William,. Coull, 30, Windsor, who was to appear in court at Goderich today. , • BOWL FOR FUN Weekly prizes during April for ladies and gents high singles bowled outside of lea- gue play. Grand prize of General 'Elec- tric Alarm for highest single of the month. OPEN BOWLING Wed., Fri. and Sat. Clinton Bowling Alley. FLOORS GLEAM who Aou Use )(4e NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC Floor Polisher you shorty "0 ,69.50 guide id Two counter-rotat- log brushes do rAgy Teems all the work, Merrill Radio-Electric antori 'Phone 313 404+44-++++044-04-04,0444-4-+4+ Clean YOUR Rugs with LAMORENE FASTER.. EASIER.. LESSFRM 0 N E Try it today . . prove for yourself that your carpets will come clean, stay clean longer . . . gum, lipstick, drink and food stains all vanish like magic with Lamorene! Ready .for instant use, Lamorene is safe, can't shrink your carpets . . . tested and approved by famous York Testing Laboratories. Large Economy Size $2.59 For best results you should use the special LAMORENE brush! The long, sturdy palmyra bristles work LAMORENE deep into the nap. Carpets come clean and fluffy. .$1.49 ete.lAmoREkF .;,5 (to! o SUTTER-PERDUE • Lorne Brown Motors Limited CHEVIZ0L8T—OLDSMOBILE—Saks & Service Your Priendly General Motors Dealer PHONE 367W wok 4•14 1,44* - CLINTON You're The Boss ,,,;= It's The Way You Do It! You'll Smile Too If i(ou Buy In The Right Place At The Right Time THE RIGI-IT PLACE? Right here — for a wide selection of late and early model USED CARS. THE RIGHT TIME? 1 Right Now! Our stock was never better nor prices lower. DO IT YOUR WAY! • Buy for Cash Trade or pay out of income while you drive. Do it your way — but see u$ soon. Won't you? 11111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111 Wood, Contract Let To W091, 5:ktniok Tpekersmitit Township School Area Board met in Egrnontiville school. lYfornbers present were: chairman 11 johns, MacLean, W, (Women and W. liroadfoot, Township Clerk E. P. Chesney received oath of office and al- legtance to. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth from each trustee, Teachers' reports, Public Health And Public School Inspector's ports were considered and order., ed filed. - Tenders for furnace wood for the schools were opened. The tender of V, Sytnick, Tucker,. smith, was accepted at $6 per cord delivered. The use of school properties for social events was discussed. It was decided to authorize the nearest .available trustee to grant permission and to fix the amount Of rent, if any, to be paid for such use of the schools. The Board also decided to purchase three new pupils' desks for the use of additional pupils expected to attend S.S, 4. School a* refund was granted to C. O'Brien in lieu of tuition fees paid to Hensall Public School, The question of teachers' con- tracts for '1952-53 was discussed. The secretary was instructed to write to the teachers in this re- gard, lVITIL,DIVIAY WINS Mildmay went one game up in their best-of-seven series in the intermediate "B" WOAA finals when they scored a 6-2 win over Zurich at Walkerton Monday night, putting Mildmay into a 2-1 lead in the series. The next game in the series was played Wednes- day night in Lucan. 0 Library Classroom Would be Advantage (Continued from Page One) be held in this room. Play prac- tices, which hitherto have been held in any corner which could be found, now would have ;a suitable rehearsal stage. The school yearbook, which is a note- worthy literary achievement of the last two years, would have headquarters here. The room would have movable tables instead of desks so that these functions could be carried on easily. It should be a bright cheerful place because reading is such more inviting in pleasant surroundings. The interesting dis- play of Canadian art which now is in Miss Hildebrand's room could be hung here for all stud- ents to appreciate. Students int- erested in library work could receive valuable training by supervising the library at noon hours, thus making books avail- able to the students at this time. These are only a few of the many advantages a library claSs- room would bring to CDCI. Most important of all is the fact that it would bring the best literature to the students in convenient pleasant surroundings. Reading is the most important part of every student's education and should be made readily available for everyone. •-•-eeseeto-esee-eseeesest Insure the Co-op Way Be sure to ask for. Comprehensive the new fire and theft coverage, when you buy your auto insurance. "Comprehensive" includes ' damage to your car as result of vandalism, flying missiles, storm, snow or water, or as a result of glass breakage from any accide,ntal cause, etc. YOUR CO-OP INSURANCE REPRESENTATIVE IS W. V. ROY BOX 310, CLINTON Res. Phone Office Phone Clinton 3243 Clinton 557 Prompt and fair claim settle- ments. Fair to our policyholders and fair to others. All careful drivers are eligible for Co-op auto insurance. 11-2-3-4--d s-e-te•-•-tee+s-4-4e•-•-•tee-e.eeet-e-e-e-e CEMENT Contractors CEMENT BUILDING and CHIMNEY BLOCKS . Built and Repaired GUY IVES and SONS Phone Carlow 1612 26-ptfb Clinton Plumbing Bathrooms Pressure Systems Sump Pumps Let Us Beautify Your Bathroom with STRAD Plastic Tile 4 colours to choose from See the samples oh dIsPlaY E. r REYNOLDS Phone 577R—Clinton 4-4-4-44.,*44 44444-4444-444-44-044 Anne Fairservice was voted the outstanding debater at the senior debating finals held at CDCI Friday afternoon last. Miss Fairservice and her part- ner, Bill. Cowan, both residents of Londesboro, successfully up- held the affirmative side- in the resolution: "Canada Should Have Socialized Medicine as it Exists in Britain Today." Arguing for the negative side, in what the judges termed "a close debate," were Barbara Middleton and Lloyd Holland, both residents of Goderich Town- ship. The three judges, who gave the decision to the affirmative side, were Mrs. L. M. McKinnon, Mrs. R. S. Atkey and Rev. A. Glen Eagle. The debate was held in the school auditorium before an aud- ience comprising nearly the whole student body. C. of C. Back Council To Check /Peddlers (Continued from Page One) .1•••••••••*.emm. Relations With RCAF T. H. Hammitt, Toronto, man- ager, Ontario Chamber of Com- merce, in acknowledging receipt of Clinton's annual membership fee, comnfented on the fact, that two members of the RCAF '(CS/C E. A. D. Hutton and S/L T. R. N. Duff) were serving on the Public Relations and Civic Com- mittee of the Chamber this year. D. L. Merrell, Montreal, gen- eral manager, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, in acknowledging Clinton's membership fee for 1952, pointed out that that body was anxious to lend assistance at any time. Pictures of Queen C. C. Proctor, secretary, Clin- ton Branch, Canadian segion, wrote offering for sale framed pictures of the Queen and Prince Philip. No action was taken as the Chamber 61 Commerce pos- sesses no permanent quarters of its own. Delegates Report President H. E. Hartley, vice- president Mitcheal McAdam, and Aid. L. G. Winter, reported briefly on their recent trip to Toronto to the Industrial Plan- ning Conference, conducted by Ontario Department of Planning and Development. They were thanked for their services. • April Meeting It was decided to invite J. J. Stuart, 'Windsor, president, On- tario Chamber of Commerce, to address the next general meeting of the Clinton Chamber which will be held the latter part of April, on such date as is agree- able to Mr. Stuart. Secretary-treasurer C. 0. Mar- tin was instructed to write a letter to this effect, and W. C. Newcombe was placed in charge of arrangements. The street signs will be placed immediately; three have been erected already. President Hartley was in charge of the meeting, and in addition, the following members of the executive were present: Mitcheal McAdam, L. G. Winter, G. E. Rumball, W. N. Counter, Leslie Ball, W. C. Newcombe' and R. S. Atkey; as well as C. 0. 'Vlartin, secretary-treasurer. Junior Club Leaders Attend Short Course Junior Club Leaders from all parts of Huron County took a one-day short course at Optario Agricultural College, Guelph, yesterday, accompanied by G. W. Montgomery, agricultural repee- sentative, and J. D, Butler, assist- ant. Five carleads, • numbering about 30 persons, .were on hand. Mr. Montgomery stated that there would be 20 Boys' and Girls' Clubs operating in Huron County this year, including a Calf Club, sponsored by Clinton Lions Club. with M, •Litchsr the leading El mira forward. Elmira Sr. Girls: M, Litcls (la), IVL Galley (6), Ce, Wei (1), V. Tornan, C. Carbert, Carbert, R. Wilkinson, NI, Co sineau, M. Miller, C. Martin, Omend, M. Fee. Clinton Senior Girls; 3. Cast (9), Tait, M, Hunking ($ 3. Hawkins, L. Garon (1), Lyon, 3, McVittie, D. Hurikin B. Parke„ Elmira 12-,-Clinton 6 Clinton Senior Girls went Elmira on Thursday for the turn match. In this, game t Elmira Seniors had the advert age because the Clinton gir were not accustomed to such big floor. Elmira won by a score of 12- giving them the round 29-24. Elmira girls now advance to t WOSSA. finala in London nee Saturday, Clinton Senior Girls: J'. Castli L. Garon (2), M. Bunking (3: B, Tait (1), .T Hawkins, 33. Park( 3. 1VIcVittie, D. Hunking, V. Lyot Elmira Senior Girls: M. Litch (8), M. Galley (4), G. Weiche L, Beggs, C. Carbert, M. Cartier Re Wilkinson, M.- Cousineau, Miller, C. Martin, M. ()mend, IV Farr. CLINTON NEWS-REP:MP t THICIRSPAle, ISM.Kft '•27) 1902. ••,• CDCI Basketball Go Down Battling LOLNOTES Mims of Clinton Murphy Lodge No. 110 Visited Victoria Lodge NO, 182 in Goderich last Week and conferred the, Orange degree on two candidates. reot.artPholYelletOip, .g7lt00-411.gtotleTiArist-S- OW , At this meeting the third degree will be conferred on sev,, eral candidates, Ero, J, C. C. HaMMOrid, of the .Insurance Department, will make his annual visit and will address the Lodge. Murphy Lodge 710 is sponsor. ing a play "Calm Yourself"; pre. sented by Caven Church YPU, Winthrop, in Clinton Town Hall March 20. South Huron :1401:t will hold its annual meeting in Clinton. on Wedaeaday, April 2 at 8 p.m, All members are requested to attend, Socialized Medicine Wins in Debate (By Shirley Harding) The semi-final play-off games for the WOSSA Senior -Girls' Basketball teams started off with a 'very .close and exciting game in the CDCI gymnasium on Tuesday, with Elmira as the visitors,. This game was packed full of thrills from the opening blast of the whistle. The score was 10,17 for Clinton, ,Toanne , Castle and Maxine HttlIking were the leading for- wards for Clinton in this game,