Clinton News-Record, 1952-03-27, Page 7511111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MIIIMII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11 11
To Announce the
on FRIDAY, MARCH 28, of
Have a Complete Stock of
Prices considerably lower than last year,
We Specialize In
25 to 30 lb. per acre mixtures can be made up to coat
you from $7.00 to $14.00 per acre. Hay Mixtures for
about 15 lb. per acre can be supplied less
than $7.00 per acre.
We also carry a Complete Line of
either in bulk or lit packages.
Expect our stock before April 1, Barley will be Mont-
calm, either by contract or cash sale, Oats expected to be
mostly Beaver, although trying to purchase some Clinton
Oats. Let us know your requirements and we will try to
have the grain in stock when you need It,
Fred 0. Ford
Phone 123W Clinton
Skilled Electronic Technicians For The Best In Prices For Vent Coheenitisot
SW Q141) 410. MILT .44.101p1;ftS 1)1
An artist's impression of the interior of the Canadian. Pacific Railway's new restaurant counter cars which will go
into service soon to feed over 50,000 immigrants which the
railway expects to carry from eastern Canadian ports to points
across the country during 1952. The new cars follow a design
conceived by the CPR's sleeping and dining, colonization, and
Mechanical departments after tests conducted last year with
stripped-down standard dining cars proved the need for newly
designed equipment. Their aim is to provide less costly meals
more quickly in a setting which will make the traveller feel
at ease.
ClIft's New Restaurant Cars
3,1r.v I Orr. I 0111.101.111.010001,01111111111111.11
DireeOrs; Mrs. Fred Mn.i. George gankiltQn. Mrs. Oliver:
Anderson, Miss xt4e1. WaS1444.0a. ten. Mrs. Fred Ross, Mrs, Arvid* Robinson, Mrs. W. J. Craig' audit..
ors, Mrs., gd$Or Lawson, Igo. strAqown,.
(By George
In 1999. the Provincial Oevern#,
merit realizing the inedetittacipe
of the section of the Municipal
Act, created under the
JLa Fontaine Act of 1640, which
dearth with assessment to some
extent, appointed a commission
limier judge MacLennan to hear
appeale, arguments and .enbraise slops
etc., against the assessment
methods laid down In that Act.
The Commission which met for
nearly five years and heard Many
submissions from Boards of
Trade, merchants, labor organiz, ations, municipal officials a n d
single tax advocates among oth-ers, brought in a number -of in,
terim recommendations many -0 Which were incorporated in the
first Assessment Act of 1904
which dealt solely with municipal
assessment and taxation, They
made many recommendations —
the majority of which, with some
Maier and in other instances
Minor amendments, constitutes.
our present Assessment Act,
The woodsman' of Canada's
pulpwood domain is a changed
man. The pulp and paper comp-
anies are now providing more
stable employment and better
conditions both as to camp ac-
commodations and meals. The
woodsman however is still a hard--
working spirited man with a sense
of humor. In Gordon Cosens'
view, he's one of the best types
to be found anywhere.
Cosens has just been appointed
General Manager of Woodlands
operations for all Kimberly-Clark
companierin Canada and the US.
These are largely concentrated in
northern Ontario and northwest-
ern Quebec. He won't talk about
himself, but he will talk about
the future of Canada and of the
northland, about the woodsmen,
regenerating forests and pulp and
paper. When he talks of these
things he is really telling his
whole life's story, for he has de-
voted his working years to Can-
ada's forests. Some of K-C's
limits are steam driven and the
pulpwood floated cheaply; other
sections ship their wood by rail.
Cutting is carried on in a care-
fully-organized plan across its
limits, so much each year in.each
section of each division. This
helps to stabilize costs; otherwise
the cheaper more accessible wood
might be used first and the com-
pany would have to face much
higher costs in the future. It also
reduces the fire hazard by min-
imizing the quantity of "slash" or
brush left in an area in any one
Cosens was born in 1901 hi
Clinton, Ontario of a pioneer
Huron County family. His father
was science teacher at Parkdale
Collegiate in Toronto. Graduat-
ing from University of Toronto in
forestry in 1923, the younger
Cosens worked for pulp and pap-
er concerns for twelve years, then
W. Ames) •.
In 1947 the .Present Minister of
Monicipal Affairs, the Honourable
q, I. Dunbar leek the first eerie
erete step to actively assist mu,.
oleiPalities in assessment by ere,-
sting an Assessinent Branch to
aid and advise municipalities and
assessors in their assessment
problems. In 1950 Mr, Dunbar
Went further by issuing a Mann.,
Al of Assessment Values to be
used as 4' guide by assessors in
determining values for assessment.
POrPoses. The adoption of this
Manual was not made compulsory
but was at the discretion of the
municipalities and the assessors,
County Councils
The form of municipal govern-
ment which we should be most
interOted in is our local muni-
cipal government, Yet we have
another form of municipal gov-
ernment which administers some
municipal services and to pay
for these municipal services a
charge appears in our local tax
These governments are known
as county councils or territorial
district organizations. In South-
ern Ontario, there are 38 Admire-
istrative County Councils and
they govern certain municipal, services. Their administration for
some purposes includes 97 towns,
150 villages and 429 townships,
and one improvement district.
In Northern Ontario we have
11 Territorial Districts which for
some purposes levy charges rated
on assessment. The charges for
the municipal services dispensed
appear in the tax bills of the
local ratepayers in these territor-
ial districts and they comprise
five cities, 46 towns, ten villages,
144 townships and 16 improve-
ment districts.
(An explanation of why we as
ratepayers should be vitally in-
terested in the assessment of oth-
er municipalities besides our own
will appear in the next article.)
ZURICH—The quarterly supper
meeting of Zurich Chamber of
Commerce was addressed by
Judge T. M. Costello, Goderich„
whose topic was "Citizenship."
Slippery roads over the March
15 weekend were the reason for
several accidents inyolving local
people. A. Garen figured in an
accident on Highway 4, south of
Exeter, and R. Moore, in one on
Highway 8, between Clinton and
Seaforth. No one was badly in-
jured, although the carennd truck,
respectively, sustained consider-
able damage,
SEAFORTH—Encouraging re-
ports were given by board mem-
bers, all committees and the
hospital superintendent, when the
Scott Memorial Hospital Board
held its annual meeting. Miss
Valeria Drone, hospital superin-
tendent, was commended highly
for the efficient manner in which
the •hospital is operating.
=SS Iletrid Anderson, rot Colborne, visited her mother,Mrs.
W. T. Robison at the weekend,
Albert Pucklow, Atwood, and
Mrs. Thomas J. Baker, Wing'*
ham. visited Miss Clara Schultz,
Visiters with Mr, and Mrs, Wil-
liam 3. Craig at the weekend
were Mr. and Mrs. •George WiL.
kin and son, Robert, London; Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Craig; Mr. and
Mrs. G. Chisholm and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Worsell, Goderich.
1,00 Trees Tapped
Prank Raithby has started the
maple syrup, season, having about
1,900 trees tapped.
To Show Slides
The Horticultural Society will
hold a meeting in the Forester's
Hall on Wednesday, April 2,
when the H. C. D4Wnhalin Nurs-ery Co. of StratimY will show
colored slides and talk on Hew-
ers, Everyone is welcome.
Wins Gardening Honours
Harvey Wightrnan, R.R. 2, Au-
, burn, won second place honours
at the 11th annual graduation
exercises of the Hiagaia Parks
Commission School of gardening
at Niagara Falls. Completing a
three-year course at America's
only school of gardening, Wight-
man won the thesis award and
received a $109 check, He recent-
ly received his diploma from
Parks Commissioner Cecil Se-
cord, of St. Catharines.
Attends Funeral
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightmon
attended the graduation of Har-
vey Wightman which took place
in Niagara Parks Commission's
school for apprentice gardeners in
the refectory. Harvey alsoe won
the prize for the best thesis on
horticulture and the award was
presented at the graduation ex-
ercises. Harvey is going to Vic-
toria Parks in Victoria, I3.C., for
the summer months.
Play Presented
The 3A group of Knox United
Church presented their three-act
farce "Ma's New Husband", In
the Forester's Hall Friday night,
to a capacity audience. Mrs. Al-
bert Campbell introduced the cast
as follows: Hercules Hauser,
Ma's fiance, taken by Harry
Sturdy; Mrs. Lottie Dinsmore,
Ma, Mrs. Archie Robinson; Lucy
Dinsmore, her elder daughter,
Mrs. Carl Mills; Marion Dins-
more, her younger daughter, Mrs,
A. Plunkett; Fred Seymour, their
cousin, Arthur Grange; Elwood
Thornton, who comes to see Lucy,
Carl Mills; Ned Walker, Marion's
boy friend, Glenn Patterson;
Simplicity, the 'maid, Irene
Wright; two glamour girls, Mar-
ion McIver and Eileen Murdoch;
, an officer, Ted Mills,
Between acts Elliott Lapp rend-
ered solos accompanied by Miss
Margaret Jackson. The play was
directed by Miss Sadie Carter and
Mrs. Albert- Campbell.
Auburn WI Meets ,
Rev. C. C. Washington was the
guest speaker at the March meet-
ing of the Women's Institute held
in the Forester's Hall, Mr. Wash-
ington spoke on "We the People."
A vote of thanks was accorded
Mr, Washington by Mrs. A. Nesbit
and Mrs. H. Sturdy, A harmon-
ica selection was given by Mrs.
Everett Taylor and Mrs. Bert
Craig contributed a reading. The
roll call was answered by "An
Irish Joke." The April meeting
will be the annual Sunshine
Sisters banquet.
The district president, Mrs.
Lorne Scrimgeour, Blyth, pres-
ided for the election of officers
which resulted as follows; Hon.-
The outstanding changes were
that the value of the property
was to be considered and not the
type or class of construction; that
the actual value of farm land
instead of the type Of soil was to
determine the assessment value;
that business asse`ssment was to be
levied 'on the value' of land and
buildings used for such business
instead of such hypothetical and
hard to ascertain methods as
amount of trade and stock on
hand at the time of the-assessor's
Taxed On Real Value
In that • period they placed
more reliance on the selling value
of property than we wisely do to-
day, in view of the demand for
housing accommodation which
governs the selling price biirnot
the real or actual value.
In 1940 an- amendment to pro-
vide for the appointment of
County Assessors was brought in-
to force, As this amendment is
very important, it will be dealt
with in a later article. In 1946
the provisions which dealt with
the method of ascertaining assess-ment values were amended and'
these changes are now contained
in Section •33.
%1400101114411044004 4114 4 , — 4 / 4, 4 ,
The History of Assessment and
Munkipal ,Taiation in Ontario,
catam mws,R,Ecom)
News of Auburn
100 H.P. or better, equipped with mechanical or hydraulic
controls; snowplow and wing; 12-ply tires, 14x24, front and
rear; lights; operator's repair manual and parts book.
Tenders to state trade allowance for No. 12 Cater-
pillar grader, equipped with snowplow, wing and scarifier
together 'with parts on hand, including tire chains.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
For further information apply to Robert Dalrymple,
road superintendent, Egmondville, Ontario.
(Signed) E. P. CHESNEY,
Township of Tuckerstnith
4.4-4-44-****4-44#4.4-4***4#44-44-44-***4-*** s-,4 *4 4•$144#
'Township of Tuckersmith
TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up
to 2 p.m.
March 31, 1952,
for a
Clinton Native Attains High
Post In Forest Field
(lire Financial Post) event back to U. of rr, to teach,
end became Dean of Forestry in
1942. In 1947 he returned to pulp
and paper with Kimberly-Clark.
Asked about cropping the forests,
he says he thinks the paper com-
panies are conscientiously trying
to treat the trees as a crop,
Since it takes spruce pulpwood
in northern Ontario 100 years to
reach maturity, this requires an
extremely long-range view. Add
to this the need for knowledge,
as he explains, "A tree's growth
is as complicated as that of a
human being. Medical men can't
give all the answers about peo-
ple, we can't give all the details
about tree growth: We are pro-
gressing as quickly as we learn.n
Kimberly-Clark has its head of-
fice in the U.S., but most of its
woodlands in Canada. LongLac
Pulp and Paper is a subsidiary,
while the backbone industry of
Kapuskasing, Ontario Spruce
Palls Power and Paper, is con-
trolled by K-C.
if796`V g°64e et cr RECORD SALE (,4410S1Foi c'I tsiG Unused Records-3 for $1
Home Entertainment at its best — with
orarY presidents, Mrs. ZdgarZor..
sea, Mrs, Herb Megtidge; past presideat, Mrs, Albert Campbell;
president, Mrs. Wes Bradnoek;
vice-Presidents, Mrs. A. Nesbit,
W. T. Robison; secreteri-
treasurer, Mrs, Donald Fowler;
assistant, Mrs. Albert Campbell;
district director, Mrs. Bert Craig,„
Publicity convener, Mrs, Fred
Ross; pianists, Mrs. R. 4, Phil-' lips, Mrs. George Million, Mrs. W. J. Craig, Ms, SW McClinclie1r;
visiting committee. Mrs. Gordon
Debie, Mrs. W. Plnekett, Mrs.
W. Good, Mrs, Fred Plaetzer,
Mrs, W. T. Robison.
Standing .eoininittee .eonvonerfg. Agriculture and -Canscifmr-lit,
Onstries, Mrs, Prank Nesbit; _el.*,
zen,shiP and education, Mra, Maury
ice Bean; community activities
and public relations, Mrs, Bert
Deer; historical research and cur-rent events, Mrs. George Itatattle toll; home economics, Mrs. Ernest.
Patterson; health, Mrs. Arch*.
Robinson; resolutions, Mrs. Roho
ert ChaMtleY; - Mrs. Scrimgeour installed the
officers, Lunch WAS .servecl, by' Mrs,. W. Good, Mrs. Thomas liege gift, Mrs: jack Hallam, Mks.
'Worthy Young, Mrs, A, ?Kirk,.
For Canada Malting Company
Contracts Can Be Arranged By Phone or Letter
All Barley Will Be Treated Free of Charge
Geo, T. Mickle & Sons Ltd.
McKinley Farms & Hatchery
Producers of
Canadian Approved Chicks
Write or phone and ask McKinley's
regarding your chicks for 1952
697r11 Hensall R.R. 1, Zurich
‘‘Aysiwetre care& t
with I/kr/ars°
Whether we are saving money
and materials 'by reconditioning
wire, cable — telephone
equipment of all kinds -.and
putting it bock to work...
Or checking the fuel consumption
of our trucks in the hope
of saving a few tents per
truck per day,- Or devising
new- equipment that will Carry
a bigger load, or last longer,
or cut down on repairs • . •
ev—r- --eseeee
RADIOS. and RecOrd Players
See the New LONG-PLAYING RECORDS Up to 45 Minutes of Music
Clinton Telephone 482 kuntritt MOORE% 11011011,8TERING
Keeping en dye on costs is part of
our daily chore. To give you the big.
gest possible value for your telephone
dollar we must get one hundred cents
out of every dollar We speed.
keeping our costa down has kept
the cost of your telephone lowtTlutes
the way we both want it to be.