The Wingham Times, 1885-02-13, Page 6e fli WINGiTAX PRIDAY rE13. ,13, Jalitle! IN'CONNECITIONINVITH Hi- Diet —4"111 s a farther in neeme 1.‘ give alma a s lendid IT OIR)1121± THE MANNER IN WHICH THE GIFT WILL BE MPOSED IS AS FOLLOWS :-- 4;. Every Cash purchaser of $2 worth of (3 -odds or oiraicisfellit 0,t�bi guess at the number of Buttons in :a. vase which is in the : Window. Every guess is registered .in a book :provided .for the purpose, an the customer gets a duplicate of liis or her guess, and .iviriaen, t.11,0 buttons are counted., the person guessing the number, or the 'neaies, to it will' get the Muff and Gape, and those who .are .not 80 fortunate as to get the above articles will have the. 1.atisfaotion.l.of ilthrOttlxigthh. they have bought their gdods at .one of "the greatest •Qieoltg. §6,16, , ever held in Wingham.- I 4 c • ,, •,. N ' • t: ,011' otooats. Fro.- Heavy Tweeds and Etoffes at 50 cents per yard, ..aual price 75cts. hea'vy luv'901.ett goods land Purs marked down to cost and undr, and in fact all our immense stock, comprising Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Crockery and •Glassware, &c., &c., must be soldin,ord.er to make room for Spring Inaporta- , tions. Still On hand, a few -Half Chests of our Ti 1 INVCOL61V,E* of•6I)P4 'AT FIVETOUNDS POE 0.11E`DOLLAIL 'WE GIVE YOU A POUND OP TRE CtLEBRATED NEW ERABAXING POWDER FOR FIFTY CENTS AND PRESENT VOU:WITB. A CARVING trENIFFA AND FORK WORT11 75 .CENTS FOR' TAKING IT AWAY..