Clinton News-Record, 1952-01-10, Page 3Ooderids Township VIS Reg. $2'5° f011 A 1.11010 'MAE 01,43 BLUSTERY WEATIIER LOTION. _444 .4.444-4_•,e44,4444-44- VARNA -*-e-eee-ele-e-e-e-e-e-etetee.-seee-e-e-4-e 'Verne WMS Meets One visitor present. Mrs. Fred Reid and Mrs Ern- ie McClinchey opened the meet- ing by reading from the mission- ary sheet, •fell9wed by hymn 12. Mrs. Frg Reid con1:1tenee g. Mrs, George Reid read the scripture. Hymn 390 Was then sung. Mrs. George Reid g. Minutes of the December 'meet-, ing were read and adopted and seconded by Mrs, Robert. Taylor, The roll call for Februaryll be answered with the word 1.4Z, and there were five sick calls to shut-ins. The program was eon- tinued by Mrs. Fred Reid, with Mrs, Lee McConnell, Miss Rachel Johnson and Mrs. Ernie IVIcClin- chey reading from the study book. Mrs. Pitt closed the meet- ing with _prayer. Lunch was served, (Intended for last week) Watch-Night Service In the Goshen United Church, a Watch-Night service was held on New Year's Eve at 11 p.m., the minister conducting. Con- sidering the icy condition Of the roads there was a good congrega- tion present. As the hour of midnight the church bell . was rung, ringing out the old and ringing in the new. Sunday School Programme In the Town Hall, Varna, the United Church Sunday School gave a Christmas programme on Friday, Dec. 21. The night was very stormy, but the hall was crowded. Those who took part gave a very good account of themselves and the various items were very much enjoyed. The programme was directed by Mrs. Williarn McAsh and. Mrs. Bruce McClinchey. The pianist was Miss Ruth Clarke. Santa Claus Varna WMS held its January meeting ,15it the home of Mrs, I.o ee McConnell, with 13 members and ,A14141VERSAR`i SALE • ' 05 E0 ON 1SIO VO* 1.0 N E Y UA E Entire Stock Boys' and Girls' Station Wagon Coats Deduced - 20% DISCOUNT 4-4444.-44.-44444.444444-4,444-4.44444444-44P44,44-44.4 GIRLS' ALL-WOOL PLAID DRESSES sizes 8 to 12 Regular $5.75-NOW $4.50 4-44,44 MISSES' CORDUROY SKIRTS sizes 12 to 18 Regular $5.95-NOW $4.75 $4444444444444444444444-4440.444+4-444-44444-4.4. MISSES' HEAVY WOOL SKI-PANTS Elastic Cuffs - sizes 16-18-20 Regular 4.50-NOW $2.95 -4-4-4444444.-.44444.44.4 44.444444-4. Boys' Black and Red Check SKI-CAPS Kasha lined Regular %4.19-NOW 79c 1-44-4444-444444444-4.4-4.4-.44-4-4-o-4-4.4-444-44.4-4- .444-* 1 Piece Ea., Wallace and Fraser ALL-WOOL TARTAN PLAIDS Regular $2,98-NOW $2.25 yard 20% Discount on Large Selection of Plain and patterned Marquigette CURTAIN MATERIAL Mostly Kitchen Patterns 27-inch White FLANNELETTE Regular 45c-NOW 3 Yards $1.00 Children's CORDUROY JODPHURS size 3 to 6x Regular 3,95--NOW $2.69 444-444++444444-44-•-494444-4444++444-44-444-44-444.4-,- Boys' Penman's Fleece-Lined COMBINATION UNDERWEAR sizes 6-8-10 Regular $2.50-NOW $1.69 4444,44-44-44.-44.44.44 Special Group-- CORSETS and GIRDLES Sizes 26 to .(30 Regular to $0.95---SPECIAL $2.98 -4•-•4-4441-04 PRINTED CORDUROY CHECKED MATERIAL Black and YeilOW - Black and White Block ,and Red Regular $2.95-NOW $2.25 100% Pure Wool BROADCREPE DRESS MATERIAL In Beautiful Shades Regular $3.50-NOW $2.50 per yard Circular Wool JERSEY DRESS MATERIAL Black-Red-Green-Wine Regular $2.95-NOW $2.25 4444.4.4444,44.4 81-inch American Cotton BLEACHED SHEETING Regular $ .59-NOW $1.25 s-4-444 4444+4 4.444+ WABASSO HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASESL-42-incii Regular $1.95 pair,-NOW $1.69 4444444-444444,44444.4 WABASSO 42" CIRCULAR PILLOW TUBING Regular 1.15 yard-NOW 85c MARTINS STORE .CLINTON ISTEWS4MCORD PAGE THREE .IYHVASPAY, .JANUARY 10, 1352 • - Fe0 P, Allen White,.Centralia,1 Mrs, George Stewart, Misses Vent New Year's day at the home Agnes and UNIQUE PHOTO SERVILE Westinghouse!" tion . . However, the active by all doing our share! . . 4,444444-44444.-#4.+++.4-0.++++. work of the organization is done by less than fifty women . . . * 4 * TO give the many hundred other members an opportunity to become "active," Miss Win O'Neil, the energetic finance convener, is holding a "Games Week" the latter part of this month and is asking all 419 members and all other ladies in town and in the community to invite three neigh- bours or friends in for a cup of tea, a game of bridge or euchre or canasta or five hundred, and only-service . . . Now, the very turn in a dollar (25c each) to the nominal membership fee is 25c ward convener . . Last year and as a result 419 ladies in the Games Week earned $500 town joined the auxiliary last toward the Auxiliary budget . Year and made their contribu- Let's make it greater this year- 36W PHONES THE first few weeks of the New Year area time for taking stock , , Whither it be an in dividual, a businesa, an organ- ization or town, there must :*.seds come a time- when it is H'44-4-444444-44444-44.4-4-44-4-4 tdo Wes tinghouse oe ELECTRIC GRIDDLE Now! Enjoy short-order cooking at home . at the cottage .. or anywhere AC current is available! This new, practical and versatile griddle fries, grills and toasts - easier, faster! It's compact and easy to carry! Has large surface capacity . . easy-to-clean grill! White enamel finish! Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish Westinghouse Dealers PHONE 479 Residence 358 "Every House Needs wise and necessary to eheck on past accomplishments and fail- ures and to chart a course for the future • * WITH regards to individuals, there is the time-worn joke that this is done by making New Year's resolutions, which often as not are not kept . . . With organizations, it is a time for annual meetings, when detailed reports show in concrete form how much has been accomplish, °CI * tk AS these are Prosperoue times, especially so, in Clinton, where there is no unemployment prob- lem, such as some towns and cities have had to face during the past year, most organizations are going to show reports that are most successful, especially in financial matters* , . • HOWEVER, no matter what has been accomplished in the past, no individual or group can stand still „ . So while there should be a brief pause to enjoy and appreciate past works, it should be brief. . The past is done with, but the 'future looms ahead. . . And there is always so much to do . . . * THE Hospital Auxiliary held its annual meeting Monday af- ternoon, and after listening to the reports of the various committees, we were impressed, as we al- ways are, by the amount of work accomplished to make the Clin- ton Public Hospital as efficient in regards to equipment and as, comfortable for the patients as is possible for a modern small hospital . • • * EACH year the auxiliary raises between two and three thousand dollars to purchase much needed equipment and "extras" for the hospital . . . In the five years the auxiliary has been re-organ- ized since the war that means approximately ten thousand dol- lars has been spent to aid the hospital and that kind of money isn't to be sneezed at . . THE Auxiliary is one of the few "community" organizations for women . And apart from the Lions Club, it is the only organization that has one aim •-• 44-4444-4e4-4.4.44-44-44-e44-4 HURON ROAD . (Intended for last Week) Happy Workers Meet The Happy Workers' Club held its December meeting at the home a Mrs. Warren Gibbings with all members present, The meeting opened by sing- ing "Silent Night" followed by the Lord's Prayer. The treasur- er and secretary's report was then given. °et Mrs, Albert Glazier won the prize; Reggie Smith drawing the ticket, Mrs. Newman Garret had the lucky chair and also the lucky number, A reading was given by Wanetta Holland. The next meeting to be held at Vlie home of Mrs, William Glazier, A 'Christmas programme was put on: A recitation by Reggie Smith and also Dougie Smith. A duet was sung by Betty Ann and Doug Gibbings, The children sang "Away in a Manger." The meeting closed by singing God Save the *King. Christmas boxes were then exchanged. Later a dainty lunch was serv- ed by group 4 which 'are Mrs. George Glazier, Mrs, Newman Garret and Mrs. Warren Gib- binge. Proceeds for the afterneon amounted to $3.57, paid a visit to the hall and dist- riButed gifts. Christmas Pageant On Sunday night, Dec. 30, in Varna United Church, a pageant "Guests at the Inn" was presented under the auspices of the Wom- en's Association. Christmas carols familiar to all, and choruses written especially for the pageant were sung by an adult choir un- der the leadership of Mrs. Lee McConnell. the • large congregation was very much impressed by the pag- eant, the scenery and costumes added greatly to the effect, " The cast consisted of the fol- lowing-Mary, mother of Jesus, Mrs. Robert Taylor; Joseph, Ro- bert Taylor; the innkeeper, Gor- don Johnson; his wife, Mrs, Ern- est McCIinchey; Jonathan, their son, Ivan McClymont, There were. also shepherds and, Wise Mene and a group of children represented angels. Mrs. Anson Coleman read the Christmas story from the New New Testament. Pageant was un- der the direction of Mrs. John McAsh. The association is grate- ful to all who gave assistance. Christmas Eve Service At 9 p.m. ;Christmas Eve, a service was held in the church by Rev. T. T. Pitt, who gave an address in keeping with the Christian .festival of Christmas. The Christmas hymns had a spec- ial significance sung as they were on the anniversary of that "wond- rous night" over nineteen hund- red years ago. PLUM gave a monologue very ably indeed; a dialogue, "The Merry lVfaidell's Club" with the senior boys dressed as girls "brought -down the house"; never have -we seen such "gams" and lipstick. A lovely dance, "Jingle Bells," harmony singing of the Christmas carols and varied re- citations, numbers from the rhythm band all contributed to round out a very complete pro- gram. Miss Olive Johnson and her pupils are to be congratulated on 0 WINS RACING CAR Winner of a child's racing car, offered by Martins Store during the weeks before Christmas was Mrs. Thomas Appleby, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Lucky ticket was drawn by Miss Edna Ball, Lon- don, on Christmas Eve. Take Advantage of our Modern Equipment and Efficient Workmanship to Get the Best at the Lowest! TRY US AND SEE! man BUSINESS FORMS Invoices Biliheads Statements Noteheads Letterheads° Factory Forms ENVELOPES (All Sizes) Window Envelopes Governinent Post Cards Visiting Cards Business Cards Invitation Cards Wedding Invitations (Envelopes included) SMALL BOOKLETS CHURCH REPORTS PRIZE LISTS Advertising Programs NOTE AND LETTER CIRCULARS Admission Tickets Draw Tickets Private Cheques Prescription Forms Shipping Tags Gummed Labels Ballots WINDOW CARDS DISPLAY POSTERS Aut"ction Sale Bills MOM THERE'S NO NEED TO GO FARTHER THAN THE OLD RELIABLE Clinton News Record Pine Commercial Printing Phone 4 Clinton 1111.1611101111$61111111111111 Let's Chat • , A Woman's Viewpoint on This and That , . Hy MBA 'FRF."-.19,-99."9109 of. IVIn end Mrs. John Middleton, Goderich, spent christmas with Miss Lois Middleton has re- Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. turned to Toronto after spending Mr, and Mrs. Norman Black.- her vacation with her parents, well, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton., C, Hardy, Woodstock, were Goes to Te,ta,s ! Christmas visitors with Mr. and Miss. June Middleton, daughter I Mrs. Wilf.rid Glazier, concession of Mr, And Mrs. John Middleton, 11, Ruth and Iva returning with who has been on the nursing them fer a visit. staff at Clinton Public Hospital, ) SPleutild Prograheme left by plane on Saturday from I Fairmount (Na. 10) School- London,. to Eagle Pass, Texas, house was the scene of a splendid where she has been appointed to variety program on Thursday the. nursing staff of Memorial evening, Dec. 20. In spite ol Hospital. Farm Forum Meets I very bad road conditions and stormy weather a good crowd at-. S.S. No, 4 Farm Forum held tended. Robert Welsh was the the first meeting of the New able chairman and Miss Olive Year at the home of Mr, and Johnson, teacher, was pianist. Mrs, rrvine Tebbutt, with twelve This program, 'had many out- members in attendance. The radio standing numbers, and all efforts topic for discussion was "Should showed results of patient train- we increase production?" It was ,ing. Pleasing piano solos were decided by the discussion groups, rendered by Misses Catherine, that the countries who have not Elaine and Marilyn Rathwell. An enough food, should try to in- Irish dance by the seniors was crease their production. Farmers I very well received as was the Would like an increased produc- dialogue "Curing the Rheumatz',, tion of manufactured goods, i with Jamie Storey very well cast which should cause the price of 'as the. valuable victim. Grace machinery, etc„ to be lowered, and then the farmer could afford to sell the farm products for a lower price. Our government would not allow the import of cheaper foreign manufactured goods, so it was recommended that more goods be manufactured for their own people, in their own country. Following the ...iscussion there was a recreation period, and lunch was served. The next meeting is to be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merrill. (Intended for last week) the excellence of their pregram Wishing the staff, the cornpli- and the beautiful decorations ment of the season. • which enhanced the schoolroom. Miss Mahe' Hudie, Ottawa, has The arrival of very jovial and been holidaying in the Clinton affectionate Santa to unburden district, the laden Christmas tree climaxed Mr. and Mrs. Bob Glen sperlt an interesting evening. New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Tyndall, Miss Lois Middleton, Toronto, spent the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton. Mrs. Clarence Potter is staying with her grandchildren, while their mother is at the hospital with her husband. Myna IVIiddleton, Of 36jf Phone 97 Builders' Supplies spEhAZIT81 CLINTON LUMBER, LIME, TILE, BRICK A DESIGN FOR EVERY PURSE AND PURPOSE 40441., "4, BALL • MACAULAY The very finest in styling and quality. See our complete display of Amerock Cabinet Hardware. Four matched pattekos of striking beauty. CABINET HARDWARE ,-""'he.-eoh-mwon F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST NOXZEMA ,SPECIALS 6 oz.-98c 10 oz,- $1.25 VITA RAY SMOOTHSKIN LOTION Special $1,65 with pump $1.90 Prell Shampoo with 1 CAKE CAMAY SOAP Woodbury's Soap 4 for 30c BATH SIZE 2 for 25c Harriet Hubbard Ayer Hand Cream Reg. 3.00 For $1.50 REVLON 2 FOR 1 SET Lipstick and Nod Polish $1.00 dk• PHONE 14 aimmanamma Better Printing at ...Lower Prices! DRUG STORES