The Wingham Times, 1885-02-06, Page 7, . I • • Weateraairrelearteleelfe TEIR IirlGRAM TIME S,111115AT pt13 d h"""r""'"""""*"" OUSE Good ATalue. • COUNT r CO ILTN C itoil than eleven members was unanimously eft by granting the Ontarto ladle Jae- • . , ..._.— earyied• etiolation, $10—carried. , The eew OonnteeCounciI met In the, 11. le Council then adjournedeto meet A copy of the Ontario Statutes was . a ;Quart Holum, Goderich, on 'Tuesday of at, 10 on Timelier. morning, ordered for each Reeve and Deputy. eate ast week,a' The 'following *eori of anonpay.. • air. Stmlain 'Was instructed to ax- e. lee :proceedings is taken •frome the a hie the Zetlancl bridge and the one . e ews.Itecord ea . e Connell met at 10. IVIesre ubers all pre. between upper and Is wez Wingha, After the certificates of election Jia este,-t' n Two tenders were received for and report their condition at the Jane the coenty printing and referred to memetoivneedlby et nominations for Wardeu. 0811 reeoided the county ale* called , Pinting Opinenittee. Tenders for build. Johnstoia seconded bY Moved by MeMillianaseeouded by ing bridges netween Hay and Stanley, Kaye That Messrs. Barstone of Sea- and'between Hay end Stephen, were forth, Gregory, of Exeter, and Halls, . That Thorium Statchane reeye referred to Road and•Bridge Comnit• of Goderieb, be appoitted the county I Grey, be Warden goad by Jo.hnten, secondea by te4. • Report of the Selecting Commit 13oard of Examiners for the' 'examine:- tiy, That politick Keny, reeve 0 10%read and adopted. Stateineat of ' tion of sehool teachers for the current the amounts paid the Inspectors. • of year -carried. Vial, he Warden.. • , - : Oa a ballet being taken there voted- public schools referred tie the School It was moved, seconded and carried, or Me. ZellY 23, and for ;me. latrachan Oommittee. - Report of Mr, Girvin, E. - that the council would receive no .ec- nd B Oommissioner,,was read and re- count unless it contained a detailed 3, whenthe Clerk declarod Sir: Kelly a ferred to R and 13 Corn. statement of delete'. • leder/ for the year 1$85) M n i • . Moved by Burnie, eeconded by Bea- A motion to grant $200 for the pier- Tear Warden having taken eae.a • • cow, That the clerks of the different pose of building a lockup at Gerrie was heeleedfee Council for the haileeat- air erredarenehim-, and made the. usual de- municipalities be instructed to forward referred to Finance coneinieto. laieetien ef office. the assessment rolls to the county The reports of the echoer and visit. Clerk before the first day of December Mg and juil and eourt housecommit , ti by 0. Wilson, seconded by in each year. tee were read and adopted. .I'hat a 'Striking Comniittee of ve be belloted f4r—eirried."' On a Moved by. Iticalillian secoraed by aloved by Cook, seconded by •Coats allot being talmn the committee was Britton, That a new bridge be built at That the Road conunissamere be paid eolared tu consist of Messrs. Me- Londosborough. Leferred to R. and $2.00 per diem and travelling expenses illian, Ray, Keine, Hennings and B.' com. . . when actually empleyed ...eh county • A large number of accounts; were work—lost hy a:majority of 63 Report, of Road and Bridge cempeite tee read and adopted. '. . • Flynn's bridge...in Ashfield .wexon motion of Griffin, '.ssconded by Clare, 31jiott. aloaed by Beacom, seconded b., 113 eereit to Finance emu. a' Moved by Currie, seem ded by Henn- ook, That ere. Jas. Patton ba auditor live. That the bridge at Fisher's milli or torrent year. at Wingheen, be moulded, as to ith • Meved by' Essen seeondad by E. soundneesaj Referred I ibex: That Mr. W. N. Watson be • uditere Mr. Watson's appointment was eareied .by a majority often. The Council met at 10 a. tn. Members as orbit eppesinted lafteganees. Patton all present. Several aces:ends were as the other auditor. , read aud referred to Fioance Com. A. CosineReedjeteriied to Wednesdeaseit motion to appoint aneerigtoeer for the 10a. me .county was lost. WRDNESDAY. Moved by Cook,seeonded by Wilson net the Reeve dead) municipality • Connell met at 10. Members all pre. attend to the building and repairing of eat. Minutes of Tuesday's meeting county bridges and receive front the read and approved. t • couuty eel aecompense $2 per day, and ;I e piartion from Mrs. Ross and 'a that ehey lihvepower to call in an • en- niaber • of ladies of the 'fflaovale'glmor wheir reqpisite. Lost by 19. Christian Temperance Umon, .reguest- Moved he athendroent by, Clegg, . ,• , lig the emend' to erect a }loose ,of seconded by Betteom, That Messrs. 14 11 If 7 LiSSUM08. by the 00110ty. - The council then aajoariied to '1 p. • re. At 7 p. m. the Witesten took 'the Asir. - • . Moved by Maine, seaanlid by An- derson, 'that the egtielizaitati cominit- tee meet on the 1st mbnav June 91 p. in., to equelize the tolls: Cala' ried. The Clerk was instructe•I to write the clerks of the various' unnicipala: ave. asking them co fuenieh fertile ith a statement allowing bonuses that their municipality have paid railway com maim. • wee referred to the Special 1 e bylaws appointing Ailditatie ' Herder; O. Girviii, G. Elliott and T. •Boatcl of Audit and. Road eommission- caninittee0. Dr. • Rosebnrgh'S appli— .Strachati be. appointed. Road Cumin's- ers were severally paseeda !, Mien to- a grant to the Prisotter's Aid a sioners for the ourrent year—carr!ed Mr. Elliott was instructed to inspect • ociety was .referred to the 'Finance by ” r4 majrity of 3, Bayfield bridge '' and have the beam , ommitte, as was also a circular from Moved by Campbell, seconded by repaired if necessary. he Ontario Rifle Aseociotioti of a like . Ourrio That Mr.* James Hays be After tee appointment of the Stand- ,. • -, ex- mport. A . circular from the County, added to the »umb6r of Read (.on lila committees for 1885; the council ouncil of Lincoln regarding the mptions was referred to the Special missioners —carried. then adjourned to Meat. on the first Moved by D,urnin, :seconded la' Tuesday in June. pornmittee. A. circular from . the Eiber, That this Couneil-pass a by -111W Pannty Conucil of Welland staking the dispensieg with the levying of a dog Clincinnatti, Feb. 3—• Lizzie auff Totenty Council of Huron to petition tax 'within the county of Iluron, it bee . eahe D01141101). P.Overnment to eqoalise , tman, while dancing at ellen at Work- iug in accorderoe 'with the Statute,. •,..(the rates .or passengers and freight men's hall, early this morning souk to , :and leave it optional with hee the d the floor, and died in a few minutes. - aan the various railways was referred m 1 veith reference to a depesit f debea• The bridge at W•incheska, and Elime Ieunicipalities to impose a dog'tax or Miss 'Kauffman was a good looking, • to Special Oommittee. ' A letter from otherwise—lost by a majority ot 19 lively young girl' much liked by those who . the manager of the pank of 'Commerce liar. Hardy was. iustructed to have knew her, and fond of society. Silo had daiimea from early in the . Attires, was referred to Finance Com. •adie pet hi safe condition. evening, nntil 2 o'clock in the morn- . Inittne. A. commuuieetion from thc Report of Special Ootemittee read, iug, wrien she said to- the young man L'aeiler regarding, repairs, eta; Wits re- Moved by Eiber, seconded by Rata, •with whotn she was dancing, 'I fell "rel to Jail and. Court House °°a'a that clauee No. 8, nding thaa. faint.' The young man conducted • ittee. 'Mr. Girvin's motion appro— t Housee of Refuge be built at as litaa her to a chair. ' On the way she faint-, riat1ng $3,00Q for baunclary lines wee .eaenso as. passed° be amended . eferred se) Finance Committee, . " ed, and never spolie again, No Oa' ' follows : That tine Council take no afoved by Cameron( seconded by , : ini ILI sicien was called. When the pati•ol- mt•on oti...ring a poor house. There , Ieefillan, That the Spe,cal Commit. wagon arrived the girl lay on the voted for the amendment 'Messrs, floor surounded by half a dozen grls, . ea ant:Imre. if a House of Refuge could gurney, Buchanan, 'Welker, Ander- who were rnblang her hanas and. feet, . le letilt for $12000, and topedon on, Manley, Oliver, Milne, Hennings, }ler body was take» to the undereriday mornine—earried, McPherson, Strachae, Girvin, Currie, taker's. The yoting Man with W11001 Moved lry '7.Beacoot seeouded ' by tempbell, Sifilpf1011, Itittinio, Wra, Kaine, That Messrs Peter Adamson she was &memo found another part. alcalurcftie, Geillin, Olive, 0, Wilson, .nor and joined ahe aatica, which went rid ea W. johnstoit be iippoiated 021 Book, Duthie% 13eaeorn. Elliott, la he 13 rd of Audit —carried.a-. en without furtber interrupt on until Falba. 11 Either, Itatz, Kahle, It y, day.lighe. . , a Moved. by Johnston, seeonded by Smith% aud Forsyt1i-81. Agine'— . . _ _ar . . i. , _ 4.(eafurcine, That De MoLean, Goder• wears '11Fa — I 00ats, Mc alurehie, Britton, Pashing the foo far. --In n ach, D. IL Leazies, Clinton, and S. V. [log,. Clegg,.&undone Young, ,,,, ,, . .1 . alo• small villaeo al the•north of Scotland all .a.taehey ofS vlorth, be 'Appointed %Millie% D D, Wilson, Hardy, ..i a .. e 'herb school trueteee in theirHewn, the parrli nnJollllstou,Young, atreet, and 1 °mire to uselools— earried, Allan, Cameron alai Biseett-18, three of the village worthies, who ima ,.514:The sum „bf $300 wee °Meted to be 'late mine 1 then adjourned to meet' ;'. th r ft e to Attempt been inlet -sing a e e lv, to push it further to ono. side, as to lielurtia u.uu A.grietiltutell Secteties. • _ Oo re.assembling the Mame tom. leave the street clear. They actor& tee A motion to petitiori tae.Legislature ' matte e,•port was read, whee it was ingly took oft their coats tit one aide :Wit rednee the iaurober of County Ontla- mewl Teal seconded by Girvin and and went to the other to dot-ninon:As filers was lost by ili, majority of 21Y if,nng, that No. 25 II the report be their opetatious. A wag saw the : A eonnnunieatioo from the tromurer not aaopted,, but that the gum ol three coats and deeemped with them. oneeroing non- resirlett taxes was io• %LOW ao asked be be granted to ino. and on ov,e of the met, coming 'mutat rrod to Vitience 0 .mirlitteee erave boundary lines—carried' by a to see R Hiatt -pushing had had oily ef• • A Motion teroisitnetuling the Select. inejority of two. feet, and missing their coats lourried g Oottnuittee to form the several eoto- Moved by iileSfillian seconded. 13' back to his friendaevenitaing--"Stopl saittetaa not lea duke tam Ito: More 11 laeou4 That clause No. 11 be amend stop f we've pniLaa it owet rat and aividea hAtween the branela Itoktioutat o p yn. covtirecl up our coats." woe detected in the act of clippiur. g one A. young man named Feelford who, of the newspapers on file.ia the To onto Free Library, was Bent tojail the Police Magistrate for ten day 4 Chicago man sued for divorce o the grounds that his wile persisted i eingioge hymns at which the ma iaughed, and he would have lost th cam had not the lawyer of the con plainant put the wife in the withers box and gave a sample of her singing and heft° she had got half through the hpart the court threw up the sponge and the divoree was granted, MAN' , , ....swessmasosuincom•••••• cArfrsat by IS the Itiost complex work of the ete&ttdrt 8, and when this tionaelleated strupture, lip exquisitely wrought, is disturbed by dior n ease, the most efficient aid abould ne actught n from the most skilled physici,m—fer this rt human body is too precious to be neglected. It' becomes the ueet" , , hat e PhYsituan shall be eregoved 2" Dr, Osaka aoreereasee, of the lniversity Miss Maggie Cochrane, an employee of Wood's Hotel, Londou, while play - in in the kitchen or Sunday ran up against a, fork io the hand of the cook, and received a *ever° wound. The fork entered her eye, and it is doubt- ful if she will not loose the use of that orb. I. Woodruff was 'fent for and did'all in his power to relieve the suf- ferings of the girl. Rev. G. 13. Taylor, of Bayfie/d. preached in St. Paul's church here on Suaday last, morning and. evening. • Valuable Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale that val- uable farm in Lot 4, Con. 2, Carrick- in the county of Bruce, comprising 100 acres 80 cleared on which there is 20 acres of wheat. On the farm there is a la,rge frame houee, aped barn 40x60, with stone foun- dation, a well stocked orchard, comprising between 80 and 100trees. It is also well watered and is within 5 miles of Mildmay railway station. Schools and churches eonvehient. Easy terms to suit purchaser For further particulars apply t6 ROBERT FRASER', proprietor. Belmore P. 0. • MEN WANILD Five or six good men wanted by the un kersigned to out wood and saw logs. Ap ply to GEO. TliEONEPSON, , • sWingham. AYER.'S PILLS. 0 A Iurgo proportion of the distance whiele OftWid human suffering result from derange - meet of the stomach, bowels, and liver. .Art's OATITARTIO PILLS wt directly upon those manse and are especially designed to Imre the diseases; caused by their derave- Meat, including Constipation, Indigem- flan, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, and a host of other ailments, for all of Which they are a nate, sure prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensire tam of these ruts by eminent physicians in regular prim - Mee, etiowe unmistakably the estimation iv which they aro held by the medical prole"; Con. These Pius are eoi pounded. of vegetable substancoa only, and are absolutely tree from ealoinelor any other injurious ingredient. A Sufferer front lffeadache writes : " Yfileil Prus aro inralaable to :tie, and aro my constant eomprinion. 1 have been a revere sufferer from ficadifehe, and youe Pius aro the only thing I could look' to for relict. Ono dose will quickly move my bowels mat free my head from palm They are the most elfeetive and the easiest yhysie 1 have over found. 111s pleasure to 11111 to speak in their praise; and .1 always do so when O1CASI0Z1 otters. W. L. Paolo, of W. L. Page & Bro." Pranklin St., Itlehmond,Va., dune 3, 1882. "1 have used AYEITell Per..r.s in number$ testi instances as recommended by you, and hare never known thew to fail to accomplish the desired result. V' constantly keep them on hand at our home, and prise them 98 P. plearant, rale, end reliable family nied:eine, roe DYSPEPSIA. they are invaluable. Men,. Texas, June 17, 18824.* T. LIAM." '1)6 Itay. FartreIs 66. ISARLOWE, writi11 Erbil Atlanta, Ga., whys: or sonic year/ past 1 have been subjeet to tonalpatioi, Milt Web, irr spite of the ,ire af Ilartil$ 6MS of various khals, I suffered increasing ineenve»ience„ until some months ego I began taking- AvElt's Tin have entirely norrected the costive bab,f, and hate Vastly improved my general beallb." Arlat'S GarrrartIVO 1'1UB correct irrett- %Mier of the bowels, stimuIsts the am*. tate and tilsettion, and by their prompt and thorough gotten eye tone and rigor to the whole physical iledtiOlnyt knardam0 Jsi 141*.3.O.Ayar&Co., Lowcl, Paso, Sold all DrUggictii. ).....)...00....... ...„...„,..„ UK ill experience tits tataerto -01.,,60 ARO benetleial terve of Ayer's. Sarsaparilla. I AGE , rtVt/tre'4:411A.fle,,I,IIri%I.Le Ilitie 40, m14'14 Made) laialtnyvituarlitioq bike `.. * 1111 110)8001; 10,,J11.3 t.0•11os kt ea, • of Berlin Germany, has made a. lifelong' study of' miments of the Nerybue and Genito-Urinary System. IIS REMBDTP.IS CURE Any Debility or derangement of' the Net vous System, incincling Spermatthores Genorrhoa, Syphilis, Strieture, Itopotettat etc., eto. BECAUSE you ma, have Been (heated and fooled by qureks, who claire to cure this class of disorders, do not hesitate tr, give Dr Johannesen's method a fait tient before your ease baronies chronic and In- oxrable, Ear FREL' A valuable treatise, expUnatory of Dr. Johannesenrs system, will be sent by mail post paid and securely sealed twill ebserf vation, to any sufferer addressing his authorized agent for the Cfnitee status and Canada. HENRY' VOGELER, 48 South Street, New York ka...COmplicitted symptoms treated froze Dr. johannesen's .Speoial prescriptione, under advice of a daiy qualified consult ing physician. All correspondence held on strictly con10) dennal, and advice by mail free of charge, • The tune Tine space reserved or 4:1N racey) Leading Undertaker and. Tama Dealer in Winghara, tkf • ; ..,. g 1-4 A a • Pfd cr , R., ,,,..., . Ir. 0 el 0 0,'S el t'i rt c 2 , ...„. . 1-01 3 3 'I ; 2 1rd er at3 T 1:7i 0.4)c" 1 0 1.! 1.,:1:4• 3:::::::1 0 2 'Li o t. 0, 60 2. ri m N i EA' CM t:$0▪ 00xt:... ...r 2. c•••x .T.4 A 4i 1-, (1 't 'I rga 0 Ell?, 45 C•' f , 144 „,trla ::$ C) Di ▪ • ' r !:,x.i s , ts z .$ 2. II:4 O'llICF1. A I▪ I,:tnulie has ineele a allele in bit Ifl5,in5$ 1611 pase 11110 see.) • • inulaturiitteky •