The Wingham Times, 1885-02-06, Page 6f"" • I pas items Tho OooA X19otor's Preseriptton *. .... : ^ 104;110 • 1i�3tI1>alw. 'It is a matter of life and death. Iiradlwl 's i „el'l a9 been 0404 °c1ib, Voll Lo''t1Y rwrlrjCt#tr.'st[f,• ou 11t111ib 4 D1*1111*111°4041341114g' in' aChalmbq''IrtllaOntq', lir:,,' i •Q c es's Des ;, r. :missal ole teohnioal grounds. v, "' .tal€e jai rest, .* ri • , • cThat it is ii porhlble, :l4udtar.°,' my Flom th' 11th 'p k "liforning Journal." A plot to blot/ up 'Victoria bred.ge )as hest coil swell s14k, ley oascrltnel's .. dean reported to the Grund Trunk tie.' ° Blorid Will fi bw like water If leen lac oeeming ill by tip lltn1Ikeda, ai►d 1 ,land is,'zigt•tiet frpq*' yelled an excites, It is statQi that A.merioan dyltstnitera 'tufts:; Batt a us, post, ". "`. • '~ fanutn iii Jeremiah O'1Joncivnn ltoshiti'•• intend to iuhugure.te S.campaigu in Cunada 'it your custom. should temperorily, ;little den. One hundred and who persons died. iu top off yap could then find•; rests ''Ay Aye ! Blood must beeltf cl, the Canal Hospital at Panama in Nevelln- v01.08311y 212 r': ,,and itthe i121I(Jel4 softer. it is but.the ' bar, '.Cortainly.; but how can' I temperor lot of poor huipauN y;/' said` au ski low, Mrs!Samea.A. 4t' afield has •beets sued lily stop al.l trey =ofd patrons .frs tel:rush- 'whose White Ituir'lout::; doH #t ;ort hr ` be, ail you.iliiy,.is matter of life' and $hTe ynamitea's den` The was`quitts'fu11. depth.'. of excited Irishmen, but thernollu la ' 'Easy enough. Stop advertising,' ;o'sipa11 theft; a dozen persons' pack °iitl •* it + dors ut 25,000 bye. wowuwho was run over r g itt on rno even if the seas should' by Iiot arriage, ", There is a large increase in the oivie ,estimates proposed for the presout year for Toronto. The Terouto Tentporance Eleotoralv•As- ' Row he got • Cheap Sugar. . • Patrick Joy ce was engaged in his saciation is Inakiug enquiry concerning the _ 'So,rar at half cost,' was the 1abe1 usual enjoyment of fishing in the avoinon 'voters in the city. Tho Jocttt 11. Stratford Hospitiil• ' at Brantford will be formally opeued by the Lieut. Governor on Feb. 10. e.o posted in a Boston grocer's store wan• paste pot fpr••rottehes when the. report- dow, er enteron. •, his . appearance ,, acted like oil on the troubled waters, and '�Vhat are you paying per pound for Joyce's warning, 'Whist !' ,was super a sugar now 1' risked a customer of a - fluous . Out 'of ;the newspaper:', correspondents who started from Gakdul wells to the Nile clerk at the sugar coaster. r•.liow,are tliings this afternoon p";- three have been killed and• one wounded. We are paying •,trifle over 6.dents ; asked the reporter,, by, way of. opening„. per pound at wholesaler said the clerk i the. converrktion.....,. e . • ` . . 'Well,' said the customer, 'I'll take . r EIHgac)t,"".said ,rovcp, rubliirig. his :, a pound. Here'your pay,' handing ' hands 'gleefully. '"The explosion, in out three cents: The clerk delivered the house of commons, ..waS more se -Hall. a .the goods, put the three cents in' the : uere than. We darec'1 1mDed for, . Ah The feeling of animosity against the money box and then that sign came if it had,only liege p.,ckr. ed with our, Irish in Loudon is spreading. The palters do Nn in , the twinkle of an eye. No . enemies !" have beep ordered to prevent outrages if ,more , goods at 'half cost; in that , ""There is a wf•11•rooted ansnicior, in•• possible. store, • - the public mint','.Mr. J oyer ," xettun'itd .,, • At a meeting of the congregation of . the reporter, "tilat Rossa and yourself , . Cooke's church, Toronto, •,motion that the A SerlptUre Reason. : . • are fronds, arid;that you claim to have resignation of Rev. Mr. Kirkpatrick b; not .A. Wesleyan minister recently ad- kuo lvledge of; hese, dynamite . explo- acceptedwad carried'by 79 votes to 1. dressed a, meeting of children 011 mis- sions merely to, ,aili,notorieiy. .What During the meeting of the synod Wedues- sions in Fiji, and described one of be have you got to say about this Z" day morning at Hamilton, Mayor Mason chiefs who had 70'or 80 wives. " The . Fcr a. Moment ;pyre's. ryes flashed read the naws•oi.Stewarf's victory, which chairman catechized the children,' and fire, and he fiygered the inevitable • was received with loud cheers a -id the sing asked how many wives a man ought to 'paste pot as if he had an idea of sing-; seg of the doxology: have. 'One sir;' was titeiread answerr in.. it at his rrlterlocPtor'e head Then " It isreported.that France has officially _ 'Now,' said he, 'I always teach you be assumed •,grave:::.expression and declared war against China in consequence to give a Scripture reason for all your , said: i, of the notion of, England enforcing theanswers. Can you give Mb *ny text "I thing threyt;m•to espfak• has. ar- termaot. the Foreign Enlistiitent of at to shoo! that a man ought only to have rived. ,If Rosee,.were here lle:,•,would.. HongKong and elsewhere ' • one wife?' There wan a long pause, agree With me 'he "rnian .brotlie••• •• of cattle in Oregon and Wash and a little' boy stretching forth ..his, •hood..is,the onlyi largal.i%•tion• respol C . Thousands i.igton territory havd'per:e?ted in •the past hand said : 'P.ease sir, 'No man can, sihle'for these tllows a;Englar:d: 1M,, six weeks on account of the severe weather - serve two masters: . friends here hear me and know I speak A large number of persons have been frox. the truth. The inv►.ncibles are no �n to death is isolated places. The Largest Ream !s the World. •more ..t The emergmen are some • creatures of Pattriency pk, F.ord's:• .l'.nt• all. The larpest room in the,world. un- . that has been•clone• and all that has der one roof and unbroken by pillars is .beep done is dyq.;sglone to the brother•. at St. Petersburg. It is 620 feet long` hood'and to the indolninable pluck of by 150 in breadth• .' •By'dayllgllf it lr...Rosso and ,his ifrippds. , • •. Used for ,military displays, and a bat.. The fenian brotherhood is governed talion can completely maneevre ,in it.• -.by a councileomp-t;ed ot;.leading men. Twenty • thousand 'tvax tapers are re-'O'Donovan,**cisls•th,e, executive of quired to light -it. The roof of this --.that equncll amour , Am the ofEiclul sec -structure is a single arch of iron, an, retarv...We;ordlp and:execute all. the T It exhibits retnstrilable. et)niueering, blows ng'ai1i t th tyrants, Now yon Z.j -skill L. the arch:tett, .. have it.' `Do'you furiissrlllt;tbe money to carry. The Queen, has , conferred the Albert Medal ,upon. Policeman Cole, who was wounded in the explosion at Westminister .Con. Murt'lty, the notorious horse thief Land.desperado, was captured fitteen miles ,fromHelena, Mont., after or desperate fight While Murphy was being brought • to Hel- • ena ' aparty went out and hanged him to a bridge. The diaphragm of new telephone through which conversation has been held between New York,and Cleveland, is made of cork. The extreme sensitiveness of this sub- -stance to the tones of the human voice is a' late discovery. Sir Charles Dilke said to delegates from trades unions -on Wednesday that memor- ials proposing great but no communistic charges in the laws regulating the relation between capital and labor 'would be submit- ted to Parliament. , A clock sevenieet high has seen made b; a Leesville, Onio, blacksmith with the aid of nothing but the tools of his trade. It is made principally of steel; gives the time in lever cities, strikes the hours and. quarters, and is exhibiteld'+in a glass case where the movement can be seen. Frank H. Duffy, who was arrested at Winnipeg last week on a charge of robbing her majesty's mails, is a native of Toronto, and well known in that city. He pleaded net guilty to the sparge, and expressed himself -as confident that be will be acquit - •ted. He is in jail in Winnipeg awaiting his trial, bail having been refused. His avifeis also in Winnipeg. • The Toronto grand jury, is making their' ; resentment, regretted no Many cases -of forgery sod breach of trust, in which nearly all the Prisoners were here youths, arising largely from loose and ex- travagant habits. They urged parents, guardians and employers to pay greater atttentioiil to those under their charge and in their employment—to see their habits and expenditure were not such as to tempt ;them to commit crime. . Mr. Frank Mantel! Adams, the barrister -who recently married Miss Mary •Coleridge ,despite the opposition of her relatives, has ',begun an action for libel against his ;feather in law, Lord Coldridge, Chief Jus-, :tine of England.' Mr. Adams says that the libel of which he no complains is more ab. jectionable than the one for which he felt compelled to prosecute Mr. Bernard Coler- idge, and that he is in honor bound to bring the present action, in order to pro- tect the reputation of his wife. A. SAFE flPIESiIMEN C. Investing twenty five cents for a bottle et z{aggyard's Pectoral Balsam, the best throat and lung healer known. Cures cough, bronchitis, asthma and all pulmin- ary oomplainiis. 4 ,. sad INVESTMENT. i 504:k aIDub eicwit ,.z " PS11 Iteofiii sso Teems ' ' ''.E WT. Qot111te iii Q✓Rlglb. A.Ilowi list be awarded to pensee wiio sub. r be fair our piper between t ledge a.,.arltiatobt ••• .. , '��yy yyrrs�-�•�• b •`'uta wli .otic'Eff sons ea oar subaodptien bed*. mad SNE i1lJ [Jill�.L1 i.il 'Wins a feasts tar Q. Xwtr .2. Mid Abram inor to lQIIowiri pr...topi 1 re Imn bl sealed nal tion iwmbel ll ted. ' TIN List t ioperts `lir h elven Qv :3ub�sorlbstis H 1711 Oarfrn,p.n(2op4.01000.scb 46000 100 eutld Silva T.1 �,,.,. !1.171 beolnot 3100,=0,,,; s,..., 2000 1 Solid Sib* )e� , 4 1 It S self Band: r 1000 1 SeNBitver Forge (IS to'tbe aeth ...... Hie f01T,e �backe of 60 !soh.loop 1000p bets&t 1 iated Dl Io II Y t1� M. t0 :01. ao 1000 • 104 Slifer Solid shells arier,KRi1 es (. oto tall, ; 2602, 1pt it d • IO eao .,.... 1000 811rer$ca Pitchers - 100 II k. of .°let . 1000 toga 1'oote MMus, a2 tacit r• 1000 Trutt Knives 1000 F i r"°"t7 QrstalNVQ ►1 at . 300 1 210 Gentlemen'senGold Warder IOW • Itob'Stey sot tlsrstoe. 100 26 Isrltesetidd Watches 1200 ^'8 Fc -n knsr�w ,�t 100 Ifo Boyo' wstChen • r..:,., 700 `1 Ooichi le Wreck) 100 3 BWitotre llamood Finger Rings 300 9 PAsltone,.,.,.ac . 0(0 floe weir Portfolios r,,, 1300 1 TapT ,.. 1ta0 baaLd1es'(toed Iplkets 600 Elrrelik Dress >tatterm 200 600 flold Flutter Binggr 600 1• v1 Carte fled 400 Iodise Dtcsst Pure 400 0 Rest leer Sewing Maclliasa 200 200 Genua Bout Pint and Watch Chains foo f Raw 811E Peeler Suit.406 .Sm0 blm: Mounted Gold Taothplekp• 2000 '• f Plush Bak Parlor Sults 600 600 Beautiful Nickel ()looks 3000 . • f saver Dinner Servicer baa Shoo Gold Toothpick. . 1010 1 /Tack Walnut Marble Top chamber Suit.,: 100 - 2000 Gold res'i10 :.. 000 ;00 sets soli: Bllver Ter spoons -6 to the est... ' OP 104 Te1aoopot s COP Every subscriber who dose not get one of the above .slaablo prises iri11 recelve 0 present of Twenty. Fite; Cenq faoou rh. Remember everyone who eubecribes for one year will receive r ten/MY-four pigs aligent illustrated taper for one year nett: Three Receiptsood the three of the•above present* tanging from 06 cents in cash tq One Tinniest* Dalliers la Cash. Our paper has now a bone: le air Ishan of 160,000 eubscribats. rias been established eight years. All of the above presents will be awarded, -March 3012, in • fair and imparter manner: A fd111st of the award will be furnished subscriber, free. l err, sono living ata distance will 11.00 to sent them by Mail, expressos freight, se may be roughed by the article awarded. Pusltivel no les onement Cl r= a4�re Ii. whtoh you and us is the regular enbea ipdon rice for drew)) by. and therefore wochargo nothing for rho presents. Do not let thio opportunity go by. We believe yen will lite oar paper so well that you will remain alar subscriber and say with others tb.t you wadenet be wlthoatlt for the times the cost. YOUR kiUHi-CR PTI ON 7RFE: Get Ascot your friends to }sin you by. tting this out and showingit to'them. Bendel, 5 and we will sand yon the paper fur one year, and three numbered tong* for each of your acbecribers andtwo extra Tor yonr tremble. • 1END,TSN. $Ul)IlCRIIIER..4 with 810 end we will fond 12 papers one year mad ser eswibered receipts good for tleirty.efx present., and in addition wer will send yes It ones a ofsild lowillercased gold Aiuminum Watcb'frse.• Tine watch 10 a line time keeper end cannot be fold' a gentdne gold watch. You can trade thta.tretch fathom twenty to Arty dollars Tau can' hero the papers sent to you friends and we will make the.r000i all out in your name. We could not make thla watch =far did we not central the antl pnsluct of the f FAAYFIB 0 AND STOCV 3 a one of the oldest' .n ablest edited Family and ARrICU;turid patfeta. , It contains tweety,four I Tho paper Is meanie - form, . gditched and can. Its circulation Is now 150 000 SAMPLE coPK POSEY FREE. Stories, ases, Poetry. Fa , Garden Household and Agricultural Departments. by the beat. trtbntors of the' y. In short, it contains that which w111 littered, Inef ce. and =awe .We whole damlly. Our reputation is Ily established and the people ere reel.Ied that we have capital mongh want's! toot and fa1f1l air offer we relay make. Can it be po'eible 02.t ou win let such anop5ortu*ib go by? ONEOOT -L settees the FARM FIELD AND 10TOCK AANN for .we year, and . v A -t three nuotbered receipts which win entitle yyoonn tonnes of the presents in r�ppse •w• i. ,piper is Perth double the eubacrlption price. As to our reliability we rete to soy Hank or ilei.• company in gblggo and the ConnmercW Agencies. We aro now known the world over..Meaoy Ib re oft � ordinary letter at our risk; larger sums shoald,brsent,by Registered etter. P., O. EMBER these sr Express, ire Prevents to our Subscribers maven to than absolutely Free. Cat .1fL tblseat..d..kewtofriends,aoquatntrinesoandneighbors, as it will ueilappenragain, 'Ilia is w at opportunity._ nsad ea should take followings of this sures rtunary odor. Address RPQY. MELD ARP STOCKMAN. se Randolph 10., Oldesgo. 111:0 Y. S. A. •, This 'Space Reserved for. S. BARKLE' e Man that PA,? L.]ae/`.`��.■e7, sec Tinware•�+ o1 J% � ver ` cheap 1 Simpliolty of Political. rife ±tt Switzer• on tlu se operatlnlls Z' , Rawl.'We cis There IS one.thing." want As an example of. simplicity .of.pol= understood it• s.,tllatR.osslt.ls Lead itis al life and manners, I found the , and front of'. rot the dynamiters, and Mayor of a popiilas Swiss rural coin- that.,with a,word,lie can, order the mune who was also a member of the ' blowing up`of j nblio buildings in Centeno' Parlianient, and while in Engiand'or bring about peace: office the responsible eustidon of the Whatever. Ro§1Sa.and 1 say will be. communal maps and registers; cutting ' implicitly fohovpi . 1f we bay bloom. his llay.at four o'clock in the morning, blood will flow; if we raypeace, peaee while his wife and children spread it ; will come, No map dare .disobey. ;Po the following Sunday he presided wing provoke to yot1 that• Rosea is chief of dignity at the ballot in the national- . the dyuamitero,I`will lay before you a church, on the occasion of a plebiscite proposition which` we are about to B.O. en some financial measure which re• mit to the British government. 1t is quired the ascent. of the majority of - this : Gladstone is the heart of •the voters in the canton. Alter dinner, Britis governinent'. Rosso la the head where he slowed himself a eourieoua of tno lrish''forcos Thoy are both em- end agreeable companion, he doffed powered by 'their' followers to make his Sunday and official clothes, and,in any engagement. `'We propose that his blouse --ca'r'rying 'a hetvy load'of Gladstone and 'itossa meat 1:a some gopds on his • back, went • up to his neutral country, say in Cuba, and treat mountain farm, 4000" feet _ above his this matter in a niamier to which its, residence, • to milk his ten •cows and gravity entitles; it.. Rosso is as b,g a prepare : for making cheese the next big a than as Gladstone and the latter morning. The 'Peasant Parliaments' need not put on airs and snub him. of the Swiss republics are largely come. This is our last offer. It is England's posed of such men, whose qualificat• only alternative. If she concedes to ions to be legislators consist, not in the conference we will suspend open• rank, wealth or book learning, but ir. ations until a decision is arrived at. their intimate acquaintance with the This is our ultimatum." circumstances and wants of their fel- "Have you read Captain Phelan's low citizens, among whom they live as charges against Bosse t" equals. The result, so far as may be • "I '.haver. All Irhave to say is that judged by the people's contentment Phelan will not be"heard of again af• with their laws.is satisfactory. [Mac- ter he leaves the Chambers street hos- millan's Magazine. pital. We aro staunch to our friends, but our • enemies must. beware. Do you suppose that'Phelan would have ♦ Strayed Dog Question. been stabbed if he had given money What is the law as to stray dogs/ to the cat se ? le had batter n ,ver A curious case in *asillustration'i late- ter` ttkenPritie,h gold,' w ly tried in England.` X` dog 'followed' ` Joyce further said that subscript - a man to his placo of businirs and ions were pouring in as fast as he remained there all day. Seeing it was could writs receipts, "Here is a sub - a valuable one, he tools it home and rcription for 410,000 from a prof in•. kept it for 14' days, meantime adver. out merchant,' said he, holding up a tieing for the owner, to whom, in due course, he delivered u the animal, He claimed recompense for the dog's i cheque for that amount. .Et is to buy. p = dynamite 1,8th, keep and the expense he had gone to, and being refused, sued for Al 5s. Now in rissehasa. the Judge ruled that the plaintiff had e�� • , SERIOUSLY ILL.: .ria duty 'whatever regardin' "the dog, Mu McLeod; dostoc of magnetitnf r A. parson suffering with rain aril ;hest; and, could not recover. �efendarnt is move staying here, solicits a calf over the titan of the back, with , a weak therenpon demanded 5r.' expenses in ' from alt who rlre'buffering. ; "Heft trot= weary feeling and frequent headachety, fs .'connection with the Suit,; Gat the �tnents are R'Iceetsful in 'ninety-nine' seriously ill and should look.ent fop ki p;' Joao!, efused to award*;a farthing, sifd , `'t alit pt a 'hundred, • Positively no disease. Idurdock,BlOod.Bi�tteis,reguisaa a 1 the kidney*, blood andliver, as well a the saw the plaint' ffbad'been tfee(et'i Sere. 1 ie+o i er tlilt al, bolisiftltation 'irises atolugli i owolit-, t ecuraily. Office in Royal Bloat, •1.. • Ems. DEPARTURE . „ • Commencing Vehv, 2nd. 1885, the following editions of Tar. D eft r Gr.nna will ,he me:l. 1 • to aubsuribet a ttu oughbut Canada, the -United States at, s tirtust Brits n s DAILY' GLona—Morning Edition . 3 mus. 41.15'• ••6 mos.*3.50 - 12I:I, s.: t,7.G:1 . DAILY GLOBE -12 o'clock,, .,.. •. 1.00 „ 2.00 4.00 DAILY GLOBE- 3 ' - u, u ' n 1,00 0 lop ., coo DA1LY GLonu—Saturday Morning Edition a 79 a. eh n 1.25 • THE WEEKLY GLOBE' SPECIAL TRiAL TRIP—TWO MONTHS. CINTZ,--Y:.15 C Ti` J • s • Ws want to increase opr present large list of suhsoriber o by ten. thoneand within ih 'oe of 30 days, and for this purpose make the above liberal and„unprecedentod offer. , . . In adalliiOrt 44t the aba7: Mora ager ere ee rake the £eliowlcg s ANI0::w 1,•10.111:0O at fie cents and 5 subscribers will receive an extra copy for two menthe free. " 1.50 and 10 subscribers will receive An' extra copy for five months free., received'. and 14 subscriberii will receivo.copy of Btogra by of the late George Tfrown. ' .00 and 20 sub.cribels will receive a copy of 'I'H8 W)CEI:LY Gr.01.20 ter talc e'en r'Ree. 54.50 and 30 subtacrlberat will receive a Copy of Saturday's DA1Lt G7 ORet one year true. 150 and 50 subscribers will reeelve dopy of THE D LY GLona foul .:•oaths free. 5 • .00 and 100 subscribers will receive'a copy of THE DAILY GI oes ,• i' ens , v. $ssbscribe user Mud secure reports of both Parliaments for slily 15 rano,. THE GLOBE O B E baa special arrangements by which it possesses the eole right'n Can- ada ada of publication of now novels by moat of the .erulim4 r,ters of fiction, such as Wilkie Coping, :line Nratldon, Justin McCarthy. R. L. rarjeo o, stank Doxeb4y.William Black. lira. Oliphant, thigh Conway. and others. . A story of enthralling interest, untitled' WYLLARD'$ IYEIER. hr Mims Unol to*1. la sot/ running in TOO DAILY and WE1rsq,Y GLomo, and will be continued till completed. • It will be succeeded by a story- from the powerful. pen of ,114'3\ MrCASTBv, and after the last awned story is completed there '4111ollov, one front 1t. L. F'AEJEON, tho famous novelist, • Sn addttlon to the'regularcopptinned story. there are always running in the 12 and 0 Wa?sok editions of DAILY, and in Tun WEF.I:r.y.GLOBEone•or more additional novels by authe a of -world-wide repute. lb this manner readers get five or six complete novels each year. ' Al AS ACRICULTI RAL NEWSPAPER THE WEEKLY CLOSE 18 UNSURPASSED. SPURGEON'S SERMON RWev'iend by sptfr0 geon own hand), given every Week in Saturday's DAILY Guinn and t t Ter 4se1:LY GL083, order special find exclusive arrangement for the Demi:dun of tsuuutla Tho Iter. C. H. Sprhgeon18, beyond quantal. the most widely -tend preat her In the world, ' and isalway!'racy,practicaland instructive:, , Address, THE GLOBE PRINTING' CO. 'S'OR,01-1-42'0 • FOR SALE. Store and dwelling for sale or to rent cheap. Possession given about the 15th. March. Apply to D. STEwART. Also st, faun of 100 acres for sale or to rent. Ap ply to D. ITE W ART. TRt Tt,1't'7ti1f-BRED; etkg Boar Will be kept for lierviae en .Lot t, 66n..4, Morrie. Tern*, 111, payable of time of ser.. eel. P$fviteg oLret.rt!r►lut if u$opoedty. A. 11iaTAA.14, Proprietor, COUGH, COLD, , CR CORE THROAT IM)111RR.S IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. AomtlnfAnesibr any letfgth of time effuses • irritation of the Lunger or some astroids Throat afibetian. Neglect oftentimes re- sat* in Iowa himirabls Lung rheas,. BROWN'S BRONCHIALTRQCHES hate pro ed :hair telcacy', try * toot of many Yonne and will almost invariably give !frem°dinto relief. tllite.in only give 11EONCR1AL T11OO1*A:8„ and deacit %hi any of the worthiest* imitations Iliat war be co¢4oi•eri. :sold s,rerreikeea. 0 N 1