The Wingham Times, 1885-02-06, Page 1t 11 r.. Sr ,•. 1 :VOL,. XIV. NO 6 frxitcms Is published VV. Y F /, Y Ivoitl the Otllge, Qlreen $ hotel. k11o7Jc,, Josophlne•rt 616hyrltttta, Otii rlo, W II GH;A FRIDAY FEB. Ilf ntMn & DICKINSOti, l3ARR18TEl18, 4o. 801.10ITOlts i011, BANE OF —LA .HAMILTON. Commissioners for taking a81da• Th. ygeeklySound of Life n the cenr►ty 'vttsfor Manitoba, Private funds to lend in straight of 'Huron and, vielnify •loans at lowest otee. Offices—Kent's Block. Wield dam, Tauokno and Morrie. . R, W. o. NtsYtts:.oY.- 1. G. 1r10Rt1Teer. : • Wlnaham N.38.18 O lay - MOT W,[►WANQIIB, DISTRICT NEWS T rills. of Subioription. . . *1,25 PER ANNUM IN ADVANQE. e<4t paiduntil the expiration of oneYear 91.60 wit ' charge d. No paper discontinued until all arreara. paidexoepLat, the option of the pttblieher. Terms of Advertising 040% j 1 year.. 1 ii• year... ; 6 year. e► 0 Calumn, 6c0 SO, ' Orin Lit " ' 830 618 $1O ,t!PE qr. ""$18 $18 610 $ 8 •tle•oighth cot, J.: li107611.. U41UU$TER Wingham' Ont' .: The amulet spring show tinder the al6,6- pioes of the Laet Wawanoeh Agrioultural Society will be held at .(ielgrave on. April 1/6th. • , Mr: and Mrs. E. W. Or"vis, sit Pickering, are at present visiting at Mr.. (leo. Tervitt's We nederstaud they.drove thel,whole tile- decidedTh hk full, eet c suecese, e e use was u , igt , BETIUUN. & YOUNG),PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, °Moe, corner Contra sand Patrick streets, Winghare, Ontario. e ALEX. BETHUNE,M. p., W. 3. TOTING as, D• 6 1885!.7}.; , WHIOGU NO 6, tf zz.Lotivil Neighboring :News Mr. 'Thotnaa Brbeks is new sickwith. fever and took a change on Satnrday for the worse. It is • feared it may prove Many cows sa e:afflicted with constipation T e dieeaae seems to prevail largely, fatal. ;Several persons had their ears frozen hardest week, a* The tea .meeting m the Presbyterian ohuroh on Thursday of last week war, a tame, over titre htindred miles. :Bather a I somee had to stand,' proceeds '1378, The' 7. a. 0. 7. 8, a. M. 0. p. r. o. • EDWARDS & KERR, Editors and Iii blishe'rs. L. R. C. P., Edinburgh, and, L. R. C. S., Edin., Scotland,. , Licentiate of Midwlfory, ICdinburgb, And late of Hospital . for Diseases of Women, London, Eng. OFFICE -DR. MACDONALD'S RESI- DENCE. WINGHAIIt. • C;IORc1I:I1CTORY, • Fresk3terIEn, ')A$BATH SIIRVIOES AT It A, M. AND17.1>, 11. gooey Senora up' 2 de p. ,?6. Prayer, meeting. dneedayevening st 6:36. Illy'. I1. Mc. c1'AB6B i:apttt. AB11ATii,SER/1'7E8 AT 11. A. M. AND 7 P. M. ' $,indayeehat; at >08 p. m. Prayer P7egtil[$ trrne.dsy e001016g at 7:39. • Olelt.dlal,• (7AnBATII SERVICES AT 11 A. I1. and 7 P. M. kJ7 Sunday School at ' 2:86'p• ui. Prayer meetlnb - Wednesday evening at 7:3O, Env. G, IL Comm:, Paster. fkat,{resatUaal. (V ABBATI 111I1VICE$ AT 11 A: 111, AND 7 p. M. 4) Sunday aeapot at 13:3,p p.m. Prayer matting, R'odneeday Stems, at 7:30, Rev. 3f:il. 'g0Tt8x,.pas- tur. [plat;►#h ;1BBA i'n S$nvTCE$ AT iI P 3C. .!AND T I'. 4t. , Sund.F s3iiopl , MarJl.atil0e ffa,p xt :L3o m. ye..ktts 4 on 1i'ettncd3ayu7ullny ai;7,u3 tv t`llt, 1!Ic(;f 1Snr"PNtQr: " , .• u' , -" ewed'd ite *Otte Msut, 111' hold seryls, on Sunday,, Feb, 8th next at Ip:3176. rn. _karutta 3vor, Priest. :MOIETIES %c. Wis>fpra Lathe, de. tie, A. F. a A. M., a R. Cy.:, NETS:EVERY TUESDAY, ON OR BEEOYE the full of lie Moon, in S111eir hall, Kent lock : q Maitland Ledgs, 110. 41L I.fO.,oil: F,. 'Q TEETS EVERY THURSDAY EVENING AT 8 O' - J3'3. clock in their Ball, Mason's Block. MINERVA Eseaagasnt Poo 47, 1. 0, O. F. L Et:TS• EVERY SECOND AND FOURTH MON- 'Yl day inoach month. ' Visiting Patriarchs condi• sally lnv[ted. - CsrrF ttlaltlsad, Ne. $6, 1. B, F, - rE&S EVERY SECOND AND L.#sT,FRInAY 1 L "p$e4inge to the *earth, in their Hall,TemjYn's lotk, i . WIISMavr Las{." Ale. 110, A. 0. Y. W. 3$ETs EVERY TAILED FRIDAY $VENING< IN 'Ole month. Lodge room, Tasalyn's Block. • NYior C.sasil, No. IB. St P N lames Yrloads. 11813 EATERY *IRAT MONDAY-g4VEN3N((j IN the nta[ith, la their hall, Ttunlyn'e Block. L. 41. 1•. Ns. 7$4:. MEETS EVERY ,FIRST FRIDAY ZVENINQ IN the month. , [sFylin Cornell Ns. 116111,fiyal Templar of Tsnp.rsses. F,ETS EVLRX $tONDAY EVENING IN THEIR gaem Maciionslo's Hall Meelasles . Ustlists. -Beaver Block, Reading room open on Mondays, lttaaday8, Wednesdays, Thursdays and'pridays from 1 to 10 o'clock, p. m., and on. Saturdays from 0 a, m. lie 10 p, m. Library open on Tuesday, and Friday evenings from 7 to 8 o'clook and on Saturday after- noon from 8 to 4 o'clock. - , Post Ogcs,. OelJFFICE 1I0URS FROM 8 A. M. TO 7 P. 3I' 1P. Fietnsa, Postmaster: TOM Oasdc • G. L. BALL. StmaxoN rogwrI$T. HonorGraduate and member of the Royal College of Dental St rgeens, _Toronto visits Wingham every We,aneeday. • Office over MaIudoots store, nearly, o.pao- site the Brunswick House. All work first class, 'Charges moderate. Gold fining" a specialty. GAVIN WILSON, . A CTIONEEP ' • long drive in suoh cold,andatormy weath.' Rev M., Law occupied the Ohair. . Bev. McLean and Dr. ` Sloan, of Klyth, Rev. T sleighing party arrive:14d the house of Mr. Wungham, and Mr Barkley were the a eakers. It was one of the most interest S. Young, 104h eon.; and being ben; on a 1?gc good time 'took partial possi ession of the noasions ever heldin connection with Muse. Mr. Y. not having any objections the church. ,.Rev. Mr. Law was not able to fall. the pulpit on Sunday. He got his hand pots owed by a out from a brass collgr on a dogs neck,He was playing with the dog. His On • hnreday evening of last: ,week..a• Chown, Belgrave, Bey. iter. MoQuarri e, they tripper the light fantastic toe until the " wee'emit our ayeant !the t veil."Saving enjoyed themselves'to the best "atIvttntage all startedfor home, and we should say not at a Tory early hour, judging by the: time hand is terribly swelled. some of'the Winghat i . boyeayent Drawling up tlio•street nett morning. NULLICTIe. The following report of 13.,x.' No. tt, for - January as•based on puotuality, dipilenee, •Bible society meeting this week. , and demeanor and the names of those who , I he 'Grangers are preparing for their :obtained fifty per "cent, or more of the pos- sible number of marks, aro arranged in order of merit:— Fifth tierit: Fifth. Close—Christy Robertson, Robert as one of the beet cattle raisers in Hullett, 18 stall feeding eight head that he thinks Agnew. Fourth Class—Wm.,Beilly, Edith Henry, Haggis Porterfield, Bella'11cDon- will surpass any he has y.. had. Two of aid. Senior 3rd Class—Wm,*.;heats; p m. tliera already, weigh X,680, and will go Mol3urney, Mary Agnew, DuncanR,obott- more before he is done with them. son. Junior 3rd Class—John,Bone, Chas.4 S. G. Bryant haf leased tho north half of MoBurpey, Alex. Porterfleld,,Dunotili' Aro• ot,16, l4tn eon., for a term of years. at a Donald Malobim McLean Xaggie Stewart rental of 8259 per annum.a• annual soots'. r. Joseph Lyon. who is so ;well known Allan sa Scott, Sun h:IoCallisn Second ..•' Jos. Lyon, near Hariook, lies air of Class -Duncan Robertson, Rieliardeiily, prune cattle, rising three, for which_ he has Charlotte Fowley, Mary MoGalium., Sec, been offered 6,1o, per Ib fdr spring delivery _ and Pa t—Finlay An ersou, George b- W Moon, of the 10th coh, has let the con- -- ei taon. tt r tract for to newt brick' houseto be erected. Salest attendeid to in all arta M tiie 1 - A• • i' • this year, to Mr Whiteley, of ,Lgndesboro P ' t The Beamiah property is for Bale. A large bunk deer; with antleresweigbitlg over 20011)S., was oo.e;chibition ate the Qea. tral betel in Brussels one tiny last wok. The deer was shot in 'jkf'uslLota by'Mr, l 1 . OEwen of filol3illop, and Will be >illippaa. .0,Quebeo. Last week Mr. Pringle,. of Goderfah tewn ship, Maitland concession, sustained ver= I seeere injuries by'the fall of a tree. - Halt he been a five /eet nearer he would likely: have been instantly killed • oouitty. A'lt arrant; ementrifornales can be y T +FJ W 1l'1'1CIt '.,.s .,. . liS •Nett~ farmer was • pxopeeding• to East Wawanosh, b Mr• S,'Glialdo hate"recovered m h e e- Blyth,. last Friday afternoon, he espied I 9 i, which proved to Lb;aprot[ inetit citizen .of trlad'a-'with ltAr. G. Wilson, Tact $6, tfon.'14, i •. sa u. arm as awanos t, or on to is brother, . Mr.' J. Wilson,' Veterinary Sur. geon, Wingham, or at THE Trams office. • Q_ farmers & landowners De you want to borrow money ? To buy more land for Yourself or Your Sons. To build a House or Barn• To Fence, Clear, Underdrain, or otherwise .improve Land. To pay off a Mortgage or other Debts. Or for any other Purpose, If you do the un- dersigned are able to Loan at the lowest rates- of Interest end more .reaeonabl: Terms than any cone else in this section •- the country. MEYER d' pICKJNSON, ilearisters, Wingham' Solicitors for the l3ank of Hamilton. Miss Ella M. liroo1 ensh who for the past -year has been under the tuition of Pro/. Eft. John Hyttsnrnuch,f. (Director of the London Philarmonio so. piety, at ALMA COLLEC.IE,) 4e. prepared to give SSO1t UN Afro • NS __2 ,.. PIAN©, ADVANCED do JUNIOR i'UPIL8 For particulars enquire at the residence corder Francis' and Victoria streets. M. Ix% Spence to visiting friends in & y R N rsc• A church of England Temperapoe Soo Walkerton. 1 • On Saturday, Mre. Jas. Foster and Mr, ioty has bean formed in Goderieh. dwellieg, Mr. Senses Sanderson, on tit; 4 I i John Evans returned from Teeawater. Mre, Hall" of Now York. State is holing fireb aide road west of the Village, a hair! r fl Std revival meetings in Goderich at present, some brick dwelling: These gentletnot: cent • ,goes. ^'. ..bt r village, and his iietter halt; approach- ing with the speed of a locomotive Antic; Baptistohurch••on'Monday ;evening last. paling by appearance that discretion woald be better part of valor; quickly gave the right of way. In a moment he heard crash —the horse.was s rpetrate, he and the cutter in the air, the lady trying a flight. Our oitizen hauling up leisurely, with a nheerful call to his better half, they :pro oeeded onward With strong invectives agains "anti Scott Act" ringing in his ears, our farmer surveyed the wreck, the oasu alities being fess than.expeoted—New. Era e Bttna1 Fire. Iu8r ante company, held their' annual meeting in , the town hall on Monday evening last. , ' The ' weather has been extremely - cold lately, several nightsit was as few as eight and,ten below zero.. , Not one of tho lady voters here exercis- ed their franchise tot the lata municipal elections. • The office of the village clerk is vacant, Mr. Hadley,who has occupied that position for several years, having left for California last week. The dramationentertainment of "Ten Nights in eloper mem" was given by our amateur dramatic 'club in the ;town hall last week under the survives of the Mech- anics' Institute. There was a good ,audi- ewe who much enjoyed the performance, everything being well parried out. The foresters held their annual concert and supper on Thursday evening of .last week, which proved a decided, success. There was a good audience, a good program and a good supper, and every body enjoyed themselves immensely. The chair was oc- cupied by Bro. John Nedlatida, Mayor of Wipgii n . ' FOInDWICII# success, the proceed., amounting to 018.25, ,jQUNDAEV LINA - Miss Lottie Prout,sister of Mrs R Tucker it:4 this line, is up on a visit She liken this part of the couutry exceedingly well, and would almost lisle to make it her perms vont home, • • We regret this week to havo to annbunee the death of Mr. Robert Powell, who was a well known resident of this community. He was'only sick for a week when the disease proved fatal. The funeral took place.ou Sunday last, and was largely at- tended. He leaves a wife and three child- ren and.tllany other relatives to mourn Me load. A concert under 'the auspices of tbo Baud of Hope took place in Bluevale on Wednesday evening, which p roved a great correspondent says;—The .gtergymeil of Bayfield have inaugurated what tll%y call "union prayer meetings," whiolf' are doing it multitude of good among the will and carless of that village. ,,,Thomas Hill, of the 7,7th concession of Morris, has sold his fifty acre farm to John and Charles Agin, for the sum of 32,00Q, Ur, Hill intends removing to London. Messrs. John llloCool, Wm. Pall; ' 3'amea Mair, C,ba,y. Lovett and Robert Miller, "of the west side of Hullett, are each making preparations to build fine bride houses!this su miner. i:he Clinton New Era Says: Some time .since a sulrgicaloperation yeas pe;'formed on lyre. Diokspu, et Belgrave, at the Grand Union here, and .for ,'two months she , has h been compelled to remain ere. We -are - glad to learn, notwttbatandtng roporte t4 the contrary,;that she has recovered, and was this week able to leave for her home, Mr, E. E. Wade of Brussels, has received: a communication from the Elora and God- eriell railway scheme asking for the re. • turns for the past three ;years for the 'ex•- ports and imports. These statistics: are secured all along the propoped route and. • .. compiled in one report to be sent.the;Can. ads Paeifio railway authorities. • • , Mies Johnston,•of Hincardine, is visiting A. very difficult surgical operation "Was . . sucoeasf"ully performed in Varna on Satur- day lest, whiob;,,nonsiuteiin the xemas& .' a cancer from the tongue of Mr; `John? Walker: One of the deeply seatedglands of the neck whioh•ityt'as:feaked•htid a can- • serous deposit was •also operated upon,: The op[ ration was very skilfully perforin, ed by Dr, Elliott, of Z ruceflsld, assisted by, Dr. Gunn. of Wingham and lir; Campb*li'; of Seafo$th, - - A Tuokersnlito correspondent gives the following as some of'tlre'improvemeuts in contemplation in the west end of thee township for the eaiiuing season; One t t most important buildings is a large barn t., be erected by Mr. E.. Turner, size 61r'.1, with stone basement. As the contras,.: masonry is W. Cop, and fbr the framew..:l . Mr, S.,Bennett, Mr. Turner :Oen rest t: • sured that his building still be complete i in a' most satisfteotcry manner. }Ir. Wn . Elcoet also. ititetitle• ere,Qting S new be. .t on the 'site of the elpeNi eoeiitl4 ,tt,.= 1 by fire. Thisbuilding'i's,also`t3t'-1 dyprat. , • ed with ston -0(7ork btabliug, tithing al. • lutely neceeSllry for the satisfaotorywin'•: s- ing, of stack. The contractors for tr.•:• building, are: moeonry, Cantlon; fr. - ing p.:TCeittin,q. Next on the buildi"•a is a Iit4 lifetime residence to bo built 1 . Costneaktd conce0sinn. The main b - ing is to be frame, v -neer 1 with one and one half storeys Bair, and v t oamploted will be one of the most att..• t;• ive abodes in the ueiPhberhood. The' following farm- dwellings are 110 placed Milder way for cowtructio14 1... summer in township of Howiok,near 1"t r`, ... wioh: Mr. Alex. Edgar, of the 4th coapt,: cion, adjoining the village," a good brick dwelling. Mn. Wm, Strong, on the rah concession, adjoining the village, bri.,h he sister, Mrs. (tttewell, Excellent sleighiu , } where they had gone to pay the Iasi hon EFTS FOR PRAM] W. ' orro RY xUident. ! ors duoheto their goer' Who died on Sunday The Mayor awl others from Clinton in. have already famished tltemselvas with find Friday sight) \ . N[oi[otts,l?r0eldant.. t Veterinary M 'born to ds visiting fife world's fair at New good barns, stables, sheds and otltor o..l, 4 Co Bantered na regi Gradtiates of On Ontario ittat in his 70th year. x. isvana was p buildings, and are now very wisely going College, and registered members of Voter. •n Toronto in the 1800, and had lived O 1 tree JIM inarydlem Amooition ate prepared tot o year LOCAL RAILWAY t ' tdiaeae xgoosti A f f ti h TAIL; e c ninals Dia on the plfioe where he died or 50 yearn. Seat or a as a parliament with a news improve their owe and families persona', "jibe latest and to :emit scientific principles. Arthur'9potton, !ot Ql2,,Con,10, has near paper man at rho bona of the) government, comfort , which their former toil well oleo NariM. e ' a o' • Call ati on"t , day and bight. Ilorl es ly all the materiel on the ground, fora Ex til 1',. Mr. Melliillan leads the of:poeit' merits. Mr. Wm. Wade on the 'tisane At/Iva-10;40 a. In. i. D rti-1 .4 A . bought aoidtln oom7nission, Office and aideroad es Mr. Sanderson, id not going to ,lissive— 1.10 P' m, Depart— g:lOp, m. g y p bank barn 64x06 foot. S. Johnston also lop. pull down hi* old barns to build greater, M. Depart mop p, tn, , infirm the stand tato! Boon rod b; Dopltr T Ii, V S 't erritteld'B hotel has the material on the ground fora large • Joseph Churchill has sold the west half blit eavittg so ru[ar„od the extent of his >n• 'rrlro4.• • 1r, mfrs ieail t ld a tuns "Tueedoya 'thurcdsyo Jo b na Street Wingham nen i{sb* 4Rye o t 10:2op.tti, , • err, ., anpost e n ; sap t , bank barn on his farm neat'' Pordwich. of lot 85, ldtii Don., btodeaioh township* 40 landfill domain by title purallase of more &IseJohn Jenkins, for the urn of .lal heti w:0. A , " - abresP to kir: , o n en us, er a lands, that lir has #curd it requisite, 114t.1't,bV 7C. k Mr.Alin Botsford, tory• , T1 DIGS .o age 'crook o n seorD 32,800. though be has already cr,:nti: odious build of the Huron' Salt AeBaoiation walked from ted at Icor son's 1frtiidbnce in the each as li +.run, stables, d:c., to build rtrlya r Belo s. 'tr, Depart-+ fi Ili a til, 'lie led ingt 1t g tg rye arl'it a A. iii. derioh to of rri\ p The undcrsigneli h+ts still foil ffioi`vice on G4. Stapleton, a distance fat* Arrive— k. d three• uar• township a! Ashflald, on"Tuotida'y 20th ar,uter, anti is now f;;xeptting inhtexial for 't ta6S 1r•Ira ri - 7:4op, ni. lot !0, ;eon. 14, TiitHt tVawa ash, thaws. testi th7ilios tri three hours asome into, oilo of the oldest reaidonts of th0 Qrectionofnewbankbasilonitnn p. et, MaYtli1M riit3lt 4Calrialia.hutvdaritr quarters of a milli gTgab ougham, lls tarp,Dnsit$flring tlte,faot that iii Proviliee in the or;fofi of D? tB,relnrtvenfrilee• ain Yesvinit thenen hbrlyd (Ihe;atgr White Ticar whioll places the roads were quite bare, ane. in p farm oil rho •4th tour" .sitslf, known a4 the flit paterdoys only, g in the lOB.rd year of:. her age, Deoeatied Breeds 1 farm. Theta is, Lai all .goon M. k t, • was i.,t iiorted frotp.,l?htllldelphrya. Pedx, others a ollixstant series' bihu a snciwt rittl proo ban be itet n ;ln anttioittltart, Terme, 01 1 g ;vats mother of Mr. 6., ter Treleaven, of Arrriva••-40:lo IL les., . Dditiari lf4 r ie f j with privilege lege of re+ illifi istiery gond travelling Xt. Ueusterd 4 Lu isn r% and y;randittat110r of the Iter farmers tinct lin' a well *arced t114 n,)* .....,ss. n,,,,arL,— 4 rJt LS p.1111.%trot ng 8 t hD a , U. , s in ex. st trine o 114ry flet Wi 1 p. L t I wautBto ilio; who con b.i.t it apstir:,tbe t1 ° ori til® lta en 9 it ceeear ti b t S roloyen of Lou t P Y i Vit ti ytdr MI; is Ntt.stl[oo, ` i!k It (, ItT1a1 'Proprietor. ,lazes rga 4lili 0out11 4,