The Wingham Times, 1885-01-16, Page 6.WIN'AIAIYI.IIIviES, FRIDAY `A'S'M i4
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:OW to Qateh Cold. Chow but Sure rUx.v 1 . YttAltl
" A ;great many people cannot see bon's berdisoouzaged becaus, �`��.W S
why it le they do trot take cad when boys. aeeut duck. slow growth is ofe your
t4 l)• e d tocold winds and rain. . The soya gr. viii. S:1me Ara h
f act is. and It ought to be ly mote gener- Nrilwegiau pines. They n stow in
ally understood, that nearevery cold grttkwth, but they are st�'tking their ;,k'�;gaK= e• ,;11 g
is ooutrautedi"doors, and is not direct- tklaurroots deep, Some of the greatest ' TRST":.:-.`
ly due to the cold outside, but to the inwi have ln:en dull bas,
li at inside. A elan will io to bed aG y Dryden y 4 L`1`]El >[ VfTL+" tL.1i. '
and Swift «ere twit boys. So was
tl ight feeling as well as usual bed 'Goldsmith. So was Gibbon. So was De. E. 0, Wnsr's Reeve AND 13IAiN TRSAT• j
wake up with a royal cold. He goes .Sit waiter Scott. Napoleon at school ne 'r, a guaranteed specific for fIysteria,
Dizziness, Convulsions, rite, Nervous Neu,
ralgla, Headache, Nervous Prostration,
oaused by the use of alcohol or tobacco,
Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Soften,
ing of the Brain, resulting, in Insanity and
leading to misery, decay and death, Pre,
mature Old Age, Barrenness',Lioss of Power
in either sex, Involuntary • Losses and Sup-
er:natorluea, caused by over.exer'ion of
the braiu, self-abuse or over -indulgence.
One box will cure recent oases. Each box
contains one month's treatment. One dol-
lar a box, or Sive dollars for six boxes ;
sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price.
We guarantee six boxes to ours any case.
With each order received by us for tiix box-
es, accompanied with five dollars, we will
send th purchaser our written guc.rantee
to refund the mouoy if the treatment does
not effeot a cure Guaranteesissued only
by.'O1tN 0 WEST & CO., Sole Proprie-
tors, 81 and 83, fling St. est, Toronto, Ont,
Peaking around in search of cracks and
keyholes and tiny hafts. Whether
strips are prooured+tnd the house made
tis tight as a fruit can. In a few days
the ,11 le family have voids. Let a
roan go home tired and exhausted, eat.
tl full supper of starchy and vegetable
food, (weepy his mind intently for a
while, go to bed inawartu,elosb room,,
Laid if lie ilose•t'e have a cold in the
morning it will be wander, A. drink
• of whi�.key or a glass or two of beer
'lief r.' slipper will facilitat.e, matters
very innoll. People swallow more
• t bids clo : n th :ir throats than they re-
rt:,:ive from. contact with the air, no
tti..ttt?r haw cola or chilly it may be
Pitt,in, hearty suppers are good to go
•its:cl on, and are are far more conduc-
iete t r freshing sleep than a glass of
Feer tr a close of t:liloral. In the esti-
le nti n t•f agreat many this statement
is renik heresy, but in the Ilight of'•nee, cowmen sense and experletibe
at its g ;a;l,el troth.
$J :lisle). ocourdrtoe in Church.
.Au tdetm elook went off in a Con-
nec•ticut church vii Sunday last. start•
the whole oouriregation. It Lung
• airently above the heads of the choir the tt,•nan loft. Last Sunday as
{l+e t'ee;tnr arose for his closing prayer
lit the altar. •and the choir and the journals contain.—St. Louis Globe
1:engeegy.tibit also arose, "whizz•Z z Democrat.
ll:trr i rh whaug wham clicker'clicker
ref ," write from the fatal alarm in the
manlier particular to these. machines.
(•1r•cl, could no, have seelected a
mord rt:+l(iful moment. The lector
and t >r, congregation vete startled
• nttd sit' •liked, then everybody t:xcept
the rector commenced to smiles The
-choir managed to get through the fir: al
Hymn, though the situation was very
trying, particularly its the second
'stanza 1iegti1I with the words, "No
more Adm."
Pir11n3ollhy is a good kiting for a
: tuna 1 t i nave in his fancily. An old
far:uer had fl fine field of potatoes and
one ui,,ht a thief went through the
paten for about half there was in it,
a id in the morning his wife met him
•a3 he cams out to breakfast.
'Husband,' site said, 'Somebody
stole half your line rctatoes last
'Is that do"! he replied'gtuckly.
'Just go our,,aud sPe for yourself.'
'Oh, no, Iffy dear ; there's "t0 use,
1 guess. It they're gone, they re gone,
1 ut it was right clever in 11i1n t dig hdward Shepherd of Harrisburg,
ti.etn himself, and not wait until I had Ill.; says : "Having rece ved so much
,tithe it, isn't it.' [Merchant Traveler. benefit from Electric Bitters, I feel it
• my duty to 1„t suffering humanity
HanitriugInthe States. • know it Have lied a running sof:
lithe in 'ssai;e of the new Governor n my leg for eight years ; my doe
• 'of New >tork state contains the fn1• tors told, me I inust have the none
lrwiiig i,,traeraph 'Tlte present mode scraped or leg amputated. I used in.
of exeou.iug eritntnals by hanging has stead three bottles of Electric Bitters
• come dawn to us from the dark ages, and seven boxes Buckleh'f Arnica
.lend it may well be questioned whether salve, and my leg is nor' sound •and
the suience of the present day cannot well
provide a means fnt'takiiig the life of Electric Bitters ars sold at fifty
'such as are condemned to die in a less dents a bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica
' barbarous manner. r coinmeitd this t Salve at 25c. per hox by C. E. lit
had so canto."difficulty iu *amine; Ills
Latin that"the master said it would
need'a gimlet to get a worn into his
head. Douglas Jerrold was so back.
ward in his °Induct that at nine he
ct)uI i scarcely rend. ''see.° Borrow,
one of the k realest divines tk:e Church
of England has ever produced, wag SQ
impenetrably stupid, in his early days,
that its father more than -once said
that if Gad ever took away any of his
chi;dren he hoped it would be Isaac,, as
lie feared he would never be fit for
anything ir, this world. Yet that noy
was the genius of the family,
$reale at a firtck ofTiati1en11t.
A crooked piece of timber ruching
four hundred teet down a chute tnto
Lake Superior, instead of taliing,after
striking the water, the direction that
a straight stick would have done, slut
lilt sideways and struck a tuft •on
which a number of men were at Work
cutting of the head of one of them as
if done with a knife. From there it
flew and struck a yawl, in which were
the captain of the rafting tug an'l two
men. The certain was crushed a..d
killed instantly. There are few more
hitzatklous occupations than lumbering
to ,judge, from the long weekly list of
serious casuatities which the lumber
Does a lion set or t it on a tate 2
Many of the agricultural journals
are sorely puzzled to know' whether a
hen sits or sets, if some editor of
digni' y would set a sten on the nett,
and the editors would let her sit, it
wopld be well for the world. Now a
man, or a woman either. can set a hen;
although they cannot sit her, neither
can they set on her, although the hen
might sit on them by the hour if they
would allow it. A magi cannot set on
the wash bench ; but he could set` the
basin on it. and neither the basin nor
the grammarian would object. He
c.,uld sit on the dog's tail tf the cicg
would allow hits, or he might s-tt his
fbot upon it. Bat if he should set his
toot on the aforesoid tail, or sit his
foot there, the grammarians as well
as she dog would, howL And yet,
strange as it Hutu seem, the man
might' set the inti aside anti then sit
down, and not be 'assailed UUy either
the dog or the grammarian.
Suggestion to the consideration of the
Legislittttrr.'' As on!y 111 of the 81-
677 nturdei. rs oonvicted iri-t~he ITnited
Statea'liistyear were hanged according
according to law there %votlid seem tc
ina rootii for 'improvement' in another
+ tliredtidiii
biiiat-Beaded Doctor.
'Wi!hn is. yoar falnily physician,
"Ge , i
'171, Srilo'ot iniac.'
Bow didyott come to •eiiiploy that
.hair bt'ttinecl creature 2'
'Olt( utjr 1n ife.only asked him if he
uld telt 4hy site ahvttys had colo
'feet find hit %red her they wet a so ;mall
they er)nldnit•••hold blood euongh to
freer) them warm, 1 '' li'e•won't have
:tiny rittiericl,lctior. • ' '
tiff's/Ale/111W 1601atioi►ehfpf
is the devil the father of lies V'
"Yen. dear."
",l: nt .is it lie a s' 'ert4on?"
t' 'hen necessity, is .the devil's wife.
slt'll't Mitt inti?"
t , t tC do yeti flake Hutt out?"
iyl she's too brother of illven.
(i, t%. t�'illf trfls sAllsr tioltgte tn' nrid
apart of .Anit't ea. 'l#,tttns 0 California
>tn(l Westik.n tatea 'er lour. Cull ,;
3n him.
IvtOIIA101. IN IT.
Nb harm can dome from using
1tagyard's Pectoral Balsam ; as a
remedy for throat b. onchial.aiid lung
ct.mplaints it is always reliable and
positively safe:.
--''food lack taps at one's door
once in 1, man's lifetime," and most
r .lnlocY,e 'i1 the tie. )'cd arcnttes of the
men have just gone over to the neigh.
bor's when the knock?t otne Bowels, Tliw'neys ana Liver. parrying
; ,w orf gradually wi. nous weakening the system.
A. lliehioan schoolmaster says:--- air the impurities and fend humors of the
"I Wil spr'll' euy'tttalt W0ifian, or child secretions ; at the same time Correcting
in thewhole State for a diclisbonary'
s e is o iat� iecahiieatzhes vis-
or ltas.t priz of 100 dollars a -cine. the ziness, ileartbuu;n, Ounst,es, hat.
Dia -
money t^ be awarded by a I:olmnittee Dryness of • the Skin, Drottsv. Dina
nese of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheulr.
Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of
the Heart, Nervousness and General
Debility ; all these and many other simi-
larCrmpiaint ield to the hnppv influence
sample Bottles lbc ; Regular Bike $l.
For sale by all dealers.,
't'., 'NOV 1. VOS dt CO..'Pitvvtrtetors. 'Rir race
Hair Vigor
restores, with the gloss and freshness of
youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich.
brotvu color, or deep black, as may be desired.
By hit use ligilt or red hair maybe darkened,
thin 'hair thiSkened, and baldness often,
though not alicays, cured.
It checks falling of the Bair, and stiibn-
lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor*, It
prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, Riad
heals nearly every disease peculiar to the
scalp. As a Ladies' Hair Drencher, the
VIaon is tiiieeealled; it 'ontains neither oil
not. dye, iibnffers'the hr a iii, glossy, anti
silken in appearance, rind imp.. -!•3 B d, llcatet
agreeable; bud lasting perfume.
Aim. C. P. Butches writes from Kirby, O.
Jul 3,.1882: " Iast fall my hair commenced
falling out, and iii a short time I became
nearly bald. 1 used Part of a bottle of
AYER'S HAM VIGOR, Winch stopped the fall-
ing Of, the hrir, and started a now growth. I
have now a full head of hair growls vigor
ously, and am convinced that but for the
use of your preparation I should have been
entirely bald."
J. W. BOwni.r, proprietor of the lifcArthur
(011id),fiaquirer, says ."AYr•.R'sHAIR VIGOR
$ a nifitt excellent prepparation for•the hair.
1 speak of it from my. Own experience. Its
use prof totes the grcithli of new hair, and
makes t glossy and Soft. The VIGOR is also
a sure, Cure for dandruff'.. Not within my
knowledge has thepreparation ever failed
to give entire satisfaction."
Mn. ANOUS FAIRDAIRN, leader of the
celebrated "Fairbairn 1"antily" of Scottish
Vocalists, writes from Roston, Mass., PPcb, 6,
1880 : ,*Ever bince my liafr began to give sil-
very evldpncs of the change which 3leeting
time lirdctireth, I have used Armes HAIR
✓ toou; and so have been able to Iiaintain
an ap8earanco of youthfulness—a matter of
considerable consequence to ministers, ora-
tors, actors, and in fact .every ono trho lives
in the eyes of the public."
bilis. O. A.1'RESCOTT, writing from 18 Bins
St. Charlestown, ifass., April 14, ;882, says :
"TWO years ago about two-thirds tf my hair
came off. It'thtnued very rapidly, and 1 was
fast growing bald. On using AYiu's HAIn
'Jrooa the falling stopped and a new growth
comntioneed, and in about a month my head
was �c' mpletelycatered with short hair. It
has cdiitinued to grow, and is now as
before it fell, - I regitlarly used but one bottle
of the VIGOR, but uoW use it occasionally MI
a dressing."
We have hundreds of similar testintonlais
to the efficacy of AYER's HAIR VIGOR. It
needs but a trial to convince too most skepti-
cal of its value.
pameAREn le>r
NO. C. Ayer fit. Co., Lowell, WIC
roe ay all Drugeths.
1.‘ oak Look*
Of All Kinds of Winter Goods for
COY r :Ws
Wo must sell our FUR
so cothe and Secure Earga
All remainings of all
Our Stock Taking Commences
Twenty Days v.rid Great Bargains
may be expected for the next Two
Choice Stock of Fresh Groceries
kinds of
�••"sold at
oe clergymen or skool diretitors. 'There
has bits a pligv site of Mown about my
spelling; now I want them to put the
tip or slittt me up. I won't bo put
down by a passel of ignoramuses bee
MUSIC I differ with noar Webster's
style of spelling."
strayed Heifer
Strayed into the prolnislee of the sub•
scriber, lot, south pat north half 1ee con.
3, Morrie some time in the mouth of Aug.
uet lest, a rod 11 lifer, with white feet
e•)trlin; three years 41. The ownor earl.
hare the saute on proving, property and
Mho. .1011N "Y'Tl'111+1k .
a=cTos Iocis & tIEwelry.
''Wishes his many tustorders in town l'tud country