The Wingham Times, 1885-01-16, Page 4•
The tleetien iu Lennon on Thursday
of last week, resulted in the return of
the Conservative candidate by 41 ma-
It is stated the Government hits
granted Manitoba en increase' of her
annual subsidy of $100,000, and has
gtven, ho r possessisu of all the swamp
lands within her bonds.
geathen India has come dowzi
heavily on all all lottery &ebonies.
The governor of Bengal has issued an
order abolishing them, which' applies
tn every province a tthe empire,
The pious and sporting lottery are
to sh'ire the same grave. In this he
has set the civilized world an example
worthy of imitation:
We have received the initial num-
ber of the Educational Weekly, pub-
liehed at Toronto, which' promises to
fiil a long left want. It is brightly
printed and ably written, and elf who
desire a general instruotor and a mad-
ard authority on educational matters,
cannot do better than take it.
The Supreme Court of the Damin-
ion has given -what will probably live
in Canadian history as a great decis-
ion. It has decided that the D man,
ion Liquor License Act of 1883 and
the Amending Act of 1884 ase aeyoncl
Dominion Parlimentary 'powers “ex -
cent in so far as they regulate, vessel
licensed and wholesale licenses."
About 1000 new teachers graduate
each year from the model, schools in
Ontario. As a consequeno about the
same number leave the profession. In
the roe for schools the, young teach-
ers who are willing to work cheaply
ars, sure to win. The result of this
state of things is that about one-fifth
°Utile teachers in the Province leave
the profession annually.
Too many different studies im,pur
.schools have been long complained of;
and it is a taeget at which many good
rifle shots have been fired. At last
we got a cannon shot from,the minis-
ter of education himself, who express-
ed a decided opinion against the dissi-
pation of mental energy in the child-
ren by too great a multiplicity of sub-
jicts. Something is goingoto be done,
and it appears as if the Hon. G. W.
were the man to deo it. -Toronto
Toronto has decided that church
property, etc, in. that city will now be
Obliged toipay taxes like other cor-
porations. A veto wits taken on the
question on eleetion day, and 9;320
votes were east in favor of abolishing
exemptions: while there were only
1,540 votes against it, • The question
is now becoming a live one, and all it
waats-is a littie booming to make the
change general.
Hon. Edward Blake, lettclAr of the
Opposition in the Dominion Parlia-
ment, addressed the members of the
Young Alen's Liberal Club on Tues.
day evening in Shaftesbury halt The
hall was packed. Mr. Bla.ce advocat
ed, amongst other things, an elective
Senate; the power to make our own
treaties, and the power to alter our
own constitution without reference to
the Imperial Parliament. He vigor-
ously attacked the so called protective
.policy of the present Governnaent, and
'pointed out its results, showing that
it bad been a failtue and that it 'Oho
trimiaates in favor of the rich as
against the poor. fie showed that it
.had 1, .kn away from the hanks and
Our' Town ko.therfo. son ind ihdilood. him to go into a deal
cattle. Ozdnten Armstreng, who
Counniselonota for taking tieldo.
011,11nOtrea, inatirseci note for thenn, sits for Manitoba. Private funds to lend t
Mane at sweet otos. Oniccip-lient'e Blocs win I
The !Akio *fang Or the council, or um. Tt, a
ayma sone motley on the specu-
• if
Loclino and Oarrio
latton; and WallifOe's stock went up •w. merge, L. piasiescee
A special meeting of the Town se, high 111 the marliet that thereafter wi'llm""' 18 1880 1.1v
Council, called by the Mayor for the win% Wished a backer at any time
J. A. It 0 ATOM
Winghanf Ont
transaction of general business, was i01 he had te. :do was to call on old
held in the Council Chamber on Tues- 'Alan Artodrooll'. Managed
day evening last. to reeite hns notes by forging the
Minutes of last regular and aubse. newel. aproadregat' farmers' *lien he
quent speeial meetingsvere read' age witched the old ones. renewed,. This
.- wee lcept up until a little' over two
edepted, atIta DZTHUDIE 841Z'OUNG,
trinerepert:of the Fineneer Conn*.
tee, recommending the payment of
accounts amounting to $:?,26,54, was
read and adopted,
The following oonimonications were
.read and ordered% to be filed:-
1- From John Dickson, Treasurer,
stating that he had' received- during
the year ending 31st Deo., 1884, GOV-
ornment ;school grant, $267; for liquor
heenses from the Dominion and Local
Governments, $000,61 ; for burial
plots in cemetery, $185.50; tote*
From D. McCormick and Wm.
Nicholl, president of the band, each
months ago, when' he called at Arm-
enYSIOIAN0 AlcURGcoiis,
strong's just before dusk one evening
me, corner Contra and Fatrick etreets;,•IVinstsm•
when the old gentlemen was confined Ontario,
to bed by Illness. He induced Mr. A
Armstrong to sign a note, which lo' V. s. o. V., 8. x, at. d.
represented, called ' for $1,500, A
few .days after, ?Wallace received word DIR,. Q.-r_T-N-w
that business matters in the States
LBX, BETilU1s18,11. D,, W, J. TOUNG, M, D.
L. 11, 0.P., Edinburgh, and, le £t. C. 8.,
required looking afteraand. according- Bain., Scotland,
lyhewent off to. give his personal attera meentiate of satevieery, Edinburgh,
tion to. the matter. Judge. of Mr.
And late of Hospital for Diseases of
Armstrong's, surprise' when he Was --
noti4ed a. theft while since that one
OVFI0g-DIts- 1/1A01/01sTALD'S R.E617
of the 'banks held 'a note, of his,
which sliek Mr, Wallace had drawn - DENCE; WINGB.Alvf.
Women, 1.4ondon, Eng.
. - - .`..:'sewttsIsstsssteentotkm!,...t
As Dr. Bethune 11411 made a eltithge
in, his business, all pest duo tiedeunte
must be :settled immediately.
A driving horse, rising five years, buggy,
cutter, harness, cto., for sale *heap. Ala,
ply to the undersigned.
Store and dwelling for sale or to rent
cheap. Possession given about the 16th
Mareh. Apply to D. STIIWANI. Also 04,
farm of 100 aores for sale or to rent. Ans
ply to
Aniij 1111 eetirlig
The Animal meeting of Beaver,' Cheese
Factory will be bel d at the facto, y, Baste
Witwanosh, triarsdny, ietle 864
for the election -of officers and other busi;:'
nees. Meeting to aommencte at 2 o'clock
p. ru. All parties iuterosted aro requested
to be present.
$8,000. 11)&44 of the news he
asking for the refunding of $5 paid by immediately wont • to Winghtun, and : 3DM 1\717.
them forth° no of the Town Hall for foolishly as the slquel will show, paid
A communication from. the secretary balance th the bank authorities. ,Ho
• if.14
holding concerts. TTT$2,000 In cash and gaye a oote for the L,,, BALL. L.D.S..
e„ 0
f the the conlyany,. as per resolurioa . has diSoOvered that the names of the• ST.
of Council on the 1,4th August' lask other indorsers were .f.; cl,
f o e and that
was also read. hezaeed net have paid one cent, but
beizig an hon irahle Man, is now mak-
' Moved by Coun. Bowers, seconded
by the Reeve, that as soon as the can- ing a'hard struggle to , pay oti his in-
tain of the Fire Co. hands in the exs debtedoess. • Of Ours° Wallace's
1whereabonts is. not known.--Toronte
act number of efficient members in t News. •
good standing composing the Fire ', : s '-' ' ---4.-• •
Rrigade, this Count' pay each do& Pelee Wand Continued.
members $5 in accordance with a like As promised. in my last, 1 wiL now
resolution passed on the 4th of Aug- give an acOotint Cif its fisheries, wood,
ust last. Carried. products and stone quarries. The
Moved by ,Coun. Bowers, seconded fishing not so profitable as it has been
by Coun. ltleOlymonkthat $3.80 taxes years ago, is suificiidetly • renumerative
paid by Mrs. James Johnson for the to induce many to invest ail. their
year 1884 birrefunded. Carried. , .capital in it. The principal means of
taking tho • fish from the wataris by
Miaved by CCun MhOuteheon,seeende means of nets called pounder, a. sort
ed by Coun. Dawson, that the time, of trap hung in the water like a pot
for the collector to return his roll. be and into One side is a, hole,aboub3 feet
extepded till Monday, 19th 'inst. squark,int'nternicla the point of ci,' tube
On motion the Mayor then naoated
the phew, and Coun. Anderson took
'the seat. . '• •
lVfoyed bythe' Rove, seconded by
build a House or Bally To 'Bence; &ear°,
Conn'oleC11,yinerit, that the thanks of ground,:,,: a few. feet, and are . placed
in yrateiifreenk0 to 40 feet deep. The Underdrain, or otherwise improve Land.
To r posy oftfha Mortgage or other Debts. Or
this Councibare due and are hereby
tendered IL W. C. Meyer for the in-
telligent, efficient and faithful manner kincla of fish usually caught are
sturgeon, pike, caffein pickerel, pass - de rsingYned aerre PartsLolfazo:t ctl.geti uni,
herrings, wlite Web, Perch, iheepbea,de, rates of Interest and more reasonwai3t;e
in which he discharged the' onerouis
duties devolving upon him as Mayor of inullek &c, viii few are salted, but Terms than any -one else in this section of
ar a! the Country.
the town of Wingham durin. the past
e sent to Sandosky,: where they
year, and particularly for the active PrSParid rtiiinarket, The catfish are '
Bairisters, Wingham
interest he exhibited in .behalf of our skinned itn „salted, herrings are soli- Solicitors for the Bank of
town both here and in the cities of, only
. corned' and smoked. The more
and endeavoring to secure an exten- valuable kinds are packed in boxes
of the Toronto. Grey & Bruce Railway .
to Wingham, and. we eel confident the 8611
' ' f
300 tons, theorfn fitoswiins;weAs hminoodhea4s : _
e2y5ertyro Miss Ella M. Brockfinshl )1-,
that the zeal he manifested and the' day
influence he exercised over the manse,- .
inSandusky, in the busy season, ,
year has been undenhe
ars of the C. P. R. in behalf of our
' rivalling the'greatest fish inarkets of who for the past
tuition of
town will not -be lost to us until the ,_
wor/6; The eggs of the storgeon are
run through a strainer:slightly salted, Prof. St. John' Iliryttenraublil
extension of the road to Wingham is -put i 2 smait.
Honor Graduate and member of the Royal t.A
Coileue of Dental Surgeons, Toronto visits
Wingham every Wenuesday.
°Moe over HoIndoo's store nearly oppo-
site the 13runswiek House. 'All work lint M
olaes, charges moderate. Gold fillings a n
slAccialty. .0
WM.•ROACti, •
-bg tp„
, -
0 32 0 0 8- „. r...
Sales attended to in. all parts' of the 'A 0 ,.."4?.....c X PI
county. All arrangements for sales can be 0.. )7 00' 02. 5:0 crcr g
made with Mr. G. Wilseo, Lot 86, Con. 14, w 2 r"2 0 x Er V
East Wawauosh, or orrapplication to hi tj g. ;.•1 . x . . . 4 2 ,
brother, Mr. S. Wilson, Veterinary Sur. Ei .11 r°2 2 3 lit d
gean, Wingham,•or at' THE Timmm oftke. 0 ai .w. 0. 1
p .4 =lc 2 2 o
a &la
x -• 0 8 -.
0 • Et 0 r.
r ... ..,......
called rehedi.t is inserted, some feet ' '
and from the centre of the heart ners, Laclowners
there is a•long net reaching towards • •
5 .. Erm
the shcire, Moretti,- held in the proper IDa. !,:ci • 3 -I -a
you. want to borrow mYour oney? To buy
position Stakes driven in the • more d foror
' ed, else% satnigeon, 'but often are
Montreal and Toroi:to advocating
and barrels, with ice and. shipped to
barrels, and sent to
aeoured and completed. Car- Director of the London Philarmonte so-
ried unanimously,. Germany at $12 perharrel,where they mety, at A.LMA. COLLEGE,) .
are manufactured into what is called , prepared to give .
Moved by.Coun. McOutcheon, see- Caviare (can -yo) and sell for V) per
onded Conn. Dawson, that as Mr. barrel, andare then called a Lordly Jast1414bZ.4AN PIO kwikt
Wm. Elliott, our worthy Reeve, is dish. Trolling roil and line and night,
now:retiring from suoh office we feel lines alio alined are used considerable, AD.o.
kittiZianYtkAttialeit PUPILS
it our duty to tender.him . our sincere 80 that the; ner4on;who'is fond of good
thanks for, the able manner in whicii fresh and .0kitiap fish can be fully i roorol'‘11±rtaollemlittlie':srt17.0iedteir.e.
he has represented our town in the suppliedoie'at ly all the year With them.'
County Council for the last three sue- fresh. I stall have to., reserve the.
eessive years, exhibiting a marked ab- wood and stone products:g.forYty. netl
ility in the financial matters of the letter.
county, and securing and maintain
lug for the town of Wingham et favor-
ationof assessment without • injuring
The Council of' the tlegfiftlattiliV 14101
phe interests of our town by creating
any, lihfavorable impression% and
hope shat at some futore time he will
consent toropresezatns in the. stone or
some other important capacity. Car-
ried unanimously,
able pesition,in the matter of, erderiliz-
The Mayor and Reeve both made
very effective and euitable replies to
above resolutions, after which the.
Council adjonrtied.
Au Ingenious Verger",
There has jnst been unearthed at
Brussels, °minty of Huron. a very in-
genious seheme of forgery. During
last summer a young American named
Wallace made his appearance and an.
nouncedthat he wee willing and ready
LI' purchase a good farm, A fifty
tAitt 111.1frrlittLitt of kW' °teeter,
sine; va t ifotaulKtee0 stinetfiret:
County of Huron will I 140.0. Utak (3 'm14 'ekttlAteiketelifitNtlzito, *SIAM** hY`-'
Room in the Town of Golerbtoonilsite.tas- 44sitttic'tkitiVAAW,8-41tfee441stidtkitene smith*
day the 27th, ,inst, • AU,i aiit.tattn• eliiritt, 1 tillittvtifir -1ft,A1V' skiliktfeitSiofift=fOr'' the
tho county must be tareessattels tzatioas the, - tifftitkiftttoWtdlict neglected.
first sessictoof thersia\A-44,1TrolltrisatiOtInt AvUeefenicatesahatilieverrinti6ovnja'thl,rprt ' "What'
Gechttt/C9.10;14 ' ti?,s-Oscsit Xemirmastat, the
an. 8:1885:.• •of Berlin, Germany, has made a lifeleng
: • ..t.,A.4,...c.-44.1u.44,4-wava study of ailments of • the Nervous and
.0 .
In the Metter or aou StafirOtionirOx•tli rmary S7Stera.
Town or WinflaMilliti4 tiile4thitfeet
t Enron, stove amud Tthwaxer Mk:4*-
w* end Itanutaatierery
. „.
The above named aenn istyltrittan' hit
by Inaenttite beitri*dato the third day
.Tanuarj , A. D, efettgeted and trans -
Ally Debthty or derangensent o0 the Nit,.
VduS . System, including Spertnetthorea,
Genorrhoes•Syphitlst Stricture, impotence
etc., et.
fervid his estato to"the-' Itedereigned as • a BgaArSgyoitinay have beim cheatell
mid fooletl by quseks, who • claim to core
creditors of the Bahl qatti MoGrattan and
trustee for the divitistu thettoefl aitoug bliIi.,
this class' ef disorders, do not hesitate' tc
give Dr Johannesen's teethed a fair trial
all persons having 'claims against the said
:elm MeGrattan, ate requested to isend in before your ease heroines chronic and In •
their names residencts!. and particulars of (=rabic -
claire, duly verified, and, the nature of se -
the general bueinc se of the eotniti7 a 'tere place adjoining the village and on
curdy(if any) held by thktert on or berbre .
Mtge amount of capital, which led in factory, which was erected a cheese ales!!! lay:totobritii7rAtD. 1.885, and
gotaTilluiteittbA; stgletiniajt%virllireactintIVtint'ail
tt great measure to the presentalleink- wits offered him. 48 PtIrchased It, eigned will proceed to ttalrite:tettl:cuansiiitit; 11144. flalv°'Y from . °Iise.r"
tigv. During his speech Mr. )31.," but on the understanding that the first
the slabs entitled in aittclidanet with t e
and cstatc:in his hands,* ratably amontit vation,. to any sufferer acmitessing not sole
authorized agent for the Unites stouts and
"*" payment, v(r0.$ not to become due until
t sias y app . 1st joinery, 1885. That he hod some prey Mona of the trtiardeed arid chap. •
This space reserved for .
-Tho Leading- undertaker and Furnis.•
tute Denier in. W nightfall.
The adjourned annual meeting of theY
Shareholders and Patrons of /the Bluevalo
Cheese and Butter company will be held itt
Patterson's hall, Bluevale. on Friday, Jan-
uary 28'rd, 1885, at one o'clock, p. m. The
whey for the season of 1885 will be offered
for sato and the delivery of a certain.quan-
tite onvood at:the factory, the drawing qf
th'e-milk cm the differeet.routes will be let
and the confirming of. certain by-laws and
any other business that may be brought,
before the meeting. By Order,
13166414. 3 -an. 1h, 1460.
Strayed into the premises of tho undo r. • 41Li
Eigteed, lot north half 10, con, 1. Morris,
on or about, the first of 'November a•
year old Steer. Tho owner can have the,:
same on proving property and paying alki'
expenses. •
Veterlharf Suraw,
Honored Graduates orOntario Veterinare
College, and registered members of Veter-
inary Willed Association, are prepared. tib '
treat all diseases of Domestic Animals sit
the latest and most scientific principles. •
Calls attended to day and night. Renee •
bought and sold on corntuission. Office and
infirmary in the staid lately occupied b.
P. Item 1r. S4 opposite, iVerrifield's Boteti
mph was tvoit knOwit /mit ids tett= 107 of the reimed otatirtbs, of Astarte ......... . . , .
49 South SO et N Y is
If you suffer from headache, chest ties large and be needed a partner, 'of which shelebave hetittOren, st'it Ahoy* 110.0onapheated symptoms treettedifrotr
lat, Johatineseies Speciel prescripifons A
Tittil0, back ache, bilk:ammo c r humor Rost.liog on the adjoining twoloin directed.
artlift8 WrAT801.1c' , under advice of a duly qualiiied consult
.t.,10 s,thtlhiood, try Burdock Blood !JUL.-A.3 'tired acre Ism WM Wtri. Atinsttong, Whigham I., 0, Ott. Ing phyoican. I
forfOr irl.'14, '' "I" ,t A West 10 (iti end high)/ isispected far
. 'posts° at aaci.atb#34. All correspoudeuee hog on etrikly, corm i
. dcanaleenileidviee-latnnseANOO'cliarg# '
. • 14'. : -,-.e. e: .te- S.,1s,filasist .1, ,... 7 -.117, V, IX,• . ' " ;
- •
- 1:1St= VOGtrinit,
having reference ouly to the olahns, notice . e ew or
/102121:, OVIVIINVE.41M,
.64.8trieattrityeftil .
(Pm. EMT,