The Wingham Times, 1885-01-02, Page 8LCCA.I4 NEWS
rex Uncut. raxagrai>,it*
' Withy Pointae Presented by .the Patient
,1'Xoddina. Pereevernis PeneliPusher
:A Happy; New Year.
The, skating rink has opened he
Week of Prayer.
Union prayer acid praise services
will be held iiext week as follows:
Monday and Thursday in the Presby-
teriau church,, Tuesday it}ol; friday un.
the Methodist church, Wednesday in
the Congregatlional. Clitircit It is
earnestly hoped that all will unite
heartily in these united services.
Now in Winghdlnl,
Mies '11ieLeod, doctor of magnetism.
Mortality agioiigs't turkeys is abat• is now staying here, and solicits a call
from all who are suffering. Her treat
]Don't forget 4o reco'Pd your vote on meats are successful in ninetyziine
Mondry next. ease t of a hundred, Positively no
Good resolutions will now be hunted medicine used. Consultation free,. Holmes, Miss Snell and Miss McDon-
ald, Stick to them this time sure. Office in Royal Block. ' aid, who have been attending college,
blr. R FI, Holmes is spend,ng the neve returned home for the Xmas and
New Year's vacation with friends in (&T's° MacDonald, lately of Sealertlz
t daughter of DTE. Felly of Turnberry New Year's vacation. Mr. J. Korman
,1'oe oaito• has become a resident of W inghae7l, a former resident of 'this place, but
ooev of Mot ieetpolis, Minn., is visiting
friends in town• This is his first visit
since he left here five years ago. Mr
S. W. Galbraith, of Toronto, is the
guest of his father in-law, Mr. S. Youhill,
Holiday Visitors.
Mr, James Kerr, of London, was
tete guest of his son, Mr. d, Kerr, of
the. "Eclipse," Mr, J. Gilchrist,
bratlier of Mr. Oliver Gilchrist, was
in town last' week in John Kelly,
of Meaford, is visiting his relatives in
T>.irnberry. Mr, and Mrs, Nichols,
of London, ate their Xmas dinner with
their sous of the Ceutral bakery here.
Messrs. L. McKibbon, J. McDonald,
A. Bethune and C. Wilson aro spend-
ing their school vacation at their re-
spective homes. Mr. Thomas Hum-
phries; a former employee of McCly-
ment Bros.,, is spending his holidays
in town. The Misses M. L and M, A
Sze interestizlg and profitable watch
itiight service was held in the Method -
ant church on 0, eduesday evening.
'Parties intending to travel wil. do
•well to call on C. E. Wil tams, A.,ent
.0anada Pacific Railway„Wingham.
An a pun meeting, under the auspi-
w,.s of 1 xcelsior Council, Royal Tem
,.l !ars of temperance of Ibis town, w;11
1,e held shortly.
Norxc —All parties who do not pay
their account either by note or by
Bosh to ltobt, Mclndoo, costs will be
lO zt nz at once. --R. MolNnuo.
A recipe, in all exchange, for n
lemon pie vagueiy adds :—"Then sit
b t a stove end stir constantly,” Just,
as if anybody could sit on a atone w th
'out stir:ing constantly.
On'Monday next the rine.. ,yers
will mak e their choice. of a council for
1885. There one plenty of candid-
ates to choose from and the object
h•,uld be to place the best men in the
"'They. 1'. M. Oampbe 1, of Goclerich,
preached two eloquent an.{ powerful
serui,,ns iii the Methodist church in
.this town on Sunday h,,.t, in connect
ion with the Anniversary of that
a.ur h.
Mr. Wm. bogie, one of the land-
marks of Hay township, died a fow
days ago, aged 92 years. He was a
relative of Mrs J. Kerr of this town.
Ocean, Lake or itailrnad tickets to
any, part of the world can he obtained
from C. E. Williams, Ticket Agent,
Wing ham. I itending travellers will
do well to procure rates before pur-
chasing; elsewhere. .
(Rev. H. McQuarrie kindly and vol•
untarily gave up the usual evening
service in his c rata last t •nday
evening in favor of the Metho ist
church anniversary. Itis well for the
churches to cultivate this spirit of
recipros ty.
Hotel keepers will do well to note
that according to cap. 34, 0, 10, of 47
Viet. no sale of liquor in any licensed
premises shall take place on ny
polling day of a municipal election,
between the hours of 6 o'clock a m o>
polling day, and 6 o'clock a in of the
next day.
(I. O. 0. F,—The following officers
oti lllerva encampment No. 47, of
!this town, have been ,lect,:d for the
ensuing term :—
Bro. W F Broc'censhire
Bro. John Elder... .'...
Bro. W J Young, M D
Bro. J H Hiscocks.....
1 Bro. A Pringle
Bro. \V 3 :